30lun*^ MDDC 1069 UNITED STATES ATCMIC ENERGY COMMISSION OAK EIDGE TENNESSEE ARTIFICIAL RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES OE POLORIDM, BISMUTH, AND LEAD Chapter 17: A New Reaction with High Energy Deuterons by David H. Templeton University of California Published for use within the Atomic Energy Commission. Inquiries for additional copies and any questions regarding reproduction "by recipients of this docianent may be referred to the Technical Information Division, Atomic Energy Commission, P, 0. Box E, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Inasmuch as a declassified document may differ materially from the original classified document by reason of deletions necessary to accomplish declassification, this copy does not constitute authority for declassification of classified copies of a similar document which may bear the same title and authors. 'I 1 \ Date of Manuscript: Unknown Document Declassified: June 6, 19*4-7 This document consists of 6 pages. This document is a direct reproduction, by photo offset, of the copy in the files of the Technical Information Division. This method of repro- duction is being used temporarily as an emergency expedient in order to effect earliest possible distribution of the information contained therein. As soon as the expansion of the TID composing unit and of the Oak Ridge printing plant, now under way, is completed, MDDC's will be issued in an attractive permanent form. MDDC-1069 AXTIFICIAL HADIQACnVI ISOTOPES OF H1L0IIUM, BISMDTH, AHD LEAD Dissertation for the Depree of Doctor of Kiilosophy David H. Ibmpleton TJnlverBity of California, Berkeley, California Chapter IV A New Reaction with Hiph Energy Deuterons 211 The fonnatfon of At has been observed when bismuth was bombarded with hiph eijeriry deuterons. This cannot be explained by impurities in the targ-et or helium in •ttie ion source. A reaction of the type (d,p~) is unreasonable for theoretical reaaons . A reaction of the type (d,;u') where /i" represents a negative mesotron, cannot explain the phenomenon in every case. An explanation which is consistent with the observed facts assumes that secondary alpha particles produced by the incident 209 211 deuterons in turn