LIBRARY STATE P^ANT BOARD December 1943 E-60'6 3D STATES DSPAHT?ZTTT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION OREAU OF ENTOMJLGGT AND PLANT QUARANTINE SUMMARY OF YIELDS OBTAINED II", FIELD-PLOT EXPERIMENTS CONDUCTED FROM 1920 TO 1942, INCLUSIVE, AT TALLNLAH, LA., FOR THE CONTROL OF COTTON INSECTS Corn-piled by R. C. Gaines, Division of Cotton Insect Investi cat ions Plots in' most experiments vrere approximately 1 acre in size from 1920 to 1938, inclusive, unless otherwise stated.' "here large dusters were tested, the area of the plots was greater. Plots were one -fourth of an acre or more in size from 1939 to 1942, inclusive, unless otherwise stated. Insecticides were applied with hand guns, in most experiments during the ftarly morning hours from daybreak until, about /f-.a.m. The tables which fol- low show when applications were applied at other time.s of day. The rate of - application usually ranged from 5 to 7 pounds; per acre. Yield was the number of pounds of seed cotton produced per acre, ♦ Insect abundance is reflected by the number of effective applications and the amount of increased yield. If only 1 or 2 applications were required, the boll weevil infestation waa "very low" j 3 or 4, "low"] 5, S, or 7 , "medium" j 8, 9, tr 10, "high" j and 11, 12, or IS, "very high". Those interested in certain treatments or experiments may obtain the detailed records of insecticide poundages and of boll weevil and other insect infestations by writing to the Division of Cotton Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. An index of the materials included in this report is given on pages 35, 36, 37, and 38. DEC 29 1943 2 - Tr c a trx nt , ye ar , T and interval \ between applns. s j : increase * Yield per acre in each plot, : Ave rage: : Per Number of effective applns. in parenthesis j yield : Pounds t cent Check (1920) C a. (4-day) Check (1920) C. a. (4-day) Check (1920) C a. (4-day) Check (1920) C a. (7 -day) Chock (1920) C.a. (7 -day) Check (1920) C a. (4-day) Chock (1920) C. a.. (4-day) Check (1920) C a., (4-day) Early infestation 851 760 SOI 740 ^.280(6) 1062(8) 852(8) 1065 525 Intermediate infestation 1067 969 681 815 638 834 1322(5) 1320(5) 1073(5) 987(5) 907(6) 1122 288 Check (1920) C a. midnight (7 -day) C a. evening (7-day) Chock (1920) C . a. morning (7 -day) C. a. noon (7 -day) 1146 1443(3) 1533(3) Chock (1920) C a. midnight (7-day) Co a. ovoning (7 -day) C a. noon (7 -day) 1343 1544(3) 1555(3) 1287(3) Check (1920) C o a . morning (7 -day) Chock (1920) C a. midnight (4-day) C a. evening (4 -day) 824 900(3) 695 982(6) 021(6) Late infestation 665 1418 1042 828(3) 1616 (5)_ . _„122? 182 Applns. started with 30-40$ inf. 1040 857 949 1060(2) S51_(_3) __J£°£ 57 ■ Applns r started" wit h 10-50$""inf ." 476 785 1003 709 763 _820_(4)- 1014(3) 1411(4) 1312(4) 1139 _ 376 Applns, started with 5-30', info Long staple 725 803 943 • 1074 1194 " 94-8 J344(6) 1005(6) j.264(6_)_ 1277 (4_)_ 1221(d)" 1122 174,. Applies i * started" wi^EB 5 -irO/TTh f ."" S" Ho r t staple ." 831 913 590 702 785 Continued 1090(7) 1208(7) 1127(4) 1299(5) 1018(4) below _ Applns. started with 5-50% inf. Short staple cont. 1050 709 063 603 1494(6) 1059(5) 1251,(3) 895 (6_) Time of day tost 1026' 1092(2) 1247(2) Time of day tost 55 17 18 Time of day test Time of day test Time of day test 783 1150 375 48 1026 1092 66 6 1247 221 22 1146 1443 1533 297 387 26 54 1343 1544 201 15 1555 1287 212 -56 16 824 900 76 9 695 982 287 41 021 126 18 3 - — : " • Increase SHST IZ^s^^i^^^k^m Time of day test 7 80 Check (1920) 780 1072 292 37 G. a. noon (4-day) 1072(6) G. a. morning 1380 600 77_ (4-day) ISJPJll 819 ■5Tock"(l92l5 N 819 789 _ -30 --__ I^of^T^) 907(5) ___S__10^_^_ C. a. "-*^U 1168(7) 1028(5) T5us:EoTwrth dew on "" _„,,>, 1420 ? plants (4-day) 1420(4) 1*20(6) Dusted after spray- • ing with water 1478(6)_______ i£2 §1 *- ^i^ ^ "^"^ ^T Continued below °hCCk J12X\ 130?(13) 13^6(12) 1936(10)^425(10^312(10) Gheck (1921) ,??SnnN I*07 ^ £^- -QT-aT-o-orly (4-day j B^,-) luLiCoj" G. a. at 10^ inf. x . . 1043 152 K . (^day) 898(4) 1187(3) _ _ ^ ■ -Check (1921) imVn 1388 81 6 C. a. early (4-day) 1388(4) C. a. at 10f» inf. 1495 188 K- (4-day) l-jgSCO Chock U^l) 7* C.a. early (4-day) C. a. 2 early ana 2 at 10$ inf. (4-day) 1233 4) C. a. early (4-day) 1348_(4J C. a. at lCP/o inr. (4-day) 13^4(4 C. a. 2 early and 2 at lOfo inf. ....... (4-day) JLl6!^ "C. a0 spray (4^SyT"257 3T6T C. a, dust (4-day) 2493_(6) ■CKook Utffell ^98 C. a. dust (4-day) 1445(6) C. a. sn::av (4-day) 1438(6) "Check (192IT "1288 C. a. spray (4-day) 203316J "Chock U92TT 502. . " /ftx C. a. (4-day) 882(6) 1137(6) Bob .mite (4-day) 783(6) 1057 6 Bob White (8-rtnv^ 737(3) 937(6) * Variable, minimum given. - 4 - ? re atme nt , ye ar , : Number Yield per acre in of effective applns each plot :^ in parenthesis : Average yield : Increase and interval .,' s betv/een 'applns. : •Pounds: Per cent Check (1922) G, a. (4-day) Bob White (8 -day) 554 948(6) 745(3) 829 942(6) 834(3) 692 945 790 253 98 37 14 Check (1922) C. a. (4-day) Bob White' (4-day) 741 879(6) 850(6) 818 1160(6)- 1153(6) -■~ 780 1020 1004 240 224 31 29 Co a . . early ( 4-day) C. a. at 10$ inf. (4-day) 596(5) 793(5) 959(4) 1126(4) 1062(6) 947(6) 872 955 83 11 Check (1922) "> a. early (4 -day) 721 787(4) 795 911(6) 758 849 91 12 Check (1922) 988 "'.. a. early (4-day) 1091(6) . a. at 10^ inf. (4-day) 1082(6] 988 1091 1082 103 94 10 10 leek (1922 ) 740 ,. a. early (4-day) 1054(6) "j . a. 3 early and 3 at 10$ inf. (4-day) 1205(6) C. a', at 10$ inf. (4-day) 1249(6] 740 1054 1205 1249 314 465 509 42 63 69 C. a. 3 early and 3 at 10$ inf. (4-day) 0. a. at 10$ inf. '"■ (4-day) 830(6] 906(6) 1441(6) 1420(6) 1136 1163 27 2 Check (1922) M. m. 2 mop and 5 ! spray (7 -day) C. a. dust (4-day) 424 626(7) 588(7] 487 649 (7 ) 746(7) 456 638 667 182 211 40 46 M. m. 2 mop and 5 spray (7 -day) C. a. dust (4-day) 623(7] 700(7] 623 700 77 12 Check (1922) M. m. spray (7 -day) C. a. dust (4-day) 686 941(6] 1096(6] 1233 . 1430(6) 1480(6) 1 960 1186 1288 226 328 24 34 Chock (1922) Co a. dust (4-day) 486 1204 (1C 535 )) 1060(9) Control t( 562 898(9) Dsts 533 1031(10) 523 1367(12) Shook (1922) ^ . a. dust (4-day) 862 966(7 Control tost 360 925 ) 1066(11) 1206(9) 3, cont. 598 1100 502 84 ?hock (1923) "la. method "-. a. (4-day) 1449 1487(1] 1562(7' 1.232 1330(1) 1548(5) 1329 1336(1) 1592(6) 806 731(1) 924(4) 1039 1033(1) 1327(4) Continued Ihock 'la. mothod 3. a. (4 -day) 1041 1236(1 1535(6 1393 ) 1324(1) ) 1763(5) 1018 1227(1) 1261(6) 940 965(1) 1055(4) 685 64 6 Cl) 1054(4) 1093 1131 1362 38 269 3 25 !hbb"lc (1923) v..a. method 885 1123(1 ) 885" 1123 238 27a a~ • Treatment, year, : : ' Increase and. interval i Yield per acre in each plot. : Ave rage : : Per' between applns. : Number of effective applns . in parenthesis : yield : Pounds: oem Check (1923) M. m. mop (7 -day) C. a* (4 -day) Check T192 3) M. m. mop (7 -day) C. a. (4-day) 1075 916 544 1208 645 1053(7) 948(7) 544(8) 1306(7) 690(8) 1239(5) 1019(6) 572(5) 1451(4) " 831(6) 1137 •. 1117 1243(7) 1462(7) 1268(6) 1518(4) Continued 949 1035 1128 m. mop (7 -day) a. (4 -day) 700(7) 914(8) 980(4) 1013(5) 86 179 807 997 190 Check (1923) M. a. mop (7 -day) 1041 996(7) 1041 996 Check MV m. throughout " season C. a. dust (Average for all 3 plot tests in 1921, 1922, and 1923) 866 987 107-7 Grasselli c. a« (4 -day) ' Riches-Piver c. a. (4-day) 1502(4) 1504(4)- 946(5) 938(5) Check (1923) Special Grasselli ■ c a. (Furnace product (4 -day) Regular Grasselli c. a. (4 -day) 395 589(5) 608(5) 951 1419(6) 1427(6) -45 121 211 1224 1221 673 1004' 331 1018 345 Check (1942) 1404 1534. 1326 1647 1478 C. a. (5-4-day) 1352(6) 1300(6) 1586(6) 1377(6) 1404 -74 -5 M. m. applied with mopper (7 -day) 1508(7) 1248(7) 1430(7) 1512(7) • 4425 -53 _4 Check (1923) 938 831 1452 916 .1034 Weevilnip« Mop (10-day) 934(5) 828(5) 1470(6) 950(7) 1045 - 11 1 C. a. (4-day) 1262(5) 1064(4) 1624(6) 1019(6) 1242 .. 208 20 Check (1923) 1452 857 937 1250 1124 - Boll -We -Go. Spray (10 or 15-day) 1526(6) 838(6) 1044(4) 1324(5) 1183 59 5 C. a. (4-day) 1624(6) 997(4) 1275(3) 1548(5) 1361-" 237 21 Check (1923) 943 1200 1115 1086 Hill's Mixture, i mop (10-day) 937(6) 1221(7) 1044(8) 1067 - -1-9 -2 C. a. (4-day) 1147(5) 1330(6) 1338(7) 1272 186 17 Control tests Check (1923) 1544 1467 839 1069 1214 C. a. (4-day) 1722(5) 1648(6) 973(5) 1424(8) 1620(8) Control tes ts,.. cont. Check (192 3) 668 - 1134 C. a. (4-day) 825(9) 1369 235 21 49 51 Special Grasselli c. a. (Furnace product (4-day) 1447(6) Regular Grasselli c. a. (4 -day) 1635(6) 1635 - 6 Treatment, year, : Yield per acre in each plot. Number of . effective applns. in parenthesis {Average : yield i Increase and interval i between applns'.' s •.Pounds: Per cent Check (1924) Fla. method 1 pre-sq. m. m. + c. a. at 109? info 1074 1182(1) 1080(4) 854 1965 892(1) 1547(1) 943(1) 1964(1) 1298 1207 1329 -91 • 3.1 . -7 2 Check (1924 J Wcevilnip, mop, (10-14 days) Co a. (4-day) 940 917(10) 922(4) 1329 1310(10) 1321(4) 1135 1114 1122 -21 -13 -2 -1 Check (1924) Weevo, 1 mop and 6 spray ( 10-day) C. a. (4-day) 571 468(7) 547(3) 571 468 '547 -103 -24 -1c Check (1924) TJcevilrid, mop (10-day) C a. (4-day) 1374 1327(9) 1430(2) — 1374 1327' 1430 -47 - 56 -3 Check" ( 1924 ) Boll -We -Go, spray (15-day) ,, Co a. (4-day) 1206 1253(6) 1253(3) 1206 1253 1253 47 47 •: Check (1924) Crawford and Luke, 1 mop and 6 spray (10-20 days)..' C. a. (4-day) 1206 1214(7) 1253(3) 1206 1214- 1253' ... ' 8 •47 l 4 C. a. (4-day) Barium arsenate (4-day) 1920(4) 1919(4) 1920 1919 . -1 0 Check (1924) Solvent 75 applied to soil (6-day) C. a. (4 -day) 1489 1459(2) 1449(2) 1489 1459 . 