fl^LS: i&> U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY.- -OROER 15 J, A. D. MELVIN, Chief of Buuam. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE MEAT INSPECTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. As Amended, Effective May 1, 1908. Issued under Authority Conferred on the Secretary of Agriculture by the Act of Congress Approved June 30, 1906. DOCUMENTS" DEPT. U.S. DEPOSITORY WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICH. 1908. srtj of the United Stales I. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY.— Order 150. A. D. MELVIN, Chibf of Bureau. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE MEAT INSPECTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. As Amended, Effective May 1, 1908. Issued under Authority Conferred on the Secretary of Agriculture by the Act of Congress Approved June 30, 1906. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1908. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, April 1, 1908. For the purpose of preventing the use in interstate or foreign com- merce of meat and meat food products which are unsound, unhealth- ful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, under the authority conferred upon the Secretary of Agriculture by the pro- visions of the act of Congress approved June 30, 1906 (34 Stat., 674), the following regulations are hereby prescribed for the inspection, reinspection, examination, supervision, disposition, and method and manner of handling live cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, and the car- casses and meat food products of cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, for the sanitation of the establishments at which inspection is main- tained, and for the transportation of meat and meat food products from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia or to any place under the jurisdiction of the United States or to any foreign country. These regulations, which for purposes of identification are desig- nated as B. A. I. Order 150, supersede B. A. I. Order 137, dated July 25, 1906, and all amendments thereto, and shall become and be effective at once. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. [Note. — This edition embodies amendment 1 to B. A. I. Order 150, effective May 1, 1908, consisting in the addition of paragraph 6 to section 19 of Regulation 25. J CONTENTS. Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Regulat Law under Page. 1. Scope of inspection 5 2. Organization of force 5 3. Interpretation and definition of words and terms 6 4. Inspection or exemption 8 5. Official number 9 6. Assignment of inspectors, etc 9 7. All carcasses and products inspected 10 8. Notice of daily operations, etc 10 9. Bribery 10 10. Sanitation 11 11. Ante-mortem examination and inspection 14 12. Post-mortem inspection at time of slaughter 15 13. Disposal of diseased carcasses and organs 15 14. 'Retaining" rooms 21 15. "Condemned " rooms 22 16. Tank rooms, tanks, and tanking 22 17 . Tags, brands, stamps 23 18. Trade labels 26 19. Reinspection 28 20. Carcasses of animals not inspected ante-mortem 30 21. Tank cars 30 22. Dyes, chemicals, and preservatives 31 23. Preparation of meat and meat food products 32 24. Stamps for export packages 33 25. Transportation , 33 26. Counterfeiting, etc 44 27. Reports 45 28. Appeals 45 29. Cooperation with municipal authorities 45 which the foregoing regulations are made 46 3 [B. A. I. Order 150.] REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE MEAT INSPECTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. REGULATION 1. SCOPE OF INSPECTION. Section 1. All slaughtering, packing, meat canning,. } y *** , must be . . , . &. ., o> r - ~&J &' inspected. salting, rendering, or similar establishments, except as hereinafter provided, the meat or meat food products of which, in whole or in part, enter into interstate or foreign commerce, shall have inspection under these regulations. The Secretary of Agriculture may exempt from inspection what may be establishments operated by farmers, retail butchers, or ex retail dealers supplying their customers, but in the absence of such exemption inspection is required. Section 2. Branch houses of official establishments, Branch houses. when such branch houses are engaged in interstate or foreign commerce and slaughter animals or process meat, shall be considered a part of the parent house, and prod- ucts received into such branch houses or sent from them shall be subject to these regulations, and inspection shall be maintained therein. REGULATION 2. ORGANIZATION OF FORCE. Section 1. Paragraph 1. All permanent employees civil service of the Department of Agriculture engaged in the work of certl catlon moat inspection are appointed upon certification of the Civil Service Commission that they have passed the examination prescribed by that Commission. Promo- tions in all classes are made on the basis of efficiency, deportment, and length of service. Such employees include : Paragraph 2. Inspectors in charge. — These are inspect- inspectors in ors assigned by the Bureau of Animal Industry to supervise c arge ' official work at each official station. Such employees report directly to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry and are chosen by reason of their fitness for responsi- bility as determined by their records in the service. At stations where slaughtering is conducted, only veterinary inspectors are placed in charge. Paragraph 3. Veterinary inspectors. — All applicants ^Km?* 7 in " examined for these positions must be graduates of recog- nized veterinary colleges having a course of not less than three years leading to the degree. All final ante-mortem and post-mortem examinations are conducted by veteri- narians. At some stations the veterinarians are assisted 5 spectors. ors 6 BEGS. 2, 3. ORGANIZATION ; DEFINITIONS. in making preliminary examinations by trained laymen known as inspectors' assistants. erki r a a rv eli SfspSt- Paragraph U. Traveling veterinary inspectors. — To ob- oS? ar ' serve the conditions of sanitation of the establishments at the various stations, note the processes of ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection, confer with and instruct inspectors regarding it, with a view to a uniform sys- tem throughout the country, and to report these matters to the Washington office, constitute the principal duties of these employees. iS,r« atory in ~ Paragraph 5. Laboratory inspectors. — These employees possess technical training in microscopical and chemical examination of meat food products, and their inspections are conducted in laboratories located at various slaugh- tering centers. Pathological laboratories are also main- tained, to which diseased specimens may be sent when necessary for diagnosis. Meat inspect- Paragraph 6. Meat inspectors. — These employees are laymen, experienced in the curing, canning, packing, or otherwise preparing of meat; they supervise that work and the use of permitted preservatives described in Regulation 22. Traveiingmeat Paragraph ? '. Traveling meat inspectors. — These em- mspectors. ployees perform a service similar to that required of traveling veterinary inspectors, but along the line of the preparation and handling of meat products. inspectors' as- Paragraph 8. Inspectors' assistants. — These employees are laymen, who are first assigned to routine duties and are promoted through examination to higher duties, such as assisting in conducting ante-mortem and post-mortem examinations. Patrolmen. Paragraph 9. Patrolmen. — Patrolmen are employed to patrol the establishments at night, to oversee the re- ceipts and shipments of meat, and to observe any opera- tions conducted at night. They consist of veterinarians, inspectors' assistants,, or meat inspectors, according to the character of the work where assigned. sailed labor Paragraph 10. Skilled laborers. — These employees super- vise the marking of meat and meat containers, and per- form similar work. They are eligible for promotion only through examination. REGULATION 3. INTERPRETATION AND DEFINITION OF WORDS AND TERMS. Definitions. Wherever in these regulations the following words, names, or terms are used they shall be construed as follows: ushment 1 estab ~ Section *• Official establishment. — This term shall mean any slaughtering, meat-canning, salting, rendering, or similar establishment at which inspection is main- tained under the meat-inspection law approved June 30, 1906 (34 Stat., 674). ers. REG. 3. DEFINITIONS. 7 Section 2. Inspectors and Department employees. — These inspectors, etc. terms shall mean, respectively, inspectors and employees of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Section 3. "Inspected and Passed." — This phrase, or inspected and any authorized abbreviation thereof, shall mean that the pas carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food prod- ucts so marked have been inspected and passed for food under these regulations. Section 4. Rendered into lard or tallow. — This phrase Rendered into shall mean that the carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products so designated are allowed to be made into edible lard or edible tallow. Section 5. "V. S. Inspected and Condemned."— This con 1 gK d d ; and phrase shall mean that the carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products so marked are unfit for food and shall be destroyed for food purposes. Section 6. Carcass. — This word shall apply to the car- carcass. cass of an animal that has been killed under these regu- lations and shall include all parts which are to be used for food. Section 7. Primal parts of carcasses. — This phrase Primal parts. shall mean the usual sections or cuts of the dressed carcass commonly known in the trade, such as sides, quarters, shoulders, hams, backs, bellies, etc., and beef tongues, beef livers, and beef tails, before they have been cut, shredded, or otherwise subdivided prelimi- nary to use in the manufacture of meat food products. Section 8. Meat food products. — Paragraph 1. A meat , ^gat food prod- food product, within the meaning of the meat-inspec- tion act and of these regulations, is considered to be any article of food intended for human use which is derived or prepared in whole or in part from any edible portion of the carcass of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats, if the said edible portion so used is a considerable and definite portion of the finished food. Paragraph 2. Mixture. — A mixture of which meat is an Mixtures, etc. ingredient will not be considered a meat food product unless the meat contained therein is a definite and consider- able portion of the said mixture. But where such mixture is prepared in a part of an official establishment, the sanitation of that part of the establishment will be super- vised by the Department, and the meat or meat food product will be inspected before it enters the said mixture. The mixture shall not bear the meat-inspection legend or any simulation thereof. If any reference is made to Federal inspection it shall be in the following form: "The meat contained herein has been inspected and passed at an establishment where Federal inspection is main- tained. " Mixtures such as mince-meat, soups, etc., which come under this description and which are not officially labeled, are allowed in interstate and foreign commerce 8 REGS. 3, 4. DEFINITIONS ; INSPECTION OR EXEMPTION. without further inspection, and without certificates, subject to the provisions and requirements of the Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906, and the regulations made thereunder. Mescal meat Section 9. Medical meat products. — Products such as meat juice, meat extract, etc., which are intended only for medicinal purposes and are advertised only to the medical profession, are not considered meat food products within the meaning of this order. vinegar. Section 10. 'Vinegar. — The word vinegar, as used herein, shall mean cider vinegar, wine vinegar, malt vinegar, sugar vinegar, glucose vinegar, or spirit vinegar. REGULATION 4. INSPECTION OR EXEMPTION. Application for Section 1. The proprietor or operator of each slaugh- mspection or ex- ,. ^ , • ' ■ *■ i • •, emption. termg, packing, meat-canning, rendering, or similar establishment engaged in the slaughtering of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats, or in the packing, canning, or other preparation of any meat food product for inter- state or foreign commerce, shall make application to the Secretary of Agriculture for inspection or for exemption from inspection, except in cases where inspection or exemption is already in effect. In case of change of ownership or change of location of an establishment already having inspection, a new application shall be made. Exemption under the law can be given only to establishments operated by retail butchers and retail dealers. Such application shall be in writing addressed to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, shall state the location of the establishment, and shall be made on blanks which will be furnished by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry upon request. conditions. Section 2. Inspection shall not be begun if an estab- lishment is not in a sanitary condition, nor unless the establishment provides and guarantees to maintain adequate facilities for conducting such inspection. Exemption. Section 3. If in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture the retail butcher or retail dealer who is operating an establishment and engaged in supplying his customers through the medium of interstate or for- eign commerce is entitled to exemption from Federal inspection, a numbered certificate of exemption will be furnished to the applicant for use with transportation companies and other companies and persons in secur- ing the movement of his products. If an establishment, including both market and slaughterhouse of such retail butcher or dealer, is not in a sanitary condition a cer- tificate of exemption will not be issued. tuhnsinnents t o Section 4. Exempted establishments shall be open to conform to reg- the inspectors of the Bureau of Animal Industry, shall be maintained in a clean condition, and shall conform REGS. 5, 6. OFFICIAL NUMBER; ASSIGNMENT OF INSPECTOBS. 