Mniooo United States jlj Department of Agriculture Combined Forest Pest Research and Development Program Home and Garden Bulletin No. 226 Southern Pine Beetle Handbook Southern Pine Beetles Can KOI Your Ornamental Pine In 1974 the U.S. Department of Agriculture initiated the Com- bined Forest Pest Research and Development Program, an inter- agency effort that concentrated on the Douglas- fir tussock moth in the West, on the southern pine beetle in the South, and on the gypsy moth in the Northeast. The work reported in this publication was funded in whole or in part by the program. This manual is one in a series on the southern pine beetle. Southern Pine Beetles Can Kill Your Ornamental Pine by Robert C. Thatcher, Jack E. Coster, and Thomas L. Payne ' Pine Bark Beetles A Forest Menace Figure 1. — Red-topped trees killed by beetles. Southern pine beetles are compulsive eaters. Each year in the South from Texas to Virginia the voracious insects conduct a movable feast across thou- sands of acres of pine forests. Most trees die soon after the beetles sink their teeth into them (fig. 1). And hungry beetles are hard to stop. In the early 1970's, they killed pines containing enough board feet of lum- ber to build about 55,000 new houses. Less than half of this wood was re- moved from the forest and used. Program Manager, Applications Coordina- tor, and Research Coordinator, respectively. Southern Pine Beetle Program, Pineville, La. And They Can Be a Menace To You, Too Unless you are a forest manager or work in the woods, you may not know just how much damage the beetles can do. Normally, they remain under the bark of pine trees back in the forest, silently gnawing away at a healthy chunk of the southern timber supply. But not always. Sometimes they for- age across forest lines and onto subur- ban or urban lots and yards (fig. 2). The homeowner with pines is not out of the woods as far as southern pine beetles are concerned. For this reason, owners of ornamental pines in the South should learn how to recognize and cope with bark beetle attacks. Figure 2. — Newly killed pines around suburban home. Appearance and Life Cycle Adult southern pine beetles are roughly Vs inch long, which is about the size of a grain of rice, and reddish brown to solid black. The insect goes through four life stages— egg, larva, pupa, and adult (fig. 3)— in the inner bark of its host pine tree. Beetles mature in about a month and three to eight generations are bom each year. Adults have wings; after killing the tree in which they were born, the beetles fly to another living pine to start the life cycle again. Eggs are mere pearly white dots. Lar- vae, or "grubs," are white, legless, and crescent shaped, with glossy red- dish-brown heads. Pupae are also white but closely resemble the adult beetle shape. Figure 3. — Life stages of the southern pine beetle; A, egg; B, larva; C, pupa; D, adult. Associated Beetles Figure 4. — Major pine bark beetles of the South and the trunk areas usually attacked. From top to bottom: small Ips, medium Ips, large Ips, southern pine beetle, and black turpentine beetle. How Beetles Kill Pines Southern pine beetles may feast on a tree by themselves, or they may have company— three species of Ips engraver beetles and black turpentine beetles. The different species some- times strike at the same time, making it hard to tell precisely what role each species plays in killing the pine and how much they help or hinder each other (fig. 4). There are three sizes of Ips engraver beetles. The smallest is slightly smaller than the southern pine beetle and at- tacks the upper part of the pine, in- cluding high branches. Middle-sized Ips prefer the midsection and upper level of the trunk, while the large en- gravers seem to favor the lower one- third. Although they can wipe out an entire stand of pines if conditions are conducive to beetle spread, all species of Ips usually kill only one or a few pines in isolated outbreaks. The black turpentine beetle is the larg- est bark beetle in the South, about V4 inch long. Yet it is the least destructive because it attacks in smaller numbers, strikes fewer trees, and takes longer to kill them than the other species do. The black turpentine beetle likes the lower third of very weak or dying pines and will even make a home for itself in freshly cut stumps. Southern pine beetles can kill a pine tree in a matter of days. Thousands of winged adults attack a single tree, bore through the bark, and hollow out egg "galleries." The females lay eggs in niches beside the galleries. In a week or so, larvae hatch and start chewing their way through the cambium— living conductive tissue— around the tree. This feeding "girdles" the pine and cuts off the normal flow of moisture and nutrients throughout the tree's system, quickly sapping its strength and contributing to its death. Adult feeding and a blue-stain fungus, which piggybacks its way inside pine bark on attacking adult beetles, help bring on tree death. Symptoms of Beetle Attack ^KZS^^^^HBH ■J ^ ^^^E^^^^MK^K^Kyi % --V*'" Successful attacks by southern pine beetles or by more than one species of Ips engravers always kill the tree. But if you act quickly enough, your pines can weather attacks by black turpen- tine beetles. Because control measures depend in part on whether or not the tree can be saved, you must first iden- tify the species of beetle you are deal- ing with. First signs of southern pine beetle at- tacks are popcorn-size lumps of pitch, called "pitch tubes," which occur at heights up to 60 feet (fig. 5). The pitch tubes of black turpentine beetles are much larger — about the size of a fifty- cent piece —and appear at the foot of the tree (fig. 6). Ips beetles rarely leave pitch tubes. During dry weather, pitch tubes do not appear; instead, red bor- ing dust, which looks like fine red sawdust, will collect in bark crevices and at the base of the pine. In later stages of southern pine beetle attack, you will be able to see small S- shaped feeding cuts on the inside of the bark (fig. 7). Black turpentine beetles make vertical, wide etchings and Ips cut either Y- or H-shaped tunnels. The final sign of attack — and the sure mark of death for the tree —is a fade in needle color from green to yellow, red, and brown (fig. 8). Figure 5. — Pitch tubes, the first sign of southern pine beetle attack. Figure 6. — The pitch tubes of black turpentine