A I COMMERCIAL SYNTHETIC-RESIN GLUES January 1947 1 'DRY No. 1336-A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE V FOREST SERVICE FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY Madison, Wisconsin In Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin COMMERCIAL SYNTHETIC -RESIN CLUES This report contains a partial list of resin-glue manufacturers with the trade names of some of their glues and a table of some of the commercial synthetic-resin glues currently available, classified as to type, form, and general operating characteristics. This is not a complete list of resin glues, and it does not contain many of the phenol -formaldehyde glues formu- lated specifically for bonding softwood plywood. It does include typical resin glues on the present market and gives some information on their general properties. The information in this report is compiled from data supplied in part by the glue manufacturers, in part by the users, and in part by the Forest Products Laboratory. The listing of glues is not a recommendation of their quality nor an indication that they meet applicable current specifications. The limits given for curing temperatiires and other details, have not, in general, been verified by tests at the Forest Froducts Laboratory, Partial List of Trade Names and of Resin Clue Manufacturers Trade Name of Clue Manufacturer Amberlite Resinous Products & Chemical Co. 222 West Washington Square Philadelphia 5, Pa. Arabol The Arabol Manufacturing Co. 110 East U2nd Street New York 17, N. Y. Bakelite Bakelite Corporation 30 East U2nd Street New York 17, N. Y. Butacite E. I. du Pont de Nemours A Co. Wilmington 99, Del. Cascamite Casein Company of America 3^0 Madison Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Casro Casein Company of America 350 Madison Avenue New York 17. I. Y. • ort No. 133^-A -1- Partial List of Trade Names and of Resin Glue Manufacturers (continued; Trade Name of Glue Manufacturer Cascophen Casein Company of America 350 Madison Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Cascorez Catationd Casein Company of America 350 Madison Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Catalin Corporation 1 Park Avenue New York l6, N. Y. Bu Pont E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Wilmington 99, Isl. Durez Durez Plastics and Chemicals, Inc, North Tonawanda, N. Y. Durite Durite Plastics, Inc. 5000 Summer dale Avenue Frankford Station P. 0. Philadelphia 2U, Pa. Fullers H. B. Fuller Co* 255 Eagle Street St. Paul 2, Minn. Glu-Bond Swift & Co. 3200 Packers Avenue Chicago, 111. Interlake Interlake Chemical Corporation Union Commerce Building Cleveland lU, Ohio Kaseno The Adhesive Products Co. 3^00 Thirteenth Street, S.W. Seattle U, Wash. Lauxite Monsanto Chemical Co, Western Division P. 0. Box U56 Lockport, N. Y. LePage ' s LePage r s, Inc. Gloucester, Mass. Report No. I336-A _2_ Partial List of Trade Names and of Resin Glue Manufact urers (continued) Trade Name of Glue Manufacturer Melmac American Cyanamid Co. 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York 20, N. Y. Melurac American Cyanamid Co. 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York 20, N. Y. Paisley Paisley Products , Inc. 1770 Canalport Avenue Chicago Id, 111. Penacolite Pennsylvania Coal Products Co, Petrolia, Pa. Perkins Perkins Glue Co. lansdale, Pa. Phenac American Cyanamid Co. 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York 2o, N. Y. Plaskon Plaskon Division Li"bby-Owens-Ford Glass Co, 2ll2_2U Sylvan Avenue Toledo 6, Ohio Pliobond U. S. Plywood Corporation 103 Park Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Plycozite U. S. Plywood Corporation 103 Park Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Plyophen Reichhold Chemicals, Inc. 601 Woodward Heights Blvd. Detroit 20, Mich. Synt joint St. Louis Chemical & Manufacturing Co. 2500 Texas Avenue St. Louis U, Mo. Synvaren Synvar Corporation Wilmington 99, Del. : Tt No. 1336 -A -3- Partial List of Trade Names and of Resin Glue Manufacturers (continued) Tr ade Name of Glue Synvarite gjynvarol Tego Textolite Uformite Urac USP Vinyls eal Weldwood Wood-Lok Woodveld Manufacturer Synvar Corporation Wilmington 99, Del, 3ynvar Corporation Wilmington 99. Del. Resinous Products & Chemical Co. 222 West Washington Square Philadelphia 5, Pa. General Electric Co. 1 Plastics Avenue Pittsfield, Mass. Resinous Products & Chemical Co. 222 West Washington Square Philadelphia 5, Pa. American Cyanamid Co. 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York 20, N. Y. U. S. Plywood Corporation 103 Park Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Bakelite Corporation 30 East tend Street New York 17, N. Y % U. S. Plywood Corporation 103 Park Avenue New York 17, N. Y. National Adhesives, Inc. 270 Madison Avenue New York Id, N. Y. Balfour-Guthrie & Co. Milwaukee lock No. 2 Tacoma, Wash. Report No. 1336-A Jk- »r»tit.Uo-r»»n §iM» cU«.in«d »■ '-« %rt*. tatm. mi t—tal op»r»ila« ib»miirlimr (1) Mkcrltw' rvi>> ..b.rlu. ra-li-5 kkirllh ;►.•' u fttol ► d hluUli 1C0-1 D».... BikollL bco-5 Su^llli K!J-12 Oo Bak.lll. BrU-1^772 lu.llli 1 BC-1652) 3«*.llt. BC-1761) Buucltt 1*639 :-ji«cit. kikk Violin Ul jicuui" :»-i£ :iicalli 12 Do.* Swam 77 CMcaalli 151 :«t«tiw 163 >; to C*tcopr^o BO-17 ^•■copt.n L?-t7 ."•tcopr..n R5-216 Carjcopfcae H5-??-» Caacophan R3-?)? :».co iiila Bo. ^ C*«co Bs.lo 135 j».cor.i CT-70J Ut.boiKj 590 Ctatooa 591 J>jDCt Wli* Itar.r 1 196 >irn 120*l 3«J-.. 1753V)** Upar< Bo. 13Jb-l 2 h 7177? ► fl*raoo.r or aotlfl.r 12) Incorporated <-lu4 B-U7 ,-10« Incorporated Separata .4o. Iccorpcrelad BI-176K Boa* ..do Incorporated 8-21; LU-7 Incorporated M-li H-19 It- 20 M-6 H-ll B-7-J B-27-l H-2J B-31-1. K-15 IV- 60 E-lfc-L| IW-60 m-s« ne-6o H^L; nt-60 nt-50 IV- 62 Bane Bo. 1 Bo. 7 Bo. 3 Incorporated *& W (3) bot-prt)** yr^wjl t»jaj>«r»tj.r« pLaool Tbanaoplattu Tiajrl •ell • l oa aoooj-taaparataTa axaa hot-pr«it IM etooo-tasparatux* jj»» ..do Bot-praM uraa, Booa>-iaBparatura uraa Hov-pr«n uxaa hot-prat* pAtLol Ba to re tool TLamoplaatic ».agrl •olutleo ..do Boan-t«ap«ratur« ura* hol-prtM aroa Sooa-taaparaiar* uraa. ..do fortUlod -r«« ftooo-taeparatura or** Hot-prait -r»« -.do Uot-praat pinoo! lDtar*adlata- tanparatura pfcaool S*p*rat« application reiorclnol 3a para t* application raaorclcol fc>oB-taapar*tttJa uraa thanoplaatle »lnjl asulalon IotarMdlal*- taoparat^ra pbanol tot inn ptaaaol KcdLfiad tcarawplaatlo TlB/1 Hot-praat pnaoo) lotamadlata- tasparat.ra phaaol 00 Liquid Poador Liquid •oadar Liquid ..do... Liquid Foadar Liquid .do. K>*dar Liquid Clo«a>la4 at. tact (5) ..lo.. Inter xlcoool and eater Alcohol and eater klu Alcohol %ml- HlUl content elxed for aM (6) Fortont •0-6) to a 40 - *$ a 65 65 50 50 65 65 50 72 U - 20 11-20 65 53- 57 65 65 71 61 67 67 69 65 50 55 71 6> 6t 59 5* 5» 6H Sk 60 59 Si ■ 60 n Approxi- cAte wre- 10* lift •» 75* t. (7> I 6 « 5-6 i 12 I. h i & I I - 2k 5-6 - !• 5-6 1-3/" 22 ta 75 i is »- 5 3-3/" 3-J/- 5- 6 « - 9 i. 2 !. i 2*. 7 111 30 5 -.: kl> 11m *> 75* t. CI) lu- 1-3/* ;*.-j 3 - « -u/ltf (9) t7_ 2S- - 3* «■■»■ 70 .60 - }K JO - 110 c mi: a Klolm^ » .■■-»»-. 70 260 BUn *0 MO ■ .50- j» •lUM 70 •kail IOC • BBBBBI ■ v.-. .1 ;. 260 tmtt - uuta 7° 230 - 250 23= - ?50 2J0 - 2)0 - - I5O-2OO in ■at -« " ..;•..* K IBtelMB 70 S - 110 IJO - 200 IJO - 20C J* - J20 2)0 - JOO 25» - 300 1)0-200 |B - f. iFtTorakl. c-.;lir I 6-10 Srnth.tlo-r..ln glu.. cla..lfl.d a. to typo, fom. and jmrtl opraHo! cUract.rl.tlc.^ (continual) (1) Dux.. 12688 Durlt. 2982 Durlt. 298U Durlt. 2989 Our It. 3026 rull.r'. lo. 17 roller' • So. 512 Olu-B ond lat.rlax. ><282 Xateao 580 I.. .ao 580-U72 bnir^ 2670-1 lat.ao 2680 la. .no 2690 laMM 1 * U5W Uuxlt. PT-U uuxit.- pr-iix Uuxlt. W-5 Uuiii. pr-jx Uuxlt. PF-10C Uuxlt. PT-90C Uuxlt«£ TS-1 Uuxlt.^ 8-9X0-0 Uuxlt. 8-9X0-0, 250-L Uuxlt. 69CU Uuxlt. 9-2CU Uuxlt. 72-X Uuxlt. 77-X Uuxlt. 81-1U Uuxlt.^ 11 Uuxlt. 101 Do Uuxlt. 22U Uuxlt. 250 Uuxlt. 252 Uuxlt. 260 L« Page ' ■ Panl t s H.lauur 1 H00 U.loac Uoi M.luxac^ 300 M.lursc 301 Pal.l.y rl Paaacollt. G-112*? Ponacollt. 0-1131 B*t>ort So. 1336-1 Z X 71778 f Hard.n.r o nodlfl.r (2) 12689 2982-1 294^-1 2989-1 3026-1 Nod. ..lo .do. U.OHt .oda a.b Incorporated 1*72 2670-B 2680-B 2690-E 1*510-8 PHtl ITU XT C, 3 0, B. or PP-92 P710C PT90C Incorporated ..lo 250-L Incorporate . . do .do. 0, T. or X and T in 203 224 Incorporate 252 Incorporated 0-112UB 0-1131J T»p^ (3) lntara.a41*ia- tamparatura or«» fortified oraa aooor-lnmp«r»tur» uraa fioaorclnol Tharmopl attic vlayl anraltloo Hot-prati phaool ..do Boaorclnol Intarnodlata- tamp«r«tur« piianol Hot-prett phaaol .do. Boaorclnol Hot-prasa uraa ..do Ma lamina- uraa Bot-praaa uraa Booo-tainparatura uraa ..d .do. Hot-proti uraa Hal ami aa- uraa Booa-tomporaturo uraa ..do Hot-proaa aalaalaa Uun«4Ul«- tastparatur* nolamln* Mai amine- uroa lloom- temperature urea In te roadie te- tenperatoxe nelaalne Mo 1 sal no-Ursa Tharnoplaitlc rlayl eamltlon C) Liquid .do. Po»d.r Liquid hidir ..do... ■ do. ..do.. Liquid . .lo.. .10. Port.r ..do... ..lo.. ..do.. Cleaulox toWiat (5) 30 percent CoCl ..do Soap eolution ..do.. fat or j^ 1 rjii mate •oUdi coolant alxed for usa (6) P. rent 66 70 76 6U 6*t 52 58 50 50 1(1 39 "3 *7 "7 62 Vt "5 1*2 "»3 56 61 57 62 62 62 63 67 67 63 00 67 60 b5 u? 59 70 Ipproxl- oat. tori- ln« nr. at 75" T. (7) Urj. 3 5 3 . £ 72 i 2 It 3 it ■m 45 2l( 24 16. J 15 18 It IM 16+ 2- 5 It! 3i n« it 3 10 3- " 16. it 36 36 10 - 12 i 2-3 2-lrS- 3 Clo.ed a..