(e.il3\ 21 DOC U.S. DEP-. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP AGPI CULTURE Bureau of Agricultural Economics Economic Library List No. 21 Washington, D, C, April 1941 DELTA COUNTY, COLORADO A Selected List of References Compiled by Howard B. Turner Library, Bureau of Agricultural Economics Blanchard, C. J. Short stories of successful settlers. U. S. Dept. Int, Reclam. Service. Reclam. Rec. 14(2): 54-56. Feb. 1923. 156.34 R24 These are stories of settlers on various projects including the Uncompahgre project in Colorado, Brooks, L. R. , and others. Land classification of western Colorado. 53pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept. of the interior, Geological survey, 1933. 52.65 Un33C This is the text for two maps for the northwestern and "south- western parts of Colorado. The text contains chapters on General features, Physical geography, Biogeography, and Land utilization. A "Diagram of Western Colorado" on p. 7 shows the location of counties and individual land classification work. Campbell, Marius R. ■ Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports) 1910. Part 2. -Mineral fuels. U. S. Dept. Int. Geol. Survey. Bui. 471, 663pp. Washington, D. C. , 1912. 407 G29B no. 471 Includes a paper by E. A. Woodruff on "The coal resources of Gun- nison Valley, Mesa and Delta Counties, Colorado," on pp» 565-573. Campbell, Marius R. Guidebook of the western United States. Part I. Geol. Survey. 707 The Denver & Rio Grande Western route. U. S. Dept. Int. Bui. 707, 266pp.' Washington, D. C. , 1922. 407 G29B no. A physical description of the country adjacent to the "standard- gage line from Montrose to Grand Junction," which includes much of Delta County," is giv»n On pp. 179-181, - 2 - Chaoman, Arthur. Watering the Uncompahgre valley. Review of Reviews 40: 177-182. Aug. 1909. 110 Am32 Illustrated account of a nearly completed irrigation project. Colorado. Bureau of labor statistics. Biennial report 1915/16 to date. Denver, 1916 to date. Libr. Cong. HC107.C7A2 "These reports contain wages of farm labor in Colorado. Rates are usually given "by counties. . Some information as to number of workers in the beet fields of -the state and the extent of child labor in this industry occasionally appear." - U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Bibliog. 72, p. 11. Colorado. Cooperative crop and livestock reporting service. Colorado agricultural statistics 1939. 155pp. Denver, Colo., 1940. 252.11 Im6A 1939 "Issued cooperatively by United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Division of Agricultural Statistics and Colorado State Planning Commission, Division of Statistics. This volume is issued as a supplement to the Colorado Year Book." Library of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture has also volumes for 1883, 1886-1887, 1892-93, 1922-1924, 1935-1938. Earm value of principal crops, 1939, by counties, pp. 16-20; . • Grain and hay crops, by counties, pp. 26-74; Truck crop acreages, by counties', pp. 100-106. Livestock data, by counties, are given on pp. 146-147, 150-156. Monthljf and annual precipitation data for Crop Reporting District No. 7 (which includes Delta County), annually 1904-1940, are given on p. 157. Length of growing season for the different counties is given on p. 162. Colorado. State board of immigration. Story -of Colorado: farming, mining, manufacturing. Various paging, c Denver, 19173 252.11 Im6S Contains seven separate sections as 'follows: Northwestern Colorado, 15pp.; The Western Slope, 23pp.; The Sah Luis Valley, 15pp.; The Arkansas Valley-, 31pp.; Eastern Colorado, 31pp.; The South Platte Valley, 31pp%; Southwestern Colorado, 15pp. Delta Count:/ is included in the section, "The Western Slope," pp. 8-10, which (fives information on the classification of land, surface and climate, .agriculture, fruit raising, other industries, cities and towns, railroads and highways, and climatologifal data. Illustrated. Colorado. State planning commission. Water resources of Colorado. Appendix. Processed. . Denver, 1939. 280.7 C71App.en. Library of the U. .S. Dept. of Agriculture has no. 1, v. 1; no. 2, v. 1;- no. 3, v. 1-2; no. 4, v. '1-3; no. 5, v. 1-5. Contents: no. 1, Climatological data of. Colorado; no. 2, Data on -stream gaging stations of Colorado; no. 3, Stream flow data of Colorado; no. 4, Canal diversion data of Colorado; no. 5, Statistics of irrigated crops. - 3 - Colorado. State planning commission. Yearbook of the state of Colorado, 1939-1940... Compiled and edited by, Tolbert P.. Ingram. 