fATE FLANT BOARD. December 1944 . , j**630 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRI CULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINI S TRATI ON BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE A REVIEW OF THE INSECTICIDAL USES OF ROTENONE ;j>ID ROTENOIDS FROM DERRIS, LONCHOCARPUS (CUBE i\ND TBffiO), TiPBROSIA, AND RELATED PUNTS PART Villi HYMENOPTERA Jy R. C» Roark, Division of Insecticide Investigations 1/ CONTENTS Pa£e Introduction- 2 Hymenoptera Apidae 2 Bra - fined (grade G) petroleum oil emulsified with sulfito-lyc, the superior efficiency of which as a penetrant may have boon associated with solu- bility factors. -20- • According to Etabli'ssements Ro tenia, in a letter to R. C. Roark in 1938, this pest on cherry trees was killed by a product containing 12 percent of powdered Loncho carpus nicou root (of 6 percent rotenone con- tent) and 88 percent of talcum. Plant Protection Ltd-.- ( 100 ) of Yalding, Kent, England, in 1938 ad- vertised Drymac No. 2 as a derris dust suitable for the control of the apple sawfly. Kearns and Martin (66, 67) in 1939 described tests to control the apple sav/fly in England. The results were as follows: Insecticide Spreader Total ffuits Mean Sawfly infestation None Nicotine Derris (0,25 percent) Derris (0.1 percent) Barbasco (0.1 percent) Lonchocarpus extract Lonchocarpus extract Lonchocarpus extract Lonchocarpus extract Lonchocarpus extract Significant differences (P = 0.05) Sulfonated 1 , lor ol Sulfonated lorol Lorol Sulfonated lorol Sulfonated lorol Sulfonated lorol Agral 2 Gamma- sulfonates Sulfite^lye Petroleum-oil emulsion Number Percent 2,111 65.3 2,220 16.7 3,255 15.9 2,829 39.8 2,732 23.8 2,822 24.2 2,562 23.9 2,478 34.0 2,804 39.2 1,795 6.8 750 12.72 Rotenone-containing sprays act-' as stomach poisons to newly hatched larvae of the apple sawfly, but apparently the insecticide is not fixed by the calyx-cup tissue and toxicity decreases each day after applica- tion. If the period between application and egg hatch is too long, the initial concentration of rotenone may have decreased torsuch an extent that the larvae are not killed. Variable results are therefore obtained with derris and similar rotenone-containing materials. Further work may indicate a concentration of rotenone that provides' a satisfactory dura- tion of toxicity to cover all normal requirements. The sawfly spray must be applied as a drenching application to wot the flowers thoroughly, en- suring that the spray deposited on the stamens will run into the calyx cup. Hoplocampa sp. According to the (Tokyo) Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (55) in 1927, a solution of 1 pound of Neoton in 60 gallons of water ex- terminates larvae of the pear sawfly if they are on the rind of the fruits in course of transition. If a transition takes place after the solution become. , dry, only 40 percent of such larvae succumb. -21- Fetallus rubi Forbes Daniel (18.) in 1928 reported on the control of the blackberry leaf miner, which is probably a limiting factor in the culture of blackberries in western New York. Derrisol, in a dilution of 1:200, averaged 69 per- cent control when sprayed upon the larvae, but had no value as an ovicide. ;. ,',■, Blennocampa rubj . ,(Harr. ), the raspberry sawfly The Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station (87) in 1931 reported that one application of Derrisol at 1:800 plus 2 pounds of Ivory soap per 100 gallons of solution completely controlled the raspberry sawfly, ( rionophadnoides ) Blennocampa rubi, in a field of red raspberries. Kutson (50) in 1934 reported that after the fruit v/as set, raspberry sawfly larvae can be combated with sprays of the contact insecticides, derris or pyrethrum. Derris acts slowly but insects do not feed after they have been hit.. Dutton, Hutscn, and Cation (22) in 1936 recommended derris for con- trol -of late infestations of sar/flies on raspberries. Derris