*..^225 ^72/ -s? A- m-c* ^ FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY t FOREST SERVICE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SAWMILL IMPROVEMENT PRACTICAL POINTERS TO FIELD AGENCIES BURNING M JASTE MATERIAL Green slabs, edgings, and trims can be burned without a forced draft if such material is in a loose pile. Sawdust, either with slabs and edgings, or separately, usually requires a forced draft. The destruction of waste should occur as fast as it is produced. The destruction of accumulated piles of sawdust can be speeded by using a blower powered by a l-l/2 to 5 horsepower unit. About 2^ feet of outlet pipe having a diameter of 6 inches or more permits locating the blower away from fire hazard. A steady, diffused flov; of air is effective, a direct and intense draft on the burning zone is not; hence, outlet pipes of relatively large diam- eter are used, the fans are run at slow speeds, and the air stream is directed to hit the ground at the base of the pile on the windward side. The blower is moved as wind direction changes and as the pile is consumed. Anchoring to skids provides a firm base and ready 'mobility. The waste disposal method chosen for use at a small mill should be deter- mined by comparing the capacity and the installation, upkeep, and depreciation costs of the various methods. That requiring a minimum installation cost is to convey the sawdust to the pile with a conveyor chain or a blower, and slabs and edgings by hand labor. One man can keep up with a production rate of S00 board feet per hour if the carry is within ^>0 feet. Slabs and edgings are picked off the rolls or ground near the rear of the edger on the trick side and carried directly away from the mill to the pile. The fire should be at least ^0 feet from the tracks, and preferably be located so that prevailing winds blov; from the mill to the fire. The work can be lightened or the distance lengthened by installing skiels leading to the fire so that waste material can be placed across them and pushed. Slabs will slide by gravity if the slope is one foot vertiefl cally to two horizontally. This method is illustrated in a previous paper of this series (.*+S2221, Flan No.l, I.:imeo.R899-10). With some additional install - tion cost, slabs and edgings can be conveyed to the fire on a slab car. This raises the one-man capacity to about 1,000 board feet per hour or increases the carry to 100 feet (.1+S2221, Flan No. 2, Mimeo.RS99-10). An alternative method involving more ec uijpHeJr^'^ir^ifiJji^iiWvant installa- tion cost, but requiring less manpower and jr sists of a conveyor-burner combination. Th: production and to considerable distance. :J»M«: hazard, con- rate of s can be adapted to any OCT 11 1972 be shown by balancing t le yearly The wisdom of using such equipment can cost against the cost of labor saved. A conveyor system will save ;he labor of at least one man for capacities up to l,000|^AS.fe4ii~ 1 ^iTjf^Orida' 5 to three for higher production rates, and permit pa okagu" piling in lords . Ifetajls of the conveyor are given in another paper of this series (A3222^, Kimeo.RS99-21 ). ^o. No. R399-22 t Maintained at Madison, Wisconsin in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin •See outline in Small Sawmill Improvement Working Plan, March 1930, for explanation of indexing system proposed The burner should be located at least "JO feet from the mill and so that prevailing winds blow the smoke away from the mill. If forced draft is needed, a small fan type of blower is used, A 20- gage pipe about £ inches in diameter, preferably housed in a wood casing and sunk below ground level, carries the air from the fan to the burner. The fan can be powered from the saw mandrel or by a separate power unit ranging from l-l/2 to 3 horsepower. The separate unit permits a draft when the mill is not operating. Various types of outlets are used to diffuse the draft under the burning material. In a simple burner, the pipe outlet centers the pit. Rocks or fire bricks are loosely heaped to give a base about k feet across and a peak 2-1/2 feet high. The overhead conveyor should discharge the refuse on this heap; the re- quired draft results from the air forced through the openings in the pile (fig. 1). Another relatively inexpensive burner-L (fig* 2) provides for greater diffusion of the draft. If slabs and edgings are burned, a shield of rocks, laid alongside and over the bricks but leaving the vents unobstructed, insures that the bricks are not displaced by falling pieces. More expensive variants are grates (fig. 3 )i-^r- perforated piping (fig. 4)— • Perforated piping func- tions well on sawdust, but is less suitable for slabs. A simple type of enclosure wall is shown in fig. 5* F° r more permanence the iron pipe posts of fig. 6— can bo used. Contributed by C. J. TELFORD Small-mill Specialist October 19*14 -Region 2 Construction and Maintenance Handbook, U. S. Forest Service, Denver, Colo. Mimeo, Mo. R899-22 -2- » ■I ^ ,' 1 J Q ^ X [ J ijcj ^ ^ t*4 Cb kj ct- <* ^ ^£ K ^£ ^ K ^§ ^ — p. 3 Z - Zi' PIPE j" FROM TOP AND FL U5H WITH /NSIDE WALL- FIRE BOX S'-O- -F/RE BRICK COMMON BRICK EXPANSION JOINT 6~ KEIMFORCED CONCRETE 5LAB f p— HOLES OVER ENTIRE GRATE-^r * 6~ t 1 1 r . .. A 5-0 18" ■ ■18" -f— 18"- #4 w DETAIL OF GRATE. W- - 6" h [ill SECTION A- A Figure 3. --Outlet in fire box. ■ i i ■ ■ .»«■■■ ■ill I 1 « IJ-J-fl ■ .ill, iiii ■■■■.. Q ill.. ...I.. r-»-|] -C/4/» occO i>2" WROUGHT , IRON PIPE -Oti-E^S CAP 5 i/2-i I. --Outlet ui perforated ■ • U Z M 57475 f I 1 1 X i 3 ^ 5 5 5 ki k f— "ct> -1 I o x *,u * y*r'> UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08926 9624 f