503pp. Denver, Bradford-Robinson print, co.. cl940n 252.11 0714 The Library, of the U. S. De-ot* of Agriculture has also Yearbooks for 1918-1938/39. Partial contents: Table showing land classification by percentages, by counties for 1938 (classified as to total, patented, non-patented, state and federal land, and national forests) pp. 15-19; Rank of counties in the state, pp. 23-24; population of Colorado counties, 1940. compared with 193C, p. 25; Outstanding county, school district and municipal bonds, by counties, Jan. 1, 1940, p. 26; Manufactures: summaries for counties for 1929, 1933, 1935 and "1937, pp. 122-126; Taxation: percentage of taxes actually collected to Mar. 1, 194C, for the years, 1936, 1937, 1938, and 1939, and anticipated revenues for these years based on the preceding year' s levies for all purposes, by counties, p. 147; Tables showing the following as returned by county assessors for assessment for each county: all real estate and improvements, livestock, personal property other than livestock, for 1939, pp. 148-153, and grazing land, dry farming land, irrigated land, for specified years, pp. 173-175; Colorado banks, by counties (as of January 1, 1940 ) pp. 389-391; Commercial organizations, by counties, pp. 391-394. Colorado. Tax commission. Twenty-eighth annual report... to the governor, treasurer and legislature, 1939. 178pp. Denver, Bradford-Robinson print, co., 1S39. 252.11 T19 Library of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture lias also reports 1-27, 1912-33. See pp. 33-63 of the report for 1939 for an abstract of assessment of various kinds of land by counties for the years 1938 and 1939, as returned by county assessors. In addition to valuations, statistics are given of acreages of different kinds of land (irrigated, semi- irrigated, dry farm, meadow hay, irrigated pasture, suburban fruit and vegetable tracts, grazing, restoration, arid, waste, seep, timber, i:>roducing coal, non-producing coal, developed coal, undeveloped coal, coal reserves, oil, oil. shale, oil reserves), and of the number of pure bred bulls, calves, stock cattle, steers, pure bred dairy cows, common dairy cows, pure bred stallions and mares, saddle and cow ponies, work mules, sheep, swine, goats, poultry, etc. Colorado. World's fair board of managers. The resources, wealth, and industrial development of Colorado. 191pp. cn.p.D Press of 0. M. Collier, 1393. 252.11 C71 A description of Delta County is given en pp. 104-105. Dane, Carle Hamilton. TJncompahgre Plateau and related structural features (abstract). Wash. Acad. Sci. Jour. 21 (2): 23. Jan. 19, 1931. 500 W276J - 4 - Emmons, S. F. , and Eckel, E. C. Contributions to economic geology, 1905. U. S. Dept. Int. G-eol. Survey. Bui. 285 (Ser. A, Econ. Geol. 73), 506pp. Washington, D. C, 1906. 407 G29B no. 285 A description of the Uncompahgre region, Colorado, "by C. E. Siebenthal, is given on pp. 401-403. "The gypsum measures herein described are located on the west side of the Grand Canyon of Gunnison River, partly in Delta County and partly in Montrose County, Colorado. 1 ' Fellows, A. L. Water resources of the state of Colorado. U. S. Dept. Int. Geol. Survey. Water-Supply and Irrig. Paper 74-(Ser. I, Irrig. 14), 151pp. Washington, D. C, 1902. 407 G29W no. 74 Tables on pp. 132-139 show discharge measurements made on Gunnison and Uncompahgre Rivers at various places for portions of the years from 1895' to 1900. Follansbee, Robert. Upper Colorado River and its utilization. U. S. Dept. Int. Geol. Survey. Wat er-Sup-oljr Paper 617, 394iDp. , map. Washington, D. C, 1929. 407 G29W no. 617 Irrigation: Gunnison River Basin, pp. 129-136, including irrigation from Surface Creek, pp. 133-134 and from Uncompahgre River, pp. 134- 136; Gunnison Valley irrigation project, p. 143; Escalante irriga- tion project, p. 144. Tables show records of stream flow of rivers and creeks which flow through Delta County, Colorado, taken at different locations for portions of the years from 1903 to 1927: Gunnison River, pp. 322- 335; North Pork of Gunnison River, pp. 350-351; Leroux Creek, pp. 351- 353; Surface Creek, pp. 353-356; Uncompahgre River, 'pp. 356-369; Escalante Creek, pp. 372-373. George, Russell D. Geology and natural resources of Colorado. 