U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF ('HHMISTI; No 26. BULLETIN RECORD OF EXPERIMfc) IX THE PRODUCTION OF SUGAR FROM SORGHUM IX 18 8 9 AT CEDAR FALLS, IOWA; RIO GRANDE, NEW JERSEY; MORRISVILLE5 VIRGINIA ; fCENNER, LOUISIANA; COLLEGE STATION. MARYLAND; AND CONWAY SPRINGS, ATTICA, MEDICINE LODGE, NESS CITY, LIBERAL, ARKALON, MEADE, MINNEOLA, AND STERLING, KA.v BY H. W. WILEY, < 11 KM EST. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF AGR1CULT1 WASH INCH F] '.<> Y i:i: N M I". N I PR] N'T INi OF I I I 1 890 jt^JM"*** U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF CHEMISTEY. BULLETIN No. 26. RECORD OF EXPERIMENTS IN THE PRODUCTION OF SUGAR FROM SORGHUM IX 18 8 9 AT CEDAR FALLS, IOWA; RIO GRANDE, NEW JERSEY; MORRISYILLE, VIRGINIA; KENNER, LOUISIANA; COLLEGE STATION, MARYLAND; AND CONWAY SPRINGS, ATTICA, MEDICINE LODGE, NESS CITY, LIBERAL, ARKALON, MEADE, MINNEOLA, AND STERLING, KANSAS. BY H. W. WILEY; CHPJMIST. PUBLISHED UY AITH01UTY OK THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE. WASHINGTON: Q( I \ 1:1: n M in t P BINTING 0 f i'i I II L890. PREFATORY NOTE Sir : I have the honor to submit herewith, for your approval and inspection, a report on the experiments conducted under 1113- direction daring the past year relating to the manufacture of sugar from sorghum. Respectfully, H. W. Wiley, Chemist. Hon. J. M. Rusk, Secretary. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/experimOOwile RECORD OF EXPERIMENTS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR FROM SORGHUM IN 1889. The experiments in the manufacture of sugar from sorghum conducted by the Chemical Division of the Department of Agriculture during the season of 1889 were divided into two classes, viz: (1) Culture experiments; having for their object the improvement of the cane in respect of its sugar-producing qualities. ("2) Chemical control of the manufacture of sugar from the cane; having for its object the demonstration of the sugar-producing power of the cane entering into manufacture and the location of sources of loss. In some cases the two classes of experiments were combined, as at Kenner, Bio Grande, and Attica ; iu others they were entirely sepa- rated, as at the Maryland stations and at Sterling. From the totally different character of manufacturing and culture experiments it is easily apparent that only the best results can be obtained in each case when the two kinds of work are kept entirely separate. During the manufacturing season both proprietors and chemists must of necessity be primarily interested in saving the crop. In rhe face of this necessity the purely cultural part of the work must suffer. This same remark may be applied but with less force to the growing season. The important work at this time is to produce a crop read3~ for the mill, and but little thought and attention can be given to problems of pro- ducing new varieties and improving old ones. The experience of the last two seasons has furnished proof of the truth of the above theoreti- cal conclusions. Only at those statious where no manufacturing opera- tions have been carried on have the most valuable results been obtained in culture work, while at manufacturing stations the work of the chem- ical control of the factory has been made of paramount importance. CUARACTER AND ALLOTMENT OF WORK. On March 2, 1889, the bill appropriating the unexpended balance of last reason's sugar fund, $59,984.77, and granting an additional sum of $25,000, became a law. The change of administration which was to take place od the it'n of March induced the retiring Secretary of Agriculture to postpone all arrangements for work in this matter f«»r ins successor. The delays in- cident to the induction of the present Secretary into office prevented any arrangements being consummated for the work until April 4, 18S9. At that time I was authorized by the Secretary to make arrangements for certain culture experiments, and on May I, 1889, 1 was directed by him to visit some of the places where it was proposed to conduct experiments and make a study of the conditions presented. On May G, 1889, Mr. W. W. Cook, of Medicine Lodge, Kans., was commissioned by the Secre- tary as an agent of the Department to act subject to my instructions. In May I proceeded under authority above mentioned to Kansas and Iowa and visited the stations at Attica, Conway Springs, Medicine Lodge, Sterling, and Cedar Falls. At the same time I directed Mr. Cook to visit other stations where sugar factories were building. Information respecting proposed operations at Rio Grande, Morris- ville, and Kenuer was also obtained, and the results of all this work were collated in a report submitted to the Secretary on June 1, 1889. The general conclusions reached by a study of the data obtained were as follows : GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. "I have endeavored to lay before you in the preceding report as many of the details of the present condition of affairs in the sugar region as are necessary for a proper understanding of the p resent conditions of the problem. It appears to me that the most favorable conditions for success in the manufacture of sugar from sorghum are found at the three stations of Conway Springs, Attica, and Medicine Lodge. Of these three the station at Attica is the most advanced; while the sta- tion at Medicine Lodge is the only one which, in my opinion, has a sufficient water supply. In case no delay is experienced by the com- pany at Medicine Lodge in the erection of the machinery I shall expect to see the best results of the season's work at that place, Attica coining second, and Conway Springs third, according to present appearances. I find all the people engaged in the business are underestimating the difficulties to be encountered and overestimating the appliances at hand. Some of the men engaged this year in the work have had many years' experience and yet they seem to be still oblivious to the most patent facts which have been developed especially by the experiments of the Department. The trouble seems to arise from a failure to investigate the matter from a non-partisan basis. One of the great difficulties in all the sorghum sugar ventures has been a lack of capital, in order to secure a sufficient investment of funds, I fear it has often been the custom to ignore the difficulties of the problem and to present only to the intending investor the rosy side of the Question. It would appear, after the publication of Bulletin No. 20, in which the great danger of undertaking work in the manufacture of sorghum sugar without a Sufficient water Supply was fully pointed out, that one of the first things to be looked after by the intending builders would be a supply of water Sufficiently abundant for all possible emergencies. Instead of having done this we find that in Kansas only one factory has been placed where the water supply is practically inexhaustible. The chemical force at my disposition was assigned as follows : To Cedar Falls, A. E. Knorr; Rio Grande, H. E. L. LTortou, assisted by G. E. Uockwood; Morrisville, W. Maxwell; Conway Springs, E. A. Von Schweiuitz, assisted by Mr. Meechem and J. G. Hoffman; Attica, Oma Carr, assisted by Lewis EL. Bradford; Medicine Lodge, Hubert Edson, assisted by T. F. Sanborn ; Ness City, K. P. McElroy, assisted by S. B. Merrill ; Liberal, Arkalon, and Meade, J. L. Fuelling, assisted by Erwin E. Ewell; Sterling, C. A. Crampton, assisted by M. B. Clement. Only one chemical outfit was provided for the three stations at Meade, Arkalon, and Liberal, because these three stations were under the same control near together and similarly situated in respect of soil and cli- mate. Moreover it was fouud impracticable to equip and use an addi- tional number of laboratories. It may not be complimentary to the agricultural chemical education given in our schools, but nevertheless it is true that it was impossible at the time to secure additional chemists competent to exercise the con- trol desired. Inasmuch as the necessary technical knowledge for such work is easily attained, it is to be hoped that another season will see a number of agricultural chemists prepared for such work sufficiently large to satisfy all demands. In view of the rapid increase in the num- ber of sugar factories requiring chemical help it might be well to con- sider the propriety of establishing a special school in which instructions could be given in the theory of sugar production and manufacture, the school being transferred to the sugar belt during the manufacturing sea- son for practical instruction. Graduates of agricultural colleges who have paid proper attention to chemistry should be able in one year under proper instruction, as outlined above, to take charge of chemical work in a sugar factory. Since the establishment of an indigenous sugar industry is a mat- ter of the greatest national importance, it would seem proper for Con- gress to take the initiative in the establishment of a national sugar school. In addition to the work done by the stations named tin1 chemical work of the College "Station culture experiments was done in this labora- tory by Messrs. TreSCOtt and Dugan. The samples of cane were scut in each morning by express, reaching the laboratory l>\ 9 o'clock. The following brief statement of the equipment of the several fac- tories in Kansas was prepared by .Mr. (I. L. Spencer: I nr. BOUT HERN KANSAS BUQAB COMPANY, CONWAI SPRINGS, EAN8. •nil, i capacity.— The capacity of the works is estimated at 200 tun> of olean per t \v«-iit y-fnur llOQIS. Steam. — The steam is supplied by four mnHitubnlar boilers of L50 horse-] carh. Cane racks.— The can.' is unloaded directly from the farmers1 wagons upon Long 8 racks, whence it is drawn by machinery to the carriers. These racks have storage capacity for sufficient cane for the night's work. Cutters. — The preparatory cutter cousists of two circular disks of iron fitted with a shaft, etc., and carrying two heavy knives. The knives are bolted to the opposite parts of the circumference of the disks in such a manner that when the cutter is in revolution their edges describe a cylinder. They are set parallel to the shaft. A third disk of lighter weight supports the knives at the central point and prevents their springing. The following are the dimensions of this cutter: Diameter, 30 inches; length of knives, 3 feet in the clear ; diameter of shaft, 4 inches; thickness of the disks at the rims, 4 inckes ; driving pulley, 14 inches diameter by 8 inches face. The speed of the cutter is approximately 230 revolutions per minute. The carrier ends about 3 feet from the cutter and a few inches higher than the dead- knife, delivering the cane upon an inclined chute. Two rollers forming a forced feed carry the cane to the knives. The cane leaves are separated from the cuttings by a series of fans. The shredders. — The shredders, two iu number, are of the Hughes system. Their dimensions are as follows: Length of cylinder, 24 inches; diameter, 8 inches; shaft, 2£ inches diameter; driving-pulley, 12 inches diameter by 6 inches face. Each cylinder carries four knives. The cutters and shredders were built by the Kilby Manufacturing Company. Diffusion batteries. — The works are provided with two diffusion batteries, one of which was constracted and operated iu 1888. This battery has a net cane capacity of f>0 cubic feet per cell. The upper and lower doors are the full diameter of the cell. Solid rubber gaskets are used for the lower doors instead of the hydraulic closure. It is significant that the battery of the Attica Company by the same designer is pro- vided with the hydraulic closure. The juice and water mains are 3 inches in diam- eter. These mains are too small for rapid work. The heatiug surface of the caloris- ators is also insufficient. A comparison of the analytical work of this battery and the cew one about to be described will be of value in determining the influeuco of the form of the cell as affecting the extraction and dilution. The cells of the second battery, constructed by the Kilby Manufacturing Company, are similar in form to those atMagnolia plantation (see Bulletin 21), differing only in having a slightly Larger diameter at the discharge door than at the shoulder. The object of this increase in the diameter is to facilitate the discharge of the ex- hausted chips. The lower doors are operated from the upper platform by an hydraulic attachment. The net capacity of each cell is 65 cubic feel of chips. The jnice and water mains are 4 iuchesin diameter. This battery seems well proportioned for rapid and effective work. The batteries have twelve cells each ami are arranged in single lines, parallel with one another. One set ofmen operates both batteries. Exhausted (hips.— The exhausted chips are damped into carls and hauled to the fields. Clarification.— A continuous olarifier (see page 8, Bulletin 17). similar to that em- ployed at Fori Sootl In 1887, eras the only means of clarification in use the first part of the season. Thisapparal as was insufficient both as regards capacity and efficiency. It is the intention (September 7, 1889) to increase the olarifier capacity by the addi- tion of boi era] of I be ordinary form ofolarifiei t. Evaporation.— The juice from the olarifiers, after settling in tanks, is concentrated in a 15-coil Yaryan doable-effect. Granulation.— The sirups are boiled to grain in a vacuum pan of the ordinary form. Centrifugals.— &\x Hepwortfa centrifugals are employed in purging the sugars. Water tupplu.r—The water supply Is drawn partly from a creek and partly from a ,v. II used las! »eaSOn. The Watet itom this latter is strongly impregnated with gypsum. The pipe Line from tie- creek is of insufficient oapaoity. THE MEDICINE LODGE SUGAR WORKS, ELDRED & IIIXMAX, PROPRIETORS, MEDICINE LODGE, KAXS. Estimated capacity.— Capacity 200 tons of clean cane per twenty-four boars. The machinery is probably of a capacity considerably greater than the guaranty. Buildings. — The main building is 148 feet by 43 feet, the boiler house 50 feet by 90 feet, the laboratory and office 60 by 20 feet. Location of machinery. — The water pumps and the receiving tank for the condensa- tion are in the boiler-house. The central portion of the main building rises about 40 feet above the main roof and contaius the pressure tank and the water supply for the Yaryan and the strike- pan. All the pumps, engines, etc., are on the ground floor. The battery extends in a single line parallel with the length of the building. The cutters, shredders, and pans are on the opposite side of the building near the battery. The Yaryan double-effect and the vacuum pan are on the second floor opposite the battery. The centrifugals are in the east end of the building conveniently located in regard to the vacuum pan aud the hot room. Steam. — The steam supply is obtained from six 125 horse-power multitubular boil- ers. Cane-racks.— The racks for the storage of cane have an estimated capacity of 150 tons. < 'utters and shredders. — The cutters and shredders are from the same patterns as those at Conway Springs. The leaves are separated as usual by means of fans, aud are then carried outside the building by a Sturtevant exhaust-fan. Diffusion battery. — The cells of the battery are larger iu diameter at the bottom than at the top, the average being 50 inches. They have a net cane capacity of 105 cubic feet. The shredded cane is distributed to the battery, which is arranged in a single line, by means of an endless belt. The battery is composed of twelve cells and differs from that at Conway Springs only in being of larger dimensions. Exhausted chips. — The exhausted chips were to be carried 100 yards or more distant from the building in a cable car provided with an automatic dumping arrangement, but owing to the failure of thid ear the chips were Unshed iuto a creek by the waste water from the multiple-effect and strike-pan. Clarification. — The ordinary method of clarification as used in Louisiana is em- ployed. Evaporation and granulation. — A 15-eoil Yaryan double-effect is employed for the Concentration of the juice, and a vacuum pan, 84 feet diameter, for the granulation of t be sugars. Centrifugals. — The centrifugal equipment consists of five machines, Bepworth'a latest improved. The water supply. — The water is derived from Elm Creek. This is the only sugar- house visited by the agent of the Department whose owners seemed to realize the fact that a sugar-house requires an immense volume of water. The water pumps are very powerful and the supply of water ample. The house was built and equipped by the Kilby Manufacturing Company. Tin aii i. \ BUG \i: • OMPANY, I I TH \. I IN8. Estimated capacity.— The estimated capacity of these works is 200 tons per twenty- four hours. Steam.— Two Ha/let >n tripod boilers, iie boiler, 10 Cane-racks. — The cane racks have storage capacity for 120 tons. They are so ar- ranged that the cane can be delivered to the carrier in bunches. This facilitates the removal of the seed heads. (utter* and shredders. — The cutters (two) do not differ materially from those at Con- way Springs and Medicine Lodge, which are described elsewhere in this report. The carriers end abruptly a few inches from the; cutters, leaving a space for the panicles, which are too heavy to be drawn in, to fall on a drag below. The shredders arc also similar to those at Conway Springs and Medicine Lodge. They arc two in number, each cylinder "24 inches long and 8 inches diameter. Diffusion battery. — The diffusion battery single lino arrangement consists of 12 cells each of 105 cubic feet capacity. The cells are provided with the hydraulic closure. The cane chips are automatically treated with powdered slacked lime be- fore passing into the cells. Exhausted chips. — The exhausted chips are passed through a five-roll mill prepara- tory to burning under the boilers. Owing to the weakness of the mills the extraction is poor, and consequently the chips are in a poor condition for use as fuel. Notwith- standing these difficulties this sugar-house burns a portion of its chips. Clarification. — A continuous clarifier (see page 8 Bulletin 17) is employed in the purification of the juice. Filtration. — The juice from the clarifier is filtered through ordinary presses. He- fore entering the filter-press it is treated with live steam, the steam also furnishing the pressure for filtration. Evaporation. — A double-effect of the ordinary system (1,000 square feet heating sur- face per pan) is employed for the concentration of the juices. Extra bottoms are provided for these pans, for use in salt manufacture. Also for this reason the pans are very high in proportion to their diameter. Granulation. — The sirups are boiled to grain in vacuum pans of the ordinary form. This house is provided with two such paus. Centrifugals. — The centrifugals, five in number, are of the Eepworth make (Weal Point foundry). Water supply. — The supply of water is derived from a small creek, and is hardly sufficient for the needs of the house. TIIK SOUTHWESTERN SUGAR COMPANY.— WORKS LOCATED AT MEADE, ARKALOX, AND LIBERAL, CANS, These three houses, built by one manufacturer, differ but little in arrangement and are of equal capacity, hence a description of one will answer for the three. Estimated capacity. — The rated capacity of each house is 150 net tons per twenty- four hours. stram. — The steam is supplied by six multitubular boilers of approximately 75 horse-power each. Cane platform. — The method of handling the eane is very simple and deserves espe- cial mention. The carrier extends the entile length of the .enter of ;i broad plat- form; the sides of the carrier form a guide ami supporl for a movable frame to which a block and fall are attached. When a load of cane is to be discharged, the wagon is backed up to the platform, the frame Is moved to a part of the carrier opposite, and the fall is attached by means of two hooks to the ropes binding the cane: the free end of the fall is passed around a capstan driven by power, By means of this arrangement the cane is easily drawn off the wagon upon the platform convenient to the carrier, in case of difficulty in backing a wagon up to the platform, the fall can be attached and power be applied to bring il to the proper position. The platform has capacity for the storage of soffloient oane for the night work. Cuttere. The preparatory "i ensilage outter la built upon an entirely different principle from those in use a! other sorghum sugar houses, it consists essentially of two cranks similai bo those of a Looomotive, connected by a heavy knife j this lat- 11 ter replacing the parallel or side rod of the locomotive. It may be seen that the revolution of the crank-shaft communicates a drawing motion to the knife. An or- dinary carrier delivers the cane to suitable feed-rolls, which in turn carry it forward upon a corrugated dead-knife, which latter prevents slipping when the knife de- scends to make the cut. The peculiar arrangement of this cutter enables it to make a smooth draw cut, without splitting the cane. This insures a more thorough removal of the leaves and trash by the fans. The seed heads fall through an open- ing between the feed-rolls and the cutter upon an auxiliary carrier, as in the Hughes system. The dimensions of this cutter are as follows: Knife blade, one-eighth inch thick, 6 inches broad, and 50 inches long ; two balance wheels 28 inches in diameter each ; driving pulley, 24 inches in diameter, 8 inch face. The shredders. — The shredders are of the Hughes system, so arranged that one can be employed while the knives of the second are being reset. These machines do not differ materially from those in use in the factories already described in this report. Dimensions: Diameter of cylinder, 8 inches; length, 24 inches; shaft, 2£ inches di- ameter; driving pulley, 12 inches diameter, 6 inch face. Each cylinder carries six knives. Diffusion battery. — The battery is arranged in a single line of fourteen cells. Each cell has a net cubical capacity of CO feet. The lower doors are of the full diameter of the cells and are operated by block and fall. The hydraulic closure is employed for these doors. The juice and water mains are 3$ inches in diameter. Exhausted chips. — The exhausted chips fall inio a cable car and are carried ontside the building. Clarification. — The ordinary method of clarification is employed. Evaporation. — The juices are concentrated in a Swenson triple-effect apparatus. Granulation. — The sugars are grained as usual in a vacuum pan. Centrifugals. — The centrifugal equipment consists of three machines, Hepworth's latest improved. On September 14 I was ordered to report to the Secretary in Chi- cago and accompany him on a tour of inspection in Kansas. The fac- tories at Minneola, Meade, Arkalon, Liberal, Attica, Medicine Lodge, Conway Springs, and Fort Scott were visited during the latter part of September. The condition of affairs in most of the places visited was discouraging. At Minneola, Meade, Arkalon, and Liberal the drought had cut the cane crop short and the greater number of the fields of cane presented plants dwarfed, immature, and shriveled, thoroughly unlit for sugar making. Of the four factories fust named, only one, viz, at Liberal, was found in operation. At Arkalon the work of "'ou- st met ion was not completed, and water had not been found in suffi- cient quantity to operate the factory had it been ready for work. At Meade attempts were still making to secure water. At M inneola, where the roasting process was on trial, no water was available, but a few pounds Of cane were passed through the furnace to show its meehanisin. At Attica and Medicine Lodge the factories were found in operation, and at the latter place we found the only Sufficient water supply o\' the stations receiving aid from the Department. At Conway Springs the factory was really Shut down for lack of water and tor some repairs, but was set in motion temporarily for inspection by the Secretary. At Port Scot t the factory was found to be running smoothh . The original machinery placed in this factory by the Department is still largelj in 12 use, and the proprietors expressed their entire willingness to place all desired data in the hands of the Department. The general impressions derived from this hast}' tour of inspection were that the southwestern part of Kansas is too dry for growing- sorghum for sugar under the present methods of culture, that the fac- tories in that portion of the State had been mostly located without proper consideration of the water supply and possibilities of the soil and climate; that the crop of cane throughout the southern central part of the State was exceptionally fine and contained large quantities of available sugar, and that the factories in the part of the State last mentioned were far inferior to the capacities expected of them, with deficient machinery, in many respects incapable of continuous work, and with one exception operated with an insufficient supply of water. In general it appeared, from what could be observed, that financial success could hardly attend the present season's work, and that this unfortunate condition of affairs might have been avoided by the wiser investment of a larger amount of capital directed by a more judicious and extended experience. REPORTS OF WORK AND OBSERVATIONS. In order to obtain as much information as possible on all points con- nected with the sorghum sugar industry each of my assistants was directed to report to me in full the results of all analyses, facts disclosed by chemical coutrol of manufacture, and all data relating to the crop, quantity of cane grown and purchased, loss in cleaning cane, sugar and molasses made, cost of manufacture, and all other data of a nature to elucidate the problem of sugar making. These reports l will be found appended to this bulletin. It is due to the young men who had charge of the work at the various stations to say that a large part of the data collected was obtained by disregard of the conventional hours of official labor. A culture station or a sugar factory would have little use for a chemist who would refrain from presenting himself at the laboratory before 9 o'clock a. m., and at 4 o'clock p. m. promptly stop his work. MANUFACTURE AND CHEMICAL CONTROL. REPORT OF WORK \r CEDAR FALLS. In addition to the report of the chemist, Mr. A. B. Knorr, of the work done at Cedar Palls, there is given tin- report of Bozarth Broth* ers, who had charge of the technical part of the experiments. I can not add anything to tlif discussion of the data obtained at Cedar Falls more pertinent than a selection from the report made to the Secretary in dune last. ■On account ofinsnffioient funds to print the whole of the report on sugar these re- port i are printed by abstract only. For the lame reason only a small portion of the body <>i i be report ;i- originally prepared is fonnd in this bulletin. 13 REPORT OF THE PROSPECTS AT CEDAR FALLS, IOWA. il Clinton Bozarth and sons have for several years conducted very suc- cessfully a factory for the manufacture of sorghum sirup at Cedar Falls, Iowa. The company owns a well-equipped factory and about 100 acres of land situated on the left bank of the Cedar Kiver, imme- diately opposite the town of Cedar Falls. The soil is very sandy and appears well suited to the growth of sorghum. The company has this year planted about 100 acres of their own land and have contracted with adjoining farmers for about 200 acres more. Three hundred acres of cane usually afford a sufficient amount of raw material to keep the factory in operation from twenty to tweuty-five days. During the past season 40,000 gallons of molasses were made and sold at a fair profit. Some seasons, however, the caue is killed by frost before it has matured and the output of molasses is very much diminished in quan- tity and also inferior in quality. Killing frosts are usually expected early in September. Cedar Falls is situated in the northeastern portion of Iowa in the latitude of Dubuque. 1 have no hesitancy in saying that all expectations of ever successfully establishing a sorghum sugar industry in such a locality must end in disappointment. The company has a fairly good mill, a Louisiana No. 2, manufactured by George L. Squire, of Buffalo, N. Y., and convenient pans for clarification and evaporation of juices. The factory is without doubt one of the best ap- pointed in the United States for the manufacture of sorghum sirup. I regret exceedingly that the proprietors have acquired the idea of mak- ing sugar, since, as I said above, it will be quite impossible for them to succeed from a commercial point of view. Some seasons, however, the cane is quite rich in sugar and large quantities of molasses have granu- lated and several thousand pounds of sugar have been made by sep- arating these crystals from the molasses in a centrifugal machine. Perhaps one reason why the members of this company have been led to believe that they could manufacture sugar successfully is on account of a recent report issued by the Agricultural Experiment Station of low a, in which the profitable manufacture of sugar in that State is regarded as a possibility. The financial difficulties which such a report might cause by encouraging the investment of capital in hope- less enterprises could possibly be very great. I discouraged the mem- bers of the company in so far as possible from undertaking such ex- perimental work in that locality, but did not succeed in convincing them of the impracticability of the endeavor. They are very much in- clined to go ahead with the $5,000 which have been conditionally promised them by the Department, and erect a small vacuum pan and centrifugal plant for the purpose of making these experiments. I as- sured the company that the Department would not probably aid it to a greater extent than $5,000, and asked them to make a statement of the probable cost of the experiments and see if they could be made within the sum specified. 