£ 7 UNITED STATES DEEAimiOT Of AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE WASHINGTON, D.C 3. E. P. Q,.— 428 March 25, 1937 PLANT -QUARANTINE II/IPORT RESTRICTIONS OP THE BRITISH COLONY OP CEYLON UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT GE AGRICULTURE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE WASHINGTON, D.C. B, E. p. Q.— 428 March 26, 1937 PLANT-QUARANTINE IMPORT RESTRICTIONS Of THE BRITISH COLONY OE CEYLON This summary of the pi ant -quarantine import restrictions of the Colony of Ceylon has "been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that Colony. It was prepared "by Harry 3. Shaw, Plant Quarantine Inspector, in Charge of Foreign Information Service Division of Foreign Plant Quarantines, from the text of the plant protection Ordinance No. 10 of 1924, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and reviewed "by the Director of Agriculture of Ceylon. The information contained in this circular is "believed to he correct and complete up to the time of preparation, "but it is not intended to "be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts of the Ordinance and regulations, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative a. STRONG/ Chief, Bureau of Entomology and planT^Quarantine Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/ceylonco37unit plan^uarjotine import restrictions OF THE british colony r ? ceylon basic legislation The Plant Protection Ordinance Ho. 10, June 27, 1924. SUMMARY Importation Prohibited HEVZA spp . seeds or plants from the Western Hemisphere: Importation prohibited under any circumstances, to prevent the introduction of the South American leaf-disease ( Mgl an op s amm op sis ( Dothicell a) ulei (Henn.) Stahel) . _ZA SEEE ( Thea sinensis L-): Importation prohibited directly or in- directly from India, to prevent the introduction of "blister b light (Z xobasidium vexans fcass.) . (Art. 3, General Regu- lations, p. 3.) 30C0NUT PLANTS ( Coco s nucifera L>): Importation from any source prohibited, to prevent the introduction of coccids. (Art. 3, G-ene ral Regulations, p. 3.) Importation Restricted HEVEA. spp. plants or seeds from the Eastern Hemisphere: Importation prohibited except under written permit from the Director of Agriculture, previously obtained. (Art. 3, C-eneral Regulations , p. 3.) LIVING PLANTS, TRESS, ROOTS, BULBS, or portions thereof (except potatoes, onions, ginger, turmeric, and culinary seeds imported for consumption); coconuts in husks (only through the port of Colombo); citrus fruits and cottonseed : Must be accompanied by an inspection certificate of competent authority if exported from a country with recognized plant inspection service. Certificate to be affixed to mail packages. - 2 - In the absence of the certificate, shipments from such countries ond those from countries not having a recognized plant inspection service, shall he inspected and treated in accordance, with the findings. (Art. 4, G-eneral Regulations, P- 3.) COTTON AND COTTONSEED from the United States may enter the port of Colombo only, and subject to disinfection at Bombay, to prevent the introduction of the boll weevil (Ant honomus grandi s Boh.). (Regulation of Sept. 20, 1927, -p. 4.) PLANT PROTECTION ORDINANCE NO. 10, JUNE 27, 1924 Definitions The following terms are thus defined by this Ordinance: "Plant" shall include all members of the vegetable kingdom, whether living or dead, or any part or parts of such but shall not include canned or preserved fruits or vegetables; "Pest" shall include any insect or animal which shall in p-ny stage of its development eat, destroy, or otherwise injure any plant ; "Disease" shall include any fungus or organism of vegetable origin which shall injure, destroy, or be parasitic upon any plant . Section 9 of this Ordinance empowers the Governor in Executive Council to make regulations for the purpose of preventing the introduc- tion into the island and the distribution therein of weeds, or of pest and diseases injurious to, or destructive of, plants. G-ENERAL REGULATIONS (Schedule under Section 9 of Ordinance No. 10) AUTHORIZED PORTS OP ENTRY Article 1. No plants shall be imported into Ceylon, except through the -oorts of Colombo and Talai-Mannar . Special Permit Required to Import Specimens of Live Insects Art'. 2. No person shall land or import a living specimen of any insect or invertebrate animal not already known to exist in Ceylon without written permission previously obtained of the Director of Agriculture, provided that the Director of Agriculture, or the Director, Colombo Museum, may make such importations as may be required for scientific investigations. Importation Prohibited Art. 3. No person shall land or import: 1. Seeds or plants of Hevea spp. from the Western Hemisphere under any circumstances, ana from the Eastern Hemisphere, except under permit in writing from the Director of Agri- culture, previously obtained. 2. Tea seed ( The a sinensis L.) directly or indirectly from any place in India. 3. Coconut plants ( Cocos nucifera L . ) . 4. Coconuts in husk except through the port of Colombo. Importation Subject to Inspection or Disinfection Art. 4. (1) The following imports shall, before passing out of customs, be dealt with as prescribed below: (a) All living plants, tubers, roots, bulbs, or portions thereof (except potatoes, onions, ginger, turmeric, and culinary seeds and vegetables imported for consumption), together with the packages, cases, pots, or coverings in which they may be packed. (b) All coconuts in husks. (c_) All citrus fruits. (d) Cottonseeds ( G-ossypium spp.) . Phytc sanitary Certificate Required (2) Each importation of plants, otherwise than by mail, from a country with recognized inspection service, shall be accompanied by a certificate issued after inspection, and not more than 14 days prior to date of shipment, by a duly authorized official of the country of export, affirming freedom of the plants from pests or disease. Such certificate must be produced to the Customs Officer at the port of entry. - 4 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09242 1980 (3) A copy certificate must "be affixed to each mail package, but the original need not "be produced to the Customs Officer. (4) The certificate shall be transmitted by the Customs Officer to the inspector in charge of the Colombo Fumigatorium. Inspection Authorized (5) The inspector in charge of the Colombo Fumigatorium may open and examine the contents of any consignment or package imported or believed to have been imported, notwithstanding the fact that the consignment may be accompanied by, or the package may have attached ther to, the duly authorized copy certificate. (6) In the case of the importation of plants from a country where no recognized service of plant inspection is maintained, and in the case of a consignment of plants which is not accompanied by copy certificates as above mentioned, or of a package of plants imported by mail to which a copy certificate is not attached, the plants before passing out of the customs shall be subjected to inspection at the fumigatorium. Whenever possible, mail packages should be packed in wooden boxes. A close lookout will be kept for the following pests: Cotton boll weevil ( Anthonomus grandis Boh.), Mediterranean fruit fly (Ce ratitis capitata Wied.), European corn borer (p yrausta n ubilalis Hbn . ) , and the Japanese beetle ( popillia japonica ITewm . ) . Infested Plants Disinfected or Destroyed (7) Any imported plants which on inspection are found to be unhealthy or attacked by any pest or disease shall be subjected to fumigation or disinfection as may be deemed necessary by the inspector. (8) Any imported plants which in the judgment of the inspector cannot be cleaned by fumigation or other treatment shall, with the packing and package, be destroyed at the expense of the consignee. RESTRICTIONS ON ENTRY OF COTTON AND COTTONSEED FROM THE UNITED STATES (Regulation of Sept. 20, 1927) No person shall land or import any seed, unginned cotton, or lint of any species of G-ossypium from America except at the port of Colombo via Bombay and unless accompanied by a certificate of efficient disin- fection from the Controller of Customs, Bombay, to prevent the introduc- tion of the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boh.). e-