228pp. Boulder, Colo., University of Colorado, 1927. 406 C712 County maps illustrate many of the chapters in this hook, such as the chapters on Metals and Metal Mining, Fuel, Water Resources, mad Climate and Scenery. George, Russell D. , and others. Mineral waters of Colorado. Colorado. Geol. Survey. Bui. 11, 474pp. Denver, Colo., Eames Bros., state printers, 1920. 406 C71 no. 11 Ch. IX, pp. 202-248, is entitled: "General Descriptions if the Mineral Springs." Includes a description of the mineral springs of Austin and vicinity, Delta County, on p. 202, and a description of Doughty Springs, Hotch- kiss, Delta County, on p. 213. Hayden, F. V. Annual report of the United States geological and geo- graphical survey of the territories, embracing Colorado, "being a report of progress of the exploration for the year 1873. 718pp. Washington, D. C., 1874. 407 G292R 1873 A report ^n Gunnison River and Elk Mountains is given on pp. 247-260. - 5 - Haynes, Ben P., and Smith, Guerry, R. Consumer market data handbook 1939 edition. U. S. Dept. Com. Bur. Foreign and Dom. Com. Dom. Com. Ser. 102, 464pp. Washington, D. C. , 1939. 157.54 D71 no. 102 "The Bureau' s- first assemblage of basic statistics' by counties, specifically designed for the use of businessmen in measuring in- dustrial and consumer markets, was published in 1929 under the title, 'Market Data Handbook of the United States.' Considered as a pioneer in its field, it was followed in 1932 by 'General Consumer Market Statistics,' and in 1935 by 'Consumer Market Data Handbook,' each of which brought up to date the information applicable to consumer markets. The supply of all previous editions is practically exhausted... "The procedure in sales analysis and market research involves studying pertinent facts on small geographic units., putting these facts together to measure market potentials,, and then estimating the current value of these markets to a particular company for any one or more of its products. In the 1935 edition of this volume, 25 items of marketing information were broken down by States, counties, and, where possible, by all cities and towns which in 1930 had a population of 2,500 or more. This 1939 handbook gives that same break-down and includes a total of 82 statistical series. For purposes of simplicity in presentation, the data are placed in five groups: namely, Popula- tion and Dwellings; Volume and Type of Business and Industry; Employ- ment and Payrolls; P.etail Distribution o^ Kinds of Business; and Related Indicators of Consumer Purchasing Power." - Foreword, p. V. For data on Delta County, Colorado, see p. 44. Holmes, William Henry. Report on the geology of the northwestern portion of the Elk Range. U. S. G-eol. and Geogr, Survey of the Territories (Hayden). Ann.~P.pt. c3:: 59-71. 1876. 407 G292Re Huntor, Byron, and others. Type of farming areas in Colorado. Colo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 418, 135pp. cFort Collins, 1935: 100 C71B no. 418 Issued in cooperation with the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Deot. of Agriculture. _ Delta County is included in Area 3, "Western Slope Irrigated Dis- tricts," pp. 71-77, which gives a description of the area, crops raised, livestock, and types of farming. Hunter, J. Fred. Pre- Cambrian, rocks of Gunnison River, Colorado. U. S. Dept. Int. Gecl. Survey. Bui. 777, 94pp., map. Washington, D. C, 1925. 407 G293 no. 777 "The purpose of this study is to present a more detailed descrip- tion than is now extant of the distribution, nature, origin, and structure of the Pre-Cambrian complex rf met amorphic and igneous rocks that are exposed in a long, narrow area in Colorado, which extends from Saguache County west and north through Gunnison, and Montrose Counties into Delta County." - p. 1. - 6 - La Rue, E. C. Colorado River and its utilization. U. S. Dept. Int. Geol. Survey. Water- Supply Paper 395, 231pp. Washington, D. C, 1916. 