TM-'hof ...a:«AJMJN Ir' NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 1308 ON MOTION OF FLUID IN BOUNDARY LAYER NEAR LINE OF INTERSECTION OF TWO PLANES By L. G. Loitsianskii and V. P. Bolshakov Translation "O Dvizhenii Zhidkosti v Pogranichnom Sloe Vblizi Linii Peresechenia Dvukh Ploskostei." Rep. No. 279, CAHI, 1936. Washington November 195^,,,,, ,.^5,^^ ^^ p^ORIDA ;^'^NTS DEPARTMENT . ^o iViAnSTON SCIENCE LIBRARY P.O. BOX 117011 GAINESVILLE, FL 32611-7011 USA ^"^^ b-iL. ut>^ ^7"? NACA TM 1308 NATIONAL ADyiSOEY COMMITTEE FOE AEEOWAUTICS TECHNICAL MEMOEANDIM 1308 ON MOTION OF FLUID IN BOUNDARY LAYEE NEAR LINE OF INTERSECTION OF TWO PLANES* By L. Or. Loitslanskii and V. P. Bolshakov SUMMARY . In the paper "The Mutual Interference of Boundary Layers , " the authors InTestigated the prohlem of the interference of two planes intersecting at- right angles on the "boundary layers formed by the motion of fluid along the line of intersection of these planes . In the present paper, the results of the preceding one are general- ized to the case of planes intersecting at any angle. The motion of a fluid in an angle less than 180° is discussed and the enlargement of the "boundary layers near the line of intersection of the planes, the limits of the interference effects of the "boundary layers, and the corrections on the drag are determined. All computations are conducted "by the Earman-PohUiausen method for laminar and tur"bulent "boundary layers . The results are reduced to tabulated form. INTRODUCTION The pro"blem of the interaction of the "boundary layers formed in the dihedral angle between two thin plates parallel to the intersection of the plates was apparently first proposed in reference 1 (for the case of a right angle). In the discussion of reference 1, the need for a generalization of results obtained for the case of the right angle to the case of any angle less than two right angles (180°) was pointed out. The present paper is concerned with this problem and its solution. Although the limits of application for the approximate method of the finite -thickness layer previously used are retained, the problem of the interaction of the boundary layers near the intersection of a dihedral angle of any magnitude from 0° to 180° is solved herein. For a laminar layer, a first and a second approximation are given and also, for a check, a sixth approximation (in the terminology of Pohlhausen). It is *"0 Dvizhenii Zhidkosti v Pogranlchnom Sloe Vblizi Linii Peresechenia DvukkL Ploskostei." Eep. No. 279, CAHI, 1936, pp. 3-18. NACA TM 1308 shown that the sixth approximation differs comparatively little from the second. In concliision, the case of a turbulent boundary layer is considered with the assumption of the validity of the '1/7' power law for the velocity profiles. As in reference 1, all computations can be carried through to the end, although the procedure is somewhat more cumbersome. The limits of interference of the layers and the correction on the drag due to the Interference effect are determined. 