Official Coins & (Tledals Sold bi) the h United States fTlint Department of the Treasurii 1983 Table of Contents Page Introduction 1 Mint Mailing List 2 Remittances 2 Toll Free Telephone Numbers 2 Annual Proof Coin Sets 3 George Washington Commemorative Half Dollars 4 Olympic Commemorative Coins 7 Gold Medallions 9 Bicentennial Coin Sets 10 Medals 11 Mint Sales Areas 13 Special Souvenir Sets 13 Informational Materials Available 14 U.S. Circulating Coinage 14-16 Form for adding name to mailing list inside back cover Introduction The U.S. Mint's principal mission is to manufacture an adequate volume of coin for the nation's commerce. In addition, the Mint has for many years provided a variety of numismatic programs. Numismatics, the study and collection of coins, medals and all media of exchange, is an an- cient science known and practiced throughout the world. The Mint, as many other national mints, has almost from its inception offered historic medals and special coinage at the request of the American public. The numismatic programs of the Bureau of the Mint are self-supporting from the revenues derived from the sale of its products. All of our sales proceeds, after reimbursement of our cost, are available for deposit to the general fund of the Treasury for the benefit of all taxpayers. This booklet has been designed to provide information about the items available from the Mint and to assist you in ordering these products. Should you have additional questions, you may wish to write to: The Bureau of the Mint 55 Mint Street San Francisco, CA 94175 415/974-0780 Should you encounter difficulty or need further assistance, write: Consumer Affairs Staff, Bureau of the Mint, 501 13th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220 or call: 202/376-0461. Bureau of the Mint Donna Pope, Director Mint Mailing List Remittances If you wish to have your name add- ed to the Mint's mailing list, please use only the enclosed "Form for Adding Name to Mailing List." The Bureau of the Mint has only one customer mailing list which is maintained at the San Fran- cisco Old Mint. As our mailing list is a computerized one, some time is in- volved from the time a request is receiv- ed by the Mint until the name and ad- dress is placed on the list. Letter orders, however, are accepted and one is not required to use computer order cards to order items from the Mint. Those on the mailing list will receive order cards for future offerings. If you are not interested in ordering certain coin sets, please disregard the notice of the availability, as it is not possible to delete a name on particular offerings. If you do not place an order within two years, your name will automatically be dropped from the mailing list. Privacy Act Statement Furnishing information about your address is voluntary. The legal authority for its collection is 31 U.S.C. 369 and 324h. The information will be used to identify where and to whom periodic notices of numismatic offerings are to be sent and for the processing and ship- ping of orders. Failure to provide the in- formation will result in your not receiving the periodic notices of numismatic offerings. When ordering, all remittances should be made payable to "The Bureau of the Mint." The Mint accepts a personal check or cashier's check drawn on a United States bank and payable in U.S. currency. A money order from the United States or an Inter- national money order is also acceptable. Please note that the Mint assumes no liability for loss of payments when no payee is specified on the remittance. Please do not send cash. Toll Free Telephone Numbers To verify the prices quoted in this booklet call: 800-368-5510 in continental United States 800-368-5500 in Alaska, Hawaii, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico 783-3800 in Washington, D.C. metropolitan area Annual Proof Coin Sets A Proof Coin Set contains a cupro- nickel half dollar, quarter dollar, dime and the five and one cent pieces. Proof coins bear the "S" mint mark and are produced only at the San Francisco Assay Office. The cost of the 1983 set