LIBRARY STATE PLANT BOARD E2/Algeria UNITED STATES DEPART! EI iT OF AGRICULTUPE Agricultural Research Service Bureau of Entomology and riant Quarantine Washington 25 , D. C B. E. P. Q. Wlfl, Revised December 30, 1953 PLANT QUARANTINE BPORT RESTRICTIONS OF ALGERIA This revision of the plant quarantine import restrictions of Algeria has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials^ ancs others interested in the exportation of plants and plant products to that country. It was prepared by j.r. W. T. Ov/rey, Division of Plant Quarantines, from translations of the French texts of the decrees and orders con- cerned, as presented in "Police Phytosanitaire Algerienne" of the Direction de i-.' Agriculture of Algeria of January 1952 and amendments of December 26, 1952 and was reviewed by the Service de la Protection des Vegetaux (Pxant Protection Service) The information included in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts of the pertinent decrees and orders. These documents should be consulted for the exact texts. Avery S. Hoyt Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 PLANT Q1 ' - rirJS Ii VOPT RESTRICTIONS OF ALGERIA > > 3ASIC LEGISLATION Decree of August 23, 1898, on the -government and administration of Algeria . decree of June 10, 1911, prohibiting importation of dodder. Law of July 15, 1921, prohibiting "the importation of grapevines into France and Algeria. Order of February 14, 1922, as amended July 1, 1939, establishing basic regulations and procedure for the importation of plants and plant products into Algeria. Order of ..ay 9, 19^2, reorganizing the Plant Protection Service and providing that the Governor General shall establish by order the conditions of entry into and movement -within Algeria, of plants, plant parts, and other related articles. Order of iMcvember 8, 19^5, as amended December 26, 1952, and variously supplemented, establishing a list of prohibited plant diseases and pests end providing that importations of most products coming from countries infested by one of the parasites may' be imported only under special permit designating the method of admission. The above decrees and orders, together with other effective orders of the Governor General, including the Order of i arch .13, 19^7 > as amended December 2o, 1952, establishing new San Jose scale regulations, are summarized in the following as they apply to importations from the United States. ., . SUi.ARY The "regulations cover plants and parts thereof (fruits, seeds, seedlings, cuttings, grafts, bulbs, vegetables, etc.), wrappings and containers, vinesticks and; used props, soils, composts, ma- nures -j plant pathogens, and all other articles considered a hazard to agriculture. Special import permits, issued in advance by the Governor General, are required for importations of bulbs, cotton- seed ? fruit, living plants and parts thereof,- and potatoes. Export certificates bearing a French consular visa are required with all above items. : ' -"- -2- Importation Prohibited Citrus plants and parts thereof (except the fruit) and other plants of the plant family Rutaceae, except for experimental purposes and under permit issued in advance. (See par. 11, p. 6.) Dodder ( Cuscuta spp.). (See par. 22, p. 10.) Fresh fruits in hulk. (See par. 15, p. 7.) Grapevine plants and cuttings (Vitis spp.). (See par. 12, p. ^) Plant pests listed in paragraph 7 & n d pathogens of diseases capable of propagating themselves on plants or plant products. ( See par. 10, p. 6.) Plants and parts thereof, containers and wrappings, soil, compost, and manure, and any other article if contaminated by prohibited parasites. (See articles restricted in par. 1, p. 3» & n d- pro- hibited parasites in par. J, p. 5.) Seeds of forage— crop plants (alfalfa, clover, etc.) contaminated with dodder. (See par. 22, p. 10.) IHPORTATIOi 1 Fu^STRICTEID Bulbs, tubers, rhizomes, rooted vegetables, and other articles capable of carrying the golden nematode ( Heterodera r ostochiensis ) require the following: Import permit issued -in advance, shipper's declar- ation (except for shipments from State-inspected nurseries, which require a commercial invoice only), sanitary certification against prohibited parasites (see nar- f, p. 5) » an d certification that the golden nematode does not occur in the place of production (See pars. 2-3, p. h; an d par. 9» P« 6°) Cottonseed ( Cossypium spp.): Import permit issued in advance required, and shipments must be accompanied by a shipper's declaration and by a sanitary certification against prohibited parasites, especially the boll weevil ( Anthonomus grandis ) . (See pars, f-8, pp. 5 - 6. ) Fresh— fruit importations must