prepara- tions are slow-acting poisons and a good thorough application is required, Repeat in- a week if all the larvae are not killed the first time. Caffrey (15) in 1938 recommended a derris dust containing 0.75 per- cent of rotenone for the control of the raspberry sawfly on raspberries and blackberries after blooms appear on the pla-nts. Neurotoma nemoralis ( L . ) Jahnke and Roesler (56) in 1940 reported that dust residues of der- ris retain their effectiveness much longer than those based on pyrethrum or nicotine. Phymatocera aterrima (Klug) See Fryer et al. (31) under Pteronidea ribesii (Scop.), on page 22, Priophorus rubivorus Roh. '• Hanson and r febster (42) in 19 38 recommended derris or cube dust (0.5 percent rotonone) or spray (0.01 percent rotenone) for the control of the raspberry sawfly. Pristiphora abietinus (Christ.) (Syn., Ly^aoonematus plni Retz. ) DeBussy et al. (14) in 1936 roported that a heavy infestation of larva© of ( Lyga eon oma tu s ) Pristiphora abic Linus in spruce trees was killed in a few hours with a dust containing 0.5 percent of rotenone and 1.2 percent of ether extract. As a result of theso experiments, the forester was able to control the infestation by dusting with motor- driven dusting equipment usinr a dusting mixture containing 0.2 percent of rotenone purchased on the open market. -22- The Kolohiaal Instittrat of .Amsterdam (73) in 1936 reported that in the Netherlands derris had been used for the control of this species. Van dor Laan (78) in 1936' reported control with derris dust applied by a power duster.. In 1936 Nageli (90) reported having dusted infested spruce trees with Pirox, a rotenone preparation which also contains fungicidal sub-» stances and which is prepared by the fim of Dr. Maag in Dielsdorf. Ten to 12 kilograms of Pirox per hectare -was used. This treatment completely destroyed the -larvae and also, with correctly timed dusting, greatly re- duced the damage during the current year. Lygaeonematus erichsonii (Htg.), the larch sawfly Kelsall et al. (71) in 19 26 reported that an undiluted derris dust, applied with a hand duster, gave 100 percent control of larch sawfly larvae, ( Pristiphora ) Lygae onematu s erichsomii . McDaniel (84) in 1939 recommended a dust containing 0.75 percent of rotenone, although about 72 hours were necessary to obtain any indica- tion of kill. Cryolite and calcium arsenate dusts were more effective. Pteronidea ribesii (Scop.), the imported currant worm Fryer et al. ( 31 ) in 1923 reported an investigation in which extracts of Derris elliptica were shown to have a high insecticidal value, partic- ularly for caterpillars, but were not so toxic to aphids. The dry root itself may be used in a finely powdered condition worked up with water together with soap or other emulsifying reagents. As the pure poisons found in derris root are solids and only slightly soluble in water, their toxicity appears to depend on the degree of dispersion. A biological method of determining insecticidal properties quantitatively is described. It depends on dipping insects, for a constant period of time (10 seconds) in known strengths of highly dispersed suspensoids in dilute aqueous sol- utions of saponin. Results agreeing with those given by the chemical method already described were obtained. It enabled the authors to com- pare extracts of derris with nicotine. To certain caterpillars, tuba- toxin and dorrid were shown to be of the sane order of toxicity' as nico- tine. These conclusions arc based on tests with the gooseberry sawfly larvae and larvae of another sawfly, Phymatocora aterrima (Klug). Durham (21) in 1926 gave an interesting account of his early work with derris, which he regarded as essentially a stomach poison. A fair- ly large-scale trial was made in June 1904 in a garden at Shelford, where the gooseberries were covered with sawfly larvae; the larvae were prompt- ly killed; and the cooked fruit caused no