was $11.00 each. All aspects of produc- tion, from dies to blanks to the striking and handling of the proof coins, are specially designed to provide the ultimate in quality. The production of proof coins is a unique operation with special handling being given to both the dies and the blanks. Proof blanks are burnished with thousands of steel beads and cleaning chemicals to buff out im- perfections and polish the surface. The polished blanks are then rinsed, dried and transferred to the press room where a final cleaning and inspection is given them by the coin operator before they are struck. Proof dies are first sand- blasted resulting in a frosted ap- pearance and texture to the die's sur- face. The portrait is then covered with tape and the background is polished with several grades of diamond polish and buffed. When the tape is removed the frosted design against the polished background gives a beautiful two-toned effect to the die which is transferred to the coins when they are individually struck twice. Proof coins are sealed in a clear plastic package to protect their beauty. Annual proof coin sets are offered only during certain ordering periods. For each program the dates of the accep- tance of orders and the cost of the items are announced prior to the ordering period. Information about ordering these products is made available to the public through the Mint's mailing list and the news media. During the first quarter of each year, orders are accepted for Proof Coin Sets at the San Francisco Old Mint. The price of these sets includes the ship- ment by first class registered mail. Usually the Mint begins to mail the sets in May or June and all orders are mailed by the end of December as specified in the ordering material. The Bureau of the Mint anticipates that orders can be accepted for approx- imately two months. An earlier cut-off date is required if orders for the sets ex- ceed the Mint's production capability. If this occurs, it will be necessary to return all orders received after the cut-off date. If a remittance is deposited and we can- not honor an order, a refund will be made. Order Limitation Acceptance of all orders is contin- gent upon the Mint production capacity to meet an unpredictable demand. Orders received after a cut-off date has been established are returned. Orders are not accepted in advance of the official ordering period. Prior Year Coin Sets With the exception of the Bicenten- nial Coin Sets and special souvenir sets, only coin sets manufactured and issued during the current year are available from the U.S. Mint. For those issued during previous years, you may wish to consult coin dealers in your area. George Washington Commemorative Half Dollar This commemorative half dollar marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, eulogized in 1799 by Henry Lee as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." The coin, honoring our nation's first President, also represents some "firsts" for our own era. It is the first time since 1954 that there has been a U.S. com- memorative half dollar and the first time since 1964 that a 90% silver coin has been produced by the U.S. Mint. The commemorative concept itself, however, dates almost to the origin of coinage. Important personages, events, or localities have appeared on special coins minted by areas as diverse as an- cient Greece and the modern Orient. The tradition also exists with U.S. coinage. The first U.S. commemorative coin, the World's Columbian Exposition piece, was struck in 1892. This issuance of commemorative coins continued in the United States through the first half of the twentieth century until 1954 when the last of the pieces honoring George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington were minted in Philadel- phia, Denver and San Francisco. The George Washington half dollars offer Americans new beginnings and old traditions. It is a piece of remember- ing and of anticipation. Uncirculated George Washington Coin The George Washington Uncir- culated Commemorative half dollar is produced by the United States