14 " I greatly fear that should the company undertake the experiments the cost will be greater than the estimates and that therefore the vent- ure will be a source of financial loss instead of profit; nevertheless, T have laid before them the dangers which they will undergo and the difficult character of the work which they are to undertake, and if they enter into the matter it will be after full information in regard to all points on which they should be placed on their guard." REPORT ON WORK DONE AT RIO GRANDE. In Mr. Ilorton's report of the work at the Rio Grande station will be found an extension of the general report on operations at this place during the past eight years contained in Bulletin No. 20. The analyti- cal data of each year were copied by Mr. Horton from the record books of the station kindly placed at his disposal by Mr. Hughes. The most discouraging feature connected with the Rio Grande ex- periments is found in the deterioration of the cane for sugar-making purposes. For several years in succession the cane crop at Rio Grande has been unfit for making sugar. The causes of this deterioration are not easily discovered. Careful inquiry fails to show any exposure to admixture with broom-corn, a cause which according to Leplay led to the total failure of the sorghum plant in southern France. It is pos- sible that the habit of fertilizing at Rio Grande to secure a large ton- nage may have led to some depreciation of the sugar content of the crop. The character of the climate may have also had something to do with it. It is now firmly established that sorghum develops its maxi- mum content of sugar in a season with little rain, which is a condition of a maximum quantity of sunlight. The records of the signal stations appended to Mr. Ilorton's report show that during the years in which observations were made these conditions of maximum richness in the cane were not always fulfilled. Experience has further shown that the largest and finest seed heads do not make the richest canes, yet it is a natural custom to select the finest looking heads for seed. This mis- take will be remedied just as soon as the production of seed for plant- ing and the growing and manufacturing of the crop shall have become separate fields of labor, as they must necessarily be. The quantity of seed required to plant an acre of sorghum is so small that both farmer and fabricant can well afford to purchase scientifically selected seed at a high price The method which should be pursued is the following: A siugle seed head from a cane of high available sugar content should be planted apart from all possible danger of admixture, There will then be pro- duced a large number of canes of great uniformity of character and of high Bugar quotient. The seed from their growth will be sufficient to plant many acres. Every field of cane grown for sugar-making pur- poses should Ik- thus produced, since it would be impracticable to fur- nish the requisite quantity of seed directly from the polarized canes. The 15 great advantage that would accrue to the sorghum sugar industry from this method of seed selection is apparent without further elucidation. On account of the low sucrose in the juice no attempt was made to manufacture sugar except from cane from a few small areas which indi- cated a sufficient quantity of sugar to secure crystallization. In the case of the small area which furnished the 2,900 pounds of sugar made, it is difficult to see why the cane in that portion of the field was sac- charifacient, while in other portions, where all conditions were appar- ently identical, it was not so. This is another illustration of the vaga- ries of the sorghum plant, to which I have often called attention, and which serve to characterize it as one of the plants most susceptible to variation known. From the small area of 2.9 acres in the upper end of the Morris Cresse field, 31.9 tons of cane (whole) were harvested. The mean content of sucrose in this juice was 11.14 per cent. On the basis of 88 per cent, juice in the cane, each ton thereof contained 1,700 pounds of juice. The percentage of extraction in the battery during this run was about 83 per cent. The total sucrose per ton of cane was 19G.1 pounds. There was obtained per ton 99 pounds, polarizing 85 degrees=77.3 pounds pure sugar per ton. The loss of sugar in the battery in manufacture aud in the molasses amounted to 118.8 pounds per ton. No other attempts were made to produce sugar, although two other sections of the same field showed a sufficiently rich cane for that pur- pose. One of these produced cane yielding 10.G7 per cent, and another 9.G7 per cent, sucrose in the juice. These canes, however, were not worked for sugar. Inasmuch as over 200 acres' were cultivated in cane and only 2.9 acres of this worked for sugar, the net result of the sea- son's work, in so far as sugar-making is concerned, was decidedly nega- tive in character. The results of the last three years' experimental work at Rio Grande clearly demonstrate the fact that the only liope of successful sugar- mak- ing from sorghum in southern New Jersey must rest upon the produc- tion of cane decidedly richer in sugar than the average crop produced at that place since a record of its character has been kept. The char- acter of the climate and soil would indicate that the sugar beet might be very successfully cultivated, and it would be extremely interesting to have some comparative experiments made with that plant. There are many reasons for expecting that the results of such experiments would be of the most hopeful character. MAilllM'i:V USED at BIO GRANDE The machinery used ;it Bio Grande was of the same general type afl that described in Bulletin 20. The batter v constructed on the Bughes Bystem of open cells and dipping baskets was entirely new and of greater Capacity than those heretofore used. Many of the nieehanieal difficulties encountered in operating the first batteries of this kind 16 were remedied in the new apparatus, and its work was smooth and generally satisfactory during the entire season. The mean percentage of sucrose left in the chips as far as determined for the season was about 2.5 per cent. Based on the usual data this shows a mean extrac- tion of 80 percent. A special trial of the capabilities of the battery under the most favorable conditions was made on October 12. The mean weight of chips in each basket was 307 pounds. The meau quan- tity of water in each cell 368 pounds ; the time of contact, i. e., the time each basket remained in cell before transfer to next cell, was one and a half minutes, during which time the basket was dipped twice in the same cell. In the Hughes battery, consisting of ten cells, there is an additional cell called the eleventh, extraneous to the others, and into which the juice is drawn from the main battery. Into each charge of juice thus drawn the basket of chips next to be introduced into the bat- tery is introduced and allowed to remain for one minute. The tempera- ture of the juice in the eleventh cell was about 208° Fahr. The conse- quence of this immersion is at first the enrichment of the juice by con- tact with the fresh chips. These chips, however, enter the circuit of the regular battery with a less content of solid matters proportionate to the quantity given up by the first immersion. The final result must be to dilute the juice of the main battery to the extent of the matters ex- tracted by the eleventh cell. In other words, the main battery works constantly on impoverished chips and the concentration of the diffu- sion juices therein is diminished to that extent. The final result of this process is therefore exactly the same as working with eleven cells in regular circuit. There is no compensation lor the complicated mechan- ism of having one of the cells in a separate circuit. The whole system of open-diffusion cells — which by the way was the first form of diffusion apparatus used — has long since been shown to be inferior in every respect to the closed system ; and there is no con- clusive evidence from the present year's experiments of any feature either of economy or advantage in the cost and operation of the appa- ratus. Designed originally to make sugar making economical on a small scale, it has gradually expanded into proportions of considerable magnitude without having given any indications of its ability to secure the original aim. in fact there is now no more evidence t\an formerly of the possibility of manufacturing sugar economically on a small scale. It is our duty to speak positively on this point. Every attempt to produce SUgar on the form or by combination of a few farmers must at present end in disaster, and there is every reason to believe that the future will show no greater encouragement to small factories. The manufacture of sugar requires such extensive and costly machinery aa to relegate it to individuals or corporations with Large capital and ex- pensive apparatus. Three seasons of experiment with the Hughes system of small fac 17 tories have only confirmed the original views expressed from this office and serve to emphasize more strongly the absolute necessity of the best machinery constructed on the line of two great principles of sugar man- ufacture, viz, closed extraction apparatus and evaporation in vacuo.. With our present knowledge it must be said that all attempts not fall- ing within these lines must end in failure. To the farmer I say, con- tent yourself with producing a crop rich in sugar and as high in tonnage as can be to obtain the object just named. To the manufacturer I say, use the best forms of closed diffusion batteries, simple clarification with lime, and the best methods of evaporation in vacuo. There is one condition, however, in which I see a possibility of use- fulness for the Hughes system of diffusion. There are two considera- tions which are kept in view in the extraction of sugar, viz, (1) the com- pleteness of the extraction and (2) the density of the extracted juice. Theoretically the density of the diffusion juice can be made equal to that of the juice in the cane by an infinite number of cells in the bat- tery, or an infinite number of dips in the Hughes apparatus. At first in starting a battery the hot water is speedily charged with the solids in solution in the cane cells, being brought into direct contact with the normal chips. In the regular running of a diffusion battery quite a dif- ferent condition obtains. The extracted juice is brought ouly once into contact with fresh chips. We may regard normal diffusion as such a conduct of the work as allows complete equilibrium to be established between the circumfluent and intercellular juices, which in each case are equal in volume. The rate of diffusion depends, as is well known, on the size of the chips and the temperature of the juice. The smaller the chip and the higher the rise of temperature the more speedily will this equilibrium be established. The size of the chip, however, has more intluence on this operation that the temperature. The theoretical normal diffusion would take place in a single cell surrounded by the diffusion juice. The superposition of cells such as is found in the or- dinary cane chips and beet slicings entering the battery requires that the diffusion should take place in the exterior layer of cells and from one direction before it can begin with the interior layers. The time required for the diffusion through a single cell wall containing within a solution of sugar is not instantaneous but extremely minute. Bui the sum of the intervals required for the penetration of hundreds of cells successively becomes quite large. In a normal diffusion of twelve contacts or twelve dips the relative con- centration of the diffusion juice compared with the original juice in the cells of the plant can be calculated from the formula given in Bulletin No. 2, page 10. In practice, however, a larger quantity of liquid is used than in norma] diffusion and the time ofoontacl i^ not long enough in each case to secure complete equilibrium. With the apparatus now- iu use, therefore, we can not hope to obtaiu a relative density between diffusion and normal juice of more than so to LOO, Any proposition 17.V.I7— Bl i.i- 26 2 18 looking to the procuring of normal diffusion juice by allowing the time of contact to be extended beyond reasonable economic limits must be rejected for practical reasons. By reducing the size of the diffusion chips the normal diffusion juice can be more readily obtained. In the case of the beet, by reducing it to a fine palp the normal juice, i.e., com- plete equilibrium, is obtained in so sbort a time as to be practically instantaneous. On this fact Pellet has based his process for the in- stantaneous analyses of the beet by the aqueous method. No rise of temperature is required for this purpose, the equilibrium being estab- lished almost instantly in the cold. Sugar (janes, both sorghum and sugar cane, reduced to a fine pulp would act in the same way. The mechanical difficulties of doing this are much greater than in the ease of the beet on account of their more fibrous structure. Nevertheless a cane shredder might be constructed which would fur- nish a pulp approximating in fineness the beet pulp above mentioned. In applying such a process practically, however, a point might be reached in the ordinary battery where the fineness of the chips would impede and finally prevent the circulation. This would arise from the fact that the pressure in such a battery is always in the same direction save in the first filling of the cell. The almost solid pulp thus formed might be more or less impervious to the circulation of the diffusion liquids. Now, if such a fine pulp can be produced in an economical way, it might be worked to great advantage in the Hughes battery. In dipping the basket into the cell of liquid the pulp would be raised and loosened and the perfect mixture of the pulp and liquid would be at once secured. The diffusion would take place almost instantly, the baskets could be quickly removed, and a small battery be made to do a great deal of work. In such a case I can easily see how a Hughes bat- tel y might be made to operate in a successful manner. The fact that such a diffusion could be carried on at ordinary temperatures would allow a purer juice to be obtained, since at high temperatures starch is rendered pasty and pectic substances rendered soluble. Normal diffusion as described is secured when the added diffusion water is exactly equivalent in volume to the volume of juice in the sub- stance tinder diffusion and where temperature and time of contact are so adjusted as to secure in each case complete equilibrium between the crvstallizable bodies in the intercellular substance and the circumfluent Liquid. When, therefore, ii is ( (aimed that diffusion juice oi equal den- sity witli the intercellular juice is obtained in chips of the size usually employed it is at once evident thai the operation has been carried on in some abnormal way, or that some factor in the process lias been omitted. In the case cited in Mr. Norton's report it seems that the diffusion juice was almost equal in density to the normal jnice in the cam- chips employ ed. The mean tempera! are of t lie cells during the trial run was 97° 0. and the total time of contact seventy-two minutes for each cell. The enor ' 19 mous surface exposed iii the cells and by the chips when lifted, and by the juice dropping back into the cells from the uplifted baskets, doubt- less cause sufficient amount of evaporation to account for this abnormal result. To work the battery in the way taken to secure the result would be far from economical and the results obtained are interesting more from their abnormal than practical interest. CULTURE EXPERIMENTS AT RIO GRAXDE. In addition to the manufacturing experiments at Rio Grande some interesting data were collected concerning culture. A special plat of ground comprising several acres was laid out in plats and planted with some thirty varieties of seeds grown by the Department at Sterling. Unfortunately the seeds were found to be mixed, and although a vigor- ous growth on all but a few plats, yet owing to the admixture above noted aud the lateness of the season no analytical examination of these plats was undertaken. Some most interesting problems were presented in connection with the Morris Cresse field. This field is fully described in the appended reports. The time between plowing the upper and lower end of the field was only four days, and this interval can hardly account for the great difference in the composition of the cane grown on the different sec- tions. The cane was harvested in six sections and the mean content of sucrose in the jnice from each section, beginning with the upper end of the field, was 7.G2, 8.09, 7.25, 9.G7, 10.67, and 11.14 per cent, respect- ively. The expectation of Mr. Hughes to compensate for late plowing and a consequently short season by nitrogenous fertilizing is a rather surpris- ing one. The well-known properties of nitrogen in promoting vegeta- tion and consequent longevity of the plant would lead us to expect just the contrary effect described by Mr. Hughes. A quick-maturing plant, though one yielding, of course, less tonnage per acre, would have been secured by growing the crop in unclovered fields and with a fertilizer in which phosphorus and potash were the predominant elements. Con- sidering the late plowing and the wet season a more unfortunate selec- tion of fertilizer could hardly have been made. It may be that the low Sucrose content appearing in the Rio Grande canes during the past few years is partly due to the prominence given nitrogen in the fertiliza- tion. Yet, on this point no statements can be made with authority, but only by inference, tor the history of fertilizing sorghum is still too young to form a basis for any practical conclusions. The results of a single season's work in such a case can only be accepted as indicative and not as final. .Many years of varied trial in seasons of every kind and on diversified soils must elapse before a final judgment can be formed. The beginning math' in New Jersey is valuable and will doubtless lead in time to more valuable theoretical and practical results. The varia- tions in the sugar content of the various sections of the field Illustrate 20 the difficult}' heretofore encountered iu obtaining sorghum of high uni- form character for manufacturing purposes. In uniformly dry and mild seasons, such as have been experienced in Kansas during the past two years, a reasonable degree of uniformity has been reached where the samples have been taken over widely extended areas. In less favored localities all hope of securing such uniformity, it seems, must be aban- doned. The culture results at Rio Graude serve to confirm the opinion hitherto expressed by me that the area for successful sorghum sugar growing is a restricted one, and that iu the work of the last three years in central Kansas most valuable indications have beeu obtained of the probable location of the most favorable soil and climate for sorghum. This opinion is not expressed to deter any one from making culture experiments in other localities, but rather to call attention to the most promising field of operations. Sorghum at present is so far inferior to the sugar beet and sugar cane as to require the help of the most fa- vorable soil and climate in order to maintain its existence as a sugar- producing plant It is the part of wisdom iu such cases to follow the most promising path and to leave the more difficult ones for future explorations. MANUFACTURING WORK AT MORRISVILLE. The results of the manufacturing trials at Morrisville are tersely summarized by Mr. Maxwell at the close of his report iu the following words: "If a remunerative crop had been produced the mill was not in order to work it, and if the mill had been ready to work there was not a crop to be worked." The mill was hastily constructed and presented in rather an unusual degree the difficulties attending the trials of new machinery. The battery on the Hughes system was designed to have a capacity of 45 tons of field-cane per day, but, by defects in the machinery for cleaning and shredding the cane, rarely more than 20 tons were worked. No sugar whatever was made and the molasses manufactured was of a very inferior quality. It is the old story so familiar in sorghum literature— imperfect machinery, disastrous delays, vexations aeeidents. Surely the science of mechanics and the skill of the machinist were never so coy with any other industry. CULTURE EXPERIMENTS at MORRISVILLE. The result of the culture experiments at .Morrisville is rather the record of the successive disastrous floods which prevailed over the cis-Alle- ghanian pari of the United States during the season of L889than of any valuable information gained. The agricultural part of the work at Morrisville was probably only exceeded in CmdeneSS by the character of the machinery provided. We find a history of partial plowing, dodging of stumps, planting in 21 mud, cultivating in rain, and gathering a scanty harvest out of a wil- derness of weeds. The chemical data tabulated by Mr. Maxwell show without further comment the character of the crop produced. It is gratifying, however, to note that on many farms adjacent to the planta- tion of the Virginia company crops of sorghum were produced which in some instances with careful manufacture would have yielded a fair return of sugar. Yet it is scarcely probable that the soil aud climate described by the report will be able to compete with the broad and fer- tile fields and genial suns of central southern Kansas and northern central Indian Territory and Oklahoma. MANUFACTURING EXPERIMENTS AT KENNER. The manufacturing experiments at Kenner were conducted on a small scale and are to be considered rather as the completion of the culture experiments than an attempt to produce sugar economically. The per- centage of sugar in the cane recovered in the diffusion juice was uni- formly high, the sugar left in the waste chips amounting to only about ,3 per cent. The hue work of this small battery furnishes a continued demonstration of the merits of this system of diffusion first set forth for sorghum in Bulletin No. 2, and shows its immense superiority even for small workings over the system used at Rio Grande. The capacit ies 3f the two batteries are almost the same. Allowing 25 pounds of chips for each cubic foot of space in the Kenner cell, the total capacity of each cell in pounds is 337.5, which is practically the same as the baskets at Bio Grande. When the convenience of heating, the ease of charge and discharge, the saving of energy in moving the diffusion juices instead af the whole system of baskets with their loads of chips are taken into consideration the preference even for a small factory must be ac- corded to the closed system of diffusion. Another practical point is of importance. In the experiments at Kenner considerable quantities of sugar were obtained from canes quite as poor as those worked at Rio Srande, and which by the system there used gave no sugar whatever, rhisfact, however, was not needed to demonstrate the danger of work- ing cane juices for sugar without neutralizing their natural acids and by evaporating them to sirup in open pans. The work at Kenner shows (hat, by careful treatment and proper technical and chemical control, sugar can often be made from juices of an almost hopeless poverty. The danger of allowing sorghum canes to remain exposed to hot suns liter cutting has long been recognized. Some of the manufacturing ilata at Kenner would seem to indicate that t he danger has been magni- fied. The cane shipped from the plantation of Mr. Maxwell may be taken as an illustration of this. After nearly a week of exposure it was found to have suffered bat little inversion. It maj be, however, that the cane was exposed in a pile of considerable magnitude, and in BQOfa Itoes the interior canes are protected. Again it mast not be forgotten that these canes suffered such iujarj in passing through the battery as 22 to render them practically unfit for sugar making. The general result of the work at Kenner in respect of the inversion of sorghum cane forms no certain evidence of immunity from danger by omitting to deliver sorghum cane at the factory directly after it is harvested. Perhaps a delay of twenty-four hours may be contemplated without alarm, but a greater certainty of a large sugar product will attend the direct trans- fer of the cane from the field to the factory. The difficulty of purging sorghum massecuite in the centrifugals is not one peculiar to Louisiana, through it perhaps exists there in a greater degree than in Kansas. Uniformly canes poor in sucrose and of low purity furnish a massecuite difficult to dry. This defect is one of great annoyance to the manufact- urer, who is obliged to supply his factory with a centrifugal surface out of all proportion to the yield of sugar. The observation of Dr. Stubbs, however, is doubtless correct that sorghum grown in a warmer climate develops a greaterquantity of gums and affords a massecuite of a more refractory nature. Sorghum grown in high northern latitudes appears to have a higher purity than that grown father south, and experience must decide how far purity of juice must be sacrificed to length of season. In point of fact the difference in seasons between central southern Kansas and northern Louisiana is so slight as to lead to the belief that the sorghum sugar industry might be profitably introduced in the latter locality. Both the culture and manufacturing results obtained at Kenner from sorghum canes grown in the sugarcane belt confirm my previously expressed opinion that a soil and climate suitable to the production of sugar-cane are pooly adapted to the production of sorghum sugar. (Bulletin 20, p. 11.) The low tonnage and refractory nature of the sorghum heretofore produced on sugarcane lands afford no reasonable hope of an eco- nomical supplementary or preliminary season of sorghum in cane sugar factories. It must also be noted that if the drying of the sugar is to be attended with difficulties described in the Kenner report, all hope of establishing the industry even in northern Louisiana must be abandoned. It seems reasonable to suppose, however, that with a large strike pan permitting the building of a larger crystal the delay in drying the sugar can be Very tnUOh reduced. In the light of these experiments made on a small scale, it would be rash to invest capital in northern Louisiana in a sorghum sugar fac- tory. Future experiments, however, may be able to show more favor able data. CULTURE EXPERIMENTS IN LOUISIANA. The general results of t he culture experiments carried on in Louisiana corroborate the data obtained at Sterling In respect of the generally valueless character of the new varieties of sorghum. The best results in 23 general are shown with the standard varieties which have been chiefly cultivated during the past few years. There are, however, some nota- ble exceptions to the rule both as regards time of maturity and sugar content. While, therefore, most of the work in testing new varieties is of a nu- gatory character, there have been obtained in particular cases results which justify the wisdom of extensive trials. A notable example of this is shown in Xo. G of the varieties grown at the Baton Rouge station, de- scribed as jSTo. 39 from South Africa, and which gave a juice having the following composition : Total solids (Brix) 19.7 per cent. ; sucrose, 15.6 per cent.; glucose, 1.28 per cent. A single seed head from such a variety would furnish seed in the third year to plant cane extensively, and could the juice from such cane be worked as well as sugar cane juice, it must yield easily 200 pounds sugar per ton. The culture experiments at Baton Rouge were in some respects the most interesting of all those conducted in Louisiana. The seeds planted at the station were grown by the Department last year at Sterling and it was hoped to secure a large number of compara- tive trials with them in different parts of the country. The misfortunes which attended these trials at Rio Grande, Morrisville, and Conway Springs have been noted. The observation made by Dr. Stubbs in respect of the value of the Links' Hybrid variety is corroborated by experience in Kansas and other places. Practically the several varieties of sorghum known as Orange with its nearly related subvarieties have beeu found to be the most valuable for sugar-making purposes, but the analyses given in the report would certainly justify the preference given to the Links' Hybrid in comparison with several other varieties, but practical trials must be awaited before a final decision can be reached. The improvement in existing varieties which may be secured by the methods inaugurated in our culture experiments and carried out on the lines of investigation marked out will certainly lead not only to the permanent development of canes with higher sucrose co-efficients and lower glucose ratios, but also with lower content of starch, amvlo-dex- trines and gums, and other bodies interfering with successful manu- facture. MANUFACTURING EXPERIMENTS AT CONWAY 8PRING8. The first and most radical mistake math' by the management was in attempting to remodel the old factory. The first factory was a striking illustration of the surprising degree of unlit ness of means to ends which can be secured by insufficient capital, assisted with lack of mechanical training, deficiency in engineering skill, and dear! h of t [me lor prepara- tion. Industry , ability in other directions, and deep ent QUSiasm for the work could not offset the deficiency. 24 After the expenditure of nearly or quite $30,000, however, it was shown by the season's work that the new factory was little if any supe- rior to the first. The meager record of but little over 4,000 tons of cane worked during a long and favorable season is a true but complete story of almost total inefficiency. During all this time, as Mr. von Schweinitz has set forth, the expenses connected with the work were quite or nearly as great as if the factory had been working up to its full estimated capacity. In a dispassionate review of the manufacturing work of the place it seems to me patent that could the factory have worked regularly 200 tons of cane per day, the end of the season would have disclosed a hand- some profit. It certainly is not unreasonable to ask for a factory which can do this the season through. Yet it must be confessed that the sorghum sugar industry has never had the help of such a factory. It has never had a fair chance from a merely mechanical point of view. One source of weakness at Conway Springs deserves more than a passing notice, viz., the insufficiency of the water supply. This was one of the greatest difficulties besetting the first season's work as has already been noticed in Bulletin 20. Within a mile of the spot where the factory was built is a stream of good water which would have proved abundant for even a much larger factory ; yet both old and new factory were built without considering the absolute necessity of abundaut water. A wise capitalist, seeking a safe investment for his money, had he decided on building a sorghum factory would have located it on the banks of the stream. But the town of Conway Springs voted public bonds ostensiby to build water-works, but in reality as a bonus to the sugar company. Therefore the factory was built rather to secure the bonds than to make sure of an abundant supply of water. As a result the town lias been Supplied with a saturated solution of gypsum masquerading under the name of water and a bewildering agglomeration of tanks, pulleys, pomps, and debris has been operating as a sugar factory. Such will continue to be the history of bonded sugar-houses built without design and operated without aim. These strict ures, apparently severe, are not made in any personal Sense. The promoters and builders of the factory doubtless acted in accordance with the dictates of their judgment, and there is no ques- tion of their honesty of purpose. It was simply impossible to build and Operate a sugar factory under such auspices, and it would have been the part Of wisdom to have refrained altogether from the attempt. The record of the chemical control of manufacture at Conway Springs is of the highest interest Again as last year the cane crop at Conway Springs was the best suited to sugar -making of any in the country. The mean percentage of sucrose in the juice of the chips entering the I wo batteries, lor the present season was 11.98 against L2.42 for the preced- ing season. The pel' cent, of liber in the chips was 1 1.11), giving a juice percentage of 88.51, The total juice in the cane was therefore 1770.2 25 pounds per ton, and the quantity of pure sucrose 231.1 pounds per ton. Especially encouraging are the results of the trial run in the four days mentioned in the report during which the machinery worked fairly well, averaging 150 tons of cane per day. During this time it was clearly dem- onstrated that a fair profit could be made, selling first sugars at 6 cents per pound and molasses at 10 cents per gallon. The achieve- ment of four days may easily be made the history of a whole season, and even with better results. In such a soil and climate, and with such a factory as abundant capital and proper skill might supply, the sorg- hum sugar industry might flourish without the aid of the State bounty. When we take into consideration the burdens with which the sea- son was commenced, the inexperience of the managers, the cram pings of insufficient capital, the internal dissensions of the company, the shortness of the water supply, and the defects of the machinery it must be confessed that the company has made a good showing and deserves praise for its heroic struggles. Its record of two seasons has shown to intending inventors the best sorghum-cane region in the State or the country, and there is abundant water in the county by which to build a first-class factory. CULTURE EXPERIMENTS AT COXWAY SPRINGS. The slight decrease in the percentage of sucrose in the juice of the canes of Conway Springs as compared with the season of 1888 is prob- ably due to the cause assigned by Mr. Von Schweinitz, viz, a better season for growth, producing a much larger tonnage and juicier canes. It was gratifying to note that the total substances, not sucrose, in the juice decreased in a somewhat greater proportion than the sucrose, thus securing a slight gain in purity. It will be interesting, however, to watch the sucrose content of the cane for several seasons to see if it continue to show the same high qualities. The special plot culture ex- periments were made subsidiary to the regular crop work, and hence were rendered valueless for comparative purposes. The mixed character of the canes growing on these experimental plots was another illustration Of the danger of planting seeds taken from a whole plot and from canes grown from anselected seeds. The value, however, of even a partial beginning in scientific seed selection is shown by the history given of the amber cane. Not only Conway Springs, but also Attica and Medi- cine Lodge, were benefited by this selection. The high sucrose co-effi- cient