Ul^ITED STATES DEPARTlvffiNT OF AGRICULTUEE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine ¥aohinfj;ton, D, C stat^ ^^^"^ .^i^BOABft VlaN'^ B. S. P. q.— 444 May 7, 1937. plai:t-quaii/u:tiice import pzstrictioks OP THE PEEKCH ZONE OF MOROCCO UNITED STATES DEPARTl/iElJT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine VJrshington, D.C B. E. P. 0,.--444 May 7, 1937, PLAl^T-QUAEAKTHvi: IK^ORT EESTRICTIOKS OF THE FRENCH ZOKS OF MOROCCO This digest of the plant-q\iarantine import restrictions of the French Zone of Morocco has "been prepared for the information of nursery- men, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exporta- tion of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by Harry B. Shavr, Plant Quarantine Inspector in Charge, Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign Plant (Quarantines, from his translations of the French texts of the dahirs and decrees pro- mulgated by the Director-General of Agriculture, Commerce, and Coloniza- tion of the French Zone of the Sherifian Empire (Morocco) , and revievred by the Direction-General of that Zone. The information included in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not in- tended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the origi- nal texts, and is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The original dahirs and decrees should be consulted for the exact texts. J ^V^ /LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Ptant Quarantine, Digitized by the Internet Arcinive in 2013 littp://archive.org/details/morocc37unit PLATvT-qUAHArTiyS npO^lI HZSTKICTIOKS OF THE FREKCK ZOKE OF MOROCCO Page Basic legislation --------------------------- 3 Sioramary Importation prohibited ----------------------- 3 Lnportrtion restricted ----------------------- 4 Importation unrestricted ---------------------- 4 General regulations, Dahir of Septc.iiber 20, 1927 ----------- 5 Definition of plant parasite -------------------- 5 Importation and transit of insects, fungi, "bacteria, and dodder prohibited ----------_--_--_--_------- 5 Entry of insects, fungi, bacteria, and dodder permitted for scientific purposes ----------------------- 5 Entry and transit of plants and plant products controlled ----- 6 Authorized ports of entry -------------------- 7 Inspection on arrival ---------------------- 7 Pliyto sanitary certificate may be required ------------ 7 Packing and marking _----___--__-_-_--_--- 8 Sampling seeds ---- ________-___-_-_----- 8 Botanical specimens unrestricted ---------------- 9 Phytosanitary control of imported plant material. Decree of March 31, 1933 9 Authorized ports of entry --------------------- 9 Docunents required with each shipment _-__-_--------- 9 Phytosanitary certificate required ----------------- 10 Model certificate, English text ----------------- 10 Importation of insects of economic im.portance permitted ------ H Importation of cryptogams of economic or sanitary interest permitted ---------------------------- 12 Approved packing materials --------------------- 13 Importation and transit of certain products not restricted ----- 14 Restrictions on importation of forage-crop seeds ----------- 16 Restrictions on importation of potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants - - - 17 Phytosanitary inspection certificrte required ----------- 17 Model certificate ------------------------ 17 PrecEU-tions against the introduction of Colorado potato beetle - - - 18 Cleaning and packing of potatoes ------------------ 18 - 2 - Page Importation and transit in "bulk prohibited ------------- 19 IrrejiUlar shipments rejected ---------- ---__--_-- 19 Model certificate of supervision of cleaning and packing ------ 20 Cottonseed, seed cotton, and unginned cotton, importation prohibited- - 20 Restrictions to prevent introduction of European corn borer ------ 21 Importation prohibited ----------------------- 21 French text of phyto sanitary certificate --------------- 22 French text of certificate for potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants - - - 23 French text of certificate of supervision of cleaning and packing potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants --_-_--_--------- 23 - 3 - PLAKT-qUARAFTIKE IMPORT BESTRICTI .'KS OF THE ■ EREKCH ZOKE OP MOROCCO BASIC LEGISLATION Dohir of September 20, 1927; Bulletin Qfficicl l^'o . 