/ 7 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE t* % Bureau of Agricultural Economics UNIV OF FL LIB -DOCUMEN TS OE PT U.S. DEPOSITORY UTILIZATION OF TRACTORS AND COST OF TRACTOR POWER ON GRAIN FARMS (Northern Great Plains and Pacific Northwest, 1933) By R. S. Washburn, Assistant Agricultural Economist, and R. S. Kifer, Senior Agricultural Economist Washington, D. C. December 1936 STATIC 'EKT OF COOPERATION AND ASSISTANCE Thanks are extended to the many grain farmers through whose courtesies the securing of the field data Fas made possible. For assistance in collecting the field data the authors wish to thank the following: Kenneth H. J'yers and Nathan Koffsky of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Willism J. Edens , Morgan C. Rochester, Henry M. Pevehous , Cruz Venstrome, Dale C. Kieffer, Fay A. Given, and He '. . Rertkemeier, temporary employees of the Bureau of Arri cultural Economics . . UTILIZATION OF TRACTORS AT© COST OF TRACTOR POTTER ON GRAIN TAR'S (Northern Great Plains and Pacific Northwest, K33) By R. S. 7i/ashburri, Assistant Agricultural Economist, and R. S. Kifer, Senior Agric ul tural Economist Bureau of Agricultural Economics CONTENTS Page Introduction ..... Number and size of farms having tractors and number and size of farms not having tractors by type -of -farming areas .... Crops produced on farms having tractors and number and size of Tractors by type -of -farming areas Crop area per farm on farms having tractors and number, type, and size of tractors Kinds of tractor work and annual hours of use per tractor by type -of -farming areas Annual hours of use of tractors of different types and sizes . . . Cost of using tractors Page 11 11 17 18 INTRODUCTION Successive years of low farm incomes have seriously reduced the resources of many farmers in the spring wheat regions of the Northern Great Plains and of the Pacific Northwest. Because of the need for adjustment in the organ- ization and operation of grain farms in these regions and in the light of changing economic conditions, information with reference to farm organization and farming practice ^as obtained. The study was made in April, May, and June of 1^34 and, for the most part, applies to the crop year 1&33. The field data were obtained by personal interviews with 1,674 farm operators in grain producing areas of the Northern Great Plains and of the Pacific Northwest. The farming areas surveyed, shown in figure 1, are those outlined in United States Department of Corirerce, Bureau of the Census Bulletin, "Types of Farming in the United States". The farmers interviewed gave detailed information on the organization and opera- tion of their farms, such as acreage of wheat and other crops grown; a history Q. C/3 3. of crop yield? over a period of years; the practices employed in the production of wheat and other crops; numbers and kinds of livestock; kinds and quantities of livestock products ; an inventory of the kinds and quantity of equipment on the farm; the duty of farm machinery and the cost of operating power equipment. As the study aimed to show the methods of growing and harvesting crops, particularly wheat, the sample of farms may show a larger acreage of wheat and a higher proportion of the land in crops than would a county average. No particular effort was made for any other selection, however, and it is believed that the records obtained are typical of grain farms in the type-of- farming areas studied. In certain sections of the Northern Groat Plains, particularly western North Dakota, eastern Montana, and in many areas of South Dakota, conditions of extreme drought prevailed in 19 33. As a result very little harvest was reported in these drought areas and the harvest work done with power equip- ment was abnormal. The use of equipment in a normal season rather than that reported in 1953 has been used in calculating the cost of operating power equipment. In many areas the use of large scale power equipment was common and con- stituted a large part of the farm expense. For this reason a series of re- ports dealing with farm equipment is being published. The purpose of the present report is to show the extent to which tractors are used for farm power, the type .and size of tractors in use, the kinds of work done and the cost of using tractors on representative farms in the grain- producing sections o^ the Northern Great Plains and of the Pacific Northwest, i The other publications in the machinery series are; 1. Utilization of combined harvester-threshers and cost of harvesting small grains with a combine (Northern Great Plains and Pacific Northwest, 1933). 2. Cost of operating .farm motor trucks on grain farms (Northern Great PI a in s and Pac if ic Nor t hues t , 19 33 ) . 3. Tillage, planting, and harvesting equipment on grain farms and rates of doing field work with these implements when drawn with horse and with tractor power (Northern Great Plains and Pacific Northwest) . IJUTffiER AND SIZE OF FARMS HAVING TRACTORS AND NUMBER AND SIZE OF FARMS NOT HAVING TRACTORS BY TYPE- OF -FARMING AREAS Tractors were used in all of the grain- producing areas surveyed in the Northern Groat Plains (table 1). They are the chief source of power for field work on many of the larger wheat farms in the more westerly areas. On the smaller general farms in the eastern aroas of the region, horses were used for certain kinds of field work and on many of these farms horses were the only source of power for field work. The proportion of farmers using tractors, according to this sample, varied from 25 percent in a general farming i. Table 1. - Number and size of farms having tractors and number and size of farms not having tractors, by type-of-f arming areas, Northern Great Plains, 1933 Farms having Farms, not having : State and tractors tractors : ■ :■ . type -of -farming: Farms :3rop area: Farms ; Crop area: Farms \ Crop area area studied :per farm studied : per farm j studied : per farm Number Acres ; Number Ac re s : .ber : • Minnesota ; 225A : . 