ftl A 4 INFORMATION 26 APRIL 1962 tARMER Cooperative Service ED UCATION 'RESEA RCH- SERVICE UNIV. OF FL LIB. t DOC U M E NTS D E PT. _ ncr I k 2009 :)3ITORY The Farmer Cooperative Service conducts research studies and service activities of assistance to farmers in connection with cooperatives engaged in marketing farm products, purchasing farm supplies, and supplying business services. The work of the Service re- lates to problems of management, or- ganization, policies, merchandising, product quality, costs, efficiency, fi- nancing, and membership. The Service publishes the results of such studies; confers and advises with officials of farmer cooperatives; and works with educational agencies, cooperatives, and others in the dis- semination of information relating to cooperative principles and practices. It is the desire of Farmer Cooper- ative Service to help farmers in every possible way to improve their economic position through sound development of farmer cooperatives. JOSEPH G. KNAPP, Administrator Far vie r Cooperative Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Contents Page Research 2 Advisory service 3 Education 4 Statistics 5 FCS can help — 5 Organization of FCS 6 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/farmercoop62unit How FARMER COOPERATIVE SERVICE Works The function of Farmer Cooperative Service, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, is to help farmers improve their economic position through the development and operation of sound effective cooperatives. Research, advisory service, and educational work with farmer cooper- atives has been going on in the De- partment of Agriculture since 1913 when Congress first provided specific funds for this type of work. Today this program is carried on under authority of the Cooperative Marketing Act of 1926. Farmer Cooperative Service (FCS) is the agency in the Department that deals with problems of farmers in operating their own cooperative busi- nesses. 4 OUT OF 5 FARMERS ARE MEMBERS OF COOPERATIVES The work of FCS touches on the lives of more than 4 out of 5 U. S. farmers. These farmers market prod- ucts, buy supplies, or get business services through their own cooper- ative business enterprises. Research The foundation of our program is research — with basic studies on organ- ization, financing, management, ac- counting, merchandising, transporta- tion, and other aspects of farmer cooperation. 2 Illustrative of FCS research have been our studies of cooperative re- volving funds and financing structure, selecting and functioning of boards of directors, and methods of improving membership understanding. Many of our studies are designed to promote marketing and purchasing organiza- tional efficiency. The value of these studies shows up in increased net returns for farmers. Advisory Service Research work is not completed unless it is put to use. Members of FCS staff in advisory capacities help farmers in a cooperative or group of cooperatives with urgent problems. For example, FCS has helped many cooperatives on problems of consoli- dation and operation. Much of this work — which has greatly improved service to farmers while providing them with substantial savings — is done in cooperation with the local land-grant colleges and universities. Education Education in sound cooperative principles and practices is the third responsibility of F.C.S. Results of its studies are disseminated in pub- lications and talks, at workshops and clinics, and through many other out- lets. The staff provides source mate- rial for cooperatives, county agents, other Extension workers, colleges, vocational agricultural teachers, farm organizations and all others interested in farmer cooperative organizations. FCS issues a monthly magazine, the News for Farmer Cooperatives, to get research results and other needed in- formation out quickly. Many of the articles, written by cooperative man- agement as well as FCS staff, give down-to-earth facts about specific farmer cooperatives, their operations, and their problems. 4 Statistics One of our most valuable FCS pub- lications is ''Statistics of Farmer Coop- eratives." This annual report provides a complete record of farmer cooper- ative growth and development. It is widely used by cooperatives and public agencies of various types. This report presents the latest figures available on cooperative vol- ume and membership broken down by States and types of commodities. It is of striking significance that 95 percent of all farmer marketing and purchasing cooperatives voluntarily provide current information for use in this survey. FCS Can Help Through the years, FCS has built a storehouse of valuable information for those interested in farmer cooper- ation. --Suppose a farmer is one of a group interested in the possibility of organ- izing a cooperative to market farm products or purchase farm supplies. --Or, suppose a cooperative is hav- ing trouble with some phase of its operations. In such instances FCS is often able to help. The problem may call for direct study to meet specific needs. However, no new research may be called for, as previous studies may provide the essential information re- quired. Organization of FCS The following chart shows how Farmer Cooperative Service is set up to serve farmer cooperatives. FARMER COOPERATIVE SERVICE Administrator Administrative Management Division Marketing Division Management Services Division Branches I Branches 1 Branches 1 Cotton & Oilseeds Farm Services Business Administration Dairy Farm Supplies History & Statistics Fruit & Vegetables Frozen Food Locker Membership Relations Grain Transportation Livestock & Wool Poultry Special Crops How the Farmer Cooperative Serv- ice fits into the U. S. Department of Agriculture. <2 ic!. 55 2z S 2 ? 2* *2 * ; 5 •SjQ Ovi - z 5 °< " p llllillllllllllllllllllliljl 3 1262 08500 2227 The Story of Farmer T s Cooperatives. Educational Circular 1. Helping Farmers Build Cooperatives. Circular 31. Organizing a Farmer Cooperative. Circular 18. Financing Farmer Cooperatives. Ed- ucational Circular 5 How the Work of FCS With Farmer Cooperatives Contributes to the Na- tional Interest. Information 25. Cooperatives in the American Private Enterprise System. Information 24. Co-ops Have a Place in Rural Com- munity Progress. Information 23. A copy of these publications may be obtained upon request while a supply is available from — Information Division FARMER COOPERATIVE SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON 25, D.C. Through Agricultural Progress