Cl't^.d'^ : f^d: departhutt of coiI'Ierce V^. AVE HELL PIARffli'IA.N, SECRET Bureau of Fconomic and Business research University of Florida OF D0HE3TIC COICIERCE Development Division SELECTED REFERE1>ICES ON Il-'DUSTittAL LOCATION Attached is a selected list of publications dealing with problems and factors of industrial location. It has been prepared as a reference list for State Planning and Development Agencies, Chambers of Commerce, civic organizations, established or prospective businessmen, and others interested in the principles underlying factory location. Those engaged in assembling information on an area's industrial advan- tages or in the appraisal of local factors affecting the selection of a plant location may find it helpful. The list includes both governmental and non- governmental publications and cites a number of books and pamphlets v;hich are out of print but which are still useful. These may generally be consulted, however, in the larger public libraries. April 28, 1947 Fashington, D. C» SELECTED RSFEREl'TCES Oil I1TDU3TRIAL LOCj^.TION I, Federal Government Publications The publications in this section may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, (government Printing Office, Y/ashington 25, D. C, at the indicated prices. Industrial Location and National Resources . National Resources Planning Board. Dec, 1942, 4^1.50 Relative Efficiency of Large, Hedium-sized and Small Business" . Monograph 13, TI\IEC (Temporary National Economic Committee), .i^.SO Structure of Industry . Monograph 27, TNEC (Temporary National Economic Committee), 759 p, $1,00 Heavy Industry- Graphic iluide to Decentrali zation and Some Simple Facts on Reconversion . 1944. 7 p., separate E^Tp & chart. Catalog No. 79-1 Sen. Doc. 75, .;p.25 Marketing Lav/s Survey Series . Catalog No, FIiA,Z6 Vol, V 1942, 244 p, il. Interstate Trade Barriers, outline of studies Pedei-al V/orks Agency. $.75 Structure of American Economy , National Resources Planning~Board, pt. 1 - Basic characteristics, 1939, 396 pp. il, 43N2l/l2 :2Ec7/pt,l. >^1,00 (Stock exhausted). Available at public libraries in larger cities, Financial Statistics of State and Local Governments . Census Bureau, Dept, of Commerce, C~'69~t .if, Ob & ■f.lO Technical News Bulletin of National Bureau of Standards , (Monthly ) Cat, C 13:13, Department of Commerce. Subscription price {jf, 50 per year. The Geographic Distribution of Manufacturing Facilities Expansion"^ July, 1940 - May, 1944, ;Var Production Board, Program and Statistics Bureau, Facilities Branch, June 1, 1945. (civilian Production Adminis- tration). (Free) - 1 - / An Outline for Making Surveys . Economic Series No, 34, Bureau of Forei,^! and Domestic Commerce, > U. S.. Dept,. of Commerce. ^.10 A Guide for Local Industrial Promotion. Economic Series Fo, 47. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, U., S. Department of Commerce. (Free) List of Available Publications, U« S. Department of Commerce. (Free") Census Bureau Publications, Bureau of the Census, U» S. Department of Commercfe, • (Free) List^ of Selected Publications. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, IT, S. Department of Comerce. (Free). Directory of Trade and Pi'ofessional Associations. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, U« S. Dept. of Commerce. §,70 Check List for tl:e Introduction of F e\'i Consumer Products , Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1945, U. S, • Department of Commerce. ^.10 Basic Industrial Location Factors . Bureau of Foreign and • Domestic Commerce, ftrea Development Division, U. 3, Department of Commerce. (Free) II, State 'jovernment Publicatiohs The publications in this se'ction may be obtained from the state agencies indicated bel'ow, Nsw Factories, in . California Com munities ." • Pamphlet No. 11. July, 1946. ""California State H ec on s tru cti on and Reemployment Commission, 631 J Street, Sacramento 14, California, •'■(Free) -. • - ' ■ ■ • - . ■.',,. '. ' . - 2 - V Economic Studies pf Maryland . Maryland State Planning Conunission, BaltTmore,, Hd, 1939, /.'