B.E.P.Q. 577, Revised Effective April 22, I95O UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AIMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE DOMESTIC QUARANTINE NOTICES AIMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS DESIGNATING RUST -RESISTANT SPECIES AND VARIETIES OF BARBERRY AND MAHONIA PLANTS Pursuant to the authority conferred on the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by | 301.38-5 of the regulations supplemental to Black Stem Rust Quarantine No. 38 (7 CFR 301.38-5, 1^ F.R. 1001), the following administra- tive instructions are hereby issued to designate the rust -resistant species and horticultural varieties of barberries and mahonias (1) the plant's of which may be moved interstate in compliance with the regulations in this subpart, and "(2) the seeds and fruits of which, if produced in any of the States of Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, may be moved between such States only under permit or, wherever produced, may be moved from the States named to points outside thereof, and between States other than those named, without restriction. 301.38-5a Administrative instructions designating rust -resistant barberry and mahonia plants . The following species and horticultural varieties of bar- berries and mahonia are hereby designated as rust -resistant : Scientific Name Berber is arido-calida B. beaniana B. buxifolia B. buxif olia nana B. caliiantha B. candidula B. chenaulti B. circumserrata B. concinna B. darwini B. formosana B. franc he tiana B. gagnepaini B. gilgiana B. horvathi B. hybrido-gagnepaini B. julianae B. koreana B. linearifolia var. Orange King B. mentorensis B. pa liens B. potanini B. replicata B. sanguinea B. sar gen tiana B_. stenophylla B. stenophylla diversifolia B\ stenophylla irwini B. stenophylla nana compacta B. telomaica artisepala B. thunbergi DC. Common Name Bean's Barberry Magellan Barberry Dwarf Magellan Barberry pale leaf Barberry Chenault Barberry Cut leaf Barberry Dainty Barberry Darwin Barberry Black Barberry Wildfire Barberry False Black Barberry Wintergreen Barberry Korean Barberry Jasper be lis Barberry Mentor Barberry Pallid Barberry Longspine Barberry Curlleaf Barberry Red-pedicel Barberry Sargent Barberry Rosemary Barberry Irwin Barberry Corallina Barberry Japanese Barberry B. thunbergi atropurpurea B. thunbergi atropurpurea nana B. thunbergi e recta B. thunbergi "globe" B. thunbergi "golden" B. thunbergi maximowiczi B. thunbergi minor B. thunbergi pluriflora B. thunbergi "thornless" B. thunbergi "variegata" B. triacanthophora. B. verruculosa B. virgatorum Mahonia aquif olium M. M. M. M. M. M. M. bealei compacta dictyota fortune! nervosa pinna ta repens Redleaf Japanese Barberry- True hedge Columnberry Coral Japanese Barberry- Box Barberry- Flame Barberry- Three spine Barberry- Warty Barberry Oregongrape Mahonia Leather leaf Mahonia Net vein Mahonia Chinese Mahonia Cascades Mahonia Cluster Mahonia Creeping Mahonia (Sec. 8, 37 Stat. 3^8, as amended; 7 U. S. C l6l) These instructions shall become effective on April 22, 1950.. when they shall supersede B. E. P. Q. 577, effective May 1, 19^9 (7 CFR 301.38-5&, V* F. R. 1866). The Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine is authorized and directed in ยง 301. 38-5 to designate, in administrative instructions, the species and varieties within the genera Berberis , Mahonia , and Mahoberberis that, on the basis of evidence satisfactory to him, are determined to be resistant to black stem rust. The determination of such rust-rosistant species and varieties in effect constitutes a relaxation of the restrictions of the regulations and depends to a considerable extent upon facts within the knowledge of the United States Departmei of Agriculture. It has been determined that there is no unwarranted pest risk in) volved in the permitted movement of such species and varieties. The period when nurseries are inspected to determine whether they are free of rust-susceptible varieties is now at hand. The above designation of rust -resistant species and horticultural varieties adds 13 species or horticultural varieties which have recently been tested and found immune or resistant to black stem rust. It having been determined that these species and varieties comprise those that are rust -resistant, authorization for their shipment in accordance with the regu- lations in the subpart should be accomplished promptly. Accordingly, it is found under section k of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U. S. C. 1003) , upon good cause, that notice and public procedure concerning these administrative instruction! are impracticable and unnecessary, and it is found under said section that good cause exists for issuing this amendment effective less than 30 days after its publication. Done at Washington, D. C . , this 7th day of April 1950. Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine