Mmifo U.S. DEPOSITORY UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION AECU-715 (LADC-7^5) ON THE STATISTICS OF LUMINESCENT COUNTER SYSTEMS By Frederick Seitz D. W. Mueller Approved for Release: February 13, 1950 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory D5 Technical Information Division, ORE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Styled, retyped, and reproduced from copy- as submitted to this office. Work performed under Contract No. W-7^05-eng-36 PRINTED IN U.S.A. PRICE 10 CENTS ON THE STATISTICS OF LUMINESCENT COUNTER SYSTEMS By Frederick Seitz and D. W. Mueller 1. INTRODUCTION The type of crystal counter which depends upon the combination of luminescent crystals and a photomultiplier tube shows promise of being of great service in the detection of radiations both be- cause of its high sensitivity and speed of registry and recovery. This device has been developed by a large number of individuals, almost too numerous to mention; however, the origin of the system appears to rest with Coltman and Marshall, 1 who employed powdered luminescent materials of the type used in previous commercial luminescent systems, and with Broser and Kallmann, 2 who first appreciated the advantages of employing large, transparent, luminescent crystals and introduced organic materials. The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of the factors which influence the statistical be- havior of luminescent counter systems, in order to evaluate the limits within which a counter may be used in making a particular type of measurement. The problems of interest range over a wide spec- trum of possibilities. However, the problem on which attention is focused for immediate purposes in order to provide a practical objective is the following: A crystal-counter system is employed to count the gamma rays emitted from a source in time T. If N gamma rays are emitted, what is the most probable number that will be counted and what is the range of variation to be expected ? An attempt is made to examine this problem in a sufficiently gen- eral way that the results will have value for a much broader group of problems. It is interesting to consider the component parts of this problem in order to be able to examine the sources of statistical variations. The components are as follows: 1. The source, even if constant in the sense that it remains unchanged during the time T, will contribute to the statistical variation since the gamma rays are usually emitted at random. For simplicity, it is assumed that the time T is sufficiently short that variations in the source strength can be neglected and that the statistical variations in emission of gamma rays can be treated on the basis of a Poisson distribution. 2. Unless the source is completely surrouned by the luminescent material, some of the gamma rays will not pass through this material and hence will certainly fail to be registered. The average fraction which passed through the material is designated by f, so that the average number of gamma rays which pass through the detecting system, if N are emitted from the source, is v = fN (1) If the source is isotropic, f will be determined simply by the solid angle subtended by the crystal system; otherwise a somewhat more involved calculation is needed to determine f. 3. A given gamma ray may or may not produce an ionizing pulse within the luminescent crystal. The possible mechanisms for producing such a pulse are the photoelectric effect, the Compton ef- fect, and pair production. In the first and third cases the gamma ray transmits all its energy to the crystal provided the energetic electrons produced by the gamma ray do not escape from the crystal. A greater statistical variation is possible when the range of gamma-ray energy and the atomic number are such that the Compton effect predominates. This would be the case, for example, if the luminescent material were one of the organic types such as naphthalene or anthracene and if the gamma rays had an energy in the neighborhood of 2 Mev. AECU - 715 1 AECU - 715 The probability of a Compton encounter may be described in terms of the mean free path X for the process, namely X = l/n e o- c (2) where n e is the density of electrons in the luminescent material and ? m Op (51) V = -p*par, m Qp [4 + - 7) m £p (4+ 3a) ] Once again it is noticed that p drops out of the fractional variance. Whenever the quantity y = n m Op is very small compared with unity, the fractional variance may be approximated by the expression _VV = (_8/3_Y* (52) m \ vanm apJ In the opposite extreme, in which y is very large compared with unity, the fractional variance is Vv _ U + 3a \ v * M " V 3w* / which approaches 2/ V3a^ if a is small compared with unity and approaches l/V^ if a is very large. The latter case, in which a is large, is in contradiction with the assumptions of the thin approximation; however, it is of mathematical interest. (53) AECU - 715 11 5. FLUCTUATIONS IN CHARGE ON CONDENSOR When dealing with a high-intensity source, it is frequently convenient to feed the current pulses from the photomultiplier into a condensor which is shunted with a high resistance and measure the voltage across the condensor in order to provide a measure of the average current which arrives at the condensor. This voltage exhibits fluctuations because the pulses are distributed statistically both in magnitude and in time. The influence of the distribution in time has been investigated by Schiff and Evans 8 for the case in which the pulses are equal in magnitude. The generalization of their results when the pulses vary in size is of interest here. If the capacity of the condensor is C and the shunting resistance is R, the decay time for the shunted capacity is t = RC. A charge which is fed into the condensor at time t' will have decayed by a factor exp [ — (t - t') /t] by the later time t. The assumption is that the charge associated with each pulse of the multiplier arrives in a time that is short compared with the decay time of the condensor. It is also assumed that the pulses are distributed in time in accordance with the distribution law governing the frequency with which gamma rays enter the luminescent crystal, that is, in accordance with the generating function G 2 '(e) of Sec. 2 (see Eq. 28). Since interest is in specific intervals of time t, v in Eq. 28 is replaced by nt, where n is the average number of gamma rays entering the crystal per unit time. Those gamma rays which do not excite the crystal will give rise to pulses of size. For the purposes of this section, the generating function is designated for the pulse in the photomultiplier associated with the passage of a single gamma ray into the crystal by G(e). The pulse size will be assumed to be expressed in units of charge. G(c ) will differ in the soft and hard approximations but may be left arbitrary for the moment. Consider the gamma rays which arrive in the time interval dt' between t' and t' + dt'. The generating function associated with the current they contribute to the condensor at the time t' is 1 + ndt'[G(e) -1] (54) which is the expansion of G 2 '[G(e)] in terms of dt' when v is replaced by ndt'. The mean value of the charge associated with this generating function is ndt'G'(l) (55) This mean contribution will have decayed by a factor exp [(f - t)/r] by the time t. Thus the mean charge at time t resulting from the accumulation for all previous times is nG'(l) J° x exp [(t'-t)A] dt' = nrG'd) (56) G'(l) evidently is the mean charge pulse Q in the photomultiplier associated with the entrance of a single gamma ray. Similarly, the variance in the charge on the condensor at time t is the integral of the variance of Eq. 54 from t' = — oo to t' = t with a weighting coefficient exp [2(t' - t)/r] since the decay constant for the square of the charge is twice as large as that for the charge. The result is y[G"(l) + G'(l)] (57) The quantity G"(l) + G'(l) is the mean of the square of the charge pulse associated with a single gamma ray, which we shall designate as Q 2 . This is also equal to the variance of the charge pulse associated with a single gamma ray plus Q 2 . The fractional variance of the charge on the condensor is Vv / Q 2 V/2 M \2rnQ 2 (58) 12 AECU - 715 The coefficient (1/2™) y * represents the result obtained by Schiff and Evans for pulses of constant amplitude. The coefficient Q 2 /Q 2 for the thick and thin cases may now be investigated. A. Thick Case In this case the generating function G(«) is S 3 jG 4 [G 5 (6)] . The means and variances of G 4 and G 5 were tabulated in the previous section. The corresponding quantities for G 3 are ti c and tiJcU - c). By combining the means and variances M = Q = 3prj cOp V = 3p 2 7? cflp[4 + 3?) flp(l - c)] (59) are obtained. Moreover, Q 2 = V + M 2 = 3p 2 7! cOp(4 + 3r) fip) (60) so that Q 2 Y* /4 + 3n flp^2 / 4 + 3T) gp \V- Q*/ Isrfocflpj (61) As should be expected, this approaches 1/ Vc whenr) £>p becomes sufficiently large, for the pulses then approach the constant size and the only source of statistical variation is in the random pro- duction of luminescent bursts. B. Thin Case In this case G(«) is H 3 (K 3 (G 4 [G 5 (e)]j) whose averages were tabulated in the previous section. M = Q = -pa„ m Gp V = 3p 2 «77 m i2p(2+T) m i?p) (62) Q 2 = 3p 2 «1 nf Op[2 + i| in flp(l + |a)] /Q^ 2 = [1 2 + nmflp (1 + 3 / 4 a) f 2 VQ 2 / L 3 a r) m Qp J jfip In this case Q 2 /Q 2 approaches (4/3 + a) /a when rj m £p becomes sufficiently large. 