STATE PLANT BOARD August 1947 E-732 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine A REVIEW OP LABORATORY TESTS OH THE TOXICITY OP SOME H-SUBSTITUTED BENZAMIDES TO VARIOUS INSECTS By S. I. Oertler Division of Insecticide Investigations The Division of Insecticide Inrestigations prepared a number of H- substituted benzamides and submitted them to ether Divisions of the Bureau for laboratory tests against various insects. Some of these compounds had some insecticidal value and others showed synergistic action. A patent on benzamides as synergists has been issued (£). H,N-Diethylbenzamide shows pronounced repellency against certain types of mosquitoes, and a patent on its use as a repellent has been granted Q)» It was therefore considered advisable to compile the results of the tests in such a manner as to indicate the relative toxicity of the compounds to each insect. All the compounds listed were prepared by the reaction of benzoyl chloride with an amine or amino compound under suitable conditions. In this class of H-substituted benzamides are included all compounds contain- ing one or two benzoyl groups, chemically designated C6H5CO-. Nest of the compounds are solids which can be ground up and used in suspension or admixed with various diluents as desired. Some of the compounds are color- less liquide» and only these were tested against flies and as mosquito re- pellents. The insects tested and the Divisions in which they were tested are as follows: Division of Cereal and Porage Insect Investigations! European corn borer ( Pyrausta nub Hal is (Hbn. )) Division of Control Investigations: Three-striped blister beetle ( Ep leant a lemniecata (P.)) Greenhouse leaf tier ( Phlyc taenia rubigalls (Quon.JM (» P; forru- gaiis (Hbn,)) Hawaiian beet webworm ( Hymenla recur vails (P#)) (« H. fascial is (Cram.)) House fly ( Musca domes tica (L.)) A looper ( Pseuaoplusia rugationls (Cuen.)) (* Autograph*. 00 (Stoll)) Melonworm ( Piaphanla hyalinata (L« ) ) Southern armyworm ( Prodenla erldania ( Cram. ) ) Southern beet webworm ( Pachyzancla blpunctalis (P.)) -2- Division of Fruit Insect Investigations: Codling aoth ( Carpocapsa pomonolla (L.)) Division of Insects Affecting Man and animals x Screw-worm ( Callitroga amoricana (C. and P.)) (■ Cochlionyia a, C. and P.)"" The method* used for testing are the usual standardized ones which hare heen used in the past, and so are mentioned only "briefly. Ill the com- pounds tested against each insect are listed in order of toxicity. Com- pounds that were tested both as a dust and as a spray are listed twice, ill dosages given are for dusts in terms of the pure compound. Where no figure is given in the dosage column, the material was applied as a spray, all sprays contained 8 pounds of the compound per 100 gallons of water unless indicated otherwise. European Corn Borer Vewly hatched larvae were fed sprayed cauliflower leaves. In all tests the larvae were exposed for 2 days* Compound Percent kill o-Benzanislde 95 T-Benzeyl-2-phenylhydrazine (k lb.) 94 H.H-Diisopropylbenzamide 92 N-(l-Msthylaayl)benzamide 92 2 '-NitrobenzanlllAe 66 3 < 57 o-Benzophenetide 50 2«-Chlorebenzanilide 39 H-sec-Butylbenzamide 32 1,4-Dibonzoylpiperazine 28 H-Isopropylbenzamide 25 3 , -Chlorobenzanilide 19 B.H-Diisobutylbenzamide 19 