29 330 14 : 255 : 43 : 505 £26 : 4 308 : 12 110 : 16 : 160 225D 15 37 3 5 205 : 20 : 531 227A 16 276 9 189 : 25 : 245 227B 13 . : 251 16 161 29 : 201 North Dakota 225B : 9 506 3. 260 : 12 445 173 18 : 434 16 331 34 386 174A 35 445 : 17 : 231 52 375 168 26 623 14 - 40 ell 169 : 24 : 579 12 «^"_" ^* 36 500 172 : 28 : 415 27 55 346 170 : 25 292 12 262 37 282 171 35 497 13 261 48 : 433 136 51 : 509 19 : 195 70 424 139 : 16 : 505 3 207 19 458 166 33 : 552 : 7 249 40 : 499 South Dakota : 181 16 391 16 232 32 311 182A 7 : 223 : 20 : 203 27 : 208 17 4B 20 : 445 11 : 267 : 31 : 382 180 16 350 : 14 198 30 279 176 34 : 649 : 7 253 41 : 581 179 15 : 598 4 179 19 510 182B 14 : 496 12 198 358 175 : 21 : 571 : 8 : 256 : 29 : 484 142A-177 24 : 473 3 . 226 27 : 446 Nebraska 184 53 407 14 222 47 352 185 20 : 712 t 2 202 22 : 665 Montana 137A 18 : 396 16 279 ! 341 119B 17 : 716 ! 6 297 23 606 118 22 : 408 : 7 : 252 : 29 : 570 113 : 48 : 740 : 2 : 242 : 50 : 720 114 : 44 : 557 2 £24 : 46 : 543 115 : 26 : 1094 : : : 26 : 1094 116 36 511 : 5 238 : 41 : 478 87D 8 : 525 : 14 : 195 : 22 : 315 S8A : 24 : 478 : 18 : 260 : 42 : 584 120 : 13 : 662 : 7 : 188 : 20 : 496 Wyoming 146A 29 690 1 .;- ^ 30 : Total or average : 882 : ! 25 : 388 : 2.'* 8 : x , 0.2 : 4.3 : 41.5 : 0.7 : 100 116 36 : 632 68.7 : 0.6 ; 4.5 f 24.1 : 2.1 : 100 87D 8 958 39.1 : 11.6 : 44.2 : 5.1 : 100 88A 24 667 : 45.6 ; : 7.1 : 47.3 : : 100 120 13 : 2095 : 59.2 : 2.1 : 6.1 : 31.1 : 1.5 100 Wyoming 146A 29 : 1031 : 42,9 : 15.4 : 11.1 : 30.0 : 0.6 : 100 Total_ or average 8. 842 51 . 9 . 9.0 21.3 15, : £.4 100 9. Table 3. - Number and size of farms reporting tractors, and number, size, and type of tractors by type-of -farming areas, Northern Great Plains, 195:5 1/ Continued !Barms :Aver- : age Size of tractors (Drawbar horsepower) State and : General type-of- stud- ied :size : of : purpose ; Ordinary high-wheel : Track- -laying Tot- farming .9-12 : 15 8-12 : 15-17118-21 : 22-25 ;26-28 .55-40 : 20 : 25 59 . 50 al area , farms :II.P. :H.P. :H.P. H.P. :H.P. :H.P. :K.P. :H.P. H.P. HP. H.P. H.P. :Num- dum- ; Num- :Num- : Nuru- : Num- :Num- ,Num- :Num- Num- :Nuih Num- . Num- Num- :ber Acres ber ;ber :ber :ber ber :ber :ber :ber ber: ber ber . ber , ber Minnesota 225A : 20 : 574 : : - . 12 : 8 : 1 : - : - - - : - - - 21 225 : 4 : 460 : - : 2 : 1 : 1 : : - - : - , - - : 4 225D 11 . 477 - - 5 5 : 1 1 : - - - : - - - 12 227A . 15 548 . 5 - . o : 5 1 : - - - : - - - : 18 227B 10 521 : 1 - 6. 5 ; - - 1 - - ; - • - , - • 11 No. Dak. 225B : 8 702 - - 4 4 5 - - ; - ; - ; - - - : 11 173 • : 16 655. 1 - ; 4 7 5 2 _ _ - ; - ; - - ; 17 174A : 54 708 4 : - 14 15 5 1 2 . - ' - : - ; - - : 57 168 ! 22 824: - ; - ; o 14 5 - i - _ ; - , - - . 22 169 : 21: 769 - ; - 1: 15 6: 1 o _ ; - ; - - - : 25 172 : 22. 748 - : - : 5: 15: 4: 1 \ - , - : - : - - : 22 170 : 24: 586: - : - : 10 9 5. 1 - , - : - : - ! - : - : 25 171 : 54: 878: - : - ; 7: 20. 9 - ; l^ - ; - : - ; - ; - ; 59 136 : '50: 741: - : - : 6: 54 11 1 5 ; - ; 1 : 1 : - : - ; 57 139 : 16: 792: - : - ; 5: 9: 1: 1 : 1 : - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; 17 166 : 55: 674: - : - : 5: 25: 4: 2 : _ ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; 54 So. Dak. : 181 : 14: 528: 5 : n - ; 5; 2: 1 : 2 : 1 : - : - ; _ ; - ; 16 182A : 7: 519: 2 : - : 5: 2: - ; - ; - ; - : - ; - ; - ; - : 7 1743 : 18: 675: 7 : - : 5: 4: 2: 1 : - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - : 19 180 : 16: 594: 8 : - : 5: 2 * - ; - : - ; - ; - ; - ; - : 18 176 : 55: 1275: 17 : - ; 12: 7: 6: 6 : _ ; - ; - ; - ; _ ; - ; 48 179 j ■15 2086 2 - 7 9 1 . 1 - - - : - - - 19 1823 14 611 4 1 6 5 ; - - 1 - : - - : 15 175 20 1045 6 - - ■ 15 : 5 : 5 - - - : - - - 25 142A-177 24 : 918 Q - : 13 6 : 5 : : - - ; - , : 31 Nebraska 184 52 . 714 7 - .5 20 : 1" : 1 - - - ; - - : ; 34 185 20 : 817 5 1 o 12' 5 1 : «- - ; - - - 27 Montana 137A 18 646 - - l x : 16 , - ; - ' - : - : - 21 119B : 16 1187 1 - 1 : 13' : 5 : 1 : 2 : • - : - : - - : 21 118 21 : 895 : - 1 : 15 : 7 : 1 : : : - - : - : : 22 113 47 1285 : 1 ; : 2 : 40 : 10 : 2 : 1 : - 2 : : : 58 114 44 : 7 27 : > : 2 : 25 : 14 : 2 : 5 : : 1 2 : : 1 : 52 115 : 26 . 1274 ; ; ; : 12 : 4 : 2 : 5 : : - 5 : 1 3 : 30 116 : 56 : 652 : ; : 5 : 26 : 5 : : 5 : : £/ ' ~ : - : : 41 87D 8 : 958 : ; : 2 : 6 : ; : : ■ - , - : - : 83A : 24 : 667 : : : 2 : 22 : 4 : : : : - : - : : : 28 120 : 15 : 2^95 : 5 ; - • - : 12 ; - ; - ; : : - - : : : 15 Vv'yoming 146A : 29 : 1051 : 2 : A : 4 : 20 : 5 : 4 : 1 : : - - : : : 34 T r ,tal or average : 855 : 842 : 86 : 4 : 175 : 471 : 157 : 36 • 35 : 2 : 4 : 8 • 1 : 4 ':961 1/ The number of reports shown in this table as well as in all succeeding tabl for the Northern Great Plains is somewhat less than that in table 1 for the reason that tractors used solely for belt work as well as a limited number with incomplete data on one or more items of costs were omitted. e5 10. Table 4, - rid size of farms i rerorting tractors, anc 1 numbc :r, size, and type of tn -ctors by type-of-j , Pi ' ' - 1 r t hwe s oortic t. 1933 1/ ot- rm i Aver- r : : 1 re a f cr^p . rer farm and ! :^um-: - type-of-; stud-; size : Row .Other .mer : Tot-! now : Other; Tot- .ingi ied i of : : Wheal : rcrops :cr ops ::'al-:Idle • cr: srops ; fal-1 Idle: area : farm slow : low ; Hum- ! Per-* Per- Per-' Per-' Per- ! Per- her : Acres i Acres 3 jncres i»crea •2»cre3:/icre3, Acres; cent ; cent C< - cent cent j cent Oregon : 5&H : 17 I 2086i Gv 14 i 747: 9 ! ".4' - , 1.0; 51.O 0.6; 100' 5GD : 25 l 1397' eg? 1 42 i 535: - LI 49-5 - I 3.6 . - ■ ICO wish. : : 15 I 15 74 ' 'I " 35 : 60G: 22 1.50.8 - '. i . • - 1-5 10c ^bC : 1 ; 33«3: *W j j 3 ;l6l5: - 3114; .0. - .11 51.9 - .ICC 5bA : 1427 1 bo* )J " i 9 : 644; - : 1338 1 51.2 - l -7 .". - ICO fa : 19 1 27( is 3 136 149 s - : 5b4: 49. 