./\-tr>^//Y)Pp^ MDDC - 880 UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION THE NUMBER OF NEUTRONS EMITTED BY A RA-BE SOURCE (SOURCE I) by H. L. Anderson E. Fermi J. H. Roberts M. D. Whitaker Date of Manuscript: March 21, 1942 Date Declassified: January 28, 1947 Issuance of this document does not constitute authority for declassification of classified copies of the same or similar content and title and by the same authors. Technical Information Division, Oak Ridge Operations AEC, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 12-20-48 --850-A4648 Printed in U.S.A. PRICE 5 CENTS THE NUMBER OF NEUTRONS EMITTED BY A RA-BE SOURCE (SOURCE I) By H. L. Anderson, E. Fermi, J. H. Roberts, and M. D. Whitaker In order to simplify the design of experiments directed toward the production of a chain re- action involving uranium, it is desirable to know the actual number of neutrons emitted by the primary sources used. A series of experiments have been planned whose aim is to determine this number. The measurements described are a part of this series. Here, the number of neutrons per square cm emerging from the top of a carbon parallelepiped is measured and calculated, and from a knowledge of the neutron distribution in the carbon, with a given placement of source, this measurement is reduced to the neutron emission from the source. A radium -beryllium neutron source containing about 1.16 grams of radium was placed 28 inches from the bottom of a carbon parallelepiped five feet on a side and of variable height. The -ource was placed on the vertical axis of the pile, and the number of neutrons emerging from the top surface at the center was determined for two different heights. These neutrons were detected by a BFj proportional counter of 3.62 cm inside diameter, which was filled with BFj gas to a pressure of 12.1 cm of mercury at 0°C. A 10 cm section of the counter was exposed to the neutron flux, the rest being shielded by a close fitting cadmium wrapper, in which a semicylindrical vin- dow 10 cm long had been cut. The glass walls of the counter tube and the metal cathode (a nickel cylinder .010 inches thick) were found, experimentally, to have an absorption factor of 1.13. This absorption factor was measured before the assembly of the counter by observing the decrease in the counting rate of a smaller BF3 counter placed near a graphite surface, when the glass tube and nickel cylinder were slipped over it. BFj COUNTER 3.62 CM = D MDDC - 880 [1 2 ] MDDC - 880 A boron carbide shield, containing a circular hole 13 cm in diameter, was used to define the part of the upper carbon surface from which the counter could receive C neutrons. The counter tube was mounted horizontally on a vertical cadmium sheet cylinder, in such a manner, that the semicylindrical opening in the cadmium wrapper around the counter was symmetrically placed, with respect to the circular opening in the boron -carbide shield. The axis of the counter was 26 cm above the carbon surface. Additional cadmium shields were arranged so that it was im- possible for the counter tube to receive C neutrons, other than those originating in the carbon surface defined by the boron carbide shield. The number of disintegrations produced in the tube was counted with and without a cadmium shield over the 13 cm opening. The difference between the number of counts per minute observed with and without cadmium was taken with the carbon surface 40 inches above the source, and again with the surface 44 inches above the source as a check. These numbers were found to be 90/min and 63/min. These numbers must be reduced to the number of neutrons per second, Jq, emerging from unit area of the carbon surface at its center by suitable geometrical considerations, and by making use of the known angular distribution of the neutrons coming from the carbon surface. After Jq is known, the number of neutrons emitted by the source can be calculated from a knowledge of the neutron distribution in the carbon pile. An approximate calculation of the number of neutrons producing disintegrations in the counter tube in terms of J^ will be done, and the accuracy will be improved by determining correction factors to take care of the approximations made. The angular distribution of the neutrons coming from the surface varies with the angle 9, which any neutron makes with the normal to the surface as cos + V^cos^ 9. The fraction of the neutrons which come off at any angle 9 is then cos 9 + ^ cos^ 9 IT (1 + _2_) where the denominator is the definite integral of the numerator between the limits 0° and 90°. For angles close to 90° this becomes 1 + v^ IT (1 + _2_) and the number of disintegrations taking place per second in the counter is approximately T^^ Jo