803, March 13, 1928. DrJiir of April 29, 1933; Bulletin Officio 1 Ko. 1076, June 9, 1933. SlB/ilvIARY Importation Prohibited LIVE IXSECTS and, unless preserved in liquids, their eggs, larvae, nymphs, or pupe.e; cultures of myxoir.ycetes, fungi, or bacteria; dodder seeds (Cu scuta spp.)i roay not be imported except for scientific or official technical purposes. (Dahir of Sept. 20, 1927, articles 1 and 2. See p. 5.) PLANTS OR PARTS THEREOF used as packing material, prohibited unless in- dustrially processed, except those najr.ed in the vizi rial decree of September 13, 1933. (See p. 13.) COTTON PLANTS, stems, seeds, bolls, and unginned cotton from any source; sa.cks or other containers that have been previously used for cot- ton or cottonseed, except shipments made to the Director-General. (Vizirial decree of Sept. 20, 1927. See p. 20.) LIVING PLANTS, culms, straw, leaves, roots, husks, rachises, and inflo- rescences of Zea. mays L. , So rghum. vul^are Pers. , including all cultivated species of Sorghum or Andropogon, Panicum miliaceum L. , (Chaetochloa italica) Setaria italica (L.) Beauv., and other species of Panicum; any part or residue of Cannabis sativa L. ; whole plants, living or dead, of Arundo donax L. , except peeled or sawn stems used in making packings. (Vizirial decree of Aug. 31, 1932, as amended by vizirial decree of Sept. 3, 1934. See p. 21.) _ A _ ■ ^ Ir.por.tatior: Restricted INSECTS or ECGNOJaC IIvIPOilTAKCS : Ccrtoln honey-producing and silk- producing insects nay "bo imported into the French Zone subject to inspection on ai-rival if properly marked. (Decree of the Dircctor-Gener?.!, Mar. 1, 1828, p. 11.) FUNGI, IviTXOkTCETES, Al^D BACTERIA OF ECONOL.IC OR SA1\ITARY INTEREST nay "be imported into the French Zone suhject to examination on arri- val. (Decree of the Diroctor-General of Mar. 1, 1928, p. 12.) F05AGE-CRDF SEEDS of the, genera Medica^o, Trifolium, Lotus, and Anthylli s , suhject to exai'aination for dodder seeds (Cuscuta spp.) (Vizirial decree of May 8, 1933, p. 16.) ALL FLAI)'TS OR PARTS OF PLANTS, including seedlings, layers, cuttings, scions, "bulbs, cut flovzers, frij.its, pits of fruits, vegeta"bles, tu"bers, rhizoKes, roots, grain, seeds, and in general, all plant vrastes; manures, fertilizers, containers, and packing materials; lu]:i"bcr and "bark, industrially processed plant products, "bran, stran, hay (see "below for restrictions on hay), oil cakes; are su'b- ject to the provisions of the dohir of Sc-ptem'ber 20, 1927. PLAL^'TS IK POTS OR -BALLS OF EARTH, P-OTATOES, TOMATOES, AND EGGPLANTS: Phytosanitary certificate, vrhich in the case of potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants, must attest their freedom fromi potato v/art; in ad- dition, a. certificate of supervision is required for such pro- ducts originating in countries invaded "by the Colorado potato "beetle, and the products must "be packed in new containers which p.Vkj then officially scaled. (Decree of the Director-General, Mar. 31, 1933, and viziria.1 decree of Aug. 1, 1936.) HAY: Importation su"bject to the phytosanitary regulations and those re- lating to the control of parasites and only in the form of mechani- call.y compressed "bales "bound with iron wire. (Vizirial decree of Sept. 13, 1933, art. 4, p. 14.) Authorized ports of entry for plant products: Casablanca, Port-Lyautey (lienitra) , . and Oujda. (Art. 6 of dahir of Sept. 20, 1927, and decree of Mar. 31, 1933, pp. 7 and 9.) Importation "Unrestricted CEREALS: TTneat , barley, oats, rye, maize, and rice; beans, peas, lentils, coffee, spices, and dried herbs; gums and resins; dried medicinal plants in packages; lumber and bark; industrially dried vegetables, flours, food pastes, brans, oil cakes, straw, and hay. (Decree of the Director-General, Feb. 19, 1931, p. 14.) DRIED HEKBARIUM SPECIMEKS: Importation not restricted. (Daliir of Sept, 20, 1927, art. 12, p. 8.) PHYTOSJINITARY EEGULATIOKS OF THE FRENCH ZONE OF THE SHEEIFIAM EIvIPIEE (MOROCCO) (Promulgated by the dahir of Sept. 20, 1927; Bulletin Officiel No. 803, Mar. 13, 1928) GENERAL REGULATIONS Definition of Plant Parasite Article 1. The term "plant parasite" designates any animal or plant organism, at any stage of development, that can effect lesi-ons or other injury to rild plants of economic importance, to cultivated plants, to plant products "belonging to those categories, or is of such a charac- ter as to cause their death or modification. 