I -IW- .4S2223 (Layouts)* I FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY f FOREST SERVICE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SMALL SAWMILL IMPROVEMENT ^ £* ' ^ ' r PRACTICAL POINTERS TO FIELD AGENCIES PLA N OF S3CT-PEIMAKEM 1 SM ILL Operators cutting up to 20CM board feet at a set customarily spend about $50 for moving and installing equipment, put the mill directly on the ground, and provide little or no shelter (see .4S2222)*. With a cut of between 200 and 1,000m board feet the installation ccs ts may be up to 0300 as a result of erect- ing a simple shelter (see .4S2221)*. The equipment is usually on the ground or on a floor at ground level. With a prospective cut of more than 1,000M board feet an expenditure up to $1,000 in building and installation is justified. Such mills are equipped to produce between 1 and 2M board feet per hour with a minimum of labor. Tho foil- plan gives specifications for such a layout. The mill is supported at least 4 feet off the gro .... a series of at 6-foot intervals for the length of the mill with a spacing of 8 feet between individual piers across the mill except that the five scries at the front of the mill to the saw arc spaced 4 feet between individual piers (see end elevation). A plank floor is continuous except that the power unit base rests on the ground and the space uver the unit, drive belt, and to the log- haul-up mechanism is un- floored and nay serve as a san filing space. A blower delivers sawdust from the he ad saw and edger and a conveyor belt delivers slabs and edgings to the ref- use chain at the rear of the mill and thence to the burner placed at least 75 feet from the mill. The lumber after passing through the gravity dip tank (.4S244)* is piled for transportation to yard or elsewhere outside the mill op- posite the tank (.4S241)*. The crew consists of at least 7 men as follows: one man to haul up logs, a deck man, sawyer, tail sawyer, tail edgerman, ti operator, and pile-out man. The equivalent to 100 horsepov;ordi J jj»« , i^sbQuM be used for power. Approximately 11,000 board feet of sawiid-flffx iil«]Q Du*$0 Voa feet for piers, and 2,400 square feet of roofing a.} The plan is drawn to scale and pulley sizes that the drive pulley to the headsaw has a diameter intermediate shaft 20 inches, each turning at 1,000' speeds for various pieces of equipment are as follow haul 100 lineal feet per minute, edger saws 2,000 r.p trim saws 1,720 r.p.m., slab-conveyor belt and refus per minute. The drive shaft on the power unit has a diameter of 3-1/2 inches, that of the intermediate shaft 3 inches, of blower 1-7/8 inches, of trim saw and con- veyors 2 inches. The drive belt to the headsaw should be at least 12 incites wide, to the intermediate shaft 10 inches, from intermediate shaft to trimsaw shaft 8 inches, from trimsaw driver pulley to drive belt 6 inches, from inter- mediate shaft to second intermediate and all belts beyond for conveyor trans- mission 6 inchesf~~f*a . iiate shaft to edger 8 inches, from intermediate shaft to blower 5 inc_:t B. Lt-conveying slabs is 15 inches wide a?:d the lugs in the trash CD nveyc ^re spaced S feet apart. Contributed by 0. J. Telford, Forest Products Laborato December 8, 1941 1 Maintained at Madison, Wisconsin in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. *See outline in Small Sawmill Improvement Working Plan, March 1930, for explanation of indexing system proposed. -88-99-14 I i s O C o f * I o CL. C i; > I c ON ► • r a * :■ O o a * ;j a 9 <: I cr ►? a o ct H- CO M p • • tJ pr t-» 9 » 09 to to * • 9 ct 9 s P Tj IC tfc O H-*< K 9 • o J. A ^ 9 9 O Si 1 IS** O W 5 <* K O. i 9 Pas • ct Si •o c ^ o o a < ^ a a 9 * • CP 00 a to $ 40 Si o' 3 h o • K 05 t" 1 Ct 9 f CC 9 C Ct CD M 9 O m* 3 £. si ° •a 9 n m, «♦" h g • ct Ct H 9 s* CT »* « 9 9 ri »l »T3 •"» • ct C O M O o* M 9 M •-• P £- ►* fill b H .