^ANT Y BOA^ I)ominican *w*lio STATE PLANT UNITE!"' STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGEICTTLTURE Agricultural Be search Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C 3. E e P. Q. 396, Supplement No. h May k, l$k9 PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE DOMINICAN REFJBLIC IMPORTATION OF CONIFEROUS PLANTS By Executive Decree No. 5636 of February 6, 19^9, published in the Domini cm Official Gazette No. 6895 of February 12, 1949, the importation of coniferous plants and parts thereof (alive or dead) was prohibited. This measure was taken to prevent the introduction of plant diseases affecting pines , Whenever shipments of coniferous plants and parts thereof are accompanied "by certificates to the effect that the material is not infected with disease, or if the plants, or parts thereof, are disinfected upon arrival, the importation is authorized "by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Colonization as provided "by this decree. (The above decree sent by the American Embassy in Ciudad Truiillo, amends Decree No, II85 of September 20, 1929, to be noted on page k of B.E.P.Q. 396.) "^ lsy^suj /j.y^Ah^pf' Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09241 7996