/ SUBJECT-MAT fCU INLIX NJk DRy-l\llN CPTUATCPS April 1954 No. 1975 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison 5, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin SUBJECT-MATTER INDEX FOP DBY-KILN OPERATORS By RAYMOND C. RLETZ, Chief Division cf Timber Physics Forest Products Laboratory,— Forest Service U. So Department of Agriculture Ling of information for future reference requires some sort of an r'.ndex. Subject-matter designations for library indexing are not detailed enough to cover the range of subjects involved in the seasoning of wood. Therefore, an index has been developed to fit the needs of this Laboratory. It has worked reasonably well over a period of years and may prove useful to dry-kiln operators, foresters , and others collecting reference infor- mation on the seasoning of wood. The principal features of this index that are of interest to dry-kiln operators are included in the following numerical index . Only the first three numbers are indexed. Dry-kiln operators and others interested in using the index can expand it for fourth and fifth numbers as needed . 1 "Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Report No. 1975 Agriculture -Mad is on General 0-1 Miscellaneous 0-2 Orders and Instructions 0-3 Directories 0-4 Patents 0-5 Education Mechanical Properties 1-0 General 1-1 Strength Values, kinds of tests, species 1-2 After Drying, temperature effects 1-3 During Drying, moisture effects 1-4 Influenced by and Affecting, steam bending, chemicals, kiln drying, etc. Physical Properties 2-0 General 2-1 Structure 2-1-0 General 2-1-1 Fiber, normal, abnormal 2-1-2 Effect of fiber arrangement upon drying rate, shrinkage surface checks, warp, workability, etc c 2-2 Durability, wearing properties, weathering 2-3 Thermal Constants 2-3-1 Conductivity 2-3-2 Thermal expansion 2-3-3 Inflammability 2-3-4 Specific heat 2-4 Specific Gravity, Weight, and Density 2-4-1 Weight, bouyancy 2-4-2 Specific gravity statistics, density of wood, formulas, etc . 2-4-3 Influenced by decay, drying methods, growth, shrinkage, etc. 2-5 Hygroscopicity, Absorption, Equilibrium Moisture Content 2-5-1 Theory, heat of absorption, hysteresis, etc. 2-5-2 Fiber saturation point, definition, methods of measurement 2-5-3 Equilibrium moisture content, definition, methods of measurement, affected by treatment, instrument for controlling, etc . 2-5-4 Absorption of moisture, during rail shipments, sapwood and heartwood, etc. Report No. 1975 -2- 2-6 Moisture Movement, Rate, Constants, Moisture Gradient 2-6-0 General 2-6-1 Bibliography 2-6-2 Theory of moisture movement 2-6-3 Diffusivity, constants, effect of temperature, species, sapwood and heartwood, calculation of drying time, etc, 2-6-U Moisture gradients, influenced by drying conditions, etc . 2-7 Shrinkage and Warping 2-7-0 General 2-7-1 Types and species, normal wood, abnormal wood, longitudinal, radial, tangential, volumetric, influence on warp 2-7-2 Formula for calculating 2-7-3 Shrinkage; moisture relation 2-7 -^ Shrinkage results, footage reduction, caseharderdng, checks, honeycomb, splits, warp 2-7-5 Shrinkage and warp affected by chemicals, drying conditions, sapwood and heartwood, steaming, el 2-8 Identification of Wood 2-9 Electrical Properties 2-9-0 General 2-9-1 Capacity; resistance 2-9-2 Dielectric constants, resistance values, species 2-9-3 Influenced by extractives, moisture, temperature, etc, 