B, E, P. Q. 566 Effective March 6, 1948 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND FLINT .QUARANTINE MEXICAN FRUITFLY PERMIT REQUIREMENTS PARTIAILI WAIVED FOR LOT SHIPMENTS OF CITRUS FRUITS Introductory Note In the regulations supplemental to Notice rf Quarantine .:o. 6/+ on account of the Mexican fruitfly (7 CFR, 1945 Supp., 3Cl.c4 to 301.64-7, incl.), § 301.64-3 (a), among other requirements, states that "grapefruits, oranges, and other citrus fruits, except lemons and sour limes, shall not be moved interstate from a regulated area unless every crate, box, or other ca of such host fruits has attached a valid shipping permit. In addition to the shipping permit every shipment of six or mere crates, boxes, or other containers of citrus fruits moved interstate shall be accompanied by a master permit - ;; ' # *.» Provision is made in the quarantine for the issuance of administrative instructions by the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine to modify the restrictions of the regulations when such action may be taken without risk of spread of the Mexican fruit fly <. It has been found that the number of individual containers to be shipped frcm the regulated area this year requires a reconsideration of the permit requirements for each such container. For the purpose of keeping the cer- tificate requirements within reasonable limits, it is necessary to modify, for p^.rt at least of the present shipping season, the requirement that every container in shipments of six or more containers shall have attached a valid shipping permit. Turing this period such a lot shipment will be considered adequately covered by permit if acccmnanied only by the master permit. Natural conditions are such that this limited modification of permit requirements will not be attended by risk of spreading infestation. In order to be of maximum benefit in con: • Lficates, it is :. sary that this modification be effected at once. For this reason it is found upon good cause, pursuant to the provisions of section 4 < Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 2W) , that notice and public cedure on these instructions are unnecessary, impracticable, and contrary to the public int -much as these instructions r tions heretofore imposed, they arc within the excepticn in section 4 (c) Administrative Procedure Act less than 30 day: r publication in I § 301.6A-3S Admini:-' r j : y '.' ■:*. ructions ? C ■:• i- ' :■ ' ••* ;■■■:. t r 7 ♦ shipments : ' 'itrus fruit Tr .r. t . ■ r ■•'. i ■ ' ■ i - >• ■'. Having leten n 7 CFR 1945 Supp. 301.64, th risk of spread of the Mexican fruitfly, the Chief of the Eureau of Ento- mology and Plant Quarantine hereby modifies by waiving, until further notice, but not beyond the end of the 1948 citrus fruit shipping season, the requirement contained in § 301.64—3 (a) of the regulations supple- mental to said quarantine, that a shipping permit shall accompany each container in shipments of six or mere containers, such waiver to be ef- fective March 6, 1948. A master permit accompanying each such 16t shipment will be deemed adequate, (Sec. 8, 37 Stat. 318, 39 Stat. 1165, 44 Stat. 250; 7 U. S. C. l6l; 7 CFR, 1945 Supp., § 301.64-3 (a).) Done at Washington, P. C, this 26th day cf February 1948. F. M. ANNAND Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant "^r.r^'.r.tir.K