obtained at Conway Springs during two successive years marks this locality one of the best yet discovered for Borghum growing. Within a radius of ten miles from the village thousands of acres of land could be planted to cane, and a stream of considerable magnitude flowing through the center of'this area would supply the water required l\\ 8ei era! factories. The methods of cultivation employed are of the simplest kind, it is reasonable to suppose thai with deeper plowing or subsoil- log the crop would be more successfully brought through a very dry 26 season, and that a more careful cultivation would not only increase the tonnage, but also the sugar co-etlicient. The mean content of sucrose in the chips entering the two batteries shows a crop having, over wide areas, a pretty uniform value. The usual violent variations in individ- ual canes, however, are found in the table giving the composition of the juices from single canes. In all cases the purity is based on the total solid matters in the juice as indicated by the Brix spindle. The true purity is really about 10 per cent, higher than this, since it has been shown that the Brix spiudle reads some 10 per cent, higher than the actual quantity of solids in solutiou. MANUFACTURING EXPERIMENTS AT ATTICA. The most striking feature of Mr. Carr's report is the statement of losses in manufacture. The next point — probably it should be first — is the old story of imperfect machinery. When the actual working capacity of the factory is compared with the estimates placed upon it by the builders before the manufacturing season opened it will not be a matter of surprise to read of the financial disasters attending its operation. The quantity of field cane which it was designated to work was 250 tons per day. The actual quantity used was less than 100 tons. The crop which the farmers were induced to plant was large enough for the estimated capacity. The delay, worry, and loss from an agricultural point of view, due to deficient capacity, need not be de- scribed. It is strange to note that one of the weakest points in the house was found in the multiple effect vacuum pan. As Mr. Carr justly remarks, this style of apparatus has long since passed the experimental stage. I have noticed a strange tendency among those about to embark in sorghum work to adopt new and untried devices for old and reliable processes. It is true that such processes are very often great improve- ments on those now in use, but they should never be depended on to save a great financial venture until they have been thoroughly tried. Thus in sorghum factories have been seen diffusion batteries of new design and novel arrangement, pumps of peculiar construction, boilers of unknown possibilities, and evaporating pans heralded only by the unproved claims of their inventors. The readiness with which many, perhaps nearly all, who have devoted themselves to sorghum listen to golden tales of profit, the perversity with which they shut their ears and eyes to the plainest evidence of impending difficulty, the alacrity with which they lake into their confidence the boomer of bonds and the maker of machines, are some of the most discouraging features of the industry. It is high time that the era of blind enthusiasm be passed, and it is quite late enough for men to look at sorghum as the\ do at iron or wheat. The heating surface required for evaporating sorghum diffusion juice eater, oaeterti paribus, than for sugar cane and beet juices. This 27 arises from the readiness with which the lime salts and gums coat the copper tubes. In order to secure good results the apparatus should be boiled out every two or three days with soda-lye, and diluted sulphuric acid, or thoroughly scraped. The capacity of the pan should be large enough to permit this necessary cleaning without impediug the regular working of the house. Approved patterns of pan should be used of a kind to avoid loss of sugar in the condensation water, and permitting easy cleaning. A pan which would evaporate 50,000 gallons of pure water in a day might fall far short of evaporating 50,000 gallons of water from diffusion juice. The great loss of 35 per cent, of the weight of the cane in cleaning is also to be noted. The mean percentage of leaves and seed heads on the total weight of the cane in its maximum maturity is about 25. In a climate like that of Attica, where the lower leaves especially become dry, the weight of leaves and tops for the whole season ought not to be greater than 20 per cent, of the whole. When it is further remembered that much of the crop is worked after frost this number becomes even less. The loss above noted must therefore have arisen from cutting the stems of the seed heads too long or by blowing out the short sections of the cane in the cleaning apparatus. There is no possible excuse for such a loss, since it is not difficult to arrange a cleaning apparatus in which these losses can be avoided. The loss of sugar in the exhausted chips points to some fault in conducting the diffusion which could be easily remedied. The tendency to set the shredding machines to cut larger chips as the season advances is one which should be promptly re- sisted. The extraction during the first period of work was almost too low for satisfaction, but when the percentage of sucrose in the exhausted chips during the second period was allowed to run up to 1.57 the process became a travesty. During this period also the greatest quan- tity of cane was worked. Such poor work is calculated to bring dis- credit on the whole process. The loss of sugar passing into the molasses is largely beyond the control of the fabricant, yet skillful boiling and careful manipulation in the hot room and at the centrifugals will reduce this loss to a minimum. On account of the difficulty with which sor- ghum massecuite is purged it will be found advisable in my opinion to make the hot room of the factory of large capacity, large enough if pos- sible to bold a week's run, and keep it at from 110° to 120° Fab. The sugar which would pass into the molasses on direct ceutrifugalling from the strike pan would be largely crystallized and saved by seven days standing in the hot room. The objection to such a course would he the large hot room and great number of sugar wagons required. It re- solves itself into a question of economy which can only be answered by experience. The experiment of Altering the diffusion juice by keeping it at the boiling point with a jet of live steam succeeded beyond all expectation. Mr. Deming deserves great credit for persevering against great diffl- 28 culties in this matter. The juice evidently suffers considerable dilu- tion by the process and the quantity of foreign matter removed is small. Xoue of the soluble lime salts nor gums that subsequently coat the evaporating tubes and clog the centrifugal sieves is removed by this filtration and it is an open question whether it will prove to be an economical process. Since the only beneficial effect of the steam jet is secured by the rise of temperature, it might be well to inquire, in case filtration should be deemed advisable, whether this might not be secured in some more economical way. The study of the inversion in the battery forms an interesting chap- ter of the report. The inversion is naturally computed from the glu- cose ratios of the fresh chip and diffusion juices. The uniformly mean increase in the glucose ratio may arise from actual inversion of the su- crose during diffusion or to the more ready diffusibility of the re- ducing sugar. These sugars, however, being less crystallizable than sucrose would lead us to suppose that they would not be more diffu- sible. It is therefore probable that some of the sucrose is inverted daring the process of diffusion. On the other hand it is well known that the organic acids, even acetic, act on dilute solutions of su- crose very slowly, and therefore the total effect in any ease must be small. The additional fact that even when the diffusion juices are made neutral by the continuous addition of lime, the glucose ratio is often increased tends to show that sucrose in presence of the lime salts, reducing sugars, nitrogenous bodies and ferments in the juice may be slightly inverted during diffusion. In the Attica experiments it appears that the invertive effect occurs most actively with unripe canes, as is shown by the data from the September run. The inversion which occurred during the other two periods of work was of little im- portance from a commercial point of view. With the use of a finer chip and a more rapid operation of the battery it would V possible to reduce this inversion to a minimum. The mean temperature of the inner cells of the battery at Attica was about G50. (J and the mean lime each charge was under pressure in regular work about two hours. The numerous delays, due to imperfect machinery and insufficient evaporating surface, unavoidably prolonged the time Of pressure, but in such an irregular way a- to prevent any accurate study of the effects produced. The purity of the diffusion juice is somewhat higher than that of the chip juices, showing that, notwithstanding the increased glucose ratio, a more than compensating quality of other substances was left in the exhausted chip. This was probably due to the low temperature in the battery. This purity, Increased by the percentage necessary to correct for the actual solids present in solution, is a very encouraging number. The fact that with such a purity and with good tilt rat ion so poor a yield of BUgar per ton was secured lends additional emphasis to the statements of the great l088e8 Suffered during the COUrse of manufacture. The careful manner in which Mr. Carr has located these losses is worthy of 29 especial commendation, and shows in a most striking manner the value of chemical control. In the statement of cost of manufacture the fixed charges for taxes, insurance, interest on investment, and wear and tear of factory are omitted, as was also the case with the statement for Con- way Springs. When these charges are taken into consideration the apparent profit in the one case vanishes, and the cost of the sugar per pound in the other is materially increased. CULTURE EXPERIMENT AT ATTICA. About 10 acres of land were set apart for special culture experiments and attention to these plots was assured by employing special labor to take charge of it. In this way careful culture of the plots was secured. The seed derived from the Sterling station, as in the other cases, was found to be somewhat mixed. In the general work some additional data of great value from an ag- ricultural point of view were obtained. The composition of the juice from the samples of different chips for September showed 9.75 per cent. sucrose, 2.20 per cent, reducing sugars, and 15. 9G per cent total solid matter in solution. TJiis matter, as is also the case in all the tables, was determined by the Brix spindle and is about 10 per cent, too high. Although Mr. Carr states that much of the cane worked during the period was immature, yet the mean results of the analyses show by no means a poor character of cane. With careful manufacture from 70 to 90 pounds first and second sugars should have been obtained. The difference between the data collected at the beginning and end of the period do not show any notable increase in value of juice by reason of the greater maturity of the cane. The percentage of fiber in the cane is quite constant. The second period shows the cane at its maximum content of sugar and establishes the fact, important alike from a culture and manufacturing aspect, that October is the month during which the factory should work up to its maximum capacity in that locality. These data, taken in connection with previous experience in Kansas, indicate thai the best season tor manufacture is from September 15 to Novem- ber 15. With n factory fully equipped this would give about fifty days of work, and at 250 tons of field cane per day provide for a crop of 12,500 tons of cane, which ought to be raised on 1 .001) acres. The folly of planting 2,000 acres for a factory of less than half the capacity men- tioned is at once apparent It is far better tor the fanner to plant less breadth and secure a better crop, than to plant a greater breadth and Sacrifice the quality ami quantity of cane per acre. Sorghum cane for sugar making can not be successfully grown in the hap- hazard manner which has BO Ion- been in VOgU6 in the maize fields of the countn . For a time, at least, on the fertile farms of Kansas careful preparation of the soil, timely planting, and thorough cultivation by plow and hoe will BUffice, lint the time will soon come with sor-hum when, as with 30 other sugar plants, the problem of fertilization must be studied both in the field and in the experimental plot. Farmers should not, therefore, expect good returns without careful study of the agricultural problems which the proper growing of sorghum presents. MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS AT MEDICINE LODGE. The general character of the factory lit Medicine Lodge, as in the other cases, will be found in the reports of Messrs. Cook and Spencer. In the case of this factory it is a matter of congratulation to be able to say that it was located with due regard to the supply of water and that this water was of good quality. Not only was there an abundance of water for all manufacturing purposes, but on account of the failure of the apparatus to remove the exhausted chips successfully aud econom- ically a stream of water was used under the battery to carry off the chips as they were dropped from the cells. The delays incident to the operating of new machinery were not escaped by the Medicine Lodge Company, and the factory, as in the other cases, fell far short of its estimated capacity. One of the chief delays was caused by the failure of the Yaryan multiple effect pan to evaporate the diffusion juices with sufficient rapidity. This failure was due to the coating of the tubes which necessitated frequent cleaning, the whole factory having to be stopped for this purpose. The experi- ence at Medicine Lodge was that of other places in respect of this point and shows beyond doubt the necessity of providing a larger evaporating surface for sorghum juices in proportion to the amount thereof than for either sugar-cane or beets. In fact, the difficulty of keeping the mul- tiple effect pans clean has been so pronounced that it seems a wise thing to advise the erection of this part of the apparatus in duplicate, so that one set of evaporating apparatus can be in use while the other is cleaning. It might be possible to arrange the pumps of the appa- ratus in such a way that one system of pumping would be sufficient for the duplicate apparatus, and thus the expense of the additional plant would be confined to the directcostof the evaporating apparatus itself. The results of the season's work come more nearly showing a profit on manufacture when all legitimate charges are allowed for than In any other factory where the details of manufacture have beep reported to this Department ; nevertheless when proper allowance is made for in- terest on investment, wear and tear, taxes and insurance, it is seen that the factory was operated at a loss. AS a result of the delays noted above and of the late date at which the operations were Commenced, it was found impossible to work the whole of the crop, only about 1,000 acres of cane having been delivered when the factory was closed. It is but fair to sa\ that if the amount of Second SUgar Obtained should be equal to that claimed in the report just quoted it will show probably a direct profit of a small amount to the factors for the BeaSOn'S w oik. excluding the charges above noted. 31 If, however, the whole of the crop could have been worked promptly, it is evident that a very handsome profit would have been realized. This is encouraging to the sorghum-sugar industry and is the most positive evidence of economical success that has yet been obtained. The mean composition of the canes entering the battery, as obtained from a table of analyses prepared by Mr. Sanborn from the work of himself and Mr. Edson, is as follows: Per cent. Sucrose 10. 44 Glucose 2. 24 Purity , 63.66 With good manufacturing work under favorable conditions, the canes of the above composition should have yielded 100 pounds of first and second sugars per ton. The amount of the first sugar made, according to the report of the 1st of January, per ton of field cane was 54 pounds. On the estimated yield of second sugars the total yield of sugar per ton of field cane was nearly 75 pounds. Allowing for the usual percentage of waste in cleaning the cane, it is seen that the actual yield per ton of clean cane agrees fairly well with the theoret- ical yield which should be obtained. It is also encouraging to note that this fair financial success was ob- tained with cane which was considerably inferior to that employed for manufacture both at Conway Springs and Attica. With more careful culture developing a higher grade of cane it is reasonable to expect hereafter a fair economical success of the work at Medicine Lodge. CULTURE EXPERIMENTS AT MEDICINE LODGE. The miscellaneous analyses of small samples of cane and single canes received at the factory at Medicine Lodge show the same wide variation in the percentage of sucrose that has always been observed in similar experiments elsewhere. These miscellaneous analyses have been col- lected by Mr. Sanborn into one large table beginning with analyses on the 21st of August. Even at this early date the Early Amber cane at Medicine Lodge showed a high percentage of sucrose ami a high purity. This high percentage of sucrose was increased, however, to- ward the latter part of this month, as will be seen by the numbers in- dicating the composition of the single canes or small samples ofoane during the whole month. This gratifying .showing from the Amber cane is particularly aoticed, because in some other localities, as indi- cated in other parts of this report, the Amber cane has been discred- ited as a Bugar-producing plant. It is easy to see from the analyses that had the factory been ready for work at the time mentioned large quantities Of sugar COUld have been made. At the commencement of the analyses of other varieties on the Lsl of September, it is -ecu that the content of sugar was very much lower, the Early Amber Variety being uniformly better than the other varieties ;it that sens.ni. Among other varieties tested were those grown from seeds sent by the 32 Department from the experiment station at Sterling, and which were planted upon sod and without the proper conditions for successful ex- perimental culture. During September, also, the Early Amber varieties continued to show, in general, the highest percentage of available sugar, although during the latter part of the mouth there was marked im- provement in other varieties in their sugar content. Especially was this true of some of the analyses of Early Orange, which began to show up well after the middle of September. During the latter part of September and in October many samples of Early Orange showed good results, but mixed in with these are many others of Orange and other varieties showing a very poor content of sucrose. The percentage of sugar, however, in the Early Orange and some other varieties kept up well even to the end of the season, analyses as late as the 14th of No- vember showing a content of 12.10 per cent, of sucrose, and a purity of 7G.13 in samples of Early Orange cane. In this same table, also, Mr. Sanborn has collected analyses of samples of beets grown at Medicine Lodge which will be of interest by way of comparison with analyses of the sorghum juices. In order to secure the latest information from the factories in Kansas, the Secretary authorized Mr. W. W. Cook to make a final tour of inspec- tion in accordauce with the following instructions : Deckmp.kr 16, 1889. Dear Sir: I have Lad the Secretary commission you to serve for one additional month lor the purpose of securing some further information for our report, and which yon will proceed to obtain in accordance with the following instructions: "Yon will visit each of the factories having received Government aid during the past year and obtain from the proper authorities the following Information : (1) The number of tons of cane purchased and whether this oane was bopped be- fore or after purchase. ("2) The total number of tons of cleaned cam1 chips used in manufacture. If it be claimed in connection with these two items that a part of the cane was worked for molasses only, you will obtain the total Dumber of ions and the respective amounts claimed to have been worked for molasses and sugar. (:{) The number of pounds of first sugar made and the number of pounds of second sugar made and the number of gallons of molasses obtained. (4) The quantity of sugar sold and the price obtained therelbr, the quantity of molasses made; and the price obtained therefor. (5) The amount of seed produced and the price obtained for any that may have been sold. In addition to this you are directed to obtain from the stockholders of the various factories, in so far as they can be reached, their si at emeu i of the profitableness or un- profitableness of the sorghum sugar industry. Von will also see prominent farmers who have raised oane for factories and obtain from them like information. You will put this information into writing and read it over t<» each of the parties interested before Sending it as authoritative. You are especially also directed to visit the factory at Minneola. where the roasting process was practiced, ami, in addition to the information above required, to investi- gate a rumor which has come to us in the newspapers thai fraud was practiced by this company, and if so, the extent and character of this fraud. The factories w Inch you will visit under the above inst rue! ions are ;,^ follows : Medicine Lodge, Attica, Conwaj Springs, Minneola, Meade, Arkalon, Liberal, and 33 Ness City. You are also authorized to visit the factory at Fort Scott, and, so far as possible, secure the information noted for the above factories. It is especially desirable that this work be completed and forwarded to me by the middle of January, the time at which your present commission will expire. I received this morning your report on the beet-sugar experiment at Medicine Lodge, and I am greatly gratified at its favorable termination and desire to thank you for the information sent. I inclose for your use half a dozen traveling orders, and you will please return those not required. Respectfully, H. W. Wiley, W. W. Cook, Chemist. Medicine Lodge, Eans. In compliance with the above instructions the following reports have been received, comprising the latest information which can be obtained for this bulletin : Ness City, Kans., January 2, 1890. Dear Sir: In my investigation of the sugar works at this place I find as follows: Cost of buildings $1 1 , 716. 89 Cost of machinery, including the skilled labor in erecting 98, 500. 00 Cost of common labor in erecting machinery 1,453. 30 Quantity cane bought tons.. 74'J Total amount paid for cane $1,498. 00 Amount paid for labor while runniug $992. 00 Total cash paid for fuel during season $836. 00 Quantity without tops worked tous.. 716 Quantity seeds and tops do.. . 33 Amount received for seeds and tops, at $2 per ton $66. 00 Total amount molasses made (about) gals... 7, 000 Total amount molasses sold (about 300 gallons) 063.17 Estimated value molasses on hand (6,700 gallons) 1, 005. 00 A part of the cane was topped by farmers before hauling in and the tops not de- livered, and a part was topped while on the wagons (by the use of bay -knives) after ir was hauled to factory, and these tops were sold without thrashing at $2 per ton as given above. Owing to the excessive dry weather, and cane not maturing, they failed to make any sugar. They only ran about ninedays. Their contract with the Kilby Manufact- uring Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, was to have the factory ready to run by Sep- tember 1, hut it was not finished until October 1, and owing to this failure on the part of the Kilby Manufacturing Company there is some trouble in making final set- tlement. According to contract price there iH still due the Kilby Manufacturing Company ^38,000. They are now negotiating propositions for a compromise, and they think the prospects good that it will be effected. In addition to the abOTS the sugar company is owing about $4,000, a part of it for cane and labor. lint they claim they are holding this back in order to help in getting |15,000 in bonds from one township which voted the bonds, but the township officers are refusing to sign t lit* bonds. There is an unsettled feeling among the farmers regarding raising cane next sea- son; some have plowed In preparation for raising cane, and others are holding off. Hut if the sugar company pay the bills now due for cane and labor I think the farm- ers will be satisfied and be ready to try raising another crop. It is the opinion generally that the raising of cane here Is a comparatively oertaio orop. I had a talk with Mr. Calhoun, who has no financial Interest in the sugar business, hut is president oi' the 17597— Bull. 26 3 34 State bank of Ness City. He has been in this country for eleven years, and he says this year is the only failure in the crop of sorghum-cane he has seen since he has been here. The proprietors of the works here that I have talked with seem quite confident of the financial success of the sorghum-sugar industry, but say it may not sound very well, considering the failure they have made ; but that is their conviction. They claim they were well aware they would lose money every day they ran, but they wanted to test the machinery, satisfy the farmers, and try and get the $15,000 town- ship bonds that were being held back. Yours very truly, W. W. Cook. Prof. H. W. Wiley, Chemist, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Mead, Kans., January 6, 1890. Dear Sir: The headquarters of the Southwestern Sugar Company, owning the works at Liberal, Arkalon, and this place, is located at this place, and I have visited the works at the other places and seen some of the farmers and secured as much information as I could, and figures from the book-keeper and president here, giving the figures of the three factories in this report, are as follows: Quantity of oane worked tons. Quantity of BOfSM made (estimated) pounds. Quantify of molasses made (estimated) .gallons. Quant it \ of seed (> stimated) bushels. Quantity of clean chips worked (estimated) tons. Cost of machinery and erection Coal of buildings and erection Cn>i of buildings Cash paid for cane Cost of fuel for season (estimated) Cost ot labor while i unning Amount of sugar sold (received) Valne of sugar on hand (estimated) Value of molaSSefl on hand (estimated) Mead. 384 6,000 3, 750 600 2158 $50,524 ic 13,252,71 576. 79 400. 00 435.00 "75. 00 210.00 700. 00 Arkalon. 202 4,000 3,750 400 126 $-19, 466. 75 10, 949. 49 303. 58 300. 00 261. 00 *75.00 140. 00 700. 00 Liberal. 601 10,000 7,500 701 425 $50, 093. 04 12,916,50 902. ."6 600. 00 609. 00 ♦ 210.00 315.00 1,500.00 * 1, 000 pounds. Estimated value of seed, 15 cents per bushel. t 3,000 pounds. The tops were cut off at cutter of mills. The proprietors of these factories were well aware that they would ran at a heavy Loss, bnl run in order to teal and adjust machinery and t<» satisfy the fat nicrs to some extent . There is some dissatisfaction with the farmers, they claiming there would have been more merchantable cane if they had beeo ready to commence work sooner. The mills did not commence work until about the 1st of October, and ran about two weeks at Mead and Liberal and about one week at Arkalon. At Liberal and Arkalon they are offer- ing the farmers in payment for the cane not worked one ton of coal and one bar- rel of molasses for every i"> acres of cam-. Most of the farmers are accepting this, but a few are holding off. The company hare paid for all labor and cane »rorked at all these factories, but are still owing on machinery about 129,000 and Other bills about |3,000. The farmers are satisfied to go ahead and raise cane another year if they can have some assurance that the factories will be run. The company here ii in a rather demoralised condition, but Mr. Heber, who la presi- dent of lb,- sugar company and also president Of the Mead County Hank, thinks he will .succeed in getting it on its feet soon. Kvery one in the county connected with the company and outside of it seem to think the sorghum industry is going <<> be a great success. There was no sec- olid su-rar made at any of these factories, 35 You will notice that the sugar sold and estimated value of sugar on hand does not amount to the total made. It is claimed a large amount was carried off in samples. Yours very truly, W. W. Cook. Prof. H. W. Wiley, Chemist, Washington, D. C. Mead, Kans., January 7, 1890. Dear Sir: I have made as thorough an investigation of the purported fraud prac- ticed by the American Sugar Company, at their works at Minneola, as possible. This company is operating with the Adamson roasting process, and as their head- quarters are at this place and the officers and parties that were engaged in working up the bonds are most of them living here, I have done most of my work and inves- tigations at this place. The officers of the American Sugar Company sent to Dodge City and bought two barrels of sugar and mixed into their sirup (by advice, as they claimed, of their sugar-boiler) in order to start it to graining, and it was brought in and mixed duriug the night-time, for the reason (as they claimed) that they had enemies to their process who would use it agaiust them if it was doue publicly and by daylight, and about October 2G, in the presence of quite a number who had been invited to be present, this sugar was thrown out, claiming to have been made by their process and from cane grown in that section. A short time previous to the time this sugar was thrown out one Willis G. Emerson, residing at this place, made a contract with the American Sugar Company for certain territory to work, and se- cure bonds to the amount of $15,000 on each township, in consideration of which the American Sugar Company were to erect a sugar factory of the Adamson roasting process. The contract made with Mr. Emerson was that he should furnish his own assistance and pay all expenses incurred in the work and receive as his compensation a certain per cent, on all bonds he secured. Before entering upon his work, and before the day the sugar was made at Minneola, I am told by good authority (and may have an affidavit to inclose in this to that effect) that Mr. Emerson had said he wanted sugar if they had to haul it to factory. Mr. Emerson employed some six or eight per- sons to assist him, and armed with this sugar (made at Minneola by the Adamson roasting process), as samples showing what the process would do, started out to work- tilling township scrip for some imaginary debt and calliug elections to take up the scrip by issuing refunding bonds. Everything seemed to bo getting along finely. The people oat here, where they had failure of crops and times were hard, seemed will- ing and eager to accept anything that would seem to oiler relief. They had succeeded in securing the bonds from four townships in this (Mead) county, and two townships in Ford County, and were calling elections in large numbers of other townships when the Illegal manner in which they were obtaining the bonds was beginning to be agitated by some, and some newspaper comments had been made upon it, and in one township the party holding tin; scrip had been compelled by drawn ore-arms t«> surrender the scrip, and there being some little quiet talk about the manner in which sugar had been obtained, Mr. Emerson came in and demanded <>f the officers of the American Sugar Company that they pay to him the amount of money he had ex- pended, claiming it to bo$4,'J00. This they refused to do, and he (Emerson) rushed into print, exposing the manner the BUgai was made, claiming he had just found it out and wished to protect the people. It seems to my mind the fact of their in- tending to vote bonds upon about one hundred different townships, and agreeing to build as many sugar factories is as ninth evidence of fraud as anything that. has been done. I have seemed what affidavits and evidence l oould ami inolose them in this. 1 do not think there Is any question but the American Sugar Com- pany and thoso working for them have practiced a deception upon the people and 36 it is a great injury to the sugar industry at large. And it would seem too bad that those trying in good faith to build up the industry should suffer thereby. The bonds issued and delivered as mentioned before, viz, the bonds from four townships, are held by the bank here, and those from two townships are back east. The townships so far have been unable to get them back. Can not say what will be done with them. All further operations were promptly suspended when the matter became known to the public. Yours very truly, W. W. Cook. Prof. H. W. Wiley, Chemist Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Hutchinson, Kans., January 8, 1890. Dear Sir: The president and book-keeper of the American Sugar Company have furnished the following figures regarding their factory at Minneola, Kans., to wit : Cost of machinery $18,658.00 Cost of buildings #12,000.00 Cost of erecting machinery and bu ildiugs $4, 136. 