2-10 Color 2-10-0 General 2-10-1 Influenced by stain, mold, chemical, drying conditions, extractives, steaming, weathering, er 2-11 Moisture Content ^od 2-11-0 General 2-11-1 Green moisture content, cpecies 2-11-2 Maximum influenced by specific gravity 2-11-3 Air-dry and kiln-dry moisture content 2-11-U Use requirements 2-11-5 Moisture specifications 2-12 Moisture Determination Methods 2-12-0 General 2-12-1 Oven Drying 2-12-2 Electrical resistance, capacity, commercial moisture meters , e 2-12-3 Distillation 2-12-U Chemical 2-12-5 Other methods, dew point, hygrometer, relative humidity 2-13 Sound Properties 2-lU Properties Affecting Uses 2-15 Porosity 2-lb Urea-Plastic ized Wood 2-17 Vibration Characteristics Report No, 1975 -3- Chemistry of Wood 3-0 General 3-1 Sugars 3-2 Resins 3-3 Tannins 3-4 Fuel Values Industrial Investigatio ns 4-0 Generel 4-1 Manufacturers, equipment, sawmills , woodworking machinery, etc , 4-2 Markets and Utilization 4-3 Production, Consumption, Prices, etc. 4-4 Trar.sporta.tion 4-5 Grading Rules 5, Air Drying 5-0 5-1 5-2 General 5-0-1 Air drying and kiln drying compared 5-0-2 Bibliography 5-0-3 Specifications 5-0-4 Statistics, costs, degrade, drying time, moisture content, etc. Apparatus 5-1-1 Dip tanks, steaming chambers, etc, Stacking methods Yarding equipment 5-1-2 5-1-3 Methods 5-2-1 5-2-2 5-2-3 5-2-4 5-2-5 5-2-6 Survey of practices Effects upon checks, degrade, time, warp, etc. Piling lumber, dimension, timbers, bowling pins, etc. Sanitation Special, ai^ drying on kiln trucks, girdling, coating, etc. Yard layout 6. Kiln Drying 6-0 General 6-0-1 6-0-2 6-0-5 6-0-4 6-O-5 Survey of commercial kilns and practices Kiln drying and air drying compared Development , bibliography Companies and engineers Specifications for kiln drying, moisture content, casehardening, etc, Report No, 1975 -4- 6-C-6 Statistics, c ing time, degrade, et 6-1 Apparatus 6-1-0 General 6-1-1 Dry k makes, types, operation, types c pared, etc. 6-1-2 Gref. I and cooling sheds, pik cov« 6-1-3 Circulation, methods of creating - bl aspirators, steam sprays, dampers, ys, e'. 6-1-4 Radiation, steam coils, heat exchangers 6-1-5 A i r conditioning measurement and control, temper- ature, relative humidity, equilibrium moisture content, tables, charts, etc 6-1-6 Mechanism of drying air, condensation, ventilation 6-1-7 Veneer driers 6-1-8 Lumber handling equipment and i ary apparatu kiln trucks, bunks, stickers, stackers, t balances, gas masks, ovens, e~ 6-2 Methods 6-2-1 Tneory, way wood dries, casehardening, chec collapse, steaming, part-time operation, etc. 6-2-2 Schedules, aircraft, species, treated wood, et 6-2-3 Forms and items, lumber, dimension, timbers, logs, bowling pins,, gunstocks, handles, cooperage, etc. 6-2-4 Dimension stc 6-2-5 Piling 6-3 Effect of Kiln Methods 6-3-1 Degrade, checks, collapse, honeycomb, warp, stai . 6-3-2 Strength 6-4 Kiln Design and Engineering Problems 6-4-0 General 6-4-1 Furnace -type kil: 6-4-2 Kiln walls, roofs, foundations 6-4-3 Steam-coil design, heat-exchanger design 6-4-4 Ventilat 6-4-5 Circulation (kiln aerodyn; 6-4-6 Heat requirements 6-4-7 Equipment depreciation 6-4"8 Condensation problems 6-5 Testing and ] ting, I. Equipm 6-5-0 Gene: 6-5-1 Commercial kiln installat I 6-5-2 Calibration of k laboratory equipment 7. Chemical Pretreatments (for checking control) 7-0 General 7-0-1 Kiln drying and air dry d, compared 