4- LIST Of REE ERENCE WORKS ON PLEP AND PAPER May 1941 p.~f(>H FOREST SERVlOt LIBRARY JUL 1 1941 J UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/refeewOOfore A LIST OF EEFZSSITCS W0PJC5 CN PULP AID PAPER General information regarding pulp and paper making can often be conveniently obtained by consulting general encyclopedias .and technical handbooks. These may be found in all good technical and general libraries, where it may also be possible to secure some of the following listed v/orks specifically relating to this subject. Hov/ever, if any of the references arc especially desired and cannot be otherwise secured they may be obtained by purchase from the publishers or through the larger book dealers. 'American paper and pulp association. The dictionary of paper; including pulps, boards, paper properties, and related papermaking terms. N.Y. , A.P.P.A. , 19U0. 365 p. $5.00. American pulp and paper mill superintendents association* Year book and program, 193&* Miami sburg, 0., The assoc. (Issued annually.) Andes, L. E. Treatment of paper for special purposes. 2d ed. Eng.ed. rev. and enl. N.Y. ,. Van Nostrand, 1923. 20^ p. , illus. $U.2J>. Beadle, Clayton. Chapters on paper making. 5 v « ! 2d of v. 1 and 2. London, Lockwood, 190S. Bekk, J. Het papier; Een bydrage tot de kennes van der vervaardiging, gebruik en de onderzockingsmethoden van papier (Contribution to the knowledge of the manufacture, use, and methods of investigating paper). Amsterdam, G-. H. Buhr-Manns 1 Papiergroothandel N.V. , 1937* 1&3 P« Samples of paper. Beveridge, James. Papermakers 1 pocket book specially compiled for paper mill operatives, engineers, chemists, and office officials. 3& G nl. ed -« London,. McC or quodale, 1925. 3^9 p. , illus. $8.00. Britton, 3. S.. History of paper merchandising in New York City. Chicago, ' Howard pub. co. , 1939. SO p. ■ $1.00. Bromley, H. A. Outlines of stationery testing. N.Y. , Lippincott, 1913' 7U p., illus. $1.50. Brown, IT. C. Timber products and industries. N.Y. , Wiley, 1937- 31°" P* • illus. $3.50. Wood-pulp and its products, p. 105-132. Brown, T. Introducing paper. 3rd ed. London, Stonhill &'Gillis.' 1939- Butler, P. 0. Story. of paper making: an account of paper making from its earliest known record down to the present time; Chicago, J. W. Butler paper co. , 1901. 136 p. , illus. R56U Canadian pulp and paper association - Technical section. Annual meeting: papers and proceedings. Montreal,. Pub. by the assoc. 1937 • (Issued annually) $2.00. -making Chalmers, T. W. Paper making/and its machinery.. N.Y. , Van Nostrand, 1920. 178 p., illus. $8.00. Carpenter, C. H. Atlas of paper fibres. Syracuse, N.Y. , state college of forestry, 1931- ^ P* » illus. (N.Y. state college of forestry Tech. pub. 35) $0.50. Clapperton, G-oorgc, Practical paper making. 3^- e &' rev « and partly re- written by ?.. H. Clapperton. London, Lockwood, 1929. 230 p. , illus. $3.00. Clapperton, R. H. .Modern paper making, by R. H. Clapperton and William Henderson, London, Penn. , 1929. 3&5 P* » illus. $8.H5. Clapperton, R. H. Paper: an historical account of its making by hand from the earliest times down to the present day. Ltd. ed. Oxford, Eng* , Blackwell, I93U. 15S p. , illus. $31.70. Cross, C. P. , C.B.S. unit and standard paper tests, by C. F. Cross and others. London, Woodpulp, ltd., 1903. 