comply with conditions of an import permit issued in advance and be accompanied by a shipper's declar- ation of origin and sanitary certification against prohibited par- asites, especially San Jose scale ( Aspidiotus pe rniciosus ). (See pars. 2-3," 7-g, and 13-lH, pp. U, 57~oTTT 12, 12A and 13.) Living parts of plants, refuse of plants, seeds, cut flowers, wraps, packing, vegetable manure, soils, composts, stable manure, and all other articles or products (except as restricted or prohibited by special quarantine orders) are authorized entry, subject to an import permit issued in advance and to being accompanied by a shipper's declaration of origin and a sanitary certificate. (See pars. 2-3, p. U, 7, 12, 12A and 13). -3- Plants and parts of living woody or semiwoody plants (trees and shrubs, seedlings, layers, grafts, etc.) are admitted subject to conditions of an import permit issued in advance end to being ac- companied by a shipper's declaration of origin (except for ship- ments from State-inspected nurseries, which require a commercial invoioe only), and by a sanitary certificate declaring freedom of shipment from prohibited parasites (see par. 7, p. 5), especially San Jose scale. For rooted plants certification that the golden nematode dees not occur in the place of production is also required. Plants with balled roots must originate in nurseries under State supervision, (See pars. 2-3, 5» 7 - 9» & n ^- 13-1^» PP» ^~7» ) Plants end. branches (v/ood) of the Chestnut tree from countries con- taminated with Undo thia. 'Parasitica , the cause of the Chestnut blight disease, must be steam sterilized for l/2 hour at SO c. or 156 F. Potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum ) are authorized entry subject to the following: Import permit in advance indicating method of their admission and to being accompanied by a shipper's declaration of origin and by a. sanitary certificate attesting to freedom of the shipment from prohibited parasites (See par. 7, P« 5), c<- n d de- claring it was produced in a place free of the golden nematode. Shipments must also be accompanied by a. certificate in both French and in language of the country of origin certifying that the potatoes are free from potato wart ( Synchytrium endebioticum ) and were produced in a field at least 5 IP** distant from any infection. The varietal name of the potatoes and degree of susceptibility to potato wart must also be shown on the certificate. (See pars. 7-9, and 17, pp. 5. 6, and 8.) Seed potatoes must be introduced in sealed containers and comply v/ith Algerian grading and labeling requirements and tolerances for common diseases and injury,, (See pars. 19-21, pp. 9-10° ) Seeds of forage-crop plants must be free of dodder and be accompanied by a declaration containing the botanical name of the species; al- falfa and clover seeds must be stained to the equivalent of 6 per- cent by means of a 1-percent solution of fuchsin, saffranin, or rhedaminee (See -oars. 22-25, pp. 10-11.) Transit shipments of fruits and plants subject to San Jose scale restrictions for import purposes must be packed in well con- structed, leak-proof containers and comply with internal safe- guarding measures, in addition to being accompanied by a sanitary certificate,, (See par. 16, p, 7» ) LiBRAF STATE PLANT BOAR* GULA2IC&JS ' • ■ . (Order of February Ik, 1?22,- as amended July 1, lgJ9)l_/ Products Restricted 1. The importation into Algeri" and the movement into f.nd betveen the territories of the Colony- of plants, including tne grapevine, debris of olants, seedlings, cuttings, grafts, flover "bulbs, cut flowers, fruits and vegetables, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, and seeds, wrappings, coverings, containers, vine sticks Mad usee, props; plant manures, soil, composts, :.nd manures, and all other articles or products, of which the use can present a hazard to agriculture, are prohibited, when the aforesaid articles are contaminated by one of tne pests named in the special Orders.. (Prohibited parasites listed in par. 7» P« 5- ) (Art. 1.) Sanitary Certificate and Ship er ! s • • Declaration. Required 2. All articles enumerated in paragraph 1 should be accompanied ty a copy of .the commercial invoice, or, .when they do not come from an establishment subject %o Government inspection, "ay c declaration of the shipper, stating the nature of the shipment, the number and .kind of articles oompri sing the shipment, and, in ever:* case, by e certi- ficate of phytopathological inspection conforming to the model (p~>. .12 and 12A) adopted rs the Final ^.ct of the International Phytopathological Conference, Rome, March k, l°lh. (Art, 2) ( Pote : Perm EQ,—375 is. acceptable, ) Import Permit and Consular ?iss Required 3« For articles coming from a country which has not adhered to t-ie abovementioned Act, the interested persons should obtain a permit, which will be issued, prior to clearance of the shipment, by the Governor General, upon recei \>t of a certificate of the competent phytosanitary service of th ■•; country of origin, visaed by the French Consular authority, and certifying that the plants or articles are free from pests declared harmful (~oar. 7» :■'-'• ?) to a ;riculture in the Colony. (Art. 2) (See also. pars. S and 13, t . 