LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 0? AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D«C» B. E. P. Q,.— 418 November 17, 1936, PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE BRITISH COLONY OE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau, of Entomology and Plant quarantine Washington, D. C- P. Q.— 418 November 17, 1936, PLANT-Q JARANT INE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE BRITISH COLOIIY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO This sumrna.ry of the pi ant- Quarantine import restrictions of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago has "be-'-n ;>jre f jared for the informa- tion of nurserymen, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that colony. It was prepared by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from Proclamation No. c2 of July 11, 1930, and reviewed by the Director ef Agriculture of the Colony. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original text of the Proclaim tion, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The decree itself should be consulted for the exact text. r } / 7 waJK~ ( LEE A. STR0N1, V. Chief, Bureau of En to mology and plant Quarantine PUNT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF TH3 BRITISH COLONY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO BASIC LEGISLATION plant Protection Ordinance, Cap. 138, as amended by No. 10 of 1929 Section 5 of this Ordinance empowers the Governor, by proclamation, to prohibit the importation into the Colony of any plants, parts of plants, seeds, fruits, soil, or any class of goods, packages, coverings, or other articles or things named and specified in such proclamation and may also, by proclamation, order that the plants, parts of plants, seeds, fruits, soil, or any class of goods, packages, coverings, or other articles, or things named or specified in such proclamation snail not be imported into the Colony, except upon such conditions as may be specified in such -pro c lama t ion. SUMMABY Importation Prohibited From All Countries RA7, r COFFEE ( Coffea spp.) husked or unhusked, to prevent the introduc- tion of the coffee berry borer ( Steoha.noderes ( coffeae) hamoe i Hagedorn) , and other injurious pests and diseases (Sec.l (b), Proclamation No. 32, July 11, 1930). SOIL AND PACKAGES CONTAINING SOIL, to prevent the introduction of injurious pests and diseases (Sec. 1 (c), Proc. No. 32 of 1930). SEED COTTON, COTTONSEED, LINTERS, £!D LINT, to prevent the introduction of the oink bollv/orm ( Pectinopho ra go ssvpi-lia Saund. ) , (American) bollwona (H oliothis obs olet e ?ab.), the cotton (leaf) blister mite ( Er i o ohy e s go s syp i i 5. -is . ) , and other injur ipus pests and diseases (Free. No. 29, June 9, 1931). From Certain Countries COCOA PLANTS ( Theobroma caca o L. ) or portions thereof, and cacao beans from any part of the mainland of South America; and CUBED CACAO BEANS from any part of the mainland of South America except Venezuela or Colombia, to prevent the introduction of 1/ionilia disease, cacao beetle ( Steirasto ma deoressum L. ) , and any other injurious pests and diseases (Sec. 1 (a) Froc. No. 32 of 1930). FRUITS AND VEGETABLES from all countries except British Isles, Canada, United States of America, and British West Indies, to prevent the introduction of the Mediterranean fruit fly ( Cer a- titis ca-pitata Wied. ) .(Sec. 1 (d), Proc. No. 32 of 1930). This prohibition does not apply to bananas (plantains), nuts, dried, canned, candied or otherwise processed fruits, onions, potatoes, or other processed vegetables. Importation of apples and pears permitted from New Zealand. COTTONSEED MEAL from all countries except British West Indies, to prevent the introduction of injurious insects (Proc. No. 29, June 9, 1931). Importation Restricted Certificate of Origin Required FRUITS AND VEGETABLES from the British Isles, British West Indies, Canada, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Sec. 1 (d) , Proc. No. 32 of 1930). PINEAPPLES (Ananas sativus Schult.), YAMS ( Dioscorea sativa L. ) , SWEET- POTATOES (i-pomoea bat atas Poir.), TANNIA OR TANYA, EDDO , DASHEEN ( Colocasia es culent a Schott): May be imported from British Guiana if accompanied by a certificate of origin (Proc No. 21, Apr. 1, . 