E2 /Saudi Arabia N 1 BOARD UNITED STATES DEBASEMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C, B. E. P. Q. 579 May 17, 19^9 PIANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF SAUDI ARABIA The following summary of the plant -quarantine import restrictions of Saudi Arabia has "been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in exporting plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared "by Richard Faxon, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, and is "based on a despatch from the American Embasby in Jidda which contained a notification of the Saudi Arabian Directorate of Agriculture that appeared in the official Arabic language newspaper, Issue No. 125^, dated March 25, 19^9. Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 8293 PLANT -QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF SAUDI ARABIA GENERAL REGULATIONS AND CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS (Notification promulgated "by Directorate of Agriculture in Umm al Qura , Issue No. 125^, March 25, 19^9) All importers of fruits, vegetables, shrubs, plants, etc., into Saudi Arabia, are notified that henceforth Health Inspectors vill conduct an examination of every such consignment appearing at a Saudi Arabian port immediately upon its arrival before permitting it to enter the country. Every such consignment will be required to have a covering Bill of Health issued by competent authorities at the point of origin certifying that the cargo in question has been examined and found to be free of insect pests as veil as fumigated at the port of export. Any consignment lacking such a Bill of Health must be returned to its source by the importer, or re-exported within one week of its arrival in Saudi Arabia.