0 Importation and Transit of Insects, Fungi, Bacteria, and Dodder Prohibited The entry into or transit through the French Zone is prohibited of live insects, the eggs, larvae, nymphs, or pupae of such insects, \7hen not preserved in liquids; cultures of rayxomycetes, fungi, or bacteria; and dodder seeds ( Cuscuta spp.). Entry Permitted for. Scientific Purposes Art. 2. When the articles named, in article 1 are intended for scientific purposes or for official technical purposes, they may be ad- mitted to entry if so packed as to prevent their dispersal. Art. 3. A .decree of the Director-General of Agriculture, Commerce, and Colonization vdll determine what species of insects, myxomycetes, fungi, or bacteria may be admitted to entry or transit for economic or sanitary interests and the conditions under which they will be admitted. - 6 - Art. 4. The Director-General and the Director of Public Health and Hygiene may likewise grant temporary derogations from the provisions of article 1. Entry and Transit Controlled Art. 5. The entry into, transit through, and movement within the French Zone, and the exportation "beyond that Zone, of the following- named products or articles, are regulated "by the provisions of the present dahir: 1. All plants, or parts of plants such as seedlings, layers, cuttings, scions, grafts, cut flowers, fruits, pits of fruits, vegetables, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, roots, grain, and seeds, and in general all plant waste. 2. Manures, vegetable fertilizers, composts, soil, even when the latter foriis a portion of a package of live plants. 3. Cases, baskets, sacks, wrappers, packing, used props and supports, and any other article or material that has been used for the transportation or handling of the products or articles above mentioned, the utilization of which might involve pest risk to crops. 4. Logs, cork, bark, tan, posts, poles, railroad ties, and cord wood. 5. All products of plant origin, such as fruits and vege- tables industrially dried, flours, food pastes, bran, oil cakes, straw, and hay. 5. Plants in pots or balls of earth; potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. (Decree of the Director-General, Mar. 27, 1931; Bulletin Official No. S62, Apr. 3, 1931.) (The decree of May 25, 1928, prescribes that the products named in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the preceding article, with the exception of dried fruits, shall not fall under the provisions of articles 5, 7, and 9 of the present dahir.) - 7 - Authorized Ports of Entry Art. 6. The ports of entry for the importation or transit of the products named in article 5 are designated in orders of the Director- General. The decree of March 31, 1933, designates the ports of Casahlanca and Port-Lyautey and the frontier post of Oajda. See page 9. The decree of the Director-General of April 1, 1933, authorizes also the entry of potatoes through the ports of Rabat, Mazagan, Safi, and Magador, when shipments weighing not less than 20 metric quintals of 100 kilograms are concerned. Inspection on Arrival Art. 7. The products named in article 5 will he inspect'ed by officials of the Direction-General of Agriculture on their entry into the French Zone and dealt with in accordance with the findings: Release for entry, treatment, relading, or destruction. Inspectors are authorized to withdraw samples from shipments for detailed examination. This inspection may be extended to other products if the inspector has reason to suspect that they carry plant parasites. Products intended for propagation may be placed under observation for variable periods. The Director-General may determine, if occasion requires, the products that, by derogation, shall not be subject to the provisions of 'this article. Phytosanitary Certificate May Be Required Art. 8. The list of products named in article 5, shipments of which shall be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate and documents attesting their origin, as well as the conditions according to which these documents must be established, are declared by the order of March 27, 1931. These are plants in pots or in balls of earth, potatoes, tomatoes, a,hd eggplants. Compliance with the provisions of this article does not exclude the phytosanitary inspection prescribed by article 7, with all the con- sequences involvedi Reloading, destruction, disinfection or fumigation, etc. 8 - Packing and Marking Art. 9. The packing of the products named in article 5 shall he done in such a manner as to permit their inspection and, if necessary, their disinfection or fumigation. _l/ It should "be possible to identify the packages vvith certainty, failing v/hich, they will he reloaded or destroyed at the option of the consignee. The opening of containers will "be at the expense and risk of the consignee. Sampling Seeds Art. 10. The conditions for sampling seeds on their entry into the French Zone to disclose the presence of dodder (Cuscuta spp.) will "be determined ."by a decree of the Grand "Vizir. In-transit shipments are excepted. Sampling is done at the expense of importers in accordance with rates established by the same order. The withdrawal of samples gives no right of indemnity. 