19 Quantity of cane worked tous.. 469 Cash paid for cane $727.99 Cost of fuel for season $233. 16 Cost of labor while running $1,353. 20 Quantity of sugar made (about) pounds.. 2,000 Quantity of molasses made (about) gallons.. 4,664 Quantity of seed (about) tons.. 87 Value inolasses on hand (estimated) $900. 00 Value seed (estimated) |250. 00 Avery small amount of sugar is on hand; it is claimed it has been carried off in samples. I go from here to Fort Scott. Yours very truly, W. W. Cook. Prof. II . W. Wiley, Chemist Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Four Scott, Saks., January 10, 1890. Dear Sir: [n regard to the engar factory at this place I And as follows for the Bea- ton of 1889: Quantity of cane worked tons.. 7, 113 Amount paid for oane $14,226. 00 Cost of fuel for season $1,4?:?. 83 c,.-i of labor for season $7,834.68 Quantity of sugar made pounds.. 368,840 Quantity of molasses made (estimated ) gallons.. 100,000 Quantity of seeds in tops tons.. 075 Estimated Value sugar product at 54 cents $19, 7:?o. '20 Estimated value molasses product $10, 000. 00 Estimated value seed product $1,350,00 37 They have about 800 barrels of sugar on hand, not sold, and they estimate their entire product at 5| cents per pound, and the molasses at 10 cents per gallon. They have sold some of the molasses, and it has netted them that amount. They have the seed on hand in the tops, and they estimate it at $2 per ton. The tops were cut off by farmers and brought to factory separate, and after cane was delivered. The factory here commenced work August 28 and made one day's run entirely into sirup, and they ran about sixty days and worked up all the good cane they had. A part of the cane was planted upon the creek bottom, and overflowed two or three times during the summer aud cut their crop short. It was a wet, cold, and backward spring, and the caue nearly a month later than usual in maturing. Mr. J. C. Hart, the chemist and superintendent, is confined to his room with in- fluenza, and I could not see him. Mr. Eli Kearns, the treasurer of the company, who has given his time in active work in the business during the past season, says here- tofore he has been somewhat undecided as to the ultimate financial success of the in- dustry, but says now he believes it will get on to its feet and be one of the greatest industries of Kansas, especially if the growiug and manufacture of beets can be com- bined with cane. Mr. C. F. Drake, the president of the company, says he has had confidence in the final success of the business and has still more confidence after the past season's work and experience, but thinks there will be many improvements made in the business. I have not been able to see any farmers at this place, but it is claimed there is no question about it paying the farmers to raise the cane better than any other crop they can raise. I find the experiment at Medicine Lodge in beets has caused a great interest over the country. At this place they are thinking of raising beets the coming season. They were asking me about it, and I told them there would be an official report on it from the Department of Agriculture soon. I go from hero to Conway Springs. Yours very truly, VY. W. Cook. Prof. H. W. Wiley, Chemist Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Conway Springs, Kans., January 11, 1890. Dear Sir: In making up a summary report of the sugar works at this place, lor the year 1889, I find as follows : Value of real estate (estimated) $10,000.00 Value of sugar works (estimated) $82, 500. 00 Quantity of cane worked tons.. 1,596 Amount cane cost $0,694.00 Cost of labor for season in working $12 359. 00 Cost of fuel for season $3 •_>;,.»_ mi Cost of cooperage (about) >-;»o. mi Number of men employed night and day 90 to '.Hi Quantity of first sugar made pounds.. 809, ."-'.'l Quantity of second sugar made do .".7. l-.~. Total quantity Bngar made do 967,076 Total quantity molasses made gallons.. Cane planted (estimated) acr -on Value sagar product (estimated) $1 1,689. 16 Value molasses (estimated) $g At this place the farmers topped the oane and kept the tops, and the sugar com- pany paid $1.60 per ton tor the cane without tops. The Bugai company are in a 38 demoralized state. They stopped working sirups into second sugars the first of the year, after working about 25,000 gallons and having about 35,000 gallons not worked. Thereis due farmers for cane about $7, 000. and for labor about 8-M00. The latteris secured by indorsing to a trustee the 2 cents per pound as a bounty due from the State. The Ivilby Manufacturing Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, holds the first lien on the sugar factory to the amount of 8*25,000, and it seems to be the impression that this company will eventually own the works, and are already making some proposals to the farmers to form a stock company and buy the works, offering to give them liberal time in making payments, and it is not altogether improbable that some such arrangements may be consummated. The farmers are willing to raisecane at $1.50 per ton, but must have pretty good guaranty in future that they will get paid for it. I had a talk with 11. II. Richards, the president of the sugar company, and have seen no one who seems to be as enthusiastic as he as to the future financial success of the industry. Mr. Osterhouse, the book-keeper and stockholder, says, while the sugar works here has worsted all of them that put any money in it, owing to the bank failing to furnish the money they had promised and bad management, yet, if In- had sufficient amount of money, he would engage and invest in the sugar business in preference to any other. Mr. Wilson, who is also connected with those works, also expressed himself as having confidence in the final success of the industry, and all I have met seem to think the same way. Yours very truly, W. W. Cook. Prof. II. W. Wiley, Chemist Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Medicine Lodge, Kaxs., January 14, 1890. Dear Sir: I have just returned from Attica, and have to report upon them the sugar factory at Attica for the season's work of 1889 as follows: Cost of machinery '..'. $52, 7 17. 21 Cost of buildings and erecting machinery §33,775.74 Quantity of field sane worked tons.. 7,088 Amount paid and due for cane $10,566.76 A muii ut of cane furnished on stork $3,597.35 Cost of fuel for season $3,387.02 Cost of labor while running $10, 555. 1 1 Cost of cooperage $2,044.74 Cos! of incidentals $845.80 Salaries paid while running $2,406, 17 Lubricating $370.08 Quantity first sngar made pounds. - 256, 181 Quantity second sugar made do — 41,000 Total quantity sugar made 297, 181 Quantity molasses made (estimated) gallons.. 60,000 Sugar sold. 203,0 amount received) $11,1 18.56 Molasses, sold 4,573 gallons (amount received) $362.44 Value sugar «>n hand, 91,481 pounds, at 5 cents per pound (est i mated I ... vt. 72 1. 05 Value molasses on hand (estimated J $5,542. <" Number oi men employed day and night 66 to 116 Commenced work Angnsl 26, and stopped cutting cane November 12. At this factory the] bought « sane with tops mi and paid $2 per ton, and 50 cents on each ton was applied as stock. The tops were out off at cutter and used as fuel. These u,,i kg, as i w rote you before, went into the hands of a receiver, p Ith Liabilities 39 of about $59,000. They estimate there will he about 80,000 pounds more of second sugars when they get the molasses all worked over. They have spent a considera- ble time in fixing their hot room, and have not worked more than a third of their sirup over. Mr. J. S. Jobes, president of the Attica State bank, and the receiver of the sugar works, says he is confident of the success of the sugar industry. He says he thinks these conditions will cover it, viz : Experience in the business, plenty of capital, and first-class business management. I talked with several farmers ; they say they are willing to raise the cane at $1.50 per ton if they can get pay for it, as that will pay them better than any other crop they can raise. I should have stated in the figures giving the cost of buildings and machinery is included the cost of the city water-works, amounting to $8,385. Yours very truly, W. W. Cook. Prof. H. W. Wiley, Chemist Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, Medicine Lodge, Kans., January 15, 1890. Dear Sir: I herewith submit to you ray summary report of the sugar factory at this place for the season of 1889, which is as follows: Cost of buildings §18,983.38 Cost of machinery and erection of the same $73, 3*24. 00 Quantity of field cane worked tons . . 7, 363 Cash paid for cane $7, 536. 33 Amount donated in cane $5,98 I. 28 Amount paid for fuel $7,539. 41 Cost of labor while working $6,594. 46 Coat of salaries while working $980. 00 Entire cost of cooperage $1,370.67 Incidentals while working $459. "Jt! Lubricating and oils $143.00 Number of men employed, including day and night 60 Quantity of lir>t sugar made pounds.. 330,251 Quantity of second sugar made to date do 111. 987 Quantity sugar to date do 1 1_\ 238 Quantity of molasses for season gallons 79,380 Quantity of hand-picked selected seed bushels 1,200 Quantity of second sugars yet to make (est imated) pounds ,;". Quantity of common seed thrashed bushels 8,800 Amount of sugar sold, 313, 916 pounds (amount received) $17,047. 17 Anion nt of sugar on hand, 128, 322 pounds (estimated) §7, 067. 71 Estimated value molasses, - cents per gallon **,;. 350, 40 Estimated value L200 bushels select seed |1,500.00 Estimated value B,800 bushels common seed, at LS cents $1,3-J<>. oo Messrs. Bldred and Hinman, the proprietors of the works here, had the farmers top the oane in the fields and haul it in afterwards, bnl all of the seed was never de- livered. They have coal enOUgfa On hand (thai Es included in the ahove figures to work over the balance of the second sugars, and all other Labor and expenses are figured up to the presen! time and the^ figure the balance of labor and expense in working over the ha la nee of the molasses will be about |450; so in summing up their season's work, and taking inventor] of stool and cost and expenses from the time 40 they commenced working cane until they finished working molasses into second sugars, shows as follows : Value of sugar sold $17,047.17 Value of sugar on hand 7,057.71 Value of sugar to make 3,300.00 Value of molasses 6,350. 40 Value of 1,200 bushels select seed 1,500.00 Value of 8, 800 bushels common seed 1,320.00 Two ceuts per pound, bounty paid by State 8, 004. 76 844 580.04 Cash paid for cane 7,536.33 Amount of cane donated 5, 984. 28 Cost of fuel 7,539.41 Cost of labor while working „ 6,594. 46 Cost of salaries while workiug 980. 00 Cost of cooperage 1, 370. 67 Incidentals while working 459. 00 Lubricating and oils 145. 00 Estimated cost in working balance sugars 450. 00 31,059.41 Profit of season's work 13, 520. 63 This factory did not commence work until September 9, which was over a month after cane was matured, and stopped cutting cane November 11, making sixty-two days, and about one week of that time it was so wet that farmers could not haul cane out of the field and they were subjected to delays in adjusting machinery that would be incident in starting any new works having as much machinery M a sugar factory. Considering thesedelays, and the fact that nearly all the men were entirely inexperi- enced and had never worked in a sugar factory before, this company has fully demon- strated that if the conditions necessary to success are complied with the manufacture of sugar in Kansas is going to be agraud success, and more especially when it is taken into consideration (as demonstrated by the recent experiment made at this factory) that beets can be raised and made into sugar successfully as well as sorghum cane, forming a combination that no other country is favored with and lengthening the season of actual work in manufacturing to at least six months in the year. I would mention the following conditions necessary to exist in order to success: A location where there is an abundant supply of good water, at least 1,000,000 gal- lons every twenty-four hours. Thebestof machinery, constructed and arranged with a view of economy in labor. Experienced workmen, plenty of money, and good business management : A majority of the factories in the State have been unfortunate during the past year (and if a dividend has not been declared 1 well understand how difficult it is for the public to accept any reasons for it), the causes <>f which arc easily explained and well understood by parties familiar with them, a* follows: The cane grown al the live sugai factories located in the western pai t of I he state did not mature sufficiently to make sugar, owing to a scarcity of rain in that section of the State, tin' oldest inhabitants claiming thai it is the first year they have ever known sorghum cane fail to mat ure, and other factories have had an insufficient supply of water, defective machinery, a limited amount of Capital, and pOOT business management. I think in the future one of the greatest drawbacks to the industry is going to be in parties seen iing subsidies ami undertaking the business without due regard to t he condit ions ny to Buooess. I feel that Messrs. Kldrcd and Iliniuan deserve a great deal of credit, for they have worked untiringly ami spent their time and money to make the business a success , not only for the benefit of themselves, but for the good of the country at large. 41 They have kept everything with a system, and are ready and willing to give the public the benefit of any knowledge or experience they may have obtained. There are some improvements, which are minor compared to the entire works, which Messrs. Eldredand Hinman are contemplating making before the coumencementof this year's work, and some other improvements they are desirous of making which are of more importance and somewhat expensive, to wit, to enlarge their storage and hot room and supply it with additional tauks so as to reboil the molasses and store it in the hot room preparatory to graining and throw out the sugar at the same time they are making first sugars, thereby saving the additional expense of working over molasses into second sugars after the factory has stopped cutting cane. They also desire to put in bone-black filters to filter the juice, and put in a refinery in a small way to refine their own product; also to put in vats for washing beets, cutter to cut them, and more defecators autl appliances for handling the beet juice and utilizing the skimmings and settlings. I have interviewed Messrs. Eldred and Hinman as to their views regarding the financial success of sugar-making in Kansas, and they claim that it is no longer an experiment, but their work and experience during the last season have fully demon- strated to their minds that if the conditions heretofore mentioned are complied with success is assured. They claim that it requires a largeamount of capital to construct and operate, and will be necessary to expeud still more in order to secure the best results. They have great confidence in using bone-black filters and refining that they will greatly improve their sugar and make it of an uniform grade and color, and will also improve the quality of the molasses so as to meet a ready sale at more than double the price they are able to obtain now. They feel quite confident they will be able to make 1,500,000 pounds of sorghnm sugar alone during the pres- ent year, and with the manufacture of beet sugar in connection with sorghum, they say, expect to greatly increase this amount. I have talked with several of the prominent farmers who raised cane the past year for the sugar factory aud they say that even this year the cane paid them much better than any othercrop they raised, and they are making calculations on raising both cane and beets the present year. Col. C. H. Eldred, one of the proprietors of the sugar works, is now feeding about seven hundred head of cattle on grounds adjoining the sugar factory and is mixing one third ground sorghum seed to two thirds corn, aud says that he is getting better results than he ever did in feeding corn alone, and if he had a sufficient amount of the sorghum seed he would use it in equal parts of corn. As Mr. Eldred is an experienced feeder of many years, his judgment can be relied upon. I do not think Congress could make an appropriation with a better prospect of benefiting the people and country at large than to continue aid to this industry, and I do not think it should be done sparingly, but liberally to those who are work- ing in good faith ;iiid will use it not only judiciously, but with good judgment for the benefit of the industry and the public good. It maybe I am presuming too much in this direction, but I assure you that it is a matter I feel a deep interest in, and if it receives aid and encouragement I confidently believe that within the next few yoarsit will be the leading industry oi this section of the country. In this my last report, and closing my work for the Department of Agriculture, I wish to say my associations with all parties connected with the several sugar fac- tories has been <>f the most pleasant nature and I have received the most courteous treatment at their hands. And I desire to extend my thanks for the kind treatment and assistance in my work that I have received from the Department of Agriculture. Trusting that I have rendered some assistance to the enterprise, and with best wishes for the future success of the industry, I am Yours very truly, W \V. Coos. Prof. H. W. Wiley, Chemiei Department of Agriculture, Waekingtof^ D. 0. 42 StJJOIARY OF JIANUFACTURING WORK. A general review of the work of the several factories engaged in sorgbum sugar making during the past season is not of an encouraging character. In seven factories the record is total failure. An attempt to locate the causes of these failures has been made in the discussion of the several reports. The only gratification which the Department can derive from a view of these failures is in the fact that they are not wholly chargeable to irremediable defects iu the plant producing the sugar, but rather from inattention to the facts demonstrated in our past work and fully set forth iu previous reports, especially in Bulletin No. 20. It is scarcely credible that in some of the places where the season's work was attended with failure sites could have been selected and fac- tories built in plain disregard of the absolute conditions of success de- termined by the Department's work. Since it is possible that the same errors may be repeated, and the same disasters incurred, it will be well to reproduce the resume' of con- ditions for success taken from Bulletin 20, pp. 17 et. seq. POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED IX BUILDING A FACTORY. "It is of the utmost importance, both for the individuals and the in- dustry, that intending investors in the sugar business should carefully consider the problem presented to them in all its forms. Failure is not only a personal calamity, but a public one, in that it deters capital from investment in an industry which, properly pursued, gives promise of a fair interest on the money iuvested. "Soil and climate. — The importance of soil and climate has already been discussed. In the light of present experience it must be conceded that a soil and climate4 similar to those of southern central Kansas are best suited to the culture of sorghum for sugar making purposes. Further investigations may show that Texas and Louisiana present equally as favorable conditions, but this yet awaits demonstration. Conditions approximately similar to those mentioned can doubtless be found in Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and other localities. The expectations which were entertained and positively advocated a tew years ago of the establishment of a successful sorghum industry in the great maize fields of the country must now be definitely aban- doned, lie who would now advise the building of a sorghum sugar factory in northern Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, or Wisconsin, would either bet lay his ignorance or his obstinacy. A season of manufacture, rea- sonably certain for sixty days, is an essential condition to success in the manufacture of sorghum sugar. Early frosts falling on cane still immature, or a freezing temperature on ripe cane followed by warm weather, are alike fatal to a favorable issue of the attempt to make sugar. Sober and careful men will not he misled by the claims of the enthusi- ast, by tin' making of a few thousand pounds of sugar in Minnesota, 43 by the graining of whole barrels of molasses in Iowa. Four or five million acres of land will produce all the sugar this country can con- sume for many years, and these acres should be located where the cli- matic conditions are most favorable. Curing the past season sorghum cane matured as far north as Topeka, but in 1886 the cane crop at Fort Scott was ruined by a heavy frost on the 29th of September, and in 1885 a like misfortune happened at Ottawa, Kans., on the 4th of October. Tbese interesting facts show that these points are on the extreme northern limits of safety for sorghum sugar making, and the region of success will be found to the south and west of them. u Natural fertility of soil must also be considered as well as favorable climate. The sandy pine lands of North Carolina can not hope to com- pete with the rich prairies of southwestern Kansas and the Indian Territory. Indeed, in my opinion, the last-named locality, should it ever be opened to white settlers, is destined to be the great center of the sorghum sugar industry; nevertheless, those who plant the virgin soils of this great southwestern empire must remember that to always take and never give will tire the most patient soils, and a just return should be annually made to the willing fields. A judicious fertilization, rotation of crops, and rest, will not only preserve tlienatural fertility of the fields, but give even a richer return in the improved quality of the cane and the greater tonnage secured. Perhaps the most sensible solution of the problem of the disposition of the waste chips will be found in re- turning them to the soil. These chips have a positive manurial value in the nitrogen they contain, while their merely physical effect on the soil may prove of the highest importance. u Water supply. — The misfortunes which have attended many attempts in the manufacture of sugar by diffusion, by reason of an imperfect or insufficient water supply, are a sufficient warning on this subject to the careful student. Not only should the water supply be abundant and easily accessible, but that portion of it, at least, which is to be used in the bat- tery should be as pure as possible. The presence of carbonate of lime and some other carbonates in water is not injurious, but the evil effects of a large amount of Other kinds of mineral matter are shown in t lie data from Conway Springs. When the supply of water is insufficient it has been customary to use ponds for receiving the waste from the factory, bo that it may be used again. This method is applicable if care be taken to prevent organic matters, scums, etc., from entering the water supply. In case this precaution is not taken the operator of the factory may find himself in the condition in which the Department was placed in its first experiments at Ottawa and Fori Bcott, in being compelled to use water foul and putrescent It is scaicely safe to rely upon a well fora supply of water, especially if it has to be sunk to any depth. Where pumping machinery must be placed mauj feet belo* the surface, as in the era in) ted condition which attends its erection in a well, sci ions diffi- culties may arise from the machinery getting out of order, ami a great 44 loss of energy may ensue from the necessity of liftiug the water to a great height. In all cases where it is possible a ruuning stream of water should be selected for the supply, and the factory should be placed conveniently near its banks. The importance of this matter is emphasized the more when it is considered that the most favorable localities for sugar making, as indicated by the present state of our knowledge, are situated in regions where the water supply is notably deficient. Yet it must be admitted that even in southern and western Kansas it will not be difficult to find localities for the erection of sugar factories where the water supply is certain aud abundant. In the light of past experience it is not probable that any further mistakes will be made in this direction. Careful estimates should be made of the quan- tity of water required, and absolute certainty should be secured of the supply of that amount of water, and even of a much greater amount in cases of emergency. The only safety will be found in some such plan as this. "Proximity of cane fields. — Another point which must be taken into consideration in the location of a factory is the distance which the cane is to be transported. This is a matter which of course the farmers rais- ing the cane are more interested in than the proprietors of the factory, when the cane is grown by contract. With good roads, in a level coun- try, it is easy to draw from 1£ to 2 tons of field-cane at each load. The average price which is paid for such cane at the present time is $2 per ton. It is evident that at a given distance, varying according to the price of teams aud labor in each locality, the cost of transportation would equal the total receipts for the cane ; in this case the farmer would have nothing left to pay for the raising of the cane and profit. Evidently true economy, from an agricultural point of view, would re- quire the cane to be grown as near the factory as possible. It would be well, indeed, if all the cane could be grown within a radius of 1 mile from the factory. This would give, in round numbers, 2,000 acres tributary to a factory. With an ordinary season this ought to produce 20,000 tons of cane. The lengthening of the radius of this circle by one- half mile would give the greatest distance to be hauled U miles, thus vastly increasing the surface tributary to the central factory. It is true thai at the present time farmers are easily found who are willing to draw their cane 4, 5, and even (J miles, but this condition of affairs can not be continued when the business is fully established and the factories in sharp competition with each other. In ease the exhausted Chips are to be returned to the soil as fertilizer the importance of a cen- trally located factory, as described, Is ui>ly emphasized. "Fuel— A cheap and abundant supply of fuel is not less important than the raw material to be manufactured into sugar. As far as the sorghum-sugar industry is concerned the coal which is used for fuel is transported almost exclusively by rail. In locating a factory, therefore, both tor convenience of shipping the product and for receiving a sup- 45 ply of fuel, it should be placed sufficiently near a railway line to enable it to be connected therewith by a switch. It is better, however, that the switch should be of some considerable length than that the water supply should be remote or the cane in distant fields. u The problem of burning the exhausted chips has not yet been success- fully solved, and I doubt very much whether it will be.* Save the soft, ening which the chips undergo in the process of diffusion the difficulty of expressing the water from them is as great as that of expressing the juice from fresh chips. Thus to dry the chips sufficiently to make them economical for fuel would require a vast expenditure of power, which would hardly be supplied by the increased supply of steam generated by their combustion. Experiments during the seasons 1887-88 at Magnolia Plantation, Louisiana, showed that an ordinary cane-mill was poorly adapted to the pressure of exhausted cane chips. The feeding of the mill was difficult, and the amount of fuel produced seemed wholly dis- proportional to the expense of preparing it. It has been proposed to try the process used for extracting the water from beet pulp for the purpose of drying sorghum chips. There is nothing whatever in the experience of the beet-sugar factories to warrant the belief that such a process would render the chips sufficiently dry to burn. Although I would not be considered as discouraging any further attempts in the direction of preparing sorghum chips for fuel, I must be allowed to ex- press the belief that for some time to come coal must be chiefly relied upon. uIf the chips are to be successfully burned in the future we may make up our mind that it will have to be done by previous pressure in mills which in all their appointments shall be as strong and efficient as those which have been in use for expressing the juice from cane. It can not be hoped that these chips will be made sufficiently dry by exposing them to the sun, and in artificial desiccation the amount of fuel required would be almost as great as that used in the evaporation of the original juice. It ifl claimed that at Wonopringo, in Java, as reported iu the New Orleans Item of December 16, 1888, the Fives-Lille Company has succeeded in drying the chips by passing them through two powerful three-roll mills, anl that the chips thus dried do not contain more than 55 per cent, of moisture and burn readily in an automatic furnace in- invented by Godillot. If it be assumed that 100 pounds of chips con- tain 10 pounds of combustible matter, it is seen that nearly SO pounds of water will have to be expressed therefrom before they are fit for fuel. I am doubtful whether such a process will prove profitable save in coun- tries where fuel is very dear, as it is in Java and Cuba. " Cost of factory.