V (B. A. I. Order No. 148.) SPECIAL ORDER WAIVING THE TUBERCULIN TEST REQUIREMENT FOR CANADIAN CATTLE IMPORTED TEMPORARILY, FOR EXHIBITION PURPOSES, AT THE CLINTON COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FAIR, TO BE HELD AT PLATTSBURG, N. Y. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C, July 24, 1907. Under* authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry by Regulation 38 of Bureau of Animal Industry Order No. 142, Regulations for the Inspection and Quarantine of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Other Ruminants, and Swine, Imported into the United States, the requirements of Regulation 37 of Order No. 142 are hereby waived for cattle to be imported from Canada temporarily, for exhibi- tion purposes, at the Clinton County Agricultural Society Fair, to be held at Plattsburg, N. Y., from September 10 to 14, 1907. The provisions of said Regulation 38 shall be strictly applied to the cattle covered by this order. Regulation 38 reads as follows: "Regulation 38. The Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry may, however, by written order, waive the foregoing tuberculin test require- ment for cattle to be imported temporarily for exhibition purposes, provided such cattle are accompanied by a satisfactory certificate of tuberculin test made not more than six months previously and an affi- davit by the owner or importer stating that the said certificate of tuber- culin test refers to the cattle in question. Any such cattle which are not sold to remain in the United States shall be returned immediately to Canada at the close of the exhibition. The Department must be notified of any Canadian cattle which will remain in the United States, not tested as required by Regulation 37, and the tuberculin test will be applied to them by an inspector of this Department before shipment to destination. All cattle, sheep, and swine intended for exhibition pur- poses must be shipped directly to the exhibition grounds and must not be unloaded in any public stock yards." A. D. Melvin, Chief, Bureau of Animal Industry. O U.S. DEPOSITORY X UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08859 3016