0: 0.5 •24.I . > : 9 J bOl: 102 >: 12 , 81 : 1/b: 6 '•> -.9- ; 2.6 l 17.7 • : I.31 ICC Idaho : ^bE : 3 : 687! 24: j: - 1 ^3 ! 227! - !-5 - : 4. ■45-9 ; rl 79 : 9 ! 1347' 5g' : b3 ; 465: 6b" 1101 3.11 - 1 5-7 > / • i 6.0: ICC : 10 : 97o: _ - 3 : 323: B2 1 ! 790 = • 3 - : -4 ;40.9 :10.4, ilOO 91A : 7 1 913. 3^ . _ 50 : 239: - - 703 . 51.8 ; : 7.1 . ; 510C 92A : 7 1 b25: 22 -' " 40 , 213: 2 • -~ 1 i C • a_ . ■ • *f 5] Total or « average; 14b : 1401 ! 56: y- 1 ^5 l 530 : 13 1152 i 48.9 : .1 ! 3.9 . : 1.1 ilOC State : 1 : x.ver-1 •* and : Farm j stud- j ied : age j size ; of Size of tractor (drawbar horsepower) ; type -off* Ordi .nary high -wheel k-laying Total farming: 10 ! 15 : : l8 ! 20 d2 • 2b Q j ! 25 ; 39 ' : fcors area : farm i H.P. 'H.P.:M .P. H.P. 'H.p. :H.P. H.P. ; H.P. H.P. : H.P. ; Num- : : Num- Hum- :iii im- Hum- dum- . JTum- 1 am- i ! rum- . Hum- ; Hum- i Num- her ! «.cres ,her •ber :be ?r iber ! ber . :ber , ber • ber ; ber ber , ber Oregon i 5bH : XT\ I 20% I 6 ': : 1 6 R 20 36D ! 25 ; 1397' , 1 : 1 15 : 2 , ' ' •Vash. : 46 i 13 I 13 f' 2 : 2 : . 1 . 1 1 a 14 S&C : 9 i 7 -» 5bA : l' 1427 j , 2 : 1 : , 1 ; c 7 3 2 ] < 5&B : 19 654; 1 : 2 : ; 1 1 3 12 1 : 1 21 i 9 i 601 1 '3 l 5 : ; 2 , , 1 11 Idaho ; ^bE : 3 687 , p ; 1 3 79 1 9 i 1347 ; 2 ' 3 : 1 ; 1 ! c lfl P l 10 i . 1 : 2 : 1 : 2 \ 4 1 11 9lA : 1 ' J13 ; 1 1 3 ; c 1 7 }?k i 7 '> b25 ; 1 : ; 2 • 4 7 '.total or aver 1 ■ -■ ' 1, 1401 : 23 : 4 : 1 1 3 I 19 : "1 q ! 23 163 1/ The number of reports shown in this table as well b s in fell succeedirg tables for Pacific Northwest is somewhat less than that in table 2, for the reason that tractors used solely for belt work as well as a limited number with incomplete - on one or more items of cost were omitted. 11. CROP AREA PER FARM ON FARMS HAVING TRACTORS, AND NUMBER, TYPE, AND SIZE OF TRACTORS The number of tractors by size and type according to acreage in crops on farms, reporting tractors, for the Northern Great Plains i3 given in table 5. In this region there did not appear to be any decided relationship between crop acreage per farm and size of tractor. There was some tendency for the larger tractors, especially those of the track-laying type, to bo found on the larger farms but a greater tendency for those farmers who are operators of large acreages to use two or more tractors of medium size rather than to in- vest in the larger tractors. For the most part those farmers with about 400 crop acres or less per farm had only one tractor whereas on quite a large percentage of the farms with a crop acreage in excess of this more than one tractor was owned. Fifty-four percent of all tractors enumerated were on farms of 500 crop acres or less, 33 percent were on farms of 501 to 1,000 crop acres, and 13 percent were on farms of over 1,000 crop acres. In the Pacific Northwest where farms are larger than in the Northern Great Plains, the size of tractor increased somewhat with an increase in crop acreage, but not uniformly, the tendency being to use tractors of medium size regardless of crop acreage (table 6). Twenty-three percent of all tractors represented were on farms of 500 or less crop acres; 30 percent were on farms of from 501 to 1,000 crop acres; and 47 percent were on farms of over 1,000 crop acres. KINDS OF TRACTOR SQRK AND ANNUAL HOURS OF USE PER TRACTOR BY TYPE- OF- FARMING ARE.IS The annual use of tractors in these areas is influenced largely by the number of crop acres per farm .and kinds of crops grown. In a few instances miscellaneous work performed with tractor power may have been overlooked in recording the work done with tractors on these farms, but for the most part the kinds and amounts of work performed with tractor power are accounted for in work of different kinds by type- of- farming areas as shown in tables 7 and 8. A limited amount of tractor work in the Northern Greet Plains consisted of corn shredding, corn shelling, and silo filling. When this work occurred it was recorded as "Corn harvest". Tractors in this region were used almost universally for preparation of seedbed, and to a Large extent, for planting of crops. In addition tractors of the general purpose type wore used quite ex- tensively for cultivation of rov; crops. The harvest work was influenced largely by the method of harvesting the crop. In western Minnesota and in the eastern a nd central areas of North Dakota and South Dakota the work of tractors, except that of preparation of seedbed and planting, was mainly that of harvesting grain with a binder and threshing with a stationary thresher, and corn harvesting, whereas in the other types of farming areas, where harvesting with a combine was a common method and little corn was grown, the use of the tractor except for proharvost work was largely for harvesting and 12. CO U rH O | eg -p ' :• -p o y O CO A Fh ;, rH^ O CO CM GO CO 03 tO <£> lOo 0>cD H©>C0O't , O>HW(0fflC)'t^HN> O rH tO CO <£> rO *# r«- m r^ rv_ ,mn tnin «*** rv> __i — ml i_i __i — i _i — i •— I CN CN lO 'O tO LO ^*tf< CQr-ir-tCtir-lr-lr-ir-ir-t'-i d CO rH I ^! o . Eh o pu lO • I • i 3 CD 2 £> oi p., CO H CI) 3 xi LO CM cm • CO CO O^ OirHCMOCMCMCMtOtOrH rH CM ** O- r-t I LOOLOOLOtOCOO-CMOi COO OCOOLOtO^OtN^OOCMCMrHiO £ d -HCMtO^^^CMCitOCM Olt) iH ^H rH d CD :j lo to cm rH^O N H N (M 0> OOiDcDO^H d rH CM CO tO rH rH 0) tO CO CM H CD CD to d O CO ■ ■ c fn 11 3 O P, LO PL, u CD CM Ph o> tn 5 ^ 5 CD tOCMOCOOilO^tOrH'^ -^^ CM CM CM CO (C u o co rH -P fi rH O d Q H o .: o .) o 7 ... : rH - J N N W -: o o oo o O O O O OO OOOOOOrH CM LO O LO O LOO LOOLOOLOOrHrH ^LOLOtOt£)OOCOCnc»CftrH o o OOOOOOOOOOOOPP r-t f-^ f-^ t-i rHrH r-ii-\r-tr-{r-\<-IOO o lo o lo olo OLOomoi:'- ^ ^ lO LO tf>tO OOCDCOr^C^rHrH OOOOOOOOO o o o o o o ooo tO-'tLO^OtNOOrTJOCM HHHHHHHWW r< O O ' o o o o > •#(OCOO o CM CM CM tO OOOOOOOOO O O O O c +3 +3 +3 +3 gj HHH HHHHHH O O O O O oo oo CMtO^LOOO-CO^O r-i t-\ r-i r-\ r-\ r-\ i-i rH CM rH rH rH rH rH o o o o o CM -^ O CO O CM CM CM CM tO 13, Table 6. - Distribution of tractors of different sizes and types according to crop acres per farm, Pacific Northwest, 1933 : All : tract or Size Drawbar horsepower) Size group Ordinary high- wheel Track-laying Total (Crop acres) : 10 : 15 : 18 ! 