LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD E2/Malta UNITED STATES DEFARQIIENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Wash i ngt on , D • C • November 19, 1941 B. E. P. Q,. 406, Revised, Supplement No. 3 PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS BRITISH COLONY OF MALTA Area Quarantined on Account of Colorado Potato Beetle Increased The 35th Supplement to the List of Prohibited Articles as published in the Bulletin of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union, July 15, 1941, contains information upon which the second paragraph under "Importation Prohibited" in B. E. P. Q,. 406, Revised, is amended to read as follows: TREES, SHRUBS, CUTTINGS, 'TUBERS, BULBS, BULBOUS ROOTS of FLOWERS, TOMATOES, and FRESH VEGETABLES: Importation prohibit- ed from Germany, North America, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxem- bourg, Holland, and Switzerland, to prevent the introduction of the Colorado potato beetle ( Lept ino tarsa deceml ine ata Say) and the San lose scale ( A s pidio tus pern i c i o s u s Comst.). P. N. ANNAND, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ■Slilli