— It is an almost universal experience that the actual cost of a sugar factory 18 underestimated by those who undertake its erection. Many of the disasters which have attended the manufacture " SiDOe tliis was written farther experiment! arc more t'a\ arable to the possibility Of economically using the chips fol fuel. 46 of sorghum sugar have beeu due to nii scale ulatiou of the cost of the apparatus necessary for the purpose. It is the part of wisdom to avoid mistakes of this kiud, aud before undertaking the election of a factory to fully understand the amount of outlay which will be required. The cost of the factory will, of course, vary according to its capacity and the character of the machinery and building erected. Iu my opinion there is little economy in using cheap machinery, hastily and poorly put to- gether. Success is more likely to be obtained by using the very best machinery which has beeu devised for sugar-making purposes, aud erecting it in a lasting and substantial manner. The economy which is secured in operating such machinery far exceeds that which would be obtained by erecting a cheaper plant. The character of the building must also be taken into consideration; it should be sufficiently large to allow a proper disposition of all parts of the machinery without crowd- ing, and sufficiently strong to afford a proper support for such portions thereof as may rest upon it. Due regard should also be paid to risks of lire, and that portion of the factory especially exposed to such dan- gers should be made as nearly as possible fire-proof. The plans and specifications for all the machinery should be carefully prepared under the direction of a competent engineer and architect, and the machinery furnished by manufacturing firms whose experience and reputation are a guaranty of the excellence of their work. For a complete factory, capable of working 200 tons per day, the cost may be estimated at 860,000 for a minimum and 8100,000 for a maximum, the difference be- ing caused by the elaborateness of the work. This may seem a large sum, but it is highly important that intending investors should know the magnitude of the undertaking which they propose. An estimate which exceeds the actual outlay by 810,000 will be far more satisfactory to all parties concerned than one which falls short of it by the same amount. "Technical and chemical control. — The manufacture of sugar from Sorghum is no mysterious process known only to one or two persons, as attempts have been made to establish ; nevertheless it must be under- stood that without experience in the manufacture of sugar the most competent engineer may fail. It is best, therefore, that intending in- vestors understand this beforehand that they ma\ be able to secure some one to take charge of the manufacture of sugar who thoroughly un- derstands the needs of the business and has had some experience in the conduct thereof. Perhaps there are not more than fifteen or twenty such men now in the United States, but their number will be largely increased within a short time. It would seem, therefore, that the num- ber of factories which could be successfully operated in the next year or two is limited, and this f;ict should be taken into careful considera- tion 1»\ those intending to invest nioie-y in the business. An intelli- gent young man of good education, with quick perceptions and of in- dustrious habits, would be able iu one year, working iu a sorghum- 47 sugar factory, to obtain a knowledge which would enable him to take charge of a factory, with some degree of success, on his own responsi- bility. One object which the Department has had in view in its experi- ments has been in having them open, not only to public inspection, but to careful technical study, to such persons as chose to make the attempt. uThe importance of chemical control of the manufacturing work is so evident that I need not dwell upon it long. The vagaries of the sorghum plant are so pronounced as to require the careful supervision of the chemist at all times. In localities not far removed differences in the character of the sorghum are most marked, as illustrated by the data obtained at Conway Springs and Douglass, Kans., during the past year. To determine the fitness of the cane for the manufacture of sugar, con- trol the workings of the factory, and find and remove the sources of loss in the sugar-house, are duties which can be committed only to the chemist. For many years, at least, this chemical supervision will be necessary, and its utility will always continue." There are a few observations which the experience of the past season makes pertinent. First of all, until exhaustive studies of the agricult- ural conditions can be obtained, it may be taken for granted that fac- tories should not be built in arid regions such as were presented last year by Ness City, Mead, etc. It would be criminal rashness to multi- ply factories in such localities, and a most reprehensible advocacy of the industry to persuade communities or capitalists to invest in them. It may be, as has already been intimated, that some system of agricult- ure will be devised which will insure with reasonable certainty a good crop. It is not necessary to the success of the industry that a fine crop should be made every year, but it is necessary that a crop of fair quality be assured. It has been demonstrated that under the condi- tions obtaining this year, such assurance is impossible in the localities mentioned above. The climatic history of that portion of the State indicates that in a majority of the seasons no better results can be ex- pected than were obtained this year. To represent to an already griev- ously burdened community that favorable results are certain, and on the basis of sucli a misrepresentation to induce it to further burden itself with an overwhelming debt is a plan of procedure which should deserve only condemnation from official quarters. In respect of the central southern portion of the State two seasons of valuable experience have shown that a crop of high sugar producing quality can be grown, Furthermore, the climatic* history of that portion of the Slate indicates that as a rule such a crop can be made. Doubtless there will be many seasons of poorer crops, but lew or any of total failure. Until the sorghum-sugar industry shall have been more tirnily established, it is the part of wisdom to confine it to limits w hose conditions are already determined. Any transgression of these limits should l»e the piero-a tive of culture experiments alone. In view of these tacts it would he well if new ventures in sorghum-sugar making, in ><> far as Kansas is 48 concerned, should not be found farther west than Medicine Lodge nor farther north thau Wichita. In the case of abundant private capital, words of warning are scarcely necessary. The capitalist, even if the venture miscarry, is not bankrupt. Official reports should be calm, dispassionate, and unbiased. Representing in these matters the De- partment, I desire to appear neither as an enthusiast nor an alarmist, but I deem it my duty to fully apprise every interested person, not only of .the possibilities of success but also of the dangers of defeat. It is my purpose to prevent official reports from being used to promote the erection of sugar factories in impossible places. Success will never come to sorghum from coercing nature with Congressional appropria- tions and town and county bonds. Wise protective legislation, judi- cious experiment, and patient investigations will gradually lead the way to success if success is to be obtained. My advice to each community, however, in respect of sugar factories, is to await the investment of private capital. There is danger in every project of essentially a pri- vate nature which depends for its inception on the pledge of a local bonded indebtedness. There are already enough factories built to test the possibilities of sorghum. Wait and see what the result will be. It may be further stated that this view of the matter has been reached after careful consideration incited by the reception of numerous letters from various localities in Kansas, asking advice in respect of voting bonds to sorghum-sugar [manufactories. There is no question of the fact that success will come, if it come at all, to the sorghum sugar in- dustry, not through the present multiplication of factories, but by making even one factory thoroughly successful. Not a single town or county bond is needed for this result. In respect of the water supply, the disasters of the past season speak more eloquently than words. It has been demonstrated that a sufficient water supply can not be had from a well. The factory of Medicine Lodge owes its success chiefly to its inexhaustible supply of water. The sooner the other factories are placed on the banks of streams, which even in the driest seasons furnish surface water, the better. It is pus sible that in the immediate Arkansas Valley a sufficient number of wells might be secured to supply a factory with water, but in this ease even it is much safer to lay a pipe to the river. With oar present knowledge it should be'well understood that any one proposing to erect a oew factory and to take the water supply thereof from a well, represents a thoroughly unreliable plan, and is unworthy of credence or support Before last season the well, as a water supply, was an improbability ; now it is an anachronism. There is water enough in central southern Kansas to supply a hundred sugar factories. There ought not to be money enough in the whole country to build one depending on a well. The man who honestly visits a locality in the interests of a sorghum sugar factory will look for water before he asks for bonds. I lave nothing Whatever to do With him who asks for bonds first. There is another 49 point which ought to be considered in voting bonds. A good sugar factory, to give promise of success, will cost fully $100,000. In granting bonded aid assurauce should be given that the beneficiaries have also something to invest and that they will invest it. A town granting $20,000 should be certain that the other $80,000 are forthcoming. To throw together a collection of crude and cheap machines, unwisely placed and rudely covered, is a method of sorghum-sugar factory build- ing that has already had ample illustration. The community which be- comes a participant in a work of this kind should be protected in some way against such disasters. I would be willing to withdraw my ob- jection to bond voting, could I see a town aiding to the extent of $20,000 in the erection of a factory on an ample stream of water to which are tributary some thousands of acres of excellent cane land in an approved climate, and under the control of men who have carefully studied the whole problem of sugar-making, and who would bring to the work $80,000 of their own money and the best technical and chemical skill that could be obtained. Two factories have been operated in such a way as to almost pay running expenses. In a general review of their work it can be seen that, with a more perfect adjustment of parts, the balance of the books would have shown a profit. The most discouraging point in connection with such work is the depressing effect it has upon the industry. Men who have worked hard, night and day, spending not only their time and energy, but also their money, and without return, can not be ex- pected to persevere. There are to-day many men bankrupt or nearly so who a few years ago were in prosperous circumstances. These re- verses are due to their attempts to make sorghum sugar. The long list of disasters, now extending over many years, can not fail of their effect, and this effect is not confined alone to those who suffered, but their depression naturally extended to others who, in other circumstances, would be ready to embark in the industry. Many of those who have suffered have been led to go into the busi- ness by having represented to them only one side of the problem, or by statements presumably from those properly informed, calculated to de- ceive and mislead. In other cases the unfortunates have only them- selves to blame, inasmuch as they have had access to all the facts and have not made use of their opportunities. §1 HHABV OF CULTURE EXPERIMENTS. The most instructive fact connected with the culture experiments is revealed by the Statement of the results obtained in localities recci\ ing markedly different quantities of sunlight These differences were also attendod by varying quantities of rain, It is, however, apparent that moisfriro, when not present in egoefiS, is b.Mirlieial to the nop, and the 17o<>7-nui,L. i^— 4 50 following principles will be easily established by the experience already obtained: (1) The quantity of moisture being famished necessary to the proper growth of the cane, the content of sugar, other thiugs being equal, will depend upon the total quantity of sunlight received. (2) Excess of moisture diminishes the content of sugar both by reason of interfering with the proper nutrition and cultivation of the plant, and by reason of being conditional on numerous cloudy days, diminish- ing the quantity of light and heat received. (3) The content of water in mature normal canes is but little influenced by the rain-fall. (4) A mean summer temperature of 70° Fah. for the three mouths of June, July, and August gives a minimum of heat necessary to the ma- turation of the earlier varieties of cane. (5) South of the mean isotherm of 70° Fah. for the summer mouths is a broad belt suitable for the growth of sorghum, the most favorable portion of which is the semi-arid region of the southwestern central por- tion of the United States. (6) The corresponding arid regions of the country would become suit- able to sorghum production, with a minimum amount of irrigation. (7) On account of the frequent recurrence of very wet seasous in all regions east of the Mississippi River, the commercial success of sorghum, as a sugar-making crop, in those localities is not to be ex- pected. (8) The cause of a poor yield of sugar in sorghum of high polarization is due to the presence ot some form of carbohydrates or other organic body, exercising a higher inelassigenic power than invert sugar or any form of levulose and dextrose. (9) The tendency of selected seeds from rich canes to produce a uni- form crop of high polarizing canes is established under favorable ther- mic and photic conditions. (10) The possibility of developing, from existing varieties, a perma- nently improved crop capable of cultivation for manufacturing purposes is fully assured. (11) The prospects of doing this with two or three of the standard varieties is more promising than dependence on an experimental or fortuitous development of a new variety free from the faults inherent in sorghum. Important aid which the Department can extend to the sugar in* (lusti.N of the future is in the line of culture experiments and work with new processes of separating the sugar from the molasses, or in other new and untried lines of work which contain any promise of suc- cess, in respect of culture experiments, it is also highly important that any aid given by Congress should be provided for early in the season. An appropriation which is often not made until late in the Spring and which does not become available until Julv 1, is of little Bulletin 6, Division 0 c*,^.>. J. S. Department of Agricu tun. Scale: li*. = 96ft. KcW 700' x 6 S«i? Sjia si's 30 j ' 70 sijs 18 1 1^ .2 - 8~ K _-!0__ — A 8 n v ' ! sjj* — If sjie sjjs aj 1 Job .. * _ ;» .._.»__ c C5 - <*. . D si is j-j ID 1 1=0 trj j j M sjjs B 1 4. T T T i r© ■*- 1 I T -*- __CC- 4 ^ = --«0-- P 3i '"' OS | '_. 1 1 ]{J3 — H— »||a -1 IS Cj j 101 g||g ' h «*- ■2 — ft~ .— . * i ' * R3 t 1 eq ■"(1 1 O 0>| 1% ~u — to " "I"" Oq . _.»_- M k! I 1 1 5||i Crjl ' M ■~l 1 0 i 05 •I " — §— "1 --*" - --£)-- 0 P 69 ' ] g> *! ! * *!!* oil la gl 1 T S3 ~"S ~" 3 5 '" 8'" ■-|- --*- — S5-- 7' Q n sii* g 1 j it) S ' ' ~ «i 1 » » 1* S| 1 S n] ' * 15 53 8 T •"W- all* Si 2 f 1.(1 ~|" U r Sorghum Plots. 51 value for agricultural work. For this reasou the appropriations made for scientific agricultural experiments should be measured by the cal- endar and not by the fiscal year. I would especially urge that you bring this matter before the agricultural committees of the two houses of Congress, and secure from them suitable recommendations to make the above suggestions effective. Many of the disasters which attended our earlier experiments in the manufacture of sugar were due to the causes above mentioned, and the removal of that source of disaster will doubtless greatly promote the success of our future. CULTURE EXPERIMENTS AT COLLEGE STATION, MARYLAND. In harmony with instructions received from you, I made arrange- ments with Hon. H. E. Alvord, director of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, and Mr. D. M. Nesbit, of College Station, for the growth of many varieties of sorghum. Major Alvord planted 10 acres under this arrangement, and Mr. Nesbit 5, The land planted by Major Alvord was plotted and numbered accord- ing to the plan given in the accompanying diagram. The composition of the fertilizers employed on the plots indicated by the letters A, B, C, etc., is found in the following table. The unlettered plots were fertilized with a mixture of the various substances used. The especial object of the lettered plots was to de- termine the influence of the different fertilizers, and mixtures thereof, on the yield and sugar content of the canes. Application of fertilizers. [Capital letters indicate the plot to which the appended fertilizer was applied.] A — Corn guano. L — Sulphate of ammonia. B— Fine hone. M— Sulphate of potash. C — Muriate of potash. N — Mixture No. 1. I)— Mixture No. 2. O — Acid phosphate. E — Kainite. P — Mixture No. 3. F — Ammonite or cotton-seed meal. Q — Mixture No. 4. G — Ammoniated dissolved hone. R— Dissolved hone-hlaek. H — Nitrate of soda. S— Cotton-seed hull ashes. I— No fertilizer. T— Mixture No. 5. J — No fertilizer. U — No fertilizer. K — Thomas-slag. V — No fertilizer. B«M of application. Ponnda pel .lire. Nitrate of soda ( one pari i 320 Superphosphate, dissolved hone, ami Thomas-slag (one part) 480 Ifnriated potash ami cotton-seed hull ashes (one part) 320 Kain it e. (one part) i — < » Sulphate of potash ( one pai I ) .;.'>> Sulphate of ammonia (one part | :{•„><) Cot t ou-seed meal and ammonite (one part) Mi.rt ii i is. (1) Nitrate of soda, one-half part ; superphosphate, one part: muriate of potash, one part. (*2) Ammonite Or cotton-seed meal, one part ; line hone, one part ; kainite, one part. 52 (3) Nitrate of soda, one-half part ; Thomas-slag, one part; kainite, one-half part; muriate of potash, one-half part. (4) Nitrate of soda, one-half part; sulphate of potash, one-half part; fine hone, oue part. (5) Sulphate of ammonia, one part ; sulphate of potash, one part. Description of samples of fertilizers used at the Maryland .stations. Serial No. Fertilizers. Serial No. Fertilizers. 6377 Fine boue. 6378 Corn guauo. 6379 Muriate of potash. 6380 ; Kainite. g:jsi Ammonite. 6383 Acid phosphate. 6383 Amuioniattd dissolved bone. 6421 (5422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6J27 Aminoniuui sulphate. Dried blood. Tbonias-slag. Nit rate of soda. Dissolved bone-black. Sulphate of potash. Cotton-seed bull ash. Analyses. Serial No. Moisture. Total phosphoric acid. Soluble phosphoric acid. Reverted phosphoric acid. K,0 Am- monia. 6377 6378 6379 6380 638] C382. 6383 6421 7.44 15.78 .62 9.58 8.26 11.78 10.67 29. 68 14. 53 4.59 2.24 .44 49. 97 12. 37 4.62 20. 30 18.69 11.44 6.73 7.00 8.09 24.45 14.90 6422 6123 6424 .22 19.59 18.05 .82 6425 6426 6427 18.31 12.72 5.96 16.42 15. 34 .74 " 27."50' 25.45 8.67 The character of the field-work performed is fully set forth in the fol- lowing report: January 31, 1890, DEAB Sill: I have the honor to suhmit the following report upon the essential tacts connected with the cultivation, on tho farm of this station, dining the year 1889, Of in aores of sorghum, in accordance with a contract made with the W 8. Department of Agriculture, with tho terms of which yon an; familiar, and under your instruc- tions and supervision. The land, laid oil" in accordance with a plot furnished by you, had been irregularly and poorly cultivated prior to 1888, ami was in low condition. In 1888 it brought a Light crop of oats and was seeded to clover. The clover was badly winter-killed | I 38& -•' I, arid very little was left growing on the 10-acre square w ben assigned to the sorghum last April, except a strip a few rods wide across the north side of the field; there a very good clover lay was turned under. The land was plowed at intervals in April and May, as tho season and tho condi- tion of the soil permitted, bnl there were 1 1 rainy days in April, 90 in May, and 1") j,, j,,IM — vj.ij Lnohea of rain-fall on this Held in these three months -so that work was Continually interrupted. Most of the time a team OOUld not cross the field, and progress was very slow. The planting, Which it was intended to do the Inst half Of May, OOUld not be be- gun till the 18th of June, and was dot finished till the 24th, The land was well pre- pared tor a seed-bed before the planting, and the fertilisers applied as described later. After .planting, heavy rains came, greatly impeding vegetation and uecoHHitatiug coil' 53 tinuous hand labor, breaking the surface crust and nursing the young plants as they appeared, in order to secure any sort of a " stand." The Early Orange, Early Amber, Link's Hybrid, and Kansas Orange were first planted on the four half-acre plots, 1, 2, 3, and 25, in the middle of the field, aud " the pedigree seed" in the north section, of about 4 acres, next. These seeds or varieties were nearly all up and in sight by the time the last planting was finished, or on 25th of June. As already stated, the germination was generally good, but vegetation and early growth exceedingly slow, under the most unfavorable conditions. The commercial fertilizers used were sent here partly from Washington, by your order, and partly from Baltimore, upon my order, given by your direction aud subse- quently approved by you. Samples of all the fertilizers were taken and sent to you, aud I have a transcript, kindly furnished by yon, of their analyses. My instructions were to apply fertilizers alike, and at my discretion, to the whole north section of the field, or the four acres assigned to the pedigreed seed. I re- garded a complete fertilizer or general mixture as best suited to this purpose and ac- cordingly made three mixtures, of nitrogenous, phosphatic, and potassic materials, respectively, and as follows : For 4 acres mixed three lots manures, viz : Lot A : ■ Pounds. Ammonite 300 Dried blood 300 Sulphate ammonia 300 Total 900 LotB: Fine bono 3G8 Dissolved bone-black 45(5 Thomas slag meal 100 Ammoniated dissolved bone 45G Aeid phosphate 510 Total .., 1,8*0 Lot C : II uriate potash 360 Sulphate potash 3(60 Kainite 240 Cotton-seed hull ashes 400 Total 1,360 Aggregate 4.150 These three lots, separately well mixed, were separately applied by being evenly and lightly drilled into the surface soil, with a grain-drill, before the planting. Tho application was made both ways on the field and very uniformly. Subsequently, on these 4 acres, after plants had well started, three applications of nitrate of soda were made at intervals of about three weeks, and at the rate of f>0 pounds per acre, each time, or Con pounds of nitrate of soda in all. This made a total of L}500 pounds of nitrogenous manures, on the i aores during the season be- sides what was contained in the lot B. The central and southern sections of the held, being together jnsl about 6 a< i«-, were divided, as per diagram <>n tile ("A"), across the Held, east and west. Into four large half-acre plots, (1,2,3 and 25), andfive rows of eleven small plots each* This Bnbseqnenl note ai to nitrate of soda, 54 grand division was then laid off into twenty-two stripsor plots for different fertilizers, these running from south to north, i. e., from southern boundary of field to northern boundary of plot 1 (Early Orange). And these twenty-two special-fertilizer subdi- visions were designated by letters A to V inclusive, beginuingat east end, or south- east corner of field. Each of these plots or subdivisions crossing or including several plots, was called three-tenths of an acre, but more accurately contained .275 of an acre. Fertilizers were applied to these with grain drill run south to north before planting, in accordance with a schedule received from your office May 3, 1880. Including three of these subdi- visions (J., U., and V.), on which no fertilizers were used, the twenty-two subdivisions or C acres received in all, 3,096 pounds of commercial manures, or about 500 pounds per acre. All this was applied, mixed into the soil, just before planting. No other application was made. I regret to find that in one particular I failed to follow what was a suggestion of yours rather than an order. In a postscript to one of your letters last May, you proposed that the nitrates should be applied early, and the phosphates later. This piece of letter was misplaced and lost sight of till I gathered together all papers for preparing this report. But as the season turned out, I think no harm resulted from this omission. With our continual rains, often verj heavy, there would have been great loss had the nitrogenous manures been all applied at once and in advance. While as the plants really did not begin to feed till July, it was manifestly inexpe- dient to delay phosphatic manuring to a later period. The most interesting and instructive of the field-notes relate to the subdivisions of the long half-acre plots, 1, 2, 3, and 25. These were of same variety of cane, same planting, and subject to the same conditions throughout, on each of these four ploas, except the difference in the fertilizers applied across them, on the twenty-two sub- divisions marked A to V inclusive. Although the crop on these plots was. as a whole, late, light, slow, and poor, for the whole season, whenever, on either plot, a sub- division was reached having certain fertilizers, there the crop was good. For ex- amples: (1) B, with fine ground bone, was fair to poor; C, with muriate of potash, E, with kainite, and F, with ammonite, were poor all through; C was very poor. But D, between C and E, receiving mixture No. 2 of ammonite, fine bone, and kainite, was very good all through the season. (2) Similarly, plot L, sulphate ammonia, was very poor; M, sulphate potash, was poor, and O, acid phosphate, was fair to poor. But N, between M and O, receiving mixture No. l,of nitrate soda, superphos- phate, and muriate potash, was good all through. Q, with Mixture No. 4, was good to fair. These remarks apply only to appearance <>f growing crop. When the time came for sampling and sending samples to you at the Department, your instructions were carefully observed, and as every sample was marked, ami you have the record complete of what you thus received, nothing farther on this part of the subject is here introduced. Shipments began September 23, and oeased Octo- ber 22. For the sake of carrying as far towards maturity as possible, nearly all the oane not r \ mberand Orange 55 The following miscellaneous notes are found: First planting, June 18; first plants above ground, June 21. First varieties to show heads or tassels, viz: August 24, 1889— No. 34 (bis.), Whiting's Early; No. 34 (ter.), Whiting's Early; No. 96, Cross of Orange; No. 245, Black-seed Bi-color; No. 240, Red-seed Bi-color. From a mass of other notes on hand I can find nothing which I think will be of service to you. But you may discover omissions, and if you do, please call further for what you want and I will furnish it, if possible. Let nie remark before closing that I hardly think it will be expedient to grow so large an area in sorghum and such a variety another season under any circum- stances, but I have carefully preserved the boundaries of the plots and should be especially pleased to co-operate with you in growing sorghum again on 5 or 6 acres of the specially-fertilized plots. The sugar question aside, I believe much of interest and value could be derived from continuous cane-growing on these plots with special feeding. We shall be prepared to join you in such work on most favorable terms, and if the season of 1890 approaches the normal, we are sure this piece of land will be found specially adapted to sorghum growing. Very respectfully, yours, Henry E. Alvord. Director Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station. Dr. H. W. Wiley, Chemist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington. RESULTS ON MR. NESBIT'S FIELD. INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZERS ON SUGAR CONTENT AND TONNAGE. The disastrous floods and continuous rains of the season almost de- stroyed tbe lettered plots in the Nesbit field ; the link's Hybrid variety and many plots of the Kansas and Early Orange being destroyed. The Early Amber was the only variety that furnished a stand on every plot. The number of days on which rain fell (Washington Station distant 8 miles), and the total precipitation from May 1 to October !, as taken from the records of the Signal Olliee, arc as follows: Number of days on which raiu fell, 71 ; total precipitation, 30. SS inches. Number of da its on which .01 inch Of more of rain fell and amount of rain-fall, in h from Mag 1 to October l. inclusive, 1889, at Washington city. Kit.-. Washington City. mi m blob 01 oi ■ore rain r.li. Total ruin 1. ill. 5.01 0. 10 Ifftj Ifl 14 18 IS 1 tuber < tatober l Total 71 30.88 56 The results of the field wort, with notes thereon, are given in the fol- lowing letter from Mr. Nesbit : College Station, Md., November 1, 1889. Dear Sir : According to contract, I prepared the ground — five acres — selected by you by plowing, subsoiling, harrowing, and rolling. An extraordinary amount of work was bestowed on tbe land, with the result of a very fine condition of tilth. It was my intention to plant about the 1st of May, but heavy rains following in close succession prevented. The planting was not finished until the 20th of June. The fertilizers were carefully mixed and applied according to the schedule fur- nished by you, but a heavy rain and a llood following tbe application interfered with the fertilizer tests so far as to make them unreliable. The quantities of seeds furnished of some varieties was insufficient, and some did not germinate freely so that the stand was not perfect in all the plats. The growing caue was cultivated as thoroughly as the rains would permit, and within sixty days from planting the more forward varieties showed many seed heads. A storm with strong north wind prevailed September 11, 12, and 13, which beat and broke much of the cane in some plats, while other plants suffered very little. Samples of cane were shipped to you almost daily during six weeks following Sep- tember 10. The shipments included at least two samples from each plat, excepting No. 207, and as all were duly marked, I assume that you have a sufficient record of them. The cane was killed by frost on October 8. Very respectfully, D. M. Nesbit. Dr. H. W. Wiley, Chemist, Department of Agriculture. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FERTILIZERS ON SUGAR CONTENT. The season was not only a poor one for the maturation of the cane but also for observing the effect of different fertilizers on the sugar content of the canes. In the case of the Early Amber variety it is clearly seen that only the last analyses in October indicate a cane approaching maturity. For purposes of comparative study the earlier analyses are valuable rather for determining the acceleration or retardation of the growth than for actual content of sugar shown. The three highest percentages of sucrose were obtained in plots M, P, and V. Plot M was fertilized with sulphate of potash, I* with mixture No. 3 (nitrate of soda, phosphate slag, kainite, and muriate of potash), and V received no fertilizer whatever. The three lowest percentages Of sugar were obtained in plots 62(395), 0 (660), and M (666), These plots were fertilized with kainite (E), muriate of potash ((J), and sulphate of potash (M ). The earlier analyses, however, as before stated, are entirely unreliable for purposes of dis- criminating between the ell'eets of fert ilizers. It is interesting to note thai the Increase in sucrose, as indicated by the lasf set Of analyses, has been attended with very little decrease in the percentage Of reducing sugars, whereas with more favorable, season, 57 as is seen in the results of the Kansas work, the decrease in the percentage of reducing sugars is quite marked and often at the stage of full ma- turity. Even had the season been favorable it would not be wise to state any positive results from a single year's trial. It is to be hoped that op- portunity will be given to continue similar experiments for a number of years in succession in order that definite conclusions can be reached covering seasons of different climatic conditions. The seed planted was obtained from the Department Experiment Station at Sterling, Kaus., and the best average samples of cane from the plots yielding the seed showed a content of 13.70 per cent, sucrose. (Bulletin No. 20, p. 120.) In the case of the Early Orange plots the analyses show no appreciable progress in development after the first set of analyses. In fact, in many cases the last analyses show a lower sucrose content thau the first. The results show in a most striking manner the disastrous effects of a thoroughly wet season and indicate that successful sugar- making from sorghum must be confined to an area where such seasons are of rare oc- currence or never occur at all. The best samples of canes from the plots at Sterling in 1888, from which the seed was taken for Early Orange plots, show the following contents of sucrose i1 Sucrose. Eail . 7 8 24. 0 13.61 7.65 307 4 23.5 12. o:, 7. 23 307 5 l 35 307 e 7 8 307 307 307 20." (V 22. 0 '"Y.ib 7. 6i> 9 20. 0 13.85 7. 85 807 10 22. 0 13.70 7 65 Analyses of t< » eleventh-cell drawings. Cell r. imp i : ■ — 1 1 < i . . — . V, at lire. C ". ■ o 1 1 12 7 •2 7. 1- 3 12 0 4 7.61 5 11 1 e 14.8 7 - •jo. 0 o to it 14. a - in 20. 0 60 Analyses often eleventh-etU drawings — Continued. "Milled chips Diffusion juice Exhausted chips Milled cane M. an of milled cane and milled chips Temper- Brix (cor- ««-*«— aturTc • Sucrose. 30 o 14.2 14.2 21 14 74 11. iT Percent. 