Mint in Denver, Colorado. The coin is sealed in polyester film and inserted in an infor- mation folder. This folder, which in- cludes a short message from Mint Direc- tor Donna Pope detailing the coin's physical characteristics and composi- tion, is placed in a blue presentation case. The outline of George Washington's portrait, along with a reproduction of his signature, is im- printed on the top of the presentation case. Proof George Washington Coin The George Washington Proof Commemorative half dollar is produced by the United States Assay Office in San Francisco, California. The coin is encapsulated and placed in a burgundy- colored velour coin holder which allows the coin to be displayed if desired. The holder is inserted in a burgundy presen- tation case. An outline of George Washington's portrait, along with a reproduction of his signature, is im- printed on the top of the presentation case. An insert giving the coins physical characteristics and a short message from Mint Director Donna Pope detailing the coin's composition is included with each coin. Designer: Elizabeth Jones, Chief Sculptor and Engraver of the United States Design: Obv. Equestrian portrait of George Washington. GEORGE WASHINGTON/250TH AN- NIVERSARY OF BIRTH • 1982 and to left LIBERTY ej Rev. Eastern facade of Mt. Ver- non and below an heraldic eagle v^^ith banner e. PLURIBUS UNUM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/HALF DOLLAR and above design IN GOD WE TRUST. f^mtmark; "S" — Proof; "D" — Uncirculated Size: 1.205" in diameter; reeded edge Weight: .4019 troy oz. Composition: .3617 fine troy 02. silver .0402 troy oz. copper Fineness: .900 silver; .100 copper Mint: Proof — United States Assay Of- fice, San Francisco Uncirculated — United States Mint, Denver Authority: Public Law 97-104 December 23, 1981 The PERFECT GIFT for many gift-giving occasions. . . birthdayS; anniversaries, graduations from the UNITED STATES MINT Congress and the President of the United States authorized the United States Mint to strike up to 10 million silver commemorative half dollars to recognize the 250th anniversary of the birth of our nation's first President. This gift • packaged silver coin offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of American history today. It will enhance any collection and will be welcomed as a gift to be treasured for generations to come. This 1982 coin is the: FIRST U.S. coin to have 90% silver content since the 1964 half dollar. FIRST legal tender coin to be minted solely as a commemorative by the U.S. Government since 1954. GEORGE WASHINGTON PROOF COIN GEORGE WASHINGTON UNCIRCULATED COIN The frosted relief design and high luster A brilliant coin finish enhances these newly of the background result in the gem-hke minted uncirculated coins. They are produced beauty of this coin. The proofs are individually by the same high standard coining techniques struck twice and possess magnificent detail. as are used for circulating coinage. $12.00 $10.00 Prices subject to change. For bulk rate information on orders of 100 or more, telephone: (202) 376-0209 or write to: G.W. Bulk Rate Information, U.S. Mint, 501 13th St. N.W., Wash. D.C. 20220 I "I ORDER FORM For the 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar □ D I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I STREET ADDRESS Item Quantity Proof Uncir. Total Coins Unit Cost $12.00 $10.00 Toul Enclosed Total Cost Make payment to: BUREAU OF THE MINT Allow 6-8 weeks for shipment. Orders are not cancelable by purchaser. MAIL TO: BUREAU OF THE MINT 55 MINT STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94175 The UNITED STATES MINT Proudly Presents the George Washington 90% Silver Commemorative Half Dollar Congress and the President of the United States authorized the United States Mint to strike up to 10 million silver commemorative half dollars to recognize the 250th anniversary of the birth of our nation's first President. This gift-packaged silver coin offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of American history today. It will enhance any