E2/Hungary UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C« B. E. P. Q.'427 f Revised October 28, 1953 PLANT QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC This summary of the plant quarantine import restrictions of the Hungarian People's Republic has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant .quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by R. G. Oakley, Supervisor of Export Certification of the Division of Plant Quarantines, from translations supplied by the Legation of the Hungarian People's Republic in Washington, D« C. of the applicable law and orders concerned, and reviewed by the Hungarian i inistry of Agriculture* The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct up to the time of preparation but it is not intended to be used independently of 9 nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is net to be interpreted as legally authoritative. The decrees themselves should be consulted for the exact texts'. T ,. 7 . L. Popham Acting Chief , Bureau of Entomology and Plan t Qua rantine PLANT QUARANTINE ILPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC BASIC LEGISLATION Order No. 103/l951/29th of April/ L« T. of the Council of ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic regulating the Plant Quarantine Service. (Administrative Ordinal No. 8. 350). The above order establishes a list of noxious diseases and pests (see par. 1), and prohibits importations infested by them, empowers the Minister of Agriculture to establish quarantined areas and, by- joint agreement of the Ministers concerned, to execute this order and to prohibit or limit the importation or transit-traffic of any plant suitable to import a noxious disease from a foreign country for duration of the danger period. It also authorizes the Minister to appoint inspection officials who are authorized to enter any territory/farm, premise, storehouse, etc., to effect examinations or to draw samjjles. Order No. 18.055 /1951 / of the 3rd June / F. M'. of the Minister of Agriculture concerning execution of the Plant Quarantine Service (Administrative Ordinal No. 8.350) and in conformity with the Home- Office, the ministry of Finance, Board of Foreign Trade, Board of Home Trade, Ministry of Communication and Post, and Ministry of Food, together with its Annex of the same date, provides that the task of the Foreign Section of the Plant Quarantine Service is to prevent export or import of noxious diseases and pests, that con- trol and technical examinations will be effected by inspecting officials, and that laboratory examinations will be conducted by the Quarantine Service Laboratory of the Institute for Agricultural Quality Tests in Budapest. Other conditions it orders are summarized in the following as they apply to importations from the United States. SUlu.ARY The regulations cover plants and parts thereof, including bulbs, tubers, fruits, scions, grafts, cut flowers, seeds, leaves, raw cotton, etc., and consignments originating from plants for con- sumption, fodder, industrial purposes, etc. Sanitary certificates are required for all importations except consignments in ground or milled condition and packages of seeds (5 kg. or less) for official experimental purposes. Import permits are required only for seed potatoes and plants in soil. -2 - NOXIOUS DISEASES AND PESTS (Annex to Order No* 1C3/1951 / April 29 / NUT.) 1# Products infested with any of the following are prohibited: Insects Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) , bean weevil Anthonomus grandis Boh., boll weevil Aspidiotus perniciosus Comstt, San Jose scale Calliptamus italicus L #9 Italian locust Ceratitis capitata (Wiedo) , Mediterranean fruit fly Docicstaurus marcccanus Thnbt, Moroccan locust Epitrix cucumeris (Harr«), potato flea beetle Gnorimo schema opercullella (Zellt) , potato tuberworm Hyphantria cunea (Drury) , fall web worm Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) , Colorado potato beetle Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund*) , pink bollworm Phylloxera viticola (=??• vitifoliae Fitch), grapevine louse Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) , apple maggot Diseases Agrobacterium (=Pseudomonas) tumefaciens (Sm c & Towns t) Conn., crown gall Colletotrichum lini (Westerdijk) Toch., flax anthracnose "Court noue M disease of grapevine Heterodera rostochiensis (Wr»), golden nematode i-.ycosphaerelia linorum (Wr«) Garcia Rada, pasmo Spongospora subterranea (?allrt) T* Johnson «, powdery scab Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbc) Perc , potato wart Virus diseases of stone fruit trees (peach yellows, little peach, mosaic diseases of plum and apricots) V/eeds Cenchrus tribuloides, dune sandbur Cuscuta spptj dodder Helminthia (=Picris) echioides, Bristly ox tongue Orobanche cumana, sunflower broomrape GENERAL REGULATIONS (Linisterial Order Nos, 18.055 and 18.056 of June 3 , 1951) Authorized Stations of Entry 2t The following are designated as places of inspection for phyto- sanitary testss Budapest, and frontier stations of