B. E. P. Q. 512 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE CHAPTER III — BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE SEC. 3°1 • 6U-»5b — ADMINI STRATI VB I INSTRUCTIONS — UODIEYING 3?HB RESTRICTIONS OF THE MEXICAN FRUITFLY QUARANTIHE BY EXTENDING TIIS HARVEST IKO SEASON ON VALENCIA CHANGES FROM AFRIL ^0 TO MAY 31 , 19U1 . Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine "by the third proviso of Section 301. 61+, Chapter III, Title 7, Code of Federal Reflations [Notice of Quarantine No. , it having "been determined by me that a modification may "be safely made without increasing the risk of spread of the Mexican fruitfly, Section 301.6H*-5(a) [subsection (a) of regulation 5 supple- mental to this quarantine] is hereby modified to extend the harvesting season for Valencia oranges for the Texas Counties of Brooks , Willacy, Cameron, and Hidalgo to the close of Hay yi for the year 19!+1 » pro- vided conditions of infestation do not necessitate an earlier closing date. The host-free period for Valencia oranges , under this modifica- tion, will "begin June 1 and continue to August j£Li 19^1 » inclusive. This modification does not affect or alter the harvesting season for grapefruit which closes, under the conditions of the above regula- tion, on April 30. Done at Washington, D. C, this 30th day of December 19I+O. LEE A. STRONG, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaron tine . UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09312 1936