9 to the same regulations as govern official establishments in regard to labeling, dyes, chemicals, and preservatives, and unsound, unwholesome, and unfit meat. REGULATION 5. OFFICIAL NUMBER. Section 1. Paragraph 1. When inspection is estab- official num- lished the Secretary of Agriculture will give the establish- ber ' ment a number, and this number shall be used to mark the meat and meat food products of the establishment as hereafter prescribed. Paragraph 2. Two or more official establishments under More than one , r * * , , establ ishment the same ownership or control may use the same estab- under same own- lishment number, provided a serial letter is added in each ership - case to designate the establishment and to enable its product to be identified. Paragraph 3. Persons, firms, or corporations owning subsidiary subsidiary companies having legal entity may use the compames - names of such companies, provided application has been made for inspection and it has been granted, the inspec- tion legend in such case to bear the official establishment number of the parent firm or corporation. Paragraph 4. Each official establishment must be .separation of . x i i • , • P , ITT inspected from separate and distinct from any other establishment or uninspected es- department in which animal products are handled at tablishments - which inspection is not maintained. When two or more companies prepare their products in the same official establishment they must obtain inspection under the same number. The name of the distributer may appear upon the label. REGULATION 6. ASSIGNMENT OF INSPECTORS, ETC. Section 1. The Chief of the Bureau of Animal Indus-. ^$£?? t £ of try will designate an inspector to take charge 01 the inspection at each official establishment, and will assign to said inspector such assistants as may be necessary. Section 2. For the purpose of enforcing the law and ta £{g^ ei J° cs ~ regulations all employees of the Bureau of Animal Indus- try shall have access at all times, by day or night, whether the establishment be operated or not, to every part of the establishment. Section 3. Each employee of the Bureau of Animal Bad g es - Industry working under these regulations will be furnished with a numbered badge, which he shall wear over the left breast on the outer clothing while in the performance of his official duties, and which shall not be allowed to leave his possession. This official badge shall be sufficient identification to entitle him to admittance at all regular entrances and to all parts of the establishment and premises. Section. 4. Office room, including light and heat, 0fficeroom - shall be provided by proprietors of establishments, rent free, for the exclusive use, for official purposes, of the 58548—08 2 10 BEGS. 1, 8, 9. ALL INSPECTED; NOTICE; BRIBERY. inspector and other employees of the Department as- signed thereto. The room or rooms set apart for this purpose must be properly ventilated, conveniently located, and provided with lockers suitable for the pro- tection and storage of such supplies as may be required; all to meet the approval of the inspector in charge. REGULATION 7. ALL CARCASSES AND PRODUCTS INSPECTED. to N ins P Sti?n ti( iS Section 1. All cattle, sheep, swine, or goats slaugh- officiai establish- tered at an official establishment, and all meat and meat food products prepared therein, shall be inspected, handled, prepared, and marked as required by these regulations. REGULATION 8. NOTICE OF DAILY OPERATIONS, ETC. atk>n tice ° f ° per " Section 1. The manager of each official establishment shall inform the inspector in charge, or his assistant, when work has been concluded for the day, and of the day and hour when work will be resumed. Under no circumstances shall any department of an establishment be operated except under the supervision of an employee Reasonable of the Bureau of Animal Industry. All slaughtering of hours and speed. an j ma j g an( j ^e preparation of meat and meat food products shall be done within reasonable hours, and with reasonable speed, the facilities of the establishment being considered. ,IS!°hZ ay Section 2. Where one inspector is detailed to conduct designate hours, ,i i *%, i i* i i /» the work at two or more small establishments where tew animals are slaughtered or where but a small quantity of meat or meat food products is prepared, the inspector in charge may designate the hours for work. days Tohiibited Section 3. No work shall be performed at official es- byiaw. B tablishments during any day on which such work is pro- hibited by the law of the State or Territory in which the establishment is located. However, the Department will require that it be judicially determined that such work is prohibited by the State law. REGULATION 9. BRIBERY. Bribery, etc. Section 1. It is a felony, punishable by fine and im- prisonment, for any person, firm, or corporation to give, pay, or offer, directly or indirectly, to any Depart merit employee authorized to perform any duty under these regulations any money or other thing of value with intent to influence said employee in the discharge of his duty under these regulations. It is also a felony, pun- ishable by fine and imprisonment, for any Department employee engaged in the performance of duty under these regulations to receive or accept from any person, firm, or corporation engaged in interstate or foreign commerce any gift, money, or other thing of value given with any purpose or intent whatsoever. KEG. 10. SANITATION. 11 REGULATION 10. SANITATION. Section 1. After the receipt of an application for **f""Ji* a *5 ~ . pM . , ,. , examination of inspection or exemption an examination or the establish- establishments. ment and premises will be made and the requirements for sanitation and the necessary facilities for inspection will be specified. Section 2. Plans and specifications, in duplicate, of ^1^^* n * t plants for which application for inspection is made, also plants. of new plants and plants to be remodeled, should be sub- mitted to the Secretary of Agriculture. Section 3. Official establishments and establishments Light, ventiia- to which certificates of exemption have been issued etc n ' dra,nage ' shall be suitably lighted and ventilated and maintained in a sanitary condition, and shall be provided with efficient drainage, having properly trapped or other approved sewer connections. Kooms in which inspec- tion is carried on shall, by heating or other means, be kept reasonably free from steam and other vapors, in order that proper inspection can be made. All work in such establishments shall be performed in a cleanly and sanitary manner. Section 4. Ceilings, walls, pillars, partitions, etc., ceilings, walls, shall be kept in a sanitary condition, and when necessary P roaches,' etc* P " they shall be washed, scraped, painted or otherwise treated as required. Where floors or other parts of a building, or tables or other parts of the equipment, are so old or in such poor condition that they can not be readily made sanitary they shall be removed and replaced by suitable materials. All floors upon which meats are piled during the process of curing shall be so constructed that they can be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and all meat piled upon floors shall be suitably protected from trucks, etc. Walks and platforms or approaches leading into establishments shall be kept clean to prevent tracking dirt into the same. Section 5. All trucks, trays, and other receptacles, all Receptacles, •i i , £ i i. -Li j 11 l - utensils, machin- cnutes, platforms, racks, tables, etc., and all knives, saws, ery, vehicles, etc. cleavers, and other tools, and all utensils, machinery, and vehicles used in moving, handling, cutting, chopping, mixing, canning, or other processes shall be thoroughly cleaned before using. Section 6. Managers of establishments must require Employees and employees to be cleanly. The aprons, smocks, or other theirclothing - outer clothing worn by employees who handle meat or meat food products shall be of a material that is readily cleansed and made sanitary, and only clean garments shall be worn. Persons who handle meat or meat food products shall be required to keep their hands clean, and they shall be required also to pay particular attention to the cleanliness or their boots or shoes. 12 REG. 10. SANITATION. Diseased pioyees. Section 7. Persons affected with tuberculosis or any other communicable disease shall not be employed in any of the departments of establishments where carcasses are dressed, meat is handled, or meat food products are pre- pared ; and any employee of such establishment who may be suspected of being so affected shall be reported by the inspector in charge to the manager of the establishment and to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. toTfe^s^Tnd. Section 8. All water-closets, toilet rooms, and dress- dressing rooms, ing rooms shall be entirely separated from compartments in which carcasses are dressed or meat or meat food products are cured, stored, packed, handled, or prepared. Where such rooms open into compartments in which meat or meat food products are handled they must, when this is considered necessary, be provided with prop- erly ventilated vestibules and with automatically closing doors. They shall be conveniently located, sufficient in number, ample in size, and fitted with modern lavatory accommodations, including toilet paper, soap, running hot and cold water, towels, etc. They shall be properly lighted, suitably ventilated, and kept in a sanitary con- dition. Convenient and sanitary urinals shall be pro- vided; and washstands, near at hand, shall also be pro- vided. objectionable Section 9. The rooms or compartments in which meat cu?pido S r C s rcening ' or meat food products are prepared, cured, stored, packed, or otherwise handled shall be free from odors from toilet rooms, catch basins, casing departments, tank rooms, hide cellars, etc., and shall be kept free from flies and other vermin by screening, or other methods. All rooms or compartments shall be provided with cuspidors of such shape as not readily to be upset and of such material and construction as to be readily disinfected, and em- ployees who expectorate shall be required to use them. prcmiles C(S ° n Section 10. The feeding of hogs or other animals on the refuse of slaughterhouses shall not be permitted on the premises of an exempted establishment or an official establishment, and no use incompatible with proper sani- tation shall be made of any part of the premises on which such establishment is located. All yards, fences, pens, chutes, alleys, etc., belonging to the premises of such establishments, whether they are used or not, shall be maintained in a sanitary condition, and no nuisance shall be allowed in the establishment or on its premises. after 81 handling Section H« Butchers who dress or handle diseased diseased ear- carcasses or parts shall cleanse their hands of all grease and then immerse them in a prescribed disinfectant and rinse them in clear water before dressing or handling healthy carcasses. All butchers' implements used in dressing diseased carcasses shall be sterilized either in boiling water or by immersion in a prescribed disinfect- REG. 10. SANITATION. 13 ant, followed by rinsing in clear water. Facilities for such cleansing and disinfection, approved by the in- spector in charge, shall be provided by the establishment. Separate sanitary trucks, etc., which shall be appropri- ately and distinctively marked, shall be furnished for handling diseased carcasses and parts. Following the slaughter of any animal affected with an infectious dis- a stop shall be made until the implements have been cleansed and disinfected, unless other clean imple- ments are provided. Section 12. Inspectors are required to furnish their implements own implements for use in dissecting, incising, or examin- US' 1 3 ins P ect " ing diseased carcasses or unsound parts, and are required to use the same means for disinfecting implements, hands, etc.. that are prescribed for employees of the establish- ment. Section 13. Due care must be taken to prevent meat soiled meat. and meat food products from falling on the floor; and in the event of their having so fallen, they must be con- demned or the soiled portions removed and condemned. When meat or meat food products are being emptied into tanks, some device, such as a metal funnel, must be used Section 14. Carcasses shall not be inflated with air inflation with from the mouth, and no inflation of carcasses except by air ' etc " mechanical means shall be allowed. Carcasses shall not be dressed with skewers, knives, etc., that have been held in the mouth. Skewers shall be cleaned before being used again. Spitting on whetstones or steels when sharpening knives shall not be allowed. Section 15. Only good, clean, and wholesome water water and ice. and ice shall be used in the preparation of carcasses, parts, meat, or meat food products. Whenever there is any doubt regarding the sanitary condition of the water supply, notice shall be sent immediately to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Section 16. Wagons or cars in which meat or meat wagons and food products are transported shall be kept in a clean and car sanitary condition. The wagons used in transporting loose meat between official establishments shall be so closed and covered that the contents shall be kept clean, and so constructed that they may, when necessary, be locked and sealed with Government seals, which seals shall be affixed and broken only by employees of the Department. Section 17. Skins and hides from animals condemned hid \!; ins and for tuberculosis or any other disease infectious to man, but showing no outward appearance of disease, may be removed (except as provided in Regulation 13, section 2) for tanning or other uses in the arts when disinfected 14 REG. 11. ANTE-MORTEM INSPECTION. as follows: Each skin and hide must be immersed for not less than five minutes in a 5 per cent solution of liquor cresolis compositus, or a 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid, or a 1 to 1,000 solution of bichlorid of mercury. The process of skinning and dipping must be conducted en- tirely in the retaining room, or other specially prepared place, approved by the inspector in charge, for final in- spection. REGULATION 11. ANTE-MORTEM EXAMINATION AND INSPECTION. in^ctioS^when Section 1. An ante-mortem examination and inspec- made,etc.' tion shall be made of all cattle, sheep, swine, and goats about to be slaughtered before they shall be allowed to be killed in an official establishment. Satisfactory facilities for conducting said inspection and for separating and hold- ing apart from passed animals those marked "U. S. Sus- pect' ' shall be provided. ^suspected ani- Section 2. All animals showing symptoms or suspected of being affected w T ith any disease or condition which, under these regulations, would probably cause their con- demnation in whole or in part when slaughtered shall be marked by affixing to the animal a metal tag bearing the words U U. S. Suspect." All such animals, except as hereinafter provided, shall be set apart and slaughtered separately from other animals at an official establishment. Pregnant, par- Section 3. Animals which have been tagged for preg- turient, and vac- «. -i ,i i • ,i P° A °i cine animals. nancy or tor having recently given birth to young, and which have not been exposed to any infectious or con- tagious disease, and vaccine animals with unhealed lesions accompanied by fever and which have not been exposed to any other infectious or contagious disease, are not re- quired to be slaughtered, but before any such animal is removed the tag shall be detached by a Department em- ployee and returned with his report to the inspector in charge. Question of Section 4. If any pathological condition is suspected temperature. . , . , - .J tr to r in which the question or temperature is important, such as Texas fever, anthrax, pneumonia, blackleg, or septi- cemia, the exact temperature should be taken. Due con- sideration, however, must be given to the fact that ex- tremely high temperature may be found in otherwise normal hogs when subjected to exercise or excitement, and a similar condition may obtain to a less degree among other classes of animals. crP°™ rs and Section 5. Animals commonly termed " downers," or crippled animals, shall be tagged before slaughter as pro- vided for in Regulation 17, section 1, for the purpose of identification at the time of slaughter, and shall be passed upon in accordance with these regulations. BEGS. 12, 13. POST-MORTEM INSPECTION; DISPOSAL. 