unpleasant symptoms. According to Kelsall et al. (71 ) in 1926, derris at 0.31/pound per 100 imperial gallons of water killed 100 percent. A dust of 98.75 parts hydrated lime and 1.25 parts derris gave 100 percent control in a heav- ily infested currant plantation. -23- Turner ( 117 ) in 1932 reported the results of work carried on during 1928-31 with cube extract and with rotenone obtained. from cube. Cube extract in 0.5 percent of oil emulsified rath a sulfonate emulsifier (cube extract 1:25,000) killed 100 percent of the eggs; the check oil killed 12 percent. Two series of tests of„ repellents were made on the larvae. In the first series cube extract at the rate cf 1:2.5,00.0 caused death within 24 hours of 80 percent of the 20 larvae, whereas only 15 percent of the 20 larvae on check twigs died. In the second series all the larvae on the sprayed leaves died within 3 days and 84 percent of the larvae on check leaves died within the same period. The high mortal- ity within a short period indicated some toxic action aside from the repellent effect. Kearns (59) in 1934 reported that "caterpillars", of the gooseberry sawfly arc readily controlled by derris spray.- Wilbaux ( 122 ) in 1934 tested extracts of the leaves of 22-year-old Tephrosia vogolii and reported that as a contact insecticide the leaves are about as toxic as nicotine. Larvae of the imported currant worm were very sensitive, even when the material was used without a wetting agent. Variable amounts of acetone extract wore added to the water used for spraying. The emulsions were used immediately. The following results were obtained: Acetone "."c'ontont Larvae observed after — Concentration r 24 hours 67 hours •Percent On s eods 1:200 1.00 8 dead, 2 sick 9 dead, 1 moribund 1:500 .40 6 dead, 4 sick 10 dead 1:1,000 .20 6 dead, A sick 9 dead, 1 moribund 1:2,000 .10 6 dead, 4 sick 8 dead, 1 1 sick moribund, 1:4,000 .05 5 dead, 5 sick On 6 dead, 2 2 s i ck Leaves moribund, 1:200 1.00 10 dead 10 dead 1 : 500 .40 10 dead 10 dead 1:1,000 .20 8 doad, 2 sick 9 dead, 1 living 1:2,000 .10 5 dead, 2 s i ck 7 dead, 3 sick 3 living 1:4,000 :.05 1 dead, 9 living 5 dead, 3 living sick, 2 The checks sprayed with 1 porcont of acctono were unaffected. -24- DeBussy et al. (l4)in 1936 reported that this species is sensitive 1 to derris dust. According to Van der Laan (78) in 1936, this species may be controlled with derris. The New York State Agricultural Experiment Station ( 94 ) in 1936 re- ported that when stomach insecticides are needed for control of the im- ported currant worm a rotenone spray or dust may be used. Studies made in 1935 showed that derris or cube dusts containing from 0.3 to 0.5 percent of rotenone were very effective. Kearns and Marsh (60) in 1937 recommended a spray containing derris, l/2 pound of a wetter, and 1 gallon of lime-sulfur per 100 gallons of water for control of gooseberry sawfly and Americal mildew. Kearns and Umpleby (69) in 1937 recommended derris for the. control of the gooseberry sawfly. The derris dust must be used at a concentration that represents not less than 0.18 percent of crystalline rotenone. A der- ris, nicotine, or lead arsenate spray may be substituted for the dust. Kelsall and Stultz (72) in 1937 reported that in laboratory experi- ments derris-gypsum dusts gave the following results: Derris in dust ' Mortality Per( sent 70 in 3 days 70 in 3 days 90 in 3 days 91 in 3 days 100 in 2 days 100 in 2 days Percent 0.25 .50 1.00 2.50 5.00 12.58 In field experiments derris was most extraordinarily effective against this insect. Derris used at a concentration of 2.5 percent of rotenone was effective from a practical standpoint. It was observed- that bushes treated with derris prevented reinfestation for apparently 3 weeks, whereas bushes treated with pyrethrum were rapidly reinfested by newly hatched insects. From these experiments it is obvious that derris is exceedingly toxic to this insect, but that