Approved Code No. 244 — Supplement No. 12 Registry No. 1616—133 NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTARY CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE INSULATION CONTRACTORS INDUSTRY (A Division of the Construction Industry) AS APPROVED ON JUNE 7, 1934 WE DO OUR PART UNIV. OF FL Lit. OCUMENTS DEPI -*x U.S. DEPOaiTOflY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1934 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington. D.C. Price 5 cents This publication is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., and by district offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. DISTRICT OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Atlanta, Ga. : 504 Post Office Building. Birmingham, Ala. : 257 Federal Building. Boston, Mass. : 1801 Customhouse. Buffalo, N.Y. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Charleston, S.C. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Chicago, 111.: Suite 1706, 201 North Wells Street Cleveland, Ohio: Chamber of Commerce. Dallas, Tex. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Detroit, Mich. : 801 First National Bank Building. Houston, Tex. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Indianapolis, Ind. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Jacksonville, Fla. : Chamber of Commerce Building. Kansas City, Mo. : 1028 Baltimore Avenue. Los Angeles, Calif. : 1163 South Broadway. Louisville, Ky. : 408 Federal Building. Memphis, Tenn. : 229 Federal Building. Minneapolis, Minn. : 213 Federal Building. New Orleans, La. : Room 225-A, Customhouse. New York, N.Y. : 734 Customhouse. Norfolk, Va. : 406 East Plume Street. Philadelphia, Pa. : 422 Commercial Trust Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Chamber of Commerce Building. PortlaDd, Oreg. : 215 New Post Office Building. St. Louis, Mo.: 506 Olive Street. San Francisco, Calif. : 310 Customhouse. Seattle, Wash.: 809 Federal Office Building. Approved Code No. 244 — Supplement No. 12 Registry No. 1616-133 ERRATA SHEET CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE INSULATION CONTRACTORS INDUSTRY As Approved on June 7, 1934 Page 11. Rule 13, Line 6, delete " correct Qualities or quantities furnished and substitute " — correct quantities or quantities fur- nished — *. 88001 ' 1044-124 84 a. a. »ovf RRBnrr mariM ornci, Mm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation Approved Code No. 244 — Supplement No. 12 SUPPLEMENTARY CODE OF FAIR COMPETITION FOR THE INSULATION CONTRACTORS INDUSTRY As Approved on June 7, 1934 ORDER Code of Fair Competition for the Insulation Contractors Industry a division of the construction industry An application having been duly made pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, and pursuant to and in full compliance with the provisions of Section 5 of Article VIII of Chapter I of the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, approved January 31, 1934, for approval of Chapter XIV or said Code, which Chapter XIV is applicable to the Insu- lation Contractors Division of the Construction Industry, and hear- ings having been held thereon and the annexed report on said Code, containing findings with respect thereto, having been made and Qiroctpcl to trip ^Pr*pmnont * NOW, THEREFORE, on behalf of the President of the United States, I, Hugh S. Johnson, Administrator for Industrial Recovery, pursuant to authority vested in me by Executive Orders of the Presi- dent, including Executive Order No. 6543-A, dated December 30, 1933, and otherwise; do hereby incorporate by reference said an- nexed report and do find that said Chapter complies in all respects with the pertinent provisions and will promote the policy and pur- poses of said Title of Said Act; and do hereby order that said Chapter XIV be and it is hereby approved and that the previous approval of said Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry is hereby modified to include an approval of said Code in its entirety as supplemented by said Chapter XIV. Hugh S. Johnson, Administrator for Industrial Recovery. Approval recommended : Geo. L. Berry, Division A dministrator. Washington, D.C., June 7, 193 % 65904° 657-53 34 (1) REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT The President, The White House. Sir : This is a report on Chapter XIV of the Code of Fair Com- petition for the Construction Industry, which Chapter is a revision, after a public hearing conducted in Washington on March 28, 1934, of a Code of Fair Competition for Insulation Contractors. This Chapter, applicable specifically to the Insulation Contractors' Division of the Construction Industry, supplements the basic Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, described as Chapter I of such Code, which was approved by you on January 31, 1934. The hearings were conducted in accordance with the provi- sions of the National Recovery Act. The Industry The Insulation Contractors are a component and important part of the Construction Industry. Insulation is an important item in the construction of industrial plants and all types of buildings, in the insulation of pipes, boilers, tanks, ducts and other surfaces. Provisions for Hours and Wages The provisions for hours and wages are set out in Chapter I of the Construction Code, which was approved by you on January 31, 1934. The same provisions, with certain additions beneficial to em- ployees, are applicable, under this Chapter, to the Insulation Con- tractors' Division. Economic Effect of the Code The volume of work performed ranged from $34,796,000 in 1929 to $13,026,000 in 1933. The number of employees ranged from 7,573 in 1929 to 3,175 in 1933. It is safe to say, that with the prohibition of unfair trade practices, and with the establishment of minimum rates of pay and maximum hours of work that more wholesome conditions will take form in this