2/ Products Affected by the Lav? Art. 11. The preceding provisions apply to the products men- tioned in article 5 whatever be the means of transportation, even if brought in by members of ships' crews, or by the personnel of railroad or steamship companies, or any other transportation services. Art. 12. The importation and transit of certain products men- tioned in article 5, or of certain others among them from specified countries or localities, may be prohibited by a decree of the Grand "Vizir. l/ (For approved packing materials see the decree of Sept. 13, 1933, p. 13, and vizirial decree of Aug. 31, 1932, see p. 21.) 2/ (See vizirial decree of May 8, 1933, on the importation of forage crop seeds, p. 16.) _ Q Botanical Specimens Unrestricted The preceding provisions do not apply to dried plants intended for "botanical collections. The Grand Vizir, by decree, may make provisions to facilitate, in frontier localities of the French, Zone, the exchange of plants with frontier localities. Arts. 13 to 35. Domestic procedure. PKYTOSANITARY CONTROL OF IKIPOHTED PLANT MATERIAL The decree of March 31, 1933, Falletin Officiel No. 1063, April 21. 1933, revokes those of March 1, 1928, and February 19, 1931, of the Director-General, avA promulgates the following regulations for the enforcement of the provisions of the dahir of September 20, 1927: Authorized Ports of Entry Article 1, The importation and transit of the products named in article 5 of the Dahir of September 20, 1927, may be effected only through the ports of Casablanca and Port-Lyautey and the frontier post of Oujda. Art, 2. Relates to inspection on arrival, etc. Documents Required with Each Shipment Art. 3. The products njimed in paragraph 1 of article 5 of the said dahir, with the exception of seeds, fresh fraits, and vegetables, other tho.n potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants, must be accompanied by 1. A copy, certified as correct, of the invoice of the shipment, indicating: (a) The botanical species and varieties included in the shipment; (b) The name and address of the shipper and of the establishment from which the plant ma- terial proceeds; (c_) The name and address of the consignee; ^,«'iKS''Bo*«» - 10 - (d) The weight of the packages, as well as their marks and nu-Tihers , a.nd their contents. Phyto sanitary Certificate Required 2, The products designated "by the decree of the Director- General, March 27, 1931 (plants in pots or in halls of earth; potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants), must he accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate in accord-- ance with the model approved hy the International Convention for Plant Protection (Home, Apr. 16, 1929). The requirements for potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants have been farther modified by the vizirial decree of August 1, 1936. This decree requires a certificate of supervision of packing.. MODEL CERTIFICATE* Name of Official Plant Protection Service Serial No. Phytosanitary Certificate Indicating Origin The undersigned, (full name, address, and official title) certifies, in accordance with the results of: **An inspection of products included in the shipment that the plants, or parts of plants contained in the consignment described below are deem-jd free from injurious diseases and -pectz. **Supervision of the cultures of origin. Descrii;tion of the Shipment (Quantity, weight, and kind of containers Marks and numbers of containers Description of plants or parts of plants Name and address of- shipper Name and address of consignee Place and date of issuance of certificate ; Seal Signature * If the French text also is demanded see certificate Ko. 1 on page 22, **Strike out the phrase that is not applicable. - 11 - BIPORTATIOK PERMITTED OF lix'SECTS OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE (Decree of the Director-General of Mar. 1, 1928; Bulletin Officiel No. 803, Mar. 13, 1928) Article 1. The insects' hereafter named are admitted to entry into and transit through the French Zone: Honey-producing insects •' Apis ligT-istica Spin. Apis mellif ica (mellif era) L. , honey-bee. Silk-producing insects; Antheraea mylitta Drury, Tasar silkworm. Antheraea pernyi var. yama-mai Guer. Attacus atlas L. ( Sericaria) Bom"byx mori L. , silkworm. Philosajnia cynthia Drury. (Attacus ricini Hutton) = Philosamia lunula Walk. Attacus ( Rothschildi) orizaba TJestw. (platysamia) Samia cecropia L. Telea polyphemus Crammer. The entry of the honey-producing insects is permitted only in the adult stage and only in egg and pupal stages of the si Ik -producing in- sects. Art. 2. The entry of these insects may he effected only through the ports of Casablanca and Port-Lyautey and the frontier post of Oujda. Shipments of these insects shall bear the name, address, and oc- cupation of the shipper, as vrell as the names of the species comprising the shipment. For the purpose