26 p. Cross, C. P. Cellulose: an outline of the chemistry of the structural ele- ments of plants, with reference to their natural history and industrial uses, by C.P.Cross- and E.J. Bevan, London, Longmans, 1918. 3^8 p. , illus. Cross, C. P. Researches on cellulose, 1895-1910, by C.P.Cross and E.J.Bevan, London, Longmans, 1907-12. 3 v. (1895-1921). Cross, C. P. Researches on cellulose, v. k, by C.P.Cross and C, Doree. N.Y. , Longmans, 1922. ^ $5.00 Cross, C. P. Text book of paper making, by C.P.Cross and ,E. J.Bevans , 5th ed. re-issue. N.Y. , Chem.p\ib.co. of N.Y. ...1936, 538 p., illus. $6.00. * • v - f Cross, C. P. Wood pulp and its uses, by C.P.Cross and others. 2d ed. N.Y. , Van Nostrand, 19I8. 26U p. , illus. $3. 50. Dawe, E. A. Paper and its uses. *+th ed. London, Crosby Lockwood, 1939- 2 v. , one being 150 samples of paper. $3«75«-' ► Doree, Charles. Methods of cellulose chemistry. N.Y. , Van No strand, 193 2 « U99 p., iiius. $7.00. '.,:'• DuPont de Nemours, E. I. & co., -inc. Dyeing of paper. Wilmington, Del., DuPont do Nemours, 1935,. .200 p., illus. R56U . • . -2- Engineering index, l88U-date. IT. Y. Amer. Soc. Mech. Eng. This annual index includes • abstracts of the articles' in pulp and paper periodicals. Current issue $50.00. Goodwin, Rutherford. The Williams Parks paper mill at Williamsburg. Lex- ington, Va. , Journalism Laboratory Press, 1939* ^1 P« $3«85« Grant, Julius. Wood pulp. Walt ham, Mass.," Chronica Botanica co. , 1938. 2C Griffin, R. 3. Chemistry of paper making, together with the principles of general chemistry, by R. B. Griffin and A. D. Little. N.Y. , Lockwood, I89U. 517 p. Grunewald, Willy. Hers t el lung und verarb'eitung von druckpapieren: ein hilfsbuch fur papiermacher und drucker. Berlin. Carl Hofmann, 1923- 159 p., illus. g.50'RM. Gruenv;ald, '.'*. Papierhandcl , by W. Gruenwald & Sensenhauser. 2 aufl. Berlin. Hofman, 1927-. Hagglund, Erik, Holzchemie. 2 aufl'. Leipsig. Akademeshe Verlagsges., 1939. 397 p. Hall, A. J. Cotton-cellulose: its chemistry and technology. H.Y. , Van Nostrand, 192U. 228 p. , illus. $7.50.' Hall, J. Alfred. Products of American forests, by J. A. Hall and T. J. Mosley. Washington, D. C. , Govt. Print. Off., 1939- kg p., illus. Pulp and paper p. 21-2H. $0.20. Hawley, L. 7. Chemistry of wood, by L. F. Ha.v/ley & L. E. Wise. N.Y. Rein- hold pub. corp., I926. 33^ P» » illus. (American chemical society monograph 28.). $U.50. Herzberg, Wilhelm* Papierorufung. 7 aufl. bearb. von R. Korn und B. Schulze # Berlin, S-oringer, 1932. J>ko p. , illus. 30 BM. Herzog, Alois. Mikrochemische papieruntersuchung. Berlin, Springer, 1935» 109 p., illus. $10.55. Hess, Walter. Aus der betriebspraxis der druck und papier verarbeitu. . Berlin, M. Krayn Technischen Verlag. IGo" p. R56U • -3- Heuser, Emil, ed. Technik und praxis der papierfabrikation, ed. "by Emil Heuser & Erich Opfermann. Berlin, Eisner, 3 v » in 6 pts. v. 1, pt, 1 Die geschichte des papiers, by E. von Hassle, Dr. Korn, Er. Mosel, E. Opfermann & L. E. Walter. 278 p., illus. 22.50 EM. v. 1, pt. 2 Die bereitung des papi erg anzs toff es, by Hellmuth Schwalbe. 464' p. , illus. 28 EM. v. 2, pt. 1 Eabrikation des zellstoffes aus holz: sulitzellstoff , by Richard Dieckmann. 1923. 3&7 P* • illus. v. 2, pt. 2 Eabrikation des zellstoffes aus holz: natronzellstoff , by Erik Hagglund. 1926. 360 p., illus. 