(Amendment 16 to B. A. I. Order 211, Revised) V United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY ORDER AMENDING REGULATIONS RELATING TO MEAT INSPECTION Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Secretary of Agriculture by the act of Congress approved June 10, 1942 (Public Law 602, 77th Cong. 2d Session), Title 9, Chapter I, Subchapter A, Code of Federal Regulations [B. A. I. Order 211, Revised], as amended, is hereby further amended, effective July 1, 1942, by adding the following new part : Part 31. — Inspection During the Present War at Certain Meat Packing Establishments Engaged in Intrastate Commerce Only For the duration of the present war and not exceeding 6 months after the termination thereof, Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Code of Federal Regula- tions [B. A. I. Order 211, Revised], as amended, is extended to apply to slaughter- ing, meat canning, salting, packing, rendering, and similar establishments, en- gaged in intrastate commerce only, at which a substantial quantity of meat or meat food product is prepared for purchase by Federal agencies when formal request is made to the Secretary of Agriculture by the proprietor or operator of the establishment : Provided, That the construction, equipment, facilities, and sanitation of the establishment are acceptable, under the said subchapter, for conducting and maintaining emergency inspection. Done at Washington, D. C, this 7th day of July, 1942. Wit- ness my hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. G rover B. Hill, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. 473360° — 42 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OF c