of identification these shipments, on arrival, will be inspected by an official of the Direction-General charged with phytosanitary inspection, in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of the dahir of September 20, 1927. Insects recognized by the said official as not belonging to the above-named species will be reloaded or destroyed at the choice and expense of the consignee. - 12 - IMPORTATION PEHIiilTTED OF CRYPTOGMS OP-ECOKOI\aC OR SAKITARY INTEREST (Decree of the Director-General of Mar. 1, 1828; Bulletin Officiel No. 603, Mar. 13, 1928) Article 1. The following classes of fungi, myxomycetes, and bacteria may he admitted for entry into or transit through the Prench Zone: (a) Yeasts used in the manufacture of wines, ciders, in brewing, bread making, and in the production of alcohol; (b) Mucors used in the manufacture of alcohol; (c) Bacteria for the production of vinegar; (d) Yeasts and bacteria for use in vegetable con- serves, such as sauerkraut, string beans; (e_) Bacteria employed in the retting of textile plants; (f) Bacteria known as nitric and nitrous ferments; (g) Bacteria assimilating nitrogen from the air; (h) Fungi (molds) used in cheese making; (i) Bacteria known as lactic ferments in "Yaourt" or "Yoghaart"; (j_) Yeasts for ensilage; (k) Ferments of "kephir" and "koumiss"; (l) Cryptogams intended for veterinary, therapeutic, or experimental purposes; (m) Cryptogams intended for use in therapeutic and medical experimentation. Art. 2. The cryptogams designated in paragraphs (a) to (i) may be imported as pure cultures only. - 13 - Art. 3. The cryptogans designated in article 1 of the present order may "be imported only through the ports of Casablanca and Port- Lyautey and the frontier post of Oajda. Art. 4. Containers of the cryptogams mentioned in article 1 must bear the nsxie, address, and business or status of the shipper, and the name of the species of cryptogam, if it is included in paragraphs (a) to (i_) of article 1. Shipments included in paragraphs (a) to (g) of article 1 must be examined, on arrival, for purposes of identity, as required by article 7 of the Dahir of September 20, 1927. Shipments included in the other paragraphs will be subject to the same conditions and, according to the circumstances, shipments under paragraph (ra) will go to an official designated by the director of public health and hygiene; or to the chief of the research laboratory of animal industry in the case of shipments under paragraphs (h) to (l).. Cryptogams (fungi, rayxomycetes, or bacteria) recognized by these officials as not belonging to one of the categories listed in the present order shall be re-embarked or destroyed at the choice and expense of the consignee. . . APPRCYEr PACKING MATERIALS Articles 1 and 2. The vizirial decree of September 13, 1933, (Bulletin Officiel No. 1094, Oct. 13, 1933) prohibits the utilization of plants, that is, any plant or part of a plant, wild or cultivated, which has received no industrial treatment of a mechanical or chemical charac- ter, for purposes of containir^, packing, wrapping, decorating, condi- tioning, or making up the weight of products or objects of any kind intended for importation into or transit through the French Zone. Art. 3. The following exceptions are allowed: Straw of wheat (Triticum spp.), barley (Hordeum spp.), oats (Avena spp. ) , and rye (Secale cereale L. ) ; Rice straw (Oryza spp.) from French Tlest Africa; Wrappings made with leaves of the date palm (Phoenix dactyl if era L. ) ; Esparto grass ( Stipa tenacissima L.); - 14 - Stems of the giant reed, Arundo donax L. , if "barked, de- foliated, and split. Coconut fiber ( Co cos nucifera L.); Roots of ferns of the genera Folypodiiim, Ptcris, and Osnrunda; Osiers ( Salix spp. used in basket making); Plants of the various species of Hypr^ceae and Bryaceae (mosses) and of Sphagnaceae (sphagnum); Leaves of species of Clinogyne ( Scitamineae) and Mitragyne (Eubiaceae) when used as packing for Kola nuts. Art. 4. Subject to the application of the phytosanitary regula- tions and those relating to the control of plant parasites, the entry of hays into the French Zone is authorized only in the foin of mechanically compressed bales bound with iron wire. ft Art. 5. Products or articles not packed in accordance with the present decree will be returned or destroyed at the option and expense of the consignee or his representative, in conformity with the provisions of article 7 of the dahir of September 20, 1927. The agents of the Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Inspection Services, however, may authorize, in exceptional cases, the entry of pro- ducts or articles of metal or inorganic substances the packirig of which is not in accordance