24 EM. v. 3» pt. 1 Die bleiche des zellstoff s: by Erich Opfer- mann & Ernst Hochberger. 1935* 288 p., illus. v. 3» pt. 2 Same. 1936. 4l6 p., illus. v. 3. 75 EM. Hofmann, Carl. Hofmann's treatise on paper making. N.Y. , Lockwood, 1895-96. 6 parts. Only 6 of the 20 parts were issued. Hofmann, Carl. Praktisches handbuch der papierfabrikation. Berlin, V or lag der papier-zeitung, 1891-1923. 3 v., illus. 36 EM. Houwink, R. Chomio und technologic der kunstoffe. Leipsig, Akad. Verlagsges., 1939- 625 p. Contains a chapter on tall oil. 42. Uo EM. Hoyer, Eritz. Die pappenf abrikation: praktisches handbuch. Berlin, Krayn, 1925. 316 p., illus. Hubbard, Ernst. Utilization of wood waste: trans, from the 2d German ed. by M. J. Salter. 3d English ed. by H. B. Stocks, London, Scott, 192O. 24-8 p., illus. $4.50. Hunter, Dard. Literature of papermaking, 1390-1800. Ltd. ed. Chillicothe, 0., Dard Hunter, 1925. 4-7 p. , illus. $30.00. Hunter, Dard. Old panermaking. Chillicothe, 0., Dard Hunter, I923. 112 p., illus. Hunter, Dard. Old papermaking in China and Japan. Ltd. ed. Chillicothe, 0., Dard Hunter ,"193 2. 71 p. , illus. $75.00. Hunter, Dard. Papermaking in southern Siam. Chillicothe, 0., Dard Hunter, 1936. 74 p., illus. $27.50. Hunter, Dard. Papermaking in the classroom. Peoria, Hi., Manual arts press, 1931. 80 p. , illus. $1.35.' Hunter, Dard. Papermaking pilgrimage to Japan, Korea, and China. Ltd. autog. ed. H.Y. , Pynson printers, inc., 1936. l4s p. , illus. $36.00. Hunter, Dard. Papermaking through eighteen centuries. IT.Y. , Eudge, 1930* 358 p., illus. $4.75. Same. 2 v. $20.00. Hunter, Dard. Primitive papermaking: an account of a Mexican sojourn and a voyage to the Pacific islands in search of information, implements, and specimens relating to the making and decorating of bark-paper. Ltd. ed. Chilloothe, 0., Dard Hunter, 1927. 47 p. , illus. $75.00. R564 -4- Industrial arts index, 1913-^ate. N.Y., H. W. Wilson co. A subject index to chemical engineering and trade periodicals, books -and pamphlets. Institute of paper chemistry. Bulletin (mo.).' Appleton, Wis., Pub. by the inst. 1930-date. v. 1-8. Jahans, G. A. Paper testing and chemistry for printers. IT.Y. , Pitman, 1931' 313 ?., illus. $3.75. Joint text book committee of the paper industry of the United States and Canada. Manufacture of pulp and paper: a textbook of modern pulp and paper mill practice. N.Y. , McGraw-Hill, 1921-38. 5 v. v. 3. Properties of puTpwood, preparation of pulpwood, etc. 3 d - ©cL 1937* SIS p. , illus. $6.50. v. 4. Pulping of rag and other fibers: processing waste papers; beating and refining; fillers and loading; sizing of paper; paper coloring; water and steam; auxiliary mill equipment; heating and ventilation.. 3 d - ed. 1936. *gll p., illus. $6.50. v. 5- Paper-making machines, hand-made papers, tub-sizing, paper finish- ing, coated papers, paper testing, general mill equipment. 3 d - ed -« 1939 - 766 p., illus." $6.00/ Kellogg, P. S. Pulnwood and wood pulp in North America. N.Y. , McG-raw-Eill, 1923. 273 p., illus. $U.OO. Kirchner, E. Das papier. Biberach, Guntter-Staib, 1922. U v., illus. Labarre, 3. J. Dictionary of paper and paper-making terms with equivalents in French, German, Dutch, and Italian: an experiment in technical lexico- graphy with a historical study on paper and an introduction. Amsterdam, N.V. Swets & Zeitlinger, 1937. 