collection and will be welcomed as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation . . . any gift-giving occasion. This 1982 coin is the: First U.S. coin to have 90% silver content since the 1964 Kennedy half dollar. First legal tender coin to be minted solely as a commemorative by the U.S. Government since 1954. GEORGE WASHINGTON PROOF COIN The frosted relief design and high luster of the background result in the gem-like beauty of this coin. The proofs are individually struck twice and possess magnificent detail. They are produced by the San Francisco Assay Office and have the "S" mint mark. Mail order form and certified check to: George Washington Bulk Coin Program Bureau of the Mint 501 13th Street N.W. Washington. D.C. 20220 Telephone: (202) 376 0209 The Perfect Gift for any gift-giving occasion Size: 1.205" in diameter Weight: .4019 troy oz. Composition: .3617 fine troy oz. silver .0402 troy oz. copper Fineness: .900 silver. .100 copper Bulk Unit Cost: $10.50 each (Multiples of 100) PRICE SUBJECT TO CHANGE To verify price, call the toll free number r 1 BULK RATE ORDER FORM 90% SUver George Washington Proof Coins GS 1 Bulk Unit Cost Quanity Total $inRn X = $ 1 Company ' Attention of P»y»tJle to eur«u of th« Mint MINIMUM ORDER FOR BULK RATE IS 100 COINS AVAILABLE IN MULTIPLES Of 100 ONLY NO LIMIT ON QUANTITIES 1 Address 1 City, State Zip EEKS AFTER THEY ARE RECEIVED IN WASHINGTON 1 Business Telephone No. 1 ORDERS WILL BE SENT BY REGISTERED MAIL WITHIN TWO W L 1 Olympic Commemorative Coins Public Law 97-220 signed by Presi- dent Reagan on July 22, 1982, author- izes the Mint to strike three coins with designs emblematic of the summer Olympic games which are to be held in Los Angeles, California July 28 to August 12, 1984: • A silver dollar coin bearing the 1983 date composed of 90 percent silver. Production of the proof coin began in early February at the San Francisco Assay Office. Each silver coin will contain .77 troy ounce of silver (24.06g) and have a diameter of 1.50 inches (38.10mm). • A second 90 percent silver dollar coin of a different design and bearing the 1984 date. It will be available early next year. Each silver coin will contain .77 troy ounce of silver (24.06g) and have a diameter of 1.50 inches (38.10mm). • A $10 gold coin bearing the 1984 date and composed of 90% fine gold (21.6 karat). This represents the first gold coin to be produced by the United States Mint in over 50 years and will be available in early 1984. Each gold coin will contain .484 troy ounce of fine gold (15.046g) and have a diameter of 1.06 inches (27.00mm). The three options, their prices, and postage and handling charges effective June 6 are: • Three Coin Set 1983 Silver One Dollar Proof Coin 1984 Silver One Dollar Proof Coin 1984 Gold Ten Dollar Proof Coin $416.00 plus postage & handling* Two Coin Set 1983 Silver One Dollar Proof Coin 1984 Silver One Dollar Proof Coin $64.00 plus postage & handling* Single Coin Set 1983 Silver One Dollar Proof Coin $32.00 plus postage & handling* * A charge of $2.00 is being made to help defray postage and handling costs. Add this amount to the total cost of the coins. Verify prices by calling the toll free number. In the event that further significant increases in bullion prices should occur, the Mint reserves the right to discon- tinue the acceptance of orders. Once an order is accepted by the Mint, however, it will not be canceled due to changes in bullion prices. Interested buyers are in- vited to send a letter order and payment to: The United States Mint P.O. Box 6766 San Francisco, CA 94101 Those interested in bulk rate dis- counts should write to: Treasurer of the United States Department of the Treasury Washington, D.C. 20220 Olympic Commemorative Coins (con't.) Public Law 97-220 provides that a surcharge of no less than $10 for each silver coin and $50 for each gold coin be used to promote the Olympic move- ment. These surcharges are incor- porated into the costs of the coin sets. Specifically, the law stipulates that 50 percent of the surcharges be promptly paid to the United