20 22 26 20 25 39 50 . t ractors farms :H.P. :H.P. :H.P. H.P. :H.P. H.P. H.P. .H.P. H.P. : H.P. Num- Num- Num- :Num- Num- Num- Num- Num- Num- Num- : Num- Num- ber ber ber :ber ber ber ber : ber ber ber ber : ber 200 and less 5 1 1 1 2 5 201 - 250 1 1 : 1 251 - 300 7 2 1 1 1 2 7 301 - 350 6 2 2 2 1 7 351 - 400 3 1 1 1 ■ 3 401 - 450 7 1 2 3 1 7 451 - 500 7 : 1 : 1 2 : 3 7 501 - 550 ■ 3 2 2 4 551 - 600 : 4 : 1 3 4 601 - 650 : 6 1 5 6 651 - 700 10 2 1 3 , 2 1 1 10 701 - 750 3 1 1 1 3 751 - 800 8 1 1 1 3 1 : 1 8 801 - 850 • 5 1 : 1 1 1 1 5 851 - 900 : 3 1 : 2 3 901 - 95C : 2 : 1 1 2 951 - 1000 ; 3 ; 1 2 3 1001 - 1100 3 : 1 2 3 1101 - 1200 4 1 2 1 4 1201 - 1300 : 6 : 3 1 2 : 2 8 1301 - 1400 : 1 1 1 2 1401 - 1500 : 9 : 4 2 3 : 9 1501 - 1600 ; 2 3 : 3 1601 - 1700 3 1 : 1 1 : 3 1701 - 1800 : 5 : 3 2 : 5 1801 - 1900 : 2 : 2 2 1901 - 2000 : 9 : 10 : 1 11 2001 - 2200 : 2 . 2 2 2201 - 2400 : 1 : 1 : 1 2401 - 2600 : 8 1 : 5 1 2 9 2601 - 280t 4 2 2 : 4 2801 - 3000 : 1 : 1 : 1 3001 and over' 3 : 7 : 4 : 11 Total 146 3 23 4 1 3 : 2 . 19 71 : 9 23 : 163 Table 7. - Estimated normal annual hours of use of tractors on work of different kinds by type- of -farming areas, Northern Great Plains Heme Y'ork Pre- State pare and Fa ms .Crop rplant : Com- - •Cprn : Hay : Potato: type-of- Tract- having ;area and : bine Head : Bind : Thresh :•- har- bar- tot- farming ors tract- :per cult i - : ^ra in grain grain; grain vest : vest vest al areas ors farm vate Number Number .A^res Hours : Hours Hours : :■• Hours Ho urs : ':' : IT Hours : Hairs Minnesota; 225A 21 20 325 : 213. 5 - 12 : 6 2 : J - 247 226 4 4 308 249: - - 30 : 12 , - ; - 291 22 5D 12 11 404 . 248: 26 - , 10 : 13 2 : - ; - 299 227A 18 15 287 252: - - 30 : 13 . 18 : - - 313 227B 11 10 271 259: - ■ 42 : 11 : 14 - : 326 No. Dak. 22 5B 11 8 551 301. 31 - 45 22 - 1 : - 401 173 17 16 456 352. 7 - ; 47 : 26 - 4 ■ - 436 174A . 37 34 465 292: 6 ' 17 : 18 1 - .369 168 : 22 22 : 686 : 461- 14 : - ■ 16 : 25 : - - 516 169 25 : 21 594 235 7 : 47 ; 51 : - - 172 22 22 : 425 252: 17 27 9 : 21 : 5 - - 331 170 25 24 282 149: - 4 3 . 29 : - - 194 171 39 : 34 506 237: 59 2 1 : 38 : 8 - - 345 136 57 50 503 293: 50 : 3 : 12 15 1 - - 374 139 ; 17 16 . 505 329 70 - 4 21 : - - .424 166 34 : 33 552 292. 9 2 37 32 : _ - - - 372 So. Dak. ; 181 ; 16 14 : 412 : 242 17 - 53 32 : 15 6 - :365 182A 7 7 256 : 101 4 - 19 11 : . 4 - - :139 17 4B 19 18 438 : 349 2 : 57 34 : 8 8 - .458 180 18 16 350 : 267 - 1 22 40 : .12 - : :542 176 : 48 33 654 : 288: 24 : 17 56 ■ 37 : 27 9 - :458 179 19 15 598 : 242 71 34 1$ : .16 75 : 456 18 2B : 15 14 : 496 : 197 47 : 71 : 49 : ' 22 - - 386 175 25 20 : 566 : 244 40 : 10 : 9 18 : 6 - - :327 142;.- 17 7 31 24 : 47 3 248 51 : 15 10 : 10 : Nebraska 184 34 32 : 415 245 54 . 13 14 J ^c - : 2 332 185 27 20 : 712 : 354 83 ; 18 10 : 9 - : 47 :521 Montana 137A : 21 18 ; 396 : 221 46 : - 26 : - - :293 119B 21 : 16 : 744 : 390 86 : 22 2 6 : - : 118 : 22 21 : 392 : 271 35 : 5 : 9 : - - 320 113 58 47 : 755 : 371 75 : 9 2 : 10 : - - :467 114 . 52 : 44 : 557 : 370 71 : 2 , ~ : : : 115 : 30 : 2« : 1094 : 497 . 124 : - : : : : :626 116 41 36 : 509 : 221 : 58 : - o : c : : : :281 87D a : 8 : 525 : 332 : 11 : 7 • 40 : : : :390 88A . 28 : 24 : 478 : 354 . 56 : 2 : 5 : : : 120 : 15 : 13 : 662 : 332 : 111 : - : : 2 : - :448 Wyoming 146^ .-' 29 : 690 ■ 554 : 99 : 2 : 4 t • *7 : - J668 Total or average 961 : 835 534 : 3 : 2 ^r*J ; » 1 7 19 3 i IS. Table 7. - Estimated normal annual hours of use of tractors on work of different kinds by type-of -farming ureas, Northern Great Plains - Continued State :Farms :Crop Custom v/ork and type-of- :Tractors : having :area •.Prepare :Total farming :tract- :per : and : Combine :Bind : Thresh: Corn :Total :work areas : or s : fa im : plant : , r ;rain : grain : grain :harvest : Number : Number : Ac res : Hours hours : Ho ur s •Hours : Hours .Hours flours . .inr.esctu 285A 21 : '20 ' : 325 - : 11 : : 7 : - : 18 : 265 226 : 4 : 4 : 308 - ; : : - : : : 291 225D 12 11 404 - : : : - : : 299 227A 18 15 287 , : : : 16 : 1 16 : 329 227B 11 10 271 - , ~? . 22 : 22 348 No. Dak. 225B 11 8 : 551 - - - : - • 401 173 17 16 456, - - • 16 : 5 21 : 45V 174A 37 34 ■ 465 1 ■ : 4 : - : 374 168 : 22 - 22 686 - - : : - : 516 169 : 25 21 594 1 - - 1 : 2 : 342 172 : 22 ■ 22 • 425 ; 2 9 : 11 342 170 : 25 24 282: 1 ; - - 2 : : 3 : 197 171 : 39 : 34 506 6 : 6 ■ : 12 357 136 : 57 i 50 503 - 1 . - : : 1 : 375 139 : 17 : 16 505 ; 1 • : ]. : 425 166 : 34 : 33 : 552 : - - 2 : 2 374 . So. Dak. : 181 ; 16 : 14 : 412: : ; - 39 : 12 . 51 : 416 182A : 7 : 7 : 236: : : : : - : - ■ 139 174B : 19 : 18 : 438; 6 : : : : - : 6 464 180 : 18 : 16 : 350: : 1 : 6 : - : 7 349 176 : 48 : 33 : 654: 6 : - : 3 : - : 9 467 179 : 19 : 15 : 598: 4 : 6 • : : - : 10 466 18 2B : 15 : 14 : 496: 3 : : : : 3 389 175 : 25 : 20 : 566: : 1 : : : 1 328 142A-177: 31 : 24 : 473: 5 : 8 ■ 3 : : - : 16 : 353 Nebraska : 184 : 34 : 32 ' 415: ; 9 i : : 9 , 341 185 : 27 : 20 : 712: ; 2 ; : - : 2 . 523 Montana : 157A : 21 : 18 : 396: ; 6 : ; ; 6 299 119B : 21 : 16 : 744: - : : 10 : - : 10 • 516 118 : 22 : 21 : 392: ; ; : - - 320 113 : 58 : 47 j 7 55: : Z : : - : 2 469 114 : 52 : 44 : 557: : 13 : : : - ; 13 460 115 : 30 : 26 : 1094: : : : : - 626 116 : 41 : 36 : 509: 1 : 1 : 2 : 4 285 87D : 8 : 8 : 525: : - - : ' - 390 88A : 28 : 24 : 478: : - ; : - ! - 417 120 : 15 : 13 : 662: _ ; 3 - ; _ ; - 3 451 Wyoming : 146 A : 34 : 29 : 690: : 2 : : 2 670 Total or: average : 961 : 835 : 534: 1 : 3 ! : o . m . 