UBP : r STATE PLANT BOARD, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 0? AGRICULTURE bureau of entomology and plant quarantine washington, d. c. B. E. P. Q.— H36 (Revised). July 27, 1937 ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS APPROVAL OE ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS EOR COTTONSEED AS A CONDITION FOR INTERSTATE MOVEMENT FROM THE AREA REGULATED UNDER QUARANTINE NO. 6l (Issued under Regulation 6, Quarantine No, 6l) Pursuant to authority vested in the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine under regulation 6 of the revised rules and regulations supplemental to Notice of Quarantine No. 6l , revised, which provides that permits may be issued for the interstate movement of cottonseed from the regulated area on such conditions as may be prescribed by that Bureau, the Bureau hereby a"OT>roves any one of the following alternative treatments and permits may be issued for the interstate movement of cotton- seed so treated: When the cottonseed has been sterilized to IU5 F. as a part of the continuous process of ginning and, in addition, has been treated by sulphuric acid and screening; or has been given a special heat treatment at IU5 F. maintained under approved conditions for a period of thirty (30) minutes; or has been heated to a temperature of 155° F. in an approved manner separate and apart from ginning operations, and subsequent to any one of these treatments has been urotected from contamination to the satisfaction of the insr>ector. LEE A. STRONG Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09242 2343