315 p. $7.50/ Lassberg, J. Die warmewirtschaf t in der zellstoff und papierindustrie. 2 aufl. 3erlin, Springer, 1926.- 262 p., illus. Leicester, Sheldon. Practical studies for paper manufacturers and all en- gaged in the industry; '"being a handbook based on lectures given to students, apprentices, artisans in paper works and others. Re-issue. London, Griffin, 1935. $2.95. Lockwood's directory of the paper -and allied trades, N.Y., Lockwood. Issued annually. $7-50. R56U -5- Maddox, H. A. Paper: its history, sources, and manufacture. Uth ed. London, Pitman, 1933. 172 p. , illus. $1.00. Maddox, H. A. What a stationer and printer ought to know about paper. Hth rev. ed. London, Whi taker, 1932. 12** p. $0.80. Mark, Herman. Physik und chemie der cellulose. Berlin, Springer, 1932. 330 p. , illus.' Matthews, J. M« Bleaching and related processes as applied to textile fibers and other materials. 2T.Y. Reinhold pub. corp. 1921. 676 p., illus. $10. Miller, Raymond M. The pulp and paper industry of the Pacific northwest, *oy R. M. Miller, B. E. Hoffman, ¥. J. Wakeman, Lyman Griswold, and P. M. Byam. 3 pts. Portland, Ore., U. S. War dept. 1937* Miller, R. IT. Chemistry of the sulphite process, by R. H. Miller, W. H. Swanson, M. W. Bray, T. M. Andrews, R. Soderquist, & tf. H. Monsson. of the United States Porest products laboratory. N.Y. Lockwood trade jour, co., 192S. 166 p., illus. $3.00. Mitchell, C. A. Pibres used in textile and allied industries, by C. A. Mitchell & R. M. Prideaux. N.Y. , Van Hostrand, 1911. 13k p., illus. $3.50. National directory of the Canadian pulp and paper industries, 1937* Garden- vale, Qjuebec, Natl. bus. pub. ltd., "1937. 279 P- . $5*00. Newsprint Service bureau. Story of newsprint paper. il.Y. , Pub. by the bur., 1936. 75 p., illus. $1.00. Paper raid pulp mill catalogue. Condensed and standardized catalogues of paper and pulp mill machinery equipment, chemicals and supplies; together with a general classified directory of such equipment and materials, indexed and cross-indexed. Chicago, S. B. Fritz. Issued annually. Paper makers' association of Great Britain and Ireland - Technical section Bibliography of periodical -publications on papermaking and allied sub- jects. London, Pub. ''oy the assoc. 1920-1932. Paper makers' association of Great Britain and Ireland - Technical section First report of the Paper testing committee. London, The assoc. 1937* Paper makers' association of Great Britain - Technical section. Report of the Pulp evaluation committee. London, The assoc. 1929. 1936. Interim report, 1929. 117 p., illus. $U.OO. 2d report, 1936. l6S p., illus. $U.OO. R56U -6- Paper makers', association of Great Britain and Ireland - Technical section. Tech. section proceedings, v. 1-lS. Eoridon. Pub. by the assoc. 1921-37* — Same. Index, v. 1-10. 1931-30. v. 11-lS. 1931-36. Paper makers' directory of all nations 1937 : containing the principal paper, pulp, and board mills of the world. London, Dean & son, ltd. , 1937* 955 p. $5.S5. Pfau, Johannes. Musterbuch der deutschen papier erzeugung. Biberach-Riss, Germany, Wochenblatt fur papierfabrikation, Guntner-Staib verlag, 192S. 535 p. Porphyre, J. A. Premieres notes sur la fabrication des pates et des papiers depaille. Angouteme, A. Porphyre, 1938. ISO p. Printing and allied trades research association. Classified list of text books, reference books and periodicals.' London, Patia House, •1937« 66 p. Schorger, A. W. Chemistry of cellulose and wood. IT. Y. , McGraw-Hill , 1926. 