40? G29W no. 395 The index should "be consulted for references to the Uncompahgre Valley project, Gunnison River, etc. Water- Supply Paper no. 396 entitled "Profile Surveys in the Colo- rado River Basin in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico," contains plates which should "be studied in connection with the above report. Lee, Willis T. Coal fields of Grand Mesa and the West Elk Mountains cDelta County:, Colorado. U. S. Dept. Int. Geol. Survey. Bui. 510, 237pp., nap. Washington, D. C, 1912. 407 G29B no. 510 McCann, Roud, and Summers, Thos. H. Colorado' s agriculture. 59pp. Port Collins, Colorado agricultural college, Extension service c 19253 275.2 C713Co Maps of the state with county delineations are included. They show for the year 1919, unless otherwise stated: number of head of beef cattle on farms on Jan. 1, 1920; distribution of dairy cattle, all classes; cream shipping stations; creameries, cheese factories, and condenseries; swine production; distribution of swine on farms in 1920; sheep; chickens raised; eggs produced; corn acreage; wheat acreage; barley acreage; cats acreage; dry bean acreage; hay and forage production; alfalfa acreage; range pasture acreage; potato acreage; apple trees; peach trees; pear trees; cherry trees; acres in cantaloupes; lettuce acreage, 1923; acreage in truck crops, 1923; sugar beets. Marsh, Barton W. The Uncompahgre Valley and the Gunnison tunnel; a description of scenery, natural resources, products, industries, ex- ploration, adventure, etc. 151pp. Montrose, Colo., Marsh and Torrence, 1905. Libr. Cong. P782.U5M3 "The Uncompahgre Valley is situated in Montrose and Delta Counties, about two-thirds of the valley lying in Montrose County." Melcher, William. Economics of crop production en the Uncompahgre valley reclamation project. 132pp. Madison, Wis., 1931. Libr. Cong. HD1740.U6M4 Hot examined. Melcher, William, The economics of federal reclamation. Jour. Land & Pub. Utility Econ. 9(4): 382-394. Nov. 1933. 282.8 J82 Contains a short history of the Reclamation Act, a discussion of financial arrangements, and a somewhat detailed discussion of the Uncompahgre project, and presents the rental plan for water dis- tribution. Nelson, J. W. , and Kolbe, Lawrence A. Soil survey of the Uncompahgre Val- ley area, Colorado. 51pp. Washington, D. C. , U. S. Dept. of agricul- ture, Bur. of soils, 1912. (Advance sheets - Field operations of the Bureau of soils, 1910.) 1 So32 This area comprises parts of Delta, Montrose and Ouray Counties. - 7 - Pepper, Henry C. County government in Colorado. Colo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 413, 183pp. Fort Collins, 1934. ICO C71B no. 413 Table 16, pp. 97-98, contains data on assessed valuation, popula- tion, average per. capita valuation, and total tax rate for county purposes for 1931, arranged "by counties, including Delta County. Table 18, pp. 104-105, shows percentage of taxes collected in Colorado for years 1928 to 1932, by counties. Table 22, pp. 112-113, gives data on county indebtedness in Colo- rado, Jan. 1, 1934, by counties. Pyle, ?. D. Uncompahgre valley project. Irrigation Age 33(3): 89. May 1918. 55.8 Ir7 - A report en the project just prior to its completion. F.oskelley, R, f. Population trends in Colorado. Colo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull 462, 81pp. "Fort Collins, 1940. 100 C713 no. 462 "Cooperative Plan of Pural Research, Colorado Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Colorado State College, Port Collins, and Rural Section, Division of Research, Federal Work Projects Administration." Small state maps with counties delineated are included, showing density of population by counties, 1870 and 1890, 1910 -and 1930; increases and decreases in population of counties, 1920 and 1930; males per 100 females by cotinties, 1930; percentage distribution of rural -urban population by counties, 1930; number of rural farm persons per square mile, by counties, 1930; percentage foreign born of total white population, by counties, 1890' and 1930; median -size of rural form and rural non-farm families by counties, 1930. Stratton, G. F. Busted by reclamation. The "bleak ending of the dream of miracles that water was to work. Country Gent. 89(ll): 3-4, 38-39. Mar. 15, 1924. 6 C833 "A description of the difficulties the settlers on the Uncompahgre irrigation project in Colorado faced because of high water charges, insufficient credit, etc." - U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 172, item 803. Uncompahgre project wins concessions. Irrigation Age 32(8): 117-118. June 1917. 