Bo Eo P. Q. 568, Supplement No, 1 Effective July 17. 1948 LIBRARY RQ STATE PLANT BOARD UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU CF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT r " DOMESTIC QUA TICES MEXICAN FRUITFLY QUARANTINE; FURTHER EXTENSION OF HARVESTING SEASON Pursuant to the authority conferred upcn the Chief of the Bureau of Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine by § 301-64-5 (a) of the regulations supplemental to the Mexican fruitfly quarantine (7 CFR 1945 Supp, §$ 301,64-1 through 301c 64-7) , the following administrative instructions are hereby adopted: § 301.64-f d Administrative instructions; further exte nd ing harvesting se on und er requirements of Mexica n_ f ruitfly regulation s- The present harvesting season for grapefruit, sweet limes, and "sour" and "bittersweet" oranges in the regulated area is hereby further extended from midnight July 17, 1948 until midnight July 31 1948. The host free period for these fruits shall begin at 12:01 a..m-, August 1, 1948, and continue through the last day of August 1948. (Sec. 8, 37 Stat. 318, as amended; 7 U-S,C. l6i) The purpose of this action is further to extend the harvesting period for these fruits an additional two weeks beyond that provided for in administn instructions effective June 15, 1948 (3, E. P. Q. 568), 13 F.R. 2471, which ex- tended the harvesting season from midnight June 15, 19** 8 until midnight July 17, 1948, This further extension is needed because the available labor supply and conditions in the groves have delayed harvesting of the crop* The pest ri involved vail not be increased, since sterilization of fruit will be required in the same manner as during the regular harvesting period. This action is taken in concurrence with the appropriate regulat Ls of the State of Texas. V is necessary that these administrative instructions become effective at in order to permit the growers t plan th ir harvesting activities ace Furthermore, tnese instructions relieve • s. For the reasons stated, it is found upon good cause, pursuant to the provisions of sect' Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat, 233), that notice and pul re on these administrative instructions are uni ■ , and co.v to the public in1 than 30 days after their publication in the Federal Done at Washington, D. C, this 2nd day of July 1948, Chi it, I Pla nt Quarantin e IVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09313 7163