8.86 8.10 1.25 9.14 9.00 The first point to call attention to on examining this run is the ques- tion : What is to be taken as representing the sucrose number (luring an experimental run ! The chips from shredder and the samples of whole cane do not give agreeing sucrose numbers. The following observations were made during a run of several hours October 2, 1889 : (A) Seventy-six pounds of carefully hand-stripped cane were milled ; when one-half had been run through, a sample of the juice was analyzed, then the remaining half was run through and the two portions of juice mixed and analyzed. Brix. Sucrose. First half o 13.3 13.3 Per cent. 6.38 7.31 First lialf-f- second half (B) This sample consisted of two h and fuls* taken from every basket as packed, twenty in all, well milled and juice analyzed. Pot cent Brix 12.8 Sucrose f>. 97 (C) This sample of about 200 pounds represented 1 } tons of cane. A handful was taken from every lagging of the carrier running from the shredder while l.J tons were worked. POT cent. Brix 13.0 Sue lose (*>. 63 The Sampling and analyses show how difficult it is (o obtain a sucrose number which may be said to represent the cane worked during a run. In the run of October 1L', the results of the milled chips and milled Cane are given. Let us look at the dilution from standpoint of total solids as given b\ Brix instrument The milled chips have an average Brix of 11.17, the diffusion juice a Bris of 1 4.2. How has this been reached I Two factors suggest themselves in the solution of the question : (A) Bvaporization from surface of cells sufficient to make one degree differ- ence in Spindle reading ; (P>) the high temperature dissolving out the """"■ " 61 Rio Grande, point strongly to the fact that a dilution of 20 per cent., 30 per cent., or even 40 per cent., as in some cases, is not necessary to a good extraction. This question of dilution is one of greatest import- ance, for here the cost of producing an hundred weight of sugar will be materially lessened by cutting down the water used. I have collected the following interesting data showing juices obtained at different factories. -Deutsche Zueker-Industrie, 12, 29, 950. 'Socrerie Beige, October 15, 1888, No. 4. "U.S. Department Agricultural Bulletin 21, p. 30. *Zrit. Rubenzucker-Industrle, 1889, 375. :'.\.-w Jeraej Agricultural Kxperimeut Station Bulletin 51, page 22, 1888. In connection with this season's work it will be interesting to see what Bio Grande experiments have already given, and fortius purpose Dr. XealeV work may be made use of. His analytical results are as follows : Brix. Sucrose. o 12.36 11.83 6.54 6.02 0. 83 Diffusion juice discharged from ' eleventh ' 1 eel! Dr. Neale's extraction in one case was 89.8 per cent.; in this case 85 per cent. In the experimental run of this year (October 12, 1889) 80 per cent, expressed the extraction. In studying these numbers the small sucrose per cent, must bear a prominent part. Had our BUCrose been L2 or L3 per cent, our extraction would have been between 90 and 95. This must not be forgotten.2 MACHINERY. Battery. — The battery this season is a new one and has many im- provements over tlic one used in L887 and 1888. In a run from Sep- tember 12 to November L2 it never <•< *ased to give satisfaction. ' New Jersey Agricultural Experiment station Bulletin 51, page 82, I — . ■The comparison of a specially controlled experiment frith a fen (■••lis with the mean working of a batterj for a irhole season i^ likely to had to mistaken ld< efficiency. Theonly proper comparison would !><• betweeu the resnlts obtained fox a whole season. This note is added to prevent anj misapprehension, of iln- t«-niM " Kio Grande, 1988," ami " Kit) Grande, i. w. w, 62 The battery is today and has been in past only on an experimental, laboratory scale, and the work accomplished with it as such has been of the very highest grade ; the run of October 12 shows what it did in ordinary working and under good supervision can repeat this record eighty days out of ninety. This battery was never designed to supersede the German type. Its inventor and others who have studied it carefully can not claim this for it. It was an attempt to manufacture sugar with simplified machinery and at a figure slightly higher than the recognized minimum working with a large plant. It seems to me that this battery can never com- pete with the German type when it is desirable to work 200 tons per day, for its capacity seems to be that of a 70-ton house, and its usefulness in a small house can not be questioned ; but as a factor in solving the economic production of an indigenous sugar for the United States it has little value. Studies were instituted on the effect of temperature, dilution, and time of contact of water with fresh chips, and in all cases interesting results were obtained. The work shows, as Turkiewicz has already shewn with beets, that the time of contact is the weighty factor in ex- traction, and not heat and quantity of water used. The Eio Grande battery is all that could be wished for to carry out the line of investigation begun this summer. The heat was controlled nicely, the quantity of water to within a pound, and the contact by dipping baskets one or more times. The experiments were preliminary and necessarily not conclusive, but it is to be hoped they may be carried out in the near future. Cleaning apparatus. — The shredder was the interesting machine in the house, for, to a certain extent, the extraction depends on the size of the chip. With small chips only 0.5 to 0.8 per cent, sucrose remained in chips, with medium chips 0*9 to 1.25 per cent., and with coarser chips as high as % I per cent. To obtain a chip to allow of 0.5 to 0.8 per cent, remain- ing in bagasse is no easy matter $ for the shredder chokes every ten minutes; hut this end may he seemed by running chips through a sec- ond shredder, in fact, this has been suggested1 by several, but not until tli is year lias the demand seemed Imperative, and now double shredding is (tailed lor. II. A. Hughes, Bull. 20, 36, L888, 63 MORRISVILLE. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF W. MAXWELL. The report begins with a statement concerning the extent of the es- tate of the Virginia Diffusion Sugar Company, the character of the soil, the cultivation of the crop, notes on the progress of the growth of the crop, and a description of the factory. The character of the crop produced is given in a series of tables show- ing the number of acres in each plot, the variety of cane planted, the date of planting, date of sampling, and the composition of the juices. In general the character of the juice shows the cane grown on the plantation of the company was poor. Only one sample of the cane produced on the company's plantation showed 10 per cent, of sugar in the juice; this sample was Link's Hybrid, planted May 27, and analyzed on October 16. The mean results obtained from the different varieties are given in the following table : Averages of varieties. No. Variety. 1 Early Amber 2 White African .. Early Orauge ! Late Orange 5 Improved Orange 6 Link's Hybrid... Acres. Brix.° Sucrose. Glucose. Purity. Per cent. Per cent. 53.0 12.4 5.5 2.4 43.3 6.0 15. 6 9.3 2.8 59.5 42.5 14.9 7.4 2.2 49.0 17.0 15.4 8.4 2.2 54.4 28.0 16.4 7.9 3.6 49.3 4.5 151.0 16.4 10.1 4.6 62.0 15.1 8.1 3.0 52. 9 Samples of cane grown by neighboring farmers showed uniformly bet- ter results than were obtaiued on the estate of the company. The mean results obtaiued from the various sources above mentioned are given in the following table: No. Name. Variety . Soil. 15rix.° • Purity. 1 2 I 4 5 <; 7 8 9 10 W. Anderson M is. Edwards (a). . . Mrs. Edwards (0) . .. Mr*, /.minions Early Amber . . ... do Earlj Oral Eailv An. . . . do Snn.lv l.»ain Black loam ... do 13.4 Hi. 4 is. a i6. a 17. 1 16. 7 11 | 1 8.7 10. 6 10.4 12.0 ii.:. 11.6 si 64 :•» 64 64 Liyht gravel Sandy loam Red Bravel Liuhi sand ... do w Jones R, Mnnroe ( and tneeanes wore samples from The working of the battery and apparatus in general was of the poorest quality, the inference being drawn that a well appointed mill would have expressed the same quantity of juice as was obtained by 64 the diffusion battery. From the agricultural aud from the milling stand-point the sugar season of the Virginia Diffusion Sugar Company's plantation was not a success. If a remunerative crop had been pro- duced the mill was not in order to work it, and if the mill had been ready there was no crop to be worked. KENNER. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF DR. W. C. STUBBS. Four plots of over 2 acres each were devoted to the culture of those varieties of sorghum which past experience had demonstrated to be the best for sugar-making. Experiments were also carried on at the State experiment station at Baton Kouge and at Calhoun aud on the estate of Mr. F. L. Maxwell in Madison Parish. The results of the attempts to make sugar in the sugar-house were rather disappointing; although considerable quantities of sugar were made it was found almost impos- sible to dry it in the centrifugals, and the sugar obtained was generally of a low grade. Full data of the sugar-house work are given ; also of the analyses of the samples grown at the various experiment stations. The result of the work is summed up in the following review of re- sults: REVIEW OF RESULTS. The sorghum grown at Kenner was of an inferior character ; that grown at each of the other stations and at Mr. Maxwell's very hue. The soils of each of these places vary greatly. At Kenner the soil is a black, heavy, tenacious clay, hard to cultivate and harder still to drain, susceptible of injury from extreme drought or excessive rainfall. Small seed if not too deeply planted germinate quickly in it. At Baton Kouge the brown loam of the bluff formation prevails; a soil which withstands drought well, but can not endure excessive rain-fall. Small seed are with difficulty germinated, due to the soil puddling and form- ing an impervious crust after every shower. It works with ease, but it is difficult to drain. At Calhoun there exist the sandy and loamy tertiary soils, easily worked and drained; a soil whose physical proper- ties are good and which needs only proper fertilization to make excel- lent crops in propitious seasons. At Mr. Maxwell's we have the typical alluvial soil of the upper Mis- sissippi bottoms; a sandy soil easily worked and drained and of great fertility. These four soils well represent all the soils of the State, save the red lands of Bed River bottoms and the Light prairie fields of south- western Louisiana. The season at each of these places varied greatly (luring the period of the growth of sorghum. At Kenner a prolonged drought following a heavy rainfall of April 13 greatly injured the sorghum, making it small aud spiudling, Wheu the rains began on last of June it produced 65 suckers, greatly to the detriment of the cane. The cane-borer also at- tacked the sorghum at Kenner and did it considerable damage. The same drought prevailed at Baton Kouge, but the seed planted in April did not germinate till June, and hence the young plants were not stunted as at Kenner. Xo worms or suckers interfered. At Calhoun most propitious seasons prevailed and the canes were fair in quantity and quality. At Mr. Maxwell's fine seasons prevailed in the early growth of the cane, but near maturity a prolonged drought was encountered which doubtless injured the cane. In reviewing the agricultural results, it may safely be asserted that dry well-drained loamy soils are best adapted for sorghum, and that showers at regular intervals favor a large sugar content as well as tonnage. Neither droughts nor excessive rain-falls are favorable to a full develop- ment of this plant. Another feature worth y of note : Only certain varieties of sorghum have given good results anywhere. Link's hybrid, originated by Mr. Ephraim Link, of Greenville, Tenn., seems to have succeeded best on a large scale than any other variety. Of the 100 varieties tested this year for the first time only a very few are worthy of further trial. The sugar-house results were disappointing. In every instance diffi- culty was experienced in graining in the pan. Only by the addition of crystallized sugar, or by the withdrawal for some time of heat, could graining be started. Even at a temperature of 120° Fahr., with a vacuum of 26 to 28 inches, no grain could be formed. Does our sorghum contain more dextriue and soluble starches than that raised in Kansas, or did we diffuse at too high a temperature ? Our records show tem- peratures ranging from 40° to 80° C. in our discharging-tanks, and ytt no perceptible difference in the sirups. Samples of all the molasses have been kept to further study their compositions. Our greatest difficulty was in purging our massecuite, a great surprise to all. After running the centrifugal sometime it was found on exam- ination that a layer of sugar adhered to tin- sieve, upon which rested a layer of molasses, and this in turn was covered by a layer of white foam, giving the appearance while the centrifugal was in motion of a beau- tiful white sugar. After Stopping tin' Centrifugal these layers had to be broken down and mixed with a little water and centrifngalled. In this way a good sugar was obtained, but only at the expense of time, pa- tience, and considerable loss of sugar. CONWAY SPRINGS. ABSTRACT OJ REPOB1 O] E. A. v. BOB WK1N1TZ. - The machine! y wa~ not tested until Ungual 25, although this might have been done neveral week* before ; but, for some inexplicable reason, the work was allowed t«> drag, with, of eonrse, detriment to the business. A difficulty was met with at the beginning which it took several days' 17597— Bull, 20 D 66 time to remedy. Tlie drag which furnished the cane to -the large cutter was not properly placed, and the knives of the cutter were too broad, causing the cane to be forced back at each stroke. It was necessary, therefore, to attach a forced feed to the cutter. This delay was unfortu- nate, and caused considerable dissatisfaction. Last year the mill depended for its water supply upon a deep well which was by no means sufficient. In addition, the well puinps gave a great deal of trouble and caused considerable loss of time. Through some unpardonable oversight this defective piece of machinery had never been touched since last season, and work had scarcely been started before the troubles of last year were repeated. With the enlarged ca- pacity of the house the pipe line to the creek did not give sufficient water, and it was necessary to rely upon the well for water for condens- ing purposes. Instead of remedying this delect at once several weeks' time were wasted, the work in the mean time lagging, as it was neces- sary to run first one part of the house and then wait till the other had caught up. Finally, a pond was made near the mill, and the waste water collected and used over again for condensing purposes. It was the intention of the company to clarify the juice by adding lime, and allowing the limed juice to be brought to a boil in a continu- ous flow skimming-pan. The pan provided tor this purpose was de- ficient in capacity, and only a very poor defection was obtained. The company was very iortunate, therefore, in securing from the Douglas Sugar Woiks the loan of five elarifiers, as well as several pumps, and forty sugar wagons. Delay resulted in placing these, but without them* little woik could have been accomplished. Contrary again to better advice, I understand the engine relied upon for working the centri- fugals was insufficient, and the house had to be shut down until a new engine could be purchased and placed. All of these delays were caused by defects patent from the beginning, and which past experience should have induced the company to pro- vide against. The greater portion of the month of September was con- sumed in this way, and only about 1,500 tons of cane cut, which should be only a week's work. Very valuable time was thus lost, at great ex- pense. These troubles seemed to have induced a sort of demoralization gen- erally, and while, i Btarchv substances winch should be removed by some method of clarification. The purity of the sirups was fair and the simps were grained w it bout trouble iu the vacuum-pan, The sugar was boded to r wj Joe jrajui 68 This fact, as well as the inexperience of the workmen, and the little at- tention paid to keeping the hot room at a proper temperature, caused the work with the centrifugals to be slow. The sugar also was heavily washed, and a great deal of the fine grain found its way through the screens of the centrifugals. This accounts for the richness of the first molasses, as well as the rather small yield in first sugars. A screw con- veyor and elevator buckets should have been provided to remove the sugar from the centrifugals to the sugar room, instead of the boxes used, which necessitated a large amount of hand labor and waste. In several other instances expensive hand labor was relied upon, where an extra wheel or belt would have answered the purpose. One great source of loss was due to the leaks in the joints of the main steam-line, and to the fact that the steam-pipes were not wrapped. The exhaust steam also was not utilized to the extent that it might have been. The majority of the workmen were inexperienced, and did not appre- ciate the importance of their particular tasks. There was a very evi- dent lack of harmony between men and managers, and not the firm control and system which is absolutely necessary for the success of any business, especially where the season is a short one, as is the case with sorghum sugar. The Orange cane was at its best, as last year, about the middle of Oc- tober, after a light frost sufficient to kill the leaves. The richness of the cane last year was attributed partly to the dryness of the season. This season was one of the largest rain-fall known in Kansas, and yet the average per cent, of sucrose was 11.98 per cent, and glucose 1.78 per cent., and Brix 18. 33 per cent. ; while for 1888, the average Brix was 19.30 per cent., sucrose 12.42 per cent., and glucose 2.G1 ; or a glu- cose ratio of 1 : 0.73 in 1889, against a ratio of 1 : 4.76 sucrose in L888. This is very interesting and important, especially when the almost exactly opposite character of the two seasons is considered. The seed from last year's crop had been carefully hand-picked and thrashed from the richest plots of last year, and from this source .Medicine Lodge and Attica works obtained most of their seed. For this reason, we insert here for purposes of comparison means of Tables I and II from last year's report (Bulletin 20, pp. 83 and $5): m< am. Bolide (Brix). Baorose i tlaeoee Parity. Table I Table n I', ;' .-, „/ l«.8o 10, 30 12. li u. a Pi / a nt 2. 85 2.61 03.84 Table I.— J oioee from tingle oonee. Table [L— Jutoee from obipe entering battery. In this Connection it ig especially Interesting to note the results ob- tained from Amber cane. The seed was selected from a plot which last year showed a Jinx per cent, of 18,81, sucrose 14,0(J, and glucose 1,2G, 69 Very matured Amber grown upon sod land from this seed showed Brix 17.93 and sucrose 13.10; and upon plowed land Brix 18.28, sucrose 13.20 per cent., and glucose 1.29 per cent. In all cases there was a decrease in total solids as compared with last year and there was a cor- responding increase in the purity of the juices. We noted again this year, as well as last, that while the Amber cane deteriorated rapidly if left lying any length of time after being cut, the Orange after it had at- tained its maximum was fairly stable. Again, several hard freezes and thaws did not materially injure the cane, as can be seen from analyses a, b, 0, d, and e, Table I. The factory was forced to stop cuttiug,for reasons which will be men- tioned later on, the 8th of November. About GOO acres of cane of excellent quality were left standing in the field, so that on this score the mill might have run until the 1st of January, as from reports T have learned that the weather has been excellent in every way. About November 4 there was a light fall of snow, but as already mentioned without danger to the cane. A number of varieties of seed were sent out by the Department to be planted for experimental plots. The ground upon which it was planted was a very wet piece of sod land, consequently a great deal of the seed did not mature, and as the plots had not been properly separated or attended to, it was deemed best to condemn the whole. The total number of day's actual work,countiug each day at twenty- two hours, was forty-five ; that is, the work should have been done in that length of time if the mill had run fairly smoothly. The expense for labor and coal was enormous, and might have been greatly reduced with proper care. In summing up the results, then, of this season's work, it is but fair to mention that the expense lor labor and coal would scarcely have been a cent more if the mill had run steadily and done four times the work than it was with but little work. In a trial run, beginning on the 2Gth of October and continuing until the 2d of November, the following data were obtained : Sample No. Brix (<<>r- lifted) at it .:. c. BaoroM Qlaoote. /'. /• .-, ,it i.i:t .7* Parity. 7o 22 • < rlllOOM !•> loo p 824 iia 10.00 2 18 10. M ii M 89.81 IS. in 1 12.81 l.Ol 7. i:t 82. :t7 i- t 53. id Mill juicit imm exhausted ohipa — - 12 M :'l 12 :>i II From lii -t molasst ^ of ti ial inn. The mean percentage of fiber, as determined in the ohipe, during the season was 11.49. Twenty-four determinations were made, extending 70 over the entire season, from September 5 to November 7. From August 29 to October 3, twenty-six analyses of caue chips, representing the mean composition of the chips entering both batteries, were made. The mean results obtained were as follows : Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Purity. Per cent. 18.10 21.07 16.86 Per cent. 11.38 12. 98 8.97 Per cent. 2.20 4.02 .91 62.92 Bigheat Separate analyses were made of the chips entering the two batteries after August 4, with the following results (the results of eighteen an- alyses, representing the material entering the old battery from August 4 to November 8) : Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Purity: Per cent. 18 58 20.40 16.23 Per cent. 12. 27 H.60 9.00 Per cent. 1.38 3.15 .54 66.29 Highest In the new battery during the same period seventeen samples were analyzed, with the following results : Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. I'nrity. Per cent. 18. :j6 Per cent. I2.2A Per cent. 1.52 If. 65 .90 66.89 20. 4o 13.85 15. 98 The means for the whole season of nil the analyses made of the fresh chips are as follows : Per riiit. Total solids 18.33 Sucrose 11.68 Glucose 1.70 The data obtained in the analyses of the diffusion .juices from the old battery from Angus! 29 to November li, including 38 analyses, are as follows : Total noIhIs. Sucrose, ( ilucose, Purity. /•- r '•< hi 0 -i 8.27 • 5. 00 1 1.04 I B7 . 59 7:1. 86 be«( 71 For the new battery the data follow, made from August 28 to November 8. Thirty-eight analyses were 3£ , ■—» Glucose. Purity. Per cent. 9. 90 12.00 8.38 Per cent. 6.50 8. -JO 5.25 Per cent. 1.03 2.38 .52 65. 06 75. 26 51.02 The analyses of waste chips from the old battery for the entire season gave the following data. Total number of analyses made, 54. Total sulids. Sucrose. Means Per cent. 2 27 5. 8S 1.13 2.40 Lowest 1.11 .25 In the new battery the numbers follow. Xumber of analyses, 63. Total solids. Sucrose. Means Highest Percent. 2.16 Per cent. .*9 1.9ft 1.02 Analyses of the clarified juices for the entire season from both batter- ies gave the following data. Number of analyses, 47. Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Purity. 10.25 12.28 8.74 0 00 8 20 5.00 1.0.1 2. 07 .45 Highest Lowest. Analyses of the sirups for the entire season gave the following data, Total number of analyses, 15. Parity. MlMIIH Highest Lowest 4» 10 M ii 72 Analyses of the first massecuites for the entire season gave the fol- lowing data. Total number of analyses, 19. Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Per cent. 90.27 93.34 84.68 Per cent. 57.86 66.60 50.20 Percent. 12.23 23. 92 8 38 Highest The analyses made of first and second sugars follow POLARIZATION OF FIRST SUGARS. Date. Sucrose. Per cent. Sept. 23 95.8 Sept. 23 97.6 Oct. 7 97.0 Oct. 7 97.0 Oct. 7 94.0 Oct. 22 91.4 Oct. 22 96.0 Oct. 29 96.8 Nov. 4 96.8 Nov. 11 95.2 POLARIZATION OF SECOND SUGARS. Date. Sucrose. Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Per cent. '91.6 '94.4 '88.0 ]Raw sugar. '"Washed sugar. ATTICA. ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF OMA CARR. On the opening of the manufacturing season, on the 26th of Septem- ber, there was not a sufficient quantity of Early Amber cane ripe, and so Orange cane which was not mature was used from the 8th to the 20th pf September. The quality of the cant' worked continued to improve until late in the season. In regard to the character of the crop for the successful manufacture Of sugar the season may be said to have ex- tended only from September 25 to November f>. After November 5 the cane Buffered rapid deterioration, rendering it extremely difficult to work it in the battery without serious loss by inversion. Freezing weather first occurred on the .'id of November, and this being followed by warm weather caused fermentation. The cane which bad been planted on freshly tinned sod suffered the least from the freeze and showed but little fermentation before the 10th of November. 73 a In recapitulation it may be said that until September 25 the cane was in poor condition, that the indiscriminate mixing of Amber and Orange cane, which became unavoidable, was very unsatisfactory and that all the results obtained before the 25th of September were of little value except for the testing of the machinery. SOURCES OF LOSS. From the cutter and the centrifugal there were many opportunities for serious loss; fully 35 per cent, of the cane purchased was carried away in the cutters and cleaners. The loss in the battery by poor extraction and inversion was 13.6 per cent, of the entire sugar contained in the cane. In the remaining portion of the work the loss of sugar amounted to 10.9 per cent, of the whole sugar contained in the cane. The aggregate loss amounted to nearly 25 per cent, of the entire sugar in the crop. This immense loss is directly chargeable to defective machinery and largely due to delays in the working of the house. This is illustrated by the fact that during the season of 78 days 7,239 tons of cane passed the house, or 92.7 tons per day. The financial failure of the factory must be ascribed directly to in- efficient machinery; had the factory worked regularly from the 2Gth of August the receivership of the 19th of October would pot have taken place. The numerous experiments conducted at Attica resulted, in general, successfully. The use of filter presses is to be highly com- mended. The apparatus for drying the sugar was also successfully worked. The attempt to burn the exhausted cbips failed because of the crude, expensive, and inefficient apparatus employed in drying them. The efficient services of Messrs. Watson and Detuing did much to prevent the earlier dissolution of the company. Summary of results of chemical control. Cane purchased tons.. .'. 00 Cane, diffused, clean do... 4,70 Loss in cutting per cent .- :!■">. 1" Loss in cuttiug tons.. Loss in cutting pounds.. 5, 078, 400, 00 Juice in clean cane tons.. 4,166.70 Juice in clean cane pounds. 3,33 100, 0»> Juice in clean cane gallons.. 11, 0 Average per cent, juice, clean cane 88J Sngar in cane pounds.. 975,841.00 Glucose in cane do 133, 8S Sugar available (approximate) do Bngar presenl pex ton, (Iran oane .do — Sugar present per tou, field cane do 74 Losses. At battery — Losses. Clean cane per ton. Field cane. Whole sngar. Pmi mis. 105, 156 14, 341 60,000 35, 377 Pounds. 22.3 3.0 12.7 7.5 Pounds. 14.5 1.9 8 2 4.8 Per cent. 12.00 1.63 6.85 4.04 At double effort (total) Battery to double effect (total) Totals 214, 876 29.4 24.52 Yield. Sugar obtained (firsts) pounds. Sugar iu cane per cent. Sugar in diffusion, juice do... Sugar in semi-sirup do... Sugar obtained (firsts) Sugar obtained in semi-sirup Sugar left in molasses Glucose left in molasses (estimated) Available sugar in molasses (estimated) Total product first sugar, plus estimated seconds available pounds. Yield per ton, field cane, firsts Yield per ton, clean cane, firsts pounds. Yield per ton, field cane (estimated) seconds do... Yield per ton, clean cane (estimated) seconds do... Yield per ton, field cane, total product Yield per ton, clean cane, total product Financial. •Cost of cane (7,184 tons) . •Cost of labor (sixty days) Cost of fuel 262, 038 29.91 34.64 39. 64 262, 038 660, 965 398, 927 128, 539 206, 127 468, 165 36.5 55.7 28.6 43.8 65.1 99.5 $10,653.40 9, 857. 58 2,791.32 Total expense of operation, August 24 to November 12 23, 302. 30 Fuel, cost per ton, cane .. Labor, cost per ton, cane. Cane, cost per ton Total cost per ton, cane Fuel, cost per 100 pounds, sugar. L;iix»i, cost per 100 pounds, sugar. Cane, cost per 100 pounds, sugar Total expense per 100 pounds BO gar. .38 1.48 1.38 3.24 1.06 3.37 4.06 a 49 rCoal per 100 pounds sugar pounds.. 905 Average labor per day (sixty days) $140. 28 Loss of time i>y delayi In manufacture, season of fcwenty-eighl days, pes cent 18.20 75 Mean results of analyses. [In the juice.] Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. worked. caue- Glucose in cane. Fresh chips entering battery — From August to September Per cent. 15.96 17. 72 17.41 Percent. Percent. 9 95 2. 29 12.69 1.51 Tons. Pounds. 2,197.2 321.942 1.911 42H ftVl Founds. 75, H50 43. 972 13, 804 12.13 i 1. 36 1 RBI- KECAPTTULATIOX FOR TUE SEASOX. Total tons clean cane worked for season 4, 702.8 Average per centage of j nice in cane 88. 6 Total Bugar in cane pounds.. 875, 8 IL Total glucose in cane do 133,626 Total available sugar (approximate) do 675, 402 3ugar per ton of clean cane (means) do ... 186. 2 Sucrose in exhausted chips for the different periods of the season. Percent. August and September 63 October 1.57 November 1.46 The season 1.46 Sugar inverted in the battery for the different periods of the season and for the entire time. Per cent. August and September 30 October 14 November ; 20 The season 21 Composition of the diffusion juices for Jhe dlffen ni petto U of the season. Total o— *«-.«.«. solid.. Sucrose. a agaal and September 12 05 • 7. 80 1 91 i ia November 1.07 Composition of iirupt. Total Sucrose. \u_'iiMt and s )>t, ml ■ October November 1 1 76 Mean composition of the massecuites for the season. Per cent. Total solids 94.90 Sucrose 61.74 Glucose 12.16 First sugars, mean composition for the season. Per cent. Sucrose : 98.29 Glucose 83 Molasses, means for the season. Per cent. Total solids 85.31 Sucrose 39.42 Glucose 18.28 RESULTS OF CULTURE EXPERIMENTS. Early Amber.— Planted on the 2d, 6th, 7th, and 16th of May. The highest per cents, of sucrose from this plot was 12.45, 12.00, 12.80, and 12.95, respectively, and the apparent time of maturing 123 days. Chinese Cane. — The highest sucrose obtained was 14.90 per cent, on October 14 ; on November 7 the sucrose was still 13.70 per cent. ; the apparent time for maturing 156 to 163 days. Kansas Orange. — Highest sucrose obtained was 15.35 per cent, j the apparent time for maturing on different plots from 129 to 146 days. Late Orange. — Highest sucrose obtained was 15.70 per cent.; apparent time of maturing on the different plots from 132 to 164 days. Early Orange. — Highest sucrose obtained 14.65 per cent. ; apparent time for maturiug on the different plots from 129 to 103 days. Early Golden. — Highest sucrose obtained 14.20 per cent. ; apparent time of maturing on different plots from 131 to 146 days. Link's Hybrid.— Highest sucrose obtained 14.70 per cent. ; apparent time of maturing on different plots from 131 to 161 days. Red Liberian. — Highest sucrose obtained 15.70 per cent.; apparent time for maturing on different plots from 131 to 161 days. White African. — Highest sucrose obtained 14.00 per cent.; apparent time of maturing from 131 to 161 days. Deutchet's Hybrid. — Highest sucrose obtained 12.96 percent.; appar- ent time of maturing from 131 to 163 days. Waubunsee. — Highest sucrose obtained 10.30 per cent.; apparent time of maturing from 12!> to L58 days. Q0086 Neck, — Highest sucrose obtained 13.00 per cent.; apparent time of maturing 136 days. Honduras.