7 404 IK. CO CD r-{ CO u LO a *S M •1 IP CN CO rH CM C^ CT> CO <0 rH CO LP CO o o o CN CN iP tOLP-iP rO LP LP LP IP LP LP M Eh S£ ' c rH co H M <# CN CM^J< LP CO C- CN LP CT> H* LO CO +> 3 r-\ ■* CO rH r-H CM O CM i CD £> r (3 3 CO ■M -M u -* CO CM LP is.') CO CN C- 1 CO rH (0 CO '. ^ a rH CM CO rH r-\ CM «3 rH T3 ~ e m o C • o he HI •h Ad o o •P M -P CO 3 id t3 a M o> LP CO — . CD Oa 3 co 3 rH , <# Ph CD rH o i—i CD m a. tn Cm Cm •M Ph H to T3 jj h CM CO ^ "^ LP LP O CO CM C73 «0 LP o -p LO lO CN rH CO CO CO o ^r O CN LP •: Cm O o CN EN IP CO H^ IP CO LP LP LP LP CO LP O E-< J" , y. xi M co 3 CO o (D -H M rH O CO rH & M » 3 -p x: m o 3 CO O CD H W) rri 3. CO CO x! M T3 -h M M "P FH 3 a. 3 w CM rH O M o ■M M O r-i -p o o 52 £ cn tu, W CD CD M o r Pi Pi co -P -H o •M .M M ■tf CN CM O <7> rH CM CM CO -. H CM rH CO Cm m-« -p a 3 IP ^ LP LP O rH tD cn CH CM rH H CO o> CO ^ O lO CO rH ^ LO ft* ■* LP o P r! Pi -h 3 cn O CM O CN rH o CN ■ CM H O o <\J Cj CO s rH CM rH rH rH rH •- rH O Pm X M s c -p r ^ CO (D U H +» o © CO -p rO O CN ^ ^ CO rH rH CO O rH CN CN co r o e CM CM rH rH rH CM rH ^-\ rH 50 •M CO 3 rH ■P H ^ CO f_H I — 3 a i Cu) o • CO o > o s?- rH H cr 17. threshing grain with a combine, Custom work was of minor importance, being mainly harvesting and threshing grain, either with the combined harvester- thresher or harvesting with a binder and threshing with a stationary thresher. The total work for tractors of all sizes amounted to an annual average of 404 hours per tractor per year of Which 98 percent was home work and 2 percent custom work. The work of tractors in the Pacific Northwest was almost entirely that of preparation of seedbed and planting of grain crops and harvesting with a combined harvester- thresher. The total work for tractors of all sizes amounted to an average of 585 hours per tractor per year of which 96 percent was home work and 4 percent was custom work. ANIKJAL HOURS OF USE OF TRACTORS OF DIFFERENT TYPES AND SIZES In the Northern Great Plains the work of general purpose tractors (table 9) amounted to an average of 458 hours per tractor per year; for or- dinary high- wheel tractors it was 392 hours and for traek-laying tractors, 760 hours. The greater annual use of the general purpose tractor as compared with the ordinary high- wheel tractor was mainly accounted for by its use in cultivating row crops. The large number of days of annual use of the track- laying tractor was mainly because of the fact that this type of tractor 'was used almost exclusively on farms of the largest crop acreages. Table 9. - Estimated normal annual hours of use of tractors of different types and sizes, Northern Great Plains Type of tractor Size of tractor (Drawbar horsepower) Annual use of : tractor General purpose 9-12 15 Hours 450 635 Average 458 Ordinary high- wheel 8-12 : 15 - 17 18 - 21 22 - 25 26 - 28 35 - 40 : 329 407 383 484 439 443 Average 592 Track- laying 20 25 39 : 50 : 517 584 : 1277 : 1124 Average 760 18. In the Pacific Northwest the work of ordinary high- wheel tractors amounted to an average of 373 hours per tractor per year; and for track- laying tractors it was 657 hours per tractor per year, table 10. As in the Northern Great Plains, the lesser amount of work done annually by hi^h-wheel tractors than with track-laying tractors was largely because of the fact that the high-wheel tractor was used principally on the s '.all to medium sized farms. Table 10. - Estimated normal annual hours of use of tractors of different types and sizes, Pacific Northwest : Annual use Type of tractor : Size of tractor : of (Drawbar horse power) tractor Hours 10 186 15 402 18 515 Ordinary high- wheel 20 803 : 22 410 : 26 224 Average 373 20 523 25 671 Track- laying 39 715 50 703 Average ec7 The distribution of tractors of different types and sizes in the North- ern Great Plains by hours used annually (table 11) shows that 71 percent were used 500 hours or less; 19 percent were used from 501 to 750 hours; whereas only 10 percent were used over 750 hours per year. In the Pacific Northwest 58 percent of the high-wheel tractors were used 400 hours or less; 37 percent were used from 401 to 800 hours and onl^ 5 percent were used rrore than 800 hours annually. Thirty-one percent of the track-laying tractors were used 400 hours cr less; 43 percent were used 401 to 800 hours and 26 percent were used more than 800 hours annually, table 12. COST OF USING TRACTORS In presenting this information the various items of cost are treated separately and reported in quantity factors wherever possible, since costs expressed as money units are subject to considerable change especially during periods of wide price fluctuations. The items \iiish have been considered as operating cost are fuels, lubricants, repairs, depreciation, and interest. 16. to [h rH o erf +3 +J O o s) M ^H 4^ , *n N"> CO CO CM O-OO C\J OO O v£> CO "Cf rO O ^OO "fO CO CO C — *3" LO 3 - co t>- r — ioio^^^h cm .h r— i r-( rH Ph i 3 0 "XT NP > ^ \T r-l rH rH.CM rH LO ,3 LO .3 CM • I I Ph ■£ KM • &D,CM ffi I N^l N^l CM xT rH N^O- ls O rH rH 3 cu ■3 rQ rC rH .''•J h>LL ^ Upb • I CM O-^TCM lON"VX> O -OC*— CM CM rA'^H !-0^(- rH N"\rH ^-i S rH rH rH rH ' rH <-^ r-1 r-\ 3 CD 5 rO ro •h r- TJ H • «h I Ph ffi O .O I N"> O "ACO LO ^f CM ^J- COP--- LO fO O- CM rH !>- C — C — ^ ^C\l H CM B Jh CJ CM ^T "J" -^T \T' 3-^1 CM CM CM CM rH rH 3 CD c-3 J2 » r^o ^r i Ph ^■•-r^-0>0 O N^-XlvO rH lOrH ro r- 1 o id CO rH o o) a rj M 33 3 c~ a, p, 5 rQ PM I 5 ^h CM LO CM ^hJD I — COO CO CM LOrH'.O LT 3 CD rH S3 ,o "O rH N"<\, CC w ri rH Jh o o o o lO rH Sh o 8 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CO CO O LO Q LO O LO O lO O CO O '-T^O lO O lO rH cm cm n <"> n*n -vf- ^r loiovO ^o o-o-oocx: coco OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oo 0-P-r>4J+>4J-P+=+ J -P-PPP-P-P-P -P+J -p rH,— IrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrHrH rHrH rH o co o ino lo o loo lo o loo lo o loo LO rH rH CM A) 'O ">0 ^J- ^lo lOvO 'O O- !>-CO r C CO o O lO o o o o o O LOO rH rH CM o o -P H-> o o LOO CM "O o o -p +J QOO LOO lO rH rH rH o o o -^ -^ -^> rH O CD O > LO o rH s5 p o C-H rH O lO.O CO r-^ rH rH rH LOO LO O ^ rH O LO CM CM O LOO VTVvrVH- lOO vrio 20. Table 12. - Distribution of tractors of different types and sizes by hours, used annually, Pacific Northwest, 1933 3ize " ..• .-;;: \ / :: ■;■. ; : H r Hours used Ordinary high-wl ieel 1 rack-laying : annually 10 15 : 18 : 20 : 22 : 26 : 20 : 2c : 39 : 50 : Total H.P.: H.P. : H.P.: H.P. : H.P. : H.P. : H.P.: H.P. H.P. : H.P. : t ractors Num- ■ Num- : I Fum- I fum- Num- : Num- : Num- : Num- Num- : Num- : Num- ber ber : ber : ber : ber : ber : ber : ber : ber : ber : ber 50 and less : 5 b 51 - 100 : 3 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 7 101 - 150 •■ 1 .: 3 .: 1 : 1 : 6 151 - 200 : 1 : 4 : 1 : 1' : 10 201 - 250 : 1 : 3 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 7 251 - 300 : 1 : 1 : 3 : 3 : 2 : 1C 301 - 350 : T ': .... T { ■ 2 : • 1 : • 5 351 - 400 : 2 2 : 1 : 6 . 1 : 12 401 - 450 j 1 1 : 1 4 1 : 2 • 10 451 - 500 • •1 1. : 3 5 501 - 550 2 1 1 5 2 11 551 - 600 3 1 4 1 , 9 601 - 650 1 1 1 : 1 : 4 651 - 700 , 1 , 2 3 6 701 - 750 1 8 : 1 1 11 751 - 800 : 1 1 1 : 4 4 : 11 801 - 850 1 : 1 : 1 3 : 6 851 - 900 : 2 : 2 901 - 950 2 : 2 951 - 1000 1 ■ 1 •• : 4 : 6 1001 - 1050 1 : 1 2 1051 - .1100 : 1 1 1101 - 1150 1151 - 1200 : 2 : 2 1201 ..- 1250 : 3 . i : 4 1251 - 1300 » . • • 1301 - 1350 1351 - 1400 1401 - 1450 1451 - 1500 1501 and over . i : 6 : 1 ; 1 : 9 Total : S : c?. : 4 : 1 . ^ \ & : 19 : 71 : 9 : 23 : ] : 21. The quantitiP3 and cost of these items per tractor per. year are averages which were computed by dividing the total expense for a given item of cost by the total number of tractors included in the study. The yearly cost divided by the total number of 10-hour days a tractor was used during the year is the average cost of operation per day. The hours of work per tractor per year represents the normal rather than the hours actually used in 1933. Tables 14 to 17 give the itemized cost of operating tractors of dif- ferent types and sizes in the Northern G-reat Plains and tables 19 to 22 present corresponding data for the Pacific Northwest. The quantities of fuel and cylinder oil shown in tables 13 and 18 are based on the normal annual consumption rather than on the quantities used in 1933. The cost of fuel and lubricants shown in tables 14 and 19 is based on the normal annual consumption of fuel, oils, and grease at prevailing 1933 prices. The cash repairs shown in tables 15 and 20 represent normal tractor repair charges rather .than actual expenditures in 1933. The cost of hired and other labor on tractor repairs reflects the normal annual days of labor at prevailing 1933 rates for labor. Depreciation as shown in tables 16 and 21 was computed by dividing the first cost of the tractor by the estimated years of useful life. Interest shown in these tables was charged at 6 percent of one-half of the average first cost of the tractor. For the ordinary high- wheel tractor in the Northern Great Plains, fuel and lubricants constituted 44.3 percent of the total annual cost of operating tractors; cash repairs, 10.4 percent; hired labor on repairs, 0.1 percent; other labor, 1.7 percent; depreciation, 33.3 percent; and interest, 10. £ percent. In the Pacific Northwest the percentage distribution of the total cost for track-laying tractors was as follows: Fuel and lubricants, 47.3 percent; cash repairs, 11.1 percent; hired labor, 0.5 percent; other labor, 1.5 percent; depreciation, 30.4 percent; and interest 9.4 percent. Tractor operators who have no indebtedness on their tractors may con- sider fuel and lubricants and cash repairs including hired labor on repairs as cash costs and operator and family labor on reorirs, depreciation, and interest as non-cash costs. For tractor operators viho have little if any equity in their tractors the cash outlay vail include practically all expense except operator and family labor on repairs. 22. Table 13. Motor fuels and cylinder oil consumed by tractors of different types and sizes, Northern Great Plains 1/ GENERAL PURPOSE TRACTORS : Gaso- Distil- Kero- Total :line 2/ .late 2/ sene 2/ motor fuel 2/ Cylinder oil : Per Per Size of Per Per Per Per ;tractor Per tractor tractor Tractors tractor tractor tractor tractor:per 10- tor 10- ( drawbar per per per per :hour day : per ihOUT horsepower) year year year year : of use year : of use . Number •Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons :Gallons Gallons Gallons 9-12 36 157 611 76 : 844 : 18.8 27.6 . 15 4 40 1226 1266 : 19.9 4C . ! . Total or average : 90 152 638 73 : 863 : 18.8 28.2 .61 ORDINARY HIGH- WHEEL TRACTORS 8-12 173 225 381 46 : 652 19.8 2,0 • c 71 I 1 JL 15 - 17 471 347 541 2 890 £1.9 40.4 .99 18 - 21 137 640 573 8 1221 31.9 38.3 1.00 22-25 36 719 944 1663 34.4 57.2 1.18 26 - 28 35 : 926 694 1620 36.9 : 50.5 1.15 35 - 40 2 '"'. , 1002 . 1772 40.0 «JO • ^ 1.20 Total or average : 854 410 : 538 1 D 1C :■ :■ 24. 5 37. 7 _ TRACK-LAYING TRACTORS 20 4 1192 ' 524 : 1716 27.8 . 97 25 8 1132 99 5 : : 2127 36.4 70.2 1.20 39 1 5300 5300 41.5 95.8 .75 50 4 6728 6728 59.9 149.0 1.33 Total or ; average l^ 2708 : 592 : 3300 40.2 . 87.8 1.16 1/ Based on the normal consumption of motor fuels and cylinder oil. 2/ Average of all tractors. 