States Olympic Com- mittee to be used to train United States Olympic athletes, to support local or community amateur athletic programs and to erect facilities for the training of such athletes. The remaining 50 percent of the surcharges shall be paid to the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Com- mittee to be used to stage and promote the 1984 games in Los Angeles. More than 840,000 Olympic coins have been sold with gross sales in ex- cess of $62 million. Of this amount, $14.5 million in surcharges have been collected for the two Olympic committees. r U.S. OLYMPIC PROOF SILVER AND GOLD COINS OFFICIAL ORDER FORM I wish to order OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 Quanity X $32.00 X $64.00 X $416.00 = $ 2.00 1983 Silver Coin 1983 & 1984 Silver Coins 1983 & 1984 Silver Coins Plus 1984 Gold Coin Handling Charges Enclosed is my check D D [ TOTAL PAYMENT $ Please Do Not Send Cash or money order , payable to "Bureau of the Mint. INITIAL INITIAL LAST NAME STREET ADDRESS GS Mail this form and your payment to: Bureau of the Mint P.O. Box 6766 San Francisco, CA 94101 P.S. IF YOU DO NOT NEED THE ABOVE FORM, PLEASE PASS IT ON TO A FRIEND. TO VERIFY PRICE, CALL THE TOLL FREE NUMBER 8 Gold Medallions In compliance with Public Law 95-630, the Bureau of the Mint is minting one ounce and half ounce gold medallions honoring American artists. Alternative sales methods for the gold medallions are being implemented this year. The United States Mint has awarded a contract to J. Aron & Com- pany to market the American Arts Gold Medallions. A new, convenient program is being developed to make the buying and selling of medallions fast and easy. This program will be well publicized through advertising. You may wish to call 800 USA GOLD. The American artists being honored on the medallions are as follows: Artist Honored Year on one ounce medallion 1980 Grant Wood 1981 Mark Twain 1982 Louis Armstrong 1983 Robert Frost 1984 Helen Hayes Artist Honored on half ounce medallion Marian Anderson Willa Gather Frank Lloyd Wright Alexander Calder John Steinbeck Bicentennial Proof Coin Sets and Bicentennial Uncirculated Coin Sets Under Public Law 93-127, Con- gress authorized a new coinage design and date emblematic of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution for dollars, half dollars and quarters. They also mandated the mintage of at least 45 million silver specimens of these coins to assure their wide availability to the public. To encourage public participation in the national coinage tribute to the Bicentennial, the Treasury Department sponsored a national competition for the new designs. As a result of this competi- tion a colonial drummer, Independence Hall, and the Liberty Bell and moon were selected to appear on the reverses of 1776-1976 dated Washington quarters, Kennedy half dollars and Eisenhower dollars, respectively. Each set contains a dollar, half dollar and quarter dollar. The silver con- tent in the three coins is 40 percent, or .5381 fine troy ounces. The Bicentennial sets were first offered for sale in 1974. Sales were suspended in 1979 because increases in the price caused the silver value to approach their sales price. Beginning in August of 1980 these sets were again offered to the public and sold for $15.00 and $12.00, respectively. On August 18, 1982, the Mint reduced the price of these sets. They now sell for $12.00 and $9.00, respectively. The sale of these items is dependent on the price of silver and. therefore, is subject to change. Currently there is an order limitation of 100 Bicentennial Proof Com Sets per customer. There is no limitation on the Bicentennial Uncirculated Coin Sets at the present time. These sets are also available for sale at the Mint sales areas. r ORDER FORM - Bicentennial Coin Sets D D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Item Q^Liantin Proof Uncir. Toul C.oirT. Unit Cost $12.00 $ 9.00 m GS Total Cost Make payment to: BIRF.AL' OF THE MINT Allow 6 8 weeks for shipment. Orders are not cancelable by purchaser. .MAIL K): BL REAL' OF THE MINT 55 MINT