N,N-Dibenzoyl-£-phenylenediamine 18 H.JT-Dicyclohexylbenzamide 18 9-Benzoylcarbazole 17 k t-Ithoxybenzanilide 2 '-Bromobeneanilide 11 Ul-Vitrobenzanilide 15 -3- Buropean Corn Borer— -(Continued) Percent Compound klU E-Benzamidobenzoic acid, ethyl eeter 10 1,2-Dibenzoylphenylnydrazine 7 H-Isobutylbenzamide 7 H-Propylbenzamide 7 2-Benzanidoanthraquinone 6 3«-Bromobenzanilide 6 N ,N » -Diben zoyl-»-phenyl en edi amine 4 2 ' y 5 * -Di chlor oben zani lide U ^•-Bromobenzanilide 3 V-Chlorobenzanilide 3 H,N-Dibenzylbenzamide 3 H,N-Diphenylbenzamide 3 N-(2-Naphthyl)benzanilide 3 o-Phenylbenzanilide 3 p-Ben zani side 2 N-Hydroxymethylbenzaaide (4 lb.) 2 Benzamide 1 N,N'-Dibenzoylmethanediamine (A lb*) 1 H-Benzylben zani lide S-(1-Naphthyl)ben«anilide Three-Striped Blister Beetle Adult beetles were fed Swiss chard leaves dusted with powdered pyreth- rum flowers containing 10 percent of the compounds being tested. Other beetles were dusted with pyrethrum alone as the control. Any additional effect was assumed to be due to the compound. All exposures were for 2 days. i , M Dow** , Percent kill Compound (micrograms per — _--, ■ , . I square centimeter) J Compound; Pyrethrum H,N-Dibutylbenzamide 215 100 6A H-Butylbenzamide 200 92 U N,N-Diisobutylbenzaaide 130 S3 A N-Amylbenzamide 245 58 64 Greenhouse Leaf Tier Fourth ins tare were fed dusted collard leaves. Compound Dosage Days Percent (micrograms per square exposed kill centimeter) o-Benzaniside N-(1-Methyla»yl)benzamide o-Benzophenetide 155 185 230 3 3 2 37 33 29 Hawaiian Beet Webwons Fourth ins tars vers fed dusted Swiss chard leaves. All materials were exposed for 2 days except the mixture with pyrethnun, which was exposed for 3 days. Compound Dosage (micrograms per square centimeter) Percent kill 3 »-Hitrobenzanilide 125 9-Benzoylcarbazole 170 p-Benzamidobenzoic acid, ethyl ester 110 N.N-Diisobutylbenzainidei' 230 o-Phenylbenzanilide 130 N-Propylbenzamlde 170 1, 2-Dibenzoyl-l-phenylhydrazine 155 N,N-Diphenylbenzamide 300 4»-Ethoxybenzanilide 215 N-(l-Haphthyl)benzanilide 130 2-B enz ami doan thraquinone 240 p-Benzaniside 310 N-Benzylbenzanilide 305 U'-Chlorobenzanilide 260 N,N •-Dibenzoyl-m-phenylenediamine 225 N.N^Dibenzoyl-p-phenylenediamine 125 2» t 5»-Dichlorobenzanilide 125 H-(2-Naphthyl)benzanilide 320 2'-Nitrobenzanilide 285 ht-uitrobenzanilide 195 20 15 14 14 8 8 4 4 k 4 1/ 10 percent of a 1x3 mixture of thifl compound and pyrophyllite plus 90 percent of pyrethrum. -5- House Fly (2) The tests were made on adult house flies by the turntable method. All counts were made after 2 days. These tests were conducted to show any syner- gism which the compound might have. Two solutions were compared, one con- taining the compound alone dissolved in deodorized kerosene containing 10 percent of acetone, and the other the same solution containing in addition 0.5 mg. of pyrethrins per milliliter of solution. The standard pyrethrum solution containing 0.5 mg. of pyrethrins per milliliter gave 15-19 percent kill. Some compounds were tested at two concentrations. Compound Concentration* (percent) Estimated Percent 10-ain. knock- kill down (percent) With pyre thrum: H-Buty lbenzamide H-Amylbenzamide H , H-Dibuty lbenzamide H f H-Dii80buty lbenzamide H-I 8 obutylbenzamide H-Propylbenzamide H t H-Dii8obutylbenzamide