|,25 Part I , The Survey Part II, A Base Pattern of the Industry and • Agriculture of Maryland- Part III, Observation of Industrial Changes in the Base Pattern Part IV, Diagnosis of Causes Contributing to and Effects Resulting from Changes Observed in Part III« 351 pp. niraeo. III. Non- Governmental Publications ' ■ The references cited in this section nay be obtained .from the publishers, as indicated, Alfred Leber's Theory of Location of Industries ,' By 1 . Carl J, Fredrich, 1929, University of Chicago Press, • • • . Chicago, I llinoi,s. $3,00 Southern Industry and P.egional Development , By. Harriet •_■ . , L, Herring, University of North Carolina Press, '■■.Chapel Hill, N. C. 1940. 103 pp, $i;00 ■ . * ■ Plant Location , By .Gerald W, Holmes, McGraw-Hill Book ■••■.. . ^ Company, 330 II, 42hd Street, New York 18, N, Y. (Note" - Out of print, but available at public libraries in "larger indus_trial cities,) . ■/ Industrial Management. By R, H, Lansburgh and ViT, R, Spriegel, , 3rd ed, 1940, Ifew York/ N^ Y,. '$4,50 , John w'iley & Sons, Inc.- ^, a ty /—■ i Industrial Districts of the Chicago Region and their Ihflbenbes. on Plant LocationT " 1933, Journal of Business of the University 'of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Distribution Efficiency Applied to Plant Location , Philadelphia Business Progress Association, Phila,, Pa, 1931, 35 pp. Significance of Location upon Production Costs , By J. L, Vferner, American Institute of Chemical Engineers - Transactions, June, 1936, pp, 193-220. 50 3, 41st St., New York 17, N, Y, - 3 - /A^ 7t^' 7M. /3 S"^ Is Industry Decentralizing ? A Statistical Study of Locational Changes in lianufacturing Hmployment, I8S9-1933, 'By Caniel B. Crcamar. Yjharton School, University of Pennsylvania, phila.. Pa. 105 pp. ill. 00 2Ai^ 5vK^ B; Tho Changing Pattern of Industrial Location. "By F, G. Tryon, DanTel B. Creamer, Herman Brunclc, pp, 300-392, 1936. (See "Migration and Economic Opportunity"), T/Tharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Phila.,'Pa. |5,00 Industrial Location and the Housing Market . Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, pp. 138-144, March, 1937. 3457 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa, America He born ; A Plan for the Deoontrali zation of Industry , By RaTph L. V/oods. 376 pp. 1937. ' Longmans- Green & Co., Inc., 55 'Fifth Ave., New York, N, Y, vfS.OO * Outline ■ for a ilaster Coinmunity Survey . Chamber of Commerce oT ti\e United States, T|ashingt«n, D. C, 53 pp. mimeoi (Free) Want 'a Fac tory ?. By Dale Kramer, Survey Graphic, ' pp.~'438-44l, August, 1940, survey Associates, Inc,, 112 E. 19th Street, New York, 3, M. Y, Hpw: to Attract Industries - Efforts in Paterson, N. £. By"li« S, Swan, Banking, , Fob, , 1939, /jnerican Bankers Association^ 23 g. 46th St., New York 16, N,Y. Sf^'eamlinjng a^ City . to Attract Industry ..- By H, S. Swan, ■■■'■; .•^.-: 15- -Park: I^y/f^.rNcwYork, Wf Yv -25; pp.- -.#,25 ■' How to Promote Community and Industrial Development . .?..,■ ,Hy~rederiok: H. McDonald, 1938, Harpor and Bros,, ■-;■■'■•■. ■'•4-9,'Easir.33Td- 'street,' New York,' Nr'-Y,; ^3,00 Industrial Development for 'a Community , Metropolitan .Life Insurfoice Company, Few Yo.rk^, N, Y« (Free) - 4 - Growth of American Manufacturing '.reas ; ^ Comparative AEnWi~withlpcciar^hasis on Trends in the Pittsburgh District .-^y Glen ]J« HcLaughTin. Bureau oflUsmess Researc h Bulletin Ko.?, 360 pp. ^ 1938. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa, ;|3,00'Economics of American Industry . McGraw-Hill Book Co,, r^*^"^^ " 330 V/est~42nd Street, New York,"!!. Y. *3.00 So You're Going to Move, March, 1942, issue of Journal ~ of ;.ccou ^Iti^y7" TlJ^ican Institute Publishing Co., 13 East 41st Street, New York 17, N. Y, */ Strategic Factors in Plant Location . Jan., 1942, issue -^FlfeFaTd-mlH-n^s-RS^ew. Graduate School of Business Administration, Morgan Hall, Soldiers Field Station, Boston 63, Massachusetts They Like Small Towns. March, 1945, issue of Nation»s ~Birsi^r:ri's7~Chamb^F"of Commerce of the United States, Washington, D. C« ' Regi.nal Industrial. Trends and tlie P acific Uorthwest. ? — B^^n^^l J. I^iverV I^atitnal Cenference en Planning; Proceedinrs. Aneric^ap Society of Planning Officials, Chicag., Illinois, pp. 89-166, 1940. .'^.0» - 5 - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08484 9487 - • vf. to nnJtmat 6H oif'^'AtoSi o*|t(»pY ■' >• -e MWsoa 9/3noT llA tSflS «