STREET .SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94175 10 Medals National medals are authorized by Congress and struck by the United States Mint to commemorate noteworthy segments of our history and to honor outstanding service to America. Included among these series are medals depicting Presidents of the United States, Secretaries of the Treasury, Directors of the Mint, and other persons and events important in American military and civilian life. More than 300 historic medals are available in bronze from the Mint. Should you wish to order medals other than those illustrated, please request a complete listing from: THE BUREAU OF THE MINT, 55 MINT ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94175 Ronald Reagan 1983 Nos. 142 and 842 Donna Pope 1983 No. 322 American Red Cross Centennial 1981 No. 673 U.S. Netherlands Treaty Bicentennial 1982 No. 674 Ambassador Kenneth Taylor 1981 No. 672 Robert F. Kennedy 1981 Nos. 668 and 669 Transatlantic Balloonists 1981 No. 665 11 The bronze medals shown are official medals of the United States which have been issued during the last two years. They have been produced exclusively by the United States Mint in Philadelphia. We are providing you with this listing so that you may take this opportunity to begin — or to add to — your U.S. Mint bronze medal collection. Donna Pope Director of the Mint ORDER INFORMATION Since medal orders are processed separately from Proof Coin Set orders, please do not combine your orders In the same envelope, and please do not send cashi. Checks and money orders should be made payable to: Bureau of the Mint. An order number will appear on your canceled remittance and should be used in any correspondence regarding your order. The Mint reserves the right to reduce or cancel any order whether or not it has been acknowledged. Orders are not cancelable by the purchaser. All sales are final. Items may not be returned for refund or exchange. However, any item found damaged when received will be exchanged if returned to the Mint within 15 days after receipt by the purchaser. Mail the Order Blank with Remittance to: United States Mint - (Medals) 55 Mint Street San Francisco, CA 94175 A limited quantity of medals may also be obtained over-the-counter at the following sales outlets: Philadelphia Mint Independence Mall Philadelphia. PA (215)5977692 Denver Mint 320 West Colfax Ave. Denver, CO (303) 837-3332 San Francisco Old Mint Treasury Department. Exhibit Hall 88 Fifth Street Liberty Bell Entrance San Francisco. CA 15th Street and Pa. Ave. N.W. (415)9740788 Washington, DC (202) 566-5221 PRICE LIST ■ MAIL ORDERS ONLY NO. NAME SIZE PRICE 1 142 Ronald Reagan 3 m $10 75 1 842 Ronald Reagan 1 5/16 in. 1.00 322 Donna Pope 3 in 10.75 ees Transatlantic Balloonists 1 1/2 in. 1.75 eaa Robert F Kennedy 3 in. 10.75 eee Robert F Kennedy 1 5/18 in. 1.75 672 Ambaaaador Kenneth Taylor 3 In. 10.75 873 American Red Crosa Canlennial 1 1/2 in. 1.75 874 U S /Netherlanda Treaty Bicentennial 1 1/2 in. 1 75 Please allow 3-4 months for delivery. Minimum Mail Order: $4.00 PLEASE PRINT Nanne Street City State Zip Itenn No. Qty. Price Total Q5 Remittance Enclosed $. 12 Mint Sales Areas Special Souvenir Sets The sales areas in Denver, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., are operated entirely by the U.S. Mint. The Philadelphia Sales area, however, is operated on a contract basis by the Eastern National Park and Monument Association, a non-profit organization. The following sets are sold only over the counter at the Mint's sales areas. Locations Philadelphia Mint Independence Mall Philadelphia, PA 19106 Denver Mint 320 Colfax Avenue Denver, CO 80204 Telephone 215-597-7692 303-837-3331 San Francisco Old Mint 88 Fifth Street (Fifth and Mission) 415-974-0788 San Francisco, CA 94103 Department of the Treasury 15th Street & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 202-566-5221 Washington, DC 20220 Souvenir sets are produced only for sale at the four Mint sales areas and cannot be purchased by mail. The sales areas are located at the Philadelphia Mint, the