6-7.) Authorized Ports of _ntry h. (a) Articles enumerated in paragraph 1, other than potatoes: Algiers, Pone, Bougie, llos'taganera, '-'r- n, Ouida an Phili : evilie. (b) Potatoes: Aemours. (Art. 2) ( oee also oar. S, p. 6.) 1/ "hi", order, : -, i effect, is mo...ii'ied or even superseded in part by other orders subsequently issued by the Governor General. -5- Packing and Label ir.g Requirements 5. Upon importation, any container of articles designated in para- graph 1 should be of such nature as to facilitate inspection, and, • if such should prove necessary, their disinfection. The. containers will be opened at the expense, risk, and jeopardy of the consignee or his agent. Each container should be plainly labeled to show full name of. the shipper, nature, kind, and quantity of products,' place of origin,, and name and address of consignee. Balled plants may be shipped only from, establishments subject to. Government inspection in the .country of origin. The balls -should be tightly (hermetically) wrapped. (Art. 3) Inspection on Arrival 6. Upon their importation, the articles designated in paragraph 1 shall be examined on the spot .in' the Customs Office by an, official of the Plant Protection Service, who, if it is deemed necessary, ,, shall proceed with their disinfection (at expense of importer). When articles for importation are found infested an inspection re- port shall be sent to the Governor General for communication to ■"< the administrative authorities cf the country of origin,, Articles found to be infested shall be' returned to the shipper or destroyed by the Customs Service, according to the wishes of the consignee or his agent (at expense of importer). SPECIAL REGULATIONS PROHIBITED PESTS AHD DISEASES (Order of" Nov.' S,' 19^5. as amended and supplemented) 7. The list of plant diseases and pests from which it is necessary to protect Algerian agriculture is determined as follows (Art. l): Diseases Blepharospora cambivora Petri - of chestnut Endothia parasitica (Murr. ) And, & And. - chestnut blight Fusarium nlbedinia M. - "Baycud" of the date palm (Order ' of Jan. 17, I9U9) Guignardia bidwellii Ellis V. ';"■& R. - of grapevine Heterodera rostochiensis T .7oIl. - golden nematode (Order of Sept. 30, 19U9) . . Phymatotrichum omnivorum ( Sherr. ) Dug. - on various plants Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc. - potato wart Xanthomonas (=Pseudomcnas) citri (Hasse) Dow. - citrus canker Virus diseases: Of grapevines (Order of Dec, 19, 19^-6). Degenerative infectious diseases of citrus fruits (quick decline; tristeza; graft incompatibility) (Order of June 2g, 19^8, as amended. See par. 11, p. 6.) ' '- -6- Insects Anthonomus grandis Boh. - "boll weevil Anthonomus pomorum L. — blossom weevil Anthonomus vestltus Boh. - Peruvian cotton weevil Aspidiotus (Aonidiella) perniciosus Ccmsto -, San Jose scale Aulacaspis pentagona Targ. - mulberry scale Ceroplastes sinensis Bel G. - fig scale Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr - Argentine ant Lepidosaphes gloverii (Pack.) - Glover's scale Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) - Colorado potato "beetle Lymantria monacha L. - European nun moth Kargarodes' vitium Giard - grapevine coccid Popillia japonica Newm. — Japanese "beetle Pseudococcus filamentosus Ckll. -mealybug Phagoletis cerasi L, - European cherry fruit fly 1/eeds Cuscuta aegyptiaca ~ in Egyptian clover Cuscuta suaveolens - in alfalfa Import Permit Requirements 8. (Order of March 13, 19*+7) : Plants cr parts of plants coming from a country infested by one of the parasites named in the pre- ceding paragraph shall "be imported only under a special permit, which shall state specifically the post offices and Customs offices designated for that purpose and the method of admission. Derogations to these provisions may "be made in orders by the Governor General. Golden Nematode Restrictions 9. (Order of September 30. 