UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE gKP&^ Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B.E.P.Q.— US8 January 27, 1939. Sec. 301.72D — Administrative Instructions - Modifying the restrictions of the white- fringed beetle quarantine by removing under specified conditions, the certification re- quirements for interstate movement, for all restricted articles originating In foreign countries Under authorization to the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine provided in the second proviso of Notice nf Quarantine No. 72 (Sec. 301.72), I find that, when th- following requirements are met, regulations k, 5. and 6 (Sees. 3OI.72-U to 301.72-6) under tlis quarantine, may be Bafely siodified tc waive all certification requirements for all regulated areas -anti1 further notice, for the interstate movement of all restricted articU-s imported from foreign countries and moving through a regulated area, v/hen reshipped in the unopened, original container and when each container is clearly marked to indicate the country of ori gin, when the articles are protected, while in the related areas, in a manner satisfactory to an authorized inspector ->f the United States Department of Agriculture. Such modification is hereby authorized. (Sec. 301.72) /^.E.?.Q.-USJ$7 LEE A. STRONG Chief, Bureau of Intorology and Plant Quarantine. IllJJSi!