596 p., illus. $6.00. Schubert, Max. Die holzschliff -fabrikation unter berucksichtigung der neuesten erfahrungen und f orstschritte vom technischen und wirtschaft- lichen standpunkte aus. 3 aufl. Berlin, Krayn, I925. 257 V- > -Hus, Schubert, Max. Praxis der papierfabrikation, mit besonderer berucksichtigung der stoffmischungen und deren kodkulationen. 3 au fl« Berlin, Krayn, 1922. i+83 p., illus. Schubert, Max. '/orke fur die papierfabrikation, ed. by Muller. Berlin, Krayn, 1922-25. 3 v. 1. Die praxis der papierfabrikation. 3& ed. US3 p.. illus. 1922. IS HM. 2. Die cellulose fabrikation. ^th ed. 279 p., illus. 192U. 20 HM. 3. Die holzchliff -fabrikation. 3d ed. 257 p., illus. 1925. 12 RM. Schwalbe, C. G. Die chemie der cellulose. 3erlin, Borntraeger, Vjll. SG[\ p. Schwalbe, C. G. Die chemische betriebskontrolle in der zellstoff-und papier-industrie, by C. C-. Schwalbe & Rudolf Sieber. 3 d - cd -» Berlin, Springer, 1931. 5U7 p., illus. 33 : ::. Schwalbe, G. C. Chemische unter suchung pflanzlicher rohstoffe und der daraus abgeschiedenen zellstoffe. Berlin, Verlag: der papierzeitung, 1920. 159 P- • illus. (Schriften des Vereins der zellstoff - und papier chemiker, band 13) . Schwalbe, H. Bereitung des papiergazstoff es. Berlin, Eisner ,1931* •« illus. R56U -7- Schwarz, E. W. K. Rayon and synthetic yarn handbook... by E.W.K. Schwarz& H.R.Mauersberger. 2d enl.ed. H.Y. , Rayon pub. corp. 1936. 558 p., illus. $3.75. Simmons, R. H. The manufacture of paper. Washington, D. C. , Govt. Printing Off. 1938. 16 p. Sindall, R. W. Paper technology: an elementary manual on the manufacture, physical qualities, and chemical constituents of paper and paper making fibres. 3d ed. rev. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1920. 353 p. $9.50. Sindall, R. W. Testing of wood pulp: a practical handbook for the pulp and paper trades, by R.W. Sindall and W. H. Bacon. H.Y. , Van Hostrand, 1912. lUS p., illus. $2.50. Sindall, R. ¥. The manufacture of paper, and a bibliography of works relat- ing to cellulose and pa-oer making. H.Y. , Van Hostrand, 19O8. 285 P» » illus. $3.00. Sindall, R. W. Sampling of wood pulp. London, Poulter, n.d. 15 p., illus. Smith, Sigurd. Action of the beater. ...trans, into English by Renold Marx. H.Y. , Tech. assoc. pulp & paper indu3., 1923. 212 p., illus. $3.50. Snell, R. M. Story of paper making in the United States, k v. Holyoke, Mass. , Paper makers chemical corp. , 1927-31* Stevens, H. P. The paper mill chemist. 3 d - ed -» H.Y. , Van 'Ho strand, 1926. 317 p., illus. $U.00. Strachan, James. Recovery and remanufacture of waste paper: a practical treatise printed on paper made entirely from regenerated waste-paper. Aberdeen, Albany press, 1918. 158 p., illus. Stroschneider, Edith. Guide to the literature of the pulp and paper industry: an outline of the course given at the Institute of paper chemistry, Appleton, Wis. Appleton, Pub. by the inst. 1936. 185 p. $2.00. Studley, J. D. United States pulp and paper industry. Washington, D. C, Govt. Print, off. 1938. 99 p. $0.15. (U.S.Bureau of Foreign & -Domestic Commerce, Trade Promotion Series, Ho. 182.) Sutermeister, Edwin. Chemistry of pulp and paper making. 2d ed. , H.Y. , "Wiley, 1929. 