1. DERTVATIOW OF FUKDAMEIWAL IM'EGEAL CONDITION Consider the flow of a fluid, approaching from infinity with velocity T, in the dihedral oblique angle 9 between two plates of the same finite length x along the flow and infinite in the transverse direction (fig. 1). The Y- and Z-axes are taken along the leading edges of the plates and the X-axis along the flow parallel to the line of intersection of the plates. In the oblique system of coordinates thus obtained, the distribution of the velocities in the boundary layer may be given in the same manner as for the case of the rectangular system of coordinates for the flow in a right angle. If each plate worked Independently of the other, there would be formed on it a layer of thickness 5q, which is a function only of x and the profile of the longitudinal velocities u„ = Uq(x, z, sin 6) or Uq = Uo(x, y, sin 0) depending on whether the boundary layer is considered to lie in the plane XOY or XOZ. Because of the retarding effect of one of the plates on the other near the line of intersection, the layers must not be considered as in the plane problem. The layers become three dimensional and the thick- ness will now be a function of two variables : S = 5(x,y) on the plate containing the Y-axis 5 = 6(x,z) on the plate containing the Z-axis The component of velocity parallel to the X-axis, which will be denoted by u without the subscript 0, will be a fimction of the three variables ; that is , u = u(x,y,z) WACA TM 1308 By the conditions of the prohlem, under the "basic assumption of the concept of a finite region of influence of the viscosity, this function must tiecome zero on the surface of the plates, a constant at the outer limit of the houndary layer, and, particularly, at a finite distance from the line of intersection of the plates, must "become the velocity distri- bution uo(x,z, sin G) or uo(x,y, sin 0), which corresponds to the isolated plate with "boundary layer undistur'bed "by the adjacent plate. The "boundary separating the region distur"bed "by the adjacent plate from the undistur'bed region, which corresponds to the isolated plate, shall, for "briefness, be denoted as the "interference "boundary" of the layers. The eq_uation of this "boundary In the planes XOY and XOZ will "be hQ = hgCx) A section of the "boundary layer cut "by the plane x = ^ is shown in figure 2 . Inasmuch as the coordinates of the system YOZ are oblique, the equation of the boundary layer in this section for the undistiirbed region for y>y2(?)j where ygC?) = ^qU) - \U) cos e = h^{^) - Sq(C) cot e, win have the form Equation (Ij holds true both for 9 :^. The non- ^ 2 coincidence for Q f — of the interference boundary ^rSX) and the coordinate 1q{^) should be noted, from which starting point the ordinate z of the outer limit of the boundary layer becomes and remains constant, independent of y. All that has been stated about the YOX planes also remains true, of course, for the ZOX plane (because of the symmetry y-^C?) = z-|_(^) and ygC?) = Z2(?)> which should be remembered in the following development) . For the present, the question as to the equation of the boundary layer in the section x = ^ will be ignored. The fundamental integral condition of the problem will now be set up. For this purpose, as in the work previously cited, the momentum theorem is applied for a tube of flow formed by the coordinate planes, by the surface of the lines of flow passing through "tlie edge of the boundary layer at section x = x, and, finally, by the surfaces of the lines of flow passing through the perpendiculars to the plates located at the points y = hQ(x) and z = hQ(x), where the part of the flow tube considered is between the sections x = x and the section located upstream of the flow at a sufficient distance from the section x = 0, that is, from the entry of the fluid on the plates. Then, as is known. VJ (a) p(V-u) u da = W NACA TM 1308 (2) where W is the drag of the plates applied to the segment of the flow- tube considered and a is the section of the boundary layer cut