/)4..^/37 8 ~ r Property of the United States Government, \y SK United States Department df Agriculture; BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. S. DEPOSITORY Amendment No. 5 to B. A. I. Order No. 137 (Regulations Governing- the Meat Inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture). REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF INSPECTED AND PAST MEATS AND MEAT-FOOD PRODUCTS WHICH ARE ALLEGED TO BE OR HATE BECOME UNFIT FOR FOOD, AND RESTRICTING THEIR ADMISSION INTO ESTABLISHMENTS WHERE INSPECTION IS MAINTAINED. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, November 15, 1906. For the purpose of preventing the use in interstate commerce of inspected and past meat and meat-food products which after inspection have become unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, under authority conferred upon the Secretary of Agriculture by the provisions of the act of Congress approved June 30, 1906 (34 Stat., 674), the following regulation is hereby prescribed for the transporta- tion in interstate commerce of the said meat and meat-food products of cattle, sheep, swine, and goats. This regulation, which for the purpose of identification is designated as Amendment No. 5 to B. A. I. Order No. 137, shall become effective on and after December 1, 1906. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. Regulation 61. Meats and meat-food products which have been inspected and past and so marked, and which have been transported from the establishments at which they were prepared into the channels of trade, and which are alleged or known to have become unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, may be transported in interstate commerce under the following restrictions : (1) Inspected and marked meat or meat-food product which is alleged to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for food may be shipped by the owner thereof from one State or Territory or the Dis- trict of Columbia to any establishment at which inspection is maintained in the same or a different State or Territory, if a written permit in duplicate for such shipment be first had and obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. In all such shipments both the original and duplicate copies of the permits shall be surrendered to the carrier accepting the meat or meat-food product. Avho shall require the shipper to furnish three copies of the form of certificate hereinafter given. One of these certificates and the duplicate copy of the permit shall be retained by the carrier ; another copy of the certificate, together with original permit, shall be mailed by the carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C; and the third copy shall be addrest and mailed by the carrier to the Bureau of Animal Industry inspector in charge at the point to which the shipment is consigned. Upon the arrival of the shipment at the establishment where inspection is maintained the inspector in charge shall cause a careful inspection to be made of the shipment, to determine whether or not it is unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for food. Should the meat or meat- food product contained in the shipment prove to be unsound, unwhole- some, or otherwise unfit for food, it shall at once be stamped " U. S. Inspected and Condemned " and be immediately tanked or removed to the condemned room. If the meat or meat-food product contained in the shipment shall prove to be sound, wholesome, and fit for food, the inspector shall allow the meat or meat-food product to enter the establishment. (2) Inspected and marked meat or meat-food product which is alleged to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food may be shipped by the owner thereof from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to any jobber, wholesaler, or other dealer from whom the said meat or meat-food product was purchased, if a written permit, in duplicate, for such shipment be first had and obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. In all such shipments both the original and duplicate copies of the permits shall be surrendered to the carrier accepting the meat or meat-food product, who shall require the shipper to furnish two copies of the form of certificate hereinafter given. One of these certificates and the duplicate copy of the permit shall be retained by the carrier, and the other copy of the certificate, together with the original permit, shall be mailed by the carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. If the meat or meat-food product which is shipped under this regulation proves to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, it may not be reshipped in interstate commerce as a food product. Attention is directed to the meat-inspection law, which provides a penalty of a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment for two years for any person who ships for human consumption in interstate or foreign trade any meat or meat- food product which is unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food. (3) Inspected and marked meat or meat-food product which is known to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food maj' be shipped by the owner thereof from one State or Territory or the District of Columbia to another State or Territory or the District of Columbia, for use in the arts, such as the shipment of lard which has become unfit for food to a soap factory for use in making soap. No such shipment shall be made unless and until a written permit, in duplicate, shall be first had and obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Indus- try. In all such shipments both the original and duplicate copies of the permits shall be surrendered to the carrier accepting the meat or meat-food product, who shall require the shipper to furnish two copies of the form of certificate hereinafter given. One of these certificates and the duplicate copy of the permit shall be retained by the carrier, and the other copy of the. certificate, together with the original permit, shall be mailed by the carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C. In addition to the above requirements, no such shipment shall be accepted by any carrier nnless and until the meat or meat-food product which is known to be unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for food shall have been denatured or otherwise ren- dered unavailable for food purposes under the supervision of an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry. The carrier shall also require the shipper to certify that the meat or meat-food product has been so dena- tured or otherwise rendered unavailable for food purposes. The written certificate of the shipper that the meat or meat-food product has been denatured shall be forwarded by the carrier to the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry with the original permit and the shipping certificate. (4) The certificate required by this regulation shall be in the follow- ing form and shall in all cases show a description and the weight of the meat or meat-food product : Date , 190 Name of carrier to which offered Shipper Consignee Point of shipment Destination Car number and initial The following-described meats or meat-food products have been inspected and past according to act of Congress of June 30, 1906, and are so marked. ^ * s 1 known I ^ a * t ^ ie sa ^ meat or meat-food products are unsound, un- wholesome, and unfit for food. Description and Weight of Shipment. (Signature of shipper.) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ■ 3 1262 08585 4205 (5) In shipments of meat and meat-food products which are known to he unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food, and which therefore require an additional certificate of denaturing, it is sug- gested that the following form of certificate be used : , of the city of and State of , hereby certifies that the following-described inspected and marked meat or meat-food product has been denatured or otherwise rendered unavailable for food purposes under the supervision of , an employee of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and is offered to the for transportation from , in the State of , to , in the State of Description of Meat. (Signature of shipper.) , 190 (6) On all shipments made under Regulation 61 the waybills, trans- fer bills, running slips, or conductor's cards accompanying the said shipment of meat or meat-food products must have embodied in, stamped upon, or attached to the same a certificate in the following form by the issuing railroad company : (Name of railroad company.) IT. S. inspected and past and alleged unsound, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for food, as evidenced by shipper's certificate on file with initial carrier. (Signed) , Agent. o