Biharkeresztes, Hegyeshallesn, Hidasnemeti, Lokoshaza, Lohacs, Szentgetthard, Szob, and Zahony -3- Sanitary Certificate Required 3# Consignments originating from plants, i.e. seeds (shelled or not, including those up to 5 kgs , designed for experimental pur- < poses for agricultural or forestry scientific institutions and experimental farms), seedlings, bulbs, tubers, scions, stem and root cuttings, cut flowers, rooted flowering plants, stems, leaves, fruits, raw cotton, or any other kind of shipment originating from plants for consumption, fodder or industrial purposes, may be transported in import or transit traffic only if accompanied by a certificate of the country o'f delivery, certifying the origin and freedom from diseases and pests. Consignments intended for import or transit will be refused in any case at the, Border unless ac- companied by the certificate • No sanitary certification is required to accompany consignments in ground or milled condition or wood intended for fuel or indus- trial manufacturings The certificate of origin and health must contain names and ad- dresses of the consignee and consignor, contents of the consignment, place of origin, weight, number and kind of the parcel goods (in- cluding number of plants), means and kind of transport, date of inspection and issuance of the certificate, and results of the inspection. It must be written in the language of the state of origin, as well as in Russian and German or French language, and the scientific name of the noxious insect present, as determined by the inspector, also indicated* Inspection on Arrival 4. The consignments to be imported cannot enter without first being examined by the Plant Protective Service 9 even in the event the country of origin has supplied the regular certificate of origin, to determine if they are free from noxious diseases and pests named in paragraph 1, Representative samples will be taken of cargoes imported and laboratory tests effected when the action is appropriate. Sealed commercial samples or shipments and parcel post in transit, if undamaged, adequately sealed with a customs or plant sanitary metal seal, and accompanied by the required certificate of health and origin are not subject to inspection* Disposition of Importations 5. Consignments found to be infested by a noxious disease or pest will be refused entry and the consignor so informed. If not re- * shipped by the consignor within 8 days, the minister of Agriculture will decide, on the basis of the proposal by the Plant Protective Service, as to the use or destruction of the consignment in .question • - 4- BPORTATION PROHIBITED It is prohibited to import: (a) Soil, stable manure, and compost. (b) Roots, stems, and leaves of the potato, tomato, and eggplant (S olanum melongena ) * (c) Plants with balls of earth or oarts of plants (except occasional shipments under special permit of the ministry of Aericu-i-ture , subject to special restriction prescribed for the special occasions)* (d) Living plants, parts of plants, and products of plants if the following applies: (1) Consignments without a leaden seal or substituting seal and without a certificate of origin and health (the lack of a seal is permitted in the case of shiploads) ; (2) Adhering clods of earth where noxious insects may conceal themselves; and (3) Shipments failing to neet the Plant sanitary require- ments • OUT FLOWERS (WITHOUT S&RTH OR ROOTS) 7* Bouquets and wreaths, including field and mountain wildf lowers without roots and earth, can be imported only with a certificate attesting to freedom of the consignments from noxious diseases and pests; Provided that this order does not refer to cut flowers, not exceeding the quantity taken with a person while in a travel status* For the import of rooted flowering plants the same regulations as for inspection of seedlings, shrubs, other living plants, and parts of plants, are applicable* COTTONSEED AND PJU- COTTON 8« It must be ascertained that consignments are free from the pink bollworm ( Pectinophora gossypieHa. ) and that the territory of produc- tion is also free from infestation. The importation of cottonseed from an infested country is prohibited. Shipments must also be free of the boll weevil ( Anthonomus grandis ) 5 likewise from bacteriosis ^.a nthomonas malvacearum ) , provided that a maximum infection of Z percent is allowed (in the case of bacteriosis) Infected seed must be treated before it is sown. Samples of cotton- seed must be taken from every consignment for laboratory tests* - 5 - BULBS AND ORNAMENTALS 9* Freedom from infection by yellow rot of hyacinths ( Pseudomonas hyacinthi ) is required. Samples for laboratory tests v/ill be drawn from importations in case presence of the disease is suspected* FLAX 10 ♦ Consignments of flax shall be free of flax anthracnose ( Colletotrichum lini) , pas mo Q-ycosphaerella linor um) , and any species of dodder ( Cuscuta spp.). Samples from every flax consignment will be drawn for laboratory tests which. may require up to three weeks. FRESH FRUIT (POI ACINOUS AND STONE) 11. Consignments