UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE AGRI CULTU Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. S. E. ?. q. — 452, Siipplement No, 1. August 19, 1937. PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE TANGANYIKA. TERRITORY This supplement is rendered necessary "by the receipt of a copy of the Tanganyika Plant Protection Ordinance No. 9 of April 23, 1937, which repeals and supersedes the Plant Pest and Disease Ordinance of November 9, 1921. Definitions The following definitions are included in Section 2 of Or- dinance No. 9 of 1937: "Animal organism" means any animal organism in any stage of existence. "Disease" means any abnormal condition of plants communicable or believed to he communicable "by the transfer of a causative agent or by the propagation of the affected plant which the Governor may, by order, declare to be a disease for the purposes of the Ordinance; also any unhealthy condition of any plant. "Pest" means any of the following which the Governor, by order, may declare to be a pest for the purposes of this Ordinance. (a) Any animal or vegetable organism inimical to the growth or existence of living plants or injurious to plant products . (b) Any other agent capable of producing a communicable dis- ease of plants. "Plant" means any member of the vegetable kingdom and includes any part of a plant, whether severed therefrom or not. "Vegetable organism" means any vegetable organism at any stage of existence. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA -2- Section 8 empowers the Governor, by order, to prohibit, re- strict, or regulate the importation into and the exportation from the Territory of any plants, and the soil, packages, coverings or wrappings thereof, and of any article or class of articles, whether of a nature similar 4;o plants or not, and of any animals or insects likely to infect any plant with any pest or disease. v LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.