industry, and that employers, em- ployees and a part of the public will be benefited. When the volume of work approaches normal the decrease in working hours and the establishment of a minimum rate of pay will increase the purchasing power of employees. Findings The Deputy Administrator in his final report to me on Chapter XIV of the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, (2) as modified by the addition thereto of said Chapter XIV, having found as herein set forth and on the basis of all the proceedings in this matter : I find that: (a) Said Chapter XIV and said Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry, as modified by the addition thereto of said Chapter XIV, are well designed to promote the policies and purposes of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act, includ- ing removal of obstructions to the free flow of interstate and foreign commerce which tend to diminish the amount thereof and will pro- vide for the general welfare by promoting the organization of indus- try for the purpose of cooperative action among the trade groups, by inducing and maintaining united action of labor and management under adequate governmental sanctions and supervision, by eliminat- ing unfair competitive practices, by promoting the fullest possible utilization of the present productive capacity of industries, by avoiding undue restriction of production (except as may be tempo- rarily required), by increasing the consumption of industrial and agricultural products through increasing purchasing power, by reducing and relieving unemployment, by improving standards of labor, and by otherwise rehabilitating industry. (b) Said industry normally employs not more than 50,000 em- ployees, and is not classified by me as a major industry. (c) Said Chapter XIV and the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry as modified by the addition thereto of said Chapter XIV, as approved, comply in all respects with the pertinent provisions of said Title of said Act, including without limitation sub-section (a) of Section 3, sub-section (a) of Section 7, and sub-section (b) oi Section 10 thereof; and that the applicant association is an industrial association truly representative of the aforesaid industry; and that said association imposes no inequitable restrictions on admission to membership therein. (d) Said Chapter XIV and the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry as modified by the addition thereto of said Chapter XIV, are not designed to and will not permit monopo- lies or monopolistic practices. (e) Said Chapter XIV and the Code of Fair Competition for the Construction Industry as modified by the addition thereto of said Chapter XIV, are not designed to and will not eliminate or oppress small enterprises and will not operate to discriminate against them. (f) Those engaged in other steps of the economic process have not been deprived of the right to be heard prior to approval of said Chapter XIV and of said Code as modified by the addition thereto of this Chapter XIV thereof. For these reasons, therefore, I have approved said Chapter XIV and said Code, as modified by the addition thereto of said Chapter XIV thereof. Respectfully, Hugh S. Johnson, Admi nis tra tor. June 7, 1934. Chapter XIV INSULATION CONTRACTORS DIVISION OF THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Article I — Definitions Section 1. The term " Insulation Contractors' Division " or " this Division ", as used herein, shall mean the contracting for hire for the furnishing and/or for the application of heat and/or cold insulation to the surface of pipes, boilers, smoke breechings, tanks, vessels, ducts, whenever such work is performed pursuant to a sepa- rate, direct or subcontract for such work; and to other surfaces where it is required to prevent or reduce the transfer of heat, except- ing where such work on such other surfaces is by established custom performed as a part of the work of another division of the industry. Section 2. The term "Association " as used herein means Asbestos Contractors' National Association. Section 3. The term " this Chapter " as used herein means and includes any related industry which hereafter subject to the approval of the President may be included hereunder as a subdivision or otherwise. Article II — Reference to Provisions of Chapter I and to Mandatory Provisions of the Act Section 1. Reference to Provisions of Chapter I. — Provisions of Chapter I of this Code, including any amendments thereto, or modi- fications thereof, except as herein specifically provided, are spe- cifically incorporated herein with the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full. Section 2. Labor Provisions of the Act. — Employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representa- tives of their own choosing, and shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives or in self-organization or in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection; no employee and no one seeking employment shall be required as a condition of employment to join any company union or to refrain from joining, organizing or assist- ing a labor organization of his own choosing; employers shall com- ply with the maximum hours of labor, minimum rates of pay, and other conditions of employment, approved or prescribed by the President. Section 3. Presidential Powers. — This Code, and all the pro- visions thereof, are expressly made subject to the right of the President, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of (4) Section 10 of the Act, from time to time to cancel or modify any order, approval, license, rule or regulation issued under Title I of the Act and specifically, but without limitation to the right of the President to cancel or modify his approval of this Code, or of any additional Chapter thereof, or any conditions