UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. |B.E.P.Q.~ 410 •I (Superseding PQCA— 295) July 29, 1936. FEDERAL DOMESTIC PLANT QUARANTINES The cooperation of the public is requested in assisting the United States Department of Agriculture in its efforts to prevent the spread of certain especially injurious insect pests and plant diseases which have been made the subject of Federal domestic plant quarantines. These quaran- tines are promulgated to prevent dissemination within the United States of dangerous plant pests new to or not widely distributed within this country. To accomplish these purposes it is necessary to regulate the movement of plants and certain other articles likely to carry the pests. Many persons unaware of quarantine regulations unwittingly offer op- portunity for establishing new centers of infestation by shipping prohibited or uninspected materials. Shippers unfamiliar with Federal quarantines should write for information to the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, stating the kinds of plants and associated articles to bo transported, and the points of origin and destination. QUARANTINES AGAINST DOMESTIC PESTS There are now in force ten domestic quarantines controlling the inter- state movement within the continental United States of plants and plant products, and of certain other materials likely to carry insects or plant diseases. These quarantines are intended to protect our agricultural crops and forests from pests of major importance. Some of them aid in the effort to eradicate the insects and plant diseases, while others are designed to pre- vent the artificial spread of pests which nov; occur only in limited areas. In order to minimize interference with normal commerce, however, the regulations of most of the quarantines provide that in lieu of complete prohibition of the restricted articles, movement may be permitted under inspection or sterilization or such other treatment as may be required to insure freedom from infestation. Insects and plant diseases which are the subject of existing Federal domestic plant quarantines are the black stem rust, the white pine blister rust, the woodgate rust, the gypsy moth and brown-tail moth, the satin moth, the Japanese beetle, the Thurberia weevil, the Mexican fruit fly, the pink bollworm, and the Dutch elm disease. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 11111 3 1262 09246 0210 Eradication or control measures against these pests are undertaken by the Federal government in cooperation with, and under the direct authority of the States concerned. Such efforts have been successful in the eradication of the pink bollworm of cotton in an extensive area involving a number of counties in the Trinity Bay region of Texas, in several parishes in south- v/e stern Louisiana, as well as a number of isolated local outbreaks in other parts of the same States, and in a limited area in south central Georgia; in stamping out gypsy moth infestations in Cleveland, Ohio, in western New York, and in northern New Jersey; and in the eradication of the Mediterranean fruit fly from Florida, and the date palm scale from Arizona, California, and Texas, STATE NURSERY INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS The regulations of practically all States require that trees, shrubs, and other woody plants must be inspected and certified as free from injurious pests before being shipped or otherwise transported. Several States re- quire such a certificate for herbaceous plants and, bulbs as well. A postal regulation requires that a State nursery inspection certificate shall ac- company woody plants offered for mailing. Prospective shippers should there- fore, also make inquiry of the inspection service of their own State as to any requirements which may bo in effect before making shipments. Lee A. Strong, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine .