UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADM I HI STRATI ON BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE Washington 25, D. C. November 2, 1951 E.E.P.Q. 57S-2U SUMMARY OF STATE NURSERY- STOCK SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS AND PLANT QUARANTINES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS MINNESOTA 'The information contained in this summary was compiled from material received from the plant quarantine official of Minnesota and has "been ap- proved "by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine in- spectors, shippers, transportation agents, truckers, and others concerned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The summary for Minnesota gives the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State, as well as digests of the State plant quar- antines and regulations affecting interstate shipments* An appendix fur- nishes information on post-office requirements for mailing plants as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary does not include digests of nursery-stock or plant-quarantine requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is believed to bo correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of or as a substitute for the orignal texts of the regulations and quarantines, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative. For detailed information address the Director, Bureau of Plant Industry, State Department of Agriculture, Dairy and Food, University Farm, St. Paul 1, Minnesota. In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture, In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articles from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain articles into designated protected areas. Copies of such quarantines may be obtained from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, A'asMngton 25, D. C. / 4 Chief, Bureau of Entomology/and Plant 4uarantine Minnesota nursery-stock shipping requirements - 2 - MINNESOTA Summary of G e neral Nurs ery- Stock Shipping Requ irements (Ch. 108, L. 1927; Ch. 59. L, 1929; Ch. 365, L, I93I; Circs. 7 and g, Jan, 1951) Definition of Nursery Stock. — All native and cultivated trees, shrubs, and woody vines; perennial roots, such as peony and iris; small-fruit plants, such as strawberry and raspberry; herbaceous perennials, such as hollyhock and other hardy flowering plants; and cuttings, buds, grafts, and scions of the above for or capable of propagation. General Shipping Requirements. — Any nonresident nurseryman or dealer wish- ing to sell nursery stock in Minnesota should register with the Minnesota State Entomologist, paying the same amount as charged by his State to out- of-State nurserymen, dealers, and agents. The Minnesota State Entomologist is authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with officials of other States whereby no fees, bonds, special tags, invoices, fumigation, or special inspections other than that required for the regular certificate will be required in either State. Nurserymen should also file copies of their State inspection certificates with the State Entomologist before shipping any nursery stock into the State. Dealers should file an affidavit with the State Entomologist that they will sell only officially inspected nursery stock and maintain with him a list of their sources of nursery stock. Dealers' certificates expire an- nually on September 1-5. All agents of nurserymen and dealers are required to carry Minnesota agents' certificates obtained through their principals without charge. All nursery stock offered for sale must be in sound, healthy condition. Each shipment of nursery stock moving into Minnesota should have an inspection certificate of the State of origin attached to the outside of each container. Transportation companies are prohibited from accepting un- certified nursery stock for shipment. Nursery stock from foreign countries must "be opened in the presence of a Minnesota inspector. Permits or certificates are not needed to ship the following plants; Greenhouse or house-grown plants; herbaceous annuals, such as asters; vege- table plants, such as asparagus and cabbage; tubers, bulbs, and corms; Christmas trees without roots; and parts of plants not capable of propaga- tion. Minnesota nurse ry— stock shipping requirements - 3 - Plant Mat erials Subject to Terminal Inspection The State of Minnesota has arranged, under the plan outlined in the appendix, for terminal inspection of the following plants and plant materials: All wild and cultivated trees, shrubs, and woody vines; perennial roots, such as peonies and iris; small-fruit plants, such as strawberries and raspberries; herbaceous perennials, such as hollyhocks and other hardy flowering plants; and cuttings, buds, grafts, and scions for or capable of propagation. Terminal Inspection Poirt in Minnesota Saint Paul UNIVERSITY OF FLORH/A Minnesota ulant quarantines 3 1262 09314 8459 Summary of Plant Quarantines Bacterial Ring Rot (Quarantine Ho. 7. as amended, effective July 30. 19^8/ Irish (common) potatoes ( Solanumtubero sum) may not "be moved into Lake of the Woods County, Townships of Laona and Oaks, in Roseau County, and Township of Williams, in Koochiching County, Minnesota, from any State or Territory unless each container of such potatoes is officially tagged to show that the potatoes have "been inspected "by an inspector of the State of origin and found free of "bacterial ring rot disease, ( Co ryncpp c t erium sepedonicum, (Spiekermann et Kotthoff) Skaptason and Burkholder) . The foregoing summery was reviewed and approved on September ?)i, 1951. by Walter ?. Trampo, Nursery Inspector, Entomologist II.