1449 -30 -40 -2 -3 Check (1924) Berry b. w. ext o , spray Co a. (4-day) 980 845(1) 1098(3) , 980 845 1098 -135 . 118 -14 12 Check (1924) H . Li . Tucke r ' s remedy, sprinkler pot, (35-day) Co a. (4-day) 706 794(2) 757(2) 706 794 757 88 51 12 7 Check (1924) Farmer's Joy, spray (7 -day) Co a. 2059 1705(8) 1497(1) 205? 1705'' 1497 '^4' ' -562 -17 -27 ' Chock (1924) P. Ro Saunders' remedy, spray (10-day) C. a. (4-day) 1871 1642(4) 1805(3) 1871 1642 1805 -229 -'66 -1 2 - 7 - Treatment, year"] i " : : Increase and interval : Yield,, pe.r acre, in each plot. :Average: ; Pe'r between applns. i Number of effective applns . in pare nthesis : yield ; Pounds? cent Check (1924) ; 1751 1751 Heavy applns v; 12 ' lbs. of c. a. (4-day) : " • 17 98(2) 17 98 47 ' 3 Light applns., 5 lbs. of c. a. (4-day) 1466(2) •' 1466- -285 -16 + Check (1924) 1961 1961 C. a. early 2053(1 ) •2053 92 5 C. a. 1 early and 5;. at 10f0~inf. / (4 -day) ' ' 2165(6) 2165 204 10 Che-ck'(i924"). ' " "S'37 837 - M. m.'mop early 680(1) 680 -157 -18 M. m., 1 mop early and c . a . , 6 at \0% (^-day) 1095(7) 1095 258 31 ■ Check (1924) 1064 : 1064 M. m. mop, early (7 -day) ' 1144(2) , 1144 80 8 3. a», early (7;-day) ; ;1033(2) -, . 1033 -31 -3 :heck (1924) * 1185 1492 ■ '1223 1300 ^hipman's (Mrs.' •• ,T? -' Smith) remedy, r • applied to soil 1029 1392 1450 1290 -10 -7 :heck (1924) 1300 ' 1145 1223 F. H. Morgan's — .... nemedy, applied to planting sood 1215 1505 1360 137 11 heck {1925 ) " 957 1698 1328 olvent 75, applied • to soil (14-day) 935(2) 1721(2) 1328 0 0 , a. (4 -day) 1128(3) 1856(4) 1492 - 164 12 heck (1925) '. 2032 ' 217 3" 1&63 " 2056 . a. + 10-15$ of Labcll's sticker i (4-day) ' ■'-- 2050(5) 2310<4) 1902(4) 2087 31 2 "~ . a. ('1-day) 2123(5) 2561(4) 2360(4) 2348 292 14 lock (1925) 2251 1715 1983 • a., special 2 Grassolli (Furnace 7 product) (4-day) 2602(5) 2172(5) 2387 404 20 "" • a. (4-day) 2577(5) 1902(5) 2240 257 . 13 lock (1925) 1206 2379 1793 • - >dium fluosili- 1 eatc (4 -day) 1214(6) 2338(3) 1776 -17 -1 ^ . a. (4-day) 1428(6) 2200(3) 1814 • 21 1 ■ock (1925) ' 2638' 2638 .lcium fluosilicato ' compound (4-day) 2324(4) 2 324 -314 -12 a. (4-day) 2978(4) 2978 340 13 Treatment, year, and- interval between applns . Yield per acre in each plot Number of effective 4pplns« in. parenthesis $ ; Increase :Average: i Per yield {Pounds j cenlj Check (1925) 1447 1447 C. a. early 1521(1 1521 74 5 C. a. 1 early and c. a. at 1C$ inf. (Way) 1517(6 1517 . 70 5 Check (1925) 17 92 1792 M. n„ mop, early 1707(1 1707 -85 -5 Check (1925) 1538 1548 1534 1627 1562 C. a. early 1396(1] 1417(1) 1494(1) 1822(1) 1532 -30 *2 Check (1925) 1800 1702 1751 M. m.' early, mop 1702(1 1594(1) . . 1648 -103 -6 M. mv. early, mop (7 -day) 1955(2 1778(2) 1867 116 7 Check (1925) 1503 1333 1418 M. m. early, mop (7 -day) 1515(2 ) 1248(2) 1382 -36 -3 C. a. early (7-day) 1523(2 ) 1434(2) 1479 61 4 Check (1925) : 851 1339 1095 Co a» 2 early (7 -day) 966(2] ) 1478(2) 1222 .127 12 Check (1925) ' 2292 2292 ' Howard duster, t day (4-day)' 3121(5 ■3121 » 829 36 Howard duster, r ■ aight (4 -day) 2951(5 2951 659 2£ Check (1925) 1777 — TT— 1777' Niagara duster, day (4- day) 1977(4 1977 200 U Niagara duster, night (4 -day) 2141(4 2141 364 2C Check (1925) ' 2409 2140 2275 Howard duster, day (4 -day) ■ 2691(5 ) 2440(4) 2566 •291 12 Niagara duster, day (4-day) 2381(5 ) 2265(4) 2 323 48 2 Check (1925) ' 2260 1975 2118 Howard duster, night (4 -day) 2403(5 ) 2150(4) 2277 159 . 6 Niagara duster, night (4-day) 2319(5 ) 2060(4) 2190 • 72 j Check (1925) ' 1963 ' 1963 Howard duster, 7 rows por trip, night (4 -day) 2718(5 2718 755 •61 Howard duster, 14 rows por trip, night 2158(5 2158 195 K Chock (192 5) 1416 1905 1661 B.-Q. spray (21 -day) 1593(4 ) 1956(4) 1775 114 i. Treatment , year' ,' and interval "betv.'cen applns . ' '•' : Increase Yield per acre in each plot. tAvcrage: : Per : Number cf effective applnc . in parenthesis : yield : Pounds; con Check (1925) 1757 1757 Slazum, 1 mop and 7 spray (10-day) 1797(8 1797 40 2 C. a. (4-day) 1778(2 1778 21 1 Check (1S26J 1322 1003 1163 Crawford's and Luke's remedy, 2 nop and 4 spray (15 -day) 1372(6 ) 949(6) 1161 -2 0 Co a. (4-day) 1624(3 ) 1185(5) 1405 242 21 Check (192£) 1483 1087' 1285 Slazum, 1 inop and 8 spray (10 day) 1662(9 ) 1277(9) 1470 ■ 165 14 C. a. (4 -day) 1715(3 ) - 1407(3) 1561 276 21 Check (1.926). 1428 ' " "1"528 '1478 Weathersby cotton spray (10-day) 1359(3' 1023(4) • « 1191 -2 87 -19 C. a. (4-day) 1587(5 1950(7) 1769 2 91 20 Check (1926) 656 o5o Hill's mixture, mop ( 10-day) 718(7 718 62 9 C. a. (4-day) 908(6 908 252 38 Check (1926) 1119 1119 - Wecvilnip, 6 mop ■ v and 3 spray (10-day) 1171(9] 1171 52 5 C. a. (4-day) 1337(4] 1337 218 19 Check (1926) 857 1273 1065 Boll-T\ro-Go, spray (20-day) 922(4] 1367(4) 1145 80 8 C. a. (4-day) 1093(4' 1548(4) 1321 256 24 Check (1926) JO 88 1341 1215 Bo 11 -""e -Ex, spray (12 -day) 1085(6 1295(6) 1190 -25 -2 C. a. (4-day) 1950(7 ) 1875(8) 1913 698 57 Check (1926)- 1528 1154 1341 • Farmer's Joy, spray, (4-day) 1208(7 ) 1539(5) .1374 33 2 C.a. (4-day). 1752(7 ) 1691(5) 1722 381 28 Control tests Check (1926) 633 1224 962 \ 1227 1390 1087 C. a. (4-day) 2194(1] .) 2056(11) 1194(10) 1600(10) 2100(11) 1829 742 68 Check (1926) 1089 1089 Sodium fluosili- cate (4 -day) 1072(7 ) 1123(7) 1078 -11 -1 C. a. (4-day) 1284(7 1404(7) 1544 255 n « CO Check (1926) 677 677 Dr. C, Boyd's rem- edy, applied to seed 653 653 -24 -•10 - ""Tre atmen't , •' ye ar , j and interval \ between applns f I Number Yield per acre : in of effective, applns each plot. . in; parenthesis Average ; yield 1 Increase t Per"' Pounds: cent; Check (1927) C. a. (4-day) ( 489 842(5 Control tests, (Waver ley, La.) 764 765 823 1190 ) 1378(7) 1308(8) 1255(6) 1593(6) f Chock 71927) C. a. (4-day) ( 971 1372(5 Control tests, cont. 800 1066 - ) 1235(5) 1282(3) 859 1283 424 49 Check (1927) - C. a, (4-day) ( 1689 2077(7 Jontrol tests (Tallulah, La.) 1311 856 1541 1629 ) 1358(6) 2105(6) 2163(7) 2022(6) Check (1927) C. a. (4-day) ( 1507 1862(5 Jontrol tests, cont. 1144 767 ) 1282(5) 1000(5) 848 1151.(6) 1255 16.69.. 414 33 Cheok (1927) Chemical Warfare . . special c • at (4-day) C. a, (4-day) 1354 1530(5 1674(5 894 ) 960(3) . ) 1109(3) ,. 1124 , 1245 .. 1392 121 268 11 24 Check (1927) Chemical Warfare, sodium f luosili- cate (4— day) C. a, (4 -day) 1232 1200(4 1415(4 • 1331 ) 1379(4) !■ 1462(4) 1282 12 90 1439 8 157 1 12 Check (1927) Chemical Warfare barium f Ivipaili^ ■ ■ cate (4-day) •C. a. (4-day)1 1305 1529(5 1643(5 1305 1529 1643 224 338 17 26 Check (1928) ' Repulso, spray (4-day) C, a. (4-day) 1814 1737(6 2243 (61 1'967 ) 1728(7) 2385(7) 1891 1733 i 2314 -158 423 -8 22 Check (1928) :Meritol, dust (4-day) C, a. (4-day) 1346 1868(8 2888(8] •1346 1868 2888 522 1542 39 115 Check (1928) Chemical Warfare barium fluosili- cate (4 -day) C. a, (4-day) 1313 1259(3] 1366(3' 1369 1104 1387(6) 1140(5)' 1518(6) 1274(5) 141 304(8) 783(8) 982 1018 1235 36 253 4 26 Check (1928) " Chemical Warfare special c . a. (4 -day) C, a, (4*day) 1292 1717(4 1545(4] 1428 887 ) 1625(4) 1206(6) 1648(4) 1211(6) 198 522(8) 812(8) 951 1268 13.04 ' 317 353 33 37 " Check (1928) Chemical Warfare sodium fluosil}.-* cato (4-day) Co a, (4-day) 1407 1590(6 1623(6' 849 100 987(5) 271(8) 1330(5) 494(8) 785 949 1149 164 364 21! 46 - 11 - Treatment, "year" and interval "between applns • Yield per acre in each plot. sAveragcJ « Per Number of effective applns. in parenthesis : yield {Pounds; ceni t i •.Average*. Increaso Check (1928) M. m. mop, 3 early (5-day)' M. m. mop,"l early and c. a. dust at 3 10$ inf. (4-day) 784 871(3 1281(7 802 ) 855(3) ) 1077(7) 1055 1054(3) 1747(7) 880 927 1308 47 488 5 55 Check (1928) M. m. mop, 1 early and c . a. dust at 10$ inf. (4-day) C. a. at 10$ inf. (4-day) 1078 1431(7 1364(6 869 ) 1245(6) ) 1279(6) 1124 1505(6) 1502(6) 1021- 1394 1382 370 358 36 35 Check (1928) C. a. (4-day) 1589 2033(4 Control tests 868 681 693 ) 932(6) 961(7) 958(8) 601 1145(11) ! Chock (1928) H C. a. "(4-day) 1229 1629(5 Control tests, cont. 936 1393 li 1319 ) 1229(11) 1839(5)" "1905(6) 400 1082(10) 971 1371 400 41 Check (1929) C. a. (4-day) 1753 1685(5 Control tests 1694 1454 .' 