19^9) 1 The importation of products capable of carrying Heterodera rostochiensi s and coming from any country known to be infested, but having delimited the area of in- festation, .is authorized on condition that the sanitary certifi- cate accompanying such shipment shall certify that such products came from areas free of the pest. Plant Pests and Pathogens Prohibited 10. (Order of May 9, I9U2): It is prohibited to introduce into.. Algeria, to have in one's possession, and to transport in any form, the pests considered dangerous to Algerian agriculture, as well as pathogens of diseases capable of propagating themselves on plants . or plant products, (Art. 12) CITRUS PLANTS PROHIBITED 11. (Order of June 21, 1952): The importation into Algeria of seed- lings, buds, grafts, and all parts of plants of the Rutaceae family, other than the fruits, is prohibited; Provided that shipments in- tended for experimental purposes shall be allowed under the con- ditions of a permit previously issued by the Governor General. -7- GEaPEVIMSS prohibited 12. (Law of July 15, 1921): The importation into France and into Algeria of plants and cuttings of grapevines is prohibited. SAIT JOS SCALE IiZPOEC ISXHJLATIONS (Decision of December 26, 195^) 13. The importation into Algeria, of living plants or parts of living plants, originating or exported from countries where the San Jose scale lives, is rllowecl througn the ports or frontier ports of Alger, Bone, Bougie, liostagrnem, Oran, Oudia, and Philip oeville, un- der custody of previous authorization delivered by the Governor General who determined the conditions and established orders re- quired for the entry into Algeria. (.n.rt. 2.) lh. iresh fruits, flowers, buds, leafy branches, boughs, fresh cut flowers and ornament, woody plants or partly woody, originating or exported from France and from all other countries, are admitted for importation into Algeria, under custody when they are acconroanied by a phytosanitary certificate of the attached model (see pp. 12, 12A, and 13), ?nd after compulsory inspection," (Art. h. ) The shipments (consignments) discovered to be infested are disinfected, returned or destroyed at the agreement of the importer." Greenhouse plants other than those mentioned in preceding paragraphs are inspected upon arrival and ere not (deloused) only in the instance of proved contamination. The Secretary Genera., of the Government, the Director of Customs, and the Inspector, Chief of the Plant Protection Service are responsible, each in whatever concerns him, of executing the present decision (decree), Presh Pruits in Bulk Prohibited 15. The entry into and transit through Algeria of fresh fruits in bulk is prohibited, whatever their origin. (Art. 5* ) SA17 JOSE S.CAL3 TR-fSIT REGULATIONS (Order of Hay 7, 193U) 16. The transit across Algeria of living plants and parts of living plants, including fresh fruits (trees, shrubs, nursery products, cut- tings, and other parts of plants) originating in or coming from any country infested with San Jose scale (Aspidiotus perni ciosus ) is authorized under the following conditions (Art. 1): (a) Movement subject to regulatory measures taken by the Customs Service, in locked and sealed railway cars; (b) Entry into Algeria by the ports designated for impor- tation of plants; and -g- ( c) Only in well constructed, leak— proof containers (cases, "barrels, etc ) and when transshipped directly from vessel to railway car without being placed on pier, unless otherwise prescribed by the Governor General, and under supervision of the Plant Protection Service, POTATO ICGULATICITS (Order of June 27, 192^-, as amended ITo v. Id, 1950} ( ITo t e : See also pars. 7 to 9 f° r prohibited potato pests and re- quirements for an import permit in advance and for special golden nematode certification, ) 17» Potatoes coming directly or indirectly from any country where potato wart (Synch ytriu m endobioti cum ) occurs are admissible for importation only when accompanied by a certificate issued by the piiytopathological service of the country of origin in the language of that country and in Prench, certifying: (a) that the shipment accompanied by said certificate is free from potato v/art; and (b) that potato wart is not established within a radius of 5 km. of the place where the potatoes were produced. This certificate shall state the name and variety of such potatoes and shall indicate the degree of immunity of such potatoes to potato wart, (Art. l) 13, Shipments not accompanied with the following model certificate (in case of U« S. potatoes) will be reloaded or destroyed on the spot at the expense of the importers; (Model Certificate) Potato "Jart Inspection Certificate Serial ITo, "The undersigned, 'inspector of the phytopathologies! service at , certifies (l) that the potatoes comprising the shipment described below