55.8 Ir7 Contains copy of a letter from Hon. Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior, to Dr. Albert C. McClanahan, President of the Uncompahgre Water Users 1 Association, Delta, Colorado, .setting forth the govern- ment's provisions for assisting those in charge of the project. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment administration. Western division. Colorado handbook. 1939 agricultural and range conserva- tion programs (for use by state committeemen, county committeemen, community committeemen, extension workers, and farm leaders) 43pp. Washington, D. C. , 1939. 1.42 W52H 1939-Colo.-l Sect. 4, pp. 9-11, is on county acreage allotments and goals. Sect. 7, pp. 13-27, is on soil-building practices, according to regions. Lists of counties comprised in each region are given^ Handbooks have also been issued for 1938, 1940, and 1941* "1940 and 1941 Handbook have slightly different titles. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Agricultural adjustment administration. Western division. Programs in Colorado. 1939 annual report. 85pp., processed. Fort Collins, Colo., 1940. 1.43 -W52A.il Colo. 1939 Library of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture has also report for 1938. Pt. I. Farm program; Pt. II. Price adjustment program; Pt. III. Range program; Pt.IV. Commodity loan program; Pt. V. Crop insurance program; Pt. VI. Sugar "beet program; Pt. VII. Farm and range program summary, 1936-1940. Includes 35 tables giving figures "by counties and districts for different features of the AAA programs. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bur. of agricultural economics. Div. of land economics. Water utilization section. Water facilities area plan for ITorth Fork of Gunnison P.iver and tributaries together with Surface and Tongue Creeks and tributaries, Colorado. 189pp., processed, maps. Washington, D. C. , 1940. 1,9 Ec76Wf cno. 22: ' Contents: I. Description of the area; II. Present use of the area; III. Proposed adjustments and recommended area utilization; IV. Cost of installations under the water facilities program; and three appendices U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Forest service. Uncompahgre national forest, Colorado. 19-page folder. Washington, D. C. , 1935. *U. S. Dept. of commerce. Bur. of the census. Fifteenth census of the United States: 1930. Irrigation of agricultural lands. General reports and analytical tables, reports by states with statistics for counties, and a summary for the United States. 483pp. Washington, D. C, 1932. 157.4 C156 Statistics for Colorado are given on pp. 99-111. A county table gives data for each county on farms, area, invest- ment in irrigation enterprises, and irrigation works, 1930 and 1920; areas irrigated, 1929 and 1919; tenure of farm operators and value of farms, 1930; and cost of maintenance and operation. Statistics for each state have also been published separately. *U. S. Dept. of commerce. Bur. of the census. Sixteenth census of the United States: 1940. Agriculture. Colorado. First series. Uses of land, principal crops and classes Of livestock with statistics for counties. 46pp. Washington, D. C, 1941. 157.4 C163 Contents of county tables: County table I: Farms, farm acreage, and value, by color of operator, 1940, 1935, and 1930; farm land according to use, 1939, 1934, and 1929; and value of buildings and implements and machinery, 1940 and 1930. *Census reports for earlier years and for manufactures, population, etc., have not been included in this list. They should be consulted for . additional statistical material on Delta County. - 9 - County -table II: Farms, 1940, 1935, and 193C; farn acreage, and value of land and buildings, 1940 and 1935; value of buildings and implements and machinery, 1940; and cropland harvested, 1939; by tenure of operator. County table III: Number of farms, 1940 and 1935; farm acreage and specified values, 1940; and cropland harvested, 1939; by size of farm. County table IV: Specified classes of livestock on farms and ranches, Apr. 1, 1940 and 1930, and Jan. 1, 1935; and specified livestock products, 1939 and 1934. County table V: Specified poultry en hand, Apr. 1, 1940 and 1930, and Jan. 1, 1935; Chicken eggs produced and specified poultry raised, 1939 and 1934; chickens sold, 1939; and bees on hand, Apr. 1, 1940, and honey produced, 1939. County table VI: Acreage and quantity of corn, sorghums, and small grains, harvested in 1939 and 1934; with specified items for 1929. County table VII: Acreage and production of hay crops and miscel- laneous crops harvested, 1939 and 1934. U. S. Dept. of the interior. Bur. of reclamation. Federal reclamation projects. 