of fresh fruit must be free of infestation by the apple maggot ( Rhagoletis pomonella ) , the fall webworm (Hy phant ria cunea) , and can Jose scale ( Aspidiotus p ernici osus ) , and also free of infection by virus diseases of stone fruit trees, such as peach yellows, little peach, and mosaic disease of plums and apricots. The inspecting official at the frontier station has to effect control of the apple maggot and San Jose scale. FRUIT TREES 12. Consignments of fruit tree seedlings must also be free of the San Jose scale and fall webworm, as well as from infection by crown gass ( Pseudomonas tumefaciens ) • In addition the consignor must cer- tify that a consignment has been disinfected with Hydrocyanic acid gas and, in the case of stone fruit trees, the country of origin must furnish a certificate to the effect that the seedlings originated in a virus free nursery. GRAPE CUTTINGS (SMOOTH AND ROOTS!)) 13. Shipments of smooth and rooted cuttings must be free of infesta- tion by the grape root louse ( Phylloxera viticola ) and the "Court noue" disease of vine. Also the consignor must certify to the disinfection of the consignment with Hydrocyanic acid gas. LEL0N3, GRANGES, AND SEEDLINGS 1^-. Seedlings of oranges and lemons must be free of various scale insects ( Lepidosaphe s 9 Chrysomphalus ) , but a maximum infestation of 5 percent is permitted in the case of fruits.. Shipments (fruits or plants) must also be free of the I editerranean fruit fly ( Ceratitis capitata ) and citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri) » - 6 - ONIONS (INCLUDING SEED) 15, Freedom of consignments from onion smut ( Urocystis ( =Tuburcinia ) c epulae ) must be ascertained at the frontier station of entry. POTATOES • , 16. The importation of potatoes from countries infested by the potato~ flea beetle ( Bpitrix cucumerls ) is prohibited. ( NOTE : This is equivalent to the exclusion of the U. S. potatoes). Other require- ments are as follows J (a) Importations must be free of the potato nematode ( Heterodera rostochiensis ) , powdery scab ( Spongospora subterranea ) , and Colorado potato beetle ( Leptinotarsa decemlineata ) and be certified that the place of origin and its vicinity within a radius of 20 kilometers is free from any infestation thereof. (b) Importations must be free of the potato tuberworm ( Gnorimo schema, operculella ) and be certified that the place of production is free from the insect. . (c) Importations- must be free of potato wart ( Synchytrium endobioticum ) and certified that the place of origin and its vicinity within a radius of 10 kilometers is free from the wart disease and that the disease has not oc- curred there for a period of 5 years ■ Seed potatoes from countries infested by either the Colorado potato beetle or potato wart can only be imported by a special permit from the Ldnistry of Agriculture. Also, seed potatoes against which there are no particular restrictions of plant protection to observe, must be provided with a certificate of health corresponding to standard limits prescribed for first grade and elite potatoes. SEEDS Forage Crop Seeds 17. Importations of seeds of alfalfa, clover ( Trifolium spp.)> summer savory ( Sature.ja hortensis ) , and timothy grass (Phleum pratense ) must be free from any species of dodder ( Cuscuta spp.T^ Clover seed must also be free of Bristly oxtongue ( Heluinthia ( =Picris ) echioides ) . Certificates of the Seed Laboratory of the country of origin are ac- ceptable, yet the inspecting official at the frontier station of entry shall draw samples for laboratory tests. Legumes (Seeds and Green Plants) 18 • Freedom of seeds and green plants of legumes from halo blight ( Pseudomonas medicaginis var. phaseoHcola ) , common bean blight UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllllllllllllllll 3 1262 09242 2392 ( Xanthomonas phaseoli ) , and bacterial wilt ( Coryne bacterium flaccumfaciens ) is required 9 except that a maximum of 3 percent infection is permitted. Freedom of shipments from the bean weevil ( Acanthoscelides obtectus ) is also required, as is a certificate of disinfection by gas. For the pea weevil ( Bruchus pisorum ) and weevils of other legumes a maximum of 3 percent infestation of living weevils is allowed. Dis- infection is obligatory in case the presence of living weevils is established. Sunflower Seed 19 • Freedom of sunflower seed from sunflower broomrape ( Orebanche cumana) is required, as is also a certificate that the., growing place in general is free from infection. Samples for laboratory tests must be drawn by the inspecting official. oHIK..J3N:3 IN TRANSIT 20. All kinds of consignments of plants, parts of plants or products of plants except postal packages, are permitted to pass the country only if the consignment is provided with a certificate of origin and health of the State of delivery, certifying at the same time, that the consignment is free of noxious diseases and pests in accordance with paragraph 3. In addition the consignment must be provided with a customs seal and with, a Plant sanitary leaden seal*