565 p., illus. $6.50. R56U. -8- Technical association of the pulp and paper industry. Tech. association papers, 1918-date. IT. Y. , pub. by the assoc. Issued annually. Latest issue, $6.00. . . Technical association of the pulp and paper industry. T.A.F.P».I. Tenta- tive and official testing methods, recommended practices, specifications of the ...association. IT. Y. , Pub. oy the assoc, 1932. Loose-leaf. $7.50. 250 years of papermaking in'America. I'.Y. , Lockwood trade jour. co. , inc., 19^1. lgo'p., illus.. $3.50. U. S. Bureau of the census. Forest products: paper and paperboard 'production and papermrking machines in usej pulpwood consumption and wood-pulp production. Wash., Pub. by the Bur. Issued biennially from.1925 to date; $0.05 each. U. S. Bureau of the census . Census of manufactures: paper and allied products. Wash., Pub. by the Bur. Issued bienially since 1929 in odd numbered years. $0.10 each. U. , S. Forest products laboratory. List of publications on pulp and paper. Madison, Wis. 20 p., current issue. Gratis. United States pulp producers association. World wood pulp statistics. U.Y. , Pub. by the assoc. Issued annually, illus. $2.00. Verein der zellstoff- und papier-chemiker. Hauptversammlung. Berlin, 1907-1937. Published annually. Verstone, P. E. Manufacture of -oaper containers; textbook "on paper box and bag making. London, Verstone, 1922. 2^0 p., illus'. R56U -9- Watt, Alexander* Aft of- paper making. 3d ed. London, -Lockwood, 1907. 260 p. $4,00* •.-■ Weaver, Alexander. Paper, warps, and packages: the romantic story of paper and its influence on the coarse of history. Chicago, Container Corp. of America;. 1937* 80 p. Weeks, L. H. History of paper-manufacturing in the United States. 169O- . 1916. N.Y. , Lockwood, 1916. 352 p., illus. $3.0G. Wenzl, Hermann, Zellstoff erzeugung mit hilfe von chlor. Berlin, Borntraeger, 1927. 80 p., illus. 7.5O RM. West, C. J., comp. Bibliography of pulp and paper making, 1900-1928. . U.Y. , Lockwood trade jour. co. , inc., 1929. 982 p. . — Same: 1928-I935.. 803 p. $15,00 for v. 1 & 2. Same; Supplement issued annually since 193^. $3»00 each. West C. J-., ed. Classification .and definitions of papers: ed. for the committee on classification of papers. Rev. ed. N.Y. , Lockwood, 1928. 108 p. $1.50. — Same: 1939. West, C. J., comp. Reading list on papermaking materials. 2d ed. 1T.Y. , Pub. for the Tech. assoc. of the pulp & paper indus. by Lockwood trade jour, co. ,1928.. 239 p. $3.00. Weston, H. E. A book on par>er. Syracuse, 1T.Y. , Syracuse univ. bookstore, 1927. 77 p., illus. $1.50. Wheelwright, W.. 3. Essential facts about paper. Boston, Private printing for Stone & Andrew, 1920. 38 p., illus. •. Wheelwright, W. B. From paper mill to pressroom. Menasha, .Wis. , Banta, 1920. 102 p., illus. ' . Wheelwright, W. B. How paoer is made: a primer of information about the materials and processes for manufacturing paper for printing and writing. Chicago, United typothetae of America, I9I8. 59 P« » illus. $2.30. Wheelwright , W. 3. Printing papers; with a foreword by Otto 0. Kress. Chicago, Univ. Chic, press, 193&. 130 P» > illus. $2.00. Witham, C-. S. Modern pulp and paper making: a practical treatise. N.Y. , Reinhold pub. corp. , 1920. 559 p. , illus. $7-50. Revised ed. in preparation. R56U -10- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 5937