— -Highest sucrose obtained L0.30 per cent. ; apparent time of maturing from 131 to MS days. Whiting9* Early. — Highest sucrose obtained 9.00 per cent.; apparent time of maturing from 131 to L36 days. ;, but Large numbers of other analyses were made on the culture plots, 77 the above composes a summary of all the most important. The com- plete analyses, together with the analyses made for seed selection, will be kept on file in the Department. ►MEDICINE LODGE. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF T. F. SANBORN. The chemical work at Medicine Lodge during the first of the season was under the control of Mr. Hubert Edsou. Mr. Edson having accepted a position in Louisiana, the latter part of the work was entrusted to Mr. Sanborn, who compiled the tables of analyses for the whole season. Three hundred and twenty-three miscellaneous analyses were made of selected canes and canes from the field, with the following results : [In the juice.] Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Purity. Percent. 16.67 22.70 9.05 Percent. 10.21 17.33 l.ll Percent. 1.48 2.43 .83 61.24 85.37 9.90 Minima JUICES FROM FRESH CHIPS. Forty-nine analyses were made with the following results Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Purity. Mi .1113 16.46 1!). 12 14.70 10.44 13.45 8.27 /'« ft ;, ' 2.24 1.62 1.03 77. 97 Forty-nine analyses of the diffusion juices were mad.' with the fol- lowing results : Total Bolide. 3 Glucose. Purity. n. t" l ).■_•:: 6.01 Per cent. t. ia 5. 20 l 45 ■2.-<>J 7'i. To Minima Forty-nine analyses of exhausted chips were math' with the follow- ing results : [In the Juice, ) solids. • 1 1. OS \1 D) i 1.34 78 Forty-seven analyses of the clarified juices were made with theft lowing results : Total, solius. Sucrose. Glucose. Purity. Per cent. 12. 02 14. 82 9.90 Per cent. 7.85 9.42 5. 22 Per cent. 1.58 2. 83 .78 65.30 79. 46 40.21 Forty-six analyses of the sirups were made with the following results Total solids. Sucroses. Glucose Purity. Per cent. Means 1 39.(^9 Maxima 47. !»7 Per cent. 20.01 32. 26 Per cent. 5.45 8. 1)4 3.21 65.40 73.31 51.26 Minima 87. 06 18.12 Eleven aualvses of massecuites were made with the following results: Total solids. Sucrose. Glucose. Means Per cent. 92. 16 91.74 91.99 Per cent. 56. 31 61.92 51.74 Per cent. 18. 12 20. 02 11.29 The mean analyses of the first sugars were as follows Sucrose. • OM () 00 1 Maximum Minimum The mean composition of the molasses was as follows : Per cent. Total solids 83. 33 S II nose 42. 13 ( tlucoM 26, 64 Mean composition of second sugars: Per i .ut Saerow „ - W.7 79 MEADE. ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF JOHN L. FUELLING. On my arrival at Meade, the 23d of August, the sugar-bouse was but partially finished, with a poor prospect of a supply of water. The cane was short and dry aud a very light tonnage per acre. It was rather the exception to find cane with a fully matured head, and in place of the usual black head of amber I fouud the cane bearing heads partially white and in some cases perfectly white. The differences in the cane made it imperative to have every load tested which was brought to the sugar house. Most of the cane had also been ruined by a hail storm and iu some cases by the grub worms from the larvae of the lachuos- terna. The cane at Arkalou was in a much better couditiou. So little cane was received from Liberal that a comparison is not made. In some cases analyses showed that cane which had been cut short by the drought so as to produce no head at all, gave a higher percentage of sucrose than cane which to all appearances was matured. This pecu- liarity is shown by comparison of three samples of cane, of which the first was a matured Orange cane with fully developed head, the second a sample of the same variety of cane iu which the seeds were still in the milk, and the third a sample of the same variety of cane which had developed no seed head at all. Serial. No. Brix. Sucrose. Glucose. Fiber. Albumi- noids. Purity. 1 2 3 Per ct. 19. 72 23 88 21.49 Per cent. 13. 35 18.08 15.34 Per cent. 2. 35 1.81 2.3L Per cent. 8 73 10.51 12. 32 Per cent. .7750 1.8000 1.0312 67.18 75.71 71.38 It was thought a sufficient supply of water could be hud by boring an artesian well, but this was proved to be a mistake. After much delay a very deep, large well was dug which furnished a moderate sup- ply of water. There was similar trouble at Arkalou, making it neces- sary to lay a line of pipe to the Cimarron River. The factory at Lib eral was supplied by two artesian wells. The Incomplete condition of the works made it impossible to start them until the Season was prac- tically at an end, giving them only a Little over a week for actual work. [he double-effect pan was the source of much trouble and loss; the compartments being entirely too low, the juice on boiling would pass into the coils of the next effect and out into the ditch. The poor ei traction in the battery was chiefly due to the coarse chips. The ensi- lage cutter gave entire satisfaction, doing all that could be desired. Ouly one strike of sugar was madeal Meade aud Aii.alon and two at Liberal, The work being of such -hn- | vfH impossible to get u desirable system of control, 80 There was also no attempt to observe that economy which is neces- sary to make a success of the sorghum industry. Skiintniugs showing 5 25 per cent, of sucrose were thrown into the ditch ; it was only when, as a last resource, I appealed to the president of the sugar company, I was promised that this loss should be corrected. According to instructions, I visited the Miuneola Sugar Works, where the roasting process was on trial several times, but never succeeded in getting any information nor samples, inasmuch as the works were in- variably shut down on my arrival. Many hundreds of analyses of cane were made, and the following are the averages of some of the most important varieties: Averages of special canes. [In the juict-.] Marked. 1 2 3 I 7 11 Varieties. Cane grown on an upland Cane grown on low-land Cane grown on gypsum soil, spring plowing Cane grown on gypsum soil, fall plowing... Cam- grown on first year's sod Cane grown on old sod Samples of cane that were pithy and red . .. Sucrose. Purity. Per cent. 8.34 52.14 10. 82 62. 91 10.54 58. 22 13.14 65. gg 10.77 63.00 8.68 12 -. 5.70 42.88 One hundred and iifty-five analyses of selected cane were made at Meade with the following mean results : I In the juice.] Total solids per cent. . 16.29 Sucrose .,. .. do 9.00 Purity 55.66 Fifty-eight analyses of cane were made at Arkalon with the following mean results : [In the juice.] Total solids per cent.. 16.04 Sucrose do 9. 14 Purity f»<;.lH Twelve samples of fresh chips entering the battery at Meade, were examined with the following mean results: [ In tliojuiif.) Total solids pel (rut . . 18, OS Sucrose do 10,61 Glnooae — do 3.85 Purity 58.88 Nine samples of diffusion juice were examined at Meade with tin following mean results : Total -<»li. P.» Sqorotfl do.... 5,60 GtldOOM, ,,,..., ,.,,.,,,,.. ,..do.... 1,89 Purity..,,,, 64,95 81 Thirteen samples of exhausted chips from the battery were examined with the following mean results : [In the juice.] Per cent. Total solids 4.05 Sucrose 1. 86 Eleven samples of sirups were examined with the following mean results : Total solids per cent.. 47.92 Sucrose do 27. 89 Glucose do 7. 62 Purity 58.20 Three samples of massecuites from Meade were analyzed with the fol- lowing mean results : Total solids per ceut.. 92.36 Sucrose do 56. 66 Glucose do 13. 52 Purity 61.21 Three samples of sugar were analyzed with the following mean result: Per cent. Sucrose 93.60 Three samples of molasses were examined with the following mean results : Total solids per cent.. 81. 16 Sucrose do 38. 61 Glucose do 16.18 Purity 47.67 NESS CITY. ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF K. P. MCELROY. No sugar was made by the Ness County Sugar Company, a tact wholly attributable to the poor quality of its crop. The mill was started Sep tember 26, and was operated at intervals until October 15. The water supply was wholly inadequate tor a sugar-house, and although but little work was done there was not enough water to supply battery, triple effect, and strike pan simultaneously. Out of 1,500 acres planted in sorghum there was scarcely enough to supply the mill ten days had it been running full capacity. The Cane entering the mill was even of worse quality than shown by the means of the analyses given. No care was exercised to insure prompt delivery of cane after cutting, and in manj oases it laj several days in the field. After reachiug the cane platforms affairs were not much better, for the incessant stoppages incident to complete and operate the mill simultaneously caused the cane to lie Lndefini1 the platform. 17597— Bull, 26 6 82 The seed was purchased at Sterling, lOO miles east, but the soil and climate of the two places are radically different, and while the crop at Sterling was fiue the crop at Xess City was a failure. One hundred and ninety-five analyses of single canes and samples of cane from the field were made, showing percentages of sucrose ranging from almost nothing, viz : .10 per cent, to cane of fair quality, in one instance 15.23 per cent. The fresh chips, exhausted chips, and diffusion juices entering the battery and representing fairly the cane manufactured, had the follow- ing composition on the dates mentioned : Analytical Data. Date. Sept. 26 Sept. 26 Srpt 27 Sept. 27 Sept 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 S pt 28 Sept. 28 Scot. 29 Sept '-"J Sept. 30 s pt. do s«-j,t. 30 Sept 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct io Oct. 11 Oct. 1 1 Oct. 11 Oct li Oct. 11 Oct. 11 rr. ct. 18.67 4 51 17. 79 8.55 53. 19 1.01 Extraction Fresh chips I 18.41 I Diffusion .juice | 9.61 Exhausted chips Fresh chips Exhausted chips. Fresh chips Diffusion juice .. Simp .'.. ... Exhausted chips. Brix. Sucrose. Purity. Glucose. Ratio. Per cent. 8.38 1.82 6.94 3. 22 19.92 .77 90 per cent. 8. 10 | 44. 3.92 40 .85 45.06 39.14 37.68 37 45 Per cent. 5.32 5. 22 2.73 20.19 59. 40 75.22 84.78 101. 35 ; dilution 110.4 per cent, on 3.13 I 38.64 3. 09 79. 69 Fresh chips Exhausted chips. Fresh chips Diffusion .juice... Clarified .juice Exhausted chips. Fresh chips Diffusion juice... Sii up • Exhausted chips Extraction 89.50 percent. 16.71 6.66 39. 86 dilution 91.50 per cent. 5.08 I 76.28 Extraction 91. 37. 38, 17.70 | 6.68 10.04 3.87 :<:>:: 4.23 1.53 ! .32 Extraction 95 21 per cent. I 15.71 I 5.46 I 34. I 10.61 | 3 74 | 35. I 47.04 I 16.45 34. 2. 03 .48 Extraction 91 21 per ( en' Fresh chips I 14.07 | 3.16 1 26. Diffusion juice ! 10.36 3. 12 | 3«t. rhiri fled juice. I 9.96 1 3.07 30. Exhausted chips 2. 03 | .22 | Extraction 93.99 per cent 00 per cent. 74 I 6. 46 55 I 3. M 39 I 4. 19 96 70 101. 80 99.05 dilution 76.2 per cent. 75 97 6.41 4.43 20.26 117.40 118.45 123. 16 ; dilution 48.1 percent. 02 1 6.44 1 175.95 12 | 4.49 I 143. 91 83 I 4.39 I 143.00 Fresh chips I 14 81 i 5.47 1 36. Diffusion juice | 10.39 I 3.20 B0. Olaiifledjuice I 9.57 2. P6 2ft Sirup ..' | 35.30 I 12.50 | 35. tfaeoeouite .1 Pi. so i 23.30 i 28. Exhausted chips I 8.08 .03 1 dilution :r> 8 per cent :.. 77 3.07 2. 72 10.67 33. 33 105 49 95 94 95. 1 1 157.30 143.05 extraction 83.00 percent; dilution 42.5 percent METHODS OF IMPROVING SORGHUM. ABSTRACT OF REPORT <>K A. A. DENTON AND C. A. CHAMPTON. STERLING, K \.ns. It lias been proven by the thousands of analyses of sorghum juices which have been made by the Department of Agriculture, that sorghum cam1 a often contain n fair percentage of en stullizable sugar, sometimes as much as tropical sugar-cane, or as the improved sugar-beet. It has also been shown that similar canesgrown under apparently similar con- ditions often contain but little sugar, and that sorghum canes are vari- able m quality, 83 One object of this experimental work has been to determine the causes of this variableness, and to determine whether the cane can be bred up to uniformly good quality. There are two classes of plants which can be improved with difficulty. One of these classes consists of plants which are of fixed types, in which the individual plants vary but little, and which readily revert to the original type. The other class consists of plauts which are so variable that they can with difficulty be reduced to fixed types having uniform qualities. As sorghum is a variable plaut, its improvement implies that it should be bred to certain fixed types which will have uniform qualities. The lines in which the improvement of the plaut should be carried out were laid down by us in Bulletin No. 20, as follows: (1) By growing and testing all known varieties and selecting the most promising. (2) By hybridizing or crossing these varieties. (3) By preserving " sports" or variations. (4) By selecting seed from the finest individual canes of each variety. (5) By improved methods of cultivation. All of these methods were practiced to a greater or less extent in the work in 1888, and this season's work has been practically a direct con- tinuation of the first years work, with such modifications as were sug- gested by the experience of one season. The results and conclusions attained in each direction will be set forth in the order given above. 1. — Experiments in growing different varieties of cane. The first step in this work is the collection of varieties of sorghum from all countries where sorghum is grown, and a comparison of the quali- ties of the canes. After this has been done there are difficulties in the way of selecting the best varieties. It is well understood by horticult- urists that plants sometimes gain, sometimes lose, by a change to new conditions of soil and climate; they require time to adjust themselves to new conditions. It is also well understood by agriculturists thai a certain variety of a plant may excel all other varieties in one season, and yet may be excelled by other varieties in another season. These variations are caused partly by known and partly by unknown causes, some of which may be beyond the control of the agriculturist. Judged by the average results of a term of years il may be decided that a certain variety is pre-eminently suited to one section of the coun- try. If the results of one season's trial of a variety are good it is en oouraging, but it requires confirmation. When the beet-sugar industry began it met the same difficulties in selecting the best varieties. The common beet was found wild along the coast of the Mediterranean, species were fouud in Western Asia and in Northern Africa. These varieties differed in form, in color, in and in sweetness. Some contained but 2 per cent, of BDgSI and cor- 84 responded to the non -saccharine varieties of sorghum. It was found that the white Silesian variety contained most sugar and least impurity. This variety was selected, and from it the best improved varieties of the present day have been developed. This selection of the best vari- ety and the development of improved varieties required time, and oc- casioned the remark, u The beet-sngar industry began 140 years ago, and for half of that time no one could make it pay." RESULTS OF TWO SEASON'S' WOliK APPLIED TO THE WEEDING OUT OF INFERIOR VARIETIES. All the varieties grown last year, whether they had done well or not, were planted again this year. Even two years' growing of a variety is not fully conclusive as to its merits, and observations extending over a term of several years would be required to determine absolutely that a variety was decidedly inferior and incapable of rapid improvement; yet the varieties of sorghum are so numerous, aud differ so widely in their qualities, that it would seem a waste of time to adhere longer to varieties that had shown uniformly poor qualities for two years in suc- cession. We would therefore recommend, in case of a continuance of this work, that such varieties be thrown aside and attention concen- trated on the numerous varieties which have shown good qualities dur- ing both seasons at this station, and to those varieties which have shown marked excellence at least one season in some particular direc- tion, though not in all, with the expectation that they might be im- proved in the qualities where they were still lacking, by some of the methods of improvement. CONTRAST BETWEEN THE CHARACTER OF THE GROWING SEASONS OF 1888 AND 1889. While the work at this station has only been continued over a space of two years, the diversity of climatic conditions existing daring these seasons has contributed greatly towards making a fairly complete test of the relative merit of different varieties. The season of 1SS8 at this point was exceptionally dry and hot; the season of 1889 was just the reverse — exceptionally wet and cold. The growth of the cane was con- sequently very different. In 188S it made a short growth ; the amount produced to a given area of ground was small and the cane ripened early. In 1889 the growth was very heavy, the amount produced to a given area was nearly twice as great as in the preceding year, and the time of maturing was at least two weeks later. These two contrasting seasons, therefore, constitute a pretty severe test of the different varie- ties, and such of them as made a favorable showing in both can be pretty safely depended on to have permanent good qualities. Varieties that made a good showing in the one season and not in the other could not properly be condemned, however, as the conditions may have been particularly severe on them. In 1889| for example, the late season did 85 not permit of the ripening of some of the late varieties before frost, although the previous season the highest analyses obtained were from these same late varieties. II.— Experiments in hybridizing or crossing varieties. III. — Experiments in preserving sports or variations. After the best of the known varieties have been selected, the next step is the improvement of these varieties, which may be accomplished by causing or promoting variations among them, and thus obtaining new and improved varieties. The success of the beet sugar industry is based upon the improved varieties which the beet growers have created. The success of the sorghum industry will be based upon the possibility of procuring im- proved varieties. In 18G0, when Vilmorin was producing his famous variety of the beet known as the "Improved Vilmorin," he resorted to crossing varieties, and then to selection of seed from the best of the crossed plants. Many of the finest fruits have been crossed and recrossed many times. Then, again, many valuable varieties of plants have originated in so-called " sports " or variations which have suddenly appeared in some unknown way. It is probable that these are often simply accidental or unknown crosses. In the work at this station the experiments in this direction have been confined to this class of variations, the large number of plots and press of work having prevented experiments in the line of artificially produced crosses. In the following analyses it will be seen that we have selected many of these variations of unknown origin from among canes of well known va- rieties ; some of them differ from all known varieties of sorghum, some of them have much higher percentage of sugar than the varieties from which they were taken. In fact, these variations are new varieties. It will be remembered that the Early Amber, which is now perhaps the most widely distributed variety of sorghum, is said to have been a chance variation found in a field of the " Chinese n variety, and also that Link's Hybrid, which, if not the best variety for sugar manufacture, is one of the best, originated in a variation found in a held of the Honduras variety. There is no doubt that remarkable variations in type, in time of maturing, and in quality of juice are produced by crossing varieties, or that permanent new varieties having new characters and qualities may be produced by crossing varieties of BOrghum. In many of the lots in the experimental field which were planted with the Beeds from a single crossed cane the variations in the qualities of the individual canes w ere so great that it was not possible to take average samples of cane from those lots which would give comparable analyses. Here is opport unity for the skilled horticulturist to select a Bingle crossed cane of desired character and of unuMial percentage of sugar, and to fix its cxtraordi- - .. S \nd thus .n itupiv sponsible to eoaabine the good quali: C>ir analyses show that some sees earlier than the late nuh taring pu ^:aie have very high percentages of crystal- laUes^ir s me have very low percentage of uncrystallizabla sugar - one have high purity of juice, and some give a large yield " VTVTVG " OK ACCIDENTAL CBOS$:> vRIETIES. The indiscriminate crossing of varieties, caused by seeds of more than ng planted together, is, of course, an unmixed evil so far as Lofaeture is concerned. But our work and observations at station tor the pas: two years have convinced us that the extent to match such crossing occurs between varieties planted in juxtaposition has bee: ■ iggerated. has been said that var : sorghum will mix across a 40- acre field, and that broom corn makes sorghum which grows a mOe away worthless for sugar manufacture. TVe have carefully observed the evidences of crossing, and have not yet seen proof that crossing occurs at a considerable distance. It is observed that sorghum does not produce pollen in such profusion as corn. With sorghum there is no neees -aeh excess of pollen. It is true with sorghum, as it nost other plants, that when seeds of two or more varieties arc planted together or in close proximity, crossed plants sometimes a] pear the next season from germs of t Is which were cross ferti- lized the first season. It *y to understand that seed-tops sv id may come in contact with seed-tops of other canes. C ing of varied ~er. is not as frequent as is supposed. We have frequently intentionally mixed thousands of seeds of two varieties and planted them together for the purpose of producing a cross bet wees :ies7 and in the following year we have often found but few. of the thousands of canes produced by those exposed plants to show the desired cross. - | . i _ r many years of sorghum seeds which fa itu • - - - - .-.: ,..---:-:-./-■ : ■ greater or less degree has, however prodneed endless variations in type, in timeof matari? _ in quality of ordinary sorghum canes. In many hundred packages of sorghum seed- -*ion from many countries tb< but few? which varia* g could not be found. ft ->een said that where broom com or other non-saccharine orgbnm cane is worthless ictare It baa been said tl ries which 'J of non saccharine varieties contained but 2 per cent, of sugar. Ithai rgbom growing in France for :ohol from the in the canes was abandoned •:rioration in the quality of the canes produced by '7 crossing with broom corn. But if - ■ possible - to modify the cbai the germ which pro'; eed cootaiDH the the plant. If the b. is known, the charactei of the plant which it produces is also kn cumstancefi may modify I . but the; bange the type o the plant. Sorghum I pure variety planted with broo ;bariue var: duces as good canes with as high g vent as if Tylanted alone. jerrns of the seeds pi ee I :nay. bo tilized with pollen from the ^.nd the pla:, the second generation may tfc . ,r manufacture. It follows from the* each year it is immaterial what .own in the ad; i, but the seed for the succeeding y«-ar .should not be saved from such fields, bat a fresh - ipp - loald be procured from a seed i*: establishment for the production of pare seed. In such an e \ of course, all doubt in : • ■ . the purity of th ^kould be removed by making continue s select -I from year to year, au eed in widely separated lots, as is done in growing " special" beet - i sugar manufacture. Unfortunately it has not been possible to do this with the raised at this station r, and we are unable to guaranty absolutely the purity of the varieties. The facilities and allowances have been so meager and the range of the work so extended that sufficient 5] »uld not be gi the different plots. We have had to determine the qualities of all the varieties, to study the tendei - I selection and o: : n _. .ad to learn the methods of improving the sorghum cane. It has not hitherto been possible to plant four hm parate pack g s 1 on four hundred separate farms. In continuing tL> mental work with a view to the selection ot pure - : the best van-" - amended that a much lai _ . of land - I for this purpose has previousl s nd that it be land upon which sorghum not before been grown, so as to do away with the difficulty arising from volunteer cane. IV. — Experiments in the selection of seep r iytdujll OANBS show i\ The importance of this mo;'. ent and the pi btaining good results by following it up n report, but perhaps some further - I suc- cess in the beet indus not be amiss. S speak* .v s : In the last u ^ rears ss ■MM more apparent ^ I ppolyte LopUy, Bull IS, p Lti 88 more than ever the condition of the factories demands rich beets. * * * While formerly it was sought to accomplish this object by pure breeding of the best varie- ties, now more prominence is attached to the selection of seed from individual beets of the highest sugar content and purity. * * * It was only after people had learned to select beets for seed first by their outward characteristics, then from these according to their sugar content, that beets were produced which combined excel- lence of form and of sugar content. * * * In conclusion, it may be said that too great emphasis can not be laid upon the fact that no other branch of the subject deserves greater attention from beet-sugar growers tLan the planting of the best seed. In the present condition of the sorghum-sugar industry, and in the undeveloped condition of the sorghum plant, these statements have special force and should have the careful consideration of sorghum- sugar growers. TIME REQUIRED FOR IMPROVEMENT IN VARIETIES OF SORGHUM BY SELECTION OF SEED In-Bulletin No. 20 atteutiou was called to the advantages possessed by sorghum over other sugar-producing plants in the ease with which seed could be selected from the best individuals by the analysis of the juice. While an increased yield of sugar may be speedily obtained by a single selection of seed and by separate planting and by careful culti- vation, the development of purebred seed of improved varieties will require more time. PROGRESS MADE IN THIS DIRECTION THE PAST SEASON. Unfortunately we can not report much progress in this line of im- provement during the past season. In 1888 the selections of seed heads by analysis from standard varieties covered comparatively a small rauge of individuals from a few standard varieties only. The work of selec- tion began late iu the season, and consequently was confined entirely to the late varieties, such as Liberian, Early Orange, etc. But these late varieties were the very ones that did not mature this season, so it was impossible to determine whether any improvement had been made. With the exception of these late varieties, nearly all kinds of cane made a better showing in analysis this year than last. It was a better sea- son for the development of the sugar content of sorghum cane. The analysis of average Samples from plots which were planted from single seed heads that had been selected for some special reason, such as pe- culiarity of form, and of which the analysis was known, shows almost invariably a higher analysis than the cane from which the plot was planted. This improvement could not be attributed to selection for a single season, but was due to the better growing season, as already staled. This year more work was accomplished in the selection of fine iudi- 89 vidual canes from standard varieties, and a better foundation was laid for the prosecution of this method of improvement in future years. Nearly every variety which showed good general results was subjected to selection of individuals by analysis, and a large numberof seed heads obtained, with a high " record" for one season. It is not to be expected that the canes produced from these seed heads next year will necessa- rily show higher, or even as high analyses as the parent cane from which they came. Next season may be as exceptionally bad as this sea- son was exceptionally good for the production of fine canes. Even if the seasons are equal in this respect, it will not show that the plant can not be improved in this direction. It is not reasonable to suppose that seeds from a cane of extraordi- nary quality will produce canes of as extraordinary quality as the par- ent caue, for this implies that a greatly improved variety can be produced by a single selection. A gradual and general improvement, after selec- tions extending over several years, is all that could reasonably be ex- pected. IMPORTANCE OF PLANTING SEED WHICH WILL PRODUCE CANES WITH A UNIFORM TIME OF RIPENING. Independently of the matter of improving varieties of sorghum by selecting seed from the best individual canes, it seems to be clearly proved by the experimental work that very great improvement in the yield of sugar may be made by selecting and planting together those seeds of a variety which mature at one time. In all ordiuary fields of sorghum it is noticed that all the cauesofone variety and of one planting do not mature at the same time even if the variety is pure and unmixed with other varieties; they vary in maturing from two to four weeks. These differences in time of maturing are almost sufficient to account for the considerable differences in sugar content which are found in the individual canes in one row of one held. It is well known that immature canes, and also over-ripe canes whose juice has deteriorated, have alow percentage of cry stallizable sugar and a high percentage of uncrystallizable sugar. In practical work it is not possible to harvest only the canes which are in their best state, and thus, although the individual canes in a field have, or have had. or would have if left longer to mature, a fair percentage <>i sugar, vet the average yield of sugar from all the canes harvested atone time will be small. It follows from these tacts that although SOrgham seed may seem pure and unmixed with seed of other varieties, yet if it contains subvarieties which mature at different times this will lessen the yield of sugar, for there will be differences in degree <>i" maturity, and oonse< (juent differences in sugar content in the individual canes, ami the aver- age yield of sugar will be low. 90 PLOTS PLANTED FROM A SINGLE SEED HEAD. The advantage of raising canes with a uniform period of ripening was beautifully illustrated in the experimental field this season by the plots which had been planted from a single seed head of a pure, well- established variety. The canes in such plots, without exception, came up, and grew and ripened with a remarkable degree of uniform- ity. The tops of some plots were like level floors, and there was prob- ably not a week's difference in time of maturity amongst the individual canes. The canes were uniform not only in time of maturing, but also in type and in analysis. In plots planted with seed taken from a gen- eral lot, on the other hand, the differences iu type, in time of maturity, and in analysis were apparent even to the unobservant. If now it were possible to plant an entire field with the seed from a single cane, and thus secure the same degree of uniformity we obtained in our small plots, nothing better could be desired. This can not be done, of course, but it is reasonable to suppose that seed heads selected from such a uniform collection as our plots would produce a field of cane in which the individuals would approximate closely iu maturity and in type, even though they came from different seed heads. A single seed head will plant a pretty large area of ground, and from the cane it produces enough can be selected the second year to plant a large field. If for no other purpose than to secure this essential uniformity, we would recommend sorghum growers to obtain their seed for planting in this way: To obtain a single seed head from a good and pure variety, from which it has been selected for exceptionally good results on an- alysis. This will correspond to the " mother" beet in beet culture, and the seeds from this head should be planted in a separate plot ami all possible precautions taken to prevent their being contaminated or cross- fertilized from other canes. Unifoimity should be further secured by care in cultivation, and even covering, so as to secure an equal chance for all, and there is little room for doubt that the seed from these canes will produce a field of exceptional evenness of type, of time of matu- rity, and of sugar content. We regard this method of u family breeding" as the best calculated to overcome the