1932) . APPLES AND PEARS I20M NEW ZEALAND: A certificate of origin required (Proc. Nos. 10 and 31 of 1936). Import permit in Advance Required PLANTS, SEEDS, CUTTINGS, or other parts of: Citrus, spp . 3u~ arcane (Sac charum of f icinarum L. ) . Coffee (Qoffea spp.) Banana and Plantain ( Musa sot.) C^ceo ( Theobrorna ca cao L. ) Coconut ( Co cos n ucif er a L.) Eevea. sro. - 3 - To prevent the introduction of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Qeratitis capitata Wiefl.), the coffee "berry borer ( Stenhan oderes (cofieae) hampei Hagedorn) . Panama disease ( pusariu m cubense 3. F. Sm. ) , witches ' -"broom disease ( Marasmius perniciosus Stahel), Monilia disease, cacao beetle ( Steirast oma depress -on L. ) , budrot ( Phytooh thora palmivora Butler), little-leaf disease, G-ru-gru beetle or palm weevil ( Phy n c ho oho r us Da l marum L.) rhinoceros beetle ( Strate^. is aloeus L.), and any other injurious pests and diseases (Sec. 2, Proc. No. 32 of 1930), ■ Importation Unrestricted FIANTAINS (Musa.spp»), nuts, dried, canned, candied or otherwise processed fruits, onions ( Allium stop. ) , potatoes ( Solanum tube rosum L.), or other processed vegetables. (Sec. 1 (d) , Proc. No. 32 of 1930), GENERAL REGULATIONS (proclamation No. 32, July 11, 1930) Authorized Forts of Entry Plant material, except that imported by mail, shall be declared as such to the Customs in Port-of- Spain, San Fernando, or Scarborough, as the case may be, which shall be the only ports authorized for the entry of such material. Inspection and Import permit Required The customs will detain all imported plant material until the Director of Agriculture or an authorized officer has issued a permit for such material to be brought into the Colony, or has authorized it to be otherwise disposed of. The postmaster-General will deliver any mail package received from abroad containing any plant material to the Director of Agriculture for inspection. plant Material For Tobago Plant material landed at the Port-of-Spain from abroad and intended for trans shipment to Tobago shall be dealt with as material imported through Port-of-3aain. - 4 - Importation for Scientific Purposes The Director of Agriculture may permit the importation into the Colony of plant material or soil from any source for scientific purposes by, or on behalf of, the Department of Agriculture, the Principal of the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, or the Commissioner of Agriculture for the West Indies. Such importation shall be made only under permit from the Director of Agriculture, who may attach thereto such conditions as may seem to him desirable. DSCLAEED DISEASES Under the authority of Section 2 of the Plant Protection Ordinance of 1919, Cap* 133, the following are declared diseases: Bud-rot disease ( Phytophthora palmivora Butler) )of the Bed-ring disease ( Aph e 1 en cho ides c oco phi lus (Cobb) Goodey) ) coconut )palm. Little-leaf disease (undetermined) Mosaic disease of the sugarcane ( Saccharum of ficinarum L. ) Blossom blight or withertip of limes ( Citrus aurantifolia ) , (G- loeosporium l imetticolum Clausen) Witches '-broom of The o broma cacao L. fea rasmiu s perniciosus Stahel) Panama disease ( lusar ium cub ens e E.p.Sm. ) (Proc No . 4 of 1934). DECLARED PESTS Bird vine or mistletoe (L or an thus ( Struphanthu s) dichotrianthus Mart Love vine or dodder ( Cus cut a spp.) Coconut butterfly ( Brassoli s sophorae L. ) Parasol ant ( Atta cephalotes L. ) Cacao beetle ( Steirastoma depressum L. ) Locusts ( Schistocerca par aliens is Burm., etc.) Palm weevil or gru-gru beetle ( R hy n chopho rus palmarum L. ) Rhinoceros beetle ( Strate^us aloeu s L. ) Mediterranean fruit fly ( Ceratitis cap itata 77ied. ) Black bee (Tri£p_na) Meli p ona silvestriana Vachal) (Proc No. 7 of 19; ***** UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09242 1840 I