1436 ) 1765(6) 1426(7) 1419(7) 1680 1948(7) li , Check/ (1929) C'.- a. '(4 -day) 1519 1621(8 Control tests, cont. 1562 1276 1021 ) 1761(7) ' 1972(9) 1360(8) 1488 1662 174 12 Check (1929) M.- m. mop, 1 early 17 ,.;.-;and c. a. at 10$ 28 inf. (4 -day) ~" 0» a. at 10$ inf. (4-day) 1163 1368(5 1305(5' 2425 ) 2407(6) 2541(5) 1811 1715(7) 1982(6) 1533 1641(7) 1713(6) 1733 1783 1885 50 152 3 9 ■5 Check (1929) 22 M. m. mop, early , (£-day)' M. m. mop, 1 oarly and c. a. at 10$ U5 inf. (4-day) 1252 1276(3 1355(5 2277 ) 2249(3) ) 2321(5) isoo1 - 1266(3), 1375(6).-- 1428 ;1423(3) lo96(6) 1539 1554 1612 15 73 1 5 H Check (1929) .Chemical Warfare special c . a. 4 j. (4-day) M -tr„ a. (4-day) 1584 1604(3] 1632(3} 1267 1424(6) 1444(6) 1559 ' 1680(5) 1687(5) 1145 1146(6) 1196(6) 1900 1881(4) 1887(4) Continued below -*. Check (1929) Chemical 'Yarfarc special c. a. j3 (4 -day) ?7 ~C a. (4 -day) 1500 1554(5 1597(5 1241 ) 1301(4) ) 1268(4) 1457 1513 1530 i 56 73 4 5 ~" Check (1929) Sodium fluosili- cato (4-day) 21 C. a. (4-day) 2118 2121(3 2206(3 1700 ) 1728(5) ) 2147(5) 1452 1358(6) 1569(6) 1898 1995(5) 2079(5) 17 92 1801 2000 9 208 A 2 12 lA -...12 - T r e a tme nt , yea r , t Yield per acre in each plot. : : ; Ave rage : Increas and interval s : Pe between applns. . : Number of effective applns. in parenthesis \ yield % Pounds: cei Check (1929) 1591 1591 7?eev-L-Woc (4-day) 1904(4 1904 . 313 2 Co a. (4-day) 1894(4 1357 1894 ' 303 1 Check (1929) 1574 1315 1415 Calgreen (4-day) 1420(5 ) 1828(8) 1458(4) ■ 1569 154 1 C. a. (4-day) 1304(5^ 2032(8) (1543(4) 1626 ' 211 1 Control tests Check (1930) 1159 2040 660 663 . 1131 C. a. (4-day) 1133(4 2443(4) 777(4) 592(4) 1236 105 , Check (1931) 2114 1689 2032 1945 P. g. 25^-c. a. 75$ (4-day) 2539(6] 2507(7) 2496(7) 2514 569 2 C. a. (4-day) 2786(6 .2637(7) 2640(7} • 2688 743 3 Check (1931) 2015 2475 1701 2064 Sodium fluosili- cate (4 -day) 2080(6 2496(5) 1917(6)' 2164 100 C. a. (4-day) 2'311(6 ) 2758(5) 2138(6) 2402 338 1 Control tests Check (1931) 1646 2273 2226 2137 • 1643 C. a, (4-day) 2208(9 ) 2673(9) 2737(9) 3011(11.) 1973(7) Control tests, cont. Check (1931) 1754 1940 1652 1553 2026 1885 C. a. (4-day) 2181(9 ) 2264(6) 2715(9) 2443(9) 2635(8.), ■2484 599 Check (1931) 1727 1654 . 1521/ "■ 1634 Calgreen (4-day) 2465(7 ) 2646(7.) 2288(7)' 2466 '' 832 c C, a. (4-day) 2239(7 ) 2923(7) 2338(7) 2500 866 I Chock (1931) 1485 1783 2177 1815 Luc as -Kilt one c. a. (4-day) 2054(7 ) 2121(7) 2773(5) 2316. 501 2 C. a. (4-day) 2118(7 ) 2179(7) 2673.(5) 2323 508 < Check (1932) 1105 819 962 Grassclli green c. a. (4-day) 1554(8 ) 2041(8) 1798 836 8 Grassclli white 1 c. a. (4 -day) 1592(8 ) 1952(8) 1772 - 810 y\ Check (1932) 1477 " 993 '" 1235 Niagara pink Co a, (4— day) 1650(7 ) 1702(9) 1676 441 '• 2C Niagara white c. a. (4-day) 1615(7 ) 1688(9) 1652 417 2P Check (1932) 804 1243 102^4 General green I c. a. (4-day) 1496(8] 1947(10) 1722 698 1 General white •; t c. a. (4 -day) 1544(8 ) 1895(10) 1720 696 € Chock (1932) 1521 m'' ■ 1521 Commercial black c a. (4-day) 1775(8 1775 254 1 Commorcial whito c. a. (4-day) 17 87(8 ) 1787 266 1 - 13 Treatment, year, and interval • j Increase i Yield por acre in each plot. :Average: between applns . Yield por acre in each plot. :Average: : Per Number of effective -applns, in parenthesis : yield :Pounds{ cent Check (1932) 1696 1696 Lucas-Kiltono black c. a, (4-day) 1867(7) 1867 171 10 Lucas -Kiltone green . c. a. (4-day) 1837(7) . 1837 141 E Check (1932) 1598 1598 Lucas-Kiltono green c. a. (4-day) 25.80(8) . - 2580 . 982 61 Luc as -Ki 1 tone white c. a. (4-day) 2500(8) 2500 '902 56 Check (1932) (Summary '"of yields following applns. Colored c. a. of colored- and uneolorcd calcium (4-day) arsenates, .1932} White c, a. (4-day) ... 1251 1846 1823 595 572 48 46 Check (1932) 507 1079 C. a. after migra- tion (4-day) 2126(13) 1896(9) 793 2011 1218 154 Check (1933) 1012 1012 Cultivator duster J (9-day) 1270(4) 1270 258 25 Cultivator duster (9-day) 1181(4) ' 1181 169 17 (4-day) 1197(6) 1197 386 48 3. a. and lime 1:2 (4-day) 1031(6) 1031 220 27 a. (4-day) 1307(6) 1307 496 ■• 61 ^uixivaxor ausxor (9-day) 1047(4) 1047 35 3 C, a. (4 -day) 1312(4) 1312 .300 30 Check (1933) 1280 1018 846 846 998 » P. R. 25%-c. a. 75% dry mix (4-day) 1876(9) 1554(9) 1208(8) 1321(8) 1490 492 49 P. g. 25%-c. a. 75% 8 wet mix (4 -day) 1767(9) 147 9(9) 1516(8) 1429(8) 1548 550 55 C. a. (4-day) 1685(9) 1550(9) 1463(8) 1263(8) 1490 492 49 ! Check (1933) 936 654 795 Coppe: " arscnite 20% , c . t x. 80% (4-day) 1992(5) 827(8) . 141,0 615 7? 5 Copper arscnite 25% e . £ i. 75% (4-day) 1581(5) 904(8) 1243 448 56 J«- g. 25%-c. a. 75% (4-day) 1288(5) 891(8) 1090 295 37 3. a. (4-day) 1468(5) 841(8) ' 1155 360 45 1 Shock (1933) 811 811 :. a. and lime 1*1 - 14 - T re a tine nt , yc ar , : : Increase and interval : Yield per acre in each plot. Average :~"~ : "Tel between applns. t Number of effective applns. in parenthesis : yield :Pounds: cei Check (1934) 1132 1407 887 1142 C. a. and lime 1:1 (4-day) 1711(10) 1979(9' 944(5) 1545 403 3S C. a. and lime 1:2 (4-day) 1548(10) 1813(9 ) 926(5) 1429 287 2£ C. a. (4-day) 1548(10) 2008(9 ) 957(5) 1504 362 32 Check (1S35) 1253 1212 1327 1264 C 0.0 and lime 1;1 (4-day) 1167(6 ) 1084(6' > 1569(6) 1273 9 1 C. a. (4-day) 1181(6 1700(6 ) 1581(6) 1487 223 18 Check (1936) 2304 1692 2123 2381 2125 C. a» and lime 1:1 (4-day) 2793(5] 1660(3' ) 2294(4) 2746(5) 2373 248 12 C . a, and' sulfur 1:1 (4-day) 2820(5] 1650(3] 1 2319(4) 2624(5) 2353 228 11 Co a. (4-day) 2599(5 ) 1658(3 ) ] 2245(4) 2587(5) 2272 147 7 Check (1936)* 2381 2496 2207 2434 2380 C. a. and lime ljl (4-day) 2680(8 ) 2404(8 ) 2723(8) 2368(8) 2544 164 7 C. a. and sulfur 1:1 (4-day) 2473(8] 2494(8' 2707(8) 2732(8). 2602 222 9 C. a. (4-day) 2629(8 ) 2539(8 ) 2826(8) 2566(8) 2640 260 11 Min. sig. dif . 152 Check (1937) 2783 2088 1954 2275 C. a=> and lime 1:1 (4 -day) 2558(5 ) 2395(6 ) 1984(6) 2312 37 2 C . a . and sulfur 1:1 (4-day) 2712(5] 2225(6] 1938(6) 2292 17 1 C. a. (4-day) 2954(5] 2157(6 > 2319(6) 2477 202 9 Check (1937)* 2657 2042 1931 2338 2353 C. a. (4-day) 2016(7] 2573(7] 2089(7) 2346(7) 2169 (7) C« a. and lime 1:1 (4-day) 2576(7] 1764(7' ) 2462(7) 2243(7) 2297 (7) Continued Co a, and sulfur 1:1 (4-day) 2297(7] 2820(7] 2201(7) 2346(7) 217S (7) below C. a. and sulfur 1:2 (4 -day) 2402(7 ) 2606(7] 2704(7) 2096(7) 2214 (7) C. a. and sulfur 1:4 (4-day) 2398(7] 2265(7 2469(7) 2259(7) 2188 (7) Check (1937)* 2229 2258 -1 C. a. (4-day) 2327(7] 2253 -5 0 C. a. and lime 1:1 (4-day) 2183(7] 2254 -4 0 C. a. and sulfur 1:1 (4-day) 2466(7, 2385- 127 6 C. a, and sulfur 1:2 (4-day) 2421(7] 2407 • 149 7 C. a, and sulfur 1:4 (4-day) 1866(7] 2241 -17 -1 l/40 acre plots, Latin square 15 treatment, year, and interval.' betwein applns. Inc re ; Yield per acre in each plot. Number of effective applns. in parenthesis : Per : Average-: — : yield :Pounds: ce: Check (1936) P. g. lC#-c. a. 9(# (4-day) C. a. and sulfur 2529 2303 2697(6) 2380(6) 2492 2277(4) 2441 2451 10 1:2 (4-day) 2853($) 2658(6 ) 2569(4) 2693 252 10 C. a. (4 -day) 2626(6) 2796(6 ) 2513(4) 2645 204 6 Check (1936) 2818 2552 1317 1575 2066 C. a. and sulfur 1:2 (4-day) 2786(4) 2716(4 ) 1477(4) 1744(4.) 2181 115 6 C. a. (4-day) 2714(4) 2448(4 ) 1342(4) 1882 (4) 2097 31 2 Check (1936) 2204 1527 2840 1250 1591 1882 C. a. and sulfur 1;4 (4-day) 2296(5) 1643(4 ) 3006(4) 1451(4) 1864(4) 2052 170 9 •C. a. (4-day) 2520(5) 1843(4 ) 2844(4) 1196(4) 1805(4) 2042 160 9 Check (1937) 1857 1642 2391 2030 C. a. and sulfur 1:2 (4-day) 1953(5) 2180(5' \ 2277(5) 2137 107 5 C. a, and sulfur 1:4 (4-day) 1846(5) 2189(5 ) 2245(5) 2093 63 3 C. a. (4-day) 1881(5) 1921(5 ) 2407(5) 2070 40 2 Check (1937) 25S3 2403 2483 C. a. and sulfur . 1:2 (4-day) 2267(3) 2398(3 2333 -150' -6 C. a. (4-day) 2505(3) 2316(3 2461 - 22 -1 Check (1938) 1339 2269 2015 1874 C . a.' and sulfur 1*1,4-6 lbs. (4-day) 1803(8) 2308(6 ) 2048(5) 2053 17 9 10 C. a. 2-3 lbs. (Way) 1685(8) 2295(6 ) 2096(5) 2026 152 8 C a. 4-6 lbs. (4-day) 1731(8) 2517(6; 2164(5) 2144 270 14 Check (1936) 2269 1963 1601 194-4 C. a.: and. sulfur 1:1, 4-6 lbs. (4-day) 2324(6) 2057(7 ) 1718(7) 2033 89 5 C . a. ' and sulfur 1:1, 12 lbs. (4-day) 2353(6) 2226(7 ) 1926(7) 2168 224 12 C . a. and sulfur . ,. 1-5 2, 12 lbs. (4 -day) 2421(6) 2216(7 ) 1799(7) ■ 2145 201 10 C. a., 4-6 lbs. (4-day) . 2543(6) 2005(7 ) 1921(7) 2156 212 11 Chock (1938) 1761 1784 2167 1904 C. a. +1 appln. sulfur (4-day) 1713(8) 2129(8 ) 2274(7) 2039 135 7 C. a. +3" applns . sulfur (4-day) 1829(8) 2127(8 2160(7) 2039 135 7 C. a. (4 -day) 1955(8) 2053(8] 2259(7) 2089 185 10 -16- - Treatment , year , and interval between applns . •-Yield per acre in each plot. Number of effective applns. in parenthesis Increase :Averagej t Pa : yield :Pounds: $©; Check (1938)* 2110 ' 2015 •' 1967 2095 1806 C • a. + 1 appln. sulfur (4-day) 1604(6 ) ; 1734(6) .1507(6) U993(6) 2177(6) C. a. + 2 applns. c • • sulfur (4-day) 1708(6 )• 1914(6) 2255(6) 2146(6) 1876(6) C. a. + 3 applns. sulfur (4 -day) 1814(6 ) ;2Q42-(6) 1927(6) 1752(6) 1882(6) Continued C. a. and sulfur 1:1 (4-day) . 