/H^Ul^i E2/Netherlands New Guinea UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. 3. E. P. Q.^03 August 27, 1953 PLANT QUARANTINE ILPORT RESTRICTIONS OF NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA This summary of the plant quarantine import restrictions of Netherlands New Guinea has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by R. G. Oakley, Division of Plant Quarantines, from Ordinance of September 27, 1926 (Gazette No. kZ7) and Decree No. l-Alg,-53-3, effective February 1, 1953, and was reviewed by the Under- Secretary Head of the Department of Economic and Technical Affairs of Netherlands New Guinea. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete tip to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. "7. L. Pophara Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS • ■ OF NETHERLANDS NE.v GUINEA BASIC LEGISLATION Ordinance of September 27, 1926, (Gazette No. 427) defines living plant materials and authorizes promulgation of regulations governing their importation. Decree No. l-Algo-53-3» effective February 1, 1953, contains regula- tions promulgated by the Under-Secretary, Head of the Department of Economic and. Technical Affairs relative to the importation of living plant material, and designates the Head of the Department of Agri- culture or his authorized inspectors in charge of the inspection of living plant material. *S0Mfe*RI - ■ The regulations cover living plants and parts thereof (including mail shipments) , except as exempted in Paragraph 1 below, and require that importations be accompanied by a health certificate of the country of origin. Special, additional certifications are required for plants and parts of banana, citrus, coconut, potatoes, etc. GENERAL ENTRY REQUIREhENfS Definitions 1. For the purposes of the Ordinance of September 27, 1926, living plant material will be understood to mean seeds, fresh fruits, living plants, and parts of living plants, but does not apply to the following: Importation Unrestricted (a) Seeds of vegetables, pot-herbs, fruits, longing to the following genera or species: and medicinal herbs be- Anethum Anthriscus Artemisia abrotanui^ Asparagus Capsicum Cichorium Coriandrum Cynara Foeniculum Fragaria Lactuca Lavandula Leontodon iJIaJorana Kelissa Mentha Ocimum Origanum Pastinaca Pimp ine 11a anisum Portulaca Rheum Ribes Ros marinus Rubus Rumex Salvia Satureja. Scandix Scorzonera Sixum sisarum Solarium Spinacia Taraxacum Tetragonia Thymus Valerianella -2- (b) Seeds of ornamental plants belonging to the following genera or spe cie s : Abutilon Acroclinum Adonis Ageratum Agrostemma Althaea Alyssum Amaranthus Amberboa Ammobium Antigonoh Antirrhinum Aquilegia Arctotis Aristolochia Asparagus Begonia Bellis Bidens Boltonia B ous a ingault ia Buphthalmum Cacalia Calampelis Calceolaria Calendula Campanula Canna Carduus Celosia' Centaurea Chrysanthemum Cineraria Clarkia Clematis Clerodendron Cobaea- Coleus Convolvulus Coreopsis Cosmea Cosmidium Cosmos Cuphea Cynara Cynoglossum Dahlia Delphinium Dianthus Digitalis Dimorphotheca Eccremocarpus Eschscholtzia Gaillardia Gerardia Gerbera Gloxinia Gomphrena Gypsophila Helianthus Helichrysum Heliotr opium Hibiscus Impatiens Inula Ipomoea Leptosiphon Linaria Lobelia Lochnera Lychnis Latricaria Laurandia kedeola Miana I imulus kiina hirabilis- iv.yosotis Hemes ia Nemophila Nicotiana Nigella Wycterinia Oenothera Passiflora . Pelargonium Pentsteuon Perilla Petunia Phacelia Phlox Physalis Poinsettia Portulaca Potentilla Primula Pyrethrum Quamoclit Reseda Rhodanthe Ricinus Roea Rudbeckia Salpiglossis Salvia Sanvitalia Saponaria Scabiosa Schizanthus Seneca Solanum Stevia Stokesia Streptocarpus Tagetes Thunbergia Tithonia Torenia Trachelium Tritoma Tropaeolum Verbena Vinca Viola Xcranthemum Zinnia ' (c) Vegetables, bulbous and tuberous plants (with the exception of potatoes), roots and rhizomes, provided that same are intended for con- sumption or for medicinal ends. (d) Nursery-stock of scallion and garlic. (e) Dry fruits or parts thereof, such as: almonds, peanuts (arachides) r cereals, chestnuts, cummin, cloves, nutmegs, nuts, pepper, rice, sulasi, etc., provided that they are intended for consumption or for medicinal ends. Phytosanitary Certificate Required 2. The importation of plant material as defined in paragraph 1 is per- mitted only when each consignment is accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate signed by a competent official of the country of origin^ indicating the species and quantity of such plant material, and affirm- ing that at the time of Inspection 1 it was found to be free from pests and diseases of the cultivated crops. The certificate should also contain additional statements foi'ithe f olio wing plants and plant pro- ducts. as ; r Living plants and parts of living plants of the genus kusa* The phytosanitary certificate must state that neither "Panama- Disease ( Fusarium oyysporum ) M nor bunchy-top virus disease is known to occur in the country of origin. Cacao , b. Living plant material of cacao : The phytosanitary certificate must state that "Witches broom disease ( ;..arasmium perniciosus ) " and "swollen shoot disease" are not known to occur in the coun- try of origin. Citrus . c. Living plants and parts of living plants belonging to the genus Citrus : The phytosanitary certificate must state that citrus canker ( Xanthomonas ( fseudomonas ) citri) and "quick decline disease (tristezia)" are not known to occur in the country of origin. Coconut d. Living plant material of Cocos: The phytosanitary certificate must state such plant material was fumigated previous to being shipped. Hevea t e. Seeds, living plants, and parts of living plants of Hevea : The phytosanitary certificate must state that the trees from which such plant material was derived are free from Dothidella ulei and hnytophthora leaf diseases , and that the estate(s) where the trees were grown have never imported material from countries where, the said diseases occur. •■' Pineapple I f . Living plant material of species of pineapple: The phytosanitary certificate must state that in the country of origin neither pine- apple wilt nor pineapple weevil is known to occur. Potatoes g. Potatoes: The phytosanitary certificate must state that the potatoes are free from potato wart ( Synchytrium endobioticum ) and that the said disease does not occur on the plot where the potatoes were grown nor within a distance of 500 meters from the boundaries of that plot. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA llllllllllllll 3 1262 09314 8616 -4- Rice h. Living plant material of species of rice ( Oryza spp.): The phytosanitary certificate must state that in the country of origin neither bacterial blight ( Xanthomonas oryzae ) nor the yellow dwarf virus diseases are known to occur* Sugarcane i. Living plant material of Saccharum spp»: The phytosanitary certificate must sta'te that in the country of origin neither "gum disease ( Xanthomonas vasculorum )" nor mosaic disease are known to occur* Fresh Fruits Imported Via the Netherlands j« Shipments of fruits, originating from other countries and made up in the Netherlands, may be accompanied by a certificate of inspection issued by one of the officials of the Phytosanitary Service in 'wageningen, instead of the certificate of the coun- try of origin • Plant material Imported Via Singapore k.' Plant material imported via Singapore must be accompanied by a Health-Certificate issued by an inspection official of the Consulate-General of the Netherlands in Singapore. Ports of Entry 3» Ports (including neighboring airfields having Customs facilities): Biak feerauke Hollandia Sorong . anokwari Inspection and Release of Imported Plant Material NOTE: The remaining articles of this decree concern disposal of plant material upon arrival in New Guinea and contain instructions to officials of New Guinea relative to inspection, treatment, return- to country of origin, or confiscation of plant material when deemed necessary.