15 REGULATION 12. POST-MORTEM INSPECTION AT TIME OF SLAUGHTER. Section 1. A careful inspection shall be made of all ,.,//' rls n u,[n,,l > animals at the time of slaughter. The head, tongue, tail, thymus gland, and all viscera, and all parts and blood used in the preparation of meat food or medical products, shall be retained in such manner as to pre- serve their identity until after post-mortem examination has been completed, in order that they may be identified in case of condemnation of the carcass. Suitable racks or metal receptacles shall be provided for retaining such parts. Section 2. Carcasses and parts thereof found to be Sound carcas- sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food shall be passed and marked as provided in these regu- lations. Section 3. Should any lesion of disease or other con- unsound car- dition that would render the meat or any organ unfit for food purposes be found on post-mortem examination, the carcass, part or organ shall be marked immediately with a tag, as provided in Regulation 17, section 3. Carcasses which have been so marked shall not be washed or trimmed unless such washing or trimming is authorized by the inspector. REGULATION 13. DISPOSAL OF DISEASED CARCASSES AND ORGANS. Section 1. The carcasses or parts of carcasses of all m f n e t neraI 8tate " animals slaughtered at an official establishment and™ found at time of slaughter or at any subsequent inspec- tion to be affected with any of the diseases or conditions named below shall be disposed of according to the sec- tion of this regulation pertaining to the disease or con- dition. It is to be understood, however, that owing to the fact that it is impracticable to formulate rules cov- ering every case, and to designate at just what stage a process becomes loathsome or a disease noxious, the decision as to the disposal of all carcasses, parts, or organs not specifically covered by these regulations shall be left to the- veterinary inspector in charge. Section 2. All carcasses showing lesions of anthrax Anthrax or or charbon, regardless of the extent of the disease, and 01 including the hide, hoofs, horns, viscera, fat, blood, and all other portions of the animal, shall be condemned and immediately incinerated. The killing bed upon which the animal was slaughtered shall be disinfected with a 10 per cent solution of formalin, and all knives, saws, cleavers, and other instruments which have come in con- tact with the carcass shall be treated as provided in Regulation 10, section 11, before being used upon another carcass. 16 REG. 13. DISPOSAL OF DISEASED CARCASSES, ETC. Blackleg. Section 3. Carcasses of animals showing lesions of blackleg shall be condemned. Hemorrhagic Section 4. Carcasses of animals affected with hemor- Bepticemia. rhagic septicemia shall be condemned. pyemia and Section 5. Carcasses showing lesions of pyemia or septicemia. ,• • i n -, ■, ■, ° rJ septicemia shall be condemned. vaccinia. Section 6. Carcasses of vaccine animals mentioned under Regulation 11, section 3, shall be condemned. Rabies. Section 7. Carcasses of animals which showed symp- toms of rabies before slaughter shall be condemned. Tetanus. Section 8. Carcasses of animals which showed symp- toms of tetanus before slaughter shall be condemned. zo^tlcfatarrh? 1 " Section 9. Carcasses of animals affected with malig- nant epizootic catarrh and showing generalized inflam- mation of the mucous membranes shall be condemned. andslineplagae. Section 10. Paragraph 1. Carcasses showing well- marked and progressive lesions of hog cholera or swine plague in more than two of the organs (skin, kidneys, bones, or lymphatic glands) shall be condemned. Paragraph 2. Provided they are well nourished, car- casses showing slight and limited lesions of these diseases may be passed. Paragraph 3. Carcasses which reveal lesions more numerous or advanced than those for carcasses to be passed, but not so severe as the lesions described for carcasses to be condemned, may be rendered into lard, provided they are cooked by steam for four hours at a temperature not lower than 220 degrees Fahrenheit, or at a pressure of 4 pounds. Paragraph 4- In inspecting carcasses showing lesions of hog cholera or swine plague in the skin, bones, kid- neys, or lymphatic glands, due consideration shall be given to the extent and severity of the lesions found in the viscera. Actinomycosis Section 11. Paragraph 1. If a carcass affected with or lumpy jaw actinomycosis or lumpy jaw is in a well-nourished condi- tion and there is no evidence upon post-mortem exami- nation that the disease has extended from a primary area of infection in the head, the carcass may be passed, but the head including the tongue shall be condemned. Paragraph 2. Carcasses of animals showing uncompli- cated localized actinomycotic lesions other than, or in addition to, those specified in paragraph 1 of this section may be passed after the infected organs and parts have been removed and condemned. Paragraph 3. Carcasses of animals showing a general- ized actinomycosis shall be condemned. ized and not nu- merous. REG. 13. DISPOSAL OF DISEASED CARCASSES, ETC. 17 Section 12. When the lesions of caseous lymphadenitis . u ^:nit?s US,yrnph " are limited to the superficial lymphatic glands or to a few nodules in an organ, involving also the adjacent lymphatic glands, and the carcass is well nourished, the meat may be passed after the affected parts are removed and con- demned. If extensive lesions, with or without pleuritic adhesions, are found in the lungs, or if several of the visceral organs contain caseous nodules and the carcass is emaciated, it shall be condemned. Section 13. Paragraph 1. The following principles are Tuberculosis. declared for guidance in passing on carcasses affected with tuberculosis: Principle A. — The fundamental thought is that meat Fundamental should not be used for food if it contains tubercle bacilli, thou s ht - if there is a reasonable possibility that it may contain tubercle bacilli, or if it is impregnated with toxic sub- stances of tuberculosis or associated septic infections. Principle B. — On the other hand, if the lesions are. Lesions ior. localized and not numerous, if there is no evidence of distribution of tubercle bacilli through the blood, or by other means, to the muscles or to parts that may be eaten with the muscles, and if the animal is well nourished and in good condition, there is no proof, or even reason to suspect, that the flesh is unwholesome. Principle C. — Evidences of generalized tuberculosis Generalized tu- are to be sought in such distribution and number of tuberculous lesions as can be explained only upon the supposition of the entrance of tubercle bacilli in consid- erable number into the systemic circulation. Signifi- cant of such generalization are the presence of numerous uniformly distributed tubercles throughout both lungs, also tubercles in the spleen, kidneys, bones, joints, and sexual glands, and in the lymphatic glands connected with these organs and parts, or in the splenic, renal, prescapular, popliteal, and inguinal glands, when several of these organs and parts are coincidentally affected. Principle D. — By localized tuberculosis is understood Localized tu- tuberculosis limited to a single or several parts or organs of the body without evidence of recent invasion of numerous bacilli into the systemic circulation. Paragraph 2. The following rules shall govern the dis- ^JJ 1 ® 8 , t uJ e rcu- posal of tuberculous meat: lousmeat. Rule A. — The entire carcass shall be condemned — condemned arcass (a) When it was observed before the animal was killed that it was suffering with fever. (b) When there is a tuberculous or other cachexia, as shown by anemia and emaciation. (c) When the lesions of tuberculosis are generalized, as shown by their presence not only at the usual seats of primary infection, but also in parts of the carcass or the organs that may be reached by the bacilli of tuberculosis only when they are carried in the systemic circulation. 58548—08 3 18 REG. 13. DISPOSAL OF DISEASED CARCASSES, ETC. contimS losis— Tuberculous lesions in any two of the following-mentioned organs are to be accepted as evidence of generalization when they occur in addition to local tuberculous lesions in the digestive or respiratory tracts, including the lymphatic glands connected therewith: Spleen, kidney, uterus, udder, ovary, testicle, adrenal gland, brain, or spinal cord or their membranes. Numerous uniformly distributed tubercles throughout both lungs also afford evidence of generalization. (d) When the lesions of tuberculosis are found in the muscles or intermuscular tissue or bones or joints, or in the body lymphatic glands as a result of draining the muscles, bones, or joints. (e) When the lesions are extensive in one or both body cavities. (f) When the lesions are multiple, acute, and actively progressive. (Evidence of active progress consists in signs of acute inflammation about the lesions, or lique- faction necrosis, or the presence of young tubercles.) Part of carcass Rule B. — An organ or a part of a carcass shall be condemned. . . & r condemned — (a) When it contains lesions of tuberculosis. (b) When the lesion is immediately adjacent to the flesh, as in the case of tuberculosis of the parietal pleura or peritoneum, not only the membrane or part affected but also the adjacent thoracic or abdominal wall is to be condemned. (c) When it has been contaminated by tuberculous ma- terial, through contact with the floor, a soiled knife, or otherwise. (d) All heads showing lesions of tuberculosis shall be condemned. (e) An organ shall be condemned when the correspond- ing lymphatic gland is tuberculous. carcass passed. Rule C. — The carcass, if the tuberculous lesions are limited to a single or several parts or organs of the body (except as noted in Rule A), without evidence of recent invasion of tubercle bacilli into the systemic circulation, shall be passed after the parts containing the localized lesions are removed and condemned in accordance with Rule B. den a d r into S iardor ^ u * e **• — Carcasses which reveal lesions more numer- taiiow. ous than those described for carcasses to be passed (Rule C), but not so severe as the lesions describee! for carcases to be condemned (Rule A), may be rendered into lard or tallow if the distribution of the lesions is such that all parts containing tuberculous lesions can be removed. Such carcasses shall be cooked by steam at a tempera- ture not lower than 220 degrees Fahrenheit for not less than four hours. Texas fever. Section 14. Carcasses showing lesions to warrant the diagnosis of Texas fever shall be condemned. REG. 13. DISPOSAL OF DISEASED CARCASSES, ETC. 19 Section 15. Carcasses of sheep affected with parasitic Parasitic icte- . . , i • i 11 i ii ro-neinutiiru. lctero-hematuna shall be condemned. Section 16. Carcasses of animals affected with mange, Mangeorscab. or scab, in advanced stages, or showing emaciation or extension of the inflammation to the flesh, shall be con- demned. When the disease is slight the carcass may be passed. Section 17. Paragraph 1. Carcasses of animals af- Tapeworm fected with tapeworm cysts, known as Cysticercus° y bovis and C. cellulosse, shall be rendered into lard or tal- low, unless the infestation is excessive, in which case the carcass shall be condemned. Paragraph 2. Carcasses of animals found infested with gid bladderworms (C !n - Section 1. All tanks and equipment used for rendering partSmta. ' ' and preparing edible product shall be in compartments separate from those used for rendering inedible product, and there shall be no connection by means of pipes or REGS. 16, 17. TANKS, ETC.; TAG*, BRANDS, STAMPS. 23 otherwise between the tanks or departments containing inedible product and those containing edible product. This provision must be complied with on or before Octo- ber 1, 1908. Section 2. Paragraph 1. All condemned carcasses, Method of parts of carcasses, and meat food products shall be tanked tan mg ' as follows: Paragraph 2. After the lower opening and the draw-off valves of the tank have been securely sealed by an employee of the Department and the condemned car- casses, parts, and meat food products are placed therein in his presence, the upper opening shall be likewise securely sealed by such employee, whose duty it shall be then to see that a sufficient force of steam (not less than 40 pounds, producing a temperature of 288 degrees Fahrenheit) is turned into the tank and maintained a sufficient time (not less than six hours) effectually to render the contents unfit for any edible product. Wire and lead seals are provided by the Department for sealing tanks. Proprietors of establishments are required to equip all tanks used for condemned products so that they may be securely sealed in the manner above specified. Paragraph 3. A sufficient quantity of coloring matter or other substance to be designated by the Department shall be used in connection with the rendering of all con- demned carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, or meat food products to destroy them effectually for food purposes. Paragraph 4- The seals of tanks containing condemned meat or the tankage thereof shall be broken only by an employee of the Department, and such employee shall supervise the drawing off of the contents of such tanks and the marking of the tallow and grease as inedible. Paragraph 5. If an official establishment fails to permit the treatment and tanking of condemned carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, or meat food products as required by these regulations, the inspector in charge shall report that fact to the Department, in order that inspection may be withdrawn from such establishment. Section 3. Any meat or meat food products condemned in the absence at establishments which have no facilities for tanking shall ties. an mg be freely slashed with a knife and then denatured with crude carbolic acid or other prescribed agent, and then removed to an establishment indicated by the inspector in charge and there tanked and rendered under the super- vision of an employee of the Department; or such meat or meat food products may be destroyed by incineration under the supervision of an employee of the Department. REGULATION 17. TAGS, BRANDS, STAMPS. Section 1. To each animal inspected under Regulation ' r.s. suspect- 1 1 which shows symptoms or is suspected of being affected tag ' with an}' disease or condition which under these regula- 24 REG. 17. TAGS, BRANDS, STAMPS. tions ma} 7 " cause its condemnation in whole or in part on post-mortem inspection there shall be affixed by a De- partment employee at the time of inspection a numbered metal tag bearing the words "U. S. Suspect," which shall remain upon the animal until final post-mortem inspection, when the carcass shall be marked according to the condi- tions found, and disposed of as elsewhere provided in these regulations. d " u *d"ta Con " Section 2. To the ear of each animal which is found in a dying condition or dead on the premises of an establish- ment there shall be affixed by a Department employee a numbered tag bearing the words U. S. Condemned." The ear bearing the tag shall not be removed from the carcass. The number of this tag shall be reported to the inspector in charge by the employee who affixes it. This tag shall accompany the condemned carcass into the tank, and the Department employee who is supervising the tank- ing shall make a report of the number to the inspector in charge. taiBed"tag Re ~ Section 3. Upon each carcass, or part or detached organ thereof, inspected under Regulation 12, in which any lesion of disease or other condition is found that might render the meat or any organ unfit for food purposes, and which for that reason would require a subsequent inspec- tion, there shall be placed by a Department employee at the time of inspection a tag, numbered in duplicate, bear- ing the words "U. S. Retained," and such other marks of identification shall be used as shall be approved by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. The inspector who attaches this U U. S. Retained" tag shall detach the numbered stub thereof and forward it with his report to the inspector in charge. The other portion shall accom- pany the carcass to the retaining room. "U. s. in- Section 4. Each carcass, or part or detached organ dSned/' ld on " thereof, which is found on final inspection to be unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food shall be marked conspicuously by a Department employee at the time of inspection with the words "U. S. Inspected and Condemned." The "U. S. Retained" tag shall accompany the carcass into the tank, and the number thereof shall be reported by the employee who supervises the tanking. If, however, upon final inspection the car- cass or part thereof is passed, the U U. S. Retained" tag shall be removed and returned to the inspector in charge. A record of the tag showing the serial number, the final disposal of the carcass or part to which it was affixed, the date, and the name of the inspector shall be forwarded with the regular reports to the inspector in charge. Marking passed Section 5. Upon all passed carcasses slaughtered under inspection there shall be placed by an employee of the Department, or by an employee of the establishment under the supervision of an employee of the Depart- carcusses. REG. 17. TAGS, BRANDS, STAMPS. 