/$*.; 15 | P Q I K.-\ Islon of Etegula i:n ember 16, United States Department of Agriculture Bl KF.U <)! BMTOMOLOGT AND PLANT Ul AKANTIM MODIFICATION OF MEXICAN FRUIT WORM QUARANTINE REGULATIONS INTRODUCTORY NOTE The following revision of regulation 7 of the Mexican fruit -worm quarantine authorize- ef of the Bureau <»f Entomology and Plant Quarantine to make Bach modifications ;i» may be considered necessary with <> th< duration and dates of commencement and termination of the ho within the regulated area. I. IT a. gn i <'ii ■ of Bntonvologp and Plant Quaranxtii AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO REVISED RULES AND REGULATIONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO NOTICE OF QUARANTINE NO. 64 14. 1936 ; effective Nov. 16, 1936) ler authority conferred by the Plant Quarantine \< of a ■■_ ist 20, 1912 3tat 316), as amended, it is ordered that regulation 7 of the revised rales and regulations supplemental to Notice of Quarantine No. 64, on a< the Mexican fruit worm, which were promulgated on August 12, 1932, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows : Regulation 7. Conditions Required in the Regulated Areas The Interstate movement of grapefruit, oranges, and other res! citrus fruit from the regulated anas under permit ilture will be conditioned on tl and « the following control measures In manner and by methi . proved by tl:- ' - j D rtment of Agriculture, namely: TION A. HOST-FREE PERIOD A h< ; shall be maintained each year beginning in the month of Marc: tinning for 7 months, - such modification as to dun in. -lit and termination .-is may be authorized by the ad Plan! Quarantine on presentati •'videi. modification Is ry or desirable ai risk of propagating the Mexican fruit worm. h year, all citrus fruit ■ • limes shall be removed from the id all other host fruits shall be destroyed ei wing jtruction of the trees themselves. • mitted to develop In groves or within a •■ any time during such period excepl follows: 'i ' Citrus fruits developing on the trees In such stages of Immaturity I an Inspector, 'hey are not Busceptible to Infestation worm; citrus fruits In storage, or on retail ■ t Immed sumption, stored, or maintained under such condil b shall be approved by au Inspector, tin ililil 3 1262 08721 5785 SKCTION B. INSPECTION A system of Inspection shall i i on throughout the year to provide for the efficient enforcement of sections A ami C of this regulation and for the prompt discovery of any Infestations which occur and for the enforcement of such conditions in and around, citrus groves and packing and preserving plants .!- -hail prevent tfce possibility of fruit worm development then SECTIOH C, IM BB1 BD .- Upon the determination of a Mexican fruit-worm Infestation within a regu- lated area, an infested /one shall he designated by the State of Texas iii a manner approved by the United States Department of Agriculture and all fruits in susceptible stag's of maturity produced within such zone and remain- in- in the regulated area shall he destroyed or processed in such a manner as '.. render them free from infestation. This amendment shall he effective on and after November Id. p. Done at the city of Washington this 14th day of November 1 '.)."(;. Witness my hand and the seal of the United S - I ' partment i ( Agriculture. R. G. Tuowkll. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. S. GOVERNMENT PRINJ1KG OFF