23. Table 14. - Cost of motor fuels and lubricants consumed by tractors of different types and sizes, Northern Great Plains 1/ GENERAL PURPOSE TRACTORS Size of : Gaso- :Distil- : Kero- : Total : Other oils :line 2/ :late 2/ :sene 2/ motor fuels 2/ : Cylinder oil : and grease Per Per Per tractor : Per : °er . Per Per itractor Per tractor : Per tractor ( drawbar : tractor .tractor tractor tractor per 10- tractor per 10- :tractor per 10- horse- per per : per per hour day per .hour day per hour day power ; year year year year of use year of use year of use Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 9-12 26.79 : 53.15 : 7.65 : 87.59 1.95 : 16.39 .36 9.00 .20 15 ; Average : 7.04 : 102.12 : 109.16 1.72 : 23.67 .37 15.24 ,24 25.91 55.33 : 7.31 88.55 1.93 16.71 .36 : 9.27 .20 ORDINARY KIGH- •YJKEEL TRACTORS 8-12 : 33.50 54.49 4.98 72.97 2.22 13.59 .41 6.58 .20 15 - 17 : 56.04 70.55 5.16 131.75 3.24 25.28 ; .62 9.77 .24 18 - 21 : 100. 52 : 51.24 .71 152.47 3.98 23.68 : .62 9.58 .25 22 - 25 : 114. 54 : 90.12 204.66 4.25 34.87 .72 12.10 .25 26 - 28 : 151. 02 : 63.12 214.14 4.84 33.38 : .76 11.41 .26 35 - 40 : 122. 00 80.10 202.10 4.56 34.58 : .78 12.40 .28 Average : 65.12 60.69 3.97 129.78 3.31 23.41 .60 9.28 .24 TRACK-LAYING TRACTORS 20 : 142.46 : 36.68 : 179.14 2.90 37.62 .61 61.70 1.00 25 : 184.84 : 75.64 : 260.48 4.47 43.17 .74 64.24 1.10 39 : 848.00 : : : 848.00 6.64 71.84 .56 .146.86 1.15 50 : 1101.31 . . 1101.31 9.80 107 . 59 .96 146.12 1.30 Average: ±29. 5^ : 44.22 : -47 3.74 6.25 58.71 .77 87.77 1.15 1/ Based on the normal 1933. sonsumption of fuel, oil, and grease, at prices paid in 2/ Average of all tractors. Table 15. - Cost ©f cash repairs and labor on repairs for tractors of different types and sizes, Northern Great Plains GENERAL PURPOSE TRACTORS Tractors Cash repairs 1/ I 'arm labor on rB] >airs : Owner and family Hired JOSt 3/ Size of tractor : (drawbar horsepower) :Reports : Per : tract or : per : year :Reports Per .tractor per yo r -2/ Reports Per ■tractor per year 2/ Per tractor ; per year 2/ 9-12 15 Numb e r : 86 : ■ 4 : Number : 86 A . :Dollars 22.83 • 31.25: .Number , : 80 4 Days 2.7 . 3.0 Number : 17 : Day s .34 Dollars 5.69 6. : Total or average 90 90 23.20 : 84 '2.7 17 .34 5. 70 ORDINARY HIGH- vr HEEL TRACTORS 8-12 173 173 21.51 155 2. 6 27 .30 ■ .32 15 - 17 47-1 471 : 41.62 444 3.2 ' 75 .29 6.91 18-21 137 137 . 42.43 129 '3.7 18 .26 7.64 22 - 25 36 36 : 44.36 35 3.4 3 .14 6.94 26-28 35 35 48.86 : 34 3.7 3 .14 . 7.49 35 - 40 2 2 . 20.00; 2 3.5 - , 6. Total or average 854 854 : 38.04 799 3.2 126 .- n 6.73 TRACK-LAYING TRAC ;tors 20 4 4 46.25 4 3.5 : 1 . CD 7.12 25 8 8" 80.00 8 . 5.6 : 1 .20 15.06 39 1 ] -.200.00 1 15.0 . : - 37.50 50 4 4 75.00 4 : 11.0 : - : ■ .25 Total or average 17 17 ; 77 . 94 17 7.5 : 2 r 17.14 1/ Normal cash outlay for new parts and skilled labor on repairs in machine shops. 2/ Average of all tractors. 3/ Represents the value of the normal time spent on tractor repair work at 1933 rates for labor. £5. Table 16. - Average first cost, age- in 1933, years of useful life, depreciation and interest charges for tractors of different types and sizes, Northern Great Plains GENERAL PURPOSE TRACT0R3 Size of Depreciation Interest tractor Average ; Average : per per ( drawbar Tractors ! first age Useful tractor tractor horsepower) ' . ctst in 1953 life per year 1/ per year 2/ Number. Dollars : Years Years Dollars Dollars 9 - 12 86 897 4.7 ' 10.1 88.81 26.90 15 • : 4 ■ 1044 1.5 : 8.2 127.32 31 . 31 Total or a ve ra ge 90 904 4.6 10.0 90.40 27.10 : ORDINARY f HIGJI-Y.'HEEL TRACTCf *s . 8-12 173 836 : 6.1 10.6 78.86 25.08 15 - 17 : 471 . . 1273 : 5.8 10.3 123.59 38.20 18 - 21- 137 • 1440 5.2 9.9 145.45 43.19 22 - 25. • . 36 ■ 1389 4.6 8.8 157.84 41.68 26 - 28 35 1857 5.1 : -10.0 185.70 55.71 35 - 40. 2688 3.5 10.0 268.80 80.62 Total or average 854 1243 5.7 10.2 121.86 37.31 TR A.CK- LAYING TR .XT OR 3 20 4 1711 4.8 10.5 16 2.95 >1 ^,A 25 . 8 . . 2844 ; 4.8 8.9 . 519.55 85.31 39 • • 1 3000 : 5.0 10.0 300 . 00 90.00 50 . ' 4 - . 4921 4. 8 1 2 . . 410.08 147.64 Total or average 17 307 5 • 4.3 10.1 304.46 ::c.26 1/ Computed by dividing the first cost of the tr-actor by the estimated years of useful life. 2/ Charged at the rate of 6 percent of one-half of the first co.^t of the tractor. Table 17. - Total cost per year and per 10-hour day oi' use for tractor* of different types and sizes, Northern Great Plains, 1933 1/ "ERAL PURFOSE TRACTORS S i ze of : Trartors Annual : use of Cost tractor Per year Per 10- hour day of use ( drawbar Excluding Includ . Excluding luding horsepower) tractor .int. .-rest interest i nt e re s t i nt e re s t : Number Hours Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 9-12 : 86 450 230.31 * 257.21 : 5.12 5.72 15 4 635 . 312.64 343.95 4.92 5.42 Total or average 90 458 2o3.o3 ' 260.93 5.11 5.70 ORDINARY KIOrH-VfflEEL TRACTORS 8-12 1 n ra 329 . 198.03 : 223.91 6.04 6.81 15 - 17 471 407 : 338.92 : 377.12 8.33 9.27 13-21 : 137 383 . 331.25 : 424.44 9.95 11.08 22 - 25 36 484 : 460.77 : 502.45 . .52 10.38 26 - 28 35 439 500.98 ! '556.69 11.41 12.68 35.- 40 6 443 . 544 . 38 : 625.00 12.29 : 14.11 Total or average 854 392 : 329.08 : 366.39 :' . 39 9.: TRACK-LAYINO TRACTORS 20 : 4 617 : 494.78 • 546.12 6.02 : 8.85 25 8 584 : 732.50 867.81 13.40 14.86 39 1 1277 : 1604.20 ! 1694.20 12.56 13.27 50 4 1124 : 1866 .. £ . 