25 ment, meat-inspection marks hearing the words "In- spected and Passed," or an authorized abbreviation thereof, and such other matter as may be required by the Department. The number of marks, their location on the carcass, and the time they shall be affixed, shall be determined by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Section 6. Paragraph 1. Each passed primal part or m MarWng pri " the true container thereof must be marked under the™ supervision of a Department employee, with the words "Inspected and Passed," or an authorized abbreviation thereof, and the oflicial establishment number, except as provided in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section and in sec- tion 12 of Regulation 25. Paragraph 2. When primal parts are shipped from one Primal parts official establishment to another for further processing, laments. esta " it is not obligatory that the inspection legend appear on such primal parts, but the container thereof in the case of a package shall be marked as specified in section 9 of this regulation, and in the case of a car shall be sealed; in such cases the primal parts, after processing, shall show plainly the inspection legend and the number of the official establishment at which the processing was completed. Paragraph 3. Passed primal parts of pork intended for Export pork, export need not be marked with the authorized marks of inspection, but all outside containers shall bear the meat- inspection stamp. Section 7. The inspection legend or an authorized Branding irons. abbreviation thereof may be affixed, under the super- vision of a Department employee, to hams, bacon, and similar primal parts with a hot branding iron, and when so affixed will be recognized as the official mark of in- spection. When hot branding irons are used to affix trade brands or descriptions, such brand or description must be distinct and apart from the inspection legend. Section 8. Upon all meat food products which are s ^Tking jem- suspected on reinspection of being unsound, unheal thful, and 'meat m food unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, or upon products " the containers thereof, there shall be placed by a Depart- ment employee at the time of reinspection the "U. S. Retained" tags hereinbefore described. The employee who affixes the tag shall send the numbered stub with his report to the inspector in charge. These tags shall accompany the said meats or meat food products to the retaining room or other special place for final inspection. When the final inspection is made, if the meat or meat food product be condemned, the "U. S. Retained" tag shall be stamped "U. S. Inspected and Condemned," ana shall accompany the condemned meat or meat food prod- uct to the tank, and the inspector shall report his action to the inspector in charge. If, however, upon final inspec- tion the meat or meat food product is passed for food, 58548—08 4 26 KEGS. 17, 18. TAGS, BRANDS, STAMPS ; TRADE LABELS. the inspector shall stamp the retained tag "Inspected and Passed" and return the tag with his report to the inspector in charge. iaS?. mestic meat Section 9. When meat products for domestic trade have been inspected and passed, the outside containers of such meat shall bear (in lieu of meat-inspection stamp) a domestic meat label which has been submitted to and approved by the Department, showing the official estab- lishment number and the following legend: "The meat contained herein has been inspected and passed under the provisions of the act of June 30, 1906." The firm name may also appear on the label if desired. The dimensions of the label shall be not less than 4 inches by 2} inches. Outside containers if bearing approved trade labels are not required to be provided with the label above de- scribed. Domestic meat labels shall be affixed to pack- ages in the manner prescribed in Regulation 24 for affix- ing labels to export packages. Marking ex- Sectiox. 10. Each outside container (except cloth wrappings) of export meat or meat food products shall be marked with a meat-inspection stamp. The cloth wrappings of inspected and passed meat which is so marked shall be marked with an authorized mark of inspection. "Preservative" Section 11. Upon each container of meat or meat stamp. food products, such as ham, bacon, etc., prepared for export with preservatives under Regulation 22, section 3, paragraph 1, there shall be placed, under the personal supervision of a Department employee, a special stamp for marking such meats, known as the "Preservative" stamp. All outside containers of such meat or meat food products shall bear the " Preservative" stamp. REGULATION 18. TRADE LABELS. Trade labels. Section 1. Upon each can, pot, tin, canvas, or other receptacle or covering containing any meat or meat food product, which meat or meat food product does not bear the marks " Inspected and Passed," there shall be se- curely affixed, under the supervision of a Department employee, a trade label before such meat or meat food product leaves an official establishment. This trade label shall contain, in plain letters and figures of uniform size, the words "U.S. Inspected and Passed," the number of the official establishment at which the meat or meat food product is last processed, and the true name of the meat or meat food product contained in such package. The words " under the act of Congress of June 30, 1906," may be placed upon the label after the words " U. S. In- spected and Passed." An inspector shall not allow trade labels to be affixed until he is satisfied that the contents of the package are sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food, in accordance with the statements on the label. REG. 18. TRADE LABELS. 27 Section 2. Duplicate copies of each trade label in the aJKSJSd £°, he form of sketches or proofs shall first be submitted to the Department, and no trade label shall be used until a sketch or proof thereof has been approved. After trade labels are printed from approved proofs or sketches they shall be forwarded in triplicate to the Department for approval and filing. Section 3. No trade label bearing the words "U. S. In- us ^ hennot tobe spected and Passed," or any abbreviation or simulation thereof, shall be used on meat or meat food products which have not been inspected and passed under these regulations, and no trade label bearing the inspection legend, or any abbreviation or simulation thereof, shall be placed upon meat or meat food products except under the supervision of an inspector. Section 4. Tin containers, embossed or lithographed JviLf ?^^ 9 .,,,,, .. , . ' . . ... , ° • i i embossed or hth- with the label as prescrioed in section 1, will be considered ographei. as bearing trade labels. On and after October 1, 1908, all sealed tin containers must have the number of the official establishment where packed embossed, lithographed, or printed thereon. Section 5. The essential features of a trade label are Essential fea- as follows, and shall appear upon each label: The true name of the product. The inspection legend. The establishment number. Section 6. The inspection legend 'U. S. Inspected and The inspection Passed," or an authorized abbreviation thereof, and the legen official establishment number in plain characters of uni- form size, which shall be in proper proportion to the gen- eral lettering of the label, must be separately and prom- inently embodied in all trade labels. Section 7. In the case of meat contained in cartons, stickers, de- or in wrappers of paper, cloth, or other similar substance, JJ? Ukble device ' the inspection legend and the official establishment num- ber may be embodied in a sticker or seal of proportionate size prominently displayed with the trade label but not necessarily a part of the trade label, such stickers or seals to be approved by the Department of Agriculture. It is not permissible to affix to meat or meat food products a detachable device of any kind which bears the inspec- tion legend. Section 8. While labels to be affixed for foreign ship- ^p?* ds Iabds ment may be printed in a foreign language, the same rules shall apply with reference to false labeling and the naming of ingredients as shall apply to goods prepared for domestic use. The inspection legend and the official establishment number must in all cases appear in English; but if desired they may in addition, literally translated, appear in the language of the country to which the pack- age is destined. 28 BEGS. 18, 19. TRADE LABELS ; REINSPECTION. aredi?ranoSer Section 9. Paragraph 1. When an article is prepared establishment, by an official establishment for another firm or individual, if the name of the said firm or individual is to appear upon the label the statement must be made that the article was "prepared for" or "manufactured for" the firm or individual. Names of subsidiary companies which have legal entity may be used without the prefix "prepared for" or "manufactured for." Paragraph 2. When a firm or individual not operating under Federal inspection desires to reship inspected and passed meat that has been processed only under Govern- ment inspection and is eligible under these regulations for interstate shipment he may affix to the package the fol- lowing statement: "The meat contained herein has been inspected and passed at an establishment where Federal inspection is maintained." J/™ e ™ o dec0p ~ Section 10. No meat or meat food products shall be sold or offered for sale by any person, firm, or corporation under any false or deceptive name; but the established trade name or names which are usual to such products, which are not false and deceptive and which shall be approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, are permitted. Misleading Section 11. No picture, design, or device which gives Sr C dev&?. esi8n8 ' any false indication of origin or quality shall be used upon any label. The law prohibits any statement, design, or device false in any particular regarding the virtues or properties of the materials contained in the package. The principal Section 12. A meat food product when composed of ingredient. more than one ingredient shall not bear a trade label with a name stating or purporting to show that the said meat food product is a substance which is not the prin- cipal ingredient contained therein, even though such name be an established trade name. tive names. stance. Added sub- Section 13. A meat food product that contains a substance or substances, including water, added for the purpose of adulteration and which lessens its food value shall bear a label stating that such substance or sub- stances have been added. statement of 'Section 14. When any weight is given upon the true container it must be the correct weight, and it must be stated whether this weight is the net weight or the gross weight. REGULATION 19. REINSPECTION. Reinspection of Section 1. Immediately before shipment and at such aSd S pirts. rcass ° s other times as may be deemed necessary all carcasses or parts thereof, whether fresh or cured, thatlmve been previ- ously inspected and passed shall be reinspected by the in- spector in charge or his assistants, in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Indus- REG. 19. REINSPECTION. 29 try, and if upon any such reinspection any carcass or part thereof is found to have become unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or in any way unfit for human food the original mark, stamp, tag, or label shall be destroyed or defaced and the carcass or part shall be condemned. Section 2. Except as provided in Regulation 20, only Reinspection of carcasses and parts thereof, meat, or meat food products SSKJ? 1 at "oin- wliich have not been processed except under Governments^ estabiish- supervision, and which can by marks, seals, brands, or labels be identified as having been previously inspected and passed by a Department employee, shall be taken into or allowed to enter an official establishment. All such carcasses, parts, meat, or meat food products which are brought into one official establishment from another, or which are returned to the establishment from which they issued, shall be identified and reinspected at the time of receipt, and shall be subject to further reinspection in such manner and at such times as may be deemed neces- sary. If upon any such reinspection any carcass or part thereof, or meat or meat food product, is found to have become unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or in any way unfit for human food, the original mark, stamp, tag, or label shall be defaced or destroyed, and the carcass, part, meat, or meat food product shall be condemned. Section 3. Special docks and receiving rooms shall be Special places designated by the establishment for the receipt and inspection. inspection of all meat or meat food products, and no meat or meat food products shall be allowed to enter the es- tablishment except in the presence of a Department employee. Section 4. Unrendered fats from carcasses which have, Returned fats ■, . i i i i i i it «i from inspected been inspected and passed may be returned and received carcasses. into official establishments, provided the fats have been handled in a sanitary manner after leaving the estab- lishment, and provided further that upon inspection the fats are found to be clean, sweet, wholesome, and fit for human food. However, the return of such fats to official establishments and the manner in which they shall be handled from the time they leave such estab- lishments until their return thereto shall be governed by such specific instructions as may be issued from time to time by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Section 5. Inedible fats may be received only into the inedible fats, tank room provided for inedible products, and when so received they shall not enter any compartment used for edible products. Section 6. Paragraph 1. In order to provide for the H Market inspec interstate transportation, from public markets and* other places, of portions of inspected and passed car- casses, parts, and meat food products which, when cut or otherwise removed from a marked carcass, part, or con- tion. 30 REGS. 19, 20, 21. UNINSPECTED CARCASSES; TANK CARS. tainer, do not show the inspection mark and can not therefore be identified as having been inspected and Each city as- passed, market inspection may be furnished. Each city r ' in which market inspection is established will be assigned a number, and all products forwarded under such inspec- tion shall bear the inspection legend and the official num- ber assigned to the city. tiorS^ark^cf 01 Paragraph 2. Unmarked portions which are cut from the marked carcass or part, or are removed from the marked container for interstate transportation, shall be marked by a Department employee. Wherever practi- cable the brand shall be applied to the meat itself ; where this can not be done the true container of the meat or meat food product shall be marked as required by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. of?Steti?n,etc 8 Paragraph 3. All market stalls or other places which are given market inspection shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and shall also conform to the require- ments of the Department governing the use of drugs, chemicals, dyes, and preservatives. REGULATION 20. CARCASSES OF ANIMALS NOT IN- SPECTED ANTE-MORTEM. an^m^Tot in- Section 1.