imposed by him upon such approval. Article III — Administration A Divisional Code Authority is hereby constituted to administer this Code within this Division. Section 1. Administrative Agency. — The Divisional Code Author- ity shall consist of nine (9) individuals or such other number as may be approved from time to time by the Administrator, who are eligible under Section 4 of this Article, to be selected as herein- after set forth. (a) Six (6) members of the Divisional Code Authority shall be selected from members of the Association and elected to the Divi- sional Code Authority by a majority vote of the Executive Com- mittee of the Association to serve for a term of one (1) year. Two (2) of such members shall be members of the Association who are also members of and do business within the Code of Fair Competi- tion for the Asbestos Industry. (b) The three (3) remaining members, or such other member as may be from time to time approved by the Administrator, of the Divisional Code Authority shall be selected on a fair and representa- tive basis from and to represent members of this Division who are not members of the Association by a method of selection satisfactory to, and approved by, the Administrator. Such members shall be approved by the Administrator before taking office. In the event of failure of such members of this Division to select such members of the Divisional Code Authority within a time or in a manner satisfactory to the Administrator they are to be appointed by the Administrator. Each member of the Divisional Code Authority representing members of this Division who are not members of the Association shall serve for a term of one (1) year, or until he be- comes a member of the Association or until his successor shall have been appointed by the Administrator or elected by members of this Division who are not members of the Association, (at an election, the manner and method of conducting which are satisfactory to and approved by the Administrator) whichever of said period shall be the less. Each such member shall serve until his successor shall take office. (c) The successors, including the successor of any member whose membership becomes vacant, of all members of the Divisional Code Authority shall be selected in the same manner as their predeces- sors except that the successors to the members selected under para- graph (b) hereof may be elected by the members of this Division who are not members of the Association at an election, the man- ner and method of conducting which are satisfactory to and ap- proved by the Administrator. (d) Any member of the Divisional Code Authority may be re- moved at any time by the appointing agency or the agency which 6 has power to select his successor subject to the approval of the Administrator. Section 2. Powers and Duties. — Subject to such rules and regula- tions as may be issued by the Administrator, the Divisional Code Authority shall have the powers and duties as are conferred by Sub- division B of Article IV of Chapter I of this Code, and also shall have the following powers and duties: (a) To make recommendations to the Administrator for the co- ordination of provisions of this Chapter, and of the administration of this Code with such other Codes as may be related to this Divi- sion or affect its members. (b) To cooperate with the Administrator in regulating the use of any N.R.A. insignia solely by those members of this Division who have assented to, and are complying with, the provisions of this Code as it applies within this Division. (c) To appoint a Trade Practice Committee which shall meet with the Trade Practice Committees appointed under such other Codes or Chapters hereof as may be related to this Division for the purpose of formulating fair trade practices to govern the relation- ships between members of this Division and members of such other Codes or Chapters to the end that such fair trade practices may be proposed to the Administrator as amendments to this Chapter or such other Codes or Chapters. (d) To cause to be formulated an accounting system and methods of cost finding and/or estimating, capable of use by all members of the Industry, which shall be subject to the approval of the Admin- istrator; after such system and methods have been formulated and approved, full details concerning them shall be made available to all members of this Division. Thereafter all members shall de- termine and/or estimate costs in accordance with the principles of such methods. (e) To establish or approve when it deems advisable Survey Bu- reaus for defined local districts, for the purpose of providing a cor- rect estimate or tabulation of quantities of materials required on projects in such districts. Any tabulations or estimate of quantities provided by such a Survey Bureau must be itemized in a manner established by trade practice in the particular district and must not be priced. The Divisional Code Authority shall not establish or approve any such Survey Bureau unless it is satisfied that such Bureau is fully competent and equipped to furnish the estimate or tabulation of quantities herein referred to, and until the approval of the Administrator is obtained thereto. If the approval of the Administrator is conditional, such Survey Bureau shall be estab- lished or approved, subject to such condition or conditions as appear in the Administrator's Order. (f) To use the Association or other agencies as it deems proper for the performing of any of its activities provided for herein, pro- vided that nothing herein shall relieve the Divisional Code Authority of its duties or responsibilities under this Code, and that the Associ- ation and such agencies shall at all times be subject to and comply with the provisions hereof. Section 3. In order to support the administration of this Code and to maintain the standards