1152(6 ) • 1903(6) 2236(6) 2022(6) 1687(6) below C. a. (4-day) 1676(6 ) 1309(6) 2084(6) 2038(6) 2296(6) Check (1938)* 1811 1967 C. a. +1 appln. sulfur (4-day) -2342(6 1893 -74 C. a. +2 applns. sulfur (4-day) 2618(6 1 2086 119 C. a. + 3 applns. sulfur (4-day) 2513(6 1988 21 C . a. and sulfur 1*1 ('4-day) . .2606(6 1934 -33 C. a. (4-day) 2034(6 1915 -52 Check (1939) 2580 2650 2670 2290 1920 C. a. (4-day) 2740(8] 3000(8) 2510(8) 2520(8) 2480(8) C, a. +3 applns. Continued sulfur (4-day) 2750(8] 3170(8) 2710(8) 2540(8) 2310(8) C. a. +1 appln. ' below sulfur (4-day) 2860(8 ) 3000(8) 2850(8) .29:50(8) 1810(8) Chock (1939) 2110 1920 2020 1220 2153 C. a. (4-day) 2040(8 > 2140(8) 2040(8) 1560(3) 2337 184 C a a . + 3 applns . sulfur (4-day) 2060(8] 2270(8) 2110(8). 1490(8) 2379 226 1 " Co a. + 1 appln. • •'-" " - ?:" " sulfur (4- day) 2490(8] 2040(8) 1890(8) 1500(8) 2377 224 1 Min. sig. dif. 170 Check (1939) 2090 2220 , 2160 1980 2030 2096 C. a. (4 -day) 2350(6 ) 2040(6) 2240(6) 2070(6) 2220(6) 2184 88 C. a. and sulfur 1*1 (4-day) 2360(6 ) 2160(6) 2120(6) 2390(6) 2000(6) 2206 110 Sulfur (7 -day) 2070(4] 2030(4) 1900(3) 1900(3) 1790(3) 1938 -158 C. ae and sulfur 1:2 (4-day) 1990(6] 2400(6) 1870(6) 2020(6) 2000(6) 2056 -40 J Chock (1939) 2250 2150 2100 1980 2120 C. a. and sulfur 1:2 (4-day) 2380(4] 2130(4) 2060(4) 1870(4) 2110 • . -io | C. a. and micron- izod sulfur 1:2 (4-day) 2250(4] 1940(4) 2020(4) 1880(4) 2023 -97 -! * 1/40 acre plots, Latin sc oiarc . • -.17 - Treatment, year, s : Increase and interval s Yield per acre in each plot. \ Average- : i Per between applns. j Number of effective applns . in parenthesis yield :Pound-s: cent Check (1939) 1980 1930 2050 2010 1993 C. a., 4-6 lbs. (4-day) • 1960(4) 2000(4) .;2190(4) 2170(4) 2080 87 4 C. a., 2-3 lbs. (4-day) 2060(4) 2000(4) 2110(4) 1970(4) 2035 42 2 C. a. and sulfur 1: 1, 4-6 lbs. (4-day) 1860(4) -1990(4) 2060(4) 1980(4) 1973 -20 -1 Check (1933; 792 792 Sodium fluoaluminate r(6 lbs.) (4-day) 781(7) 781 ' -11 -1 Sodium fluosilicate * (9 lbs.) (4-day) 727(7) 727 -65' -8 Sodium fluosilicato . -f5-lbs.) (4-day) 657(7) 657 -135 -17 Barium fluosilicate (5 lbs.) (4-day) 823(7) 823 31 4 C. a. (5 lbs.) • (4-day) ' 1077(7) 1077 285 35 Check (1942) 1620 1635 1360 1695 1770 1620 C. a. (5-day) 1365(4) 1365(4) 1320(4) 1545(4) 1620(4) 1443 -177 -11 Sodium fluosilicate and sulfur 1;1 (5-day) 1575(4) 1065(4) 1260(4) 1635(4) 1440(4) 1395 -225 -14 Sodium fluosilicato " and sulfur 1:3 (5-day) 1920(4) 1215(4) 1485(4) 1815(4) 1725(4) 1632 12 1 Sodium fluosilicate and sulfur 1:7 (5-day) 1605(4) 1170(4) 1845(4) 1695(4) 1695(4) 1602 -18 -1 (1934) P. g. 25$rlimc 75$ (4-day) 1668(10) 1 1598 P. g. 33-l/3$-limo 66-2/3$ (4 -day) 1588(10) 1164(11) 2125(7) 1626 P. g. 50$-lircc 50$ (4-day) 1624(10) 1386(11) 1604(7) 1538 C. a. (4-day) 1751(10) 1266(11) 1645(7) 1555 Check (1934) 634 983 1100 906 Lime (4-day) 670(7) 888(7) 1130(5) 896 -10 -1 * Check (1934) Thiodiphcnylaminc .-(Phcnothiazinc ) 10$, sulfur 90$ (4-day) C a. (4-day) 1547 1607(5) 1757(5) 1547 1607 1757 60 210 14 18 - Treatment, year, i i : Increase and interval" ■ s. Yield per acre in each plot. sAverage* * Per between applns. , :. Number of effective applns. in parenthesis % yield {Pounds; cent Check (1934) '. '; 1085 1218 923 . 1075 Derris and diluent, — . & rot. (4-day) ' 3=220(7) Derris and diluent, I 1% rot. (4-day) 929(8) !~ I011 "64 "6 Derris and diluent, 2% rot. (4-day) 885(7) J Cr a, (4-day) 1567(8) 1474(7) 1653(7) 1565 490 46 Qheok (1934) 1582 1338 1217 Copper arsenite 2 0$ c. a. 30$ (4-day) 1718(10) 1752(10) 1593(8) C. a. (4-day) 1618(10) 1652(10) 1544(8) 1379 . 1688 1605 309 226 22 16 Check (1934) C. a. early morning (4-day) C. a. midday (4-day) C. a. late after- noon (4 -day}. 1365 1190 1037 1444(6) 995(6) 1373(6) 1269(6) 1291(6) 1117(6) 1444(6) 996(6) 1107(6) 1197 1271 1226 1182 74 29 -15> 6 , 2 -1 Check (1935) ' 1718 765 849 1111.; C. a. 'early morning (4-day) 2009(7) 715(6) 905(7) 1210 99 9 C. a. midday (4-day) 2122(7) 778(6) 949(7) 1283 172 15 C. a. late after- noon (4-day) 1874(7) 768(6) 929(7) 1190 79 7 Check (1937) 1693 2186 1960 2074 1662 C. a. early morning (4-day) 2209(6) 2150(6) 2166(6) 2526(6) 1701(6) C. a. early morning (6-day) 2237(4) 2761(4) 2213(4) 1955(4) 1854(4) Continued C. a. early morning below , (3-day) 2511(5) 2054(3) 2100(3) 2037(3) 1499(3) Co a. midday (4-day) 1571(6) 1943(6) 2591(6) 1978(6) 1876(6) (1/20 acre plots) C. a. late after - noon (4-day) 1342(6) 2476(6) 1954(6) 1894(6) 2302(6) Check (1937) 2183 1961 C. a. early morning (4-day) 1566(6) 2053 92 5 C. a. early morning (6-day) 1396(4) 2078 117 6 C. a. early morning (1/20 acre plots) (8-day) 1655(3) 1977 16 C . a . midday (4 -day) 1361(6) 1887 -74 • C. a. late after- noon (4-day) 1494 (6) 1994 33 ■ 19 - - Treatment, year, t and intorval " i Yield per acre in : each plot. : Average i Incrc ■xse - a : Per between applns. '", : Number of effecti ve applns • in parenthesis- : yield jPounds: cent " "Chock (1938) 1680 1827 2380 1962 C, a. early morning (4-day) 1876(6 ) 2048(6) 2422(6) 2115 153 8 C. a. midday (4 -day) 1789(6 ) 1828(6)/ 2417(6) 2011 49 3 C. a. late after- noon (4-day) 1893(6 ) 2023(6) 2502(6); 2139 177 o Check (1938) 1749 2187 1881 2 342 2070 - Q. a. early morning (4-day) 1514(7 ) 1788(7) 2451(7) . 1988(7) 1990(7) Cc a. early morning .(6-day) 1723(5 ) 1770(5) 1620(5) '2266(5). 2063(5) Continued - C?.*"$. early morning (8-day) below 2348(4 ) 1652(4) 2107(4) 1946(4)- 1946(4) C. a. midday (1/2C ) acre plots) (4-day) 1547(7 ) 2 310(7) 2096(7) 1976(7) 2275(7) C. a. late after- 2 noon (4-day) 1593(7 ) 1990(7) 2176(7) 2011(7) 2578(7) : Check (1938) C...a. early morning 2093 2054 (4-day) 2090(7, 1970 -84 -4 C. a. early morning 9 (6 -day) C. a. early morning 2729(5' 2029 -25 -1 15 (8-day) 2317(4' (1/20 acre plots) 2053 -1 0 C. a. midday 1 (4-day) 2324(7 2088 34 2 C, a. late after- noon (4 -day) 1954(7 2050 -4 0 Check (1939) 1840 2390 1340 1680 1813 C. a. early morning (4-day) 2080(7 ) 2930(7) 1650(7) 2570(7) 2308 495 27 C# a. midday .- (4-day) 2460(7 ) 2610(7) 1600(7) 2380(7) 2263 450 25 C. a. late after- i) noon (4-day) 2110(7 ) 2570(7) 1710(7) 2200(7) 2168 355 20 Kin;' sig. dif. 330 Check (1940) 1210 1110 1170 1290 1230 C. a. early morning (4-day) 1880(7] 1640(7) 17.90(7) 1960(7) 1790(7) i C. a. midday (4-day) 1760(7] 1850(7) 2150(7) 2090(7) 1860(7) Continued C. a. lato after- below noon (4 -day) 1730(7) 1860(7) 1690(7) 1930(7) 1570(7) Chuck (1940) 1320 1222 C. a. early morning (4-day) 1960(7, 1G37 615 50 C . a . midday (4-day) 1870(7] 1930 708 58 C. a. lato after- LIBRARY noon (4-day) Min. sig. dif. 1940(7] STATE PLANT BOARD 1787 565 137 46 20 Treatment* year.,.- i „: -Yield; per acre in each plot. : : Average? Increast ... and... interval : '. F< •"between applns. : Number of 'effective applns .. in- parenthesis : -yield j Pounds; cc Check (1941) 1080 " "' 9~6cT 1200 1320 1140 C. a. early morning .( 4-day) 1380(8) ;3L830(8) 1680(8) 1560 ' 420 ; C. a. midday (4-day) . 1350(8 ) 1590(8). 1710(8) 1740(8) 1598 '• 458 C. a. late after- : noon (4 -day) 1320(8 ) 1320(8);, %17.7°(8) 1860 ((8) • 1568 ' 428 . ; C, a> early morning (6-day) 1380(6 ) 1560(6) 1590(6) 1800(6) • 1583 443 I C. a. early morning (8-day) 11X0(4] ) 1230(4) ' 1800(4) 1500(4) 1410 270 l Min. sig. dif. t ISO,, C Check 1408 C C. a. early morning Summary for 1S.34, .-1935, 1938, 1939, ' (4-day) 1946 and 1941. Average of yearly 1717 309 2 C. a. midday ' . averages . - The yields :%r\ I/20 acre. - ■ (4-day) plots ; were not included in the averages. 1719 311 2 C a. late after- i ■■ noon (4 -day). ' 1672 .'. 264 ■ 3 i Check (1934) 1572 1173 854 1082 1170 ■■ ■■ C. a. (4-day) 1556(5 ) 1369(6) 960(5) 1139(6) > 1256 ' 86 C. a." (6-day) 1360(4 ) 1352(4) 963(4) 1065(4) 1165 ' 15 C. a. (8-day) 1212(3 1245(3) 1000(3) 1109(3') 1142 -28 - C Check (1935) 1948 732 1526 1402 C. a« (4-day) 1833(6 ) 847(7) 1530(5) 1403 1 Co a0 (6 -day) 1761(5 ) 727(5) 1543(4) 1344 -58 - C„ a. (8-day) 1850(3 664(4) 1613(3) 1376 -26 - C Check (1936) 2706 2552 2075 2519 2749 2520 I C. a. (4-day) 2644(4 ) 2536(4) 2362(4) 2320(4) 2918(4) 2556 ~ - ,'36 ' C. a. -('6-day) 2496(3 ) 2364(3) '2189(3) 2555(3) 2835(3) 2488' '-32, . - C C. a. (8-day) 2790(2 ) 2412(2) 2307(2) 2230(2) 2918(2) 2531' , ii Check, (1937) 3154 3129 2218 2 834 . ,- \ C. a. (4-day) 3068(5 2517(5) 2569(4) 2718 -11.6 ; " C. a. (6-day) 2823(3' 2805(3) 2434(3) 2687 -147 - C C. a. (8 -day) 2777(3] 2905(3) 2273(2) ' 2552 -182 - { Check (1938) . 2027 2210 2127 2121 I C. a. (4-day) 2233(6, 2323(6) 2322(6) 2293. ' 172 C a. (6-day)" 2245(4] 2172(4) 2400(4) . 