with the above requirements. In such a case the consignee is required to carry out the measures demanded by the agents with a view to preventirig the introduction of parasites. These measures in every case will include the destruction of the materials which have been used to pack, wrap, decorate, or contain the said products or articles. IMPORTATION AKD TRiUNSIT UKRESTRICTED A decree of the Director-Oreneral of February 19, 1931, authorises the importation and transit of the following-named products withoiit restriction concerning the pia,ce of entry, sanitary inspection, disin- fection, fumigation, return, or destruction: (l) Grain of the following cereals: - 15 - TTheat (cultivated species of the genus Tritic^om L.); Barley (cultivated species of the g-enus Hordeum L. ) ; Oats (cultivated species of the genus Avena L.); Eye ( Secale cereale L.) ; Maize (Zea mays L.); Rice (Pryza sativa L.); (2) Seed of: French "beans (Fhaseolus vulgaris L.); Peas (risum sati-tAim L. ) ; Lentils (Ervum lens L. ) ; Broad heans (Fab a vul.^aris Moench.); Vetches ( Vicia sativa L.); (3) Coffee "beans ( Coff ea arabica L. , C. liberica Hiern, and C. ster.^phylla Don.) and greenleaves of tea (Thea chinensis Sims.); (4) Black pepper (Pipe r nigrum L. ) ; Cloves ( Eugenia aro;natica L. ) ; Cinnamon bark ( Cinnamomum zeylanic"um L. ) ; Galangal ( Alpinia officinar'am Hance) and, in general, all spices other than pimento; Ginger, rhizomes of (Zingiber officinalfi Rose); (5) Dried lavender ( Lavandula vera L. C. , L. latif olia Vail., L. stoechas L. ) ; Dried garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris L. ) , dried sarsapa- rilla (Smilax sarsaparilla L.) , senna ( Cassia sp. L.), seeds of anise (Pimpinella anisum L. ) and stellated anise ( Illicium anisatum L. ) ; cones of hops (female inflorescence of H''amulus lupulus L. and H^ japonicus Sieb. and Zucc); henna, (dried leaves and stems of Law s on i a alba Lam. ) ; (6) Gums, resins, gum-resins, incense, benzoin, resin of aloes, various nutgalls (Chinese galls, Talcaout, oak galls, etc.) ; (7) Dried medicinal plants in packets; (8) Blocks of wood, cork, bark, tan, poles, rods, railroad ties, rough lumber, and cordwood; - 16 - (9) Industrially dried vegetables, flcurs, food pastes, "brans, oil cakes, straw, and hay; dried fruits and rice straw are excepted.. (10) Peat. EE STRICT I OFS ON THE II^OETATION OF FORAGE-CROP SEEDS (Vizirial decree of May 8, 1933) Authorized Ports of Entry Article 1. The importation of forage-crop seeds into the French Zone may he effected only through the ports of Casablanca and Port-Lyautey and the frontier post of Oujda in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of the dahir of September 20, 1927. Seeds Concerned Art. 2. Forage crop seeds of the following genera are subject to examination to determine whether or not they contain dodder seeds (Cuscuta spp.): Medicago (alfalfa and yellow trefoil), Trifolium (clovers), Lotus, and Anthyllis. Art. 3. Importers or their agents are required to furnish the botanical names of the seeds and the weight of the shipment. Arts. 4 to 6. Examination of the seeds and charges therefor. Art. 7. These regulations do not preclude the application of the provisions of the dahir of September 20, 1927, and the decree pertaining thereto. 17 - ESSTHICTIOKS OK' THE IMTORTATIOK OF POTATOES, EGGPLANTS , AKD TOJ/IATOES (Vizirial decree of Au-^. 1, 1936; Bulletin Officiel of Aug. 28, 1936. Effective r.ovember 28, 1936 ) Phytosanitary Certificate Required Article 1. Shipments of tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes in- tended for the French Zone of the Sherifian Empire, or for transit through it, nay "be made only: (a) TThen supported by a photo sanitary inspection certificate; (b) Ulien packed in new containers; (c) In certain cases, after being subjected to suitable treat- ments to prevent thie introduction of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) and Leptinotarsa multitaeniata Stal. in their different stages of develop- ment. Art. 2. The certificate referred to in article 1 must be pre- pared in accordance with the following model: PHYTOSANITARY INSPECTION CERTIFICATE FOR POTATOES, TOMTOES, AlvD EGGPLANTS* The undersigned, (full name and title of official belonging to the plant protection service of the country of origin), certifies, in accordance with the result: **0f a phytosanitary supervision of the crops, that the products included in the shipment described below proceed from crops situated more than 20 km from fields infested by potato wart ( Synchytritim endo- bioticum (Schilb.) Perc); *This certificate should be used only when potato wart is concerned. **Strike out the formula that is not applicable. Note: If the