are free from potato v/art ( Synchytrium e ndobioticum ) ; and (2) that they were harvested in land" situated at least 5 km, from any place infected with potato v/art. These potatoes are of the variety (l). . . . . . which is: (2) resistant (susceptible) to potato v/art. Done at Signature Date Title Description of Shipment Name and address of shipper ITame and address of consignee Markings and numbers of individual containers Gross weights of individual containers Locality whore potatoes v/cre produced Date of inspection Seal ■ =9- (French Version of Model Certificate) Certificat d' inspection Phytopathologiquo Kolatif a la Gale Verruqueuse "Le scussigne, Inspccteur du Service nhytopathologique a certifie que (l) les pommies de terre faisant l'objet de 1' expedition ci-dessus descrite sont exemptes de Gale verruqueuse ( Sy nchytr ium endobioticum ) ; (2) cos pommes de terre ont ete recoltees dans une exploitation eloignee de 5 kilometres de tout point infeste par la Gale verruqueuse. Ces pommes de terre apjartiennent a la variete (l) . . . . qui est; (2) resistante (sensible) (a la Gale verruqueuse). Fait a ^ e 19 • * L'Inspecteur du Service Phytopathologique Description de l'^nvoi Horn et adresse de l'expediteur Cachet du Horn et adresse du destinataire Service Marques et numeros des different s colis. . . . Officiel Poids bruts des differents colis Localite ou les pommes de terre ont ete recoltees. . . Date de 1' inspection Seed Potatoes (Decree of Dec. 17, 1936, as amended Sept. k, 13kj) Marking Requirements for Containers 19. Every dealer is prohibited from importing, transporting with the intention of selling, offering for sale, or selling seed potatoes otherwise than in sealed containers provided with a label incorpo- rated in the seal end bearing only the following unabbreviated in- formation: (a) Dealer's name and address. (b) Variety of potato with one of the following designations: "Selectionee" (certified). "Selectionee originale" (original variety, certified), or "Reproduction" (for propagation). (c) Purity of variety per 1,000 tubers (.nust not be less than 990 per 1,000). (d) Grade ("Ulite," "A," "E," "C," or "D") and name of grower. (e) Size of tubers expressed in minimum, maximum, and average v/eights. -10- (f) Origin (country and locality of production). The foregoing information must "be reproduced in the sales contract in duplicate and also in the invoice which must "be sent to the pur- chaser. Tubers Unfit for Seed 20. It is prohibited that anyone in Algeria should sell a.s "certified seed potatoes," tubers that are unfit for seed, as are the following: •(a). Tubers infected with potato wart or any other pest or disease mentioned in any particular ruling. (b) Tubers affected by dry rot, or wet rot, or Phyt op hthora , or severe bruises in a proportion greater than jpercent for tubers with an average weight of 100 grams; ' h' percent for tubers of an average weight between 65 and 100 grams; and 5 percent for tubers weighing less than 65 grams. 21. Provisions of this decree, apply to seed potatoes coming from foreign countries, imported into Algeria under the regulations for ministerial authorizations. Shipments which do not comply with the prescribed conditions will be returned or destroyed. SEEDS 0? I0BAG2 PLACES (Decree of June 10, 1911) Importation of Seeds Containing Dcdder Prohibited 22. The importation into Algeria of dodder ( Cuscuta sp;:.) is pro- hibited, ?s are all seeds of forage plants, which, upon inspection, are found to contain dodder, especially seeds of alfalfa ( l^edicago spp. ) , black medic (^. Ivroulin a) , red clover ( Trif oiium oratense ) ." white clover ( T. repen s"Ji a.lsike clover ( T. hy b r i cum ) , k i dn ey vetch ( Anthyllis vulneraria ) , birdsf oot trefoil ( Lotus cornicul: tus ) , and timothy ( piileum -oratense ) sn r l any mixture of seeds in which any one of the abovementioned species occurs. Inspection -Required 23. Seeds of all types cf forage plants, when declared for importa- tion into Algeria, shall be subject, prior to being unloaded and at the expense cf importers, to sampling and to an inspection for dodder, the presence of which will ca.use a shipment to be refused entry. The declarers shall state in their decla.rations the exact botanical species of the declared seeds. (Art. 1 of' Order of Oct. 25, 1922.) -11- 2k. (Order of August 6, 193^) : Dxenrpt from inspection, for. dodder for importation into "Algeria are samples of seeds of forage plants intended for commerce and shipped in parcel post packages of a maximum weight of 3 kg. , on condition that each individual packet of such samples enclosed in such parcel shall weigh not more than 350 