° Carcasses of animals which have had no spec ted ante- ante-mortem inspection by inspectors of the Bureau of Animal Industry will not, except as hereinafter provided, be admitted into an official establishment. The excep- tion to this rule applies only to carcasses to which the head and all viscera, except the stomach, bladder, and intestines, are held by the natural attachments. Such carcasses, if offered for admission into official estab- lishments, shall be inspected, and if found to be free from disease and otherwise sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food they shall be marked " Inspected and Passed" and admitted. If found to be diseased, unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, they shall be marked "U. S. Inspected and Condemned/' and the proprietor of the establish- ment shall be required to destroy them for food purposes, as provided in Regulation 16, section 2. REGULATION 21. TANK CARS. must be sealed. 8 ' Section 1. Tank cars carrying edible meat food prod- ucts into interstate or foreign commerce shall be provided with proper appliances for sealing and be securely sealed with seals furnished by the Department and affixed by Department employees. tents^o boats? 11 " Section 2. When such products for export are trans- ferred from tank cars to other containers on boats, such transfer shall be under Government supervision, and the said containers on boats shall likewise be sealed. a Formerly Regulation 62, B. A. I. Order 137. KEG. 22. DYES, CHEMICALS, PRESERVATIVES. 31 REGULATION 22. DYES, CHEMICALS, AND PRESERVA- TIVES. • Section 1. No meat or meat food product shall contain Dyes, preserv- any substance which lessens its wriolesomeness, nor anypr Wb'ited. ;w * drug, chemical, dye, or preservative, except as hereinafter provided. Section 2. Paragraph 1. There may be added to meat wj|* is i ,,r - or meat food products common salt, sugar, wood smoke, vinegar, pure spices, and saltpeter. Only such coloring matters as may be designated by the Secretary of Agri- culture as being harmless may be used, and these only in such manner as the Secretary of Agriculture may des- ignate. Paragraph 2. Substances necessary for the preparation, clarification, or refining of meat food, products will be permitted to be used subject to the approval of the Sec- retary of Agriculture, provided they are eliminated from the meat food products during the further process of manufacture. Section 3. Paragraph 1. In accordance with the writ- eSSttSfto/c" ten direction of the foreign purchaser or his agent, meat port products. or meat food products prepared for export may contain preservatives of a kind and in proportions which do not con- flict with the laws of the foreign country to which they are to be exported ; but when such meat or meat food products are prepared for export under this regulation they shall be prepared in compartments of the establishment separate and apart from those in which meat or meat food products are prepared for the domestic trade, and such products shall be kept separate. Distinctive export certificates and stamps will be issued for meat or meat food products of this character, but, if the products are not exported, under no circumstances shall they be allowed to enter domestic trade. Paragraph 2. The packing of meat which is prepared, ing^SSahi as provided in paragraph 1 of this section, with any preservatives are preservative not permitted by paragraph 1, section 2, use ' may be done in the regular packing room, provided that no other meat is allowed in the packing room during the time of such packing. After such packing is completed the packing room shall be thoroughly cleansed of the preservative before the packing of other meat therein is resumed. A separate compartment constructed of tight partitions or walls shall be set apart for storing the pre- servative trays and other appliances used in connection with the packing. The Department will furnish a lock and key for this compartment, and the packing of all meat under this section shall be conducted under the per- sonal supervision of an employee of this Department. 32 REG. 23. PREPARATION OF MEAT AND PRODUCTS. REGULATION 23. PREPARATION OF MEAT AND MEAT FOOD PRODUCTS. j£n°c% SS cic ap ~ Section 1. All processes used in curing, pickling, ren- dering, canning, or otherwise preparing meat or meat food products in oilicial establishments shall be super- vised by Department emplo}-ees. No fixtures or appli- ances, such as tables, trucks, trays, tanks, vats, machines, implements, cans, or containers of any kind shall be used unless they are clean and sanitary. All steps in the process of manufacture shall be conducted carefully and with strict cleanliness. All salt, pickling fluids, and other solutions or substances used in curing meat must be clean. sterilization. Section 2. Canned meat or meat food products which umnSiploduc'ts. require sterilization to preserve them must be subjected to this process on the same day that the cans are rilled. De- fective or leaking cans discovered after the process of sterilization has been completed shall not be repaired or repacked (unless such repairing or repacking is done within six hours of the time of original sterilization), but the contents of such cans shall be removed and condemned. potato flour, Section 3. Potato flour shall not be used in the prepa- ration of sausage, nor shall excessive quantities of cereals or water be used. cereals, water. Rendering. Section 4. Paragraph 1. The manufacture of all fats into lard, tallow, oils, and stearin at official establish- ments shall be closely supervised by employees of the Department, who shall see that all portions of carcasses rendered into edible products are clean and wholesome. Heads. Paragraph 2. Heads rendered into edible product shall first be split, cross sectioned, and thoroughly washed and cleaned. nogs' feet. Paragraph 3. When hogs' feet are used for lard, the hair, hoofs, and the tissues of the interdigital spaces must be removed. ent ip coior S di ?o r r Paragraph 4- All pipes and similar conveyers used in edible and inedi- conducting edible fats from one receptacle or container to another shall be of a distinctly different color from the pipes and similar conveyers used in conducting inedible fats from one receptacle or container to another. i.!^m™ ms of Paragraph5. Blueprints or other accurate diagrams showing all underground pipe lines or other conveyers used to conduct edible and inedible products at oilicial establishments and also those extending from oilicial establishments to other establishments, either official or unofficial, with a description giving the exact location, terminals, and dimensions of such pipes, or other con- veyers, and of all gates, valves, or other controlling apparatus, shall be filed with the Department, and a copy of such prints or diagrams shall be filed with the inspector in charge. The prints or diagrams should designate the lines used for conveying edible products and those used for conveying inedible products. If no such under- pipe lines. EEGS. 23, 24, 25. EXPORT STAMPS; TRANSPORTATION. 33 ground pipes or conveyers are used for the purposes above indicated, a written statement certifying to this fact and duly signed by the management of each establishment shall be filed with the Department. Paragraph 6. All containers, such as vats and tierces, s n c °df b\ n |p ro S! in which white grease or other inedible meat products ucts to be are placed, shall be plainly marked "inedible" in such 1 ™ a manner that they can be readily identified. Paragraph 7. Final containers, such as tierces, shall be co ^ t e J n ^ n e n l appropriately marked on both ends immediately after filling. Section 5. The only animal casings that may be used casings. as containers in the manufacture of sausage under these regulations are those from cattle, hogs, sheep, or goats. REGULATION 24. STAMPS FOR EXPORT PACKAGES. Section 1. Paragraph 1. Numbered meat-inspection Export stamps. stamps shall be affixed to packages (except those in cloth wrappings) containing meat or meat food products to be shipped or otherwise transported in foreign trade. Paragraph 2. Stamps shall be affixed in the following st f ^Jf* 1011 for manner, and when they have been affixed they shall be covered immediately with a coating of transparent varnish or other similar substance: (a) The stamp may be affixed in a grooved space made in a grooved by removing a portion of the wood of sufficient size to spac admit the stamp. (b) The stamp may be placed on either end of the on the ends. package, provided that the sides are made to project at least one-eighth of an inch to afford the necessary pro- tection from abrasion. Section 2. Inedible-product stamps and certificates For inedible . r *•• i , x i • , products. may, upon request, be issued to accompany shipments for export of casings, bladders, bungs, hoofs, and other similar inedible animal products. REGULATION 25. TRANSPORTATION.^ Section 1. Upon the application of the exporter the ca?5?°when rtl & inspector in charge of an establishment is authorized to sued - issue certificates for export shipments of inspected and passed meat or meat food products. The certificate should be issued at the time the product leaves the establishment; if, however, the certificate is not issued at that time, it can only be issued upon identification and reinspection of the product. Section 2. These certificates shall be issued in serial Form and mat- numbers and in triplicate form. Each certificate shall a The transportation of meat or meat food product from one point in a State or Territory to another point in the same State or Territory, when in course of shipment the meat or meat food product is taken through another State or Territory, is interstate commerce. 34 REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. show the names of the exporter, and the consignee, the destination, the numbers of the stamps attached to the article to be exported, the shipping marks, the kind of product, and the weight. one certificate Section 3. Only one certificate shall be issued for lor.ath consign- eac k cons ig nmen t un l ess otherwise directed by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Disposal of Section 4. Both the original and duplicate certificates pVi g ca a te a cert1fi- sna11 be delivered by the inspector to the shipper. The cates. copy of certificate provided by law to be delivered to the chief officer of the vessel shall be the duplicate copy and shall be filed with the customs officers at the time of filing the master's manifest or the supplemental manifest. certificate nee- Section 5. No master of any steam or sailing vessel transpi?tat?on re sna ll receive for transportation or transport from the United States to Great Britain or Ireland, or any of the countries of continental Europe, or to Argentina or Mexico, any carcass, part of carcass, or meat food prod- uct of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats, except ship stores, unless and until a certificate of inspection covering the same has been issued and delivered as provided in this regulation. The requirement of export certificates is waived for meat and meat food products to foreign countries other than those hereinbefore named. inedible grease Section 6. When inedible grease, inedible tallow, or £w. ine "inedible stearin derived from cattle, sheep, swine, or goats is offered for export, the collectors of customs, under instructions from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, will require an affidavit from the exporter that the products to be exported are inedible and are not intended for food purposes. Requirement Section 7. a No person, firm, or corporation shall re- ceive for transportation or transport from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to another State or Territory or the District of Columbia any carcass, part of carcass, or meat-food product of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats unless and until a certificate is made and furnished in one of the forms prescribed in sections 11, 12, 13, and 14 of this regulation, showing that such meat or meat food product has been either inspected and passed or exempted from inspection, according to act of Congress of June 30, 1906: Provided, That printed certificates in the forms formerly required and now on hand may be used for this purpose. It is necessary, as old stocks of printed certifi- cates are exhausted, that new ones be printed in the new forms. Movement in Section 8. a When any shipment of meat or meat food pax .reign. products covered by these regulations is offered to any common carrier for carriage within the United States as « Formerly Regulation 52, B. A. I. Order 137. REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. 35 a part of a foreign movement, the same certificate shall be required as if the shipment was destined to a point within the United States. Section 9. a Paragraph 1. Shipments of inspected and Diversion of passed meat or meat food products that are so marked breaking oi may be diverted from the original destination without agency." 