H,H-Dipropylbenzamide H,H-Dl-(2-ethylhexyl)benzamide H t H-Diethylbenzamide H-I thy lbenzamide H-I Bobutylbenzamide H-Propylbenzamide Benzamide H-Me thy lbenzamide H-Ithylbenz amide H-Methylbenzamide Without pyre thrum: H-Butylbenzamide H,H-Dibutylbenzamide Benzamide H,H-Di-(2-ethylhexyl) benzamide N-I 80butylbenzamide H-Sthy lbenzamide H-I e obutylbenzamide H-Methylbenzamide H-Amylbenzamlde H, H-Dibutylbenzamide H t H-Bii80butylbenzamide H v H-Dlpropylbenzamlde H-Kthy lbenzamide H-Me thy lb en zami de H-Propylbenzamide 1.0 100 65 1.0 100 53 1.0 100 50 1.0 100 35 1.0 100 31 1.0 100 28 .2 100 26 1.0 100 26 1.0 100 25 1.0 100 22 1.0 100 19 • 2 100 17 • 2 100 17 1.0 100 16 .2 100 16 .2 100 13 .2 100 11 1.0 25 7 1.0 5 5 1.0 10 3 1.0 3 .2 3 1.0 10 2 1.0 2 1.0 2 1.0 50 1 1.0 10 1 .2 10 1 1.0 1 1.0 10 1 .2 5 1 • 2 5 1 .2 1 1.0 10 1 Looper Fourth instars were fed collard leaves dusted with a mixture containing 10 percent of a 1:3 mixture of the compound with pyrophyllite. Compound Dosage (micrograms per square centimeter) Days exposed Percent kill N-Butylbenzamide NtN-Dibutyrbenzamide H-Amylbenzamlde H, N-Dii 8 obutylbenzamide V-Ieobutylbenzamlde Uo Uo 35 2 3 3 3 3 «5 85 69 58 *7 Melonwora Fourth and fifth ins tars were fed dusted or sprayed pumpkin leaves. Some of the compounds were tested in mixtures with pyrethrum. Compound Ins tar Dosage Days Percent (micrograms per exposed kill square centimeter) I-sec-Butylbenzamide , U N.H-Diisobutylbenzamidei' H N,N-Dileopropylbenzamide k l-Benzejl-2-phenylhydra- zina£/ . . * H,H-Dibutylbenzamide^/ H H-Iaohutylhenzamide^/ U N-Butylbenzamidel/ 4 S-Amylbenzamidei7 U l-Benzoyl-2-ph.enylhydra- zine U H-Eydroxymethylbenzamid* 4 H-Amylbenzamlde^/ . 4 H-Isobutylbenzamid^ 2 ./ 4 N-Isopropylbenzamide . 4 F.H-DibutylbenzamidaE/ U 130 160 280 215 155 200 2^5 250 240 260 190 250 k 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 100 96 96 92 91 91 87 79 71 46 33 33 33 29 \/ 10 percent in pyrethrum. 2/ See footnote 1, page £• -7- Helonvor* — ( Continued) COBpOY&d Initv Dotage ttqri Percent (■icrofraae per expo zed kill square c«ntiaeter) 5*0 3 2* 255 2 21 «■ 21 1*5 3 16 2U0 3 1* 125 3 13 215 2 8 270 2 I 260 2 155 3 k 310 2 k 265 2 185 2 165 2 230 2 150 2 230 2 280 2 215 2 1*0 2 250 2 230 2 250 2 ff-Propylbenzaaide 5 H,H '-Dibenzoylaethaaedlaaine I-Isopropylbenzanide k ¥-(l^ethyla*yl)b*nzaeiide k H-Butylbenza*ide2/ ^ H - b • c -Bn ty lbonzaal do H 2»-Hitrobenzanllide k H, H-Diphenylbenzaai de Benzamide o-Benzaniside V, N-Di 1 eobatylbenzaaide 2-Benzeai doan thraquine&e p-Benzaaidobenzeie acid, ethyl ester p_-Benzanizide o-Benzopheastide 5-B enz oyl carbazole H-Benzylbenzanilide 2 '-Broaobenzanilide ■5 *-Bromobeazanilide 4 1 -Brooob enzan Hid* 2 • -Chlor obenzaailide •-Chlorobeazaaillde t-Chlorobenzaaillde V , H-Dibea z oyl-a-pheaylene- diamine U H 1 5-Dibea z oy 1-p-pheayl ene- diamine U 1 , 2-Dibsnzoyl-l-pheayl- hydraziae 5 l t l4-Dibeazoylpiperazlne 5 H.I-Dibsnzylbeazaaide 5 2', 5' -Diohlor obenzaailide 5 N,H-Dicycloh«iylb«nzaaid« 5 *M-Ithexybenzanilide 5 H-(1-Haphthyl)benzanilide k N-(2-Haphthyl)benzanilide k J »-Nitrobenzanilide k Ut-Hitrobenzanilide U o-PhenylbenzanlUde k I 270 80 200 100 170 1*40 100 210 100 180 205 155 180 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2/ See footnote 1, page 4. Southern