pyrethrum is toxic only when used copiously. The New York Agricultural Experiment Station (95) in 1937 reported that the imported currant worm is readily controlled with rotenone sprays and dusts » As infestations of this insect in a given planting are often localized, spot dusting or spraying may be practiced to advantage. All the currant pests for which arsenicals have been used previously may now be controlled by rotenone sprays or dusts, on the use of which there are no legal restrictions. -25- Hamilton (41) in 1938 reported that currant worms on currant bushes were controlled 100 percent, by a spray of derris or cube powder (4 per- cent, rotenone) at 4 pounds, per <100 gallons of- water plus 4 pound's of rosin- residue emulsion. The spray acted as a contact poison, and killed 100 percent in 1 or 2 days. Flint and Anderson (30) of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion in 1939 recommended a rotenone spray (8 pounds ground derris or cube, containing 0.75 percent rotenone, in 100 gallons of water) for the control of the currant worm on currants and gooseberries. This spray should be applied eerly in the season just after the plants come into full foliage. Pteronidea salicis (L.) DeBussy et al. (14) in 1936 reported that this species was sensitive to derris dust* ?elandria atra (Steph.) inl-938, According to Etpblissements Rotenia in a letter to R-. .C. Roark/this pest on pear trees was killed by a product containing- 12 percent of powdered L on cho corpus nicou root (6 percent rotenone) and 88 percent of talcum. Tomostethus juncivorus Roh. Harukawa (43) in 1925 reported tests made in Japan .with "tuba-fluid," a whitish solution made from derris roots supplied by an insecticide dealer. It was particularly effective against the larvae of the rush saw- fly, killing 100 percent when diluted 1:1,000. The addition of soap did not increase the effectiveness. The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (55) Tokyo, Japan, in 1927 reported that Neoton at 225 gm. plus 450 gm. of soap per 40 imperial gallons of water gave 85 percent mortality of larvae. ' Tenthredinidae (unidentified species) Tattersfield and Roach ( 113 ) in 1923 published some of the results of Durham's work with derris from 1902 to 1907. He found the larvae of saw- flies to be very susceptible. Mclndoo and Sievers (85) in 1924 stated that the cold alcoholic ex- tract of cube used with soap was efficient against sawfly larvae. The alcoholic extract of derris used with soap -.vas efficient against half- grovwo sawfly larvae. The Institute of Physical .^nd Chemioal Research (55) Tokyo, Japr>n, in 1927 reported that Neoton at l/2 pound plus 1 pound of soap per 40 imper- ial gallons of water gavo 100 percent mortality. -26- Hus ( 49 ) in 1933 stated that derris preparations could be used for the control of hymenopterous larvae on currants, raspberries, and straw- berries . Hutson ( 51 , 52) in 1936 and again in 1937 wrote that currant worms were controlled by the application of a dust containing 0.5 to 0.75 per- cent of rotenone at the rate of 15 to 25 pounds per acre. Derris spray was also effective. According to the Koloniaal Instituut of Amsterdam ( 75 ) in 1936, the larvae of sawflies can be destroyed with the help of derris. The New York (Cornell) Agricultural Experiment Station (92) in 1936 reported- thp.t in two counties where currant growing is an important busi- ness, considerable difficulty had been experienced in 1934 from arsenical residue. A part of the residue came from spraying the currants for worms, and a part came from the drip from overhanging apple trees. For currants grown in the open, the problem was solved by using a rotenone dust. Where the currants were grown under trees, it was necessary to wash the crop be- fore it could be marketed. The Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station (54) in 1937 issued di- rections for spraying fruits in Illinois. The