1 emer ' reinspection of the product, if a new certificate showing the changed destination be given to the carrier by the owner or shipper, who may or may not be the original shipper; or in case of a wreck or other extraordinary emergency the carrier may divert such shipments from the original destination without anew shippers' certificate. Paragraph 2. The Government seals on a car contain- ing inspected and passed meat or meat food products may be broken by the carrier in case of wreck or other extraordinary emergency, and if necessary the product may be reloaded into another car or the shipment may be diverted from the original destination without another shipper's certificate; but in all such cases the carrier shall immediately report the transaction by telegraph to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. Such report shall include the information indi- cated below: (a) Nature of the emergency. (b) Place where seals were broken. (c) Original points of shipment and destination. (d) Number and initials of the original car. (e) Number and initials of the car into which the prod- uct is reloaded. (/) New destination of the shipment. (g) Kind and amount of product. Section 10. a Keshipments of inspected meat or meat Reshipment of food products which are sound and wholesome at the time ucts pected pr ° d " of reshipment may be made without reinspection when the meat or meat food products, or the containers thereof, are marked "Inspected and Passed," and the meat or meat food products have not been processed since they were originally shipped under section 1 1 of this regulation. Also jobbers, wholesalers, or others who do no processing, and who receive "Inspected and Passed" meat or meat- food products, may break bulk, repack, and reship the same into interstate commerce under section 11 of this regulation, if each piece of meat or meat food product in the unmarked package bears the original authorized mark of Government inspection. Inspection shall be maintained at the establishments of all such jobbers, wholesalers, or others who do any processing. "Formerly Meat Inspection Rulings 1 A. 36 REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. inSected ate mcat Section ll. a When any carcass, part of carcass, or and meat food meat food product of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats which products. j iag b een inspected and passed and so marked under these regulations is offered to any common carrier for trans- portation from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to another State or Territory or the District of Columbia for interstate shipment only, or for interstate shipment as part of a foreign movement, or for foreign shipment, the person, firm, or corporation offering such carcass, part of carcass, or meat food product shall make a certificate in the following form and deliver the same to the said common carrier, except as provided in section 12 of this regulation. Date 190... Name of common carrier Shipper Point of shipment Consignee Destination I hereby certify that the meat or meat food products described herein, which are offered for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce, have been inspected and passed according to act of Congress of June 30, 1906, are so marked, and at this date are sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food. Kind of product. Amount and weight. (Signature of shipper.) (Address of shipper.) This certificate may be stamped upon or incorporated in any form which is regularly or ordinarily used in the shipment of meat or meat food products. t S ren ^n 1 * 8 ted Section 12. 6 Paragraph 1. An official establishment establishments, may ship from the said establishment to any other official establishment any meat or meat food product which has been inspected and passed under these regulations without marking the same "Inspected and Passed," if Railroad car. such shipment be placed in a railroad car which is sealed by an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and provided that not less than 25 per cent of the contents of each car consists of meat or meat food products not marked "Inspected and Passed." wagons. Paragraph 2. Wagons so equipped that they can be securely sealed by a Department employee may be con- sidered as true containers. a Formerly Regulation 53, B. A. I. Order 137. & Formerly Regulation 54, B. A. I. Order 137. REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. 37 Paragraj)h 3 . When shipments are made under para- r " graph 1 of this section the shipper shall make for each car and deliver to the common carrier in duplicate a cer- tificate in the following form: Date 190... Name of common carrier Establishment number of consignor Point of shipment Establishment number of consignee Destination Car number and initials I hereby certify that the following-described meat or meat food products have been inspected and passed according to act of Congress of June 30, 1906. They are not marked ''Inspected and Passed," but have been placed in the above car under the supervision of an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry which was sealed by him with Government seals Nos and Kind of product. Amount and weight. (Signature of shipper.) (Address of shipper.) The duplicate certificate shall be forwarded immedi- ately by the initial carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. Attention is di- rected to the law which provides a penalty of fine and imprisonment for any unauthorized person who breaks a seal on such cars. When shipments are made under this section the in- spector in charge at point of origin shall duly notify the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry and the inspector in charge at point of destination. Section. 13. a When any carcass, part of carcass, or Retail butch- meat food product of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats which ers and de * ers " has not been inspected under these regulations is offered for shipment from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to another State or Territory or the District of Columbia by any retail butcher or retail dealer who holds a certificate of exemption issued by the Secretary of Agriculture, the common carrier shall require a certifi- cate to be made in duplicate in the following form by said retail butcher or retail dealer, which certificate shall in all cases show the exemption number designated by the Secretary of Agriculture for said retail butcher or retail dealer : Date 190... Name of common carrier Shipper Point of shipment Consignee Destination Number of exemption certificate I hereby certify that I am a retail butcher or a retail dealer in meat or meat food products; that the following-described meat or meat food products are offered for shipment in interstate commerce to a cus- <* Formerly Regulation 55, B. A. I. Order 137. 88 REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. tomcr, as exempted from inspection according to act of Congress of June 30, 1906, under certificate issued to me by the United States Department of Agriculture, and that at this date they are sound, healthful, wholesome, and (it for human food, and contain no pre- servative or coloring matter or other substance prohibited by the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture governing meat inspection. Kind of product. Amount and weight. (Signature <>r shipper. ) (Address of shipper.) The duplicate certificate shall be forwarded immedi- ately by the initial carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. Tins certificate shall be separate and apart from any waybill, bill of lading, or other form ordinarily used in the shipment of meat. Farmers- prod- Section. 14. a When any cattle, sheep, swine, or goats have been slaughtered by any farmer on the farm, and the carcasses, parts of carcasses, or meat food products thereof are offered to any common carrier for transporta- tion from one State or Territory or the District of Co- lumbia to another State or Territory or the District of Columbia, the common carrier may so transport such carcasses, parts of carcasses, or meat food products as long as the same may be identified as of animals slaugh- tered by any farmer on the farm. The common carrier shall require a certificate in dupli- cate in the following form : Date 190... Name of common carrier Shipper Consignee Point of shipment Destination I hereby certify that the following-described uninspected meat or meat food products are from animals slaughtered by a farmer on the farm, and are offered for transportation in interstate commerce as exempted from inspection according to act of Congress of June 30, 1906, and that at this date they are sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food, and contain no preservative or coloring matter or other substance prohibited by the regulations of the Secretary of Agri- culture governing meat inspection. Kind of product. Amount and weight. (Signature of shipper.) (Address of shipper.) The duplicate certificate shall be forwarded immedi- ately by the initial carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. Originaicerti.:- Section 15. 6 All original certificates delivered to the it. l i!ii S ( £ n ir. ,y m " common carrier, as required by this regulation, shall be "Formerly Regulation 56, B. A. I. Order 137. 6 Formerly Regulation 57, B. A. I. Order 137. REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. 39 filed and retained for one year by the initial carrier, in order that they may be readily checked by this Dep ment in such manner as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time prescribe. a Section 16. 6 All waybills, transfer bills, running slips, waybills, etc or conductor's cards accompanying an interstate or for- eign shipment of meat or meat food product must have embodied in, stamped upon, or attached to it a signed statement which shall be evidence to connecting carriers that the proper shipper's certificate as required by sec- tions 11, 12, 13, and 14 of this regulation is on file with the initial carrier, and no connecting carrier shall receive for transportation or transport any interstate or foreign ship- ment of meat or meat food product unless the waybill, transfer bill, running slip, or conductor's card accompany- ing the same includes the aforesaid signed statement in one of the following forms : When shipment is made under section 11 or 12: (Name of transportation company.) United States inspected and passed as evidenced by shipper's cer- tificate on file with initial carrier. (Signed) Agent. When shipment is made under section 13 or 14: (Name of transportation company.) Exempted from inspection as evidenced by shipper's certificate on file with initial carrier. (Signed) Agent. Section 17. c Paragraph 1. When any carcass, part of fe ^ h jP mcnt by carcass, or meat food product of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats loaded on a truck, wagon, cart, or other vehicle, or otherwise prepared for shipment, is offered for transpor- tation or transported by ferry, such ferry being the initial carrier from one State, Territory, or the District of Colum- bia to another State, Territory, or the District of Colum- bia, the person, firm, or corporation offering such carcass, part of carcass, or meat food product shall, except as here- inafter provided by paragraph 5, make a certificate in one of the forms hereinafter indicated and deliver the certifi- cate to said common carrier: and no person, firm, or cor- poration operating a ferry line as aforesaid shall receive for transportation or transport any carcass, part of car- cass, or meat food product of cattle, sheep, swine, or goats loaded on a truck, wagon, cart, or other vehicle, or in any other manner prepared for transportation, unless a certifi- cate in one of the forms referred to is properly filled out and delivered by the shipper as herein required. Paragraph 2. When the shipment consists of inspected and passed meat or meat food products, the form of cer- tificate shown in section 1 1 of this regulation shall be used. a Stocks of printed certificates now on hand may be used, but as new supplies are printed they should conform to the forms prescribed. b Formerly Regulation 58, B. A. I. Order 137. c Formerly Regulation 65, B. A. I. Order 137. 40 KEG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. shipment by Paragraph 3. When the shipment is made under ex- cm [>t ion and consists of meat or meat food product which has not been inspected and passed, the form of certificate shown in section 13 of this regulation shall be used, and a duplicate shall be forwarded immediately by the ferry company to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Washington, D. C. Paragraph 4- When the shipment consists of meat or meat food products from animals slaughtered by a farmer on the farm and which have not been inspected and passed, the form of certificate shown in section 14 of this regulation shall be used, and a duplicate shall be forwarded immediately by the ferry company to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. Paragraph 5. When a shipper's certificate for meat or meat food products has been issued and is on file with the initial carrier and that fact is shown by notation on the billing, the ferry company need not require another certificate. imported prod- Section 18.° Imported meat or meat food products which have not been mixed or compounded with or added to domestic meat or meat food products may be trans- ported by any common carrier from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia into another State or Terri- tory or the District of Columbia if the packages contain- ing them are marked ' ' Inspected under the Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906," when received for transportation. shipment of Section 19. b Paragraph 1. Meat or meat food prod- or kno\tn a to g beucts which have been inspected and passed and so unfit for food. mar ked, and which have been transported from the es- tablishments in which they were prepared into the chan- nels of trade, and which are alleged or known to have become unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, may be transported in interstate commerce only under the following restrictions: e d T eYtYb n iT?h- Paragraph 2. Meat or meat food products inspected ment! ' ' and passed and so marked and which are alleged to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food may be shipped from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to any official establish- ment in the same or a different State or Territory if a written permit in duplicate for such shipment be first obtained from the inspector in charge of the establishment to which the shipment is destined. In all such shipments both the original and duplicate copies of the permits shall be surrendered to the car- rier accepting the meat or meat food product, and the carrier shall require the shipper to furnish three copies a Formerly Regulation 64, B. A. I. Order 137. & Formerly Regulation 61, B. V A. I. Order 137. REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. 