2272 151 jj C. a. (8-day) 2308(3] 2013(3) 2381(3) 2234 ■' 113 ! Check (1939) 1050 1360 870 990 2340 1322 , C. a. (4-day) 1450(8) 1720(8) 1370(8) 1050(8) 2900(8) 1698 .376 2c C. a, (6-day) 1060(6] •'1290(6) ' 1170(6)' 1460(6) 2810(6) 1558 236 11 C. a. (8-day) 1330(5] 1770(5) . ^570(5) 730(5) 2550(4) 1590 -. 268 ■ 2C Check (1940) 630 1. 460 • '68-0- 640 920 C. a. (4-day) 1430(7] 1360(7) 1510(7) 1120(7) 1360(7) Cont inued C. a, (C-day) 1430(5] 1210(5) 1320(5) 930(5) ,.1330 (5) he low - J C. a. (8-day) 990(4' ) 1180(4) 750(4) 1020(4) v 112,60(4) Check (1940) 750 . | 680 C. a. (4-day) 1450(7] 1372 692 102, C. a. (6-day) 1110(5] 1222 ■ 542 80 C a. (8-day) 1130(4] 1055 , 375 5.5 Min. sig. dif. '209 - 21 Treatment, year, : and interval s between applns. . m Yield per' acre in each plot. Number of effective applns. in parenthesis t i ■ Increase s Average? ' i Per t yield : Pounds; cent Check C. a. (4 -day)' 8. a. (6-day) C a. (8-day) Check (1935) 0. a. special $1 J (4-day) Co a. special 4Z (autoc laved) Summary, For .1954,-1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, and 1941. Average of yearly averages. The yields in 1/20 acre plots were not included in the averages . . 1497 1323 1327 138.1(5) 1565 (-5) 1561(8) 1649 1857 1792 1749 "1382 208 143 100 1502 120 (4-day) - -1271(5) 1711(5) 1596(8) 1526 144 10 C.. a. (4 -day) 1276(5) 1694(5) 1896(8) 1622 240 17 Check (1935)- 1884 972 1978 1611 C. a. special #2 : '. (4-day) ■ 2048(6) 1116(6) 1996(7) 1720 109 7 C. a. special $4 ! (autoclaved) , (4-day) 1736(6) 1144(6) 1965(7) 1615 4 ■ .2 C. a. (4-day) 1892(6) 1160(6) 1992(7) 168:1 ,' 70 •x Check (1935) ' 2136 1332 121V 1562 Co a. special #5 (4-day) 2272(7) 12 92(6) 1242(7) 1602 40 3 ■ C. a. special #6 (autoclaved) (4-day) 2368(7) 147 6< 6) 1313(7) 1719 157 10 , C a. (4-day) 2564(7) 1288(6) 1221(7) 1691 129 8 . Chock (1835) 147 9 746 542 922 " P. g. 25^-c. a. 755? (4-day) 1552(4) 878(6) 608(6) 1013 91 10 . C. a. (4 -day) 1487(4) 996(6) 780(6) 1088 166 18 Check (1935) 1255 2236 1021 1504 1 P. g. 10#-c. a. 9C$ - (4-day) 976(6) 2416(7) 1121(7) 1504 0 0 ■ . C. a. (4-day) 11.81(6) 2696(7) 1190(7) 1689 105 12 J Chock (1935) 1510 1486 577 1191 Derris and sulfur, 1% rot. (4-day) 1461(8) 1384(6) 795(6) 1213 22 2 C. a. (4 -day) 1872(8) 1671(6) 617(6) 1387 196 15 ' __ :hcck (1935) 1729 2196 1085 1670 , Dorr is and sulfur, • 2 U rot. (4-day) 1614(6) 2289(7) 1062(7) 1655 -15 -1 13. a. (4-day) 1448(6) 2333(7) 1462(7) 1748 76 5 2 Shock (1935) 1290 1436- 948 1225 ~~ Phenothiazine (Thiodiphcnyla- minc) 10$ and sulfur 90% - (4-day) 1360(6) 1552(5) 1404(7) 1439 214 17 K j^ a. (4 -day) 1265(6) 1468(5) 1812(7) 1515 290 n • C 't- ! - 22 Treatment , year , and interval between applns. Increase Yield per acre in each plot, ' :Averagej j Per Number of effective applns. in parenthesis : yield {Founds? cent Check (1937) 1844 182 2 2011 189£ Magnetic cryolite sulfur dust ■ - (4-day) 1861(5) C. a. (4-day) 1382(5) 1822(5) 2057(5) 2296(4} 2471(4) §.993 2157 101 245 5 13 Check (1937) 2933 Alorco cryolite (4-day) 2731(5) P. g. lCfc-c. a. 90$ (4-day) 3050(5) C. a. (4-day) 2979(5) 2490 217 8(4) 2483(4) 2650(4) 2308 2179(4) 1831(4) 2366(4) 2363 2455 2665 -214 -122 88 -8 3 Check (1937)* 1256 C. a. (.8$ Wo s.) 1727 2370 2824 9CQ1 ( C 1875 "l T C.Q9 ( P.\ C. a. (5% vi. s.) (4-day) 1721(6) 2335(6) 1638(6) 2224(6) 2537(6) C« a. (10$ w. s.) Continued (4-day) 2513(6) 1339(6) 1639(6) 2436(6) 2880(6) Alorco cryolite below (4-day) 2403(6) 2889(6) 2194(6) 1506(6) 1924(6) Magnetic cryolite sulfur dust (4 -day) _2104 (_6 ) 1890 ( 6 )_ 2552 ( 6 ) 1671(6) 2661(6) Check (1937)* 2700 C. a. (.8$ w. s.) (4-day) 1950(6) C. a. (5$ w. s.) (4-day) 2685(6) C. a. (10$ w. s.) (4-day) 1596(6) Alorco cryolite (4-day) 2466%(6) Magnetic cryolite sulfur dust (4-day) 155i(6) . 2072 -53 2125 2212 87 4 2207 82 4 2067 -50 -3 2244 119 6 Check (1938) 2146 2238 •• 2193 Coarse alorco cry- olite (4-day) 2185(6) 2201(5) 2223 30 1 C. a. (4-day) 2243(6) 2301(5) 2312 119 5 Check (1930) 17C9 1797 s. 1793 Syncrolitc (4-day) 2043(5) 1040 (6) . 1946 153 9 C. a. (4 -day) 2104(5) 1050(6). 107 7 104 10 * 1/18 acre plots, randomizod blocks. - 23 - Treatment, year, : : : Increase and interval s Yield ] Der acre in each plot. t Average : : Per between applns. : Number of effective applns . in pare nthesis : yield : Pounds*. c ... Chock (1939) 1600 1450 1240 1900 1930' 1640 Co a. ('1-day) 1010(7 ) 1650(7 ) 1650(7) 2250(6) 2390(6) 1950 ' 310 ' ] Syncrolite (4 -day) 1690(7 ) 1340(7 ) 1910(7) 1090(6) 2150(6) 1796 156 3 'Synthetic cryolite (4-day) 1570(3 ) 1160(3 ) 940(3) 1090(6) 2110(6) 1534 -106 - Synthetic c ryolitc ' + 1% lethanc ('1-day) 1020(7 ) 1540(7 ) 1460(7) 1930(6) 2250(6) 1004 164 r. Min. sig. dif. ■ 220 Check (1939) 1020 1910 1055 C. a. (4-day) 2130(5 ) 2230(5 2100 315 17 Alorco cryolite (4-day) 1060(5 ) 2070(5 1965 100 5 Alorco cryolite -Jt552 (4-day) 2010(5 ) 1070(5 1940 • 75 4 Check (1940)* 1200 1335 1205 1150 1243 C. a. (5-day) 1960(0 ) 1990(0 ) 1090(0) 1695(0) 1504 641 52 Niagara c. a. 7 94 (5 -day) 2145(0 ) 2060(6 1610(6) 1300(0) 1799 556 45 Cryolite and sulfur 05; 15 (5-day) 1470(0 1465(0' > 1390(6) 1205(0) 1300 145 12 Min. sig. dif. 215 Check (1940)* 1303 1260 992 1133 1061 1170 C. a. (5-day) 1422(4 > 1270(4 ) 1307(4) 1145(4) 1139(4) 1250 ' ' 08 r Magnetic cryolite * (5-day) 1202(4] 1100(4; 1053(4) 1194(4) 1212(4) 1152 -10 -2 Alorco cryolite (5-day) 1149(4] 1111(4; 12 36(4) 1160(4) 1066(4) 1144 -26 -2 Micronizcd natural cryolito (5-day) 1206(4; 1336(4; 1150(4) 1029(4) 1140(4) 1174 4 Check (1930)** 1051 2069 2011 1766 -2027 C. a. (.5% w. s.) (5-day) 1007(7; 1990(7; 2449(7) 2341(7) 2207(7) Continued C. a. (4.5% w. s.) (5 -day) 1006(7; 2057(7; 2171(7) 2264(7) 2395(7) be •low C. a. (10.55$ w. s.) (5-day) 1757(7; 2092(7' 2137(7) 2326(7) 2263(7) Check (1930)** 1901 193;". C. a. (.5% w. s.) (5-day) 2592(7; 2233 295 15 C a. (4.5% w. s.) (5 -day) 2369(7; 2194 256 13 C a. (10.5$ w. s.) (5-day) 2249(7; 2137 199 10 Min. sig. dif. 190 * l/lO acre plots, randoni zed blocl< s. ** 1/30 acre plots, random} zed block :s . - 24 'Treatment, year, and interval between applns . Increase Yield per acre in Number of effective applns, each plot. :Average; : Per in parenthesis j yield ; Pounds t cent Check (1935)** 2568 2442 2430 2566 2112 2423 C. a. (.5$-w. s.) ' i (5-day) 2563(6 ) 2814(6) 2412(5) 2562(6) 2580(6) 2587 159 7 C. a. (4.6$ w. s.) (5 -day) 2682(6 ) 2552(6) 2634(6) 2646(6) 2808(6) 2634 256 11 C. a. (10.3$ w, s.) (5-day) 2412(6 ) 2922(6) 2718(6) 2274(6) 2268(6) 2519 91 4 Check (1940)* 1014 1220 1241 1337 847 C. a. (.4$ w. s.) (5-day) 1045(5 ) 1296(5) 1500(5) 1597(5) 1119(5) C. a. (11.4$ w. s.) Continued (5-day) 994(5' \ 1394(5) 1415(5) 1362(5) 1176(5) below Niagara special c , a. : (16.5$ w. s 0 (5-day) 1141(5 1388(5) 1474(5) 1211(5) 1185(5) Check (1940)* 811 887 1068 1053 C. a. (.4$ w. s.). (5-day) 1123(5 ) 1359(5) 1293(5) 1292 239 23 Co a. (11.4$ w. s.) (5-day) 1017(5 1242(5) 1559(5) 1272 219 21 Niagara special c„ a. (16.5$ w. s .) (5 -day) 1234(5 ) 1232(5) 1535(5) 1300 247 23 Min. sig. dif o 105 Check (1941) 1.616 1476 1770 1390 1563 C. a. (9.1$ w. s.) (5-day) 1754(7 > 1674(7) 1582(7) 1746(7) 1639 • 126 .8 Niagara special c . a. (8.7$ w. s. ) . (5-day) 1851(7 ) 1621(7) 1787(7) 1653(7) 1728 165 11 Niagara special c. a. and sulfur 15$ + |$ rot. (5-day) 1950(7' 2051(7) 1946(7) 2010(7) 1989 426 27 Min. sig. dif. 183 ' Check (1939) 1890 1850 2010 1640 1590 C. a. at 25$ inf. "c (4-day) 2080(5 2180(6) 2010(7) 2100(7) 1780(7) ( C. a, at 50$ inf. Continued (4-day) 2110(4 ) 2240(4) 2030(4) 2410(4) 1620(4) below C. a. at 10$ inf. c (4-day) 2180(8] 2110(8) 2320(8) 1530(8) 2210(8) Chock (1939) 1460 1740 , ' c C a. at 25$ inf. (4-day) 1930(7] 2013 273 16 . j!i C a. at 50$ inf. (4-day) 1700(4) 2018 27 8 16 C. a. at 10$ inf. (4 -day) 1860(8] 2052 312 18 * l/lO acre plots, randoms zed blocks . ** l/30 aero plots, random zed blocks • - 25 Treatment, year, and interval botv/con applns. : ■ : Increase Yield per acre in each plot, {Average : : For Number of effective applns. in parenthesis ; yield ; Pounds: c-'nt Check (1940) 690 650 680 530 636 C. a. at 8% inf. (4-day) 12G0(8) 1170(6) 1010(8) 1180(8) 1150 522 82 C. a. at 25% inf. (4-day) 1100(5) 1410(5) 1070(5) 1290(5) 1218 560 91 C. a. at 70% inf. (4-day) 1070(4) 1050(4) 930(4) 900(4) ' 988 350 55 Min. sig- dif. 170 Chock (1941) 1530 1770 750 810 010 1134 C. a. at 30-40% inf. (5-day) 1410(6) 1470(6) 960(6) 990(6) 1110(6) 1186 54 5 C. a. + |$ rot. at 30-40%' inf. (5-day) 1590(6) 1740(6) 1260(6) 1320(6) 1320(6) 1446 312 23 C. a. at 50-60% inf. (5-day) 1620(5) 1440(5) 990(5) 930(5) 1020(5) 1200 56 6 C. a. + 75% rot. at 50-60% inf. (5-day) 1770(5) 1500(5) 1080(5) 1200(5) 1080(5) 1326 192 17 "Min. sig. dif. 135 Check (1942) 1372 1265 1677 2310 1661 C. a. at 15% inf. (5-day) 1925(5) 1897(5) 1789(5) 1491(5) 1776 115 7 C. a. at 23% inf. (5-day) 1575(2) 1736(2) 1425(2) 2069(2) 1701 40 2 C. a. at migration 1866(1) 1593(1) 1253(1) 1097(1) 1652 -9 _i_ Chock (1939) 2510 2090 2360 2240 2260 2292 C. a. before migra- tion (4-day) 2410(3) 2370(3) 2080(3) 2190(1) 2230(1) 2256 -36 _p C. a. beforo and after migration 7 (4 -day) 2310(6) 2250(6) 2310(6) 2 290(4) 2200(4) 2272 -20 -1 C. a. after migra- tion (4-day) 2520(3) 2290(3) 2400(3) 2570(3) 1970(3) 2350 53 3 Check (1940) 960 1050 1390 1330 1040 1154 C. a, before and after migration (4-day) 1560(6) 1530(6) 1560(6) 1630(6) 1510(6) 157 6 424 37 C. a. before migra- tion (4 -day) 1350(3) 1080(3) 1370(3) 1390(3) 1270(3) 1294 140 12 H C. a. after migra- - tion (4-day) 1460(3) 1190(3) 1640(3) 1600(3) 1540(3) 1436 332 29 143 - 26 - Treatment, year, t ani interval .