currant worm on currants and gooseberries may be controlled by spraying with 8 pounds of ground derris or cube (0.75 percent rotenone) in 100 gallons cf water. Do not wait until the worms appear, but spray early in the season just after the plants come into full foliage. Westcott, in the New York Times, Sunday, June 6, 1937, wrote that rose slugs (3 species of sawfly larvae) are readily controlled by a com- bination spray or dust containing lead arsenate or rotenone. According to the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (9l)in 1938, derris or cube powder in water to which rosin-residue emulsion had been added was effective against sawfly larvae. June sawfly larvae and currant worms were easily killed. Parks and Pierstorff (97) in 1938 recommended the application of a derris or cube dust (0.5 percent of rotenone) or spray (3 pounds of powder containing 4 percent of rotenone in 100 gallons of water) for the control of currant worms on currant. C. B. Dibble, of Michigan, in a "Bug Flash" in 1940, recommended der- ris or cube dusts diluted with flour or talc, or commercial dusts contain- ing 0.5 or 0.75 percent of rotenone for the control of the raspberry saw- fly. Fenne (28) in 1940 recommended derris and cube dusts and sprays for control of currant worms. -27- V-eapidae (unidentified .sp.. )•• 'An anonymous writer- (•!}• in "1927" reported _thpt. s large hornet in • flight was" stunned, .and -later 'fli"eoonematus — abietinu,s « See Pri stiphor r abietinu s. pini . See. Frist i phora nbjetinus . . . . Metal lus rubi ------,.-------------------- 21 Monophadnoides rubi . See Blennocampa rubi . Mound-building unt .--.--•»-•?-. ------------ -----7 Myrroi ca rubra ----------------------------7 - 30 - Nar.grang ant ----------------------------8 Neroatus abietinus . See Pristiphora abietinus * Keodiprion — ..-■-..■' pineturo ------------------- _---_-_.-._-- — -6 Feurotqrna nemo it p lis. *■ jr .r jt .r jr .*■ * -r #* .r ." ~ -.r .- **■*> - ■ - .- - - - 21 Oecopjiylla smar.agdina., ,- „.- _- ..*■ n> -r r r _- -"" ■? ~ ~ r r r --,?■ - .*? — - Oligonychus ulmi ___.__-____--_______-___ 18 Pavement ant .------ ■- .r ~ r -~ ,~ ~ ~ ' r f ,r ''"■? ".-*• r .,- ~ ~"~ -'-* - - ^ .Pear-- , : j _ ' _. ,. ... ....„._ ... , ■ ; '. ■ . Phyroatqcera aterrima - y -.*■'•>• .*■ .- - *■ *• .- - --- •- ./••*- -~ ~ '"■'•* " 2-1,22 Pine — .- sawfly _- - - - - - - ---.--.-- - - - ? --_--- - ■_ _ 6 Pl?giolepi's . longi-pes^ ' 3ae" Anoplo.le.pLs longi.pes^ .., ... . Plum— " " """"" : thrips ---------------------------- _ 14 Prenolepis sp. tr .r - - .------.- r. ,- - t --------- - » 8 Priophorus rubivbrus ----------------------- 21 Pristiphora— . . .-«."• '.','•- - .~i- '...'... abietinus - - - - - - -"--'•? - - - - r - - - ..- - - -.-.-■■:-•,'-'-"- 21-22 erichsonii' - - - - - - - - - - r -- -_ - - .-..-,.-.- - - -•- - — - 22 Pteronidea-- . .. . ... _. ...'"'' - ribesii -■-_-_-------.---.--.-.--.--- --.-..-- - — 22 W L salicis - - r - .-.,-..- ---_-_----.-.--.---.----- - - - - .25 Raspberry — ... - ,:..'- - .. - , ..-.. - - beetle , : --. - - ; . - .- ; - - - 3 Red~ American lawn ant ---------- -^.r, -,-, -- -_-.---•- - ------ y spide/ "■ - - 1 1* i y.i z - 1 Z:.i'i:'.M r ri r?!';".i ii*^ . .stinging ant „■---• --- ---•-, -...'- -.-,---.----.---------'- ..Red-hoaxed -pine* sawfly -- --- - -. - -%.-^-- - ■?■ -?-.r -------- _• Rose — slug-. -.,-.-..--.-..-.- .- - - -„-.,'.-.- -..-_-. -.,-.'-- - t -•"- - -11-12,26 Rush sawfly --'------------------------- *~3?5 Sawfly ' - - -.-'- -,'- L - — -- -V-V-V-: -.-V- -'-" -.- * - 13-26 S elaridria atra - - - - - - - - - - .■-. - - - -•- - - - v - -. - •>-,- - - 25 Solenopsis — "*"" " '* — " '"*'*' gerninata Spruce sawfly --------- _"---•'- •- •-'--•- -• -± - - - -"- - - 21 Tenthredinidae -------- ,-,.- --------- -"- - - - -"- 11-26 TotramoriuiTi caosp u it.um ,.-.-..-. -'.;-'.'-."- .-._-»;,- •■ -■ --"r > -'- - -"r- - - - 9 - 31 - Thrips - __--_---.- -__..