B.E.P-Q.. 533. Revised Effective March 1, 19^5 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 07 AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU Of ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE DOMESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES JAPANESE BEETLE QUARANTINE REGULATIONS MODIFIED Introductory note. — This revision of the adaini strati ve instructions (B.I. P.O.. 533) makes no change in the list of articles that are exempted froa Japanese Dee tie certification. The revision is solely for the purpose of bringing the citation of authority into line with the appropriate proviso in the current revision of the quarantine. I 301*^8 Administrative Instructions: articles exempt from certification . Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology end Plant Quarantine "by the second proviso of the Japanese beetle quarantine (10 FR 1951. s 301. Ug), the following articles, the interstate movement of which is not considered to constitute a risk of Japanese beetle dissemination, are hereby exempted from the requirements of the regulations of that quarantine. Nursery stock ; Under this classification, the following articles are hereby exempted: True bulbs, corns, and tubers, when dormant, except for storage growth, and when free from soil. cut>£|« HfiV-<. a tnhflru or anall dahlia root-di visions when free from stems, cavities, and soil. (Dahlia tubers, other than single tubers or small root-divisions meeting these conditions, require certification.) Orchid plants when growing exclusively in Osaunda fiber. Trailing arbutus or Mayflower ( Epigaea repens) . when free from soil. Moss and clubmoss, ground-pine or running-pine, when free from soil. Soil-free aquatic plants* Soil-free sweetpotato draws. Soil-free plant cuttings without roots. Soil-free rooted cuttings, which, at the time of shipment, have not de- veloped a root system sufficient to conceal larvae of the Japanese beetle. Cut flowers : Under this classification, cut orchids are hereby exempted. These instructions shall be effective March 1, 19^5. end shall thereafter remain in effect until further modified or revoked. (Sec. g, 39 Stat. 1165, ^ Stat. 250; 7 U-S.C 19**0 ed. l6l; 10 TH 1951 s 301. Ug.) Done at Washington, D. C, this 10th day of February 19*15. AVERT S. HOYT Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09312 1829