-» between applns. . :: Ifumber Check (1941) " 1KC C . a." before and after migration (4 -day) 1920(6 C . a . before migra- tion ('-day) 1320(3 C. a. after migra- tion (4-day) 1650(3 C. a. after migra- tion (/-day) 1740(2 C. a. after migra- tion 1470(1 : Increase Yield 'per acre in each plot. :Average: : Per of effective applns. in parenthesis : yield :Poundsj cent 1350 1530 870 ;30 Check (1941) 774 C. a. before and after migration (4-day) 1476(6 C. a. before migra- tion (4-day) 1050(3 C. a. after migra- tion (4 -day) 87 6 ( 3 C. a. after migra- tion (-.'-day) 1050(2 C. a. after migra- tion 924(1 Min. sigo dif. Check (1942) 1290 C. a. before and after migration (5 -4 -day) 1890(6 C. a. before migra- tion (5 -day) 1650(3 C, a. after migra- tion (/-day) 1680(3 C. a. after migra- tion ('l--day) 1320(2 C. a. after migra- tion 1920(1 T'in. sigo dif. Check (1940) 1070 C. a. after migra- tion 1200(1 C a. after migra- tion (5 -day) 1330(2 C. a. after migra- tion (5 -day) 1450(3 Min. sig. dif. 1740(6) 1520(6) 1590(6) 1770(6) Continued 1590(3) 1530(3) 1200(3) 1410(5) below' 1590(3) 1530(3). 1290(3); 1170(3) 1470(2) 1500(2) 1170(2) 1250(2) 1550(1) _1-G20(1)_ _1200(l)_ 1080(1) , 1099~" 1580 2040 1980 1980 1636 1350 1351 "",1355: 1304 1794 1800(5) 2450(3) 2430(6) 2520(6.) 2220 1800(3) 2310(3) 2280(3) 177 0(c) 1962 1500(3) 2370(5) 2370(3) 2100(3) 2004 1710(2) 2370(2) 2220(2) 2310(2) 1986 2130(1) 2550(1) 2100(1) 1800(l) 2100 1070" "11170 T2UU II33~ 1110(1) 1320(1) 1180(1) 1203 1330(2) 1320(2) 1400(2) 1345 1410(3) 1250(3) 1450(3) 1393 587 251 2 52 266 205 147 426 168 210 192 306 .236 70 6 212 19 260 23 133 - 27 - 1 Treatment , year, : jad interval t J between applns. : Number Yield per acre in of effect ivc applns : each plot. : . in rparenthosis j Average yield 5 Increase j Pounds* Fer c nt 1 Check (1939) 1 C. a. (4-day) 1 C. a. + 5% sticker (■'-day) 2220 2110(5) 2530(G) 2030 2150(6) 1990(6) 23.0 2730(G) 2970(9) 24C0 2000(0) 2790(0) 2230 2350(4) 2010(4) Cor I itinued C 1 ow I Check (1930) C. a. (•:-day) C, a. +5% sticker (4-day) 2040 2050(4) 2210(4) "'2533 2427(6) 2576(6) 2268(6) 2602(6) 2 355(C) "2422 " 2719(6) 2751(5) 2300(6) 2634(0) 23^59(6) 2232 2302 2357 2404"" 2576 2491 2407 2556 2550 150 135 02 -3 -87 102 54- 7 Check (105;:)* C. a. (5 -day) Calgroen (5 -day) - Di-c. a. (5-day) Basic copper arse- nate (5 -day) French c . a a 2305 2290(6) 2401 (S) 2295(6) 2539(S) 2698(6) 2046 2505(5) 2450(6) 2502(6) 2703(5) 2459(6) 2284 ' 2798(6) 2268(6) 2491(6) 2004(5) 2618(6) 3 "ol -3 6 3 3 Check (191-2) C. a. (5-day) Basic copper arse- nate and sulfur 1:1 (5-day) Alorco cryolito G5% and sulfur 15% (5-day) 15 CI 1848(3) 1917(3) 1572(3) 166C 1602(3) 1617(3) 1303(3) 1290 1662 (-3) .1476.(3) 1320(3) 070 1248(3) 1311(3) 1695(3) 2 310 2340(3) 2340(3) 2190(3) Continued below Check (1942) - C. a. (5-day) Basic copper arse- nate and sulfur 1:1 (5-day) Alorco cryolite 05$ raid sulfur 15;., (5-day) 2700 2190(3) 2370(3) 2190(3) 2220 2220(3) 2400(3) 2370(3) 1550 ' ' • 1050(7) 1070(7) 1201 ■1030(6) 5(6) 4L3-10" ' 1470(7) 1030(7) 11C 3 1174(6) U03( ') 1021 1069 1919 1 17 - 3 5 -.2 , Check (1940) C. a. ('-day) lj "icronized c. a. ( 1-day) ij Hln. sig. dif. 1430 1030(7) 2050(7) 1370 2040(7) 1950(7) "llOC hoc (6) 1179(3) 1000 192 5 432 457 92 ; Chock (1941)** 1 C. a. (-lust) (4 -day) CFG (spray) (--day) 1116 1190(6) 11150) 1155 11 ? 1122 -12 -33 -5 * l/30 acre plots, ** l/l-O acre plots, randomized blocks randomized blocks • - 20 - Treatment; year,' and interval between applns . Yield per acre in Number of effective apolns, each plot. in parenthesis : s Increase : Ave rage : * T P dr~l : yield : pounds J cent Chock (1941) 7C0 390 720 7 50 735 C. a. (5-day) C P C- (dust) 990(6) 930(0 ) 700(6 ) c:-o(c) 8G5 150 20 (5-day) 900(3) 750(3 530(3 ) 900(5) 795 50 0 'Copper hydro arse- • nate (5-day) 900 (S) 040(6 ) 900(6 930(3) 893 150 22 Copper hydro arse- nate -arsenite (5-day) 900(3) 900(5 700(6 ) 360(5) 805 150 20 Min," sig. dif . oo Chock (1940.)* 1122 1010 095 1023 1013 C. a. (5-day) ' 97 3(0) 952(0 903(6 ) 1074(0) 995 -10 -2 C. a. + derris, ^ rot. (5-day) 1027(G) 1144(0 ) 1063(8] 1240(0) 1110 105 K) C. a. and sulfur 1:1 (5-day) 1010(0) 953(0 ) 979(0 ) 1125(0) 1020 7 1 C. a. and sulfur 1:1 + -^ rot. (5-day) 1032(C) 1054(0 915(0 ) 1159(0) 1047 34 3 • Check (1940)* 1451 1274 1215 1225 1291. • C. a. (5-day) 1309(3) 1432 ( 3 1192(5 ) 1303(0) 1309 10 1 C. a. + derris, -g% rot. (5-day) 1530(3) 1597(6] 1530(5 ) 1159(5) 1450 167 13 Alternate applns • of c . a . al one and c. a. + derris, rot. (5-day) 1410(3) 1369(6' 1406(5 ) 1421(5) 1401 110 9 Alternate applns . of c . a . al one and ; c . a. + derris, 1% C rot. (5-day) 1542(3) 1432(5 ) 1492(6 1264(5) 1432 141 ll~ I Check (1940)+ 1490 1545 1375 1700 152 0 c C. a. (5-day) 1790(C) 1790(0 ) 1305(0' 1760(8) 1681 153 10 J C . a. + nic . sul„ , io ■•■ lf/o nic. (5 -day) 1940(C) 1950 (.0] 1535(3 1740(0) 1024 • 2 9G C. a. + nic . sul. , 1% nic. (5-day) 1930(0) 1010(0 ) 1045(0 1765(0) 1045 • 317 21 Ilin. sig. dif. 190 i Check (1941) 17 04 1797 """T&32 "" 1744 1315 c, C. a. (5-day) 2031(0) 1555(0 ) 1610(0 1020(C) 1709 -26 C. a. and sulfur , ,- 111 (5-day)' 1959(0) 1033(0] 1702 (0' 1003(0) 1024 o Talc + derris, W° rot. (5-day)' 1731(0) 1462(0, 2175(8] 1395(G) 1041 26 h! C. a. + derris, jlffo rot. (5-day) 2243(C) 2176(0] 2169(0 2232(C) ' 2205 390 21 ;■ C. a. and Sulfur 1 :1 C + derris , ij$ rot a (5-day) 2214(0) 1010 (o 1066(8 2305(C) 2000 105 10! * i n * l/lC acre plots, randomized blocks - 2< Treatment, year, and interval between applns. Yield per acre in each plot. Nunbcr cf effective applns. in parenthesis : : r Increase : Ave rare: : F.r ; yield {Pounds: cent Chock (1941) 1110 900 1020 1140 1200 C. a. (4-5-day) ■ 10G0(S) 1170(C) 930(G) 1170(C) 1020(C) C. a, and dcrris , g^b rot. (4-5-day) 1410(C) 1290(C) 1320(c) 1260(c) 1230(c) C . a, and cube , J3?0 rot. (4-5-day) , 13C0(C) 1290(C) 1290(c) 1200(C) 1260(C) C. a, and timbo, -g$ rot. (4-5-day) 1350(C) 1410(C) 1350(0) 1440(c) 1250(c) Cal-Zinc 1230(C) 1140(c) 1050(c) 1050(G) lOOCT(c) Continued below Check (1941) 1050 G. a. (4-5-day) 10G0(g) C . a, and dcrris , g$ rot. (4-5-day) 1200(c) C. a. and cube, g$ rot. (4-5-day) 1380(8) C. a. and timbo, feS rot. (4-5-day) 1470(c) Cal-Zinc 1110(C) Ilin. sig. dif. 1070 1075 5 .5 1285 215" z: 1300 230 21 1380 310 2'" 1110 40 ' 4 Check (1942) C a. (5-day) Cal-Zinc (5-day) ' Cal-Zinc and cube, s/o rot. (5-day) Alternate applns. c • a . al one and c . a. and nic . sul., 2% nic. (5-day) 1710 1500 1C90 1C30 2214 1560(4) 2010(4) 1710(4) 1740(4) 1177(4) 1440(4) 1740(4) 1950(4) 1710(4) 2043(4) 1530(4) 1530(4) 2070(4) 2100(4) 2364(4) 1320(4) 1770(4) 2310(4) 2100(4) 2346(4) Continued' below :. Check (1942) C. a. (5-day) Cal-Zinc (5-day) Cal-2inc and cube, rot. (5-day) Alternate applns. c. a. alone and c. a. and nic . sul., Z/, nic. (5-day) 2262 1974(4) 2109(4) 1794 2046 1947(4) 1623(4) 217C(4) 1917(4) 1906 1C1C -88 -5 1 -20 -1 2433(4) 2052 (-i) 1851(4) 2313(4) 1950(4) 2124(4) 19 £-1 2029 35 123 Check (1941) 930 C. a.' (5-day) G40(C) C a., sulfur 15^ and cube, ■&, rot. (5-day) 1320(C) C a., sulfur 15$ and cube, -4% rot. (5-day) 1110(C) C a., sulfur 15$ and cube, l/lO^ rot. (5-day) 10CO(o) Min. sig. dif. 810 C70 1050 930(8) 1440(8) 1710(C) 1230(0) 1560(G) 1660(C) 930(C) 1440(G) 1530(8) 960(C) 1G00(C) 1470(C) 115 1230 144 0 315 533 1255 132!" -113 45 so Treatment, year, j ' [ • ; Increase and interval i Yicld'-pcr acre in each' plot {Averages s Tor ~ between applns. :^J£*er of effective applns . in parenthesis ; yield ;poundst cent Chech (1941) 1000 1020 1050 780 S50 972 C. a. (4-5-day ) 930 (o) 900(G) 1110(g) 960(c) 1140(G) 100G '36 4 Co a, and cube, g$£ • . rote, early morn- ing (4-5-day) '1170(G) 1170(g) 1140(g) 1290(G) |230(c) 1200 7 22G Co a» and 'nig, sul., J$ nic, eafly morning (4-5-day) ' C70(g) 990(g) 1290(g) 1140(g) 1020(g) 1062 90 C. a. and' nic . sul*, . ■kfo nic., late after- noon (4-5-day) 1230(g) 1470(g) 1170(g) 1230(G) 1050(G) 1230 Min. sig. dif. 1G0 Check (1941) 570 690 690 720 540 642 C. a. (5-day) ' 960(7) S90(7) 1020(7) 1350(7) 010(7) 1026 304"- . 60 C. a» and cube, g$ ' - ' '■ • : . ~ . : rot. (5-day) '1410(7) 1140 (7) 1110(7) 960(7) :' 1440(7 ) 1212 570 -' 09 C. a. and nic. sul., > . 