__-»-____ ]_4 Tomostothus juncivorus ------------------ _ _ _ 25 Venturia inaequrlis - — -__-__-_--_-__..-.--__ ]_g espidae - - - - --"**•'«*. ----------- _-.___ 27 "fesps - -"■« ------------------------ 27 White-pine sawfly ---•--'--~--------- ------ 6 Yell cry American lmvn grnt -------------.------- 9 J * -• - 32 - Literature cited i. aitoiymous 1927. 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Untersuchungen iiber die Toxizit&t von Pf lanzenschutzmitt In gegen Bienen. Landw. Jahrb. 8^(6) :851. 113. TATTERSFIELD, F. , and ROACH, W. A. 1923. The c hemical properties of Derris elliptica (tuba . root). Ann. Appl. Biol. 10:1-17. llU. TISCHLER, N. 1935* Studies on how derris kills insects. Jour. Econ. Ent. 28:215-220. .... 115. TRAPPMANF, V., and NITSCHE, G-. 1935* Beitrage zur Giftwirkung von Rotenon und Pyrethrinen auf verschiedene Insekten. Nachrichtenbl.. f . den. Deut. Pflanzenschu.tzd,ienst. 15:6-7. 116. TRAVI'S, B. V. ..." .-. 1939* Tests of soil treatments for the control of. the fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (E.) Jour. Econ. Ent. 32:6^5-650.. T ... 117. TURNER, IT. , ....... 1932.. Notes on rotenpne as an insecticide. Jour.. Econ. Ent. 25:1228-1237. .... 118. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, . , , BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE .... 1935« Results of codling moth investigations 193*+. II. ... Work conducted by the Fruit Insects Division. . U. S. Dent. Agr. , Bur. Ent. and ^lant Quar,, [Unnumbered] UU pp. [Processed.] ., 119. VECHT, J. van der . . . 1936. Proeven met derris tegen insectenplagen, in Neder- landsch-Indie. Landbouw. 11(10) i^OlJ+65, 120. WaGENINGEN plantenziektenkundige DIENST . . . 193^. [Rotenone.] Wageningen Plantenziektenkund. Dieast Verslag. en Meded. 76, 116 pp., illu§. , ,■ 121. t aLK^R, H. G. , and ANDERSON, L. D. .... 1937. Control of the pavement ant attacking eggplants. Jour. Econ. Ent. 30:312-3lU. ,. . . 122. WILBaUX, R. 193^. Composition et proprietes toxiques des graines et des fueilles de Tephrosia vogelii Hook. Rev. de Bot. Appl. et d'^gr. Colon. lU: 1019-1027. 123. WO r D, V. L. 1912. Tuba root. Fed. Malay States Dept. Agr. Bui. l:l6U-l66. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA - 42 - 3 1262 09230 4194 124. YAGO, II. 1933, Changes in the fauna of injurious insects in the pear orchards. Jour. Plant Protect. 20:27-32, [in Japanese. Abstract in Rev. Appli-Ent. (A) 21:263.] Junior Author Index Abbott, W. S. See Mclndoo, N. E. , 86 • ■ Anderson, H. W. See Flint, W. P., 30 Anderson, L. D. See Walker, H, G., 121 ■ Austin, M. D. See Jary, S. G., 58 Cation, -D. See -Button, W. C, -22 Diakonoff, A. See Bussy, ■ L. P. de, 14 and Spoon, W«, 109 Gorhara, R. P. See Kelsall, A., 71 Hassan, A. A. G. See Steer, W. , 111 ... Hutson, R. ' See Dutton, VlT.'C, 22 Jary, S, G. See Austin, M. D., 6 Laan, P. A. van der. See Bussy, L. P. de, 14 -and Spoon, W. , 108, 109 Maercks, H. See Jancke, 0,, 57 Marsh, R. W. See Kearns, H. "G. H., 60, 61, ' 62, 63, 64 Martin, H. See Austin,- ' M. D., 6 and Kearns, H. G. H., 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 Mies, M. See Miles, H. W., .88 Moore, M. H, See Hey, G. L., 44 Nitsche, G. See Trappmann, W. , 115 Pearce, T. J. P. See Kearns, H, G, H, , 64 Pierstorff , "A. -L. See Parks, T. H., 97 Roach, W, A«r See Fryer, J. C. F., 31 and Tattersfield, F., 113 Roesler, R. See Jahnke, 0., 56 Schmitt, J. B. See Ginsburg, J. M#, 37 Sievers, A. "F. * See Mclndoo, N. E., 85, 86 Smulders, C. Mi L, See Spoon, W. , 109 Spittall, J. P. See Kelsall, A., 71 Steer, W. 'See Hey, G, L., 44, 45, 46 Stenton, R, "See Fryer, J. C. F., 31 Stultz, H. T. See Kelsall, A., 72 Swarbrick, T. See Kearns, H, G. fi. , 68 Tattersfield, F. See Fryer, J. C, -F., -31 Thomas, I.' See Petherbridge, "F. R., 98, 99 Unpleby, E. See Kearns, H, G, H. , 69 t Walker, G. P. See Kelsall, A., 71' Walton, C. L,' Sec Koarns, H.'G. II., :70 • Webster, R. L. Soe Hanson, A. J., 42 — ooO'oo —