by a plane perpendicular to the X-axis at distance x from the origin 0, The double integral on the left may be expressed in the following manner (fig. 2): r 1 1 (V-u) u da = sin dy r\ ^2 p(V-u) u dz + '72 PZ d-J I pCV-u) u dz + .y2+z-|_ cos B dy cos B p(Y-u) u dz (3) where Z, the ordinate of the outer edge of the boundary layer, is, as yet, an unknown function of y and x if the angle B is considered as a parameter maintaining a constant value for the given problem. The first two integrals have a very obvious origin; the presence of the last integral is due to the obliq.uenes3 of the coordinates and the differences in the direction between the ordinate Z]_(x) and the thickness of the layer 5o(x) , which makes it necessary to take the integration over the two areas of the triangles shown hatched in figure 2 . The drag W, as is easily seen from figure 3, is determined by the integral WAG A TM 1308 r\ X W = 2 O^inC?) 0' 00 Tdy I»h(x) r» x d? = 2 py2(?)+^l(?) °°s ^ T dy + 'y2(^)+Zl(^) °°^ ® Jy2(^)+^i(?) °°^ ^ Tq dy iC ^4) where T denotes the friction stress in the region S disturhed "by the adjacent plate and t denotes the corresponding stress in the undis- tirrbed region Sq. The boundary "between the regions S and Sq is, of course, the boundary of interference of the boundary layers. Combining equations (3) and (4) yields, in general form, the integral condition of the problem: sin yi cLy p(V-u) u dz + o z dy p(Y-u) u dz + ^Q yg+z^ cos yg+Zj^ cos 0-y cos 6 iy p(V-u) u dz r» X = 2 ygCO+z-j^C^) cos py2(x)+z^(x) cos T dy + 1 '^0 ^7 Jy2(C)+2i(?) cos (6) The form of the function f (y,z) cannot "be determined unless the additional assumption is made as to the similarity of the approximate velocity diagrams in the different planes x = 4- The curve is sought in the form u f(y,^) (7) (8) (9) where the function a^<3. the function Z(y,^,0) for given angle 0, From equations (ll) and (12), where S^CC) is a known function of ^ independent of the angle 6 and determined by solving the problem of the boundary layer of the isolated plate. From the definition of the interference boundary ho(?) given in equation (l), NACA TM 1308 ho(C,0) = y^{K) + Zi(C) cos =[k(0) + cos eJziC?) = ^^^^.^^ g°" ^ SqC?) (14) Finally, from equation (ll), there directly follows that 2, y sm^ 7 (15) It is easily verified that, for y = J^^^) > ^ 'becomes z-,(4). The Telocity diagram in the disturhed region of the "boundary layer will therefore he smoothly Joined with the velocity diagram in the undistiurbed region, that is, with the diagram of the isolated plate. When the equation of the boundary layer is found, the required velocity profile is obtained from equation (7) : (16) or from equation (15): V ^ '^\^{J,K,Q)) (17) If Y denotes the variable ordinate of the edge of the boundary layer, that is, the magnitude that, from equation (ll), satisfies the equation Y-Z = a(?,0) then (17-) } = \T{I,K,e)) It is Important to note that equations (16), (17), and (17') are true not only for those values of y and z that satisfy inequalities (6) z^(?,e)-z=Z2(C,0) but in the entire range of interest: WAG A TM 1308 9 When the velocities of the points located in the rhomh are considered^ the houndary layer for these points is as though infinite, hut the velocities are determined from computation on the hyperholic edge of the houndary layer. The velocity profile has thus been determined and the edge of the houndary layer is known. ^Substituting the values of u and Z in the integral condition (5) yields an ordinary differential equation with one unknown