41 of the form of certificate hereinafter given. One of these certificates and the duplicate copy of the permit shall be retained by the carrier; another copy of the certificate, together with the original permit, shall be mailed by the carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C, and the third copy of the certificate shall be addressed and mailed by the carrier to the Bureau of Ani- mal Industry inspector in charge at the point to which the shipment is consigned. Upon the arrival of the shipment at the establishment the inspector in charge shall cause a careful inspection to be made of the shipment, to determine whether or not it is unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for food. Should the meat or meat food product contained in the shipment prove to be unsound, unwhole- some, or otherwise unfit for human food, it shall at once be stamped "U. S. Inspected and Condemned" and be immediately tanked or removed to the condemned room. If the meat or meat food product contained in the ship- ment shall prove to be sound, wholesome, and fit for hu- man food, the inspector shall allow the meat or meat food product to enter the establishment. Meat or meat food products at an official establishment alleged or known to be unsound, unwholesome or otherwise unfit for human food shall not be shipped under this paragraph, but must be disposed of at the establishment. Paragraph 3. Meat or meat food products which have J°. Jobber, . . J *■ ir ill wholesaler, or been inspected and passed and are so marked and are dealer. alleged to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food may be returned from one State or Ter- ritory or the District of Columbia to any jobber, whole- saler, or other dealer from whom the said meat or meat food product was purchased, if a written permit, in dupli- cate, for such shipment be first obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. In all such shipments both the original and duplicate copies of the permits shall be surrendered to the carrier accepting the meat or meat food product, and the carrier shall require the shipper to furnish two copies of the form of certificate hereinafter given. One of these certificates and the duplicate copy of the permit shall be retained by the carrier, and the other copy of the certificate, together with the original permit, shall be mailed by the carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. If the meat or meat food product which is shipped under this section shall prove to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food it may not be reshipped in interstate com- merce as a food product. Paragraph 4- The shipper's certificate required by para- £°™ fjLjMf graphs 2 and 3 of this section shall be in the following per 42 REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. form, and shall in all cases show a description and the weight of the meat or meat food product : a Date 190... Name of common carrier Consignor Point of shipment Consignee Destination a Number of permit I hereby certify that the following-described meat or meat food prod- ucts have been inspected and passed according to the act of Congress of June 30, 1906, and are so marked. It is alleged that the said meat or meat food products are unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, and unfit for human food. Kind of product. Amount and weight. (Signature of shipper.) (Business or occupation of shipper.) (Address of shipper.) As evidence to connecting carriers that the proper shipper's certificate as required by this paragraph is on file with the initial carrier, the waybills, transfer bills, running slips, or conductors' cards accompanying the shipments of meat or meat food products, made under paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section, must have embodied in, stamped upon, or attached to the same a signed state- ment in the following form: (Name of railroad company.) Meat or meat product alleged to be unsound, unwholesome, or other- wise unfit for food, as evidenced by shipper's certificate on file with initial carrier. (Signed) Agent. purposcs dUstri ! Paragraph 5. Uninspected meat or meat food product, or meat or meat food product inspected and marked and which is known to have become unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, or inedible grease or tal- y low or other fat, may be shipped from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to another State or Terri- tory or the District of Columbia or to a foreign country for industrial purposes. No such shipment shall be accepted by any carrier unless and until the product which is known to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for food shall have been denatured or otherwise rendered unavail- able for food purposes. The carrier shall require the shipper to certify in writing that the meat or meat food product has been so denatured or otherwise rendered un- available for food purposes. This certificate of the ship- per that the meat or meat food product has been de- « Attention is directed to the meat-inspection law, which provides a penalty of a fine of §10,000 and imprisonment for two years for any person who ships for human consumption in interstate or foreign trade any moat or moat food product which is unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food. REG. 25. TRANSPORTATION. 43 natured shall be forwarded by the carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, J). C. It is suggested that the shipper's certificate of denaturing required for shipments made under this paragraph be in the following form: Date 190.. Name of common carrier Consignor * Point of shipment Consignee Destination I hereby certify that the following-described inedible meat or meat food products have been denatured or otherwise rendered unavailable for food purposes. Kind of product. Amount and weight. (Signature of shipper.) (Business or occupation of shipper.) (Address of shipper.) As evidence to connecting carriers that the proper shipper's certificate is on file with the initial carrier, the waybills, transfer bills, running slips, or»conductors' cards accompanying the shipment of meat or meat food product under this paragraph must have embodied in, stamped upon, or attached to the same a signed statement in the following form: (Name of railroad company.) Unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for food, and denatured or otherwise rendered unavailable for food purposes, as evidenced by shipper's certificate on file with the initial carrier. (Signed) Agent. Paragraph 6. When inedible grease, tallow, or other fat for industrial use is of such a nature or is intended for such an industrial use that it is impracticable to denature the same or that denaturing will make it impossible to put the product to the desired industrial use, such inedi- ble grease, tallow, or other fat may be shipped from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to another State or Territory or the District of Columbia, or to a foreign country, without denaturing if the outside con- tainer of the said inedible grease, tallow, or other fat be marked as follows: The end of the containers shall be painted white and conspicuously stenciled or burned with the true name of the product and the word "Inedible." No such shipment shall be accepted by any carrier unless and until the shipper shall certify in writing that the said inedible grease, tallow, or other fat is of such a character or is intended for such use that denaturing is impossible or will render said inedible grease, tallow, or other fat unavailable for the desired industrial use. The shipper's certificate shall be in the following form: •A4 kegs. 25, 26. transportation: counterfeiting. (Date) , 190.. INEDIBLE FAT. Name of common carrier Consignor Point of shipment Consignee Destination I hereby certify that the following-described fat is inedible and is not intended for food purposes, and that the said fat is of such a char- acter or is intended for such a use that denaturing is impossible or will render said fat unavailable for the desired industrial use. Kind of product. Amount and weight. (Signature of shipper.) (Business or occupation of shipper.) ( Address of shipper.) As evidence to connecting carriers that the proper shipper's certificate is on tile with the initial carrier, the waybills, transfer* bills, running slips, or conductors' cards accompanying such shipments must have embodied in, stamped upon, or attached to the same a signed statement in the following form: (Name of carrier) Inedible and not intended for food purposes, as evidenced by ship- per's certificate on file with the initial carrier. (Signed) Agent. The shipper's certificate will be made in duplicate, and one copy shall be immediately forwarded by the carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Wash- ington, D. C. REGULATION 26. COUNTERFEITING, ETC. penalties. Section 1. It is a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment, for any person, firm, or corporation, or officer, agent, or employee thereof, to forge, counterfeit, simulate, or falsely represent, or without proper authority to use, fail to use, or detach, or knowingly or wrongfully to alter, deface, or destroy, or to fail to deface or destroy, any of the marks, stamps, tags, labels, or other identifi- cation devices provided for by law, or by these regula- tions, on any carcasses, parts of carcasses, or the food product, or the containers thereof, or wrongfully to use, deface, or destroy any certificate provided for by law or by these regulations. REGS. 27, 28, 29. REPORTS; APPEALS; COOPERATION. 45 REGULATION 27. REPORTS. Section 1. Reports of the work of inspection carried or work, on in every official establishment shall be forwarded to the Department by the inspector in charge, on such blank forms and in such manner as may be specified by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Section 2. The proprietors of official establishments ^ for ma^uon shall furnish daily to the Department employees detailed to the various departments accurate information regard- ing receipts, shipments, and amounts of products on which to base their daily reports. Section 3. Reports on sanitation shall be made at on sanitation. stated times by the Department employees in charge of the various departments to the inspector in charge of the station, and by the inspector in charge to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. If any insanitary condi- tions are detected by any Department employee, such conditions shall be reported immediately to the inspector in charge, who, after investigation, shall report them to the Chief of the Bureau. REGULATION 28. APPEALS. Section 1. When the action of any inspector in con- Appeals, demning aiw carcass or part thereof, meat, or meat food product is questioned, appeal may be made to the inspector in charge, and from his decision appeal may be made to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry or to the Secretary of Agriculture, whose decision shall be final. REGULATION 29. COOPERATION WITH MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES. Section 1. Inspectors in charge are directed to notify Municipal au- .i_ • • i fi -i" * j.1 i_ n • a.' thonties to be no- the municipal authorities or the character or inspection, titled. and upon request to advise with such authorities with a view to preventing the entry into the local markets of diseased animals or their products. The details of any proposed cooperative arrangement must be first submitted to and approved by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. LAW UNDER WHICH THE FOREGOING REGULATIONS ARE MADE. Extract from an act of Congress entitled "An act making appro- priations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven," approved June 30, 1906 (34 Stat., 674). THE MEAT-INSPECTION AMENDMENT. That for the purpose of preventing the use in interstate or foreign commerce, as herein- after provided, of meat and meat food products which are unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, the Secretary of Agriculture, at his discretion, may cause to be made, by inspectors appointed for that purpose, an exam- ination and inspection of all cattle, sheep, swine, and goats before they shall be allowed to enter into any slaughtering, packing, meat-canning, rendering, or similar establish- ment, in which they are to be slaughtered and the meat and meat food products thereof are to be used in interstate or foreign commerce; and all cattle, swine, sheep, and goats found on such inspection to show symptoms of disease shall be set apart and slaughtered separately from all other cattle, sheep, swine, or goats, and when so slaugh- tered the carcasses of said cattle, sheep, swine, or goats shall be subject to a careful examination and inspection, all as provided by the rules and regulations to be pre- scribed by the Secretary of Agriculture as herein provided for. That for the purposes hereinbefore set forth the Secretary of Agriculture shall cause to be made by inspectors appointed for that purpose, as hereinafter provided, a post- mortem examination and inspection of the carcasses and parts thereof of all cattle, sheep, swine, and goats to be prepared for human consumption at any slaughtering, meat-canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment in any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia for transportation or sale as articles of interstate or foreign commerce; and the carcasses and parts thereof of all such animals found to be sound, healthful, wdiolesome, and fit for human food shall be marked, stamped, tagged, or labeled as "Inspected and Passed;" and said inspectors shall label, mark, stamp, or tag as "Inspected and Condemned," all carcasses and parts thereof of animals found to be unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food; and all carcasses and parts thereof thus inspected and condemned shall be destroyed for food purposes by the said establishment in the presence of an inspector, and the Secretary of Agriculture may remove inspectors from any such establishment which fails to so destroy any such condemned carcass or part thereof, and said inspect- ors, after said first inspection shall, when they deem it necessary, reinspect said carcasses or parts thereof to determine whether since the first inspection the same have become unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or in any way unfit lor human food, and if any carcass or any part thereof shall, upon examination and inspection subsequent to the first examination and inspection, be found to be unsound, unhealth- ful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, it shall be destroyed for food purposes by the said establishment in the presence of an inspector, and the Secretary of Agriculture may remove inspectors from any establishment which fails to so destroy any such condemn* d carcass or part thereof. The foregoing provisions shall apply to all carcasses or parts of carcasses of cattle, sheep, swine, and jjoats, or the meat or meal products thereof which may be brought into any slaughtering, meat-canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar estab- lishment, and surli examination and inspection shall be had before the said carcasses or parts thereof shall be allowed to enter into any department wherein the same are to be treated and prepared for meal food products; and the foregoing provisions shall also apply to all such products which, after having been issued from any slaugh- tering, meal -canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment, shall be returned to the same or to any similar establishment where such inspection is maintained. 