2013.99 16.60 17.92 Total or average 17 760 : 1019.76 1112.02 13.42 14.63 1/ Eased on normal consumption of fuel, Ails, atid greas;; at prices paid in 1933, normal outlay for cash repairs, normal days of labor on repairs, at 1933 rates for labor. Depreciation was computed by dividing the first cost of the tractor by the estimated years of useful life. Interest was charged at 6 percent of one -half of the average first cost of the tractor. Table 18. - Motor fuels and cylinder oil consumed by .tractors of different types and sizes, Pacific Northwest 1/ ORDINARY HIGH- WHEEL TRACTOP IS . Gasoline 2/ Distillate 2/: Total motor fuel 2/: Cylinde >r oil Per Per Size of Per Per Per : tractor Per tractor tractor : Tractors tractor tractor tractor per 10- tractor 1 per 10- (■■drawbar per : per per : hour day per hour day horsepower) year year VfiflT* of use year of use : Number Gallons : Gallons : Gallons Gallons .Gallons Gallons 10 : 3 276 46 322 : ' 17.3 : 11.2 .60 15 23 988 117 1105 27.5 39.4 .98 18 4 1600 1600 31.1 43.2 .84 ' £0 1 2610 2610 32.5 : 80.0 1.00 22 " '■' : ■ 3 ■ 1410 1410 34.4 33.3 .81 • ' 26 2 810 810 . 3^.2 : 17.5 .80 Total or average 41 971 74 1045 : 28.0 : 33.8 . .87 TRACK-LAYING TRACTORS 20 19 1106 : « 1106 21.3 ■ 36.6 .70 25 71 2140 : 2140 31.9 70.1 1.04 39' 9 2703 : 2709 37.9 79.8 1.12 • 50 : 23 . 3897 : 3397 55.4 100.5 1.43 Total or average 122 2352' : 2352 35.8 71.3 1.09 1/ Based on normal consumption of motor fuels and cylinder oi! 2/ Average of all tractors. 28. Table 19. - Cost of motor fuels and lubricants consumed by tractors of different types and sizes, Pacific Northwest 1/ ORD I NAP v HIGH- WHEEL TRACTORS . Gaso- :line 2/ Pistil- late 2/ Total motor fuels 2/ Cylinder oil Other oils and grease Size of tractor ( drawbar horsepower) Per tractor per year : Per :tractor : per year Per tractor per year Per tia - tor per 10- hour :day of use Per tractor per i year Per tra i- :tor per :10-hour :day of use Per tractor : per year Per trac- tor per : 10- hour :day of use Dollars .Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars .Dollars Dollars 10 38.50 3.64 42.14 2.27 7.47; .40 : %J • 1 .18 15 ; 147.66 9.46 157.12 3.91 20.62 .51 9.65 .24 18 279.54 279.54 5.43 ■ 30.20 .59 12.89 .25 20 : 365.40 365.40: 4.55 38.40 .48 20.08 .25 22 : 224.07 224.07 E .47 19.73 .48 10.66 .26 26 : 139.12 139.12 P . 21 13.58 : .60 6.06 .27 Total or • average 149.71 6 . 02 ! 155,73 4.18 19.01 .51 6.89 .24 TR ACII-LA T, T NG TRACTORS 20 . 169.32: 169.32 3.26 22.90 .44 .00 1.00 25 : 533.19: 333.19 4.37 40.75 .61 74.06 1.10 39 431.85: ; 431.85 6.04 54.60 .76 i 62.23 1.15 50 570.59: 570.59 8.12 60.00 OK 91.42 1.30 Total or average .'-59.70: 359.70 5.4 r -' 42. 6?C .c5 74.24 1.13 1/ Based on normal consumption of motor fuels and lubricants at prices paid in 1935. 2/ Average of all tractors. : . Table 20. - Cost of cash repairs and labor on repairs for tractors of different types and sizes, Pacific Northwest ORDINARY HIGH- WHEEL TRACTORS Cash repairs 1/ Farm labor on repairs Owner and family Hired ; Cost 3/ Size of Per " Per per Per trac t or Tractors :Reports ;tractor Reports tractor Re ports tractor tractor ( drawbar :. per : per per per horsepower) year ■ year 2/ year 2/ year 2/ Numb er Number •Dollars Number Days Number Days . Dollars 10 : 8 8 ' 15.6.2 .7 9.1 2 1.9 19.18 15 23 • <*o - 41.30 20 ■ 3.7 4 .5 9.51 18 4 • 4 - : 26.25 .3 : 3.0 2 1.0 9.38 20 1 1 • 100.00 1 5.0 ■ 1 5.0 22.50 22 . 3 3- 75.00 3 n 7 - 6.50 26 p 2 62.50 2 1.0 - - 2.38 Total or : average 41 41 39.76 36 4.5 9 .9 . 11.13 TRACK-LAYING TRAC TOP 3 20 19 : 19 77.37 19 3.4 5 : .6 10.46 25 71 71 107.6 5 61 : 6.0 ■ 19 : 1.3 16.93 39 9 9 : 76.11 : 9 : 5.2 - : 12.61 50 23 23 : 166.50 : 20 : 10.7 4 : 1.5 27.96 Total or average 122 122 111.70 : 109 6 .4 23 1 . 2 17.68 1/ Normal cash outlay for new parts and skilled labor on repairs in machine shops. 2/ Average of all tractors, jV Represents the value of the normal time spent on tractor repair work at 1933 rates for labor. Table 21. - Average first cost, age in 1933, years of useful life, depreciation and interest charges for tractors of different types and sizes, Pacific Northwest ORDIIV HIGH- HEEL :' ACTGR: Size of tractor ■ • Average Depreciation Interest (Drawbar Tractors first age Useful per tractor per trt horsepower) cost in 1933 life per year 1/ " : ; ' •" ■ Number : Dollars Years Years Dollars Dollars 10 8 1272 8.9 14.0 90.90 38.16 15 23 1305 9.4 138.72 39.15 18 4 1550 5.5 10.2 : 151.96 46.50 20 1 1450 4.0 8.0 181.31 43.50 22 3 1513 4.3 y • o 162.69 45.40 26 2 17.18 2.5 8.0 214.75 51.52 Total or average 41 ; 1361 5 . 5 10 . 3 : 132.14 . 94 TRACK-LAYING TFUCT0R3 20 ! 19 2032 4.5 9.2 220.86 60.96 25 71 2933 5.2 10.5 279.33 87.99 39 9 3086 2.:.; 9.2 ks*- O • frO ] 92.58 50 23 : 4761 6.7 11.1 428.92 : 142.83 Total or average 122 : 3149 >^ . <~ : 10. 3 • .71 , 1/ Computed by dividing the first cost of the tractor by the estirsated yeai s of useful life. 2/ Charged at the role of 6 percent of one-half of the first cost of the tractor. 31 Table 22. - Total cost per year and per 10-hour day of use for tractors of different types and sizes, Pacific Northwest, 1935 1/ ORDINARY HIGH-7/HEEL TRACTORS Size of Tractors Annual use of Co; 3t tractor Per year Per 10- -hour day of Including use ( drawbar Excluding Including Excluding horsepower) : tractor interest interest interest interest Numbe r Hours Dollars Dollars Dollars : Dollars 10 8 186 178.66 216.82 9.60 11.65 15 23 402 376.92 : 416.07 9.38 10.35 18 4 515 510.22 556.72 9.95 10.81 20 1 803 727.69 771.19 9.06 9.60 22 : 3 410 498.65 544.05 12.16 13.27 26 2 224 438.39 489.91 19 . 57 : 21.87 Total or average : 41 373 366.66 407.50 : 9.83 10.92 TRACK-LAYING TRACTORS 20 19 520 552.91 613.87 10.63 11.80 25 71 671 851.91 939.90 12.70 14.00 39 9 ; 715 99 2.,83 1085.41 13.89 15.18 50 23 703 1345.39 1488.22 19.14 21.17 Total or average 122 657 911.67 : 1006.13 13.88 15.31 1/ Based on normal consumption of fuels and lubricants, at prices paid in 1933, normal outlay for cash repairs, and normal days of labor on repairs, at 1933 rates for labor. Depreceiation was computed by dividing the first cost of the tractor by the estimated years of useful life. Interest was charged at 6 percent of one-half of the average first cost of the tractor. ill UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA | Hi Hi ll l ll 3 1262 08918 7271