1% nic. (5-day) 1230(7) 1590(7) ' 1500(7) 1470(7). 1620(7) 14G0 ' G46 . 132 C. a. and' Black leaf 10 dust, 1% nic. (5-day) 10G0(7) 1350(7) 1470(7) 930(7) 1320(7) 1230 50G 92 Min. sig. dif. 255 All applications made during the late afternoon 23 250 27 Check (1942) 2125 1S4C 21G0 1450, 1400* * 1321 C. a. late after- noon (5-day)' 1790(4) 1530(4) 1430(4) 1320(4) 1425(4) 1502 -319 -10 C. a. and cube, r0o rot • , early morn- ing (5-day) ' 1023(4) 1018(4) 1700(4) 1470(4) 1250(4) 1612 -209 -11 C. a. and cube, ^ rot., late after- noon (5-day) '1900(4) 1935(4) 1900(4) 1433(4) 1530(4) 1775 -45 , -2 C. a. and' nic. sul., : , ..,'.'., g^ nic, late after- noon (5-day) 1793(4) 1700(4) 1563(4). 1500(4) 1600(4) 1665 -156 -9 Alternate applns. c . a . al one and Co a '. and nic . sul o, 1% nic ., late afternoon (5-day) 1913(4) 1563(4) . 1913(4) 2063(4) 1063(4) 1703 -11C '-6, Alternate applns . c . a . al one and c , ai and nic. sul., 2% nic ., late afternoon ■ - (5-day) 1660(4) 1725(4) 1950(4) 1610(4) 1900(4) 1772 -49 -3 0. a. and Black leaf 10' dust, 1% nic, lato afternoon (5-day) 1690(4) 1905(4) 1000(4) 1700(4) 1700(4) 1777 -44 -2 Cont. on next page - 31 TfoatriD-nt, year, : ~~~~~ : : jor Interval : Yield per- -acre in plot. :Average: ~ V~P0r n applns. : Number of effective applns . in parenthesis : yield '.Pounds: cent C, a. and'nic. sul., • .' [ifa nic . , la to "afternoon - § (5-day) 1648(4) 1863(4) 2125(1-) 2213(4) 1925(4) 1955 15-. 7 C. a. for boll wee- vil control (5-day) . ■ and tobacco dust, li ...e and nic . sul. , Z% nic., as needed for aphid control 1038(4) 2578(4) 1000(4) 2070(4) 2150(4) 2107 28G 16 1'J.n. sis. dif. . 307 A- Check (1942) 2070 2374 1940 '1710 1965 2012 Early norning applns.: B- C. a. (5-day) 1800(4) 20.13(4) 2020(4) 1725(4) 1770(4) 1867 -145 -7 C- Alternate applns .of c. a. alone '. <■ and c. a. and nic. sul., 2% nic. (5-day) 2340(4) 1954(4) 2350(4) 1550(4) 8160(4) 2091 7. 4 D- Alternate applns . of c. a. alone and c . a . and Black leaf 10 . - dust, 2$ nic. (5-dc.y) 2010(4) 2374(4) 2070(4) 1590(C) 2205(4) 2050 30 ' 2 Ins . : E- Same as B 1620(4) 1356(4) 2000(4) 1095(4) 1530(c) 1632 -" -11 F- Oar., as C 1860(4) 1956(4) 2100(4). 1410(4) 1875(4) 1052 -160 ' - : - lam© as D 1960(4) 1000(4) 1060(4) 1170(4) 1710(0) 1700 -512' -1G Lato aJftornoon applns.: H- Same as B 1950(4) 1656(4) 1600(4) 1560(4) 1770(4) I- Same as C 2410(c) 2534(C) 1640(4) 1795(C) 2205(4) 2115 •"- Sane as D 2000(C) 2100(c) 2060(c) 1200(c) 2175(9) • in. sig. dif. 1707 -305 -15 2115 103 ' 5 - 79 9 03 1013 210 23 126* 465 5- Chock (1941) 070 750 010 7 .0 C a. (5-day) ' 930(6) 1300(6) 010(6) 330(6) C. a« and nic. sul., j^Snic. (5-day) 1440(6) 1200(c) 1200(0) 1230(c) Alternate applns . c. a. alone and c. a. and nic. sul., 1% nic", (5-day) 1590(c) 1350(c) 1320(6) IS 607 Alternate apulns . c . a . al one and c. a. and nic. sul., 2% nic. (5-day) ICC 0(c) 1470(6) 1470(6) 156 in. sig. dif. 216 All applications made during late afternoon 32 Tr-e a tment. , ye ot , and interval bctv.'c on ar%>lns . in each plot . ; Increase Average : TToF Yield per acr luirber of effective applns . in parenthesis ; yield : Pounds: cor Check (1942) 1090 1410 1260 1710 1550 C. a, (5 -day) 1020(4) 19^-0(4) 1050(4) 1000.(4) 1770(4) C . o . and sulfur 1:2 (5-day) 1920(4) 1500(4) 1440(4) 1710(4) 1200(4) C L. '6'5r.o'6%'i sul- fur 5 :,:.7f/o, lime 5$ and nic . sul. 2.5$ (l$ nic.) > (5 -day) 2040(4) 1830(4) 1300(4) 1620(4) 1770(4) Cent inued 5NL (5 -day)* 1830(4) 1650(4) 1900(4) 1500(4) 1550(4) b e 1 cm Alternate applns . c . a . and sul fur 1:2 and 16NL (5 -day)** 1860(4) 1800(4) 1650(4) 1600(4) 1470(4) Check (1942) 1320 1490 C. a. (5-day) 1470(4) 1000 310 21 C . a, and sulfur 1:2 (5-day) 1000(4) 1645. 155 10 Co a. 35 .33$J sul- fur 59.17$, lime 5% and nic » sul. 2.5$ (1% nic.) (5-day) 1920(4) 1760 270 10 51TL (5 -day)* 1620(4) i 1695 205 14 Alternate applns » c. a. and sulfur 1:2 and 161TL (5-day)** 1260(4) 1620 130' 9 Check (1942) " 1500 - ""l2l5 1845 1980 1635 C. a. (5-day) 1755(5) 1710(5) 1725(5) 1755(5) 1735 101 6 C, a. and sulfur 1:1 (5-day) 2010(5) 1470(5) 1060(5) 1950(5) ' 1023 100 11 C. a. 50%, sulfur 42.5%, lime 5$, nie . sul. 2.5$ (1% nic.) (5-day) 1650(5) 1965(5) 1045(5) 2145(5) 1901 26G 15 5NL (5 -day)*** 2010(5) 1455(5) 2010(5) 1045(5) 1030 195 12 Alternate applns 0. a. and sulfur 1:1 and 20NL (5-day)**** 1440(5) 1470(5) 1770(5) 2160(5) 1710 70 * Ark. Port. Co, ** Ark. Fert. Co, *** Ark. Fert. Co, **** Ark. Fort. Co, 5NL = C. a. 33.35%, nic. sul. 2.5%, Lethane 60 1%, lino 5%, and sulfur 50.17?; (l% nic.) 16HL = C. a. 33.33%, nic. sul. 5%, Lethane 60 1%, lirae 5>, and sulfur 55.67$ (2% nic.) 9NL = C. a. 50%, nic. sul. 2.5/-J, Lethane 80 1%, lime 5$, and sulfur 41.50% (1% nic.) 20NL = C a. 50%, nic. sul. 5%, Lcthano 60 1%, limo 5$, and sulfur 35% (2$ nic.) S3 T r c a tine nt , year, : j Inc re asc and interval i Yield pc r acre in each plot i Average Per between applns. s Number of effective applns . in parenthesis J yield : Pounds s cent Check ({1939) C. a. (4-day) 1920 2030 2000 1860 2230 2330(5) 2150(5) 2130(5) 2140(3) 2180(3) C. a. (4-day) + 3$ Cc ntinued nic . dust. 2470(5) 2210(5) 2640(5) 2160(3) 2460(3) below 3$ nicotine dust 1750(2) 1980(2) 2270(2) 1940(1) 2280(1) Check (1939) 1920 1980 1991 Co a. (4-day) 1970(3) 2030(3) 2133 142 7 C. a. (4-day) + 3$ nic. dust 1880(3) 2010(3) 2261 270 14 3$ nicotine dust 1810(1) 2170(1) 2029 38 2 I 'I in. sig. dif . 170 Check (1940)* 1530 1430 1280 1140 1345 C. a. (5-day) 1795(8) 1815(8) 1890(8) 1515(8) 1754 409 30 3$ nicotine dust 1545(4) 1390(4) 1390(4) 1195(4) 1330 -15 _1 Q. a. (5-day) + 3$ nic . dus t 2010(8) 2050(8) 1875(8) 1910(8) 1961 616 46 Min. sig. dif. 145 Check (1941) 690 ' 390 960 660 1250 C a. (5-day) 840(8) 510(4) 1170(8) 780(4) 1140(8) 1050(4) 1290(8) 780(4) 1100(8) 1075(4) 3$ nicotine dust Continued C a. (5-day) + 3$ belov; nic . dust 1560(8) 1230(8) 1710(8) 1650(8) 1525(8) Check (1941) 1075 838 C. a. (5-day) 825(8) 1061 223 27 3$ nicotine dust 1125(4) 887 49 6 C. a. (5-day) + 3$ nic . dust 1625(8) 1550 712 85 Min. sig. dif. 207 Check (1942) 1974 1758 2103 2075 1500 1882 * C. a. (5-day) 1926(5) 1893(5) 1749(5) 1325(5) 1550(5) 1689 -193 -10 3$ nic. dust 2280(2) 1707(2) 1947(2) 1500(2) 2150(2) 1917 35 2 C. a. (5-day) + Z% nic . dust 2058(5) 1842(5) 1788(5) 1950(5) 2075(5) 1943 61 3 Check (1941) 720 870 720 770 C. a, (5-day) 1080(6) 1050(6) 1020(6) 1050 280 36 C. a. + 2.5$ Ketone (5-day) 1050(6) 1080(6) 960(6) 1030 260 34 85$ c. a., 7.5$ zinc sul. and 7.5$ lime (5 -day) 1110(6) 1140(6) 810(6) 1020 250 32 90$ c. a. + 10$ zinc arsenate (5-day) 1020(6) 1050(C) 900(G) 990 220 |Min. sig. dif. 132 * 1/18 acre plots, randomized blocks. 34 Treatment, year; and interval between applns . T ; Increase Yield per acre in each plot. j&verage: s Per Number of effective applns. in parenthesis : yield : Pounds s cent 1980 1740(6) Check (1941) Co a. (4-5 -day) C. a. + 2% pyrote (4-5-day) 90^ c. a. + 1C# carrier impreg- nated with stab- ilized rotenone extract (4-5-day) 1860(6) Same as above 1860(6) 1830 1620(6) 1890(6) 1260(6) 1530(6) 1830(6) 1905 1680 1575 1695 1845 -225 -330 -210 - 60 -12 -17 -1] Yield in regular control tests against the boll weevil, Madison Parish, La., 1920-42 ' Yield per acre i Inc rease : In untreated : In treated : : Year : plots : plots : Pounds : Per cent : Replicates 1920 847 1125 278 32.8 : 10 1921 973 1407 434 44.6 Z 6 1922 598 1100 502 83.9 8 ■ 1923 1134 1369 235 2.0.7 6 1924 950 960 10 . . lol 5 1925 1974 2204 230 11.7 5 1926 1087 1829 742 68.3 5 1927 1255 1669 414 33.0 9 1928 971 1371 400 41.2 10 . 1929 1488 1662 174 • 11.7 9 1930 1131 1236 105 9.3 4 • 1931 1885 2484 599 31.8 10 1932 1251 1823 572 45.7 9 1933 911 1330 419 46.0 9 1934 1212 1448 236 19.5 17 1935 1349 1502 153 11.3 33 1936 2195 2305 110 5.0 21 1937 2341 2419 78 3.3 17 1938 1968 2156 188 9.6 19 1939 1950 2171 221 11.3 58 1940 1008 1559 551 54.7 25 1941 983 1438 455 46.3 . 80 1942 1870 1914 44 2.4 82 Average 1362 1673 311 22.8 457 35 - INDEX Alorco cryolite, 22, 23, 27 Ca Alorco cryolite, coarse, 22 Alorco cryolite and sulfur, 27 Arsenate ' Barium, 6 .'