96pp. Washington, D. C. , 1935. 156.85 F316 The Uncompahgre project in Delta and Montrose Counties, including its soil, principal crops, industries, etc., is described en pp. 42-44. Library of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture has also editions for 1907, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1919, 1920, 1925, 1926, and 1930. T J. S. Dept. of the interior. Bur. of reclamation. Reclamation projects visited by the appropriations committee, House of reioresentatives, second trip, 1931. 24pp., illus. Washington, D. C. , 1931. 156.85 R24 "This pamphlet was prepared to aid the members of the Appropria- tions committee and their associates in their studies of Federal recla- mation. Brief information is given about various projects, including the Uncompahgre project, Colorado. 1 ' - U. S. Dept.- Agr. Misc. Pub. 172, item 3119. U. S. Weather Dureau, ■ Climatic summary of the United States. Section 22, Western Colorado. U. S. Dept. Agr. Weather Bur. Bui. W, sect. 22, 33pp. Washington, D. C. C1933: 1 W37Bu "W" Ed. 3 This is a preprint of Section 22 of the third edition of Bulletin W. Contains climatological data for numerous stations fr^m the date of establishment of the stations through the year 1930, including those in Delta County. • U. S. Weather bureau. Climatological data. Colorado section, v. 1-v. 14, no. 6; May 1896-June 1909; v. 19-v. 45, no. 7, July 1914-date. Denver, 1396-date. 1.2 C71 ". 14, no, 7-v. 18, July 1909-Dec. 1913, contained in Monthly Weather Review (l W37M) and also reprinted in Report of Districts 6-9 of the Climatological Service (1.22 D-6 to D-9). May 1396-June 1909 have title: Report. " - 10 - V. 1, May 1396-v. 45, no. 6, June 1940 is sued by U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Weather Bureau; v. 45, no. 7, July 1940-date by U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Weather Bureau. Issued monthly. Contains climatological data for Colorado for numerous stations including those in Delta County. Weeks, Herbert J. Oil and water possibilities of parts of Delta and Mesa' counties, Colorado. Colo. Geol. Survey. Bui. 23, 46pp. 19.25. 406 C71 no. 28 Geologic 'map of portions of Delta and Mesa Counties in pocket in- side back cover. Wilhelm, Albert. The great Gunnison irrigation project. Sci. Amer. Sud. 68(1759): 184. Sept. 18, 1909. 470 Sci25. A brief description of the Uncompahgre Valley irrigation system. Woodruff, Elmer Grant. The coal resources of Gunnison Valley, Mesa and Delta cos., Colo. U. S. Dept. Int. Geol. Survey. Bui. 471, pp. 565- 573. 1912. 407 G29B no. 471 Contains a map showing the coal resources of the Gunnison Valley, Mesa and Delta Counties, Colorado. Writers 1 program. Colorado. Colorado; a guide to the highest state. Compiled by Workers of the Writers program of the Work projects ad- ministration in the state of Colorado. Sponsored by the Colorado state planning commission. 511pp., il-lus. Hew York, Hastings house, 1941. (American guide series) Tour 5E,"pp. 260-263, covering Junction US 24 Grand Mesa - Skyway - Cedaredge - Delta, contains a description of the country along the route. Tour 9, pp. 301-315, covers (Garden City, Kans. ) - Holly - Lamar - La Junta - Pueblo - Canon City - Salida - Monarch Pass - Gunnison - Montrose - Delta - Grand Junction - Fruita - (Thompsons, Utah). A description is given of the country along this route, including Delta, county seat of Delta County, on p. 314,. and the Uncompahgre plateau on p. 424. .. . ■ SOURCES CONSULTED The following names of natural regions, areas, etc., which are all located in Delta County, Colorado, were used in searching for material: ' Delta (town); Elk mountains; Escalante River; Grand Mesa. (town and region); Gunnison River;. Leroux Creek; Horth Fork of Gunnison River; Potter Creek; Surface Creek; Tongue Creek; Uncompahgre Irrigation project; Uncompahgre project; Uncompahgre_ River; Uncompahgre Valley; West Elk mountains. Card catalogues of the following libraries: U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. U. 3. Library of Congress. Local history collection. - 11 - Bercaw, Louise 0., Hannay, Annie M. , and Calvin, Esther M. Bibliography'' on land settlement with particular reference to small holdings a.nd subsistence homesteads. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 172, 492pp. Washington, D. C, 1934. Bewcaw, Louise 0., and Haimay, Annie M. Bibliography on land utiliza- tion, 1913-36. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Pub. 284, 15G8pp. Washington, D. C, 1938. Bercaw, Louise C. Farm tenancy in the United States, 1918-1936; a selected list of' references. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Bibliog. 70, 302pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , June 1937. Colvin, Esther M. , and Eolsom, Josiah C. Agricultural labor in the United States, 1936-1937; a selected list of references. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Bibliog. 72, 20 5pp. , processed. Wash- ington, D. C.,' Mar. 1938. Supplements Agricultural Economies Bibliography No. 64 of the same title covering the years 1915-1935. Colvin, Esther M. Large scale and corporation farming; a selected list of references. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Bibliog. 69, 121pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , Apr. 1937. G-raf, Mrs. Dorothy W. Irrigation, a selected bibliography. 631pp., processed. Washington, D. C. , U. S..Dept. of agriculture, Bur. of agricultural engineering, 1938. McNeill, John 11. Farm tenancy in the United States, 1937-1939; a selected list of references. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Agr. Econ. Bibliog. 85, 160pp,, processed. Washington, D. C. , Apr. 1940. U. S. Dept. of agriculture. Bur. of plant industry. cList of: Soil sur- veys of Colorado. 3pp., processed, Washington, D. C. c1939d U. S. Dept. of the interior. Geological survey. Bibliography of North American geology for 1785-1936. 6. nos. U. S. Dept. Int. Geol. Survey. Bui. 746-747, 823, 834, 853, 869, 392. Washington, D. C, 1923-24-1937. Bulletin 746-747 is entitled "Geologic Literature on North America, 1735-1918." Bulletins 746-747, 823, 834 and 858 were compiled by John M. Uickles. Bulletins 869 and 892 were compiled by Emma Mertins Thorn. U. S. Dept. of the interior. Geological survey. Publications of the Geological survey. 269pp. Washington, D. C. , May 1933. - 12 - ECONOMIC LIB RARY, LISTS No. 1. State trade "barriers; selected references. March 1939; Revised June 1940. No. 2. The frozen food industry; selected references, January 1937 to March 1939. April 1939. No. 3. High drafting in cotton . spinning; selected references. April 1939 No. 4. Egg auctions; selected references. July 1939. No. 5. Acts administered by Agricultural Marketing Service. October 1939. No. 6. Periodicals relating to shipping, October 1939.- No. 7. Electrical properties of cotton; some references to the literature, 1931-date. November 1939. No. 8. Sea island cotton; selected references. November 1939. No. 9. Cotton picking machinery; a short list of references. March 1940. No. 10. The tomato industry in Puerto Rico and Cuba; a short list of references. June 1940. No. 11. The dairy industry in the United States; selected references on the economic aspects of the industry. July 1940. No. 12. Planning for the farmer; a short reading list of free and inex- pensive material. July 1940. No. 13. Indirect flood damages; a list of references. August 1940. No, 14. Relocation of farm families; selected references on settler re- location. September 1940. No. 15. Homestead tax exemption in the United States; a selected list of references. October 1940. No. 16. Mate'; a list of references. October 1940. No. 17. Exhibits; a selected list of references. November 1940. No, 18. Pood and cotton stamp plans; a selected list of references. November 1940. No. 19, The banana industry in tropical America with special reference to the Caribbean area, 1930-1940; a selected list of references. January 1941. - 13 - No. 20. The sunflower, its cultivation and uses; a selected list of references. April 1941. No. 21. Delta County, Colorado; a selected list of references. April 1941, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 5531