THE LCNCITUCINAL Stil^lNrAGE or REDWOOD Jantdry 1931 ®s[ Of \mm \m Z^7 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin n> THE LOIIGITUDIML SHRIMAGE OF EEDWOOIT SCIEMTPIC RESEARCH FAILS TO BEAR OUT EEFJTATIOH OF SPECIES FOR EXCESSIVE SHRIMAGE AlOFG TEE GRAIN By ARTHUR ZOEHLER, in Charge Department of Silvicultural Relations and R. F. LUXPORD, Associate Engineer Redwood and one or tiiro other native species of wood iiave the reputation of shrinkage excessively along the grain. Seemingly extravagant statements of "butt joints in redwood structures opening up to an unusual degree have been made, yet measurements made at the Forest Products La'ooratory on several hundred pieces of redwooa from different trees, indicate that the great bulk of redwood does not shrink excessively along the grain. On the other hand, an examination of redwood siding on a large number of houses in Los Angeles revealed frequent instances of abnormally ^vlde openings in butt joints. In some instances the openings had "been filled in with putty, and in others sheet metal had been nailed over them. Only some of the butt joints had opened up, however; others viere as tight as could be desired. Small slivers for microscopic examination were taken from 50 pairs of pieces of siding adjoining as many butt joints that had opened from l/S to 9/1^ inch, to see if the wood vtere abnormal in any way. A microscopic examination of 100 pieces of redwood siding forming open butt joints, already mentioned, showed that all but four of the 50 pairs had com- pression wood (Fig. l) on either one or both sides of the joints. Of the four pairs that did not have compression wood on either side of the open joint, one member of a pair was wavy grained, one member of another pair v;as found to have compression wood some distance from the joint, and the other two pairs shov;ed indications of having been put on in the first place vath open joints, since the nails at the end showed no indication of pulling toward the end as those at practically all of the other open butt joints did. Compres- sion wood, therefore, was almost the universal cause of open butt joints in the siding examined. It should be mentioned that the samples were talcen almost entirely from joints in v;hich the gap was especially large. Recently a large number of measurements of the longitudinal shrinkage of redwood havo been made at the Forest Products Laboratory on both virgin and ""Published in The Timberman, January 1931' R1297 Cr second groi^th. The longitudinal shrinkage of some bOO strips of virgin aaid second-grov/th redwood was plotted against their specific gravity (Pig. 2). Some of the specimens had abnormally large shrinkage. A careful examination of the 59 specimens having a shrinkage of three-tenths of 1 percent and over shoiired tliat Ul consisted of compression vrood, and of the remainder tv/o were cross grained and the others had either very little or no summerwood. Ex- clusive of the points above 0.300 percent shrinkage, which for the most part represent abnormal wood, as jvist stated, there is a general downward trend in shrinkage with increasing specific gravity. Pieces of the soft, light spring- wood whittled out by themselves showed the most longitudinal shrinkage and pieces consisting entirely of the hard, dense suramerwood showed the least shrinlcage from the green to the oven-dry condition, in fact, some of the summerwood specimens elongated during the tests in the laboratory. Measurements on second-growth redvrood indicate that it has a larger percentage of specimens with relatively high longitudinal shrinkage than virgin growth. This is especially true of the more openly grown materia].. Of the specimens of vrood from trees that grew in close proximity to one another , 6U,5 percent shrank less than two-tenths of 1 percent, and of those that grei-; more openly 56.0 percent shrank less than this limit. This difference betweaa virgin and aecond-grov/th wood v;as largely due to the presence, in the second-growth specimens mea-sured, of a certain anount of the wide-ringed wood with non-dense summerwood haviiig different structure, already referred to. The question as to whether redi^ood contains appreciably more compression v/ood, wood light for the species, and spiral, wavy or curly .i:rain, cannot be defin- itely answered at the present time, since it would require the examination of a large number of representative trees of each species to give a reasonable answer, sn.d that has not been done so far. Of 56 old growth trees examined in connection with a specific gravity survey of redvrood by the Forest Products Laboratory, 62 percent contained compression \rood. This may be a larger per- centage of trees than in most other species, but that fact does not necessar- ily mean tliat a larger percentage of pieces of redwood lumber contain com- pression vrood than occurs in other commercial species. Compression vrood is peculiar in tliat frequently it is formed only at irregularly occurring times in a tree's life, A large tree like redwood, from 5OO to over 1000 years old, would, therefore, have a greater chance of developing compression wood during some time in its life than a tree of a smaller size and lower life limit, Redvrood may possibly contain a greater percentage of v/ood light in weight for the species than is found in several other trees, since the very narrow annual growth rings found in many of the old trees and 'the very vride rings in some of the second-grorvth trees contain a high percentage of springvrood, which on account of its different cellular structure has a greater potential longitudinal shrinkage than the summerwood. There is no reason to believe that redvrood has more spiral grain than other conifers. On the other hand, less diagonal grain is produced artificially in sawing redi^rood than in cutting up some of the smaller, more crooked trees of 111297 other species. Hence spiral and diagonal grain do not seem to be any more responsible for abnormal shortening of pieces of redwood than of other species, Redwood may perhaps have a little more wavy grain than many other conifers, since wavywgrained boards are found rather frequently in red\'rood lumber. The Ion,/; length in which redv/ood lumber is usually cut and frequently used does cause greater absolute shortening of the members during drying than would occur in shorter lengths of the same or other species, other things being equal. Since the bulk of redwood does not shrink a great deal along the grain, where did redv/ood get its reputation for excessive longitudinal shrinka.?■• •:- •••: .;r.-; : • . . ' " 1 > ^ • • ' . .' .—■ • " . " » ' •> ■ - ■ ■ ■ -»« ^tO JOO .340 .jeo AZO too .500 .540 .S$0 .410 ..HO JOB .140 .7dC »0 """'"' jpfcir/c CRaviTY-ensto on ovcn-ory wcicht akb volumc ■ Figure 2, — Longitudinal shrinkage of redwood in relation to its z M if2i36 F specific gravity. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08866 6218 ■■<>