«il/ tlaa at 75* P. Mli. (8) asu Curiae te*p«rature (9) Mlalaaai 70 175 - 250 200-250 70 - 115 Blnlaua 70 50 - 110 50 - 110 50 - 110 260-300 270 - 300 270-300 lilnlauB 70 Klnlaom 11*0 Klaln JO 220-280 220 - 280 220-280 190 - 280 iS; - 2B0 Hlnlaui 70 loout 300 2"40 - 260 21*0 - 260 21*0 - 260 220 - 260 Kinljmis 70 ■lnlra 70 Ulnlonjm 70 Ulalxnn 70 220-280 220 - 2S0 ttalani ?0 Ualam ■. 21*0 - 280 alnlaun 110 190 - 300 Klnlmn 70 19C - 2*0 190 - 2"*0 200-240 200-260 50 - 110 lOnli (Sna.t 2 of *>) (/mUntlo-roiln tlui cl««oiri»* m to tjrpo, torn, — i pmi»1 oporatm ct^raowrlillci lwiu«4) (1) Nucallli 0-171) Nrtloi HOO Do hrllii 0-110 hrUoi DC-JKc hiiln *-*ll NrUn »-55 hrun ar-60 P.rkln. TL-75 rt.cc Koiln idn. 703 nation 107-2 flo.ton 11 121-2 Pl.Uoo 201-2 Do Do •Witon" 221-2 •Woton 11 231-2 Fl.iion 250-2 fliitoo- 1 700-2 •l.Uon 1 600-12 Ploiksn 810-12 fltots ad ri/cogi to n;opnen F-39* ri,optoo 6ooo Syntjolot Soodtr Sycrtn C2-5 Srn.oj-.o PLS-A 9/Grarlte FC* Iravnrlt. U Do SJmraral (V513 Do T.itollt. 2163-1 T.ilollto 2l6*-A Cfor.lt. H}0 Do h.rt.L.1 or •olin.r 12) 0-1219 0-2 c-«5 0-510 1-23 0-2J Incorporate . . do B-55 B-55 lono J00 »-7 1-6 0-6 J- 20 Incorporated 700-23 lnoorporatod Incorporated 6002 lono Incorporated u S237 or RT7J Incorporated u or* 22S-B 2775 2777 *-21 t 4-116 Or 107 »■* »-«7 »-«7 *H» (3) Bo tore tool Hoo»- t«^p«rmtuj« uroo ldor»odl(.lo- toaporoturo uroo Boooi-toBporoturt uroo Soi-pron uroo Booo>- !•■;>• rot ur« uroo ..do Mo loa loo- uroo Bo»orclaol Tuoraoplootle oln/1 •fc Ait lOO Booorclnol Bbt-proit uroo -.do Booo>-*o«poroturo uro* rortifiod aru Iatoroodioto- to«p«rotaro fortlflod UT0O Booo>-toarporoturo uroo ..do .do Ion mod uro* Uot-prti« pJioool ..do Tbomoplottic roilo •olutloo Uodlflod tciiraoplo.it to roilc solution Bot-proii paoool Booorclool Thonooplootlc tIa/1 •oui tl oo Hot-proot pnonol Ictoraodloto- toeyoroturo paoMl Booorclool liot-prooi paoool lot«r»odloto- tooyornturo ptoaol Booto-toojporoturo aroo Bot-prott uroo Booo>-toi»por*turo uroo Hot-proi* oxott Hot-prott phono 1 Int*r«>odloto- t«ap*roturo pftonol ttolaaino-uroo Boaoi-toopornturo aroo rortlflod aroo Booo>- toojp«roturo uroo for* | CloooUf oolvoftt "(•) . «) Liquid t lotor . .do. . . I. roodor i. I u. liquid i. . .do. I . .do... I. ..do. I . .do.. . i. . .do. ..do... Liquid I. . .do. . . . I I IlUDtl Liquid i. flU Liquid ..do... ..do... fowitr i . . .do. itpproxl- OOlldt content oliod for uoo ........ rarcont 53 65 - 70 65-70 65-70 65-70 60-65 6O-65 62 60 60 50 72 01 **?, roll- out, nrk- ir. 60 60 7* 50 »o 20-30 20 "3 6. y 50 50 60-70 *0 - 60 *0 - 60 70 70 65-70 65-70 100 75 - » 70-75 70 70 70 70 70 » - 5 6* 2 - ) 2* u 2-5 - 10 - 5 - 5 Cloood eeieallj llao .1 75' '■ Hi •^ (•) 2 >J1 II ii ._-.i^ (J) ihnnlli ■olttoro content (10) ■:ilui 70 Ualaa 70 •5-1(0 Unlav 70 • Inlaea 220 mnlaoB 70 dim 70 1*0 - 2*0 ■ tnlsoa 70 ■Uln 70 50 U> 110 ■ulaa 70 220 - 2*0 220-2*0 UaUna 70 220-2*0 1*0 mail 7C n 70 200-250 250-290 2*0-300 250 - JOO 250 - 350 2*0 ■ J20 Unlaa 70 50 - UO 2S0 - 300 HrlM ISO llli l—i 70 2*0 ■ 300 Unlets 1*0 mm—! 70 220 ■ 250 Utlu 70 220 • 250 2*0 ■ 320 Mill 1 ■■ 110 212 ■ 265 2*0 ■ - 2*0 2*0 ■ 2(0 mxlaoo 70 250- • 300 UUl — 70 (■port to. 1336-1 Z M /i/7? r • t 3 or •) Synthatlo-roeln glat i c lassified as to type, form, and tuartl operating characteristics * (continued) (1) Uforalto 500 DoA Ufomlte 501 uforalto CS-552 US? Sesorclnol Urac^ 3 Re. in 110 13 Da. Crnc 180 One R«. io Ada. is; Vinyl seal 1-35 Vinyl seal A- 70 Vinyl soal IU-28-lk Vlnylseal kA-2B-2S KaldwOOd ■ood-Lok 1 Wbod-Lok B hardener or modifier (2) 4-116 4-107 ul %-S7 Incorporated ..do USP catalyst 0-110 IT- 101 59 185 Hone ..do Incorporated None ..do Type 2 0) Booo-Coispflratur* ore* fortifUd urea Hot-pr«ii urea Boo©- temperature ure* Bosorclnol Boom-toreperature ore* Hot-progi urea Hooa- temperature urea ..d Tnermoplaetlc vinyl •OlutloL Thermoplaetlc modified vinyl solution -tecperature urea Thermoplaetlc vinyl amulelon it) Liquid Powder Liquid Powder Liquid Cleaning solvent (5) appro xl - mat* •ollda content mixed for uee (£) forcoat Approxi- mate work- in, life at 75* »• (7) Hrj. 3-t k - 8 »- 5 3-t 3-VJ - 1 2-1/!- - 3- 7 *- 5 k-1/2 i 3- 1 Cloeed aea y inlanmi Uln. iao 10 nbly time at 75* f- Ma t 1 im thi (8) Pays Has; Uangr Curl 04 t«Bperature (9) •It VlnlmuD 70 J50 - 300 2k0 - 265 Ulnlaua 70 klnl/mm 70 Minima 70 Minimum lUO klnLuua 70 Minimum 70 200-320 200-320 200-320 200-320 Minimum 70 50 - 110 50 - no favorable aolstura content of aood (10) garaani 5-15 5-10 5-10 5 - 15 6-15 6 - ik 6 - lk 6-15 6- Ik 6-15 6- 15 6-15 6- 15 6-15 k- 15 15 "Information contained In this table la based on data supplied In part by the glue maaufacturars. In part by the ueere. and In part by the glues In thle table Is not a recommendation of their quality nor an Indication that they meet current specifications. The limits given have not. In general, been verified by tests at the forest Products Laboratory. "All glues listed are of the thermosetting type unless otherwise stated In this column. Clue suggested by manufacturer for use la bag molding. k "Several days. Designed primarily for Douglas- fir and similar woode. "Indefinite. "upeoi assembly, 8 "Tor use with tapeleee splicer. Not recommended for ^ee with fluid pressure, 10 One week. 11 Separate-application glue; hardener applied to one surface, glue to the other. 12 Tor use In high-frequency gluing. 13 Designed primarily for use with flour extender. 1U up to several weeks. 15 Several months. forest Products Laboratory. The listing of for curing temperatures and other details. Raport So. 1336-A 2 M flfBO I (Sheet h f k) UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08927 4798