of fair competition established by this Code and to effectuate the policy of the Act, the Divisional Code Authority is authorized, subject to the approval of the Administrator : (a) To incur such reasonable obligations as are necessary and proper for the foregoing purposes and to meet such obligations out of funds which may be raised as hereinafter provided and which shall be held in trust for the purposes of the Code ; (b) To submit to the Administrator for his approval, subject to such notice and opportunity to be heard as he may deem necessary, (1) an itimized budget of its estimated expenses for the foregoing purposes, and (2) an equitable basis upon which the funds necessary to support such budget shall be contributed by members of this Division ; (c) After such budget and basis of contribution have been ap- proved by the Administrator, to determine and secure equitable con- tribution as above set forth by all such members of this Division, and to that end, if necessary, to institute legal proceedings therefor in its own name. Section 4. Each member of this Division shall pay his or its equi- table contribution to the expenses of the maintenance of the Divisional Code Authority, determined as herein above provided, and subject to rules and regulations pertaining thereto issued by the Admin- istrator. Only members of this Division complying with the Code and contributing to the expenses of its administration as provided in Section 3 of this Article, shall be entitled to participate in the selection of the members of the Divisional Code Authority or to receive the benefits of its activities or to use any emblem or insignia of the National Recovery Administration. Section 5. Members of the Construction Code Authority, includ- ing the administration members thereof and the Administrator, shall be given at least five (5) days' notice of, and may sit at, all meetings of the Divisional Code Authority. Section 6. The Divisional Code Authority or its authorized repre- sentative or representatives may attend meetings of any admin- istrative agency established for any subdivision. Article IV — Hours, Wages and General Labor Provisions Section 1. The following are exempt from the provisions of Sub- division B of Section 2 of Article III, Chapter I of this Code relat- ing to maximum hours : (a) Employees engaged in managerial, executive or supervisory capacity receiving more than thirty-five dollars ($35.00) per week. Employees engaged in a supervisory capacity are defined as those persons who perform no manual labor. (b) Watchmen, who may be permitted to work not in excess of fifty-six (56) hours in any one week and not more than six (6) days in any seven (7) day period. (c) Employees engaged in emergency work involving breakdowns or protection of life or property, who shall be paid at a rate of at least one and one-half (1%) times the normal rate for all hours worked in excess of the daily or weekly maximum. 8 Section 2. Members of this Division who personally perform manual work or are engaged in mechanical operations shall not exceed the maximum as to hours and days prescribed herein for the work performed by them. Section 3. No employee now employed at a wage rate in excess of the minimum shall be discharged and reemployed at a lower rate for the purpose of evading the provisions of this Code. Section 4. A person whose earning capacity is limited because of age or physical or mental handicap may be employed on light work at a wage below the minimum established by this Code if the employer obtains from the State Authority designated by the United States Department of Labor a certificate authorizing his employment at such wages and for such hours as shall be stated in the certificate. Each employer shall file monthly with the Divisional Code Author- ity, a list of all such persons employed by him, within this division, showing the wages paid to, and the maximum hours of work for, such employees. Section 5. Each member of this Division shall provide for the safety and health of his employees at the place and during the hours of their employment. Standards for safety and health shall be submitted by the Divisional Code Authority to the Administrator within six (6) months after the effective date of this Chapter. After approval by the Administrator, such standards shall become the minimum standards of safety and health for all members of this Division. Section 6. All employers shall post and keep posted, copies of Chapter I and this Chapter of this Code in conspicuous places ac- cessible to all employees. Every member of the industry shall com- ply with all rules and regulations relative to the posting of provi- sions of codes of fair competition which may from time to time be prescribed by the Administrator. Section 7. All members of this Division shall make payment of all wages due in lawful currency of the United States or by nego- tiable check therefor, payable on demand at par. If wages are paid by check, the employer shall provide reasonably accessible facilities for cashing such checks at face value without expense to the em- ployee. Employers shall also provide such identification as is neces- sary to utilize such facilities. Wages shall be payable at the end of each weekly period. Wages shall be exempt from any payment for pensions, insurance or sick benefits except such as are voluntarily paid or authorized to be de- ducted by employees. Employers or their agents shall not accept, directly or indirectly, rebates on such wages or give anything of value nor extend any favors to any person for the purpose of influencing rates of wages or working conditions of their employees. The provisions of this Section regarding payment of wages at the end of each weekly period shall not apply to persons employed in executive, administrative and supervisory capacity who earn