7-0-2 Development, bibliography 7-0-3 Companies end engineers 7-0-4 Specifications, moisture content, casehardening, etc 7-0-5 Statistics, c vade, drying time Eeport No, 1975 -> 7-1 Apparatus 7-2 Processes 7-2-1 Theory of checking control by chemicals, shrinkage , species, degrade, schedules, etc, 7-2-2 Treating and drying 7-2-3 Forms and items, cooperage, bowling pins, lumber, dimension , dimension stock, etc. 7-3 Chemical Seasoning Agents 7-4 Effect of Methods on Wood 7-4-1 Degrade, checks, collapse, honeycomb, color, etc* 7-1+ -2 Strength 7-4-3 Penetration 7_lf~4 Physical properties 7-4-5 Decay and termite resistance 7-4-6 Corrosion Special Drying Methods 8-0 General 8-1 Boring Hole Through Center of Logs 8-2 Steaming Followed by Kiln Drying 8-3 Ozone Drying Process 8-4 Centrifugal Force 8-5 Daytime Drying 8-6 Vacuum Drying 8-7 Heating and Cooling 8-8 Freezing 8-9 Superheated Steam 8-10 High -Frequency Dielectric and Electric Heating 8-11 Drying by Fydrophilic Solvent Extraction 8-12 Infrared Drying 8-13 Boiling in Oil 8-l4 Vapor Drying 9-. Decay and Stain 9-0 General 9-1 Influenced by Seasoning Conditions, floods, etc, 9-2 Methods of Control, fungicide, steaming, kiln drying, etc 9-3 Insects 10 « Pr e s e rvat i on 10-0 General 10-1 Preservation of Fuel, sawdust, shavings, etc Beport No, 1975 11. Statistical Methods 11-0 General 11-1 Bibliography 11-2 Statistical Tables, Charts, etc 11-3 Statistical Quality Control 12. Glues 12-0 General 12-1 Apparatus 12-2 Processes 12-3 Products 12-U Influence of Glue on Machine Knives 12-5 Nail Gluing 13 . Boxes, Containers, Crates 13-0 General 14. Coatings and Wood Finishes 14-0 General 14-1 Influence of Coatings, moisture regain and loss, degrade, etc, 14-2 End Coatings 14-2-0 General 14-2-1 Formulas 14-2-2 Efficiency and physical property data 15 . Storage 15-0 General 15 -1 Apparatus 15-1-0 General 15-1-1 Conditioning rooms 15-1-2 Storage sheds 15-2 Piling Methods 15-2-1 Door stock 15-2-2 Flooring 15-2-3 Furniture 15-2-4 Logs 15-2-5 Lumber 15-2-6 Panels 15-2-7 Timbers Report No. 1975 -7- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 15-3 Location 15-3-1 At factories 15-3-2 At mills 3 1262 08924 2100 15-3-3 At retail and wholesale yards 15-3-4 Py building contractors 15.3.5 j n transit 15-4 Influence of Storage 15-4-1 Casehardening 15-4-2 Checks 15 -4-3 Checks and splits due to freezing 15-4-4 Degrade 15-4-5 End splits 15-4-6 Honeycomb 15-4-7 Moisture concent specifications 15-4-8 Moisture content values and end gradient 16 . Constructions and Engin eerin g Probl ems (Not Dry Kilns) 16-0 General l6-l Condensation 16 -1-0 General 16 -1-1 Buildings l6- 1-2 Baseme: 16 -1-3 Building paper 16-1-4 Chimneys I6-I-5 Floors 16-1-6 Humid ificat ion and air conditioning 16-1-7 Lockers and cold storage 16-1-8 Painting ' 16-I-9 Plaster 16 -1-10 Shingles and roofs 16-1-11 Siding 16-1-12 Trailers 16-I-I3 Ventilation 16-1-14 Walls and attics 16-3-15 Weather strips 1.6-1-16 Window sash and frames 16-1-17 Containers 16-2 Construction 16-2-0 General 16-2-1 Influenced by moisture content of wood members, boats, prefabricated homes, forms, etc c 16-3 Manufacturing 16-3-1 Influenced by checks, splits, extractives , stains, shrinkage, swelling, warp, species, etc, j.6-3-2 Forms and items, boats, boxes, furniture, handles, sporting goods, shoe heels, bowling pins, etc. 17= Forestry 17-0 General 17-1 Logging Report No. 1975 -8-