variableness of sorghum and to produce fixed types of uniform qualities. If one thousand canes are taken from one variety on the 1st of Sep- tember and examined separately, and if from these three or four seed heads arc selected from the canes which contain most sugar, then it is evident that while selecting canes of unusual quality selections are also made of canes which mature at that date; and if on the 1st of Octo- ber one thousand canes are again taken from the same plot, and if from these similar selections are made, then it is evident that while selecting Danes of unusual quality, selections arc also made of canes which ma- 91 ture a month later than the first selections. The mixture of seeds from these subvarieties which mature a mouth apart is especially to be avoided; it nullifies the effort to produce canes which ripen at the same time. Selections by analysis, made when the plot on an average is im- mature, picks out the early ripening canes; selections made when the plot on an average is over ripe, rejects all but the late ripening canes. In order to have the selection based as much as possible upon relative good qualities of the canes, such work should therefore be done as nearly as possible when the greater part of the whole plot is at the maxi- mum of maturity, and this is made much easier if the plot is itself fairly uniform. Early selections may of course be practised in an endeavor to improve a variety in early ripening. It is evident that both earlier, and also later maturing subvarieties of sorghum may be formed by continued selections of early or of late maturing canes from one variety ; the effect of early, and also of late selections from the late maturing Honduras variety will be seen in the analyses of different plots of that variety. Where a variety is to be maintained in its integrity and normal condi- tion, however, selections from it should be made only at one time, and that time when it is neither uuder nor over ripe. Another argument in favor of "intensive breeding,1' that is, taking a single seed head as a starting point, preserving the succeeding gen- eration intact, and endeavoring to promote uniformity amongst canes in the plot, may be found in the fact that analysis may not give a proper indication of the quality of the seed of the cane analyzed, if cross-fertilization has taken place between it and neighboring canes. Suppose, for example, that a cane is selected by analysis from a plot in which there is not much uniformity among individuals; the simple fact that it had been selected on account of its very high analysis would imply that the canes around it were much inferior. If its seeds have been fertilized by pollen from any of these inferior neighbors, they will be just as likely to transmit their inferior qualities as the good qualities of the parent stem, and the high analysis of the latter would therefore be no guaranty of the quality of the seed taken from it. Were the parent stem surrounded by individuals of as high, or nearly as high quality as itself, this danger would be avoided. V. — Experiments in improvement bt methods op o\ lth ltion. The methods of cultivation employed at this station have been per haps sufficiently set forth by as in our previous report We can only emphasize the necessity of care in following the details of the directions given, and would desire, a9 evidence of the correctness of our method and of the good results which can be obtained by careful cultivation, to call attention to the many line plots of cane raited at this station the past season. It is difficult to make apparent on paper the good quality of ihe>c plots, 92 for the analyses do not show the handsome appearance and fine growth of the cane, or its uniform ripening and even character. Some indica- tion may be had, however, from the following table, giving the yield per acre of a few plots, obtained in a manner to be described later on : Variety. Xo. of pot. Yield per acre. Tons. 19.V 20* 211 m 21i 22i $ 29 24 33i 186 376 226 227 228 239 386 2=>4 258 382 115 383 Do Plot Xo. 24 (1888) Plot Xo. 14 (1888) Do Unrte debate Plot Xo. 52 (1888) Do This list includes only a few plots which were standing nearly intact at the close of the season, and the yield in many others was fully as high. Yet, notwithstanding the heavy growth, the sugar content was very good, the cane was uniform, and the analyses of average samples corresponded well with one another. There could be no question what- ever of successful sugar manufacture from fields of such cane, and we see no reason why large fields of similar cane should not be produced as well as small ones by the same care in planting and cultivation. DETERIORATION OF SORGHUM AFTER BEING CUT. It is unfortunate that canes rapidly deteriorate, if they remain long unworkcd after being cut. This fact adds greatly to the difficulties of sorghum sugar manufacture. In practical woik, unavoidable losses occur from the rapid deterioration of the canes. It is probable that there are considerable differences in the varieties in their keeping qualities, but we are not aware that any experiments have yet been made to determine their relative keeping qualities and it may be well to call attention to this point. It is reasonable to suppose that sorghum cane of an im- proved variety, having high purity and 20 per cent, of sugar will deteri- orate less rapidly than sorghum cane which has low purity and but 10 percent, of sugar. The various experiments that are on record in respect to the loss of sugar in siloed cane also, would seem to indicate very marked differ- ences in the keeping qualities Of different varieties. Professor Cow- gill, for example, in October, L884, buried one ton of Link's Hybrid, and one ton of Orange cane, covering with three inches of soil. The canes were taken up and analyzed in the following January, and his conclusion was that the Link's Hybrid canes had sustained no loss of sucrose by being buried three months, while the Orange canes had lost nearly 5 per cent. A similar experiment made at this station may be given a place here as a contribution to the study of this point. On October 19 93 5 tons of cane were taken from a plot of Early Orange, and the same amount from a plot of Late Orange; the canes were covered in a very simple and expeditious manner by throwing a furrow from each side upon the cane laid lengthwise aloug the row. On December 2 the bur- ied cane was taken up, passed through the large five-roller mill of the Sterling Sirup Works, the juice from the entire 5 tons of each variety collected in separate tanks aud analyzed, together with analyses of the juice from an average sample of cane from the same plots, taken just before the plot was cut up, and passed through the small band-mill. Before burying, October 19. After being taken from silo, Decem- ber 2. Brix. Sucrose. Glucose. Co-effi- cient of purity. Brix. Sucrose. Glucose. Coeffi- cient of purity. Eatly Orange Late Orange 0 15.64 16.34 Per cent. 10.87 11.56 Per cent. 2.11 1.80 69. 50 7U.74 o 16.80 16.20 Per cent. 9.62 9.23 Per cent. 2. 75 2.66 57.30 57.00 The analyses show a loss of sucrose in the Early Orange of 1.26 per cent., and a gain of .64 per cent, of glucose; and in the Late Orange a loss of 2.33 per cent, of sucrose, and a gain of .80 per cent, of glucose. The purity was much less after siloing in both cases. The samples are not so closely comparable as could be desired, the first juice being expressed by a hand-mill, and the second from a large double crusher. PRESERVATION OF SORGHUM BY THE ADDITION OF SUBACETATE OF LEAD. A portion of each of the large samples of the juice from buried canes mentioned above was preserved by the addition of a small quantity of subacetate of lead, aud sent to the laboratory at Washington for analysis. A comparison is made of the analyses made at this station and at Washington in the following table: EARLY ORANGE. i Glucose. o 16.80 Per cent. 9.73 Analysis of same jnioe made .it Depai bmenl Laboratoi \ .u Wanning- ton I. \ I i: ORANGE S Glm one. Airiivsjs of juice iii lie at the Sterling 81 ttlon ° 10 -'o • ▲.nalyeiaof name jnioe niade at Department Laboratory In Wanning ton 94 The analysis at Washington was made seven days after tbe juice had been expressed, but the two analyses agree very closely, and show that the juice had not suffered the slightest deterioration. It is interesting to know that sorghum juice can be preserved for so long a time by lead, and it may prove useful in sending samples some distance for analysis. We have often received at this station samples of cane for analysis, sent by express from remote points. Such samples are generally so much de- teriorated by the time they arrive, that an analysis gives but slight indi- cation of their quality. Where access can be had to a mill, it would be much better to express the juice from a considerable quantity of the cane to be tested; collect and mix in a common receptacle; add a small quantity of subacetate of lead to a definite volume of the juice, and send to the laboratory by express. A sufficient quantity of the prepared solution of subacetate of lead can easily be furnished on application by any laboratory equipped for sugar work. EFFECT OF RAIN ON THE JUICE CONTENT OF SORGHUM. The analyses of Dr. Collier, in 1883, showed that three days' heavy rain, after a period of drouth, caused a loss of over 3 per cent, of sugar in sorghum canes. In the work here this season it was noticed that, after a week of almost continuous rain, the analyses of the varieties sampled during this period were lowered. As the analyses are based upon the juice, and not directly on the care, it would seem possible that this apparent loss was due simply to a dilution of the juice con- tent of the canes. A beginning was made at this station the past season to determine the content of marc in the different varieties, but on account of press of work and lack of assistance it could not be carried out. The follow- ing determination would show that considerable range in juice content might be found in such an investigation: Per cent. Marc in caiio from plot of a non-saccharine sordini in 27.65 Marc in cane from plot No. 258 (sorghum bicolor) 11. 46 The non saccharine varieties are as a rule inclined to be pithy and dry, and it is not likely that saccharine canes would show nearly so high a content of marc as the lion-saccharine sample above. LARGE SEED HEADS INDICATIVE OP SMALL SUGAR CONTENT IN OANES. It was observed and noted by us last year that in selecting canes by analysis those which were of extra high percentage of sugar had small seed heads. This year's work has confirmed this observation, and it can almost he laid 660 18.06 18.83 .83 Oct. 8 949 18.60 ir». 19 .37 Oct. 11 1IM 18.90 14. 24 .88 101 ANALYSES OF CROSSES AND VARIATIONS. Following are the analyses of few of the plots planted from crosses or variations selected last year. While all such plots were analyzed to determine their value, no great amount of work was expended except in cases where the uniformity of the plot showed an established, or nearly established, type. There were quite a number of such plots, how- ever, which showed not only an established type, but also an improve- ment in some directions over the variety or varieties from which it orig- inated. Some showed remarkable qualities on analysis; as, for example, plots Nos. 291 and 293, which gave some of the highest individual cane analyses obtained this season. Many of these crosses seem to be suffi- ciently well established in type to justify their being designated as new varieties, but probably it will be safer to grow them one more year, at least, from selected heads, to guard against reversion. From our ex- perience with these crosses it would appear that a variation or cross can become established in type within three years after its initial pro- duction ; that is, from the time the seed germ is impregnated or modi bed. All the followiug plots were planted from single selected seed heads : AMBER AND ORANGE CROSS. [Planted May 6. This and three similar plot9 were all planted from single seed head9 selected from plot No. 153 last year. This cross will undoubtedly develop into a valuable new variety. It is a curious and encouraging fact, that tbe cane showing the higbest content of sucrose last yearslmuld produce a plot this year (No. 293) from which the highest individual cane analysis of this season waa obtained, giving tbe unprecedented result of 20.72 per cent, sucrose in tbe juice. J (In tbe juice.] Plot. Date. No. of analysis. Total sol- ids, Btix. Sucrose. Glucose. Percent. Per cent. Per cent. 253 Sept. 6 35 12. 08 7.00 2. 07 Sept. 9 CO 10.71 7.88 1.30 Sept 10 175 17.18 13.51 1.23 Sept L9 273 18.87 14.92 1.55 Sept 21 364 1- M 14.07 LOS Sept. 23 387 19.07 14.1.4 1.00 Oct 3 740 19 83 15. 48 .84 Oct 7 907 is. 38 10.94 .77 Oct 24 1361 18.98 15. 21 .50 LINK'S HVCKII) AM) AMBER OJEEOSS. fPlanted May 3, Canea uniform, good siaed, pot so tall as Link's Hybrid.] [In tin- juice.] Plot Date. X... of anah Bis. Total sol 1 1 1 - Brix Sucroee. Glnooae. / 1 172 Sept 12 110 l • u 1. 10 Sepl it 17.20 i I t Sept 20 835 14.03 1. 12 Sopl 23 Jin .90 Sept 28 169 ,16 Sept. 30 it 61 Oct. J 762 19. 00 - Oct. 8 10H6 15.69 .61 Oct. 12 ISM 18. 30 .64 0e4 H 1312 1,42 U.M .80 102 LINK'S HYBRID AND ORANGE CROSS. [Planted May 3. Large canes, not uniform, revert to both parent types.] [In the juice.] Plot. Date. No. of analysis. Total sol- ids, Brix. Sucrose. Glucose. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 159 Sept. 20 322 15.64 11.85 1.76 Sept. .5 488 17.11 13.13 1.18 Sept. 25 489 17. 26 13.27 1.30 Sept. 25 490 15.57 10.18 2.41 Sept. 30 622 17.34 12. 70 1.98 Oct. 4 799 18.60 13.69 1.85 Oct. 9 1043 18.40 14.61 .95 Oct. 12 1217 18.34 14. 43 .78 Oct. 22 1295 18. 20 13.58 1.12 LINK'S HYBRID AND RED LIBERIAN CROSS. [Planted May 3. Uniform in type, strong and stocky canes.] [In the juice.] Plot. Date. No. of analysis. Total sol- ids. Brix. Sucrose. Glucose. Percent. Per cent. Percent. 176 Sept. 12 118 14.18 9 18 2.70 Sept. 20 343 19.56 lit. 47 1.02 Sept. 23 421 19,38 11.60 .85 Oct. 10 1136 20.(9 14.71 1.26 Oct. 22 1300 20.40 14.92 . 55 VARIATION OF LINKS HYBRID. [Planted May 3. Short, stocky canes, very uni form in type, seem tube free from faults of Liuk'a Hybrid. A decidedly good variation.] [In the juice.] Plot. Date. 171 Sept, 12 Sept 20 Sept. 26 o.t. a Oof 12 O.t. 22 No. of Total sol - analysis, ids, Brix 122 3:56 474 1007 1237 L289 16.14 18.70 1 7. 85 I- tn IS. (10 111 CO Sucrose. Olucose. /', /• r, ut /'. rr, nt 12 22 M 14 r-7 .84 13.61 .71 it; :t:» .62 it .38 . r,!> 15. 12 88 103 SUMMARY OF THE ANALYSES. Tn the following table will be found the maximum analysis attained by each plot, as shown by average samples taken from the entire plot. This table includes all the plots of distinct varieties which were exam- ined. Maximum analysis of each variety in 1889. I Analyses of average samples of entire plot. J [In the juice.] Variety. Plot. Date. \ No. of Analyses. Total sol- ids, Brix. Sucrose. Glucose. 1 Coeff. of 1 purity. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Early Amber 01 Oct. 4 810 15.38 12. 67 1.28 82. 38 049 Oct. 8 955 17.18 12.65 1.26 73.63 050 Oct. 4 804 15.78 11.99 1.04 75.98 235 Sept. 6 33 16.60 12. 45 1.01 75.00 Folger's Early Variety 247 Sept. 30 594 15.24 12.74 1.53 83.59 205 Oct. 1 677 20. 24 15.71 1.65 77.61 Whiting's Early Variety 379 Sept. 5 32 16.66 11.75 1.31 70. 53 Early Tennessee 245 Sept. 6 Oct. 7 34 10.98 8 65 3. 35 78.77 Link's Hybrid 244 921 19.28 16.12 .63 83! 61 10 Oct. 23 1316 17.49 14.06 .24 80.39 116 Oct. 8 972 19. 59 16.14 .61 82.39 149 Oct. 22 1287 IK 07 15.29 .50 84.61 150 Sept. 30 605 19.27 15.76 .62 81.78 153 Oct. 8 1001 20.94 16.05 .47 76.64 154 Oct. 4 790 19.53 16.34 .55 83. 6G 155 Oct. 22 1296 17.30 12.78 2.02 73. 62 162 Oct. 22 1204 19.98 15.68 .37 78.47 163 Oct. 22 1303 20.58 15.83 .48 76.91 164 Oct. 9 1031 21.34 10. 52 .68 77.41 165 Sept. 25 479 19.98 15.90 .64 79.57 166 Oct. 22 1307 20. 02 15.58 .54 77.82 Planters' Friend 177 Oct. 9 1025 16. 76 11. 22 2.24 1.92 66.95 70.77 180 Oct. 7 902 14! 20 10! 05 18L Oct. 24 1350 14. 34 8.95 2.10 62. 41 182 Oct. 24 1358 16.44 11.37 1.75 69.10 1-4 Oct. 24 1353 15, 24 . 10.29 2.11 67.52 185 Oct. 5 705 16.88 11.06 3.34 i\'< 52 186 Oct. 23 1318 20.46 16.21 .55 7l». 20 180 Oct. 24 1352 16.54 10. 92 1.95 60. 02 189 Ocl 24 1351 17.94 13 09 1.09 72. 96 190 Oct '-'4 1359 15.94 10.76 1.93 67.50 191 (Jet. 24 1348 16.78 12.17 1.54 72. 47 376 Oct. 26 1127 20. 00 14.00 2.36 70.00 Honduras P36 Oct. 25 1404 15 72 13. 22 1.89 .a 84.10 75. 90 3 Oct,' 25 1380 17! 07 12! 93 Honduras (Rose de Senegal) 103 Oct 25 1397 16. 52 12. 80 1.02 77. :>o Honduras 105 Oct. 12 1214 17. 54 12. 77 1. 60 888 1413 14'. 38 s!o6 2^91 Bandana (Texas Red) 108 Oct 8 975 16.74 12.67 1.13 Honduras 115 Oct 12 1225 15.42 9.85 63. 90 Honduras (Early) 119 Oct 002 13 71 1.09 73. 17 120 Bept 26 517 17.78 13. 01 Red Liberiau •J 7 243 Oct 11 Oct 7 1102 20. 00 17.91 14.90 1.82 60.47 385 Oct 14 1260 17.57 13.32 2.81 75 31 124 Oct 5 17.02 12. 14 4 14 125 h72 79. 04 LM Oct D 70. 07 127 ( », t 13.97 Oct 28 128 Oct 28 132 J 18.51 130 Oot 21 1820 12 48 in Oct 28 1820 Oct 28 1337 17.84 71 44 135 Oct 28 1- 11 i r, Oot l" LM Oct 28 17.54 12. 11 6:< 21 189 < ». i . | 3. 12 140 141 Oct l" Oot i" i i 10 M 08 141 11 10 u. 1 3.08 68.42 104 Maximum analysis of each variety in 1839 — Continued. Variety . Plot. Date. No. of Analyses. Total sol- ids, Brix. Sucrose. Gluscose. Coeff. of purity. Per cent. Per cent. Percent. Red Liberian 374 Oct. 26 1432 22.34 14.67 2.94 65.67 375 Oct. 28 1440 10.80 10.86 3.59 64.04 144 Oct. 23 1331 18.14 13. 62 1.78 75.08 Sorghum (Bi-color) 51 Oct. 11 1178 19.60 14. 11 .76 71.99 70 Oct. 11 1185 19.61 14.45 .61 73.69 74 Oct. 1 653 17.30 13.47 1.01 77.86 231 Oct. 11 1172 19. 20 13.42 .76 69.89 258 Oct. 7 903 16. 20 13.77 .64 85.00 259 Oct. 7 920 19. 29 , 13.56 .81 70.29 394 Oct. 5 837 18.60 13.78 .74 74 09 395 Oct. 26 1452 . 15.90 10.60 1.27 66,67 396 Oct. 26 1448 18.10 12.70 1.15 70.16 261 Oct. 3 739 17.07 12.11 1.03 70. 94 Kansas Orange 1 Oct. 8 959 19. 40 15.39 .61 79. 33 2 Oct! 11 1197 18.49 14.98 .56 80.95 15 Sept. 24 443 16.80 13.20 1.19 78 60 240 Sept. 9 73 15.28 11.40 1.52 75.60 390 Oct. 26 1443 17.64 13.70 .74 77.66 200 Oct. 1 679 19.76 14.57 1.70 78.79 Early Orange 242 Oct. 3 750 16.50 12.34 2.23 74. 78 239 Oct. 7 918 19.40 14.65 2.20 75.52 382 Oct. 5 835 20.04 14.42 2.14 71.95 207 Sept. 23 423 18.16 14.76 3.21 81.27 Early Orange (Rio Blanco) . . 107 Oct. 5 884 20.03 17.05 1.69 85.12 New* Orange (Neeazana) 193 Oct, 9 1085 19.89 14.21 2.84 71.44 216 Oct. 7 927 19.59 14.22 2.03 72.59 238 Oct. 3 745 19.20 14.91 1.75 77. 65 12 Oct. 8 958 20.20 14.85 1.65 73. 51 Late Orange 241 Oct 11 1173 20.80 15.71 1.92 75.53 386 Oct. 5 832 18. 21 14.70 2.18 81.06 Improved Orange - 370 Oct, 3 Oct. 5 770 20.06 14.20 3.08 70.78 ! 371 842 16.40 12.79 2.18 77.98 I 213 Sept. 30 631 19.51 14.!>4 2.34 76. 57 204 Oct. 26 1468 18.84 IS. 76 2.23 73. 03 Chinese 39 58 Oct. 4 Oct. 1 819 650 17.40 16. 22 13.41 13.48 1.13 1.69 77.06 1 83.11 , 76 Oct. 8 990 14.54 12.00 1.33 82. 53 ! 79 Oct. 8 981 17.14 13.33 1.49 77.77 i Chinese (Pootung) 80 Oct. 12 1213 16.44 13.47 1.06 81.94 Chinese 81 223 Oct. 8 Oct, 3 986 761 17.50 15.20 13.45 10.99 1.03 2.48 76. 88 72. 30 229 Oct. 27 555 10.57 11.01 1.91 66.45 Chinese (Shaw's variety) 260 Sept. 23 393 15. 80 12.58 2.58 79. 62 Chinese (Jyangentombi) 35 Oct. 1 651 18. 20 14.63 .93 mi. 39 Chinese (Black Sorghum) .. 9 Oct. 8 957 18. 20 18.82 1.55 73. 19 Chinese 199 254 31 Sept. 23 Oct. 7 Oct. 1 420 919 662 17. 54 20. 89 21.22 12. 22 16.39 16.77 2. 75 .81 .54 69. 67 78.46 79.03 Undendebule 397 Oct. 12 1210 1!). 14 17.12 .72 392 Oct. 11 1164 18. 60 14.07 1.42 22. 28 White India 28 Oct. 19 1276 14.18 11.62 1.49 81.94 White India (White Mam- mot h) 401 34 aae Oct. 20 Oct. 8 o, t. B 1398 99 : 758 16 00 L9.34 16.80 10.95 14.07 12. 83 2.11 1.97 2. 92 OS. 44 72. 7.r. 73. 39 Ubehlana 378 Oct. 10 1,114 19.68 3.64 68. 54 400 Oct 19 Oct. 26 Sept L9 Sept. 28 Oct. 6 1, 273 11. 4C 72. 62 Texas Honey Drip 368 251 287 LOS IJ428 279 899 877 21.30 16.30 lit. 29 19. 76 it; 86 10 05 13.71 l.v 16 '"•j."rj" 2. 06 1.09 .61 70. 70 65. 68 71.07 78.28 Price's \ • .\ Hybrid White A ti lc in Blaoli African . White Enfield 280 18 88 87 Ml 192 89 2J 14 16 on. 24 Oct. 4 IM 11 Oct 4 Oct L2 Oct 7 Sept 28 Oct l Oot B Oct. 4 1, 855 823 1, 196 821 1,211 OOQ 878 848 949 820 IT. 10 19.15 17. 18 17. 12 i; 84 10 86 L8 98 19.97 12.51 14. :m 12. 17 12 07 1". 11 13.89 12. 17 16, l'.' 14.67 . 63 .47 1.62 .80 1.18 4.93 . 58 .81 .37 .70 73. 16 7."-. 1 9 70.84 73.81 till. 62 22. 68 74.43 76. 39 hi. 07 73.46 Ufatane ITbol ana DenoeDinki Soi _'l'iim ( I'.leu) i 1 ;.■•■-. nook 1 ' l.illiani- Un^atiiliaut'.a ChiucHe 1 oopbee Iowa Bad 1 op 105 UNNAMED VARIETIES. [Analyses of average sample of entire plot.] [In the juice.] Plot. Date. No. of anaylsea. Total sol- ids, Brix. Sucrose Glucose Co-effi- cient of purity. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 23 Oct. 11 1,183 18.80 13.40 1.90 71.28 257 Sept 27 553 17.37 12.60 .81 72.54 30 Oct. 26 1,454 12.70 5.94 1.79 46.77 225 Oct. 3 753 13.60 8.64 2.08 63.53 404 Oct. 26 1,455 15.60 9.30 1.71 59.62 389 Oct. 11 1,156 17. 54 11.27 2.96 64 25 227 Oct. 11 1,174 18.20 11.92 2. 65 65.49 221 Oct. 7 924 17.28 12.94 1.24 74.88 224 Oct. 7 929 16.08 10.66 2.40 66.29 228 Oct. 7 936 19.81 14.06 1.90 70.97 380 Oct. 10 1,144 18.69 11.61 3.26 62.12 391 Oct. 11 1,157 16.64 10.90 1.52 65.51 248 Oct. 11 1,165 16.90 11.93 1.10 70.59 373 Oct. 26 1,434 20.56 14.37 2.70 69.89 218 Oct. 1 647 16.23 11.57 .94 71.29 234 Oct. 7 932 18.61 14. 14 1.33 70.61 250 Oct. 24 1,364 17.80 14.33 .74 80. 51 393 Oct. 11 1,159 19.14 14.86 1.01 77.64 From tlie above table the following list has been taken of ten varie- ties giving the best results in the three essential points of high sucrose, low glucose, and high purity.1 List of ten varieties giving best results in 1889. [In the juice.] Xo. Varieties. Suc- rose- No. Varieties. Glu- cose. No. Varieties. Co-effi- cient of purity. 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 u Undendebiile Early Orauge Link's Hybrid Texas Honey Drip Planter1! Friend . . Poleer'a Early Va- riety. Late Orange Black African K.i n^.i- Orange — Chinese Iniphee ... V.r ct. 17. 12 17.05 16.52 16.35 16.21 15.71 15. 71 15.46 15. 39 16. 19 1 2 3 i G 7 8 9 10 Link's Hybrid Chinese Iniphee... Per ct. .24 .37 .47 .51 . 58 .53 .54 . 56 .56 .61 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 Undendehule Early Orange Sorghum (Bicolor). Link's II\ hrid Honduras Folger'i Early Va- riety. 89. 45 1-5.12 86. oo 84.61 K4. 10 88. 1 1 - Black African White Enfield Undendebiile Planter's Friend. . . Kan MB < (range Sorghum (Bicolor). Early Amber White India < 'him Be Empbee. . From a comparison of the records made by tin4 different varieties this year and last, the following points will be noticed : (1) The ten varieties giving the best results in sucrose content in 1839 ranged from 17 to I5per cent, all being above the hitter Bgnre; in 1888 the range was from 15 (circa) to L3 per cent., a differeuee of just about 2 per cent, between the two seasons. (2) The ten varieties giving the lowest contents of glacoee in 1889, from ,25 to .00 per cent ; in 1888 the range was from ,00 to 1 per cent., a difference of about .40 per cent. » Bull. 20, p. 126. 106 (3) The ten varieties giving the highest purities in 1888 ranged from 76 to 72 ; in 1889 from §9 to 82, a difference of over 10 points. The superior quality of the canes this year as compared with last is principally due, as already explained, to the fact that the growing season was much better this year. (4) The two tables giving the list of ten varieties showing best re- of these, nine varieties are suits comprise eighteen varieties each found in both tables, that is to say, made a good showing in at least one essential for both years. Following is the list: List of nine varieties giving good results in at least one essential for two yeai'8. Undendebule. Link's Hybrid. Early OraDge. Kansas Orange. Sorghum Bicolor. Chinese. Early Amber. White Indian. Planter's Friend. Of the remaining twenty-seven varieties which made a showing in but one year only, some were new this year, and some were handicapped by the late season. (5) Link's Hybrid would seem to be entitled to the first place as an "all-around" good variety, having made a remarkable record in all three essentials for two years. Undendebule comes next, having made a record last year for low glucose and high purity, and this year obtaining a record for low glucose and heading the list in the other essentials. Red Liberian and Plot No. 14, which made such a good showing last year, do not appear amongst the first ten this year at all, although the sucrose content of both was greater this year than last ; the late season was unfavorable to them. The followingtable gives the maximum seed selection from each plot; it will be seen that as a rule the plot which gave the highest average analysis of its variety, gives also the highest individual cane analysis: Maximum analysis of selected canes from each variety. [Analjses of single stalk seed selections. 1 [In tbe juice.] Variety. K;nl\ Amber Poleer'a ESai l.v \ I. ml. | II \ lil id '.. Planter's Frii nH 12,715 11, KM 11,517 11,852 11. 105 11,927 Total BOl ids, Hiix. 2l>. 47 21 B6 21.88 •_-:!. 84 •j I. so 88.81 28.43 23. 88 28. lit 112. 85 23. :;4 81.80 28. 60 22. 58 Sucrose. GlaCOSO 10. 48 16.72 17.24 18.88 17.12 17. 114 1 , 08 is ..,; 17. 70 17. 4:i 17.81 17.60 18.51 1(1.75 /', 1 «•- nt. .1)0 .70 Co effi- cient <'t Parity. 7«t. 28 80.50 78 81 7H. !>7 81.88 7s. 53 80. 77 70. (il 79. 7t! 7.r.. CO 77 88 70. 7:1 BO in 78. 70 74.37 107 Maximum analysis of selected canes from each variety— Continued. Variety. Ked Liberian . Sorghum (tricolor) Kansas Orange Early Orange Early Orange (Rio-Bianco) New Orange (Neeazana) . . Late Orange Improved Orange Chinese Chinese (Jyangenbombi) . . Undendebule Ubehlana White African Black African Ufatane Chinese Imphee Iowa Ked top Plot. Date. No. of aualyses. 125 Oct. 11 13, 259 126 Oct. 11 13, 247 127 Oct. 11 13, 298 128 Oct. 11 13, 301 129 Sept. 21 13, 623 130 Oct. 21 13, 645 134 Oct. 21 13, 632 135 Oct. 21 13, 629 138 Oct. 21 13, 655 139 Oct. 21 13, 683 140 Oct. 21 13, 698 141 Oct. 22 13,721 142 Oct. 21 13,689 51 Oct. 4 12, 299 70 Oct. 4 12,304 231 Oct. 5 12,334 258 Oct. 4 12, 281 259 Oct. 4 12, 279 394 Oct. 12 13, 429 396 Oct. 23 13, 873 261 Oct. 5 12, 395 200 Oct. 2 11, 893 239 Oct- 7 12, 512 107 Oct. 7 12, 550 193 Sept. 27 11, 45G 216 Oct. 10 13, 167 12 Sept, 26 11,442 241 Oct. 5 12,451 370 Oct. 12 13, 373 213 Sept, 28 11,577 39 Oct. 24 13, 947 35 Oct. 25 13, 957 254 Oct. 2 11. '.171 31 Oct, 2 12, 007 397 Oct. 14 13.460 392 Oct. 23 13,778 34 Oct. 25 13.901 226 Oct. 26 14, ir.o 237 Sept. 26 11,448 109 Sept, 20 11, 237 18 Oct, 12 13, 37!) 14 Sept. 25 11, 369 16 Sept. 26 11,434 ' Co-effi- ng, £,£ Sucrose. Glucose, cient of Purity. ids, Brix Per cent. 21.50 21. 03 21.91 21.96 19.63 20.60 19.76 20.63 20.40 20.33 20.63 21 18 20.33 21.71 20.36 20.18 20. 61 21.44 19.62 19.48 22.90 21.49 33. 63 22. 90 20. 62 21.83 22.09 21.83 22. 54 20. 55 19. 15 19.98 24.39 25. 07 20.16 18.71 19.98 18.42 19.76 21. 90 21.30 22.41 20. 29 59 . 52 Percent. \ Percent 15.61 ' 15.35 15.61 16.20 14. 72 14. i)0 13. 76 ; 14.04 13.97 14.07 13. 99 14.90 14.02 15.44 15.11 14. 85 14.69 15. 59 15.03 14.93 16. 52 16.50 17.4:! 17. 75 17.07 15.80 16. 51 17. 34 15.80 16.18 14.00 14.71 19.81 19.58 16.16 13.96 14.81 12.96 13. 73 16.70 16.07 17. 15 15. 80 1.41 2.21 71 72. 40 72. 99 71.24 73. 77 74.98 72. 33 69. 63 67. 05 68.48 69. 20 67.81 70. 63 68. 96 71.11 74.36 73.58 71.27 72. 71 76. 60 76.83 72. 13 76.77 73. 76 77.51 82. 77 72. 37 7 4.73 79.43 70. 09 78. 73 73. 10 73. 62 81.22 78.10 80.15 74.61 74.12 70. 35 69.49 76. 25 75. 1 l 76. 52 78.16 Maximum analysis of unnamed varieties. [Analyses of single stalk seed selections.] UNNAMED VARIETIES. [In the juice. 1 Plot. Ditfi ' Noof Total M.l- analyses, ids, Bl Is • Qlnooae. Co-elll- oienl of Purity. 228 373 21K 250 393 Oct. 26 Oct. 12 Oot 7 (». t. 7 Oot M 14.154 13,348 13,518 12,611 13, 779 Percent. lo :;•_' 23.71 2o.43 1 16. 09 18,0 ; 13 M ■ 1 .77 .91 From the above table the following list has been prepared, giving the ten varieties showing the highest results in sucrose from analyses of single selected stalks. It will be seen thai Dearly the same varieties are comprised in it as those contained in the table giving the ten best varieties of sucrose content from analyses of average samples, and the order is also about the same. 108 List of ten varieties giving best results based on analyses of single selected stalh [In the juice.] Variety. Sucrose. Variety. 1 Sucrose. Per cent. 19.81 Per cent. 17.15 17.07 16.99 16.75 10. 70 2. Link's Hybrid 18.89 18.03 17.75 17.34 3. Plot 373 8. Plot 250 ... 9. Planter's Friend 10. Black African 5. LateOrange Following is a list of the five plots of crosses giving the highest su- crose content for the season: [In the juice.] Plot. Variety. Sucrose. 293 318 111 171 313 Per cent. 16.94 16.70 16.51 16.35 15.85 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. In summing up the results of two seasons of experimental work in improving sorghum, it may be said that where crossing of varieties and subvarieties has been excluded, it appears to inherit the qualities and even the peculiarities of the parent as closely as other plants. Some of the new varieties have shown a high percentage of sugar for two seasons. Some of the new varieties tested have shown for two seasons a much lower percentage of uncrystallizable sugar than the ordinary varieties. Some of the varieties have retained a high percentage of sugar for from thirty to forty-eight days. It appears that much of the extreme variableness which has been attributed to the sorghum plant is caused by differences in time of ma- turing in the canes, and it appears that these differences may bo dimin- ished by " family breeding," that is, separate planting of selected seed, and also by such methods of planting and of cultivation as will cause all the canes to mature before any deteriorate. It appears that valuable new varieties may be produced by crossing two good varieties, and that new varieties having distinct and uniform characters can be produced by selecting variations from ordinary types. It appears that early maturing subvarieties may be produced from varieties which mature too late by selecting seed from tin' first matur- ing canes of those varieties. While the results obtained by a fust selection in one season can not not he regarded as conclusive, yet it appears that improved varieties of sorghum which will yield more sugar than the best of the present varieties may be created by continued selection of seed from the canes which yield most sugar. INDEX. A. Page. Agricultural conditions, studies of 47 Aid to the sorghum sugar industry, character of 50 Alvord, Mr. H. E., report of ...r 52-55 American Sugar Company, alleged fraudulent practices of. „ . ,, :*5 Appropriations for scientific agriculture, date of 51 Area of sorghum sugar growing 20 Arid regions, factories in 47 Arkalon Sugar Works 10 Attica, character of factory at J . culture experiments at 29 manufacturing experiments at 26 multiple effect pan at 26 sugar works, description of 9 B. Baton Rouge, culture experiments at 23 Bozarth, Mr. John, report of 57 C. Cane, loss of on manufacture 27 percentage of leaves and tops in 27 Carr, Mr. Oma, report of 72-77 Cedar Falls, experiments at 12 prospects of success at 1 f 68 Conway Springs, character of cane crop at M cnii me experiments at double lactory at '--'1 experimental run at 86 Imperfections <>f factory at M laok of water at M manufacturing experiments at M water-works of W Cook, If r. W. W., appointment "t. as agent 6 instructions <>f M report of, on American Sugar Company 35 LOO 112 INDEX. Paga Southern Kansas Sugar Works, description of , 7,8 Spencer, Mr. U. L., report of 7 Sterling, analyses of crosses and variations at 101, 102 description of work done at „ 96 general conclusions from work at 108 result of analyses at 97-100 Stubbs, Mr. W.C., report of :. 64,65 Sugar, manufacture of, on a small scale 16 school, establishment of 7 T. Tour of inspection, description of 11 general impressions of 12 U. Uniform time of ripening cane 89 V. Variations, preservation of 85 Varieties of cane, accidental crossing of 86 best analyses of, from siugle stalks 108 exclusion of inferior 84 experiments in growing 83 giving best results 105, 106 hybridizing of 85 seasons of 1888 and 1889, contrast of 84 W. Water supply, disasters of insufficient 48 importance of 43 Wet season, e fleet of, on cane 57 Work, character, and allotment of 5