46 MEAT-INSPECTION LAW. 47 That for the purposes hereinbefore set forth the Secretary of Agriculture shall cause to be made by inspectors appointed for that purpose an examination and inspection of all meat food products prepared tor interstate or foreign commerce in any slaughter- ing, meat-canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment, and for the purposes of any examination and inspection said inspectors shall have access at all times, by day or night, whether the establishment be operated or not, to every part of said establishment; and said inspectors shall mark, stamp, tag, or label as "In- spected and Passed" all such products found to be sound, healthful, and wholesome, and which contain no dyes, chemicals, preservatives, or ingredients which render such meat or meat food products unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or unfit for human food; and said inspectors shall label, mark, stamp, or tag as "Inspected and Condemned*' all such products found unsound, unhealthful, and unwholesome, or which contain dyes, chemicals, preservatives, or ingredients which render such meat or meat food products unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or unfit for human food, and all such condemned meat food products shall be destroyed for food purposes, as hereinbefore provided, and the Secretary of Agriculture may remove inspectors from any establishment which fails to so destroy such condemned meat food products: Provided, That, subject to the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture, the provisions hereof in regard to preservatives shall not apply to meat food products for export to any foreign country and which are prepared or packed according to the specifications or directions of the foreign purchaser, when no substance is used in the preparation or packing thereof in conflict with the laws of the foreign country to which said article is to be exported; but if said article shall be in fact sold or offered for sale for domestic use or consumption, then this proviso shall not exempt said article from the operation of all the other provisions of this act. That when any meat or meat food product prepared for interstate or foreign com- merce which has been inspected as hereinbefore provided and marked "Inspected and Passed" shall be placed or packed in any can, pot, tin, canvas, or other recep- tacle or covering in any establishment where inspection under the provisions of this act is maintained, the person, firm, or corporation preparing said product shall cause a .label to be attached to said can, pot, tin, canvas, or other receptacle or covering, under the supervision of an inspector, which label shall state that the contents thereof have been "Inspected and Passed" under the provisions of this act; and no inspec- tion and examination of meat or meat food products deposited or inclosed in cans, tins, pots, canvas, or other receptacle or covering in any establishment where inspec- tion under the provisions of this act is maintained shall be deemed to be complete until such meat or meat food products have been sealed or inclosed in said can, tin, pot, canvas, or other receptacle or covering under the supervision of an inspector, and no such meat or meat food products shall be sold or offered for sale by any person, firm, or corporation in interstate or foreign commerce under any false or deceptive name; but established trade name or names which are usual to such products and which are not false and deceptive and which shall be approved by the Secretary of Agriculture are permitted. The Secretary of Agriculture shall cause to be made, by experts in sanitation or by other competent inspectors, such inspection of all slaughtering, meat-canning, salt- ing, packing, rendering, or similar establishments in which cattle, sheep, swine, and goats are slaughtered and the meat and meat food products thereof are prepared for interstate or foreign commerce as may be necessary to inform himself concerning the sanitary conditions of the same, and to prescribe the rules and regulations of sanita- tion under which such establishments shall be maintained; and where the sanitary conditions of any such establishment are such that the meat or meat food products are rendered unclean, unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, he shall refuse to allow said meat or meat food products to be labeled, marked, stamped, or tagged as "Inspected and Passed." That the Secretary of Agriculture shall cause an examination and inspection of all cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, and the food products thereof, slaughtered and pre- pared in the establishments hereinbefore described for the purposes of interstate or foreign commerce to be made during the nighttime as well as during the daytime when the slaughtering of said cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, or the preparation of said food products is conducted during the nighttime. That on and after October first, nineteen hundred and six, no person, firm, or corporation shall transport or offer for transportation, and no carrier of interstate or foreign commerce shall transport or receive for transportation from one State or Ter- ritory or the District of Columbia to any other State or Territory or the District of Columbia, or to any place under the jurisdiction of the United States, or to any for- eign country, any "carcasses or parts thereof, meat, or meat food products thereof which have not been inspected, examined, and marked as "Inspected and Passed," 48 MEAT-INSPECTION LAW. in accordance with the terms of this act and with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture: Provided, That all meat and meat food products on hand on October first, nineteen hundred and six, at establishments where inspec- tion has not been maintained, or which have been inspected under existing law, shall be examined and labeled under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe, and then shall be allowed to be sold in interstate or foreign commerce. That no person, firm, or corporation, or officer, agent, or employee thereof, shall forge, counterfeit, simulate, or falsely represent, or shall without proper authority use, fail to use, or detach, or shall knowingly or wrongfully alter, deface, or destroy, or fail to deface or destroy, any of the marks, stamps, tags, labels, or other identifi- cation devices provided for in this act, or in and as directed by the rules and regu- lations prescribed hereunder by the Secretary of Agriculture, on any carcasses, parts of carcasses, or the food product, or containers thereof, subject to the provisions of this act, or any certificate in relation thereto, authorized or required by this act or by the said rules and regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture. That the Secretary of Agriculture shall cause to be made a careful inspection of all cattle, sheep, swine, and goats intended and offered for export to foreign countries at such times and places, and in such manner as he may deem proper, to ascertain whether such cattle, sheep, swine, and goats are free from disease. And for this purpose he may appoint inspectors who shall be authorized to give an official certificate clearly stating the condition in which such cattle, sheep, swine, and goats are found. And no clearance shall be given to any vessel having on board cattle, sheep, swine, or goats for export to a foreign country until the owner or shipper of such cattle, sheep, swine, or goats has a certificate from the inspector herein authorized to be appointed, stating that the said cattle, sheep, swine, or goats are sound and healthy, or unless the Secretary of Agriculture shall have waived the requirement of such certificate for export to the particular country to which such cattle, sheep, swine, or goats are to be exported. That the Secretary of Agriculture shall also cause to be made a careful inspection of the carcasses and parts thereof of all cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, the meat of which, fresh, salted, canned, corned, packed, cured, or otherwise prepared, is in- tended and offered for export to any foreign country, at such times and places and in such manner as he may deem proper. And for this purpose he may appoint inspectors who shall be authorized to give an official certificate stating the condition in which said cattle, sheep, swine, or goats, and the meat thereof, are found. And no clearance shall be given to any vessel having on board any fresh, salted, canned, corned, or packed beef, mutton, pork, or goat meat, being the meat of ani- mals killed after the passage of this act, or except as hereinbefore provided for export to and sale in a foreign country from any port in the United States, until the owner or shipper thereof shall obtain from an inspector appointed under the provisions of this act a certificate that the said cattle, sheep, swine, and goats were sound and healthy at the time of inspection, and that their meat is sound and wholesome, unless the Secretary of Agriculture shall have waived the requirements of such certificate for the country to which said cattle, sheep, swine, and goats or meats are to be ex- ported . That the inspectors provided for herein shall be authorized to give official certifi- cates of the sound and wholesome condition of the cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, their carcasses and products as herein described, and one copy of every certificate granted under the provisions of this act shall be filed in the Department of Agricul- ture, another copy shall be delivered to the owner or shipper, and when the cattle, sheep, swine, and goats or their carcasses and products are sent abroad, a third copy Bhall be delivered to the chief officer of the vessel on which the shipment shall be made. That no person, firm, or corporation engaged in the interstate commerce of meat or meal food products shall transport or offer for transportation, sell or offer to sell any such meat or meat food products in any State or Territory or in the District of Colum- bia or any place under the jurisdiction of the United States, other than in the State or Territory or in the District of Columbia or any place under the jurisdiction of the United States in which the slaughtering, packing, canning, rendering, or other similar establishment owned, leased, operated by said firm, person, or corporation is located unless and until said person, firm, or corporation shall have complied with all of the provisions of this act. That any person, firm, or corporation, or any officer or agent of any such person, firm, or corporation, who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished on conviction thereof by a fine of not MEAT-INSPECTIUX LAW. 4<) exceeding ten thousand dollars or imprisonment for a period not more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. That the Secretary of Agriculture shall appoint from time to time inspectors to make examination and inspection of all cattle, sheep, swine, and goats, the inspection of which is hereby provided for, and of all carcasses and parts thereof, and of all meats and meat food products thereof, and of the sanitary conditions of all establishments in which such meat and meat food products hereinbefore described are prepared; and said inspectors shall refuse to stamp, mark, tag, or label any carcass or any part thereof, or meat food product therefrom, prepared in any establishment hereinbefore mentioned, until the same shall have actually been inspected and found to be sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food, and to contain no dyes, chemicals, preservatives, or ingredients which render such meat food product unsound, unhealth- ful, unwholesome, or unfit for human food; and to have been prepared under proper sanitary conditions, hereinbefore provided for; and shall perform such other duties as are provided by this act and by the rules and regulations to be prescribed by said Secretary of Agriculture; and said Secretary of Agriculture shall, from time to time, make such rules and regulations as are necessary for the efficient execution of the provisions of this act, and all inspections and examinations made under this act shall be such and made in such manner as described in the rules and regulations prescribed by said Secretary of Agriculture not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. That any person, firm, or corporation, or any agent or employee of any person, firm, or corporation, who shall give, pay, or offer, directly or indirectly, to any inspector, deputy inspector, chief inspector, or any other officer or employee of the United States authorized to perform any of the duties prescribed by this act or by the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture any money or other thing of value, with intent to influence said inspector, deputy inspector, chief inspector, or other officer or employee of the United States in the discharge of any duty herein provided for, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof , shall be punished by a fine not less than five thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars and by imprisonment not less than one year nor more than three years; and any inspector, deputy inspector, chief inspector, or other officer or employee of the United States authorized to perform any of the duties prescribed by this act who shall accept any money, gift, or other thing of value from any person, firm, or corporation, or officers, agents, or employees thereof, given with intent to influence his official action, or who shall receive or accept from any person, firm, or corporation engaged in interstate or foreign commerce any gift, money, or other thing of value given with any purpose or intent whatsoever, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and shall, upon conviction thereof, be summarily discharged from office and shall be punished by a fine not less than one thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars and by imprisonment not less than one year nor more than three years. That the provisions of this act requiring inspection to be made by the Secretary of Agriculture shall not apply to animals slaughtered by any farmer on the farm and sold and transported as interstate or foreign commerce, nor to retail butchers and retail dealers in meat and meat food products, supplying their customers: Provided, That if any person shall sell or offer for sale or transportation for interstate or foreign com- merce any meat or meat food products which are diseased, unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, knowing that such meat food prod- ucts are intended for human consumption, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for a period of not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment: Provided also, That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to main- tain the inspection in this act provided for at any slaughtering, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment notwithstanding this exception, and that the persons operating the same may be retail butchers and retail dealers or farmers; and where the Secretary of Agriculture shall establish such inspection then the provisions of this act shall apply notwithstanding this exception. That there is permanently appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, the sum of three million dollars, for the expenses of the inspection of cattle, sheep, swine, and goats and the meat and meat food products thereof which enter into interstate or foreign commerce and for all expenses necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act relating to meat inspection, including rent and the employment of labor in Washington and elsewhere, for each year. And the Secretary of Agriculture shall, in his annual estimates made to Congress, submit a statement in detail, showing the number of persons employed in such inspections and the salary or per diem paid to each, together with the contingent expenses of such inspectors and where they have been and are employed. o UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08858 5400