a{S,^6) inasmuch as all the magnitudes Involved, including the friction at the wall are expressed in terms of this function. As is easily seen, however, the differential equation reduces to a simple equation in finite form for determining the coefficient k(0) appearing in equation (12) . In order to obtain this single unknown coefficient, certain boundary conditions are assigned for the function (P(t) and its derivatives, as in the classical Karman-Pohlhausen method. A consideration of the first approximation is the first step. The function X T ay + L^o ,h^(x) lho(€) Tq dy n ^ d^ = sin \U) Uo ^ ^ 5Ti1^ ^' ■" ■\U) )h,(C) ^^^J d? sin NCOS' a(x,0) 1 dg o / ^ According to the first approxiniation for the isolated plate (according to Pohlhausen), yi(C) = 5o(?) 1 sm y am V^ Ox n^f dg FKcT = sm V 12v — = g vSo(x) am so that W ^ V sin n X 2 n cos vJ /^ X a(C,0) d? vJ yi'(€) l^(£^V3in2 1 5o2(x) ^ cos O V -J ^ V NACA TM 1308 13 All these expressions are Immediately simplified as soon as eq^uation (12) is considered; then / X k(e) 2/ x sin^ e ^ After all the simplifications are made, the following equation for determining k(0) is oTatained : 2 3 -, , fr,\ 2 COS 2 coa 6 1 cos 6 ,„^n ^°«. >^(^) = 3 - TT5T - 5 J2(^ - 15 P(^ (^°) It is readily seen that, for 6 = —, equation (20) "becomes log k = 2. e 3 k = 1.95 as given in the previously cited work on the interference of the "boundary layers on mutually perpendicular plates. The explicit dependence of k on is not given in equation (20). This relation may be obtained "by the following simple device: When 22^ -y f2l) equation (20) "becomes cos = ^e^ ^ 1^ (22) "When the values of ^ are given in the interval where the absolute value of the right side of equation (22) will not exceed 1, the corresponding value of is obtained, K is determined, and then k(0) is found from equation (21). It would also be possible, of course, to proceed in another manner: Equation (22) may be rewritten k(^) = e (22-) From a given value of ^, k(^) is obtained and then cos 0, and so forth. The simplest method is to draw the function 14 NAG A TM 1308 Tj = -i()C) = ^e (23) and obtain its intersection with straight lines parallel to the ^-axis ■r] = cos Q and then to obtain k from X.- The values of 0°, lc(0), and ^(0) are tabulated in table 1. The dimensions of the region of interference of the layers are first determined. According to equation (14), hQ(x,0) = m(0) 5q(x) (14-) vhere m k + cos sin 1+^ cot (24) The values of m for different can be determined from table 1 The value = 180° is somewhat isolated; for this value of the value of m becomes indeterminate. The value of m can easily be obtained, however, by the usual device of analysis; (.liX) M eos2 0^ = - ^' f (^) ^^^ f l = =1 so that, for = 180°, ^ = - 1 and m = 0. The values of m(0) are given in the last column of table 1. The correction in the drag of one side of the plate due to inter- ference of the layers may be computed by the equation AW = O I ■V«' (Tq-t) dy i? (25) inasmuch as the difference in the drag may show up only in the region S (fig. 3). The quantity 2 is the length of the plate in the direction of the flow. WACA TM 1308 15 The integral equation (25) is readily computed and yields AW py2(c)+zi(?) cos e uv (t -t) dy dC Finally, f^ T- rni^2^^^'^^i^^^ °°^ ^ sin 6 ^ V 1 , , y ^ iTTfT a(?,0) 2 sin ..