Axayvera Insects ~ere fed dusted or sprayed collard leares. Compound Instar Dosage Days Fsrcsat (Bleregraa per exposed kill square centimeter) 1-J en zoy 1-2 -phony lhydrazinel/ H-Isopropylbonzanido e-Baazanislde Y-Isopropylbenzaalde H-( 1-Methylwayl ) benzanide H\H-Dibutylbenz amide 1/ If, HVDii sopr opylbenzamide I,I-Dibutylbenzamidei< 5-JLmylbenzamlde iy l^Benzoyl-2«-pb.enylnydraz ine V N-Hydroxymethylbenzamide o-Benz ophene t id* ¥, H '-Dibenzoylmethanediamlna H-Isobutylb«nzamide 2/ H -soc- Butylbenzamido p-Benzanieide 2 '-Chlorobenzanilide H, H *-][)ibenzoyl-p-phenyl enediamine H ,H-Di 1 s opropylbenz amide 2-B oazaml doan thraqulnone Benzamidobenzoic acid, athyl aster Banzamlda 9-B enzoyl carbazola H-Benzylbenzanilide 2 • -Bromobenzanilide » -Bromobenzanilide •-Bromobenzanilide H-Butylb«nzamidcS/ 3 •-Chlorobenzanllide h »-Chlorobenzanilide H,N ■Dibenzoyl-m-phenyl enediamine 1, 2-Dibenzoyl-T-phenylhydrazine I k k U k k I 3 I k k U 4 4 4 if 4 u 4 I 4 4 5 MOO 2 100 - 6 «7 153 3 5« W 3 5« 185 215 3 2 8 160 3 46 215 2 tt 245 2 37 - 3 25 230 3 18 230 2 16 230 3 1* 155 2 12 125 3 8 165 2 4 300 2 4 80 2 k • 2 k 265 2 185 2 325 2 150 2 250 2 180 2 290 2 135 2 200 2 170 2 230 2 270 2 200 2 y 1»3 duq,t in pyrophyllite. 2/ See footnote 1, page 6. -9- Southern ArH 2 • , 5 *-Di chlorobenzanilide I,I-Dicyclohexylbenzamide N, 3-Diphonylb on zaaido 4 • -Jthoxybonzani lido H-( 1-Mothylaayl) bonzanldfc H-( 1-Iaphthyl)benzanilid* N-(2-Baphthyl)benzanllid* 2 '-Yitrebenzanilide '-Nitrebenzanilide •-Hitrobonzanilido o-Phony 1 bona, ani lido I UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA -12- 3 1262 09227'9859 Summary of Results A compound w»s considered toxic to leaf-eating Insects If it gave at least a 75-percent kill, and to screw-worms if the minimum lethal concentration was 0.1 percent* On this basis the following H-substituted banzamides were found to be toxic to one or more insects (the number of species to which each was toxic is indicated in parenthesis): l-Benzoyl-2-phenylhydrazine (5), B^S-diisopropylben zamide (3)» H-butylben zamide (2), H -sec- butylben zamide (2), S,N-dibutylben zamide (2), H-ieopropylben zamide (2), N-amylben zamide (1), o-benzaniside (1), H,N-diisobutylbenzamide (1), N-isobutylben zamide (1), and l-(l-methylamyl) ben zamide (1). A compound was considered to have a synergistic effect on pyrethrum if at least 50 percent mortality was obtained when a 1-percent solution was added to a pyrethrum solution containing 0.5 ag. of pyrethrins per milliliter. Literature Cited (1) Bushland, R. C. 1940. The toxicity of ohenothiazine and certain related compounds to young screwwonna. Jour. Scon. Ent. 33: 666-667. (2) Geredorff, W. A., and Gertler, S. I. 19U. Pyrethrum synergists. Toxicity to houseflies of certain H-sub- stituted piperonylamides and benzamldes combined with pyrethrins in oil base insect sprays. Soap and Sanit. Chem. 20 (2)t 123, 125. (3) Gertler, S. I. 19A6. I,M-Diethylbensamide as an insect repellent. 0. S. Patent 2,-408,389, issued Oct. 1. [A) _____ _ __ and Bailer, H. L. 1947. I-alkylben zamide and pyrethrum insecticides. U. S. Patent 2,U6,522, issued Feb. 25. (5) Siegler, E. H., and Gertler, S. I. 19AA. Toxicity tests of certain H-substituted benzamldes against codling moth larvae. Jour. Scon. Ent. 37: AA5.