UNITED STATES DEPAETI/ISITT OF AGHICULTU3E Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington, D. C. B. s. P. q.-399 J^^ 1' 1936. PLAlIT-Q,UAimiTIl>IS IMPOHT 3ESTHICTI0NS OP THE PEESIDSNCY OF DOiniJICA, B. ;?. I. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/plantquarantinei00unit_24 mil TED STATES DEPARTIffiNT OE AGRICULTUEE Bureau of Entoraol ogy aaid Plaint Quarantine Washington, D. C. P. q.-399 J^c 1. 1936 ■ PLAlIT-qUAxUlITINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS OF THE PRESIDENCY OF DOMINICA, B. W. I. Tills suTiinary of the plant-quarantine inport restrictions of the Presidency of Dominica, B. W. I., has been prepared for the information of nurserynen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared hy Harry B. Shaw, Plant •'^rantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Inforr.iation Service, Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, fron the Plants Protection Ordinance, 1927. and procla- mations promulgated thereunder, and reviov/ed by the Agricultural Superintendent of the Botanic and Agricultural Departnent of Dominica. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the tiiae of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authorita- tive. The ordinance and pro clar.iat ions should be consulted for the exact texts. LEE A. STRONG, Chief. Bureau of Sntomolo^/- and Plant Quarantine PLANT QUARANTIIE IIvIPORT ZE STRICT I OHS OF THE PRESIDSilCY OF DOMINICA, B. W. I. BASIC LIXJISLATIOIT Plants Protection Ordinance, 192? • approved April 23, 1927* Section 1. This Ordinance nay be cited as the Plants Protec- tion Ordinance, 1927. DEFINITIONS Sec. 2. In this Ordinance unless the context otherwise requires: "Disease" means any disease affecting trees, shrubs, or herbs caused by or consisting in the presence of any pathogenic animal or vegetable organisr.i which the Governor aay declare to be a disease within the meaning of this Ordinance. "Pest" includes any parasitic, epiphytic, or other anir.ial or vegetable organism, and also any insect or other invertebrate animal (in any stage) affecting or injurious to trees, shrubs, or herbs, which the Governor may declare to be a pest within the meaniiig of this Ordinance. "Tree", "shrub", "herb", respectively, include the fruit or any product of any tree, snrub, or herb, aiid the roots, trunks, stems, branches, fruits, leaves or other parts thereof severed from nxty tree, shrub, or herb, including emptied pods or husks. Sec. 3» Empowers the Governor to appoint a Chief Inspector md as many inspectors as may be necessary. Sec. U. Authorizes the Governor to rent or lease lend, for the purposes of the Ordinance. Sees. 5 a^'id. 6 authorizes the Governor to prohibit, or to pemit under conditions specified by him, the importrtion of plants, parts of plants, plant products, soil, packing material, things, and - 2 «• substances, and tt seize, destroy, or othenri.sc deal with material entered in violation of a proclamation. Importation Prohibited (Proclamation No. 12, Aug. 5» 1932.) Importation into the Presidency is absolutely prohibited of the articles named ih the First Schedule to this proclamation from the countries named therein, with all earth and soil packed there- with and all packages, coverings, wrappings, and containers. The importation of the articleB named in the Second Schedule is prohibited from all countries, together with all earth and soil packed therewith, and all packages, coverings, wrappings, and containers, unless and until the prescribed conditions shall have been complied with: Provided . That all fruit and vegetables that may be imported into the Presidency from the British Isles, Canada, and the British West Indies, shall be accompanied by a certificate from a responsible authority in the country of export, stating that the product does not originate in a prohibited country. FIRST SCHEDULE - Articles Absolutely Prohibited BANANA ( Musa spp,)i fruit of: Importation prohibited from all countries except Barbados and the Islands of the Leeward Island Colony (Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, Dominica, Mont ser rat, Nevis, Redonda, St. Kitts, and the Virgin Islands), to prevent the introduction of injurious diseases. Lllffi ( Citrus aurantifolia Swingle), fruit of: Importation prohibited from Bahamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, St, Lucia, Trinidad, and all other coxmtries, except the other island? of the British West Indies not mentioned in this paragraph^ to pre- vent the introduction of injurioiis diseases, ALL OTHER FRUITS except plantains, nuts, dried, canned, candied, or other processed fruits: Importation prohibited from Bahamas, Bermuda, British Guiana, and all other countries except the British Isles, Canada, British West Indies, and the United States of America, to prevent the introduction of the Mediter- ranean fruit fly ( Cerat itis capitata Wied.). - 3 - ALL VEGETABLES except onions, Irish potatoes, canned or processed vegetables: Importation prohibited from the sar.ie sources as fruits, to prevent the J. nt reduction of the Mediterranean fruit fly ( Ceratitis capitata Wied.-) JOHNSON GRASS ( Holcus haleuensis L. ) ; Import'atitbn prohibited-.from .,-. all 'Count t'ies', to prevent the antrodutttion'of this noxious weed. SOIL: Importation prohibited from all countries to prevent the intro- duction of injurioiis pests and diseases. SECOND SCHEDULE - Importation Conditionally Prohibited from all Countries SUGARCANE, Sugarcane seedlii^gs and plants, "and all parts ojf the cane: Importation p'rohibited unless under license ^ranted by the ' Governor, to' prevent the ,intr,oduction of mosaic diseases (virus) BANANA PLANTS and parts thereol": Importation prohibited unless , -under license granted by "the .Governor, -to prevent the introduction . of injurious pests and'dtseases, CITRATAE, rooted plantts and parts thereof: Inportntion prohibited unless under license from the Governor -and' unless' accompanied by a certificate signed by a responsible inspecting officer- . stating that thfe district from which such plants originate •.. has not been affected by, or has been free for the preceding two years from citrus canker ( Bacterium citri Hasse). LIIvEE ( Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) , fruit of: Importation prohibited unless under license granted by the Governor, to prevent the • introduction of injurious diseases'. (This applies to the islands of the West Indies other than those named above under the same caption.) COTTONSEED, cotton lint, and seed cotton, and all packages, coverings, bags, or other articles that have been used to contain those products: Importation prohibited unless under license granted by the Ooveni'or, to prevent the introduction of pink bollwonn ( Pectinophora gossypiella Saund.). SPROUTED COCOITOTS and coconuts in the husk ( Cocos nucifera L.): Importation prohibited unless under license granted by the Governor, to prevent the introdp.c.tion of injurious diseases. - k - COCOA PLANTS (Theobroma cacao L.). and parts thereof: Importation prohibited unless "under license granted by the Governor, to prevent the introduction of witches' broom ( Marasnius perru- ciosus Stahel). (Proc. No. 3, Feb. 20, 193^-) Except as indicated above, plants and plant products originat- ing in the United States nay be exported to Dominica, B. 1. I., without an inspection certificate or other restriction, but such products may be inspected on arrival, and if deemed necessary, subjected to treat- ment or destroyed. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09241 8069