Denver Mint, the San Fran- cisco Old Mint and the Department of the Treasury in Washington, D.C. All souvenir sets are offered for sale as long as the supply remains available. Anthony Dollar Souvenir Sets These 1979 and 1980 three-piece sets contain a one dollar coin from each of the three Mints where the coins were produced. Denver and Philadelphia Souvenir Sets The Denver souvenir sets contain samples of the five coins produced by the Denver Mint— half dollar, quarter, dime, five and one-cent pieces — and a Denver Mint medal. The Philadelphia souvenir sets contain the same five denominations minted at the Phila- delphia Mint as well as a medal sym- bolic of the Mint. 13 Informational Materials Available Annual Report of the Director of the Mint, FY 1981. Available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $4.50 Domestic and Foreign Coins IVIanufactured by Mints of the United States, 1793 - 1980. Available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $5.50. How to malte a Penny. Pamphlet available when visiting the Denver or the Philadelphia Mint. Medals of the United States Mint issued for Public Sale (Revised 1972). Available from Mint sales areas and from U.S. Government Prin- ting Office Washington, D.C. 20402. $5.25. Medals of the U.S. Mint: Price List and Order Form. Available from the Bureau of the Mint, Washington, D.C. and the Bureau of the Mint, San Fran- cisco, CA. Olympic Coins. Informational materials available from the Bureau of the Mint, Treasury Department, Washington, D.C. 20220. One Cent Coin. Brochure available from the Bureau of the Mint, Treasury Department, Washington, D.C. 20220. Our American Coins. Available for $.60 from Mint sales areas. Also available from U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Philadelphia Mint. Booklet available for $.50 over the counter at all sales areas. The World's Monetary Stocks of Gold, Silver, and Coins, 1979. May be purchased as a separate publication for $5.00. Publications marked with * are also available from the Mint sales areas and by mail from the Bureau of the Mint, 501 13th St., N.W., RM 906, Washington, D.C. 20220. Make check payable to "Bureau of the Mint." March 1983 For further information write— Consumer Affairs Staff: Bureau of the Mint, 501 13th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220, or call 202/376-0461. U.S. Circulating Coinage The Mint produces and ships coins to Federal Reserve Banks for distribu- tion to commercial banks. In order to minimize transportation costs, coins are shipped to the nearest Federal Reserve facility. Unpackaged coins or coins in bulk lots (such as selective rolls and bags) are not available from the Mint. They may be secured from banks, collectors, or coin dealers. 14 U.S. Circulating Coinage Cu-Copper Ni-Nickel Mn-Manganese Ag-Silver SnTin Zn-Zinc DATE TYPE COMPOSITION WT. of COIN (Grams) WT. of Ag in COIN (Troy Oz.) ONE CENT PIECE 1864-1909 Indian Head 95% Cu,5% Zn & Sn 3.110 1909-1942 Lincoln;Wheat Ears 95% Cu,5% Zn & Sn 3.110 1943 Lincoln;Wheat Ears Zn coated steel 2.700 1944-1958 Lincoln;Wheat Ears 95% Cu,5% Zn & Sn 3.110 1959-1962 Lincoln;Memorial 95% Cu,5% Zn & Sn 3.110 1962-1982 Lincoln;Memorial 95% Cu,5% Zn 3.110 1982-Date Lincoln;Mennorial 97.5 Zn,2.5% Cu 2.500 FIVE CENT PIECE 1883-1913 Liberty Head 75% Cu,25% Ni 5.000 1913-1938 Indian Head (Buffalo) 75% Cu,25% Ni 5.000 1938-1942 Jefferson 75% Cu,25% Ni 5.000 1942-1945 Jefferson 56% Cu,35% Ag,9 Mn 5.000 .0562 1946-Date Jefferson 75% Cu,25% Ni 5.000 DIME 1892-1916 Liberty Head (Barber) 90% Ag,10% Cu 2.500 .0723 1916-1945 Winged Liberty Head ("Mercury") 90% Ag,10% Cu 2.500 .0723 1946-1964 Roosevelt 90% Ag,10% Cu 2.500 .0723 1965-Date Roosevelt Cupro-nickel clad^ 2.268 QUARTER DOLLAR 1892-1916 Liberty Head (Barber) 90% Ag,10% Cu 6.250 .1808 1916-1930 Standing Liberty 90% Ag,10% Cu 6.250 .1808 1932-1964 Wasfiington 90% Ag,10% Cu 6.250 .1808 1965-1974 Washington Cupro-nickel clad' 5.670 1776-1976 Washington Bicentennial 40% Silver clad^ 5.750 .0739 1776-1976 Washington Bicentennial Cupro-nickel clad' 5.670 1977-Date Washington Cupro-nickel clad' 5.670 ^J Three layer composite coin. Outer cladding 75% copper, 25% nickel bonded to a core of pure copper. 