French text also of the certificate is required see page 23, - 18 - **0f the phytosanitary supervision of crops and the inspection, that the products included in the shipment described "belov proceed from crops situated more than 5 km from fields infected by potato wart (SynchytriuT. endobioticum (Schilb.) Pare.) and that they were found to be free from that parasite. Description of Shipment Number, weight, and kind of package Place where grown Kind of products, variety, and marks on containers Name and address of shipper l^iarne and address of consignee Place and date Signature Precautions against Colorado Pctr.to Beetle The shipment of potatoes: (a) Proceeding from crops located in the territory of countries invaded by Colorado potato beetle; (b) Or having been shipped in transit through those countries by any route except sea; (c) Or proceeding from crops located in the territory of countries when the Colorado potato beetle has been reported at least 50 km from their frontiers, shall have been made in accord- ance with the provisions of the present article. The list of countries referred to in paragraphs (a) and (c_) is established by order of the Director of Economic Affairs. Cleaning and Packing of Potatoes The potatoes shall have been cleaned and packed in the port v/here lading' is done, to the exclusion of any other place. This work shall have been carried out under the effective supervision of an official of the plant inspection service of the country of origin or transit. - 19 - The tubers may "be cleaned by washing or in the dry state and under conditions permitting the elimination of soil as well as any other matter adhering to or mixed with them. yhen the phytosanitary inspection made on entry into the French Zone of the Sherifian En^pii'S malces it apparent that the cleaning has not been effected or is insufficient, the shipment will be reladen. The packing and handlir-g of cleaned tubers shall have been done in sacks, wrappers, sacking, cases, barrels, baskets, etc., that have not previously been used and in places apart from those in which clean- ing was effected. Packages prepared in accordance with the above-prescribed condi- tions should at once be sealed in the presence of the officials who super- vised the above-mentioned operations. Art. 5. Transshipment in one of the ports of the countries men- tioned in sections (a), ( b ) , and (c) of paragraph 1 of article 4 is not regarded as transit when the shipments are forwarded by sea, and when it is affirmed oy the consular authority of the country of origin or the port of transshipment that the merchandise was transshipped directly from ship to ship. The document established under these conditions shall bear data enabling identification of the shipment, such as are prescribed in para- graph 4 of article 2. Importation and Transit of Potatoes in Bulk Prohibited Art. 6. Importation into and transit through the French Zone of potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants in bulk are prohibited; by derogation from the provisions of article 1, quantities not excetiding 10 kg may be admitted to entry without packing. Irreg^j-laf Shipments Rejected Art. 7. Shipments of potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants, inclixding packages that do not conform to the provisions of the present decree, are rejected (reladen) in their entirety. The application of the provisions of the present Order is made without prejudice to those of the above-mentioned dahir of September 20, 1927, embodying phytosanitary regulations and orders made in the appli- cation of that text. 20 - CEHTIFICATE OF SUPERVISION OF CLEAKIKG AMD PACKING POTATOES, TOJ/IATOES, AND EGGPLAKTS*. The undersigned, (full name and title), certifies that the potatoes, to-Tiatoes, and eggplants (erase the words that are not appli- •(■ caDle) included in the shipment described Delovr were: 1. Cleaned "by washing; . - • cleaned in a dry condition; 2. Packed in (kind of package - sacks, cases, etc.) that have not "been used previously; 3. Sealed. I affirm that these operations were effected in. the port of (name of port) in my presence and under ray effective supervision. Description of Shipment Number, weight, and kind of package Kind of prod^ict, variety, and marks of contair^rs Name and address of shipper Name and address of consignee ^ Place and date Seal Signature COTTOKSEED, SEED COTTOK, AKD UI'vGII^KED COTTON I^DPORTATIOK PROHIBITED (Vizirial decree of Sept. 20, 1927; Bulletin Officiel No. 803, ivlar. 13,, 1923) Article 1. The importation into and transit through the French Zone are prohibited of cotton pla.nts, stems, seeds, bolls, and unginned cotton of \7hatever origin. The entry is likewise prohibited of sacks or other containers that have been previously used for cotton or cottonseed. 