beetles are larger and lower on the tree than those of southern pine and Ips beetles. Figure 7. — Beetles chew galleries in the inner bark of pines. Figure 8. — Needles on trees killed by beetles fade from green to yel- low, red, and brown. Pines Likely to be Attacked 2^^^^H^| * Figure 9. — A healthy pine can sometimes pitch out beetle attacks. Figure 10. — Beetles often attack lightning-struck pines. Figure 11. — A pine that has been gouged by heavy equipment. (J Figure 12. — Construction work '• has disturbed this soil and skinned bark from the trees. Figure 13. — Laying sewer or water lines can disturb soil and weaken pines. Some trees are apparently more ap- petizing to southern pine beetles than other trees. For instance, beetles seem to prefer loblolly, shortleaf, and Vir- ginia pines to other kinds. During a beetle population explosion, however, the insects will take any species of pine available. And old, unhealthy, or weakened pines of all species —whether diseased, damaged, or otherwise stressed— can be sitting ducks for southern pine beetles. Such trees have limited sup- plies of pitch, which is a tree's best natural defense against wood-boring insects. Healthy pines can sometimes "pitch out" beetle attacks by entrap- ping or smothering the invaders with a heavy and prolonged flow of pitch. Sick ones cannot ( fig. 9). What weakens pines? Natural causes like old age, drought, prolonged floods, hard freezes, fire, and lightning strikes can undermine your pine's vigor and make it more vulnerable to beetles (fig. 10). The same is true of diseases such as littleleaf and fungus- caused root rot. Man, too, causes problems. Common landscaping operations like bulldozing and road grading may inadvertently pave the way for beetles by damaging tree roots and trunks (fig. 11). Heavy traffic by trucks and other construc- tion equipment during the building of a new house often packs down the soil around tree roots. This hurts the pine because it prevents normal movement of water and air through the root zone (figs. 12 and 13). ■.J' What You Can Do to Prevent Beetle Attacks Figure 14. — This old, diseased tree jeopardizes the healthy ones next to it. The best way to protect your pine trees is to make sure they are not attacked in the first place. Keep them healthy. Re- member, a wounded, sick, or light- ning-struck pine on your lawn is a standing invitation to dinner for southern pine beetles. But the beetles' preference for sick or weak trees does not mean they cannot or will not kill healthy pines. They often do. In fact, once the bugs have built up a large population, not even the strongest and healthiest pines can fight them off. This is why a single damaged or unhealthy pine in your neighborhood— which the beetles can use as a place to get started —endan- gers all the rest, sick or healthy (fig. 14). If you are building a new house, keep the soil from being packed down or piled up on tree roots. This will help prevent drastic changes in ground water movement. Avoid leaving only old, large pines on your land, since these trees are prime targets for beetles. In warm weather during the construction period check every few days for pitch tubes on the outer bark of your trees. On older, established lawns, you should water pines during dry spells and fertilize them as needed. As a general rule, two pounds of fertil- izer — such as 10-8-6 formula— for each inch of tree diameter will be 12 enough supplemental nutrition for ma- ture pines. For younger trees of less than 6 inches in diameter, use only one pound of fertilizer per inch of di- ameter. For soil analysis and more com- plete details on fertilizing your pines, check with your county extension agent (fig. 15). Figure 15. — Beetles may attack healthy pines on established lawns. 13 Insecticides — an Ounce of Prevention? How to Control Beetle Spread What about insecticides? At present, two chemicals effective against all southern pine bark beetles are avail- able, but this could change with new Environmental Protection Agency rul- ings. See your county agent about ap- proved insecticides, amounts to use, and methods of application. Of course, be sure to read instructions carefully and to handle such com- pounds cautiously. But what if it is already too late for an ounce of prevention? By the time you spot the telltale symptoms of beetle attack — pitch tubes, feeding cuts in the inner bark, and fading of tree foli- age — it is too late to save the tree. You have only one move left. Stop beetle spread. You can do this in two ways. First, if the beetles are still under the bark of the dead or dying pine, cut it down and haul it away or burn it. This should break up the center of beetle emergence and stop them from infest- ing other trees. Second, spray the attacked pine with an approved insecticide, which will kill eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults still under the bark. Or, you can spray uninfested trees adjacent to the one under attack to protect them during the period of beetle emergence. Whichever method of control you choose, you must act quickly or the beetles will spread to other pines. 14 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA A Check List for Coping with Beetles Acknowledgments • Avoid damage to pines during yard work and construction. • Keep pines healthy by watering and fertilizing them. • Watch for pitch tubes and boring dust, especially in summer and spring. • Quickly remove infested trees or spray with an approved insecticide. The authors thank the Boyce Thomp- son Institute of Plant Research, Inc. , for permission to use the chart on southern pine bark beetles, drawn by Richard Kliefoth. For photographs, we thank the Georgia Forestry Com- mission in Macon, Forest Insect & Disease Management in Atlanta, Ga., and Asheville, N.C., and State & Private Forestry and the Bark Beetle Research Work Unit in Alexandria, La. We also appreciate the manuscript reviews and other assistance given by Extension-Forest Resources of North Carolina State University, the Texas Agricultural Extension Service of the Texas A&M University, the Texas Forest Service, and State & Private Forestry in Alexandria, La. Issued October 1978 i7 us. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1978 O— 274-649 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 001-001-00422-1 15 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08584 2960