gm. (Art. 1.) Staining Required 25. (Order of freT), H, I9U9): All forage seeds of alfalfa or of clover, especially Egyptian clover, imported from any foreign country, either directly or after trrnsit through Continental France, must contain a percentage equivalent to 6 percent of the weight of such seed dyed red by means of an aqueous solution of 1-percent fuchsin, saffranin, or rhodamine. (Art. 1.) Importation and In-Transit movement of Plents and Branches (v/ood) of the Chestnut Tree (Decision of April 30» 1953) " 26. The importation into Alger ir of wood of chestnut, originating from countries contaminated with linjothia parasitica , cryptogamic parasite of the chestnut, cm only be authorized if the .shipments (consignments) are accompanied by a certificate certifying that these woods have been submitted to a steam sterilization treatment for l/2 hour at a temperature of SO centigrade. (Art. l) The Secretary General of the Government, the Director of Customs of Alg&ria, and the Inspector, Chief of the Plant Pro- tection Service are responsible each in whatever concerns him, to enforce the current decision (decree) which will be printed in the Journal Officiel of Algeria. (Art. 2) -12- S1R7ICS DU LA PROTECTION TBS V3G301AUX de a . •'" * II est certifie que les vegetaux, parties de vegetaux ou produits vegetaux decrits ci-dessous ont ete minutieusement examines, en tot-lite ou sur echantillon representa- tif le (date .par (nom) Agent autorise du (Service ....... et sont a sa connaissance .luges pratiquement indemnes d'ennerais et maladies d'angereux des cultures et que 1' envoi est estime conforme aux reglementations phytosanitaires actuellement en vigueur dans le pays importateur, ainsi qu'il est specif ie dans la decla- ration supplement aire ci-apres ou par ailleurs. Fumigation ou desinfection (a remplir sur la demande du pays importateur) : Date , Traitement Duree du traitement -nroduits chimiaues utilises et concentration .Declaration supplemental re : L'exar/ien eifectue sur echantillon representant un pourcentage de ; de 1' envoi, a revele que la marchandise ainsi visitee etait indemne de ?ou de San Jose ( ^uad r aspidiot us pe rnic iosus Comst) Fait a le 19 .... (signature) (Fonction) (Cachet du Service) DESCRIPTION DE L' ENVOI ITom, iDrenom et adresse do l'expediteur Horn, prenom et adresse du destinataire Hombre et Nature des Colis Narque des colis : Provenance ( sur la demande du pays importateur) : . . Hoyen de transport : Point d ! entree : Contenu de 1' envoi : Horn botanique ( sur la demande du pays importateur) : - 12A - PLANT PROTECTION SERVICE OF No. This is to certify- that the plants, parts of plants or plant products described below have been thoroughly examined, completely or a representative sample, on (date) by (Name) • • « an authorized officer of (Service) •• and are found to the best of his knowledge to be substantially free from injurious insects and pests, and that the shipment (consignment) is believed to conform with the current phyto sanitary regulations of the importing country both as stated in the additional declaration hereon and otherwise. Fumigation or disinfection (if required by the importing country): Date Treatment .... Duration of treatment c Chemicals used and concentrations . . Additional declaration: The examination made on the representative sample represents a percentage of of the shipment (consignment), has shown (revealed) that the commodity thus looked at was free from San Jose Scale ( Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comsto) Done at. ...... « the 19 • . t (Signature) Seal of Service , (Title) ' DESCRIPTION OF CONSIGNMENT Name, First name and address of exporter ........... Name, First name and address of consignee • • Name and description of packages , , . , „ .,.,....„ . ..... . t Distinguishing marks of packages ..., o Origin (if required by importing country) e . . . . Means of conveyance •««••«.*••••. Port of entry. ... = .. Quantity and name of produce . • »•*.»•* Botanical name (if required by importing country) -13- UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09246 0269 Countries infested v/ith the San Jose Scale ( Quadras-pi diotus pernicious Comet* ) Alphabetical. • . List of countries as in French Translation: Alphabetical list in English: South Africa Germany Austria Australia Canada • Chile China Spain Hungary Hawaiin Islands Italy Japan 1-iexico Portugal United States o:" America Switzerland U.S. 5. Hussia Uruguay Yugoslavia New Zealand Australia Austria Canada Chile China Germany Hawaiian Islands Hungary Italy J: pan Mexico Hew Zealand Portugal Spain Switzerland South Africa Uc S. America U.S.S. Hussia Uruguay Yugoslavia