■",:".. Basic copper, 27 Copper hydro, 28 Zinc and calcium arsenate, 33 Autoclaved calcium arsenate, 21 Barium arsenate, 6 Barium fluosilicate, 10, 17 Basic copper arsenate, 27 Berry Boll Weevil Exterminator, 6 Black leaf 10 dust and c a., 30, 31 Rob White (c. a. plus sticker), 3, 4 Boll -We -Ex, 9 Boll-Vfe-Go, 5, 6, 9 Boyd's, Dr. C, 9 B. Q, 8 Calcium arsenate dust After migration, 13, 25, 26 Autoclaved, 21 Before migration, before and after migration, after migration, 26, 26 Chemical Warfare Special, 10, 11 Colored vs. uncolored: Commercial, 12 General, 12 Grasselli, 12 Lucas-Kiltone, 13 Niagara, 12 Summary, 13 Control tests, (c. a. vs. chock) 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 Summary, 34 Dew vs. sprayed water, 3 Different degrees of infestation, 2, 24, 25 Dust vs. spray, 3 Early or pre square, 3, 4, 7, 8 Grasselli Special furnace product, 5, 7 Grasselli vs. Riches-Piver , 5 Heavy vs. light ap-plns., 7 Interval between applns.: 4- and 7 -day, 2 4- 6- and 8-day, 20 Summary, 21 lcium arsenate dust, cont.. Light vs. heavy applns., 7 Lucas-Kiltone special, 12 Micronized, 27 Niagara #794, 23, 24 Niagara #794 and sulfur + f$ rot., 24 Presquare or early, 3, 4, 7, 8 Presquare or early' applns . followed by later applns., 3, 4, 7, 8 Riches-Fiver vs. Grasselli, 5 Spray vs. dust, 3 Spro.yed water vs. dew, 3 Time of day or night Early morning, midday and late afternoon, 13, 19, 20 Summary, 20 Evening, 2 Midnight, 2 Morning, 2, 3 Noon, 2, 3 2-3 pounds per acre Water-soluble AsgOg centages in c. a. a. after migration, 13, 25 a., autoclaved, 21 a. and copper arsenite , 13, 18 a. and cube, jjfid rotenone. 29. 30 a., sulfur and cube a. and derris, j$ rot., 28, 2 9 a. and derris, 1% rot., 28 a., sulfur and derris, -|» 4% rot., 28 a. and timbo, i% rot., 25, 2 9 a. and rotenone, 34 a. and nicotine sulfate, \,% nic . , 28, 30' a. and nicotine sulfate, l/o nic, 21 31 a., nicotine sulfate, Lethane 60, lime and sulfur, 32 a. a lone 'and nicotine sulfate mixtures, 3^ nicotine (separate apnlns.), 31, 32 a. and nicotihe dust (Black leaf 10) 1% nic, 30. 2% nic, 31 75% and P. g. 25%, 12, 13, 9<# and P. g. lO/o, 15, 21, and lime, 13, 14 and sulfur, 14, 15, 16, 17 and micronized sul^Yir, 16 and sticker, 3, 4, 7, 27 micronizcd, 27 Di-. 27 17 different per- 22, 23, 24 26 ti 1, 1/10% rot., 29 c. a c. a c. 0, c . a c. a c. c c. a c. a c. a c. a c. a 21 22 28 <:ch, 27 and Ketone, 33 and nicotine sulfate, 2% nic 31 29. 30, INDEX, Cont, C. a., zinc sulfate and" lime, 33 C. a. and zinc arsenate, 33 C. a. and Pyrote-, 34 Galcium flu ©silicate compound, 7 Calgreen, 12, 27 Ccl-Zinc, 29 Cal-Zinc and cube, g^a rot., .29' Chemical Warfare special c. a.., 10, 11 Chipman's (Mrs . Smth.), 7 Colored vs. uhcolored c. a. Commercial, 12 General, 12 Grasselli, 12 Lucas-Kiltone, 13 Niagara, 12 Summary, 13 Copper arsenate and c. a., 13, 18 Copper hydro arsenate, 28 Copper hydro arsenate-arsenite, 28 CP'G spray, 27 C P G dust, 28 Crawford and Luke, 6, 9 Cryolite, alorco, 22, 23, 27 Cryolite, alorco, coarse, 22 Cryolite, magnetic sulfur dust, 22 Cryolite, magnetic, 23 Cryolite, micrcnized natural, 23 Cryolite (sodium fluoaluminate) , 17 Cube and c. a., J% rot., 2 9, 30 Cube and Cal-Zinc, %$> rot., 29 Cube, c. a. and sulfur, |, J, l/lC% rot., 29 Cultivator duster, 13 Derris and diluent, 18 Dorris and sulfur, 21 Derris and c. a., %% rot., 28, 29 Derris, c. a., and sulfur, £ and -,:% rot., 28 Dorris and c. a., 1% rot., 28 Derris and talc, feg rot., 28 Di-calcium arsenate, 27 Dust vs. spray (o, a.), 3 Early or pre square (c. a. dust), 3, 4, 7, 8 Early or prOsQUarc (molasses mix- ture), 7 , 8, 11 ' Early or pre square applns. of c. a. dust followed by later applns., 3. 4. 7. 8 Early or pre square mol. c. a. dust, 7, 11 Farmer's Joy, 6, 9 Florida Method, 4, 6 Fluorine compounds' Alorco cryolite, 22, mix. followed by 23, 22 Alorco cryolite, coarse, 22 Earium, fluosilicate, 10, 17 Calcium fluosilicate compound. Cryolite and sulfur, 23/27 Magnetic cryolite, 23 Magnetic cryolite sulfur dust, Micronized natural cryolite, 23" Sodium fluoaluminate (cryolite), 17 Sodium fluosilicate, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 17 . 23 lite, 23 lite + Lc thane, 23 senate, 27 Syncrolite , Synthetic e Synthetic c French c ale 3. amrc. General c. a. sticker, 27 Hill's mixture, 5, 9 Howard dusting machine, 8 Infestation, c. a. applns. started with different degrees of, 2, 24, 25 Interval between c. a. r.pplns. ; 4- and 7-day,. 2 4-, 6- and 8-day, 20 Summary, 21 Ketone and c 33 Labcll's sticker, 7 Lcthanc 30, c. a., nicotine sulfate, lime and sulfur, 32 Lcthanc and synthetic cryolite, 23 Lime, 17 Lime" and c. a., 13, 14 ..',. , Lime, c. a., nicotine sulfate, .Lethane SO and sulfur, 32 Lime, c. a. and zinc sulfate, 33 Lime and P , g . , 17 Lucas-Kiltone c. a., 12 Mac h i n e , du s ti ng : Hand gun attached to cultivator, 13 Howard, 8 Niagara, 8 Magnetic cryolite, 23 Magnetic cryolito sulfur dust, 22 37 I I'D EX, Cont, Ilcritol, 10 "licronizcd c. a., 27 Micronized natural cryolite, 23 i'icronized sulfur and c. a., IS Migration, sco calcium arsenate dust Mixtures Black leaf 10 dust and c a., 1% nic, 30. 2% nic, 31 ' C. a. and copper arsenitc, 13, 18 G . a . and cube , jj$ rot '. , 29-, 30 C. a., sulfur and cube, j>, -.,, 1/lQffo rot., 29 C. a. and derris, ifc rot., 28, C. a.' and derris, 1% rot., 28 C. a., 'sulfur and derris, >r, t^/c rot., 28 C. a. and timbo, -^- rot C. a. and rotenone , 34 C. dm and nic. sulfate, 29 25, 2! 28, 30 C. a. and nic. sulfate 28, 30, 31 C. a', and nic. sulfate, 29, 30, 31 C . a. and nic . 1% nic, 30. W" nic . 1% nic o 2% nic. dust (Black leaf 10) 2% nic, 31' C. a. 75^ and ?. g. 25$, 12, 13, 21 C. a. 90% and P. g. 10%, 15, 21, 22 C. a. and lime, 13, 14 C. a. and sulfur, 14, 15, 16, 17, . a, 28 . a, C. a. and micronized sulfur, 16 C. a. and sticker, 3, 4, 7, 27 C . a . ' and Ketone , 33 C. a., zinc sulfate and lime, 33 C. a. and ainc arsenate, 33 C. a. and Pyrote , 34 Copper arsenitc and c. a., 13, 18 Cryolite and sulfur, 23, 27 Cube' and c a., j$> rot., 29 ^ 30 Cube, c. a. and sulfur, -'■/d, , l/lO/o rot., 29 Derris and diluent, 18 Derris and sulfur, 21 Derris and c a., J$ rot., 28, 29 Derris, c a. and sulfur, % and "& rot., 28 Derris and talc, j$/o rot., 28 Kctono ond c. a., 33 Lino and c. a., 13, 14 Lime and P. g. , 17 Lime, c. a. and zinc sulfate, 33 Mixtures, cont. Magnetic cryolite sulfur dust, 22 Niagara c a. #794 ond sulfur, 24 Uicotin: dust (Black leaf 10) and c. a., 1% nic, 30. 2% nic., 31 Nicotine sulfate and c. a., jp nic, 20, 30 ' . Nic otino sulfate and c a,, 1% nic,, 28, 30, 31 Nicotine sulfate and c„ a., 2% nic, 29, 30, 31 liicotine sulfate mixture, 3/0, 15, 21, 22 F. g. and lime, 17 Pyrote and c a., 34 Rotenone and c a., 34 Sulfur and c a., 14, 15, 16, 17, 28 Sulfur and cryolite, 23, 27 Sulfur and derris, 21 Sulfur, c a. and derris, ■§ and rot., 28 Sulfur, c a. and cube, v., v, l/lp^ rot., 29 Talc and derris, "i'/o rot,, 28 Timbo ond c a., f$ rot., 25, 29 Zinc arsenate and c a., 33 Zinc sulfate, c. a, and lime, 33 Molasses mixture Mop and spray, 4 Mop throughout season, 3, 5' Pre square or early (mop), 7, 8, 11 Presquare or early mol. mix, folloi by c. a. dust, 6, 7, 11 Spray, 4- i.fop, presquare or early (mol. mix.), 7, 8, 11 Mop end spray, 4 Mop throughout season, mol. mix,, 3, 5 n's, J. H., (7) Niagara c a. #794, 23, 24 Niagara c a. '[!'.'■- and sulfur + \.l/> rot., 24 Niagara dusting machine, 8 Nicotine dust (Black leaf 10), and c, a., 1% nic, 30. 2% nic . , 51 Nicotin . . ■ . , 30 Nicotine sulfate and c a., 1% nic., 30, 31 29, Nicotine sulfate and c, ., 2 r.ic.,/30, 31 Nicotine sulfate mixture , Z% nic., 33 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09224 7112 INDEX-, Cont, ITicotine sulfate mixture, "5% nic . and c. a. ( separate applns = ) , 31, 32 Nicotine sulfate, c „ a. , Lcthano -SO, line and sulfur, 32 P. g. 10;V, Co a. 90%\ 15, 21, 22 P. g. 25$, c. a. 75:o, 12, 13, 21 P. g. and lime, 17 Phcnothiazine (thiodiphenylamine ) , 17. 21 ' ' Pre square or early (c. a. dust), 3, 4, 7, 8 Fre square or early (mol. mix,'), 7, 8, 11 Presquaro or early applns. of c. a. dust' followed by later applns . , 3, 4, 7, 8 Fresquare or early mol. mix. fol- io-wed by c. a. dust, 7 , 11 Pyrotc and c. a., 34 Talc and derris , %/a rot., 28 Thiodiphenylamine (Phcnothiazine), 17, 21 Timbo and c. a., "jfeg ret., 25, 29 Time of day or night c. a. v:as applied Early moaning, midday ana late after noon, 10, 19, 20 ■ Summary, 20 Evening, '2 Midnight, 2 Horning ,2,3 IToon, 2, 3 Tucker, H. II., 6 Water-soluble AS2O5, different percentage! in c. a., 22, 23, 24 irrcathersby's Cotton Spray, 9 Weevilnip, 5, 6, 9 7r'eovilrid, S Weov-L-Woe, 12 We eve . 6 I Repulso, 10 Rote none and c. a., 34 Saunders' , P. R. , 6 Slazum, 9 Sodium fluoaluminate (cryolite), 17 Sodium fluosilicate, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17 ' Solvent 75, C, 7 Spray vs. dust (c. a.), 3 Spray and mopped (mol. mix.),-4 Sprayed molasses mixture, 4 Sticker and c, a. (General Cham. Co.), 27 Sticker' and c. a.' (Bob White), 3, 4 Sticker, Labell's, 7 Sulfur, 16 Sulfur (rnicronized) and c. a., 16 Sulfur 'end c. a., 14, 15, 16, 17 < 28 Sulfur,' c. a. and derris, ii and ./^ rot., 28 Sulfur, -c. a., and cube, -J, \t l/lC# rot., 29 Sulfur, c. a., nicotine sulfate, L .thano 60 and liiro," 32 Sulfur and cryolite, 23, 27 Sulfur end derris, 21 Sulfur end Niagara 0. a. #794.,,. 24 Syncrolitc, 22, 23 Synthetic cryolite, 23 Synthetic cryolite + Le thano , 2 3 Zinc arsenate and c, a., 33 Zinc safened c. a. (Gal-Zinc), 29 Zinc sulfate, lime and c. a.. 33 (