in excess of thirty-five ($35.00) dollars per week, nor to persons em- ployed in clerical or office work. The wages for persons employed in clerical or office work shall be payable at least semi-monthly. Section 8. No member of this Division shall, directly or indirectly, sublet to any employee or employer solely the labor services required by any contract secured by such member. In no case shall a member of this Division avoid or evade the labor provisions of this Chapter by contracting his work to any per- son or persons subject to labor provisions less stringent than those provided in this Chapter. Section 9. No employee shall be dismissed by reason of making a complaint or giving evidence with respect to an alleged violation of this Code. Article V — Fair Trade Practice Regulations The provisions of this Article (in addition to the provisions of Article VII of Chapter I of this Code) are adopted as rules of fair trade practice, and any violation of said rules shall constitute an unfair method of competition and a violation of this Code. Rule 1. Inadequate Installation. — To protect the public against inadequate installation, members of this Division shall, except where otherwise required by definite plans and specifications furnished by an owner or his authorized representative, install insulation work in the manner prescribed by the Divisional Code Authority when and if such prescriptions are made, provided same are approved by the Administrator. Rule 2. Inaccurate Advertising. — No member of this Division shall publish advertising (whether printed, radio, display or of any other nature), which is misleading or inaccurate in any material particular, nor shall any member in any way misrepresent any goods (including, but without limitation, its use, trademark, grade, qual- ity, quantity, origin, size, substance, character, nature, finish, mate- rial, content or preparation) or credit terms, values, policies, services, or the nature or form of the business conducted. Rule 3. Defamation. — No member of this Division shall defame a competitor oy falsely imputing to him dishonorable conduct, in- ability to perform contracts, questionable credit standing, or by other false representation, or by falsely disparaging the grade or quality of his goods. Rule 4. Secret Rebates. — No member of this Division shall se- cretly offer or make any payment or allowance of a rebate, refund, commission credit, unearned discount or excess allowance, whether in the form of money or otherwise, nor shall a member of this Divi- sion secretly offer or extend to any customer any special service or privilege not extended to all customers of the same class, for the purpose of influencing a sale. Rule 5. Bribing Employees. — No member of this Division shall give, permit to be given, or offer to give, anything of value for the purpose of influencing or rewarding the action of any employee, agent, or representative of another in relation to the business of the employer of such employee, the principal of such agent or the repre- sented party, without the knowledge of such employer, principal or party. This provision shall not be construed to prohibit -free and general distribution of articles commonly used for advertising ex- 10 cept so far as such articles are actually used for commercial bribery as hereinabove defined. Rule 6. Inducing Breach of Existing Contracts. — No member of this Division shall wilfully induce or attempt to induce the breach of existing contracts between competitors and their customers by any false or deceptive means, or interfere with or obstruct the per- formance of any such contractual duties or services by any such means, with the purpose and effect of hampering, injuring or embarrassing competitors in their business. Rule 7. Terms of Payment. — Each member of this Division shall clearly state in each proposal submitted the terms of payment under which an order or a contract will be accepted. Rule 8. Materials to he Used. — All proposals from members of this Division shall be based on the use of new material throughout, unless otherwise clearly stated in the proposal, or offered and installed as other than new material. Rule 9. Selling Below Estimated Cost. — No member of this Divi- sion shall sell or offer to sell labor, materials, and/or services or sub- mit a bid or accept an order therefor which is less than his individual estimated cost thereof. It shall be a defense to any charge of violation of this Rule if the party charged shall satisfy the Administrator that his bid was not less than the reasonable estimate of said costs of any other member of the industry. Rule 10. Temporary Methods for Determining Estimated Cost. — ■ Until such time as the accounting system and methods of cost finding and/or estimating referred to in Article III, Section 2, Paragraph (d) of this Chapter have been formulated by the Divisional Code Authority and approved by the Administrator, estimated costs as referred to in the preceding rule shall be the sum of such of the following items as are properly represented in any such sale, bid or order : (a) All material to be used in the contract, 'b) Labor and supervision at the site, c) Compensation and liability insurance, d) Workmen's traveling expenses, e) Board for workmen, f ) Freight and cartage, [g) Cost of material and labor for scaffolding, less the salvage value of the material so used, (h) Equipment repair and rentals applicable to the individual contract, (i) Any other direct expense applicable to or caused by the execu- tion of the individual contract, (j) Allowance of not less than 15% of the sum of items (a) to (i) hereof for overhead. For the purpose of this temporary method for determining esti- mated costs nothing shall be included for depreciation on unused facilities, interest on indebtedness, interest on investment or