(a) - H2|i^U § A¥ = p(e) ij vz k^(e) - cos^ p(0) = 2k(0) sin (26) If L denotes the width of the plate in the direction transverse to the flow and the effect of its free end is not considered, the relative correction due to the Interference of the laoundary layers may l)e computed : A¥ p(0) [1 Yi ^ p(e) uf^ 0.578 L.P^Z 0-5^8 LyVZ or, when the Reynolds numher Et of the plate, which is equal to YZ/v, is Introduced, AW /„>, Z 1 (27) where q(0) denotes the relation q(0) = p(e) 0.578 Generally, the correction ohtalned is extremely Insignificant for plates that are long in the transverse direction. If, however, the transverse length L is comparable with the width of the region of the disturbed layer at the end of the plate x = Z, the correction is not insignificant. Thus, if 16 WACA TM 1308 L = n-h^il) = n-m(e) 6q(Z) = n-m{e)\f^^ the relative correction will now "be equal to AW ^ q(0) .1 or percent where s = 100 q(e) Vl2 m(0) (28) (29) All the magnitudes introduced in the preceding eq^uations may be expressed in terms of the previously given parameter E, : 1 ^ q(^) = /;^ ^ cot e •\ 3(^) 1.156 K 1-^ i.iseVis > 100 (30) / In table 1, it is possible to find the values of these magnitudes for different angles 6 or the corresponding values of the parameter S^. The magnitude s(0) increases with an increase of the angle Q. Some- what paradoxical is the value of 50 percent for s(e) at 0° = 180 and m = 0. It is found that the region of interference is equal to zero, and that a relative effect occurs on the drag, which is due to the fact that the width of the region and the absolute correction on the drag slmultdneoi:isly approach zero. On the other hand, when 6 decreases to and m-» limiting cases. decreases to 16 percent. Both these cases are In figure 4, the curves of the relation between J^ and G are drawn for the first and other approximations and also for the case of turbulent layers . MCA TM 1308 17 3. SECOND AHD SIXTH APPEOXIMATIOHS The following approximations differ from the first only in the hovmdary conditions that are imposed on the function + j^ cos 0.1360 -=7 — -c 0.023 a(x,0) 0.0004 yi'(x) ry^2 cos eY fj^^ cos ey [a(x,0) J -^ • • (34) In computing the right side of the integral condition, the Earman formula is used for the expression of the friction at the wall in the undisturhed region of the layer: V VA Tq = 0.0225 pV^f^Y' = 0.0225 pV ^Vy^ sin 9 J A (35) 20 NACA TM 1308 In the disturbed part of the layer, the analogous formula L/4 T = 0,0225 p 4^r 0.0225 pT = 0.0225 p' \VZ sin ej J ^.y \ l/4 \V a(x,e) sin QJ (36) is assumed. These values are substituted, aa in the previous sections, in the formula for the resistance of the walls fonning part of the boundary of a tube of flow. Then, W = 2 io LO r\iK) d£, = 0.1943 p- ^ ^o^-{j^ ^ 1 1 4 1 ^v r, (x) cos 01+ p 1 J 1 0.0090 4 sin e \J0 a(g.e) dg ^ 5 4 C 11 n"^ 19 0.0056 Jo y^ *(C) cos^ 9 a(C,0) dC - 0.0014 y-|^ (g) cos^ 0.0006 27 4 a2(C,0) d^ + Oo y^ (C) cos* a^(?,0) dg - 0.0003 Jo 35 4 y^ (?) cos5 a4(?,0) d^ + ^' 43 4 0.0002 Jo y^ (g) cos*^ a5(?,0) d^ + . (37) NACA TM 1308 21 Ihe Earman formula was then used; S^Cx) = 0.370(^) 1/5 X When it Is known (see equation (12)) in advance that the solution of the prohlem will have the form 2 ^O^(^) a(x,0) = k(0) j^ (x) = k(0) ^ g (38) sin 6 this value is auhatituted in equations (34) and (37); then, after some simplifications, the following solution Is ohtained: p(Y-u) u da = p 10.1607 k + 0.0972 k log_, k + 0.1360 cos - sin \ ^ coa^ ' cos^ cos"^ coa^ 0.0230 — r + 0.0023 —^ — - 0.0004 — + 0.0001 — ^ — + . . . j k k k ^ ^^O^(^) / cos2 W = p <0.1949 k + 0.1949 cos - 0.0195 k + 0.0122 sin 0.00305 H24^ + 0.00133 ^2^ + 0.00073 2^1^ k2 k3 k^ , y Equating these two expressions yields the following equation for de t ermining k ( ) : n 1 n ncno n cncc COS0 , „ ^„„„ COa^ ^ „ _ COS"^ log k = 0.1518 + 0.6056 — r: — + 0.3632 5 — - 0.0556 = — + e K -^^ -^:> „ ^^^^ cos"^ _ _-o_ cos^ cos° 0.0175 r 0.0082 — + 0.0051 r — + . . . k^ k^ k^ As in the preceding sections, the change of variables is made: ^=^(0) ■ (39) 22 NACA TM 1308 The transcendental equation then becomes cos = ^ exp (0.1518 + 0.6056 Y, + 0.3632 ^^ _ 0.0556 ^3 + 0.0175 'd - 0.0082 'C' + . . .) (40) This equation is easily solved "by the tabular method, where 00< 0< 180° 0.5540 >^>- 1,0000 The corresponding values of 9, k(0), and ^(0) are given in table 4. The further investigation In no vay differs from that for laminar layers. The values of the coefficients characterizing the boundary of the region of interference and the corrections on the drag are given in table 4 for various values of 0, with all the computations ommitted, in the notation previously used. In connection with the formulas of turbulent friction, the coefficients q and p are determined by the formulas : AW = p-p V^Z^f-^r (41) and (41') The dependence of p on ^ is determined by the following series : p = p cot (0.00133 - 0.00083 ^'^ + 0.00021^3 _ 0.00009 ^^ + 0.00005^5 _ 0.00003^^ + . . .) (42) ^ = oyfe (^^) The dependence of ^ on is given for the case of turbulent layers in figure 4. The boundary of the region of interference (the coefficient m(0)) in the case of the turbulent layers differs little from the corresponding boundary of the laminar layers, according to the sixth approximation; whereas the relative correction on the drag s in percent is several times less in the turbulent case. WACA TM 1308 23 CONCLUSION The results oTatained have a readily understandable form. In general, the effect of the interference of the layers on the drag of the plates is insignificant. The effect assumes an appreciahle value only in the case vhere the plates in the dimensions transverse to the flow "become comparahle vith the width of the region of disturbed boundary layer. Moreover, interference plays a large part in the motion of fluids through small dihedral angles. Thus, for example, in the motion near the inter- section of a dihedral angle of about 10°, the region of interference exceeds by 16 times the thickness of the layer at the given section. At smaller angles, the phenomenon is still more marked. All the conclusions of the present and preceding papers require experimental check. By agreement with the Central Aero-Hydrodynamical Institute, the aerodynamic laboratory of the Leningrad Industrial Institute is under- taking an experimental investigation of the phenomenon of the inter- ference of boundary layers . It is proposed, through use of the method of microtunnels, to observe directly the distortion in the velocity profiles, and so forth, of the phenomenon. The present work was carried out at the Aerodynamic Laboratory of the Leningrad Industrial Institute. Translated by S. Eeiss, National Advisory Com mi ttee for Aeronautics BKh'KHMGE 1. Loizlansky, L. G. : Interference of Boundary Layers. CAHI Eep. No. 249, (Moskow), 1936. 