LIBRARY QTATE PLANT BOARD united states department of agriculture AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE Washington 25, D. C. B, E, P. Q, 578-48 June 9, 1952 SUMMARY OF STATE NURSERY-STOCK SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS AND PLANT QUARANTINES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING INTERSTATE SHIPMENTS VIRGINIA The information contained in this summary was compiled by Juliet H, Carrington, Division of Plant Quarantines, from material received from the plant quarantine official of Virginia and lias been approved by him. It is issued for the convenience of plant quarantine inspectors, shippers , trans- portation agents, truckers, and others concerned in the interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other materials subject to State regulation on account of plant pests. The summary for Virginia give3 the general requirements for shipping nursery stock into that State, as well as digests of the State plant quar- antines and regulations affecting interstate shipments. An appendix fur- nishes information on post-offico requirements for mailing plants, as well as terminal-inspection procedure. This summary does not include digests of nursory-stock or plant -quarantine requirements relating to the movement of plants entirely within the State. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of or as a substitute for the original texts of the regulations and quarantines, and it Is not to be interpreted as logally authoritative. For detailed information address the State Entomologist, State Department of Agriculture and Immigration, 1112 State Office Building, Richmond 19, Virginia. In addition to State requirements, shippers will need to take into consideration applicable plant quarantines of the United States Department of Agriculture. In most instances these quarantines regulate the inter- state movement of specified plants, plant products, and other articlos from designated regulated areas. However, some of these quarantines regu- late the interstate movement of certain articlos into designated protectod areas. Copies of such quarantines may bo obtained from the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington 25, D. C. /-° Chief, Bureau of Entomolog Plant Quarantine Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Virginia nursery-stock shipping requirements VIRGINIA Summary of General _ Mure or y -St oc k^ Ship pi ng Roq ui_ romon ts (Code of Va . , 1950, oh.2,art, 1, bqqb . 3 -151 , 3 -171 , 3 -175, 3 -178; Rules and Regulations, Jan. 1, 1951) Definition of Nursery Stock. --Cultivated or wild trees, shrubs, and woody vines, including ornamentals, bush fruits, grapevines, and fruit and nut trees, and all buds, grafts, scions, and cuttings of such plants; also woody greenhouse -grown plants for outdoor planting. The Virginia Commissioner of Agriculture and Immigration may declare as nursery stock such herbaceous plants, including strawberry and narcissus plants and narcissus bulbs, as he deems necessary. Such plants are not defined as nursery stock at present. General Shipping Requirements. --Nurserymen and dealers wishing to do busi- ness in nursery stock in Virginia should obtain from the State Entomologist a Virginia registration certificate for a fee of $10, and $1 for each agent, The Commissioner may, however, enter into reciprocal agreements with offi- cials of other States under which nursery stock may be shipped between the reciprocating States without payment of a fee. All certificates expire annually on August 31 following date of issue. Each carload or othor container of nursery stock moved into Virginia must have attached an inspection certificate of the State of origin. Cer- tified nursery stock brought into Virginia may be reshipped under the cer- tificate of a certified and registered Virginia nurseryman or dealer, Transportation companies may not accept for shipment or deliver uncer- tified nursery stock in Virginia. Any nursery stock found to be dangerous- ly infested, whether certified or not, is subject to seizure, treatment, or return to point of origin, at the owner's expense. Virginia plant quarantines - 3 - Summary of State Plant Quarantines Camellia EL over Blight (Quarantine No. 7, effective Nov. 1, 1950) Prohibited material. --Balled and potted camellia plants and cut camellia flowers originating in the infected areas are prohibited from moving into Virginia. Restricted material. — Camellia plants free from soil may "be moved into Virginia from the infected areas when accompanied "by State-of-origin certi- fication that the "buds showed no trace of color on date of shipment. Rontricted material from States that do not maintain restrictions against the designated infected areas may he shipped into Virginia only when the grower, dealer, or nurseryman furnished affidavit that he lias not received and will not receive any camellia plants with soil attached and buds showing any trace of color, or camellia flowers from such infected areas. Infected areas California: Entire State Georgia: That property known as 3629 Tuxodo Raid, Tuxedo Park Community, Atlanta, as described Louisiana: Parishes of Caddo and Ouachita North Carolina: Brunswick County: That part of Orton Plantation described Oregon: Entire State Virginia plant quarantines k - Root -Knot Nematode and Other Tomato Diseases (Quarantine No. 6, revised effective Mar. 26, 1951) Tho movement of tomato plants from any source into the protected coun- ties in Virginia is prohibited unless there is attached to the outside of each container of such plants a certificate of the State of origin affirm- ing that recent inspection disclosed tho plants to be apparently free from late blight, root-knot nematode, collar rot (early blight), and other -plant diseases and destructive