/I ^.5; l(rd (B. A. I. Order KB.; United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. RULE 8.-T0 PREVENT THE SPREAD OF LIP A>D LEti DISEISE (NECROBACILLOSIS) IS SHEEP. "'*>EASt Effective on and after August 12, WO'J. U. S. Departiient of Agkiculture, Office of the Secretaky. The fact has been determined by the Secretary of Agriculture and not.ce .s hereby given that a contagious, comnnaiable di'eu^ kno w ^f w';:.!:.' """" (---^-'"-i.,) exi... a„.ong sh.ep in the ^ Nov.-, therefore, I, James Wilson, Secretary of Agkuultlke al:: to wil • '''^' ""^ '""'^- '^"«^^"«- ''^^ f""-="-^ All territory in the State of Wyoming situate within the boundaries of he count.es o Fremont, Natrona, Converse, Weston. Crook SheW dan, Johnson, and Big Horn. During the existence of this quarantine the interstate transportation vdld'TrlThe" r ".'' -'"^ °' ''''^^•^' *^^<=^''' - hereinXr ;: : vided from he sa.d area here.., quarantined is hereby prohibited 1 Sheep that are affected with lip and leg diseae shall u der no cond,t,ons be removed interstate from the quarantined area. 2. Sheep that are not affected with lip and leg disease but which have been exposed to the contagion of the disease may be moved in .',1 tinglnTr:"' "''' ^''- ■''"'''"' °^ ^^«""^ purposes at. mpping under Bureau supervision as hereinafter set forth, or thev m-.v be sh.pped interstate as hereinafter provided to a recooni ed JlauVrr mg center or immediate slaughter without dipping. ° 3 Hea thy sheep that have not been exposed to the contagion of lip anlleg disease may be moved interstate from the quarantined .• only when they are accompanied by a certificate of hispect on Lued nfov:m:::''"sr "' ^^ ^r^^" °' '^"™'^' ^"-^-'■••v ^i^z,^t. movement, bheep shipped interstate under a certifi.-if. irr. tenupted transit ; for in the event of the discovery of lip and leg disease or of exposure thereto en route the sheep shall thereafter be handled as diseased or exposed sheep, as herein provided, and the cars or other vehicles and the chutes, alleys, and pens which have been occupied by them shall be cleaned and disinfected or properly placarded as herein- after provided. 4. When it is desired to dip exposed sheep for interstate shipment as hereinbefore provided, this may be done in one of the cresol or coal-tar creosote dips permitted by the Department of Agriculture in the official dipping of sheep for scabies, provided the dip is used at a strength one- fourth greater than that specified for use in the dipping of sheep for scabies. The dipping shall be done carefully and the sheep handled as humanely as possible. The Department disclaims responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from the dipping, and those who wish to avoid any risks that may be incident to dipping in transit, as well as to avoid liabilit}^ to prosecution for shipping diseased animals, should see that their sheep are free from disease before shipping them to market. 5. When, as hereinbefore provided, exposed sheep are shipped inter- state v>dthout dipping for immediate slaughter, the proper officers of the transportation company shall affix to both sides of each car a durable placard not less than 6 J by 10 inches in size, on which shall be printed wdth permanent black ink in bold-face letters not less than li inches in height the words "SHEEP FOR SLAUGHTER EXPOSED TO LIP AND LEG DISEASE." These placards shall also show the name of the place from which the shipment was made, the date of the shipment (which must correspond with the date of the waybills and other papers), the name of the transportation company, and the name of the place of destination. Each of the waybills, conductors' manifests, memoranda, and bills of lading pertaining to such shipments by cars or boats shall have the words "EXPOSED TO LIP AND LEG DISEASE" written or stamped on its face. Whenever such shipments are transferred to another transportation company or into other cars or into other boats, or are rebilled or reconsigned to a point other than the original desti- nation, the cars into which said sheep are transferred and the new way- bills, conductors' manifests, memoranda, and bills of lading covering such shipments by cars or boats shall be marked as herein specified for cars first carrying said sheep and for the billing, etc., covering the same. If for any reason the placards herein required are removed from the car or are destroyed or rendered illegible, they shall be immediately replaced by the transportation company or its agents, the intention being that leg- ible placards shall be maintained on the cars from the time of shipment until they arrive at destination and the disposition of the cars is indi- cated by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry. 6. All public stock j^ards, feeding stations, and approaches, chutes, alleys, and pens thereof which have contained diseased animals shall, before healthy or nonexposed animals for interstate transportation are 3 placed therein, be cleaned and disinfected as hereinafter provided. Failure to clean and disinfect said places will subject them to quar- antine. 7. Cars and other vehicles, yards, pens, sheds, chutes, alleys, etc., that have contained diseased sheep bhaW be cleaned and disinfected in the following manner: Remove all litter and manure from all portions of the cars, including the ledges and framework outside, and from the posts, floors, and fences of yards, pens, sheds, chutes, alleys, etc., and empty all troughs, racks, or other feeding or watering facilities; then saturate the entire interior surface of the cars, including the inner sur- face of the car doors, or the entire surface of the fences, posts, floors, troughs, and racks of the yards, pens, sheds, chutes, allej^s, etc., with a 5 per cent solution of pure carbolic acid,^ or with a 3 per cent solu- tion of liquor cresolis compositus, U. S. P.- This Rule ^, which for the purpose of identification is designated as B. A. I. Order 163, will become and be effective on and after August 12, 1909, and is subject to amendment or revision on statutory notice. Done at Washington this sixth day of August, 1909. Witness my hand and the seal of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. * A small amount of lime may be added to this solution. 2 This can be prepared at any reliable drug store, but no lime should be added to it. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA illlllllillllllllllillllllllllll 3 1262 08858 5376