24 NACA TM 1308 TABLE 1 e k(e) K{e) m(e) P(0) q(0) 3(0) (deg) (percent) .2.894 0.3455 m OD «• 16.3 10 2.880 .3419 22.257 7.324 12.671 16.4 20 2.840 .3309 11.315 3.697 6.396 16.7 30 2.773 .3123 7.278 2.503 4.330 17.2 40 2.682 .2856 5.364 1.916 3.315 17.8 50 2.567 .2504 4.190 1.570 2.716 18.7 60 2.434 .2054 3.388 1.346 2.329 19.8 70 2.283 .1498 2.793 1.187 2.054 21.2 80 2.120 .0819 2.329 1.069 1.849 22.9 90 1.948 1.948 .974 1.685 25.0 100 1.773 -.0980 1.624 .892 1.543 27.4 110 1.601 -.2136 1.340 .813 1.407 30.3 120 1.442 -.3467 1.088 .732 1.266 33.6 130 1.300 -.4945 .858 .641 1.109 37.3 140 1.185 -.6464 .6 2 .536 .927 41.0 150 1.099 -.7880 .466 .417 .721 44.7 160 1.042 -.9018 .301 .285 .493 47.3 170 1.010 -.9750 .144 .142 .246 49.3 180 1.000 -1.0000 50.0 TABLE 2 G k(0) Kie) m(0) P(0) q(0) 3(0) (deg) (percent) 2,217 0.4511 m «• 0> 13.7 10 2.205 .4466 18.360 10.162 13.921 13.8 20 2,168 .4334 9.090 5.148 7.052 14.2 30 2.108 .4108 5.948 3.584 4.910 14.7 40 2.026 .3781 4.343 2.702 3.701 15.6 50 1.925 .3339 3.352 2,233 3.059 16.7 60 1.808 .2765 2.665 1.928 2.641 18.1 70 1.678 .2038 2.150 1.712 2.345 19.9 80 1.542 .1126 1.742 1.546 2.118 22.2 90 1,407 1.407 1.407 1.927 25.0 100 1.284 -0.1353 1.127 1.279 1.752 28.4 110 1.182 -0.2893 .894 1.153 1.579 32.2 120 1.108 -0.4513 .702 1.018 1.395 36.3 130 1.060 -0.6064 .544 .875 1.199 40.2 140 1.032 -0.7422 .414 .721 .988 43.6 150 1.016 -0.8524 .300 .556 .762 46.3 160 1.007 -0.9332 .196 .379 .519 48.3 170 1.002 -0.9832 .097 .192 .263 49.6 180 1.000 -1.0000 50.0 NACA TM 1308 25 TABLE 3 e He) ^(0) m(e) P(0) 4(0) s(0) (deg) (percent) 1.969 0.5079 oo . •• 12.3 10 1.957 .5032 16 . 940 8.416 12.713 12.4 20 1.921 .4892 8,365 4.272 6.453 12.8 30 1.863 .4648 5.458 2.921 4.412 13.4 40 1.783 .4296 3.965 2.262 3.417 14.3 50 1.685 .3815 3.039 1.879 2.838 15.5 60 1.572 .3181 2.393 1.631 2.464 17.0 70 1.450 .2359 1.907 1.457 2.201 19.1 80 1.327 .1309 1.524 1.324 2.000 21.7 90 1.204 1.204 1.204 1.819 25.0 100 1.106 -0.1571 .946 1.094 1.653 28.9 110 1.038 -0.3295 .741 .985 1.480 33.2 120 1.004 -0.4982 .582 .887 1.340 37.5 130 1.000 -0.6428 .466 .766 1.157 41.1 140 1.000 -0.7660 .364 .643 .971 44.2 150 1.000 -0.8660 .268 .500 .755 46.7 160 1.000 -0.9397 .176 .342 .517 48.5 170 1.000 -0.9848 .088 .174 .263 49.6 180 1.000 -1.0000 50.0 TABLE 4 k(0) ^(0) m(0) P(0) q(0) s(0) (deg) (percent) 1.805 0.5540 0* •• •• 5.35 10 1.796 .5483 16.010 0.0115 0.3189 5.38 20 1.767 .5318 7.915 .0058 .1614 5.51 30 1.720 .5035 5.172 .0039 .1094 5.73 40 1.654 .4631 3.765 .0030 .0839 6.03 50 1.577 .4076 2.898 .0025 .0689 6.43 60 1.485 .3367 2.292 .0021 .0594 7.00 70 1.382 .2475 1.835 .0019 .0525 7.73 SO 1.273 .1364 1.469 .0017 .0472 8.68 90 1.164 1.164 .0015 .0431 10.00 100 1.065 -0.1631 .905 .0014 .0394 11.76 110 1.000 -0.3420 .700 .0013 .0364 14.05 120 1.000 -0.5000 .577 .0012 .0325 15.22 130 1.000 -0.6428 .466 .0010 .0280 16.24 140 1.000 -0.7660 .364 .0008 .0230 17.08 150 1.000 -0.8660 .268 .0006 .0178 17.95 160 1.000 -0.9397 .176 .0004 .0122 18.73 170 1.000 -0.9848 .088 .0002 .0064 19.65 180 1.000 -1 . 000 19.97 26 NACA TO 1308 6o(x) 6o(0 Figure 1. *— Y Figure 2. tl a ■n > g £1 1. > J S s o ^■■ S" w si CO fafe JO) en i .^ ooaSos o 1 la - " ° C " m • a> ^ o "Y S •< rt S CO ^ "^ •- « a I c4 H n 5 c ^ •3 •-; M a <; 2 a " - rj -a cn E to v; c c " CO '1 « 53 o o O . ■ Oi 2 5 2 <" « -S o o J CO i .^ •o -s s- O > u] •« ■ „ *> ^ .2 '7 < 2 a S ^ G C ra CO SJ c g .. „ ZU-ffE-iS T-< eg w H 3 G ■< o < z < o < z — ' ^^ o u a) J D, c ^ > a u 3 ^ 3 & § s ^ w o o o o |x< ii< J pa i .^ ■o 5 & " O C " m « _^ O "Y «-3 S - ^=o o - U QJ E-i rt " " • < 2 a I 't jS ^ c " CO zo-enS .S3' IS 3 o o o o ■o -S S" - CO a 3 05 o 1 t5 - CO o c " ,m ^ I- a c 2 -^ 0) _ o ";* S Z A S O -. . ■o -S §• coSS« =^ O e to ^ - a C » *- -* ^ o r* S ^ H -H " " • ■S 2 -,. « fl S "^ o o < 2 a 52 - O -S rt S to zo€'h3 ^ c4 1.; n 5 c < o ■< z 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08106 262 1 JNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT ' SCIENCE LIBRARY GAINESVILLE, FL 32611-7011 USA