0 UBRARY STATE PLANT BOA* UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRI CULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, Dt C. 3. e. p. q.~ U07 (Superseding P. q. C. A.— 30L0 July IS, 1936 PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE KINGDOM OP DENilARK Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/denmarkin36unit UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. E. P. q.~407 July IS, 1936 (Superseding P. Q. C. A.--304) PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE KINGDOM OP DENMARK This summary of the plant-quarantine import restrictions of the Kingdom of Denmark has "been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant-quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by Harry B. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector in Charge of Foreign Information Service, Division of Foreign plant Quarantines, from his translations of the texts of Lav; No. lUo of July 1, 1927i the Order of February 22, 1935 • and- other orders, and was reviewed by the Danish Ministry of Agriculture. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authori- tative. The original texts should be consulted. LEE A. STRONG, Chief. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine plant -quarantine import restrictions of the :••; :.""■•' kingdom of denmark basic legislation Law No. 1^0, of July 1, 1927. CONCISE SUMMARY IMPORTATION PROHIBITED POTATOES: Importation prohibited from any country in which potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum ■(Schilb.) Perc), potato nema- todes or eelworms (Heterodera rostochiensis) , or Colorado potato beetle (Doryphora) Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) have been determined during the last 10 years. (Order of Feb. 22, 1935, p. 50 ELM TREES (Ulmus sub.): Importation of all species prohibited. (Order of Jan. 29, 192"9, p. 5.) DOUGLAS FIRS (Pseudotsuga (douglasi).. taxif olia Brit. ) : Importation of plants and seeds -prohibited. (Order of July 17 1 1929 > p. 5.) VEGETABLE MOLD, COMPOSTS, AND ANIMAL MANURES: Importation prohibited. (Order of Feb. 22, 1935, art. 1, p. 5.) XiiPORTATION RESTRICTED PLANTS AND PARTS OF PLANTS WITH ADHERING SOIL, including fruit and other trees, shrubs, bushes, roots, rooted vegetables, bulbs, tubers, bedding plants, potted plants, etc.: Importation permitted if shipped direct from the place of production to the importer and if accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by an official plant inspection service of the country of origin in prescribed form. (Order of Feb. 22, 1935. P« 2*) POTATOES from countries in which potato wart, potato nematode, and Colorado potato beetle are not known to have occurred during the last 10 years, if shipped in new containers and accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by an official plant inspection service of the country of origin in prescribed form. (Order of Fob. 22, 1935. p. 50 ■2- IMPORTATION UNRESTRICTED CUT ASPARAGUS, MUSHROOMS, AQUATIC PLANTS, MOSSES FOR WREATHS, and sphagnum moss. (Order of Fe"b. 22, 1935 » PP- 2 & 3.) FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, other than rooted vegetables and root crops in general. (Order of Feb. 22, 19350 PROVISIONS OF THE BASIC LEGISLATION Law No. 3.1*0, July 1, 1927 » authorizes the Danish Minister of Agriculture to take the necessary measures to prevent the introduc- tion into the Kingdom of Denmark of plant diseases and pests that are regarded as dangerous to agricultural, horticultural, and sylvicul- tural plants, and which have not hitherto become established in Denmark, or which are of limited distribution; to combat such diseases and pests by prohibiting the sowing or planting or transportation of cultivated plants; by the disinfection or destruction of such plants and their packing, which might serve to spread the parasites; by iso- lating certain areas; by disinfecting warehouses, implements, etc., or by any other means suitable for combating such parasites. RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF PLANTS (Order of Feb. 22, 1935, as amended by that of Aug. 26, 1935) GENERAL REGULATIONS DIRECT SHIPMENT AND PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE REQUIRED Article 1. The importation of plants and parts of plants with adhering soil, such as fruit and other trees, shrubs, bushes, roots, rooted vegetables, bulbs, tubers, bedding plants, potted plants, etc., is permitted on condition that the shipment is made direct from the place of production to the importer, that it is accompanied by a certificate issued by an official plant inspection service of the country of origin, and that this certificate be presented to the customs authorities at the port of entry. Plants, the roots of which have been washed, also are affected by these regulations, but they do not apply to cut asparagus, mushrooms, aquatic plants, •3- mosses for wreaths, and sphagnum moss. The importation of vegetable mold, composts, and animal manures is prohibited. , CHARACTER OF CERTIFICATE Art. 2. The certificate, which must be attached to the bill of lading, shall be issued by the plant inspection service within a period of 1 month prior to exportation from the country of origin. It shall affirm that the place where the plants were grown is free from potato wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Pure), potato nematodes or eolworms (Hcterodera rostochiensis) , and Colorado potato beetle (poryphora) Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, and that it is situated at least 5 km from any place where the potato wart and potato nematode have been observed during the past 10 years, and not less than 50 km from any infestation of Colorado potato beetle within the same period. The certificate shall also indicate the country of origin, the place where the products were grown, the name and address of the grower, the date, and it shall be provided with the official seal or stamp of the inspection service. At the foot of the certificate the grower must indicate the number and kind of packages included in the shipment, and declare that the plants were shipped direct from the place of production to the importer. Art. 3« The provisions concerning the importation of elms, Douglas firs, and potatoes of January 29, 1929, July 17, 1929, and February 22, 1935 > are not affected by the present Order. The form of certificate required "by the Danish Government appears below: No. (Name of the country of Origin) CEBTIFICATE OP ORIGIN This is to certify that the plants included in the shipment described below were grown by (name of grower) , at (postal address of place where grown) , a locality free from infection by potato wart ( Sy nchy t r ium endob i o t i cum (Schilb.) Perc), potato nematodes or eelworms (Heterodera rostochiensis) , and Colorado potato beetle (Doryphora) Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) , and situat- ed at least 5 km from any place where potato wart and potato nema- todes have occurred during the last 10 years, and not less than 5° km from any place where the Colorado potato beetle has been observed during the same period. 19 Seal of the official Plant Inspection Service Chief, Plant Inspection Service The undersigned grower hereby declares that the shipment comprises (number) packages containing (number and kind of plants) which are being shipped direct from the place of production to (name and address of consignee) (Name of grower) (Postal address) RESTRICTIONS ON THE IMPORTATION OF POTATOES (Order of Feb. 22, 1935) Importation Prohibited from Certain Countries Article 1. (1) No potatoes may be imported into Denmark from any country in which potrto wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Pure), potato nematodes (Heterodera rostochiensis) , or Colorado potato beetle (Doryphora) Lentinotarsa decemlineata Say) have boon determined during the past 10 years. (This, of course, has 'the effect of a prohibition against the importation of potatoes from the United States.) Provision is made in this article for the importation, under certification, of potatoes from countries free from wart disease. Arts. 2 and 3 relate to inspection on arrival and entry procedure. TRANSIT NOT RE&ARDED AS IMPORTATION Art. k. The transit of potatoes will not be regarded as importation if the shipment is made on a through bill of lading and the potatoes are securely packed, or the lading in the Danish port is made from vessel to vessel (or railroad car) without being unladen upon the dock. IMPORTATION OF ELMS PROHIBITED (Order of Jan. 29, 1929) The importation into Denmark of all species and varieties of elm (Ulmus) is prohibited until further orders. IMPORTATION OF DOUGLAS FIRS PROHIBITED (Order of July 17, 1929) The importation into Denmark of plants and parts of plants, in- cluding the seedfi, of Douglas fir (Pseudotsu'