UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B.E.P.Q.-370, Revised. March 9, 1936 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE BRITISH MANDATE OF PALESTINE Plant Protection Order (No. 2), February 26,' 193^i nas been revised by Order No. 129 of September 5» 1935 > as follows: IMPORTATION SUBJECT TO INSPECTION ON ARRIVAL All plants not included in schedules I, II, and III to this Order may be imported into Palestine, provided that they are first inspected by a plant inspector at the place of entry into Palestine and found free from diseases and pests. PLANTS FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES All plants included in schedules I and III that are required for experimental or scientific purposes may be imported into Pales- tine, provided that the written permission of the Director of Agri- culture and Forests to import such plants is obtained at least seven days before the date of importation. IMPORTATION OF SEED POTATOES RESTRICTED No seed potatoes shall be imported into Palestine after October 1, 1935 > save under and in accordance with the special conditions in- dicated in this Order. SCHEDULE I IMPORTATION PROHIBITED The importation of the following plants is prohibited, provided that any or all of them may be imported for experimental or scientific - 2 - purposes and provided that the prohibition does not apply to preserved, pressed or dried fruits: Annona spp. , custard apple Carica papaya L. , papaya, pawpaw Citru s spp., other than citrus fruits from Egypt. ' " Ficus spp. , fig Gossypium spp . , cotton, o the r than ginne d cot t on . Hibiscus spp. Lycopcrsicum esculenturn Mill., tomato, other than tomato fruit, the bona fide produce of Egypt. Mangifera spp., mango, other than mango fruit, the bona fide produce of Egypt. Ivlorus spp., mulberry, plants only Mus a spp,, bananas Palms, all species other than the fruit of the date palm, perse a spp. , avocado Psidium gua.java L. , guava, plants only. Panic a gr ana turn L. , pome-vranate , plants only Solanum m elongena L. , eggplant SCHEDULE II INSPECTION CSHTIFICATE REQUIRED The importation of the following plants is permitted, provided that each consignment is accompanied by a certificate that the plants are free (a) from all diseases and pests, and (b) in particular, from the diseases and pests indicated opposite the name of each plant re- spectively in the list below. The certificate must be signed by an officer of the Phytopathological Service (or any equivalent authority) in the country of origin. Plants and plant products Plant pests Grapevines, Vitis vinifera Fhylloxera viti f oliae Fitch; disease known as "court noud" or " arr i cci ai ae n t o n . iango fruit, the bona fide produce of Egypt. Bacill us ma ngi ferae Doidge; the coccids: rhenacoccus x iirsutus , hibiscus mealy bug; Cnry s omphalus (f_^cjus_) aonidum L., tne Florida red scale or fig scale; all species of Trypetidae, Citrus fruits from Sgypt, Syria or Cyprus . Consignments must be ac- companied by a certificate stating that the grove from which the fruit was gathered on inspection proved free from Fnenacoccus hirsu tus , and Cnrysor ruj^alus mrsonatu s Comst. , i '■ s :ed scale. Only boxed fruit will be accepted and only through the ports of Jaffa and Haifa or Jerusalem rail- way station. Ch r y s omph alus ( ficus ) aonidun L., the Florida red scale or fig scale; (Aonidiella) Chry s omuhalus .arrant ii Mask, , the California red scale. Al 1 o the r f rui t s , v ege t ^b 1 e s , and plants from Egypt not included in Schedule I Chry s omphatus aoniduin L. , and Fh^r-acoccus " nirsutus Q-reen. Plums, quinces, apples, and pears , whether nursery stock or fruit, from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Hawaii, Hungary, India, Japan, Mesopotamia, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Rumania, South Africa Spain, United States of America, and Yugoslavia, also apple, quince, and pear nursery stocks from countries other than those above mentioned. Aspidiotus r>er niciosus Comst., San Jose scale. The following grades of fruit will be accepted wi thout certificate: "Fancy No. 1" , "Extra Fancy", and "Fancy" gr ade s from U.S.A., S out h Africa, Hew Zealand, and Australia. Liaize (Zea mays L.) seed for sowing only Seed beans Potatoes for consumption Sclerospora gra minicola ( Sacc . ) Schr oe t . , downy mildew. Collet otrichum lindemuthi - anum (Sacc. & Magn.) Briosa & Cav. , bean an- thracnose. ( ?h th o r i mae a ) G-n o r imo s ch ema o^erculella Zell., potato tuber worm, and Leptinotarsa decern ! i ne at a Bay, the Colorado ■ootato bee- tie. - k - Cabbage and cauliflower seeds Fresh cherries Fresh peaches Bacterium campestre (Pam.) S . F . Sin . , = Psoudomonas campestris , black rot of cabbage, Rhagoletis cerasi L. , cherry fruit fly. Clasterosporium caroophi - lum (Lev.) Ade rh . , p e ach die -"back. SCHEDULE III PLAINTS FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES ADMITTED UNDER CERTIFICATION The following plants, if required for scientific purposes, shall, in addition to the said written permission of the Director of Agriculture and Forests, be accompanied by a certificate that the plants care free: (a) from all diseases and pests, (b) in particular, from the diseases or pests indicated opposite the name of each plant, respectively, named below. The certificate must be signed by an officer of the Phytopatho logical Service (or any equivalent authority) in the country of origin: Citrus nursery stock and budwood Bacterium ( pseud omonas ) citri (Hasse) Doidge, citrus canker; Sphaceloma ( f awcctti ) citr i , citrus scab. Man^o stock or budwood Bacillus m angi ferae Doidge, bacterial blight of mango; Oh r y s omahalus personatus Corns t., masked scale; Aonidiella aurantii Mask. ; and Fhenacoccus hirsutus Green. Mango fruit, not the bona fide produce of Egypt. Fig (Ficus spp.) ( Crypt orhyncus ) Sternochetus mangi ferae Fab . , mango weevil; ( C ryp t o rhy nchus ) Sternoch etus gravis Fab. ; all species of Trypetidae. Ch ry s omphalus (ficus) aoniflum L.; C. personatus C ons t . , maske d s c al e . SCHEDULES IV AND V CONCERN TEE IMPORTER SCHEDULE VI DISEASES FROM WHICH SEED POTATOES ;.:U3T 31 FREE Potato tuber worm ( Ph. th o r i mae a ) Gn o r i mo s ch o ma c^ercule Lla Ze 1 1 . Colorado potato beetle heptinotarsa deceml ineata Say ".".'art disease Syac hytrium endo^ioticuin (Schilb.) Perc. Powdery scab S^on^os'oora subterranea (Walls.) Lang. Common scab Oospora ( Actinomyces) scabies Thaxt. Black-leg B acillus ^hytopnthorus 0. Appel Any consignment of potatoes that on inspection is found to be infected with powdery scab or common scab to the extent of more than 10 percent of the total number of tubers, will be considered as not free from disease and be liable to re-exportation or destruction. L33 A. STRONG, C hief, Bure a u of Entomolo gy and Plant granting. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA II 3 1262 09245 1508