insects. The certificate should also show name and address of grower, date issued, void date, and signature of authorized State official. All tomato plants moved Into tho protected counties are subject to inspection upon arrival. Protected counties Accomack Lancaster Northampton Richmond Essex Middlesex Northumberland Westmoreland The foregoing summary was reviewed and approved on February 20, 1952, by G. T. French, State Entomologist. APPENDIX Requirements for Mailing Plants and Plaint Products Under the postal laws and regulations, nursery stock, including all field-grown florists' stock, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, "buds, fruit pits, and other seeds of fruit and ornamental trees or shrubs, and other plants and plant products for propagation, including strawberry plants (except field, vegetable, and flower seeds, bedding plants and other herbaceous plants, bulbs, and roots), may be admitted to the mails only when accompanied by a State inspection certificate to the effect that the nursery or premises from which such stock is shipped has been inspected within a year and found free from injurious insects and plant diseases. Parcels containing such nursery stock must be plainly marked to show the nature of the contents and the name and address of the sender. (Postal Laws and Regulations 1°A0, sec. 595») Inspection and certification must be done by a plant quarantine official of the State of origin. An individual mailing of such plants or plant products, if from uninspected premises, will also be accepted upon examination and certifi- cation by a State plant quarantine official. The address of the Virginia plant quarantine official is given in the preceding summary. Terminal Inspection of Mail Shipments of Plants and Plant Products (Act ♦Mar. 4, I9I9, as amended June kt 1936; Postal Laws and Regulations 19^0* sec. 59^) Establishment of Terminal Inspection. — Any State desiring to operate under the provisions of the terminal inspection law so as to regulate the movement of mail shipments of plants and plant products into (or within) the State may, after having provided therefor at State expense and having designated one or more places where inspection will be maintained, arrange to have such mail shipments turned over to State plant quarantine inspectors for examination at designated inspection points. Application will be made to the Secretary of Agriculture by submitting a list of plants and plant products and the plant pests transmitted thereby, which are to be examined. The list, when approved in whole or in part, will be transmitted to the Postmaster General whereupon postmasters will be informed and instructed. Anyone mailing a parcel containing any plants or plant products ad- dressed to any place within a State maintaining terminal inspection there- of is required, under the lav;, to have the parcel plainly marked on the outside to show the nature of the contents. Materials shipped under Federal quarantine certificates issued by the Bureau of Sntomology and Plant Quarantine may be exempted from terminal inspection at the option of the receiving State. Under the provisions of the 193^ amendment to the lav/, any State may arrange through Federal channels, after approval by the Secretary of Agriculture as indicated above, to regulate or prohibit the movement into (or within) the State of mail shipments of designated plants and plant products the movement of which would consititute a violation of State plant quarantine laws or regulations. 'Terminal Inspection Procedure. — Upon arrival in any State maintaining terminal inspection, plants or plant products named on the approved list will l3e forwarded by tho postmaster at destination to the nearest in- spection point. If the plants or plajit products arc found, upon inspec- tion, to "be free from injurious pests and not in violation of any plant quarantine or regulation of the State of destination or the United States Department of Agriculture, or if disinfosted when they are found infested, such plants or plant products will then be forwarded by the postmaster at the point of inspection to the addressee upon payment of postage. If plants or plant products, upon inspection, are found to he in- fested with injurious pests and cannot "be satisfactorily disinfosted, or are in violation of any plant quarantine or regulation of tho State of destination or the United States Department of Agriculture, the post- master upon notification by the State inspector will inform the sender that the parcel will bo returned to him upon his request and at his ex- panse. In default of such request the parcel will he turned over to the State authorities for destructions Terminal inspection of plants and plant products is now maintained "by Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Oregon, Puerto F.ico, Utah, and Washington. Plants and plant products subject to terminal inspection and places where terminal-inspection service is maintained are listed at the end of the summary of the general nursery-stock shipping requirements for each of the above-mentioned States, District, and Territories. Procedure for Paying Forwarding Postage. — Methods of paying forwarding postage are provided to expedite the handling of parcels subject to ter- minal inspection, as follows: ( l) The addressee may have tho parcels ad- dressed to himself in care of the State inspector at a designated terminal- inspection point in the State of destination and provide the inspector with postage for forwarding the inspected plants; or (2) tho addressee may arrange with the sender to place on the parcels a pledge reading, "Forwarding postage guaranteed," whereupon the additional postage for forwarding will ho collected from the addressee. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09314 8947