6. CONCLUSIONS 1. The statistical variations in a counting system which consists of a source, a luminescent crystal, and a photomultiplier are examined. It is assumed that the source is constant for a fixed period of time, although it emits particles at random. For definiteness and to provide a maximum degree of statistical variation, it is assumed that the source is a gamma emitter and that only a fraction of the gamma rays fall on the luminescent crystal. The method of generating functions is employed to treat the chain of events which the particles emitted from the source engender. Two oppositely extreme cases are considered, namely, that in which all the energy of a gamma ray which enters the crystal is transferred to the electrons and that in which the gamma ray transfers only a portion of its energy in a manner that depends upon the Compton encounters it makes. The two ap- proximations are referred to as the "thick" and "thin" approximations. The first can be realized by using a crystal which is sufficiently thick that the gamma ray is completely absorbed. The second case can be approximated by using a very thin specimen and using gamma ray energies for which the Compton process predominates. AECU - 715 13 2. As might be expected the results show that the effectiveness of the system depends upon the ability of the crystal to receive energy from the crystal. They also show that a measure of the ef- fectiveness of the remainder of the system is provided by the quantity x = nflp Here r\ is equal to the number of light quanta, r\ , produced per gamma ray in the luminescent crystal in the thick case and is, 77 m , the maximum number which can be produced per Compton encounter in the thin case. Q is the probability that a light quantum emitted from the crystal will strike the photo- surface of the multiplier, and p is the probability that a photoelectron will be emitted from the cathode. The system will be a faithful counter of those gamma rays which transfer energy to the crystal provided x is of the order of 5 or larger. The statistical fluctuations are then determined primarily by the Poisson distribution of encounters in the crystal. If, on the other hand, the current from the multiplier is measured instead of the rate of counts, the contribution of the photomultiplier to the statistical error is appreciable until x is considerably larger than 5, although this error can be reduced to that corresponding to the Poisson distribution of encounters in the crystal when x is increased. The statistics of the case, in which the pulses are fed into a capacitor with a time constant and the voltage of the capacitor is measured, are treated from a standpoint somewhat more general than that considered by Schiff and Evans. REFERENCES 1. J. W. Coltman and F. Marshall, Phys. Rev., 72: 528 (1947); F. Marshall, J. Applied Phys., 18: 512 (1947). 2. I. Broser and H. Kallmann, Z. Naturforsch., 2a: 439 (1937); 642 (1947); I. Broser, L. Herforth, H. Kallmann, and U. Martius, ibid., 3a: 6 (1948). 3. W. Heitler, The Quantum Theory of Radiation, Oxford University Press, 1936. 4. P. W. Engstrom, J. Optical Soc. Am., 37: 420 (1947); G. A. Morton and J. A. Mitchell, RCA Rev., 9: 632 (1948). 5. J. V. Uspensky, Introduction to Mathematical Probability, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1937; T. Jorgenson, Am. J. Phys., 16: 285 (1948). 6. L. Herforth and H. Kallmann, Ann. Physik, 4: 231 (1949). 7. J. W. Coltman, E. G. Ebbighausen, and W. Altar, J. Applied Phys., 18: 530 (1947). 8. L. I. Schiff and R. D. Evans, Rev. Sci. Instruments, 7: 456 (1937); L. I. Schiff, Phys. Rev., 50: 88 (1936). END OF DOCUMENT AEC. Oak Ridge. Tenn., 6-21-50-675-A18440 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08917 1135 J