'If the French text of the certificate is demanded see pages 23 and 24. - ^1 - Art. 2. Exception is made in the case of shipments of cotton- seed made to the Director-General (Service of Agriculture and Agricul- tural Improvement at Rabat) . All shipments affected "by the provisions of this article, however, are subject to the provisions of articles 6, 7, and 8 of the dahir of September 20, 1927. Arts. 3 to 5. Domestic restrictions. Art. 6. Penalties. RESTRICTIONS TO-PREVEKT IKTRODUCTIOK OF THE EUROPEAN CORl; BORER (Vizirial decree of Aug. 31, 1932; Bulletin Officiel No. 1039, Sept. 23, 1932; as amended by that of Sept.' 3, 1934; Bulletin Officiel No. 1143, Sept. 21, 1934) Importation Prohibited Article 1. The importation into and transit through the Erench Zone of the following are prohibited: (1) Living plants, or culms, straw, leaves, roots, husks, rachises, and inflorescences of maize, Zea mays L.; Sorghums, Holcus s o rghum ( Sorghum vulgare Pers.), all cultivated species of Sorghjom or Andropogon; millet, Panicum milliaceum L. , Chaetochloa (Panicum) italica, and other cultivated species of Panicum, and in general, of any part or residue of these plants, except the seeds, of whatever origin. (2) Any part or residue of plants of hemp, Cannabis sativa L., except seeds and fiber. (3) TJhole plants, living or dead, of the giant reed, Arundo donax L. , or parts thereof, except peeled or sawn stems used in making packings. (4) Produce of any kind the packings of which are composed of the above-named plants or parts thereof. - 22- - (5) Articles made of the above- nan^.ed plants, or viith p'arts thereof, especially "broo':is. Art. 2. Anj' shipment containing the products naned in the pre- ceding article will he returned or destroyed, at the option of the consignee or his representative, in accordance vrith the provisions of article 7 of the dahir of Septeinher 20, 1927. l>:o. 1 • • ' •' Certificat d' Inspection Sanitaire Je soussigne, (full name and official title of inspector), certifie, confomenent aux resultats *de I'inspection des produits compris d?.ns 1' expedition, *de la surveilla.nce des cultures d'origine, que les vegetaux ou parties de vegetaux, contenus dans I'envoi. decrit ci-dessous, sont consideres comma ne portant pas de parasites, vegetaux ou animaux dangereux et, notamment, ceux enumeres ci-apres Description de I'Envoi Nomhre, poids, et nature des colis Marque des colis Description des vegetaux ou parties de vegetaux et indication du lieu de culture Kom et adressedu des tinat aire Lieu et date Sceau . Signature * Strike out the phrase that does not apply. - 23 - No. 2 Certificat d' Inspection Sanitairo do Po-r.mes de Terre, de Tomates ou d' Aubergines Indication du pays: Designation du service officiel de protection des cultures: Je ^soussigne, ^( full name and official title of inspector), certifie, conf orraement aiix re suit at s *de la surveillance sanitaire des cultures, que los produits comiDris dans 1' envoi decrit ci-dessous proviennent de cultures situees a plus de vingt kilometres de champs infestes par la gale verruqueuse ( Synchy t riun endobioticiirn (Schil"b.) Perc). *de la surveillance sanitaire des cultures et de 1' inspection sani- taire, que les produits coi.ipris dans 1' envoi decrit ci-dessous pro- viennent de cultures situees a plus de cinq kilometres de cha;.ips infestes par la gale verruqueuse ( Synchytrium endobioticu'i (SchillD.) Perc. ) , et qu'ils ont ete reconnus conune ne portant pas ce parasite. Description de l^'Envoi Nornlire, poids et nature des colis Lieu de culture Nature des produits, variete a laquelle ils appartiennent Marques des colis Lieu et date Sceau Signature No. 3 Certificat du Controle du Nettoya^e et de I'Er.ballage de Ponmes de Terre, de Tonates et d' Aubergines Indication du pa^s Designation du service officiel de protection des cultures Je soussigne, (full nane and official title of inspector), certifie *Strike out the formula that is not applicable. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA iliiiillilliillllllliii - 24 - 3 1262 09246 0285 0.116 les porxies de terre, les tonates et les auljergines conpris dans 1' envoi decrit ci-dessous ont ete: 1. l^'ettoyees par lavage; nettoyees en etat sec. 2. EclDallees en (kind of container) n'ayant pas servi anterieurement; 3. Flom"bees. J'atteste que ces operations ont ete effectuees dans le port de: en na presence et sous mon controle effectif . Description de 1' Envoi Koratre, poids et nature des colis Nature des produits, variete a laquelle ils appartiennent Marques des colis Ko~i et adresse de I'expedtteur Kon et adresse du destinataire Lieu et date Sceau Signature