2/ Three layer composite coin. Outer cladding 800 parts silver, 200 parts copper, bonded to a core of approximately 209 parts silver and 791 parts copper. 15 U.S. Circulating Coinage (con't.) Cu-Copper Ni-Nickel Mn-Manganese Ag-Silver Sn-Tin Zn-Zinc DATE TYPE COMPOSITION WT. of COIN (Grams) WT. of Ag in COIN (Troy Oz.) HALF DOLLAR 1892-1915 Liberty Head (Barber) 90% Ag,10% Cu 12.500 .3616 1916-1947 Walking Liberty 90% Ag,10% Cu 12.500 .3616 1948-1963 Franklin;Liberty Bell 90% Ag,10% Cu 12.500 .3616 1964 Kennedy 90% Ag,10% Cu 12.500 .3616 1965-1970 Kennedy 40% Silver clad^ 11.500 .1479 1971-1974 Kennedy Cupro-nickel clad' 11.340 1776-1976 Kennedy Bicentennial 40% Silver clad^ 11.500 .1479 1776-1976 Kennedy Bicentennial Cupro-nickel clad' 11.340 1977-Date Kennedy Cupro-nickel clad' 11.340 DOLLAR 1878-1921 Liberty Head (Morgan) 90% Ag,10% Cu 26.730 .7733 1921-1935 Peace 90% Ag,10% Cu 26.730 .7733 1971-1974 Eisenhower (Proof & Uncir. Special Editions) 40% Silver clad^ 24.592 .3161 1971-1974 Eisenhiower Cupro-nickel clad' 22.680 1776-1976 Eisenhower Bicentennial 40% Silver clad^ 24.592 .3161 1776-1976 Eisenhower Bicentennial Cupro-nickel clad' 22.680 1977-1978 Eisenhower Cupro-nickel clad' 22.680 1979-1980 Susan B. Anthony Cupro-nickel clad' 8 100 1981 Susan B. Anthony (Proof & Uncir. only) Cupro-nickel clad' 8100 Additional Infornnation: The Coinage Act of 1965, Public Law 89-81 (July 23, 1965), provided for thie elimination of silver from the dime and the quarter and that it be substantially reduced in the half dollar. (The half dollar was the only coin produced between 1965 and 1970 which contained silver.) The Bank Holding Company Act of 1970, Public Law 91-607 (December 31, 1970), provided for the removal of silver from the dollar and the half dollar denominations and stipulated that they be of a cupro-nickel composition. The Bicentennial Coinage Act, Public Law 93-127 (October 18, 1973), authorized the minting of dollars, half dollars, and quarter dollars with reverse designs emblematic of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. The Treasury was also authorized to mint 45 million silver clad coins of the same design for inclusion in special three coin proof and uncirculated sets. The 1976 quarter dollar, half dollar, and dollar of 40% silver were only included in the Bicentennial Proof and Uncirculated Coin Sets. 2/ Three layer composite coin. Outer cladding 75% copper, 25% nickel bonded to a core of pure copper. Three layer composite coin. Outer cladding 800 parts silver, 200 parts copper, bonded to a core of approximately 209 parts silver and 7P1 nart«; rnnnpr 16 PLEASE ADD MY NAME TO THE BUREAU OF THE MINT MAILING LIST If you wish to add your name to the mailing list, please fill in the form below in INK and please use only CAPITAL LETTERS. Our keypunch computerized system is designed to accommodate only the number of spaces shown. All spaces or blanks in the address, such as that between the houfe number and the name of the street, also require a space or separate box. Please see the example below EXAMPLE IRIOIOISIEIVIEILITI I I I I I First & Middle In.t.ais Address |i|^I3Bm|o|R|t|Wh|E|L|9|o|»jB6IL|V|P| iMlOlTlTlllNlGlTlOlNl | | | | 1^"^ fvTA] hV|3|4|5| Please send to: Bureau of the Mint 55 Mint Street San Francisco, CA 94175 FORM FOR ADDING NAME TO MAILING LIST Last Name First & Middle Initials City Zip Privacy Act Statement Furnishing the information on this form is voluntary. The legal authority for its collection is 31 U.S.C. 369 and 324 h. The information will be used to identify where and to whom periodic notices of numismatic offerings are to be sent and for the processing and shipping of orders. Failure to provide the information will result in your not receiving the periodic notices of numismatic offerings. Customer Signature Date UtJIVERMTY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08859 7652 IfU.a GOVERNMENT PH NTI NG OFFI CE 1984—777-375/120 REGION NO. 8