selling expense, other than included in item (j). Rule .11. Awarding Authorities. — To the extent and in the manner prescribed by the Divisional Code Authority, no member of this Division shall submit a competitive bid, as defined in Section 1 of 11 Article VII of Chapter I of this Code, to an awarding authority as therein defined unless such owner or other person agrees to comply with the regulations defined in this Code governing awarding authorities. Rule 12. Reference to Section 9, Article VII of Chapter I. — ■ Nothing in this Article shall nullify or affect the application of Sec- tion 9, Article VII of Chapter I of this Code to this Division. Rule 13. Estimates. — In the case of a project that has been serviced by an approved Survey Bureau, it shall be a violation of this Code to use quantities which when similarly priced would result in a bid price more than two percent (2%) lower than the price based on the use of the correct qualities or quantities furnished by the approved Survey Bureau, whichever is lower. Rule 14. Combination Bids. — In the case of combination bids or registration thereof, the bids for work not in this Division shall be separate and distinct from any bid for work within this Division and the combination bid shall be the aggregate of said separate and distinct bid. Article VI — Filing or Bids Section 1. (a) In order to provide a check on the accuracy and fairness of estimates, any member of this Division bidding on any job amounting to one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more, shall file copies of his bid or bids and all revisions thereof, together with a complete tabulation of quantities of materials itemized in a manner established by trade practices, with such depository as may be desig- nated by the Divisional Code Authority, or its authorized repre- sentative; the same to be kept sealed and confidential until after the bids are received and opened, following which, the copies of bids submitted to the successful awarding authority may be opened by the Divisional Code Authority or its authorized representative, and the bid and list of quantities of the lowest bidder disclosed to all bidders, and available on request to the Administrator. (b) Each bid, filed in accordance with paragraph (a) of this Section, shall be accompanied by a fee not exceeding one dollar ($1.00). In no case shall this fee be more than one dollar ($1.00) when identical bids are submitted to more than one awarding author- ity. The Divisional Code Authority shall use funds so received to pay the expenses of depositing such bids and shall keep account of the receipts and expenditures, the same to be open to the Adminis- trator or his representatives, for inspection. (c) Upon the complaint of any bidder the Divisional Code Author- ity or any local administrative committee appointed by it shall select a Committee of Review, composed of not more than three qualified persons who were not bidders on the particular job to be reviewed, one of whom, if possible, shall not be a member of the Association. This Committee shall be directed to make such in- vestigation of the bid as will enable it to determine whether this Code of Fair Competition has been violated in the bidding on the job in question. In the event the Committee of Review shall find that any such violation has occurred, their findings on the violation, together with a summary of the facts upon which they are based, shall be reported to the Local Administrative Committee or the 12 Divisional Code Authority for such action as it may deem proper, including in appropriate case*, with the approval of the Adminis- trator, report to the Federal District Attorney or the Federal Trade Commission. Article VII — Registration or Members of the Division Each member of this Division within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Chapter, shall register with the Divisional Code Authority. All members of this Division who may engage in the Insulation Contracting Division thereafter shall likewise regis- ter with the Divisional Code Authority. Registration of a member of this Division shall include the full name and mailing address of the member. An application may be made by the Divisional Code Authority to the Administrator for an extension of the time limit for the registration by any member of this Division if it appears that the time limit as provided herein might cause injustice or undue hardship to any member of this Division. Article VIII — Modification Subject to the provisions of sub-paragraph (c) of Section 2 of Subdivision B of Article IV of Chapter I of this Code, the provi- sions of this Chapter, except as to provisions required by the Act, may be modified on the basis of experience or changes in circum- stances, such modifications to be based upon application to the Administrator and such notice and hearing as he shall specify, and to become effective on his approval. Article IX — Review of Acts of Divisional Code Authority If the Administrator shall determine that any action of the Divisional Code Authority or any agency thereof may be unfair or unjust or contrary to the public interest, the Administrator may require that such action be suspended to afford an opportunity for investigation of the merits of such action and further consideration by the Divisional Code Authority or agency pending final action which shall not be effective unless the Administrator approves or unless he shall fail to disapprove after thirty days' notice to him of intention to proceed with such action in its original or modified form. Article X — Effective Date This Code shall become effective in this Division on the tenth (10th) day after the approval of this Code by the President. Approved Code No. 244 — Supplement No. 12. Registry No. 1616-133. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08584 7498